The Filly
Although I was attracted to girls, I began noticing the sexual parts of animals and saw that they didn’t seem too different from the parts humans have. I knew it was wrong to think about animals in a sexual way, but something in me was curious about them, especially horses.
Throughout my teen years, I did the usual rebellious things like sneaking out at night and fumbling my way around with girls, but my sexual experimentation took a surprising turn one night when I was 18.
It was a warm summer night with a full moon. I snuck out of the house and cruised around the neighborhood, looking for something to do. The night was quiet, so I headed to the barn where our horses were boarded. I usually kept porno magazines there and thought this would be a good time to jack off or at least greet my friends. I often read the Penthouse stories and spurted cum into the hay while the horses watched.
The farm was deserted, as the owners were early risers. Entering the main barn, I went to say ‘hi’ to my family’s horses. I petted them, fed them hay, and talked to them out of sheer boredom.
After a while, I explored the barn and noticed a new horse being boarded. It was a young filly, probably around two years old. She was not much taller than me. I approached her stall, and the filly came to the edge of the stall. She didn’t move away when I reached out to pet her.
I spoke softly to her, “What’s your name?”
The filly sniffed my hand as I petted her. After a few minutes of petting her and seeing her pretty friendly, I entered her stall and petted her back and neck. She had close contact with people while raised because she seemed completely comfortable with me.
After a few minutes, the filly moved closer to me and put her head down, sniffing my feet. Then she raised her head and sniffed my crotch, touching it with her muzzle.
Startled, I said out loud, “Well, now you know what I’ve got down there!”
I was surprised by the filly’s movement and shocked when I felt a surge of electricity run from my crotch up to my head. Whoa, what was that all about? I thought to myself.
The filly stood still as I petted her for several minutes. Then I left the stall and got a brush. I returned and brushed her thoroughly to remove the dirt and tangles in her hair. I stroked and brushed her mane and coat. After ten minutes of brushing, she was clean, and I put the brush back on the shelf.
I re-entered her stall and locked the stall door behind me. The young filly moved towards me and looked at me. Suddenly, she turned around and widened her stance, leaning back a little on her hind legs. She raised her tail and swayed a little from side to side. In the dim moonlight, I saw the slit of her cunt open up and turn inside out, revealing her pink insides. As she did this, a little liquid came squirting out a way, and it began running down her slit. I stood transfixed by the spectacle. The filly’s slit flared like this several times, and I said to myself, I can’t believe it; this filly must be in heat!
I’d seen mares do this before being bred with stallions, but I had never seen a filly or mare do this in front of me or any other human. Maybe this was her first time being in heat!
My physical reaction was immediate as I could feel an instant tingling sensation in my loins. What did it mean? Why was this exciting me? Could it be that the young horse was sexually attracted to me even though I’m a human? Maybe she wanted me to mate with her? I thought horses were only attracted to other horses. She knows I’m a male because she sniffed my crotch. Maybe she does want to be mated!
I had heard of men having sex with animals before but never thought that I might be in this situation. Thoughts of being hurt by the horse or being caught in the act of having sex with an animal raced through my mind, and I thought the idea was crazy to try and mate with the filly. What would happen if I were caught? Would the filly even accept me mating her?
But I could feel the strange tingling in my crotch growing stronger as I stood looking at the young horse standing before me with her slit right there for the taking, and it began to burn in me to move towards her and touch her slit. Something inside me felt a stirring to at least try this crazy idea.
I finally shook my head, went outside, and looked around. The whole area was quiet, and it was very late at night. No one was around. Maybe I should give it a try, I thought. No one would know, would they? I might never have this chance again, I thought. The strange thing was, I had often thought how I would be first introduced to sex, but I never in my wildest fantasies thought it might be with an animal! Now was my chance to try what I had fantasized about…sex, even if it was with a horse!
After looking around the barnyard and towards the house where the owners lived, I determined that it was safe and that I could hear anyone approaching the barn from the house.
I went back into the barn and entered the filly’s stall. She had frozen in place and was still oozing fluid from her slit. I approached her behind, reached out, and touched her rear end. She didn’t move, so I stroked her sides, flanks, and rear. Then, I slowly moved my hand down her rear to the area behind her tail. When I touched it, her tail raised again and moved off to the side, exposing the area to my gaze. Even in the dim moonlight, I could see everything. Her slit was about three inches from top to bottom, and there were prominent small mounds of flesh on either side towards the bottom, which ended in a small bulbous shape. I moved my fingers up and down alongside her slit, and the skin felt soft and velvety. I could feel the heat from her slit on my hand as I stroked softly.
Next, I took one finger and traced it down the slit between her cunt lips. The slit was hot, and it flared out as my finger brushed it. This is amazing, I thought, a female horse’s cunt! I stroked the slit from top to bottom and then took one finger and pressed it into the slit with a little pressure. As my finger entered her to the first knuckle, I could feel wetness and heat inside, and I shivered with anticipation that she was standing so still and letting me explore her genitals. I stroked up and down inside her, and each time my finger reached the bottom, her slit would spasm, releasing a little more hot liquid. Soon, the tip of my finger was wet with her juices. I continued gently, moving my finger up and down her hot slit.
As I observed the filly’s response to my caresses, within a short time, I could feel my dick growing in my pants. She was completely comfortable with me and wanted me to go further. My dick was getting hard, and it strained to spring out of the confining jeans I had on.
Now, it was time to see how she would respond to more aggressive action. I placed one finger on the entrance of the filly’s slit and slowly pushed it in. At once, my finger was engulfed in hot juices. Her canal was tight, hot, and wet. The skin inside was slippery and smooth, and moving my finger up and down was easy. I probed deeper into the bottom of the slit, and with each movement, I could feel her clench and grasp my finger with her inner muscles. I moved my finger up and down the slit, feeling her insides and savoring her response. The filly stood perfectly still. She must like it, I thought!
I withdrew my finger and put my face close to her slit. I could smell her juices, and she smelled okay, like fresh hay. It surprised me that she did not smell nasty. Still, I thought I’d better clean her up. I left the stall and returned to the barn bathroom with a soapy rag and some warm water in a cup.
When I entered her stall, she moved towards me. I stroked her head, and she looked at me as if to say, ‘I’m yours if you want me.’ I moved to her rear, raised her tail, and began washing her genital area with the rag. I soaped it up well and then rinsed it with warm water. Finally, I felt comfortable that she was clean.
I left the stall again and returned with a two-foot piece of plank about four inches tall and wide enough to stand on. I placed the plank behind the filly and stepped up on it. Too short, I discovered. I left again and returned with a crate that was about eight inches tall. I placed it behind her, turned it over, and stood on it to test it for strength. It was solid. It also put my throbbing dick at the right height to enter the small horse’s slit.
I stepped off the crate and checked outside the barn one more time. Everything was completely quiet. I went back into the stall. I stood far from the filly and slowly stripped my shirt off. My nipples hardened as the fabric of my shirt moved over them, and the cool air met them. A shiver went through my body as I imagined her wetness enveloping my dick.
Next, I slowly unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants. My dick was rock hard by now but off to the side in my shorts. When I released the zipper, it sprang up, making my shorts into a tent. I quickly untied my shoes, slipped out of them, and stood on them as I removed my pants. Again, I felt a shiver as the cool air met my bare skin.
Rolling my pants up, I tossed them to the side with my shirt. The filly had turned and was watching me; her head drooped toward the floor, but her eyes and ears were alert. I brushed my hands across my nipples and relished the feeling of electricity it generated through my body.
Finally, it was time to free my dick. I grasped my shorts and slowly pulled them down. My dick sprang free of the tent and waved in the air. I pulled them down around my feet and stepped out, tossing them to my pants and shirt. Now fully naked, I suddenly realized that I was about to try and have sex with a horse, and I trembled with anticipation.
I stepped back into my shoes and tied the laces, thinking I may have to keep them on, just in case…and also because the floor was dirty.
The filly drew near and sniffed my dick. Oh, I thought, this is too unreal! My dick throbbed in response as the whiskers of her nose brushed over it. She put her nose right near my balls and sniffed.
I stroked her head for a few more minutes and then moved behind her. The filly stood perfectly still. Pulling the crate over, I stepped up on it and looked down at her rear end. Her head still was toward the floor, but her ears were back as she listened to me adjust myself behind her.
As I reached out and touched her rear to steady myself, her tail rose again and off to one side. I could see her slit fully in the dim moonlight. My heart pounded in anticipation of what I was about to do. I reached out and gently stroked the filly’s slit. My fingers entered her again, and I began slowly moving them in and out. Soon, my hand was wet with the filly’s juices. I inserted two, then three, fingers in her, stroking the sides and top of her vagina. She seemed to like it as her slit flared again and again.
Feeling bolder, I stepped down off the crate and bent down, putting my face real close to the filly’s slit. I touched my tongue to the slit and at once felt how hot it was. The taste was incredible, a little salty and a scent of fresh hay.
I made my tongue flat and started licking the filly’s slit from bottom to top. My tongue grew wet with my saliva and her juices. I lapped up from the bottom with slow, wide strokes, each a little firmer. Soon my tongue was entering the slit, and I could feel that she was even hotter inside.
I made my tongue into a penis shape and tongue-f***** her slit. She responded at once with a flare, and my lips felt the hot insides of her slit.
Finally, I could take no more. I stepped back up on the crate. My dick was as hard as I had ever seen it, and it stood straight up in anticipation of entering the filly. I took hold of it and bent it down toward the entrance to her wetness. I rubbed her juices up and down its length and placed the head of my pulsating member against the entrance. Next, I slowly moved my hips forward.
The tip of my dick entered her and was engulfed in hot wetness. My body shook as the heat spread up my groin. I moved my hips forward and felt her slit flare as I moved my dick deeper into her vagina.
I thought, this must be a dream, because I can’t believe I’m doing this.
My body began to shake uncontrollably with nervousness as I struggled not to cram my throbbing dick too forcefully into the filly. By now, I was so worked up that I wanted to f*** her hard and be done with it. But I held back, trying not to be too eager. After all, I thought, she might not let me go further if I thrust too hard. Until now, the filly seemed to like everything I did, and I didn’t want her to get freaked out by my over-aggression.
I pushed my hips forward, and my dick met resistance within her tight canal. The filly’s cunt was much tighter than I expected, and I had to push harder to force my dick into her. Her slit flared again, and I could feel the wetness enveloping my member as I struggled to get two, then three inches into her.
Suddenly, the filly moved slightly, as if uncomfortable, and I froze. I stood still, paranoid that she would pull away. For a minute, she seemed to adjust herself to the intrusion in her cunt; then she stood still. I continued pushing my dick into her, but even much slower than before. Must go slow, I told myself, must go slow.
I slowly pushed my dick into her, and she seemed to be okay. Then I let go of my dick, drew back, and looked down at the sight of my dick halfway inside the small horse. Her juices were oozing down the shaft, and they glistened in the pale moonlight. Unreal, I thought, I’m almost inside her.
Finally, I slowly pushed forward and watched the rest of my dick disappear into the filly. As my hips made contact with her rear, my body shuddered again with the sensation of touch, and I felt her slit flare. I was totally inside her!
The filly moved slightly again, and I froze in place, connected to the small horse by my dick. The feeling of hot wetness enveloping my dick was incredible, and I stood there, marveling that I was doing this bestial act. Here I was, naked in a barn, standing on a crate, and finally inside the young horse. What an incredibly powerful feeling!
The filly soon relaxed, and my reflections of the moment soon changed as I realized I’d better get moving, so to speak. With that thought, I began slowly pulling my dick back out. The filly immediately flared her slit as the tip reached the entrance as if she didn’t want it out of her.
I pushed it back in and began slowly pushing in and out of the filly’s slit. The contrast of the cool night air with the hot wetness of her cunt made me shiver again as I slowly moved in and out of her. Her juices soon oozed down around my balls, which soon contracted as the sexual excitement began to build.
I slowly moved my dick in and out, and each time I pulled out nearly all the way, I felt her clench my dick and flare her cunt lips. It was an indescribable feeling of strength and wetness, and I realized she must enjoy this as much as I was.
In and out, I moved, making contact with her rear with my hips with each thrust. With each thrust, she flared her slit around my dick, and I could tell she was feeling my member moving inside her. Soon, I was rhythmically thrusting in and out, timing my thrusts with her flares. Within a short time, the filly was flaring her slit on the in-stroke, so there were double flares. This made my dick even harder as the clenching grew stronger.
The filly stood still, and her cunt loosened a little as I picked up a little speed, each clench followed by a loose wetness, almost like a tenting of her vagina. I could feel her respond as I moved in and out of her, quicker and quicker.
Juices flowed down along the shaft of my penis, adding new and sensuous sensations through my groin. I could feel the tip of my dick rubbing structures inside the filly’s vagina that I knew nothing about, but at the time, it just felt good. Everything seemed so natural, my dick…and her cunt, connected. There was an oneness there that I had never felt before. Time stood still as my mind focused completely on fucking the young horse. I began losing awareness of the sounds around me as her response to my mating heightened my concentration.
Faster and faster, I thrust into the filly, each minute feeling a steady rising of the fire in my loins. I picked up the pace, and my hips began hitting her rear a little harder with each new thrust. The filly stood perfectly still.
My breathing became heavier as I struggled to f*** her harder in and out, in and out, each time banging against her harder and harder.
Soon I was almost pounding my hips against her, fucking her faster and harder. By now, I was feeling total lust for this young animal and knew that my climax was not long in coming. I just needed to release the energy inside me into this little horse.
Suddenly, the filly widened her stance and pressed her rear back against my body. At first, I nearly panicked, thinking she was freaking out, but then she froze in place, and it seemed she wanted me to f*** her harder and deeper. I had to grab onto her hips to prevent myself from falling off the crate as she pushed back against me. I held on to her hips and continued pounding my dick into her.
Now the fire in my crotch began to build and spread up my body with gathering speed as I pounded my dick into the filly. Her flares massaged my rock-solid member, increasing the sensations, and I furiously thrust in and out of her. Faster and faster, with reckless abandon, I crammed my hips against her, forcing my dick deeper into her.
A tingling sensation crept up my spine and reached the back of my neck. A wave of sensations traveled throughout my body, and finally, the fire in my loins could no longer be contained. I thrust forward with all of my strength and exploded my sperm into the filly’s vagina. Instantly I could feel her cunt muscles spasm with my release, and they milked my dick as I drained my insides into her.
I continued thrusting into the filly as wave after wave of contractions in my loins sent my fluids into her tight, wet canal. Spots formed before my eyes and spread to near blackness as my eyes dimmed from the intensity. I was unaware of time or space, only sensing the environment around me with dim recognition. Light flashed before my eyes, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me as my body spasmed in ecstasy. I stood crammed against the filly, frozen in orgasm, releasing my sexual energy.
Gradually, the intensity began to wear off, and I slowly came down from my orgasmic high. I slowly regained my vision and came to my senses, realizing that I was still thrust forward against the small horse. My body relaxed, and I fell over her, letting my arms drape around her midsection. The sense of barn sounds returned to my ears, and I was suddenly aware that I had collapsed over the small horse.
I rose and looked around. The other horses in the barn were mostly turned our way, watching the whole event. It must have been a sight with me up on the crate fucking the filly with all my strength. Hope I put on a good show, I thought.
Finally, I gradually pulled my dick out of the filly’s slit. Our juices were now joined and oozed out of her slit. As I withdrew, she continued to flare her slit, as she seemed unwilling to let me get soft or pull out of her.
My dick finally popped out of her, and immediately, her slit turned inside out, expelling my cum and her juices onto the hay on the floor. I looked down at the filly’s slit in wonder that my dick had penetrated her inner wetness as her slit continued to expel my sperm for several minutes. Finally, it just oozed out around the bottom, and the flares stopped.
I looked down at my dick. What was once a hard love tool was now rapidly softening. Cum slipped off the shaft of my member and plopped to the floor. I stood on the crate for a minute, looking down at the filly’s slit and my dick. It seemed unreal that I had mated with this animal, and I marveled at my feat.
Finally, I stepped off the crate and went around her head, stroking her gently and whispering in her ear. I was completely spent and covered with sweat. I smelled of sweat, the filly’s cunt juices, and my semen.
I stroked the filly’s head for a few more minutes, then went to the barn bathroom and retrieved the soap. I went outside and found the hose used for washing the horses. Removing my shoes, I turned the water on, scrubbed myself with the soap, and rinsed my entire body. I put my shoes back on and went back to the stall. I used my shirt to dry off, then dressed.
The filly had gone off into the corner of the stall to pee, but when I re-entered her stall, she returned to me. I stroked her mane and face and talked softly to her.
Then, I suddenly realized that I was no longer a virgin. My first had been a horse! What a great feeling it gave me that the filly had willingly given herself to me. The experience had been incredible, and I knew that I would be back to see her.
I gently cupped the filly’s head and said to her, “I’m glad you were my first. Thank you. I’ll be back again soon.”
And with that, I left the barn and headed home on cloud nine…
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.