The Perfect Pool Party

By MedusaChick.

Jessica tilted her face up to the sun, tranquil and half asleep as she lay by the pool. The party had been in full swing for over six hours, and things were winding down. Her brother, Dave, had come home for the summer from college, and everyone’s various friends and classmates were celebrating his return. Jessica only knew a few people, but it had been an enjoyable day with plenty of laughs and good times. College was on break for her, but she attended the local community college as she was far less motivated and brainy than her older brother. It was getting to be late in the warm afternoon, and she could still feel the last remnants of the rum and cokes she had consumed, contributing to her buzzed and drowsy condition.

Reluctantly, Jessica opened her eyes and looked around from her lounger by the pool. Some people were sitting poolside, drinking beers, and swinging their legs in the water, while others were engaged in volleyball on the court nearby. Billy, the host, was packing up uneaten burgers and chips. His dog Whistle, a little terrier, and Shane, an imposing German Shepherd, were nearby, avidly watching for a dropped morsel.

The two dogs’ differences seemed comical to Jessica, one being so small and scrappy and the other huge and laid-back. They were rescued dogs, picked up by Billy at separate times, but now both were closely knit and where one went, the other followed. It was rather sweet, she thought dreamily, letting her head fall back to a lounge chair.

Looking down at her body, she eyed her skin critically, looking for signs of overexposure. She had been building up her tan all summer, and she was pleased with the golden tone she had achieved, giving her smooth skin a healthy glow, which set off her golden blond hair and blue eyes nicely. Jessica was also thrilled with her new bikini, paying homage to an old song. She couldn’t resist the yellow polka dot bikini when she saw it online. Today was the first time she had been able to try it on, and she was relieved that even though it was cheaply made, it fit her perfectly, complimenting her sleek physique. She especially likes how it cuts straight across her breasts, pushing and gathering them up in a flattering way.

A cool breeze from the waning day brushed across her, raising her skin in goosebumps. Jessica noticed her nipples also tightened in response. After looking around surreptitiously to make sure no one was watching, she casually passed her hand over her full breast, lightly tweaking her nipple to relieve the tension. Fission of pleasure went through her to her groin. Feeling sensuous and relaxed, Jessica brushed her hand down the front of her body, enjoying the flatness of her tummy, and teased lightly over the mound before moving down her thigh. Bending her knee slightly open, she continued her trail and then ran it back up slowly up her inner thigh this time.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Jessica’s eyes flew open, and she saw her friend Laura standing over her with an amused look on her face. Grumpily pulling her knees together and pulling her sunglasses down over her eyes, Jessica pouted.

“Well, I was…”

Laura smiled, unabashed. “I was thinking it might be time to get going. I know I promised to drive you home, so will you be ready to go soon?”

“Sure, let me just gather my stuff and say goodbye,” Jessica replied.

“No worries. I’ve already said goodbye. I will meet you out front in about ten minutes, ” Laura said, checking her watch.

“Sure thing, off you go now.”

Jessica figured she could get five more minutes of pool lounging before having to make an effort to get up. No sooner had she let the tension fall back out of her shoulders when something blocked the sun, darkening the world behind her lids. Looking up, she saw Billy standing over her, grinning lasciviously.

“Jessica, I really like your bikini. From now on, feel free to wear it whenever you come over.”

He wriggled his eyebrows up and down with an exaggerated smile and a wink. Jessica giggled, knowing it was just his way of flirting. Billy was a trust fund baby who had never known a day of work in his life. He was charming and sharing with what he had and often had friends to enjoy his largesse. Jessica used to have a crush on him until she realized he never took anybody seriously, much less himself. Their relationship fell into an easy rhythm of flirtation and friendship.

“Hey, can you keep an eye on my pals here for a moment? I need to find Jason to move his car out from behind Laura’s. Shane has taken to jumping into the pool when he isn’t being watched, and that’s okay, but then Whistle tries to rescue him, and the poor little guy just can’t seem to swim as well and almost drowns,” Billy asked, with a roll of his eyes in good humor.

“All right, I can’t leave until Laura’s car gets freed, so it sounds like a good deal.” Jessica agreed, amiably sitting up and swinging her legs over so they rested on the deck. “I will just have to give these poor neglected dogs some loving attention until you get it sorted out.” She reached over and scratched behind Whistle’s ear, who obligingly jumped up between her legs, resting her paws on Jessica’s thigh so she could have better access.

Jessica laughed and obligingly scratched Whistle’s back and rump while Billy turned and headed off in the direction of the garage on the other side of a huge house. Calling it a mansion would not have been inappropriate, but it sounded so snooty inside Jessica’s head that she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Shane sat placidly a few feet away, watching Jessica administer affection to his pal, his head cocked to the side, and his ears perked up. Whistle, energized by the attention, hopped on his hind legs, wagging his tail furiously as he delighted in the extra attention Jessica showered him with. Scratching behind his silky ears and rubbing the scruff of his neck, she used her nails down his spine and gave some extra attention to his wagging rump. Not being able to resist his adorable behavior, Jessica gathered Whistle in for a brief hug, knowing dogs generally don’t like being embraced. Still, Whistle seemed to revel in it and placed his paws on her shoulder and snuggled in. The feel of his soft, furry body against the front of her bare skin was delightful. Letting Whistle go, he dropped to all fours and sat down, looking up at her adoringly from between her knees.

Not wanting to leave Shane out, Jessica beckoned to Shane. He immediately came over for his turn at scratches, and Jessica was absorbed with him for a minute until she felt Whistle’s cool snout pressing against the small patch of cloth between her legs. At first, she thought Whistle would drop back after satisfying his curiosity, but then Jessica felt a tentative lick on her innermost thigh where the bathing suit edge ended.

“Whistle! Naughty boy, no, no!”

Jessica reached down to push Whistle away, but then, to her astonishment, Shane bared his teeth and snarled in the direction of her hand. Jessica froze and then slowly put her hand back down, and Shane relaxed. Frowning, Jessica looked at Shane and said sternly,

“Shane! Bad dog! Go lay down!”

Shane merely twitched his eyes calmly at her, then flicked down to watch Whistle, who was still nosing around Jessica’s groin. Jessica looked around, and no one else had noticed this exchange. The people by the pool had gone to watch the volleyball game, and the cheering and loud talking had drowned out her stern, raised voice of reprimand. Cautiously, Jessica raised her hand again, keeping the palm open so as not to appear like she would hit anything. Maybe Shane’s previous experience had led him to be wary of closed fists.

Immediately, however, his countenance turned into a fierce snarl, all the while unperturbed little Whistle got more and more familiar with the patch of cloth that covered Jessica’s pussy lips. Putting her hand back down on the lounge chair again, Jessica bit her lip, considering her next plan of action. Maybe Whistle would go away if she closed her knees? Slowly bringing her knees together, Whistle refused to budge. Only when her thighs began to close on Whistle’s head did he give a little yap, and sure enough, his friend Shane leaned down and nipped at Jessica’s knee. His teeth only grazed, but it startled her into opening her legs again in a panic.

Whistle now took this as an open invitation and began to seriously dig in with his nose, giving short little licks on the fabric. Jessica began to panic; the suit was tiny and barely covered much. Spreading her legs the way she was, there was a gap in the hollow of her thigh where the bathing suit met the skin. Whistle sharp little nose found this and followed the odor there. Without much effort, the triangle of cloth was moved aside, and Jessica was staring down in horror at her half-exposed pussy.

Absurdly, she noted it looked nice and trimmed as she had manicured it this morning, and with that thought, Whistle began his assault in earnest. With his tail wagging madly, Whistle’s tongue kept in rhythm with that appendage. Paralyzed with astonishment, Jessica watched as Whistle’s tongue lapped at all areas, getting between the lips, licking down their sides, flicking up and down over her little hood with lightning speed, and then nosing lower, finding her hole and trying to lick down as deep as he could get.

To Jessica’s deep mortification, it felt good. She gripped the sides of the lounge she sat on and resisted the mounting pleasure that was building deep inside. Every time Whistle flicked over the clitoral hood, she shuddered, both in pleasure and self-disgust, for feeling the pleasure. Maybe he would get bored soon? Jessica wondered if she wanted him to.

“Oh my god, what are you DOING?” a male voice sounded above her head.

Looking up, she recognized one of Billy’s guests. They had been introduced, but she couldn’t remember his name. He was red-haired and staring, eyes wide with astonishment and fascinated revulsion.

“I…I am having some trouble here.” Jessica got out breathlessly. “Shane, the big…ahhhh…one acted like he would attack me when I tried to…hahaha…stop Whistle.”

Jessica looked back down to Whistle, noticing her breasts were heaving and trembling with her gasping, and her nipples were like little knots, jutting out as they jiggled. Jessica realized she was clutching Shane’s mane, having paused in her petting of him earlier. He leaned over and gave her cheek a long lick.

“Please…mmmm…can you help me?” Jessica pleaded, gazing desperately up at the young man whose eyes were fastened to the little dog vigorously licking what seemed to be his new favorite treat.

“Well, uh, okay…Here, boy?” The young man reached out towards Whistle. Instantly, Shane reacted, raising his hair at his hackles and baring his teeth again. For added effect, some saliva dripped down.

“Oh my god, well, okay, uh, I’m going to get some help.” He stated nervously and began to back away.

“NO! Please! I don’t want anyone else to see this!” It was too late, and the redhead was running for the volleyball group, waving his arm to get their attention.

The interruption had given Jessica a break and a distraction, but it was short-lived. Whistle dug down and buried his snout towards her deep recesses and forced his tongue as deep as it would go. Jessica began to tilt her hips up to give him more access but caught herself at the first twitch. She grimaced as she heard the licking sounds get louder. She had gotten wet. The entire mound glistened from saliva, but now there was a slick stickiness being spread around, too, and the wet licking sounds were getting noisier and sloshier every second.

Watching Whistle engaged with her pussy from this angle was disconcerting, but something inside her liked it. She watched as color flooded into her privates, her lips swelled, and her hood as well became more pronounced, sticking out. Jessica didn’t know it could do that. The tightness in her breasts was becoming painful. She closed her eyes on concentrated on not feeling the waves of pleasure.

What she heard was the pounding of a couple of dozen feet coming towards her. Shane stood back up and barked and snarled in warning, halting their progress. Jessica felt her face go scarlet to the roots of her hair as she met the incredulous gaze of her brother among them. She bit her lip and looked away, hoping for this situation to end miraculously.

“Please! I don’t know what he’ll do! He almost bit…me earlier,” Jessica gasped out, trying to keep her voice steady. “Can someone…gah…get Billy…hah NOW?”

There was nothing said, and Jessica opened her eyes and looked around. The group had formed a loose semi-circle around her at a respectful distance from the big German Shepherd. Shane had seated himself under her hand again, looking contrastingly calm to his earlier demeanor a few seconds ago. Everyone had their eyes on Jessica’s spread legs and the little dog paying homage to his prize between them.

“Damn, but that’s kind of hot,” said George, one of Billy’s friends who had tried to get Jessica’s number earlier. Dave glared at him, but his eyes went back to the furry little creep between her legs.

“Ew, George, don’t be gross. I can’t believe that little dog is doing that to her. He really looks like he knows what he is doing.”

This was from Mandy, a somewhat prissy and haughty girl Jessica had met that day. She seemed unable to look away from Whistle either.

There was some uncomfortable shifting. Jessica registered with horror that many of the guys were becoming aroused watching her and were trying to adjust themselves unobtrusively as their eyes wandered over her shuddering, trembling breasts. Suddenly, the clicking sounds seemed so much louder, with the obvious extra moisture creating extra noise as Whistle’s tongue went lick-sloosh-lick-sloosh-lick-sloosh. Whistle chose that moment to focus again on the hard bud of her clit, with long, fast strokes lifting the hood and lapping down on top of it over and over in quick succession.

Jessica groaned and looked pleadingly around at the faces watching her, silently begging someone to help her out or at least look away. The pressure notched up another level, and Jessica and little beads of sweat appeared with the effort of trying not to climax in front of twenty people, especially her sibling.

“Maybe she has to uh…finish? For the dog to go away?” One girl suggested, obviously seeing where Jessica was headed.

Jessica shook her head wildly, “N-no, go away!”

If they weren’t going to help, at least they could not watch. Dave squared his broad shoulders. He’d been playing sports his entire life, and he was a huge specimen of youth and vitality, standing 6’4” and strongly muscled.

“We gotta try something. Sorry Jess, don’t take it personally. I’m going to do something to end this, hopefully.”

His face was red, and his eyes lowered; he spoke low, but everyone heard him.

The bulge in his star-spangled swimsuit belied his words as it was obvious. He was gaining something personal from this performance. He slowly approached Jessica’s backside, keeping his hands down. Shane watched warily but was calm as there was no threat to his tiny friend. Whistle increased his frenzied licking as if he sensed the end was nigh. Dave got near enough that Jessica could feel the heat from his torso as he bent over her. Slowly and gently, he reached over her shoulder and hooked his thumb into the top of her top, pulling it slowly, almost as if in a tease to the others watching, until her nipple popped out and then tucked the edge of it beneath the underside of her breast so it wouldn’t creep back up.

“Ughhh, Dave…what…” Jessica moaned. Her hands were clenching and unclenching on the bench, trying to maintain her control over the sensations. She hadn’t expected this from her brother, for him to take liberties like this, and now she was sitting exposing her hardened nipple to the group of people, a few of whom had taken to unconsciously rubbing their crotches and chests, girls and boys alike.

As Jessica sat there, with Whistle lapping noisily at her exposed pussy, with one breast bared, nipple so hard it was almost painful. With all those eyes on her, being exposed by her brother of all people, the last shred of hope she might get out of this left her as the click of a camera phone went off. She realized this moment was going to be immortal.

At the same time, Dave moved his hand back to her breast, took just her nipple between his index and thumb fingers, and deliberately squeezed. Hard. That was it. Jessica’s vision went black as her world exploded into the most intense orgasm she had ever had. Her hips thrust up and down in an uncontrollable dance as Whistle maintained his oral assault without skipping a beat. Hoarse, guttural cries came out of her throat, and she leaned into the hand that now cupped and squeezed and pulled her nipple almost viciously, prolonging the pleasure. Just as Jessica thought it was easing off, Whistle buried his nose into her clit and lapped at her spasming hole, and another wave of pleasure overtook her. If Dave had not been behind her, she would have fallen on her back.

Instead, her hands clawed the air as her head rolled back and forth over the front of Dave’s swim shorts, thrusting her chest upwards into his hand. Jessica vaguely realized she was rubbing over Dave’s hard, but she was past caring even when she felt his pants go warm and damp. She just wanted him to keep pulling and pinching her nipple. Then she realized he was taking her other breast out and pinching and rolling both nipples while spasmed. Dimly, Jessica was aware her brother publicly fondled her with her breasts hanging out, orgasming with hip-thrusting contortions in front of her schoolmates and strangers, with her legs spread as far she could make them, and a little scrappy dog giving her the tonguing of her life. But it wasn’t over yet.

When the spasms finally eased, Jessica collapsed to her side on the lounge chair, gasping for breath. Whistle had mercifully, finally stepped away and was innocently nosing the ground, lapping up some of the liquid that had dripped from Jessica. Everything was silent behind Jessica, and she imagined for a moment that everyone had left, and she was alone. Someone nervously giggled and dispelled that hope. Jessica tried to sit up, but her arms trembled, and she collapsed back down. Knowing her legs probably weren’t better off, Jessica rolled onto her stomach with her knees on the ground, intending to gather her feet up beneath her to stand up. At that moment, she felt a presence behind her and thought perhaps Dave had come around to help her up. Lifting her head blearily, she focused and saw Dave still standing in front of her, an odd look on his face with something akin to fear.

“What? Can you help me up?” she beseeched.

Two large paws appeared on either side of her arms, and Shane’s heavy panting resounded in her ear. Confused, Jessica tried to push backward on him and had to freeze again when Shane growled low and threateningly and then calmly took the back of her neck in his mouth.

“Ahhhhaaaaaahhhhhh!” Jessica screamed in a whisper, “Get Billy NOW, get this dog off me!”

A couple of the guests took off towards the garage area, running, but Dave still watched in dumbfounded astonishment.

To Jessica’s further dismay, she felt Shane’s canine penis jabbing her rear and realized with horror. Her swimsuit bottom was still pulled to the side. Her orgasmic contortions had pulled the material even further over, and zero barriers were preventing Shane from reaching his goal. Whistle hopped up on the lounge and licked Jessica’s face, and she could smell a mixture of dog breath and her arousal.

“Dave, get this little creep off my face NOW!”

Blinking as if waking up, Dave reached down to pick up Whistle. Shane released Jessica’s neck and barked savagely at Dave, who froze and backed away slowly. As Shane barked, Jessica reached for Dave, begging him to help her in whatever way he could, and in the midst of that motion and Shane barking, he thrust hard and found his way in. Eyes wide in disbelief, Jessica stared into Dave’s as he covered his mouth. Shane began to pump in earnest, furiously banging against Jessica, causing her breasts to bounce forward, up and down violently with the rapid pace he set.

Shane felt huge, far bigger than anything Jessica had been with before. She hovered on the brink of pain as his size stretched her beyond what she thought she could tolerate. Jessica’s tender area was recently too stimulated not to respond to this abuse, and a flood of unwanted sensations tightened inside Jessica once again. A few of the male guests commented on Shane’s prodigious size and how Jessica was taking him all. One girl had her hand on her breast while her boyfriend had his hand inside her one-piece, making their sloshing noises.

“God, this is making me so hard, it’s wrong, but I’m so hard it hurts.” The redhead from earlier complained.

“Let me help, sweetie. I can take care of that for you.” Said Alex, one of Jessica’s male friends who had been flirting without success with the redhead all afternoon.

“Dude, I don’t like guys!” Shot back the redhead, looking surprised and distracted for a moment.

“Don’t be a prude. Just give me a moment.” And with that, Alex took the redhead’s dick out of his swim trunks easily and started sucking on it with gusto. The redhead grabbed Alex’s head to lift him off, but after getting a few strokes in, he seemed to lose his motivation and began to hold the head in encouragement.

“Oh shit…I’m not gay…but you suck really good…oh shit…I’m not gay, am I?” and he proceeded to start thrusting his hips into Alex’s mouth while flitting glances at Jessica getting pummeled by Shane.

Jessica’s eyes had never left Dave’s, but a motion with his other hand made her look down and see he was hard again and slowly stroking himself through his swimsuit. She looked up into his eyes again and saw no apology. There was only a primal lust as he took in her bouncing breasts, the ripple of her butt with the impact of Shane against her, and the long thick, red piston disappearing in and out of her. Dave gripped himself through his shorts firmly. Jessica let out a small moan, and new wetness gushed between her legs, creating a new slurping noise as Shane fucked her, making small groans and growling sounds out of consummate pleasure.

Billy and Laura appeared running and out of breath. Even as the pumping was taking over her existence, Jessica’s eyes filled with tears when she saw both their jaw drop in identical pictures of disbelief. Out of everyone, these two were her friends. She saw them every day. For them to witness this degradation, and on top of that, Dave’s aroused response was another blow to Jessica’s rapidly dwindling esteem.

“Billy…nnnh…nnnh…nnnh…nnnh… Can you…hahaha…ahhhaahhh…nnnooooo…ahhhh…ooooohhhhhh…stop him?”

Billy tried his best command voice, “Shane! Down!”

Shane’s only response was to growl and pump faster, making Jessica shake her head frantically,

“Nooooo…ooooohhhhh please…don’t make him….aaaaaahhhh…oohhhhhhh angry…”

Unconsciously without realizing it, Jessica had spread her knees and raised her butt in the air to give Shane better access. Shane was relentless, much as Whistle was. And still would be. Whistle belly crawled underneath the chair between Jessica’s knees again. Watching Shane thrust into Jessica’s vagina closeup for a few moments, Whistle, while lying flat on his belly, took up his previous occupation of licking her clit. The sensation hit Jessica like a Mac truck.

“Oh fuck! I can’t stand it! Oh god! It feels so FUCK-ing good! Dave! Do you hear me? OOOOOOHHHH! Fuck me, Shane, you fucking big dick dog! Fuck you and your little furry friend fuck Oooohhhooooo…nnnnhhhnnnnn IT’S SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOD!”

Jessica’s eyes rolled back into her head as Shane raged into her, his knot building up and stretching her more. Jessica reached up with one hand, twisting her right nipple viciously and pulling and stretching it out. She was completely lost to anything external around her, but the violent orgasm ripped through her and continued in wave after wave. Shane shoved his full knot in, and Jessica screamed her pain and pleasure, thrusting back on Shane, her spasming pussy in plain view, trying to contain the huge knot Shane was trying to force further into her, making shorter movements now but no less frantic and insistent. With a low dog groan, Shane put his forehead down and unloaded his sperm into Jessica. She could feel it filling her up, and it seemed as if it would never stop.

The couple from earlier was sitting now, with the girl bouncing up and down on her boyfriend’s lap, his hands buried into her breasts.

The redhead guy, his mouth in a prolonged “O,” was actively thrusting into Alex’s throat, ramming it frantically while holding the sides of his head still. At the same time, Alex closed his eyes in bliss, gagging and choking but determined to keep up, holding lightly onto the redhead’s hips for balance. The redhead’s eyes were locked onto Jessica and Shane, and finally, he shuddered and shoved all the way in, holding Alex’s nose to his abdomen while he pumped his load down his throat.

Jessica continued to orgasm and spasm around Shane even after he stopped moving. When he began to turn around and try to tug out of her, it caused another round of spasms and nipple pinching. After 15 minutes or so, Shane finally pulled free, and Jessica collapsed to her side once again, but this time pulled herself onto the lounge chair completely while twitching and breathing. Everyone else had either completed their lustful reactions and reassembled themselves or had calmed down and were talking low in small groups about what they had just witnessed. The redhead thanked Alex formally and promptly left, his face almost as red as his hair. Jessica never learned his name.

Shane and Whistle trotted over to Billy, still standing with Laura as if they were stone. Billy automatically patted Shane and bent to pick up Whistle but didn’t really see either of them. All the guests were still sitting in frozen silence, the shadows of late afternoon suddenly cooling the air.

Dave pushed himself forward, almost stumbling one step at a time to his sister. Standing over her, watching her breathe, she met, looked up, met his eyes again calmly, and then rolled onto her back, reaching for him. With a sob, he gathered Jessica into his arms, and she put one arm around his shoulders and then rested one hand on the tented pole in his swimsuit, which still was erect, rock hard. The effect was electric. Dave pushed Jessica back and buried his face in her breasts, licking and sucking.

Jessica tilted her head back and held his head to her breasts, calling out his name. With one hand, he jerked down his suit and climbed up the chair, pushing her legs apart and thrusting inside. Jessica wrapped her legs around him tight as he made short, brutal thrusts inside her. At the ninth thrust, she shook beneath him and whispered to him. “I’m cumming.”

On the tenth thrust, he groaned and pushed as hard as he could inside her, trying to get as deep as he could as he added his load to Shane’s.

Dave and Jessica lay intertwined, not moving and seemingly asleep. Laura threw a towel over them to use as a blanket and a shield. Ashen-faced, she left, not knowing what to say to her friend. Quietly, the rest of the party began to take their leave. Billy turned around and led the dogs into the house, leaving everyone to shake themselves loose of the spell that had been cast.

A completely subdued air of awe, lust, and confusion marred the otherwise perfect pool party, one that would not be forgotten by anyone who attended for a long time to come.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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