The Sorority Pledge

By michioliphant.

So, I went to college, graduated in ’68, a Midwestern engineering college, up in the cold. I was gonna take-the world by storm as a mechanical engineer. That was the plan. I got to college, my first day and I’m geeked, really geeked. Being an engineering college, it’s mostly guys. I mean, the ratio was like 300 to 1, guys to girls. Of the girls, like half were super Uber bright, and on a mission, no distractions; half of the whole again, both ugly as a plumber’s crack, and virgins for sure. A lot were both. I figured a few months, the ugliest was gonna be looking like Miss America and you couldn’t find a college age virgin for ten miles any direction.

I jump into studies, I’m doing the whole routine, up at dawn, or before, do a bit of exercise, hit the mess, first class at 8am. One of my two math classes. Advanced Calculus, the other was at 1pm, Statistics. Now being mid-sixties, we didn’t have calculators, it was really old school, slide rulers. My other classes were Engineering Spectrum, an overview course that covers all the engineering fields, I think in case you decide you might want to do something other than your first choice; Intermediate Physics, Intermediate Chemistry, and English. I’m working the system, following the rules. I also had a physical Ed class, like every other freshman, required.

About four weeks in I’m still following all those rules everyone tells you, the college advisers, high school teachers, your Priest, you name it. Problem is I hadn’t been one of those kids for a long time, well long enough, since the day I was 18. I had gotten a taste for sucking cock and had gone cold turkey the day I left for college after sucking three or four guys a day for a year. I love eating pussy too, but well, guys are easier to get, and to the girls in my home town, especially then, they thought someone who liked sucking dick and eating pussy, they were just someone sick and perverted, even worse than “faggots”. Like 99.9% of the guys really believed that it was ok for a guy to suck their cock, it didn’t make ‘em a faggot at all, as long as they didn’t get fucked up the ass, or suck another guys dick, they were straight. What can I say, it was the times, the thinking. There is nothing as long or wide as the river Denial.

So in high school, like maybe 18? My life blossomed, like I said, and I had been with like ten guys to a girl thing even though we had almost 50/50 guys to girls enrolled. I kept telling myself I was done with all that, I was in college now and I didn’t need to suck every cock I could, I was going to by my own monk and just get my engineering degree. I really thought I wasn’t going to do anything sexual until I got my Masters in Engineering. At first it was going to be Mechanical, but by the third week I was vacillating, lured by the others, maybe civil engineering, maybe electrical engineering, Mining even or maybe the new one, materials engineering.

One month in, Fraternity recruitment starts, well it started earlier, but unofficially. Officially, no fraternity was supposed to have contact with any freshmen until 30 days after the first class. So, from day one every fraternity was having parties and meeting everyone. I am being the naive person I was, I didn’t plan on going to any, up to the Official Fraternity Recruitment Night. All the fraternities were having an open house, my roommate dragged me along, he was going to visit every Fraternity and find the one best for himself, and in his mind he owned me and he was going to find me a fraternity to join. It was some kind of requirement in his head. I told him I didn’t need a fraternity, he just laughed and pulled me behind him.

We visited six and I was having trouble walking straight, I wasn’t completely smashed, but everywhere we went they shoved beers in my hand. I was legal to drink beer, but had never done much. Of the seven fraternities, everyone on campus talked about one being the trash fraternity. The other six were good ones. The jocks who went to college on a sport scholarship went to one of the good ones. The jocks who didn’t have full scholarships went to the trash one. We had visited “the good ones” already. Then we went to the trash one, just to see how bad it was. When we walked in, it was the first place that night that had girls in it. There was like one girl for every three guys there. They weren’t just drinking beer, they had a scotch. The girls were half bagged, laughing, smiling, it was nice.

I chatted with the president of the fraternity for a bit. I was looking around this animal house like scene and I wanted in. I wasn’t athletic, I wasn’t the smartest kid in the college by far, and I was NOT going to join a fraternity remember? But it felt like home somehow. It felt good. The President passed me off to another guy, the VP who asked if I wanted to go to one of the other rooms so we could talk, it being so loud out in the front. I said sure. I’m smashed. I’m naive. I get into the room and there is my roommate sucking the cock of one of the athletes, a huge guy over six feet tall and all muscles on muscles on muscles. The VP acts as if he doesn’t see my dorm mate sucking this guy off. He sits on the bed and starts talking to me about my home town, my high school, what I did for fun back there. He says he’s from a nearby town and he already checked me out with friends back home, he thinks I’m the right fit for the fraternity. I’m hooked, line and sinker.

He finally tells me, he knows I’m not a jock, and he knows I’m already struggling to make the grade. He says it would be his job, the fraternity’s job, to make sure I graduate. But since I’m not an athlete, I would have to pick up special duties. I say sure, whatever it takes. He smiles. He stands up and drops his pants and says “Good! Start sucking”. I’m floored, I never saw it coming.

I was on my knees so fast I got bruises. I’m sucking his cock for all I’m worth. I was a vacuum with tongue. Far too soon, he feeds me a nice load. Bit salty, tangy, tastes like dessert from a restaurant. Instantly I’m addicted to sucking cock again. I keep sucking long after he’s done and flaccid. When I finally let his cock slide out of my mouth, he’s laughing with other guys. I’ve got a line of guys waiting. Pulled a train of 6 guy’s right there. After the last one, they pick me up, put me on the porch and tells me to go to my dorm and come back after classes the next day to chat, that maybe I made it to being pledged.

I got to my dorm room and my roommate is sitting there pissed. The fraternity I liked, they didn’t like him. In fact, not one fraternity liked him. He was angry and yelling that I ruined his chance at happiness, that nothing mattered anymore. I was a fucking faggot and should be shot and cut up into little pieces in a meat grinder for dogs. He punched me in the nose, breaking it, blood everywhere. We got into a full fight. We broke the beds and one dresser, and one desk. The dorm adviser and some other guys broke up the fight, and I spent most of the night cleaning up the room. My blabbering, crying, hysterical roommate was taken to the college hospital to be sedated and watched.

I open the door to the fraternity the next day to see the guy with muscles on muscles sitting in a chair drinking beer, watching cartoons, jerking off a dog laying on the floor next to him. I’ve never seen anyone jerk off a dog before. Everyone else in the house is acting like this is a normal Tuesday thing. Jerking off a dog while everyone else is playing games, or watching cartoons, or making dinner. The dog shots cum all over the carpet and no one makes a move to clean it up. The dog is licking his cock and the guy who just jerked off the dog, he’s grabbing peanuts out of the big bowl everyone is eating peanuts out of with slimy hands. Note to self, don’t eat the peanuts.

Dinner is called by the VP, and everyone goes to the dinner table, but before the guys sit down to dinner, they all take off their pants and underwear. Sitting naked from the waist down, we all sit to eat. I’m told if I want to pledge I have to ask and then there will be some tests over the next month to see if I fit in.

All of us guys who have been invited back are standing in a line. The VP goes down the line, asking each person:

“Repeat after me, I, [insert your name here], do hereby make the following declaration, vow and obligation, of my own free will and accord. No one, be they a member of this fraternity or not, has made any enticements to induce me to a decision one way or the other, for I am as a brother of this fraternity, without any secret evasion or reservation of mind, a Hedonist.

More, I fully and completely understand that during a Pledge’s probation period, to complete my vow, I must submit to any and all requests from any member of the fraternity. I, with complete forethought and free will, commit myself to complete all assignments given to me, regardless of the nature of the assignment.

I pledge my body, I pledge my mind, I pledge my honour with wholehearted dedication and obedience to being a true and enthusiastic brother in the pursuit of this my chosen path, to knowledge, free thought, free love, indeed to a life of hedonistic joy and pleasure.

All this, I, [insert your name here], do pledge on my honour, my intellect, body and my soul, so help me.”

I am the last pledge of those who have returned this night standing in line, two having left without asking or reciting the vow. I am the last one in line.

I say I want to pledge, and the VP gives me the vow, taken with one hand on a small stack of books, including, a book “Bylaws and Rules of This Most Debauched Fraternity”, a hand bound book, typed, with articles torn out of books pasted in, hand copied articles and other scrapbook kind of things, called the ‘Hedonist Philosophy Bound’. Its writings from throughout history you know? The stack also has a copy of: The life and philosophy of he whom is known as the Marquis De Sade. My other hand was placed on my naked crotch.

After I take my vow everyone in the fraternity gives me and the others a welcome hug. We sit down at the long dinner table in the dining room. I’m sitting next to the VP, who says as soon as I’m done with dinner then I better get to work. Naive I says, “Doing what?”

He points around the huge table with 33 guys, including the pledges, and says “Well, they each have one, and they don’t suck themselves do they?”

“Oh!” I say. “You mean I have to suck everyone off?”

The VP laughs, and says, “Well, of course not, there are the other 5 pledges to help you.”

I laugh and start to crawl under the table. He says, “Oh boys! Boys! Rules! Rules!” I look up. The VP says, “All you pledges, listen up. Rule number one: Pledges in the clubhouse, never ever wear clothes. If you’re a pledge, throw your clothes in the hamper by the door you can pick them up when you leave. Every time you enter the house clothes in the hamper. Starting now.”

I crawl out from under the table with 5 other guys and we strip naked. The VP goes on to say tonight, and tonight only, we eat first. Then after we eat, we pledges can start to fulfil their obligation.

While eating, the VP is reciting the rules to us very loudly, slowly, and deliberately, so we don’t miss a word. He says:

1) Pledges never wear clothes inside the clubhouse, or in the backyard of the clubhouse; Pledges must be wearing clothes when they leave the front door of the clubhouse.

2) Pledges eat at least one meal a day at the clubhouse, Pledges choice.

3) Pledges suck members cock BEFORE they eat, breakfast, lunch or dinner. All members present at a meal must be sucked until they feed the pledge, or the member tells a pledge to stop for now, and all the members have been sucked by a pledge working the meal.

4) The fraternity has a sister sorority, many events are Co events with our sisters. All pledges must perform any task, or request, assigned by a member of either the fraternity or our sister sorority.

5) Pledges clean the table and dishes for every meal;

6) Meals are prepared by the cook hired by the fraternity, who is an ex-officio officer of this organization, with all the rights, privileges and duties of the same.

7) Pledges will follow all instructions of the President, VP, or cook of the clubhouse whiteout delay, talking back or comments;

8) On every Saturday, all pledges must arrive at the clubhouse by 7am to clean the clubhouse, top to bottom, under the supervision of an officer, and perform other duties as required.

There were other rules too, I forget at the Moment.

After we ate, I crawled back under the table. That night I sucked every cock sitting at the table, whether another pledge had said they already sucked it, just to be sure. About half stopped me after sucking for like 30 seconds, but I got everyone. After I finished sucking, the fraternity all sat at the table, helping me and the other pledges with our homework. Well, most of the guys, the big guy who was jerking off the dog when I arrived. He was jerking off the dog again, still watching cartoons when I left late that night. The other pledges each sucked four cocks each. I got the others all by myself.


Over the next weeks, that was pretty much my routine. Oh, we had other pledge stuff to do.

A. We had to light a wooden kitchen match, and then say the Greek alphabet forward and backward before the wooden match burned our fingers;
B. We had to recite Pi to fourteen digits;
C. We had to be able to name every member of the fraternity, and our sister sorority, by name, study major, hometown and year they pledged on sight (we had two small photo directories to help us learn it all);

D. We had our ankles tied together, like a long line of three legged races, and raced naked across the campus from the villages, downtown corner to the clubhouse, from one side of town to the other, with our right hands tied to the left knee of the guy next to us;

E. We had to name every professor on campus by name, class they taught that semester, say their office hours and office room number.

A, B, C and E we started learning that first week, we had to be 100% accurate in three weeks. D was on our third day of our first week. Failure to get the recitations right by the deadline meant three members would fuck your ass three times a day until we got it right. By the deadline all of us pledges had all of the assignments completed correctly.

That Friday we had a joint party with our “Little Sisters” from our sister sorority. While I was getting things ready, I got a call from the dorm advisor. My roommate was being sent home, really being sent to a mental hospital. He had made claims I raped him, untrue, but the school was obligated to ask me if I had. I told them no. I hadn’t done anything sexual with him. They said fine, they didn’t think so and no charges would be filed. I never heard much about him until years later, but it was because of him I was pledged as I was. I was grateful really. At the same time, I felt bad and worried about him often.

Years later I learned he spent the rest of his life in and out of mental hospitals getting electroshock therapy. He was arrested like 20 times for various sex crimes, mostly exposure. He lived the last portion of his life on the streets, claiming he had been abducted by aliens and forced to breed with all sorts of alien animals and making human animal hybrids for the alien sex trades. But that night I didn’t know his path in life, I just knew I was sorry he hadn’t pledged someplace. He died bat shit crazy and blaming me and organized education for a life of insanity.

The women of our sister sorority showed up at 6pm. I thought us pledges would put on our clothes just before the girls arrived. We were told no. So at six pm sharp a whole line of women walked in the front door. The sorority members were dressed in party dresses. The sorority pledges, four of them, were dressed in long coats, with nothing underneath, except high heels. Their coats had to be left in the hamper by the front door. The President of the Sorority told all the guys they could look but not touch any pledge girl. The Sorority Pledges would be serving drinks, cigarettes, lighting cigars and stuff, and doing anything a sorority member girl asked them to. Fraternity Pledges would be serving both sorority and fraternity members as instructed. There was no rule about no touching us fraternity pledges.

So the party started. Pledges were going around serving drinks, getting cigarettes or cigars lighted, changing the records on the stereo, what I thought of as usual service work. We pledges could drink as long as we didn’t get drunk. I was picking up glasses, and emptying ashtrays, when a Sorority member chatting with a fraternity member reached out and grabbed me by the cock. She never looked away from the guy she was chatting with, she just pulled me closer and started playing with my cock. Soon I wasn’t at half-staff like I had been about a half hour, I was at full staff, the girl just kept playing with my balls and jerking my cock, then playing with my balls again. From halfway across the party I hear one of the Fraternity members telling some sorority members, “Oh yeah, he loves to suck a cock. Want to see?”

The girls laughed and said , “Yeah, we would. I mean, he really likes to, or does he do it because you tell him too?”

“Oh no, he loves to. I hear he loves to eat a pussy too, but he loves sucking a cock and swallowing a good load,” says the voice, the VP I’m pledging too.

The girls are laughing again, saying, “But let’s make it fun, OK? Let’s make him do it out here in the living room, so all the girls can watch.”

The VP says sure and he starts calling everyone to come to the living room they have a special treat for everyone. He comes over to me and says in my ear, “The girls want to watch you suck cock, make it good.”

Soon the room is packed, I’m standing in the middle and everyone is watching me. The girl who was jerking me off, she hasn’t stopped. The Sorority President says, “Carol, stop playing with our entertainment.”

The girl jerking me off lets go of me as if I was a banana peel she found herself holding. Standing alone, at first I didn’t know what to do, so I said , “Well, hello everyone, I’m told our guests would like to watch me suck off one of our members. Who is it going to be? Any volunteers?”

Mr. Muscles on Muscles, who I had learned was called ‘Little John’, he practically jumped off his chair. “Me, put your little faggot mouth on my cock,” he said.

There were various comments about being homo from the crowd and Little John, said something about not being homo if you don’t take it up the ass or be the one sucking. He stands in front of me and tells me to take his pants off. I undo his belt and take his pants down, take his shoes off, take his feet out of his pants. He wasn’t wearing underwear so he’s standing there naked from the waist down. Some of the girls were saying stuff about how Little John, wasn’t little, and it was now obvious how he got his name. Just as I’m about to take his cock in my mouth, the Sorority President yells, “Stop!”

She then tells her female pledges they have to sit in a circle around me and Little John, and masturbate while they watch, until I’m done.

The girls had been super embarrassed when they had arrived, but gotten over it mostly. Now they are super embarrassed again. I’m feeling weird too, as I’ve never sucked someone while others just sat there and watched. Little John was flaccid, I had to work hard to get him hard. A couple minutes after I started, various members of both groups were making suggestions about my technique and how I could do things better. I tried to block it all out and just suck as well as I could, but about a minute into it, someone grabbed my hard cock and was jerking me off while I sucked. I blew my load pretty quickly. Little John took longer, about 10 minutes. I swallowed. There was great applause and lots of comments.

Then one of the sorority pledges was made to masturbate for everyone to watch while she sucked my sticky cock clean.

After that, a couple members started fucking in the centre of the floor. Pledges were put back to work, serving drinks, lighting cigarettes, putting condoms on fucking couples, or tying off used ones.

After about an hour, with a dish full of used condoms, everyone naked, Little John, yells it’s time for ‘Boxer’. Half the guys groan, about one fourth of the girls yelled things like ‘sicko’, and Little John, calls his dog, called boxer, but a Red Lab, out to the room. He lays the dog on his back and jerks off the dog, talking about doggy anatomy, saying, “A dog is the best lover in the world, with the best cock for a pussy, or a homo ass.”

One of the sorority girls, a member, yells something about making the faggot pledge suck Boxer. Little John’s face lights up like he’s had an epiphany. He grabs me from picking up dirty glasses and drags me into the middle of the room, and commands me to suck his dog. The room is quiet, like funeral quiet. I look around confused. I’m about to yell go fuck yourself, I’m out of here, or something, when I open my mouth and out comes, “Do you really want to watch me suck the dog?”

Everyone is clapping, drunk and high, clapping and yelling for me to suck Boxer. They start chanting: suck Boxer, suck Boxer.

I get down on my knees and make like I’m repulsed, when really, I find the whole thing awesome. Boxer is laying on his back like he does when he gets jerked off. He’s already out a good deal, his knot out, but not fully expanded. I look at the dog’s cock, and instead of being repulsed like I had been for a week seeing Little John jerk off his dog. I’m saying in my head stuff like, yeah, it’s a cock… Suck it asshole.

As I get closer the room gets even quieter, I’m making a show of it, outside and in. People are holding their breath. I wrap my hands around the base and slide the cock into my mouth, and the room erupts in clapping, yelling, chanting and making comments and stuff. Everything from, “That’s sick,” to, “That’s fantastic!”

I quickly found the temperature and taste incredible. I wanted more, I was sucking this dog like it was the last cock on earth. I’m moaning and saying things to it, like, “God, I love this,” or, “God, I want this,” or, “Fuck my mouth, baby!”

I’m lost to the room, I was into it. I forgot they were there as soon as my mouth touched Boxer’s cock. He filled my mouth with precum and I swallowed. He filled my mouth with cum and I swallowed like it was a sweet wine. I begged him to fuck my ass, and swallowed his cum until his cock was getting smaller again. I was about to get off my hands and knees when someone was shoving a cock in my ass and I orgasmed right there. Three cocks fucked my ass and I was moaning and screaming with joy, begging them not to stop. Begging them to fuck my ass harder. I’m more than halfway in my own world, just enjoying getting fucked up the ass. My head is down, my face hidden by my short hair growing long.

The sorority president, naked, with makeup streaked all over her face, picked up my face and told me I was a good pledge, When the cock was pulled from my ass, she pushed a pledge from her sorority into my arms and told her to reward me for entertaining everyone.

Somehow my cock was still hard. The girl had glazed eyes. She pushed me back and sat on my chest. Her pussy was leaking fluid like she had just peed herself. She was kissing me and slid down my body sliding my cock straight into her open pussy. I think I fucked her forever, like over a half hour, my cock hard as steel but having cum so much earlier it took a while. We kissed for the first third, but after that she was a babbling, crying, horny mess. I almost stopped once because I was afraid her crying was fear, regret or something, but she told me if I stopped she would cut off my balls, she was crying and enjoying it. About half way through we changed places, me on top.

I came in her hot pussy and she begged me to let the dog fuck my ass. I said something, I don’t know what, and she jumped out from under me and instantly the dog was on my back. His claws scraped down my sides, fur covered my back, and he held my hips hard. Soft girl hands were guiding his cock to my asshole. Just as the dog shoved six inches of hard cock into my ass in one push, a girl pushed her tits into my mouth and told me to suck her until her nipples bleed.

The dog pulled out and shoved back in even more cock into my ass, soon his knot was slamming into my asshole at a thousand times a second. A girl’s hands were playing with my mostly soft cock. The knot was slamming my ass and it hurt, when suddenly my ass popped open like a blazing star in the night sky, the knot was in my ass rapidly getting bigger even more.

I think I screamed. I was instantly in orgasmic bliss, Orgasm Override. I was nothing but an unthinking mass of quivering happy sexual dance. His knot was pushing hard on my prostate. I could feel it better than any finger ever. I heard babbling, it was me. I heard a girl talking with another girl about how sick it was, and how she couldn’t understand how I liked it. She would hate getting butt fucked by a dog, she kept saying “I can’t believe I’m watching this, this is sick, this guy is a mess, what a faggot” and other stuff of encouragement. I remember thinking, but, you’re watching me?

Two other girls were talking about whether they should get fucked by a dog before or after, before or after what I didn’t care. Girls, and guys, were talking about butt sex, who liked what where and how. I just knelt there enjoying getting fucked by the dog. I could feel every pulse of his cock in my ass shooting precum, then cum far up my bowels. It was warm like Christmas on a cold day. He was drooling on my shoulders, in my hair, I loved it. I felt like I belonged there, like I’ve never belonged anywhere. It made me orgasm loudly again when I felt his cum change in my ass from precum to cum.

Sometime later, a minute? Ten? Five hours? I didn’t know how long it had been going on, but sometime later I woke up, or my brain started working again. No one was in my ass, man or dog. My ass hurt like never before, stretching can be worse than tearing.

Everyone was either passed out drunk, passed out in the middle of fucking drunk, or asleep. I was covered in cum, someone before I woke up had peed on my back and hair. The girl wrapped around my body, was peeing on my back too, drunk, and asleep. I was soon asleep with her, dreaming of dog cock in my ass, and girls peeing on my face.

The cook arrived in the morning to people just starting to wake, none of us moving yet. She took one whiff of the house, opened the windows to the cold upper 30’s air and said she would be back in an hour to do breakfast after the house was cleaned up.

My President and the sorority president were yelling at pledges to wake up and clean the house. All the yelling made my head hurt like never before. The line at the bathrooms, we had five, was packed. No one closed a bathroom door, the two presidents said it was a new house rule. No bathroom doors could be closed, ever. I saw a sorority girl, sitting on the toilet while a fraternity guy peed between her splayed legs while she peed. Everyone took a shower, usually with three people in a shower stall at a time.

The clubhouse was soon clean, even though there was a slight smell of pee and booze everywhere. The Cook came back, Mrs. Hanover. She made pancakes, hash potatoes, sausages, bacon, and poached eggs. Everyone sat at the table, most of the girls had towels wrapped around wet hair, and some of those had towels around their chests. The rest of everyone was nude.

Before my fraternity pledges could eat of course we were supposed to suck the cocks of the members, according to the rules. We got under the table and the President said Rule 3 for this was suspended after a party, for the day. The other pledges got out from under the table. I stayed under and sucked the cock of the Pres., VP and Little John of our fraternity before I got out and ate.

Everyone was talking about school matters, and some of the next week’s new events. We had a new memorization to add to the others. Members would shout out a number or a name from the periodic table and we had to shout out the rest according to what they asked. Before the pledge drive was over we had to be able to recite the entire periodic table standing on one foot, with a sorority pledge sucking our cocks. We had to honour the girls back, of course, they stand on one foot while we licked their pussy or ass, whichever they found more distracting.

We also were given a list of 100 major scientists and engineers from history. We had to know their name, birth and death dates and why they were so important. Sometimes they would just show us a picture and we had to know who they were too. By the end of pledge drive, we had to be able to recite all of them in under 5 minutes, and answer any questions about them, again standing on one foot, with a sorority girl sucking our cocks.

We also had to recite the major philosophers of Hedonism, Free Love and Free Thought. Give their birth and death dates, if known, and the title of any major works they wrote. All the people in the Hedonism book we took our obligation on. We were tested once a week during pledging. If we got an answer wrong we were flogged one stroke per wrong answer. The “whip” was like a cat of nine tails thing, but soft, it didn’t hurt at first, but if you got like ten wrong it didn’t feel good, to me at least.

The sorority girls had similar memorizations, the same Greek alphabet, periodic tables things. Their list of historical scientists, had another 30 major women in science and technology added. The same Hedonist Bible stuff. The girls obviously weren’t having their cocks sucked. No, they had a choice of being fucked up or licked up the butt or their clit licked and rubbed. They all chose in the end to get licked up the butt, I guess it was less distracting.

The pledges were reminded we couldn’t date anyone while we were Pledges. I think that got more grumbles than anything else.

Sunday, fraternity pledges were working an event to raise money for city kids to go to summer camp. The Sorority was raising money to help little kids, I can’t remember how. We were working a table selling balloons at the town festival and the sorority had a baked goods table. Sunday was also a homework day were members helped pledges and other members with homework. About half the sorority was at our place, and a third of the fraternity at theirs.

That night as I was falling asleep, it hit me. These two groups, the fraternity and sorority, we called each other ‘little sister’ and ‘big brothers’. So there was an incestuous factor to our little parties of love. That woke me up. But I began to think again over all our joint efforts described, or laid out, before us. But more, how we might be feeding off each other in our attempts to be perverse, free, freely sexual, uninhibited, free love, free sex, hedonist whatever we were advocates of.

It had taken me that long to see it. Like I said, I’m naive. Or, maybe just stupid. I soon learned Little John was a junior, having started college seven years earlier. He had gone on an athletics scholarship, but now was paying for college and finishing it up on his own. He worked in the college mowing lawns in the warm weather and ploughing snow in our long winter.

The next week was on the whole uneventful. We worked on homework, and our memorizations. Other than sucking cock at meals and always being naked in the clubhouse, things were normal. Some of our little sisters, the sorority members, not pledges were around every day. Often when one was there, she would jerk off a pledge, telling him what a worthless cock he had, while she chatted and socialized with members.

Two of the pledges were having a harder and harder time sucking cock, and in solidarity me and the others would pick up their slack. They would sit under the table while we sucked cock and wait for us to be done. The President and the VP acted like they didn’t know what was happening. About once a day one of the members would fuck me, usually in the living room while everyone chatted about sports or school.

The next Friday the fraternity was having an open house. Members could bring dates, the sorority would be there, and there were kegs of beer, four at least. We pledges had to serve beer, naked of course. Some of the guys had dates from the girls of town, mostly high school seniors. One guy was dating a woman with six kids from her biker bitch days.

Twice during the party Little John jerked off a dog for entertainment. Twice I was pulled into a room with a group of members with dates, sorority or otherwise, and they watched the dog fuck me. Everyone would make comments about what a little bitch I was, and how I loved being a bitch. That night I got my nickname, and from then on was called D-Bitch, like one word “Dee-Bitch” by most everyone who ever saw me with a dog, that’s like all the members of both the sorority and fraternity, and their dates who came to parties. Even people outside the clubs started calling me that, without knowing its full reason, too. By the end of the year, even the teachers and staff were calling me De-Bitch, or DB, just one of the odd assortment of nicknames fraternity pledges gets.

Jackson, one of the members, he was dating a tiny girl, 18, she couldn’t weigh more than 70 pounds wet, from the local school. She didn’t leave the clubhouse for the next week and a half I don’t’ think. She must have fucked every cock that came into the house. She was insatiable. She was being fucked by the dog for everyone to see at least once a day, most times more. She was drunk or high the whole time. The sorority President didn’t like her being there, and often would make fun of her. Make fun isn’t the right term, she took joy in trying to humiliate her.

The girl seemed to get off on being humiliated though. I heard the guys talking about fucking her in groups, peeing on her, especially when sorority girls were watching. The next week’s open house party her brother showed up trying to find her. The guys got him so drunk he could barely stand up. They made him watch her being fucked by the dogs, peed on, have odd things shoved in her ass and pussy for everyone to laugh at. When he left, he told her he was telling their parents what she was doing and to never come home. A few days later he showed up with their Mom and dad, and they took her home. She was drunk and screaming and yelling she didn’t want to leave. They carried her out to the car, naked, and put her in the trunk and drove off.

She showed up a few days later, sober, saying her brother and dad were hating on her and treating her like dirt. She wanted to live in our clubhouse. We couldn’t have women live there by charter. She moved into the sorority house as a maid. Every time I went there she was naked cleaning the house, or in some bedroom having sex with girls or guys, often with Jackson.

A month later she turned up pregnant and Jackson and she got married. They got a house nearby. I heard Jackson was pimping her to guys from the town almost daily. Every time I saw her from then on, she was as happy as a girl could be, even when 8 months pregnant being fucked by the dogs. She’d have a dog on her back, scratches everyplace, drool caked in her hair, slathered in semi dried cum, staring at her man happy as a goldfish in a bowl of whisky water.

Our last day as pledges we were told all six of us had passed all our tests. It was brutal let me tell you. You try to remember all that shit, but somehow I remember everything I had to recite and can do it all again now, while matches burn and timers time.

We were told after we became full members, we wouldn’t have to suck any cock again, if we didn’t want to. All the other pledges were shouting happy, and they all said they would never suck a cock again in their life. I made sure to suck every cock in the clubhouse that day. We had guests, alumni members, some with their wives visiting the school for homecoming. I was told I had to make sure the alumni were treated as they wished. All of them had me suck their cocks, with their wives watching if they had one with them. I think the wives were more excited watching me then the alumni were being sucked. I was going from room to room most of the day, and at night, when we weren’t at the game, so most of the night I was in a bedroom, with a line of people outside waiting turns.

After the hockey game, we didn’t have football, hockey was, is, our game, we had a big party. During one portion, I was pulled from the room I was in, and everyone watched Little John’s dog fuck me. As soon as Little John’s red lab is done and pulled away from me, another dog takes it place, and it was a deer hound I think. The dog of an alumni. That dog pounded my ass harder than Little John’s dog ever did. His cock was much bigger and his knot was even bigger. The women, alumni wives, dates, sorority sisters, all dressed up for the game were having a better time than the guys were I think screaming at me to cry like a bitch getting fucked. The big dog took hold of my neck and kind of bit down, holding me. I came when he took hold of my neck. His fur was rougher, coarse. He smelled of some dog shampoo. I was a shaking mess getting fucked.

One alumni wife, Mrs. Boston everyone called her, I forget her real name, she was taking every member into a room one at a time to fuck her while her husband watched. I think she fucked every alumni and member there that night.

I woke up in the morning, my ass hurt pretty good, and I was so full feeling I couldn’t eat. I was in bed with Mr and Mrs. Boston. I didn’t remember the end of the night. It was so weird it was like I passed out or something. I learned later they had given me a Mickey to pass out. I heard she even had something she would inject to make a guy have a hard on for hours. I woke up with a hard on and a bruised cock that hurt like crazy. I put a wet towel with tons of ice on my hard on, and it got softer, but not completely, an hour or so later it was fully gone. But my cock hurt for like a month after, and looked bruised for a long time.

She was mean bitch, laughing and putting all the younger guys down, like we were trash, less than trash, and stupider than a fifty cent whore. She got on really well with a group of the sorority sisters. The group really liked to watch me get fucked by the dogs or guys, or suck either until I couldn’t breathe anymore.

The day we became full members. It was a very sombre and ritualistic affair. With candles and obligations and hugging all around. At the party later I was so drunk I could hardly walk. I was sucking cock like a fiend, mostly so the girls could watch. Their guy would want them to suck their cock and the girls would beg, or insist that I do it, and watch instead. Late, late that night, everyone else was either passed out or asleep, Little John tied me to a stool and had three dogs fuck my ass. It hurt like hell, I was whining in pain, the position all wrong.

It felt great, but it hurt too. I was a babbling mess by the time it ended. He made me suck him almost the whole time, me crying and babbling on his cock mostly. My nose a running mess, drooling all over his cock. He hadn’t cum so he fucked my ass when the dogs were done. I was still tied to the stool. He fell asleep fucking my ass. I fell asleep after he did, him laying on top me his cock hard in my ass, It was hard to breath, but I finally just fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning, to the president pushing Little John off me. They untied me and laid me down in a shower to wake up and get the blood going to my feet and hands better. I laid there in the shower until the water was ice cold.

Time passed, it was the Christmas holiday, or about to be, the last week of the first school semester. In those days most of the school didn’t go home for the holidays. We were too far from home, driving in that much snow was a bear and all. About 70% of the students stayed and had the holiday there.

I woke up one day in Little John’s bed, as I often did, having sucked his cock until we both fell asleep. He pushed me off the bed so I was scrambling like a cat thrown out a train window, like he usually did. I ran out and started helping to get the house ready for breakfast, helping the cook. Mrs. Hanover liked me. She was an older lady, in her late forties or early fifties. She was the thinnest cook I had ever met. She had real small tits and wouldn’t wear a bra, her nipples super long sticking out for everyone to see through her clothing. She sometimes would flash me and then tell me to get back to work, I’ve looked at her tits long enough.

At breakfast Little John says for the Christmas party, he has a friend coming over to fuck the dogs for her first time. She’s ‘older’ and we better treat her like a queen or he was going to beat our ass so hard we would spend a month in hospital. Everyone is kind of excited and curious at the same time.

The night of the party, everyone is all dressed up in fancy Christmas clothes. Our Sorority sisters are there. I was dating a girl, well, kind of dating, from the local high school. She chatted me up at a gas station she was working at and thought ‘college perverts are the best perverts in the world’, her words. She asked if I was a pervert, I said yes. She asked if she could come see. I invited her to the party. Her name was Carmen. She showed up wearing a thin white dress with some kind of white design of ivy leaves on it. I hugged her and then slid my hands from her shoulders past her butt to find she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties. I started getting hard instantly.

She rubbed my hardening cock, and whispered in my ear, “I’m not wearing panties or bra, just for you, pervert.”

I got her a drink, she said it was her first, a whiskey sour. She sat on my lap and kind of ground her pussy on my cock for the next hour or so while she chatted with other couples there.

The door opened and in walked Little John, all dressed up with a fancy green elf hat and a red nose, like a clown nose. Behind him, he’s half dragging a woman, hard to see in her fur hat and coat. Carmen says, “Oh shit,” and starts to move, when she realizes there is no way she is gonna get out of there before she’s seen.

She sits back on my lap and waits for the women to finish taking off her coat. She starts grinding harder on my cock. Little John is making introductions around the room starting on the far side. The woman is thick, real thick, but not fat. She looks strong like a woman used to doing heavy work. Her hair is really long, mostly grey with some of her original mouse brown showing. From the back, I figure she’s like late 60’s. She gets closer to us, and her profile is mostly what I’m seeing when I realize she’s the head cook from the mess hall from college. I usually see her hair all braided up under a net, dressed in white like a nurse almost, serving food, covered in sweat and food. She had massive, huge, gigantic tits. I realized I often never saw her face, I must have always been staring at her tits when I talked with her. I wondered if she noticed.

She gets to the people next to us and stops short staring at Carmen. They both stare at each other, Carmen with half a look of dread and half a look of daring her to say something. The women, whose name I couldn’t pull up even though I had just heard it like a dozen times, she’s starting at Carmen like she’s the deer in the deer in the headlights, and also like she’s about to shoot a deer in headlights. The play of looks back and forth was crazy.

Finally she shakes the hands of the people next to us. Before Little John can introduce us, the women reaches out and takes Carmen’s hand saying something in Spanish like, “É bom ver-te filha.”

Carmen was about to say something, and stops. She says . “É bom te ver também a mãe, sua puta de merda hoje à noite?”

The girl next to me, on Jackson’s lap, she starts laughing like a hyena, saying, “Did you just ask your mother if she’s a whore tonight? God, you got balls, girl.”

Carmen stares at her Mom. I look from one to the other. Carmen starts to shake like she’s super embarrassed. I really thought she was gonna pee. Her Mom is looking at her like she was shocked and then pissed like she was gonna bite the head off a snake. Carmen says in a whisper, “Me desculpa mamãe, me desculpe.” Then in English, “I was shocked, Mom, I’m sorry.”

Her Mom’s face changes from anger to first a half smile, and then a true smile. She kisses her cheek and says something in her ear and Carmen relaxes. Carmen downs her drink in one gulp and asks if me if we can get a drink. We get up and go to the other room, Little John takes my seat and Carmen’s Mom sits on his lap. Like all the girls were doing.

Carmen’s Mom, Mrs. Espinoza, is chatting with everyone. Carmen is frozen for a bit and then she takes me by the hand and we go to the bathroom together and she asks me to fuck her. I was young, I wasn’t about to not do as asked by a pretty girl. She hiked up her dress, and pulled down the top. I almost ripped my pants, trying to get them off. My cock hard, I positioned myself. She was super uber moist.

My cock slid in part way. Her pussy was so tight, I had to wiggle and squirm to get deeper. I fucked her at first soft and easy, her half propped on the sink, then harder, more and more. I kept thinking about her Mom in the other room, I couldn’t cum, I must have fucked her for like ten minutes. She had to take her dress off it was getting so wet it was almost see through she was sweating so much. I think she came at least twice.

There was a knock on the door and we both yelled the room was ‘occupied’, and started laughing. The President walked in and laughingly asked if I needed a hand since I was taking so long. Without thinking, I said, “Here, you fuck her I can’t cum with her Mom on the other side of the wall.”

Carmen grabbed hold of me like I was throwing her off a cliff. I half picked her up and handed her to the President of the house. The last half second she let go of me and threw herself at the President. I wasn’t sure how he got his cock out of his pants so fast. He started fucking her, his pants belted with his cock out the zipper, my pants were laying on the floor. He fucked her for like 1 minute and shot his load in her pussy, she was having another orgasm. He stepped back, placing her ass back on the sink. Her dress pulled up and pulled down around her waist. Instantly I slid my cock back into her and started fucking her again.

The feel of another man’s cum in her pussy got me harder, hornier. She started saying things to me in Spanish, going on and on saying the same thing. I must have fucked her another five minutes. We were both sweating like we had just jumped out of a pool. I came in her pussy and as I’m about to slide out, the President says something about his turn again, and he slid his already hard cock back into her. She smiled and said something in Spanish to both of us, then stopped and said she loved having two guys fuck her.

I got down and started sucking on the Presidents nut sack and trying to lick Carmen around his cock. She started cumming like she hadn’t ever before, I think she orgasmed for like two minutes straight while the president was fucking her. She begged him to stop. He stopped and pulled out of her and I took his cock in my mouth. Carmen was shocked and giggling. “Your sucking his cock, thats so fucking… so fucking awesome.”

He was about to shoot off and I took his cock and slid it in her pussy and he shot his load into her. She was in bliss, enjoying the sight and knowledge he was shooting his cum in her pussy.

We got dressed. Carmen’s dress was soaked through from sweat and a leak in the faucet. I think we bumped into a handle. It was pretty much see through now, like a wet tee shirt contest. Her hair was stringy from sweat.

We walked out of the bathroom all three of us, and went straight to the bar and got drinks, I downed like two beers and the president said he had to go do his duty and left. Carmen had like three whiskey sours pretty fast. It was obvious she was wasted. I was standing behind her, she kept sliding her hand down my pants to play with my cock while she looked around the room. I had my hands under her skirt as she sat on the stool in front of me. Her skirt was bunched up at her waist, her legs splayed wide, my fingers rubbing her clit and playing with her pussy.

Mrs. Espinoza was also drinking hard, but no way drunk, sitting on Little John’s lap, his hand under her dress playing with her pussy, her legs open on either side of his wide legs. Her buttons were unbuttoned low and you could see her massive cleavage, promising massive tits. She had the biggest tits of any women I had seen at the college. I had often wondered how she got bras that huge.

A short portion of the night went on like that. Pretty soon most everyone was smashed. Carmen was smashed and having trouble walking, I took her into a bedroom, stripped her clothes off and we fucked like only the drunk can fuck. We had a lot of people standing around, half couples and half single guys. The girls were talking about how young, she was and how pretty she was and then most of them were fucking someplace else in the room. I got up after a while and let another few guys have a chance with my pretty date. We would fuck for a while and then slide out to let another slide into her before she knew the first had stopped.

I went out to the bar to get water. Mrs. Espinoza was buck naked, on her hands and knees, with Little John’s dog fucking her. From the angle I think up her ass. Her massive tits so long they didn’t hang under her straight arms, but rested the majority of her tits on the floor. I sat watching for a bit. The dog finished and Little John took its place, fucking her pussy in the middle of a circle of people drinking, talking and making out anywhere from kissing to fucking. When Little John shot his load another guy took his place fucking Mrs. Espinoza she was in heaven, talking and obviously drunk, begging, “Fuck me, fuck me, god, fuck me, fuck me…”

When Little John replaced a guy with his dog again, I ran into the bedroom and got Carmen, she was more awake, less drunk now. I pulled the guy off her and told her she had to come see her Mom. She looked at me like I was crazy, but followed as I’m pulling her naked from the bedroom into the living room.

Her Mom is on her hands and knees still. Laying on each side of her is a guy whose taken one of her massive tits off the floor, pulling it like a half mile or more from her body sucking hard on her humongous nipples. Carmen almost shit herself at first in shock and then giggling. Little John’s dog if fucking her again, this time his cock definitely in her pussy. I tell Carmen her Mom did it last time with the dog in her ass. She was giggling, saying “God that is so nasty” I asked if she liked getting fucked in the ass, as we watched her Mom getting fucked at lightning speed by the dog. She said she never had done it.

I grabbed a bottle of oil from the shelf, we had them everyplace, and oiled up my cock, I bent her over. She never took her eyes of her Mom, and slid my cock to her little tight asshole. I paused, not hard, but steady, and she started moaning. Soon she relaxed a bit and I got the head of my cock into her ass. Slowly I kept pulling her hips back, sliding a tiny bit by tiny bit into her ass. After the longest time I had my complete cock in her ass, her butt hole tight on the base of my cock.

I slowly started fucking her ass. She was making grunting noises and watching her Mom with the dog still laying across her back, with guys sucking on her tits. Little John was in front of her and she had his cock all the way down her throat, her nose shoved deeply into his pubic hair, as if she was starving, not moving, just pulling his cock deeper with her mouth. The dog flipped one leg across her back and was standing ass to ass with her. Carmen said to me, “I want that, after you finish in my ass. I want to feel you cum in my ass, lover. Then that.”

It took a long time for me to finish. My cock was harder than any previous time that night. I was going slowly but in time I was really fucking her ass real rough. She was rubbing her clit with her fingers almost crying she was so horny. I had had my eyes mostly closed, and looked up to see Carmen’s Mom staring at her getting fucked in the ass, Carmen her eyes closed, her fingers in her pussy. I came instantly. I kept cumming, staring at Mrs. Espinoza staring at me, fucking her daughter. Mrs Espinoza was sitting back, her legs spread wide, dog cum pooling under her huge gash of a pussy. She smiled when I stopped fucking her daughter. She tried to get up but Little John had a tit in his hands and mouth and wouldn’t’ let her.

Carmen almost passed out when I came. I picked her up and carried her to the centre of the living room, sitting next to her Mom. Carmen woke out of her sex revelry and looked at her Mom looking at her. They whispered things back and forth about how did they like this and that. I went for water for everyone.

When I got back Carmen was on her hands and knees and her Mom and Little John were helping one of his dogs onto her back. Her Mom was holding the dogs cock and guiding it into her daughter’s pussy. I got there and passed out waters and got in front of Carmen and started kissing her. She was in heaven being pounded a thousand miles an hour from the dog, grunting and moaning into my mouth. She sometimes screamed, more a high whimper, but loud, like when the knot popped her pussy opening. And when the texture of cum changed from precum to puppy cum, I think she screamed, then too. Something about, “Fill my cunt with puppies.”

Her mother was playing with one of Carmen’s nipples, rubbing and twisting it between her fingers. I stopped kissing her and got on my back under her and started sucking on her clit and pussy lips while the dog shot cum deep into her belly. She started screaming like she was being murdered.

She grabbed my balls with her hands and started squeezing them, playing with them, squeezing so hard I wanted to cry out in pain myself. Her Mom put her fingers inside her daughter’s hand and stopped her from hurting me. She wrapped her hand around my cock and started jerking my soft cock, soon to be hard again. I kept licking and sucking on her pussy lips and clit. Before I knew what was happening, the dog pulled out and a huge glut of cum came pouring out of her pussy all over my face and hair and chest. I was almost drowning in cum.

She collapses on top of me. She didn’t’ move, begged no one to touch her, for a long time, her legs on either side of my head, my chin resting in her gaping pussy, cum dribbling out her cunt on my face, her face buried in my groin. After a long time she adjusted and started sucking on my cock like a pacifier. Soon she was asleep, sucking on my cock like I said. Soon I was asleep as well.

I woke up with a shriek. Carmen’s Mom was awake, shrieking like the dead were walking. She was yelling things to Carmen about getting up, being late, her aunts and uncles being at home soon to pick them up for church. It was Christmas day. Carmen said something in Spanish and her Mom said, “We can’t be whores on Christmas day, Jesus doesn’t like whores on Christmas day.”

Carmen said, “Fine Momma, but tomorrow we go looking for a dog.”

Both women ran to the car putting clothes on as they drove away. Carmen didn’t even say goodbye to me.


The fraternity got me through college, in many ways. First they made me study and helped me earn my degree. I might have been the last in my class, but I graduated. They also let me suck cock like a fiend. I was fucked by a dog almost every day in college. I sucked at least three cocks a day. Both helped me concentrate when I did study I think.

My sophomore year they took me to a tattoo parlour. I was passed out drunk. They had tattooed on my lower back “Canis Canes” in fancy script, just above the crack of my ass. It’s still there. Means, “Bitch for Dogs”.

All my life since I’ve been a bitch for dogs. My senior year I started dating one of my little sorority sisters. She had pledged the same time I had. She was the one who congratulated me for doing that first show. Her name is Ginger. Most people thought we were a great couple, and we were actually. She made all the decisions, and would ask me a question in a certain way, and I would say what she wanted to hear. Out of the public, she was more dominant, telling me what to do, especially in the bedroom. She loved watching dogs fuck me. She would suck or fuck our dogs about one time for every twenty I did. We would go to bars and pick up guys, before they could fuck her I would get them ready, fluffing them. After they fucked her I would suck them hard again, for rounds two and three.

About five years after college, she brought a guy, Phil, home from work. She was a chief civil engineer by then. I was working at the same company as a mechanical engineer, but at a low level. I didn’t know him. He was bisexual too, and soon moved in with us. He’s a black guy, well over six feet tall, with a cock not long, but thick, like about the size of a fire hose. He could put most guys to shame. I usually sucked him every morning and would fluff him to fuck every night. Ginger and I would fuck like four times a week alone, about one third of the time she and Phil did, but more often Phil and I would fuck her together. She adored two guys in her at once.

About that same time I left work to take care of the house, yard work and stuff. Inside the house I’m a housewife, sex toy, kitchen slut, bookkeeper, gardener, and repair man.

About once a month, after I stopped working, we started hosting sex parties from work. My ex-boss and co-worker’s would be there most time. I would serve food and drinks often in a fetish French maid costume. Soon almost everyone I knew had seen me fucked by our dogs at least half a dozen times. Even the people from work soon started calling me D-Bitch, or DB.

About two years later I reconnected with Carmen. She had been married, had a son, got divorced, and was working at the college with her Mom. Things progressed quickly. She moved in with us, and together we do the house and yard and dogs, Phil and Ginger.

Ginger and I have three kids together. Carmen and I have another two. Carmen, she has another from Phil, and her older one, Harvard, whom she had before we got back together. I’m the legal father of all the kids, having adopted Harvard when he was four. The kids have all gone on to college, working in engineering, math or medicine.

So now I’m in my mid 60’s. My wife, her boyfriend, my girlfriend and I, and our seven kids are really one married unit. Shortly after I stopped working I started making mechanical art. Lawn and house windigos, pinwheels, moving mechanical art, with some wind and water fountains, and a lot of artistic clockwork art, and even clockworks and mechanical bells in the bell towers of churches and businesses. I make about three fourths of the household income, working from home fidgeting with my “toys”. I’ve been a staple in the Art world for a long time, on the cover of all the art magazines and some big national magazines as well. I’ve done ok.

It’s been a challenge to be true to myself, my family and my obligation, and be true to my public art life. I keep both separate, my public face that is – and my private life, but all our close friends know our true selves.

We’ve had a good pack of dogs over the years. We have two now, an English Mastiff and a Dane from a rescue group who couldn’t find anyone to take him. The fact that the dog was fixated on fucking anything that moved before they “rescued” him, and could never break him of it, had something to do with it. They are called Magnus (the mastiff) and Hurtful. We didn’t pick the Danes name, was on his collar when we got him.

About every other year we go back to our college. It’s not the same. With Aids our fraternity cleaned up its act, so to speak. The college had clamped down on the fraternities drinking and rowdiness, and got all Wiggy about our “hedonism”. There is almost no sex there at all anymore. The fraternity changed its obligation to one focused on Engineering, as if ours wasn’t.

But every time we do go, my wife, Carmen and Phil bring one of our dogs, or find a dog there. They put my collar on me, and my leash, and they highlight my tattoo. Then I put on a show for a small crowd who like to watch a dog fuck an old man, in the house of the dean of students, John Washington, who I knew from my Fraternity Days as Little John. Carmen likes to suck my cock with a dog in my ass, so she can enjoy that shower of dog juice when he pulls out, to this day.

Guess that’s all I got to say… I’ve tried to stay true to my obligation taken so long ago. Life is better with a dog up your ass, and a woman you love sucking your cock while you suck a line of fast shooters.


The End.

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