The Million Dollar Question
Martin sighed under his breath as he had heard it all before, but since losing his job at the local factory. The meager redundancy pay had gone in the blink of an eye; he had been unable to get another job, so all they had was income support, and the few quid his wife earned in the local pub. Cash in hand, doing the odd shift behind the bar. He would like to say they were making ends meet, but he knew he would be lying as they were slipping deeper and deeper into debt.
“Well I got a chance at making some extra money today,” Susan blurted out, “but I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it.” Martin lowered his magazine and looked at his wife, saying nothing but questioningly raised an eyebrow. “A man came into the pub this afternoon while it was quiet, and we got chatting, and he offered me some cash if I would perform a task for him.”
Martin laughed inside, not daring to openly, and wondered if this were his wife saying she would go on the game, though looking at her, she wouldn’t earn a fortune. It’s not that she was ugly, just the pounds had piled on over the years, and her hips were very round, and her breasts were so full they sagged when she removed her bra. She had a pretty face beneath the extra fat, curly dark hair cut shot, and big brown eyes that used to twinkle, though of late had taken on a duller luster as things had got tighter and tighter. Martin knew she put out for others in the past and had suspected it had been for money, though they had never questioned her. “What did he want?” Martin asked and then said slyly, “And how much did he offer?” ready to keep a straight face, but his wife’s reply stunned him into silence.
“He wants me to fuck a dog for a million dollars.” Susan said, then looked at her husband, and as she waited for a response, she reflected on the conversation that afternoon with ‘Chuck.”.
Susan was polishing the glasses to make them shine before hanging them on the rack. After the glasses, she thought I would take all the bottles off the shelf and clean them, anything to pass the time. It was 4 o’clock on a Sunday, and the pub was deserted; the lunchtime drinkers had all gone home to stuff their faces and then fall asleep full of beer and Sunday roast. It was too early for evening drinkers to come in for their usual session, and passing trade was almost non-existent; who the hell would want to come to this grotty run-down pub in a shitty Manchester council estate, Susan thought to herself. “I suppose I shouldn’t grumble,” thought Susan to herself. If the landlord was thick enough to pay her instead of closing up for a few hours, it was her gain, and to be honest she didn’t mind that much giving him a weekly blow job as part of the deal to get the job in the first place. At that moment, the doors opened, and a man who wasn’t local walked in. when he walked up to the bar and ordered a cold beer, Susan knew he was American, though goodness knows where from.
Over the next hour, the pair chatted, and Susan learned his name was Chuck. He was divorced, a self-made man, and, from what he said, very rich. Susan told him about herself and her life and how times were hard. She thought the sob story might gain her a tip, though that was rare as hen’s teeth in here.
“So, you see, I have seen most things in my life, but there are still a few things that I want to witness,” said Chuck, slurring his words slightly as the strong ale he was drinking started to take effect.
“Like what?” said Susan as she poured another pint wondering what on earth he wanted to see as he had regaled her with tales of the most wondrous things he had seen that Susan could only imagine.
“I want to see a dog fuck a woman,” said Chuck, and Susan’s hand froze on the pump as Chuck looked straight at her and went on, “and I would pay you a million dollars in cash if you were interested.”
Susan paused and looked intently at Chuck, trying to determine if he was joking. At the same time, she tried to calculate how much a million dollars would be in sterling, failing even though she knew it was a lot. To buy time, Susan blurted out, “You must be joking,” before placing the pint in front of him, trying to stop her hands from shaking.
Chuck looked at her, and suddenly he was very sober as he placed the money for the drink on the bar before adding a card with a telephone number scrawled. “You have 24 hours to make contact.” he said slowly, “then the offer is withdrawn and this conversation never took place.” He drained the pint in one mighty swallow and placed the empty glass on the bar with a £50 note. “Thank you for your time, and maybe I will hear from you,” said Chuck as he turned and walked out of the door, leaving Susan watching his departing back.
“Fucking hell,” Martin said softly as he listened to his wife, then went on, “Show me the note, and do you still have his number?” Susan handed the note over, and Martin examined it carefully and closely before he exclaimed, “Well fuck me, it’s genuine. So, what do you think?”
Susan paused as she considered her options. Her husband’s response clearly showed that he wasn’t that phased by the thought, and it was a lot of money that they so badly needed. Taking a large gulp of her wine, she looked at Martin and said, “OK, but I want you there.”
“Too fucking right,” said Martin feeling his cock twitch in his jeans at the thought of his wife getting fucked by a dog. This was a subject of a dream that he thought would never happen and he not only intended to be there but make sure the moment was captured on video for posterity, and perhaps a few more quid selling it on the black market.
Susan picked up her phone and dialed the number on the card, which rang a few times before a voice answered that she recognized as Chuck’s. “Hi,” she said cautiously, “this is Susan from the pub this afternoon. You mentioned about earning some money.”
Chuck roared with laughter down the phone, “You mean fucking a dog for a million bucks?”
“Yes,” said Susan, blushing, “I will do it, so how will it work?”
“Pretty easy for you, really,” said Chuck, “I have contacts over here, and I can set the thing up in a few phone calls. I turn up with the dog and his owner; the dog fucks you, I give you a million dollars, and everyone is happy.”
“No funny business,” Susan said quickly, “I am fucking the dog, not you, not its owner, well not unless there’s another million dollars on the table,” she laughed nervously.
“Yeah, just the dog, though afterward, I doubt anyone would touch the sides for a while anyway,” Chuck said with a laugh. Before Susan could question him, he said, “So I will see you at your house at 8 o’clock next Saturday. What’s your address?”
Susan quickly gave her address before clicking the phone off and staring at her husband with the phone still clutched in her hand, “Fucking hell, I have only gone and done it,” then seeing the look on Martin’s face went on, “Next Saturday at 8 o’clock I am gonna get fucked by a dog.”
The following Saturday couldn’t come around quickly enough for Susan. She had packed the kids to her mother’s house with a lame excuse that Martin was taking her out as a late birthday present. She sat there nervously, wrapped in her old dressing gown, naked underneath it as instructed, sipping her third glass of wine, thinking about what would happen. When the doorbell rang, she jumped, almost spilling the before wine, and she couldn’t move. Martin rushed to the house door and welcomed Chuck in like the king.
If Chuck was distasteful of his surroundings, he didn’t show it, and walking into the room, he was followed by a small, greasy little man who licked his lips nervously as he led the most enormous dog Susan had ever seen. “This is Brutus,” the man said in a strong Yorkshire accent as he gestured towards the dog, “pure Rhodesian Ridgeback though a bit of a freak for his breed.” The man paused for dramatic effect, looking at Susan & Martin’s faces before going on, “his cock is 13” long,” then he laughed as if he had told a hilarious joke.
The room was silent, apart from the sound of breathing, when Chuck opened the locks on the briefcase he was holding and opened the lid. “One million dollars as promised,” he said, looking at the couple before closing the lid.
“Hang on a sec,” said Martin, reaching out. He took a bundle of the notes and flicked through them to check there weren’t bits of paper behind the top note. Taking one at random, he held it up to the light and studied it, looking like he knew what he was doing. He handed it back to Chuck and nodded. Chuck returned the note to the bundle before closing the case lid and putting it carefully on the floor.
“Fucking game on,” said Susan happily and threw off her dressing gown to reveal her wobbly naked flesh, “what do you want me to do?”
“Get on all fours and act like a bitch,” said the man as he led the dog over to Susan’s round ass and allowed the dog to sniff.
Susan could see the dog to her side and watched in total awe as t first the red tip showed before the cock started to emerge from the hairy sheath and rapidly grew in size. “Is he coming already?” Susan inquired as she saw the steady drip of pre-cum from the end of the blunt cock.
“No,” laughed the man, “he uses that to lubricate his bitches.”
“No worries there,” said Susan as she could feel the juices flowing freely from her pussy, all nerves rapidly disappearing as she thought about the million dollars and what they could do with it. Deciding she might as well enjoy herself, Susan reached out and gingerly touched the dog’s cock, flinching as she felt the heat emanating from the flesh. Moving a little closer, she held out her tongue to catch the first few drops of watery pre-cum and then ran it around her mouth before swallowing. “Not bad,” she said, taking a firmer grip on the large cock through her hands could hardly fit around it, and leaned her head towards the tip.
“Mind your teeth,” the man said sharply, “their cocks have a lot more nerve endings than a man’s, so be gentle.”
Susan opened her mouth as wide as she could as she sucked in the cock, sucking as gently as she could, just letting her lips play along the veiny cock and keeping a firm grip to avoid getting choked. Then it happened, the dog deciding he wanted a taste of what he could smell, lapped out with his large long tongue and took a huge lick of Susan’s pussy. Susan moaned loudly as the most wonderful of sensations ran through her, and she had to let go of the cock to focus on the pleasure the rough tongue was giving her.
Martin and Chuck were both watching the show with intense interest, and they had both removed phones from their pockets and were busy videoing the proceedings. Martin could feel his cock straining against his jeans as he watched his wife’s face screw up in orgasm as the big dog licked her pussy, and Martin could only imagine how she would react when the dog finally mounted her.
The dog was ready as the man started making encouraging noises to the dog and patting Susan’s ample cheeks. Susan had her head on her arms crossed before her and looked up straight into the phone lens. “I want that fucking big dog cock in my cunt,” she moaned with pure lust licking her lips as the camera recorded every movement sensing the moment that was about to happen. Martin quickly switched to recording the other end of his wife.
The dog rose majestically onto Susan’s back, causing her to exhale as he took the weight and started to thrust wildly, seeking Susan’s pussy. The man reached under and, grabbing the dog’s cock, firmly pointed the tip at her pussy lips before releasing and quickly stepping back. He was right to move at speed as the dog slammed forward with such force that he nearly pushed Susan onto the carpet. As it was, she was pushed face forward into the couch so that it supported her weight as the dog rammed his full 13” of cock home. The coach also had the added benefit of muffling Susan’s scream, which would have surely brought half the neighbors around convinced there had been a murder.
Susan had never had a cock that big inside her in her life; it has even bigger than Big George, the local West Indian kink pin, which she had let fuck her once a few years back as a bet. This felt so much bigger. It was like childbirth in reverse, and one of her kids was trying to return from where it came. After the initial shock had subsided, Susan adjusted to the size and ferocity of the fucking and started to enjoy the sensations. She could feel her teeth rattling in her head as the dog pounded her, his cock like a piston inside her, his soft, warm fur rubbing on her back. She found herself orgasming over and over as the dog filled her. There was a sudden flash of pain as she felt when the baby’s head had crowned, and she knew that the big dog had knotted with her. There was a pulse and throb deep inside as the movement subsided and then a gush of warmth, almost like she had peed herself, yet deep inside.
Martin had managed to capture the exact moment the knot had slipped inside his wife’s pussy and watched in awe as he could see trickles of cum escaping from his wife as the dog filled her. He could see her belly swell with the amount of cum being pumped in, and from the whimpers & moans coming from Susan she was in another world of pleasure.
The dog tied for a while with the man holding him in to ensure he didn’t move, “Have to do this.” he said casually,” Otherwise, unless he goes down a bit, might tear your wife, and we don’t want that, do we?” When he was satisfied no damage would be done he removed his hands and allowed the dog to tug himself free. Despite the fact he had shriveled a lot, the sound of the dog knot leaving her pussy could be heard in the room, and this was followed by a gush of dog seed splattering on the couch and onto the dirty carpet.
Martin was still filming his wife’s gaping pussy as Chuck passed the man a wad of notes, who clipped the lead onto Brutus’s collar and quietly slipped out of the door. “Thank you kindly,” said Chuck, nudging the case with his foot, “enjoy yourselves.” and with that followed the man into the night.
Susan stood with very unsteady legs and looked around for her dressing gown, which she found in a crumpled heap in the corner. “Fucking hell, that was intense,” she groaned, “I am gonna ache for a week, but it was worth it, so where’s that case?” Flicking open the case, they both stood open-mouthed, staring at the $100 bills and looking at the stoic face of George Washington staring back at them.
“Looks like we are rich,” chuckled Martin as he flicked through the bills.
“Yes,” said Susan, then thinking to herself, “and that certainly won’t be the last dog I fuck.”
PS – For my non-American readers, the one hundred dollar bill has the picture of Benjamin Franklin on it, and the one dollar bill has the picture of George Washington.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.