The Story of Tasha

By phantom of moonlight.

It was late one winter night when it happened. My family had gone out to visit my older sister’s opening night of a gallery featuring her artwork. Since I had homework, I had stayed behind, little knowing how well I was playing into the deviant plans of another. I had gone straight to bed after finishing up the last of my essays that were due in the morning, my mind simply on starting my senior semester strong. At sixteen, I had something to prove, more to my classmates and teachers than to myself. Skipping a grade is no mean feat and doing it in high school is altogether a singular achievement. It didn’t help that my shape and size didn’t fit those of my classmates.

Standing four feet, ten inches, I’m a cross between my Armenian father and Irish mother. Fair skin that never tans and doesn’t hold a single blemish against thick, black hair that trails down to the small of my waist. Add dark doe eyes surrounding thick, dark lashes that keep me from ever needing eyeliner, a cute nose, and full lips, and you’ve got a solid idea of how I look. Well, almost. I’m skinny. I hate using the word, too, because it matches my small breasts and tiny ass. No one wants to date a stick figure or a midget, and I’m both. At least I have breasts, I suppose. I keep hoping they’ll grow bigger. I’d trade the back pain for something to get the boys to look at me because my sex drive has reached its peak, and I would like the rest of me to catch up. As of this moment, I’m still the unfortunate virgin.

Our house doesn’t have any special alarms or companies to keep it from being broken into. Our neighborhood is decent, as is our house. I wouldn’t call us poor or trash. My mom is a paralegal who works in the same office as my dad, who is a low-key lawyer at some big-shot firm. No one knows him by name, but that’s fine by him. He moved here to start a better life, and so far, he’s proud of what he has built for himself and his family. After all, my nineteen-year-old sister is a newly minted celebrity in our community with her paintings, and my goal is to become a doctor. Everything seemed right in our world, which is why I was surprised when strong hands grabbed me in the middle of the night, shocked to be straight out of a dead sleep. The fight didn’t last long. Not only because I’m petite but because the pinch of a tranquilizer in my arm soon had me back out, making it easy to carry me out without a sound to arouse the suspicions of the neighbors.

When I came to, I was naked and lying on a high-class couch, if minimally decorated apartment. Like the typical kidnap victim, I tried the door only to find it not only securely locked but made of steel. There would be no battering down the door to get me free. From the singular window beside it, the only one I could reach without climbing up onto a counter or table, I found myself looking down into the floor of an inactive warehouse. It was more than mildly disturbing to find myself so alone and so high up. Going back to the door, I touched a finger over the lock. Was I smart enough to pick it? The answer never came as the sound of nails clicking on the bare wooden floor came. Turning my head, I caught sight of a big, black German Shepherd-looking dog. It could easily have been the specter of death that my mother’s Irish myths talked about. We stared at each other a moment, the dog’s nose clearly working the air while I stood stock still in hopes that it wouldn’t attack.

The dog moved closer, and my hand unconsciously went to the door’s handle, twisting it and pulling in vain. It’s not that I’m not a dog person, I always wanted a pet, but this is hardly a situation where I felt such a big beast worked in my favor. The door was freezing against my back, causing goosebumps to rise and my nipples to pebble into pink buds. The dog didn’t seem to care, calmly moving forward until that cool nose could brush against the skin of my chest, moving down the flat of my belly until it reached the junction of my thighs. It was then I realized I had been waxed bare. When had this happened, and why?! I could see the soft glow of some lotion or oil that had been used to soothe my skin, and for a moment, I thought that was what had caught the dog’s attention until it began to nose and nudge its snout between my thighs.

“Oh no!” I cried, twisting away as I quickly scurried away from the door and towards the closest open doorway at my back. “Bad, bad dog!”

The dog merely studied me as if the words did not affect me. The head lowered a little, and I swallowed back a whimper, hoping that my actions hadn’t pissed the beast off. It didn’t growl but began to progress after me, causing me to backpedal faster into a room that I soon found to be a bathroom and a dead end. It was a large, spacious area with stone floors and marble countertops. It screamed money, even though I wasn’t really evaluating it for that purpose. No, I was looking for a place to hide from the dog that was following me, anything that might block it off. There weren’t any closed cabinets or anything that I could see save for the singular space beneath the vanity sink.

Thinking to shut myself in, I rushed for the portal, quickly opening the handle-less door with a tug of my fingers at the top before folding myself into space below. The quick clatter of nails told me I was chased after, and before I could lean forward and tug the door closed completely, the dog’s head was there, stopping me.

Rearing back, I muttered a soft curse as my head hit the plastic pipes beneath, my hands lifting to my head to feel for any potential knot starting to form. In the moment of weakness and distraction, the dog used my seated position against me. With my legs folded one over the other, leaving the tender folds of my sex vulnerable, the beast had the perfect angle at which to get its prize.

My cry this time was wordless, more of a yelp, as warm breath washed over my bare flesh while the dog curiously sniffed and pressed its nose against my folds. My hands fell from my head to its, trying to push it out even as I futilely attempted to close my thighs.

“No, stop!” I whimpered, feeling a hot flush spread on my cheeks at being so exposed and examined by an animal.

“Please!” I continued to plead, my heart pounding heavily in my chest.

This snuffling about by the dog had a reaction that I was not prepared for. The hot breaths teased against the soft, sensitive skin, and its nose kept bumping and pressing around my clit until I could feel myself becoming aroused. I bit back a moan of protest at the realization, only to suck in a sharp breath when the dog reacted to my growing scent by licking me.

The first time was a shock for my whole system and didn’t truly cause my body to do more stay stock still, but the second? The second lick had my lower lips parting a little as the dog searched for the source of my scent. My feet slid forward to brace against the frame of the vanity sink, my knees knocking against the dog’s thick neck. At first, I tried to use that position with my hands to press the dog out. When that began to work, the dog looked up at my face as it growled, showing off the pearly white teeth it could easily use to cut me with.

I stopped immediately, my hands lifting and my knees relaxing open. Happy that it was given back its treat, the dog’s tongue easily parted the soft lips to slick along the tender entrance of my cunt, up to my clit. I cried out once more, pleasure and shock mingling together, making my fingers spasm and slide against my thighs as my brain could no longer figure out what to do. My head fell back against the stone, my eyes closing.

I trembled, but I could feel my body growing more flushed, more aroused as that tongue continued to assault my clit. Each stroke up felt like lightning coursing through my veins, making my thighs jump right along with my heart. I sank a little where I sat to find a more comfortable position when really it was my muscles relaxing as I gave up the fight.

As the beast began to focus on the very core of my sex, the slick sound amped in the small space, and I realized, as I felt a heated droplet slide between the valley of my cheeks, that I was wet. Wet enough for the dog to taste. Wet enough for that tongue to press in. My hips tilted up and lifted slightly when the beast’s tongue entered me for the first time, earning a groan as the roughness scraped against nerves, setting them alight. The second time, it managed to press deeper, making me pant as I felt my body stretch a little to open for that invasive muscle.

This time when the dog went back to licking along my exposed cunt, I moaned, the sound soft as my clit once again became the focus of its attention. I couldn’t stop my hips from twitching, the way my toes curled against the frame. When I’d feel myself dripping back down along the crack of my ass, the dog was right there, licking up the mess I had made and tunneling its tongue inside to clean me up more.

I didn’t know what to think or how to feel, and my body didn’t care. Somehow, my fingers found their way to the beast’s neck, but instead of pushing out, I was pulling it in. My lips were parted as I gasped and panted for breath, my frame jerking each time that tongue swirled around my clit.

Just because I was a virgin didn’t mean I wasn’t sexual with myself, and I knew I would cum. A soft whine crept from my throat as I felt myself getting closer to the moment, my eyes squeezed shut. I had never been more aroused in my life than I was in this moment, the pressure building and building until I was prepared to beg for release. The dog, though, did not care. It continued the same routine of licking up my juices and burying its tongue deep inside me again and again before focusing on the now-swollen bundle of nerves.

It was a clever dog.

I came with a sharp cry suddenly as the beast buried its tongue back into my body. I felt my muscles bearing down, pulling, milking the flimsy muscle inside me while my juices squirted for the first time in my life. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever felt before but pleasurable, adding to the moment while the dog’s tongue went to work cleaning me up with short, rapid licks. It quickly pulled another orgasm from me shortly after the first, and I felt the creature shifting beneath my hands, trying to get closer to me to push into the same space I was.

Only there was no more room beneath the sink to fit the dog. Part of my mind knew this. Most of me didn’t care or understand why this might be. It wasn’t until I heard the male chuckle and saw the hand descend into my limited field of view onto the base of the dog’s neck that I even understood that we weren’t alone.

I felt as if I couldn’t breathe as I watched the hand hold the base of the animal’s neck, keeping it from pushing in even as the dog continued to lick up its treat. The traitor that it was, my body seemed only to become more sensitive at being found, my legs trembling around either side of the dog’s head while my fingers pulled on the fur, all as it focused yet again on my clit.

“What did you find under there?” The deep, male voice asked, amusement clearly detected in his voice. “A little mouse, perhaps?”

I didn’t say a word, couldn’t, as I felt myself getting closer to yet another climax. When the man ducked down to look in, his blue eyes looked only too knowing at the sight of me, unabashedly taking me in with all my naked glory. He made a thoughtful sound as he watched before giving a softly spoken command in a language I didn’t understand. The dog instantly backed off, licking at its chops as it made room for the man to crouch down before me. I couldn’t judge his height, but he was built with thick shoulders and a good amount of muscle fitted beneath a white button-down shirt tucked into black trousers.

“Does the little mouse have a name?” He asked, and when I gave no reply, he just grinned.

I felt myself flush a little even as he reached in and quickly drew my feet out of the vanity before reaching for my forearms to pull me out in one simple move that had him standing and me balanced against the edge of the vanity.

“My, but you are a little mouse.” He teased, one hand shifting to hold an upper arm while his left reached to stroke along the underside curve of one breast. His thumb teased over the tight nipple, making me feel a spark of pleasure that went straight down my stomach to my clit. “I suppose it’s a good thing Max is a dog and not a cat, though you didn’t seem to mind being eaten.”

That gib pulled some of my senses back, and I gasped, looking up at him with wide eyes that only made him laugh. “What? There’s nothing wrong with what happened. In fact, I’m glad the two of you got along so well. You and Max will be spending a good deal of time together.”

His hand hadn’t stopped stroking along my breast as he spoke, and the last word was punctuated with the pinch of his first knuckle and thumb around my breast. It wasn’t painful but sensitive as I felt I gave a small cry, earning a tweak to the delicate bud as the man grinned. “I’m Alex, by the way, and your name?”

I glared up at him for his amusement at my expense, which only earned me a chuckle before his hand left my breast and began to stroke down over my belly. “Well, if you want to do away with pleasantries, we can get right down to it.”

Not understanding what he meant, I belatedly began to try to balk away from his touch as his fingertips grazed over my mound, causing him to give a sharp tug on my upper arm and use one loafer-clad foot to kick my feet apart just enough for his hand to settle between my thighs. I gaped at the sight, looking down, as I felt his fingers skim over the saliva and juice-slickened lips, felt him brush his fingertips against the very bottom of my sex before sliding his fingers back up. I hoped maybe he would stop, but he only used his fingers to part the soft folds, dipping a fingertip into the well of my cunt before drawing that finger up to my clit.

My hips bucked while I grimaced, breathing hard out of my nose as my toes curled against the hard stone. Couldn’t my body react properly for once? I could feel my body shake a bit as my arousal lifted back up to where it had fallen in the back of my mind. Alex didn’t stop until my hips bucked against his hand, causing him to chuckle again before sliding his fingers back towards the opening once more. “Ah, young flesh. Ever so soft, so eager.”

The heel of his palm brushed against my clit before pressing up against it, grinding firmly until I squeaked out a moan.

“There’s a good girl,” He said before one finger, and then another began to press into my body. His head bent, and he murmured towards my bent head as my free hand grabbed at his wrist as if to stop him. Not that I had that sort of strength, though, and we both knew it. Still, he tried to soothe me while slowly pumping those two fingers in and out, my eyes closing as I heard the slick sound of my body and felt the hungry pull of my muscles around those digits.

“Mm, good girl,” he repeated, his fingers picking up the pace a little, pressing deeper before spreading open inside of me. He didn’t stop me as I squirmed a little where I stood, my feet ending up a little further apart than they already were. Instead, his palm began grinding against my clit again, and soon I was leaning into that hand, my nails digging into his skin as my hips gently rocked into his palm.

His hand withdrew a minute or so later, and I looked up at his face dazedly while he gave me a hint of a smile. “Very good, Tasha.”

Hearing my nickname must have given my face a puzzled expression because he just chuckled again and brought his hand up before my face.

“Open up,” he instructed.

When I didn’t immediately comply, he shifted his body before me, his feet resting on the outside of my own while he let go of my upper arm and caught hold of my face from below my jaw. With only a little amount of pressure, he caused my jaw to drop and my lips to part. Holding me so, he idly wet my lips with his glossy fingers before easing both inside my mouth, stroking over my tongue.

The sensation caused me to shiver, and automatically, I wrapped my lips around his fingers. He murmured that I was a good girl again before ordering me to suck, hand relaxing slightly around my jaw but not quite releasing my face. I just did as he asked, tasting myself for the first time on another’s skin. My tongue shyly massaged over the fingers, cleaning them with light touches until he withdrew them from my mouth.

“That was good,” he said before his head dipped down to brush a kiss over my lips. “Such a good girl you are.”

There was a pause as he studied me before smiling. “Let’s move this somewhere else, shall we?”

I wasn’t given any choice; Alex swept me up in his arms and then walked out of the bathroom. I could feel myself wet against my inner thighs, the hum of arousal still crackling over my skin and pulsing between my legs. What was he going to do with me? What was going to happen? Who was this man?

All I had were questions without answers and the sound of the dog’s nails clicking on the bare floor as Max followed us out of the bathroom further into the apartment.


The End.


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