The Stray

By Unknown.

Part 1…

I am Prachi, a 20-year-old young lady from Pune, India.

I am sending you a story about something that happened to a friend and me some months ago.


Roshni and I are both 20-year-old young ladies who are in the same school class and have been long-time friends. I am 5’7″, and she is an inch shorter. We are both quite athletic and play a lot of sports, like basketball, tennis, and badminton. We both also have slim, well-boned bodies—the kind most guys lust after. Although we spend a lot of time together and our friendship is very strong, we are both quite conventional and have no lesbian tendencies.

This incident occurred one day when we were driving along a little-traveled highway a few miles from our homes. We had brought along a picnic lunch and planned to spend a quiet day relaxing after a hard year at school.

Around noon, we decided to stop at a rest area and have our picnic. We ate and talked when we saw a car drive up and park a short distance away. This surprised us a little since this rest area was usually very secluded.

A man exited the car with a huge black Doberman on a leash. Taking the dog to a nearby tree, the man tied the dog to it and then walked back toward his car. Seeing this, the dog began to bark and pull excitedly at the leash. We asked the man what he was doing to the poor dog. He explained that he and his family were moving out of the country and couldn’t take the dog. Since none of their friends could take the dog, he would leave it here, hoping that someone would give it a home.

After the car left, Roshni and I tried to resume our conversation but the dog was making such a fuss it was just too distracting. I suggested we leave but Roshni said she felt sorry for the dog and was concerned that it was hungry or thirsty.

Saying this, she took a couple of our sandwiches and a bowl of water to the poor animal. Roshni has always had a way with dogs and, even though she was a stranger to
him, he allowed her to pet him and didn’t appear at all aggressive towards her. She put the food and water in front of him but he continued whining and barking.

“Come on Roshni, let’s leave. We’ve done all we can for him,” I said

“I don’t feel right about leaving this dog all alone, tied to the tree,” she replied.

” We can notify the authorities in the next town and they’ll see that he is taken care of,” I suggested.

“I don’t know if they would do that or not. Let’s just stay with him awhile. Maybe that will calm him down,” Roshni said.

I shrugged my shoulders and changed the subject. All the while we had been discussing the dog’s plight, she was petting him, moving her hands slowly over his body. I noticed that her hands were now rubbing his tummy, causing him to roll over onto his back. As she continued to message the dog’s stomach, her hand accidentally touched his genital area. The dog suddenly stopped barking and began wagging his tail, whining plaintively. Roshni laughed and said, “He,s typical male, isn’t he? Touch his crotch and he’ll forget everything else.”

I just smiled at her. I thought she would let it go, but then she rubbed her hand along his penis sheath. I was shocked when his large red dick started to emerge from its hiding place. He again started making a noise, but it was very different than the fearful noises he had made a few moments before. He didn’t sound at all angry or frightened as he had a few moments ago.

“Our neighbours have a Poodle,” Roshni said. “They mentioned mating him with a bitch. I wonder if it’s mating season?”

“Oh, I don’t know anything about dogs, you know that,” I grumbled.

During this conversation, Roshni had continued rubbing the dog’s sheath and his dick was huge now. It was bright red; almost 8 inches long, with a shiny pointed tip.

“Poor guy”, I said sympathetically. “I hope there is a bitch around here somewhere.”

“This is the first dick you have ever seen isn’t it, Prachi?” she laughed.

It’s true; I was still a virgin. I had allowed a few of my dates to go as far as some heavy petting but here in India most girls are still virgins until they are at least 21. Roshni however had lost her virginity on a trip to America two years ago and now she kept teasing me about being just a child.

I just smiled as she crouched down near the dog that had by now regained his feet and was looking at Roshni expectantly. Suddenly it sprang at her and attempted to mount her. She immediately backed off and said, “Wow, he’s really horny.” Then, getting a strange look in her eyes, she added, “And so am I”.

At first I thought she was just kidding around but then remembered the time we logged-on to some Internet bestiality sites and how she had talked about how hot it made her feel to see a woman being screwed by a dog. Surely, I thought, she couldn’t possibly be thinking what I feared she was.

“You’re reading my mind aren’t you Prachi?” she said.

I really didn’t know what to say as she smiled at me and started unbuttoning her jeans. “No, don’t do it, it’s too dangerous” I cautioned her. She gave me one of her “go-to-hell-it’s-none-of-your-business” looks and quickly slipped was out of her jeans and panties.

Roshni stood there wearing only her T-shirt, completely naked from waist down. It was obvious that she was highly aroused; her inner thighs glistened with the moisture oozing from her aroused pussy. The dog must have smelled her excitement because he again started barking, this time in anticipation.

I mutely watched as she approached the dog, turned her ass toward him and went down onto her knees. The dog instantaneously attempted to mount her. She started giggling; even I started laughing as the poor confused dog tried in vain to penetrate her. “Come on, help him!” Roshni pleaded.

I thought about it for a moment and then walked over to her. The dog was whimpering and humping, his dick jabbing all over her ass but not finding the right place. I bent down and took his dick in my hand. Wow, it felt like nothing I had ever felt before. I just froze for a few seconds, amazed at the wonderful feeling of holding a dick in my hand. “Hurry up,” Roshni almost whimpered.

Regaining my composure, I guided the dog’s dick towards Roshni’s dripping cunt. As the head of his cock found her slit, he humped with all his strength, ramming it fully into her well-lubricated pussy. Roshni let out a blood-curdling shriek as the dog humped into her like a jack hammer! She continued shrieking and I became frightened, thinking that the frantic dog was hurting her. I asked her if I should pull the dog out off of her. “Mind your own damn business!” she screamed.

I stepped back as the Doberman continued fucking my best friend. I knew I should have been shocked and disgusted at what was going on but at that moment I only felt completely turned on. I was short of breath and I could feel my crotch becoming wet from my own arousal. The sight of my best friend being thoroughly fucked by this dog made me horny as hell. He was humping into her at a furious pace and she was shouting encouragement to him. ” Yayyyy, fuck me doggy! Come on! Harder, harder, faster!” Roshni looked so ecstatically happy. The sight a dog humping his great red cock into my best friend’s pussy gave me goose bumps.

I couldn’t take it anymore. In a flash I removed my jeans and panties, and plopped down on the grass, burying my finger in my virginal cunt.

(Well, I had popped my own cherry while masturbating with a hairbrush handle several years ago, so I guess I wasn’t still a virgin, at least technically.)

I moved over to Roshni and covered her mouth with my hands, stifling her excited cries. She then started making strange moaning sounds, which turned me on even more. She began thrashing her head from side to side and, thinking that she was having trouble breathing, I removed my hand. She cried out “Oh God, I’m cominggggg! Aaaaargh, Oh My God”, as she convulsed in the throes of a body-wracking orgasm.

I was surprised when, after her orgasm subsided, she quickly pulled away from the dog without allowing him to climax. I soon found out what she was planning.

The poor dog, being left high and dry, started howling again, sounding very frustrated. “Now it’s your turn to be his bitch, Prachi,” she said as she pulled me toward her. I tried to resist but she quickly forced me down into position in front of the dog.

He climbed up on my hips at once and, having learned from his experience with Roshni, wrapped his front paws tightly around my stomach and humped his prick straight toward my virginal cunt opening. He had some trouble getting it in though, as my fear caused my muscles to tighten up uncontrollably. It was so painful I instinctively tried to pull away, but he was having none of that. His paws yanked me back tightly against his red-hot prick! Roshni laughed at my efforts to dislodge him. “Don’t fight it girl,” she said.” “First time sex can’t get any wilder than this!”

The dog now had most of his dick firmly implanted in my cunt and started to hump it in and out of my quim. I thought that the muscles inside my crotch would tear apart, he was fucking me so hard and fast. However, pain and fear quickly turned to pleasure and in a minute or so I felt waves of sexual ecstasy coursing through my body.

I climaxed the first time almost at once but I didn’t pull away as Roshni had. The dog was still humping madly into me and I was screaming encouragement to him. Suddenly, Roshni went to the tree and untied his leash. The dog, released from his restraints, lunged forward and his dick rammed into the deepest reaches of my pussy.

“You wanted to have fun with me when I was fucking him? Well, I’ll show you what fun is!” she said with a devilish smile. She grabbed both of my wrists and twisted my arms behind my back so that both hands were in front of the dog’s nose. Then she took the leash and bound my hands together. I screamed in protest but to no avail. Once she had secured my arms, she let go and
my head banged to the grass, hurting my shoulders. The dog was also disturbed by my change in position and compensated by driving his prick even deeper into my
cunt. “You are making too much noise for a first time bitch”, Roshni commented as she removed her T-shirt and forced it into my mouth. Then she tied it firmly behind my head, gagging me with it. I couldn’t believe the position I found myself in; bound, gagged, with my virgin cunt being energetically fucked by a large, horney dog.

Suddenly, I felt him increase his tempo and, as his dick started to swell inside me, he shot his semen deep into my cunt. I had had about four orgasms by that.

He pumped his semen into me for what seemed like an eternity, filling up my cunt, the overflow pouring out onto my ass and down my legs. I felt a huge bulge expanding in my cunt. I tried to pull away, but the knot that had formed in his cock locked us in position.

He growled deep in this throat, warning me not to move. I was afraid of upsetting him, as I didn’t want him to bite me. (I’d certainly have a hard time explaining to my parents how a dog just happened to bit me on the ass!) After a few moments his knot subsided and his cock slipped easily out of my wet, abused pussy

As I looked around, I realised that Roshni had disappeared and that the dog, having satisfied his lust, had run away. The area was completely deserted. My mind worked furiously trying to figure out where Roshni had gone, leaving me lying on the ground half-naked and gagged with my hands bound tightly behind my back by a leash.

I lay there resting for a few minutes, then began working on the knotted leash which was still binding my wrists. Discovering Roshni had used a slipknot; I worked my fingers around its loose end and pulled. The knot released easily and, once my hands were free, it was a simple matter to remove the gag.

Then I wearily got to my feet, replaced my clothing and ran to where our car had been parked. IT WAS GONE! DAMN HER! I burst into tears, not knowing what to do next.


Part 2…

For those who missed Part 1 of this story, I am Prachi, a 5 ft 7 young light-skinned Indian girl with a slim, tight body and small firm breasts. My friend Roshni is 5 ft 6 and looks quite similar to me, except with a more dusky skin tone. We had gone for a drive when we encountered an abandoned doggy. He had fucked us both but then Roshni left me, bound and gagged, and disappeared with my car while I was fucking the dog. The dog, having shot its cum into me, also ran off. Here I was, in the mid-afternoon, naked and alone at a rest area in a lonely farm area on a deserted Indian highway.


It is very difficult to put in words what I was feeling at that time. Part of me was ecstatic, having thoroughly enjoyed my first fuck even if it was from a dog. Another part of me was frightened at the prospect of being alone and nearly naked on a lonely dangerous highway. I had no idea what I was going to do. I was too confused, frightened and horny to think logically. As I walked slowly toward the highway, I wracked my brain, trying to think where Roshni might have gone. Maybe she had just taken the car a short distance ahead to tease me. As I approached the highway, I heard the sound of a truck engine. Petrified, I immediately ran behind a tree. As I hid behind the tree, three or four trucks zoomed past.

That fucking bitch Roshni, I thought. Where is she? “Please come back Roshni,” I cried. I stood behind the tree weeping softly.

Suddenly hearing voices behind me, I spun around and saw two young boys about 100 meters away walking down the farm road herding their sheep before them. I stood rooted to the ground. In a few seconds, one of them spotted me. He stared at me for a few minutes then nudged his friend. He too looked at me as if I was some sort apparition. They started laughing, walking towards me. I became frightened and raced down the road about 200 meters, thinking that the boys were following me but when I stopped, out of breath, and looked back there was no one in sight.

My head ached and I was frantic with fear. I decided I had to do something positive, I couldn’t just run away from people. I needed help. I stood at the side of the road, hoping to drawthe attention of the next driver who came along.

Surprisingly, no vehicles came by for nearly half an hour. I was becoming discouraged when I heard a whimper behind me. It was a dog, but not the Doberman Roshni and
I had fucked earlier. This one was a smaller, mixed breed dog. I ignored it and continued staring at the highway, watching for a car or truck. The dog came nearer and started jumping at me, barking excitedly. “Shut up” I shouted at him.

He must have smelled my drying pussy juices or the Doberman’s cum on my crotch because he started jumping up on me, his paws clawing the small of my back. I ran, trying to evade him, but he kept pursuing me. I cursed him under my breath. Then I noticed his prick. My god, it was even thicker than the other dog’s, although a bit shorter. Don’t look at it, I told myself. Right now you have to get out of this jam that Roshni put you in.

I stopped and the dog jumped up, putting his paws around my hips and starting to hump against me, rubbing his prick in between my knees. Immediately, I felt a surge of desire flash through my body. Without a conscious decision, I immediately fell to my knees and put my head on the ground, right there in full view of the highway. The mutt immediately mounted me and started humping his cock against my bottom, searching for my pussy opening. After a few tries, he found it and, with a strong thrust, entered me fully. I let out a loud cry; he was a
lot thicker than the Doberman. His humping also seemed much more rapid. I climaxed quickly but he continued humping away. My mind was filled with a sense of deja vu.

Suddenly, Roshni appeared out of nowhere. She smiled as I tried to pull free from the dog, which proved impossible because his knot had expanded in my pussy, temporally locking us together. She was fully dressed, looking fresh and clean and carrying a bottle which smelled as though it contain homemade liquor. She must have bought it at one of the local hooch shops. She opened the bottle, took a sip and looked at me with an evil gleam in her eye. I mutely gave her an angry look.

She walked over and crouched down in front of me, lifting my shoulders and placing them on her knees. Holding the bottle up to my face, she shoved it into my mouth. I was shocked and refused to swallow.

“Oh, You won’t drink it? I thought you would love it,” she laughed.

I shook my head furiously.

“Well then, you are going to have very sore nipples!” Gripping my right nipple, she squeezed it so hard that tears filled my eyes.

“Drink it all or I will rip your nipple off!” she demanded.

Terrified, I began guzzling the hooch. Within a minute or so I had downed most of bottle’s contents.

Meanwhile, the dog began shooting his scalding hot cum into my throbbing pussy. His knot was so thick I thought my legs would be separated from my body.

By this time, however, I started feeling groggy; the hooch was having its effect on me. Roshni stood over me smiling as I passed out.

In the next part, Roshni will have to tell you what happened since I was unconscious.

Hi folks, this is Roshni. I’ll try to describe what happened to us next.

After a few moments the mongrel withdrew from Prachi’s cunt. She just lay there on her knees; knocked out by the strong hooch I made her drink. She was looking damn pitiful in that crumpled, torn T-shirt, which was her only clothing.

I slapped her a couple of times, trying to arouse her, but she just responded with soft, sleepy moans. This part of my plan accomplished, I dragged her a short distance away, placing her behind a large tree where no one could see her from the road.

I stood at the roadside waiting for a suitable vehicle to flag down. I had parked our car just down the road in a shady clearing. I stood there thinking of the fun that I was going to have and how my lifelong fantasy was about to come true.

A few trucks passed but I didn’t try to flag them down. Truck drivers could be very unreliable. I had to find someone more suitable. A large bus filled with college students passed by. No, that wouldn’t do either. Then I finally saw it, an army jeep full of men. I immediately waved my thumb in the air.

The jeep ground to a halt almost immediately next to me. There were seven men in the jeep, all about 30-35 years of age. There were also two women. I was wrong when, from a distance, I thought it contained only men. The man in the passenger seat looked at me and smiled. Oh, what the hell, I thought.

“Hi” the man said. “What’s a young girl like you doing out here alone in the country?”

“I was driving with my friend when my car broke down. My friend got a little sick and she is taking a nap behind that tree,” I said, pointing to the tree where Prachi slept peacefully. The man strained his neck towards the tree I pointed at but it was so large that he couldn’t see Prachi.

“You want a ride to a repair shop?” he asked.

“Don’t be crazy Amit,” the driver said. “A girl alone with a country mechanic? Its too risky.”

I smiled at this. He had raised a point that I myself was going to raise.

“Why don’t a couple of us wait here with these two girls. It’s too risky to leave them alone,” one of the men in the back seat said.

“That would be good.” I said, seizing the opportunity. “In fact, it would be a big help if about four of you helped me out, because the car is stuck in a ditch. It will have to be pulled out first.”

There was a short discussion about who should stay with us, then four men climbed out of the jeep. They introduced themselves as Raj, Amit, Sandhu and Mohan. The remaining three men and the two women drove off, promising to come back with a mechanic.

I took charge. I had to play this really well if my plan was to work.

“Three of you please go down that way and try to free our car,” I suggested, pointing my finger in the direction of where I had hidden the car, “The other one come with me and help me get Prachi on her feet.”

“I’ll help you with this Prachi person,” Amit said. “Where is she?”

Raj, Sandhu and Mohan started walking down the road to find my car. When they had passed beyond earshot, I smiled and said “Amit, please don’t be shocked when you see my friend” and started walking towards the tree and he followed.

You could have knocked him over with a feather when he saw Prachi. “What is this? Why is she like this?” he exclaimed as he saw her lying on her side, her eyes shut, her T-shirt torn, naked from waist down, and saliva drooling out of her mouth. I also noticed that the sight of Prachi, lying there half naked and helpless, was causing a huge erection to spring up in his pants.

“Our car is fine, really. This girl is my friend and is blind drunk but she is so horny she wants to be fucked by all the men in the world. She has already been fucked by two dogs,” I said, parting her ass cheeks with my fingers to show him the goopy wetness of her cunt. “Would you and your friends like to be next? She was a virgin until the two dogs had her but she really has great potential for fucking.”

He thought about it a moment and then said, “Any real man would love to screw a girl with a great body like hers!”

“Then help me pick her up. We’ll take her to the car. Your friends must be wondering where that ditch is that I told them about.”

Amit lifted her legs while I took her shoulders and we carried her towards the car and the other three guys.

“I can’t believe this! ” Amit said. “My wife is so fat. This will be the first time in almost 10 years that I’ve had a chance to fuck such a shapely girl!”

“Oh, she is beautiful and has a very submissive nature, and she loves to experiment also,” I told him.

Prachi was mumbling incoherently and trying to spit out the fowl taste of the hooch. She seemed to subconscious-ly realize she was being taken somewhere but her eyes remained shut.

I was almost breathless with anticipation. Just then a thought struck me. “Do you have any condoms on you? ” I asked. He said, “No, I didn’t think I would have any need for them.” This presented a bit of a problem. Poor Prachi might well be pregnant by the end of the day. Oh well, anyone can get an abortion these days, with no questions asked. This was not a reason to cancel my plans.

We carried Prachi down the road to where the three other men were waiting with puzzled expressions on their faces.

“Put her here,” I said. The sound of my voice caused them turn toward us, then stared at Prachi with eyes as big as hubcaps. Amit hurriedly put her down and started removing his pants. Ashe did, he explained in the most concise manner what was to be done. Hearing this, they all started undressing as well.

“Aren’t you going to join us? After all there are four of us,” Raj asked me.

“No thanks, I’ll just watch for now,” I said

Amit, who was now buck-naked, went down to his knees next to Prachi, who was lying on her side. He grasped the neck of her T-shirt and stretched it down so that her firm young breasts were totally exposed. The shirt was gathered in a roll just above her tummy, exposing her tits and securing her arms to her sides. He then turned her over onto her back.

“How does she do oral?” he asked me.

“Find out for yourself,” I told him.

Amit moved behind her head and opened her mouth by pulling down her lower jaw. She tried to protest but it came out as only an incoherent mumble. His cock, about 7 inches long, immediately sought her lips. He slipped it between them, then jammed it all the way in. Prachi, suddenly regaining a degree of consciousness, tried to say something but found her self-gagging on something large, hot and throbbing.

I knelt down beside her head. Amit’s balls and legs covered her eyes and nose. He was now on his knees, pushing his cock in and out of her mouth at an amazing speed.

“Suck at it, you boozed bitch,” he cried.

Prachi was moaning, trying to get away from the invading cock. I talked to her, saying that if she could hear me, she should suck at the nice cock in her mouth.

“Hey, she’s sucking it,” Amit cried in a triumph. “The bitch is sucking it.

What a hot, bloody whore!”

Raj, Sandhu and Mohan were standing around with their cocks hanging out; all were pretty much the same size as Amit, although Sandhu’s was immensely thick. When I told them to do something, Raj immediately grabbed her tits. They are not really all that big but they are firm and nicely shaped. He started sucking on them like a hungry child sucking on mango. He sucked on the left breast, holding and squeezing the right one with his hands. Prachi was feeling this, because she let out a feeble nasal protest. Mohan was meanwhile parting her legs and rubbing her pussy.

“Hey! It’s already sloppy! Who had her before us?” he asked

“Oh just a couple of dogs,” I laughed. He apparently took it as a joke and laughed as well.

Mohan didn’t indulge in any foreplay, just lifted her ass up a bit and placed his cock at the opening her cunt. He slowly slid it in and out until finally, with one big effort, he rammed it all the way into her almost virgin cunt. Even while sucking Amit, Prachi let out a groan of pleasure. Mohan started rocking back and forth. I couldn’t help noticing how much more slowly men fuck, compared to dogs.

As Sandhu stood with his thick dick in his hand waiting for his chance, I went to the car and got the camera we always carried to take photos of pretty sunrises. However, this was going to be something much different from our usual sunrise photos.

As I returned with the camera, Amit was spewing his cum all over Prachi’s face and she was murmuring something to him. Sandhu immediately took his place. His dick was almost twice as thick as Amit’s. Prachi had great troubling swallowing it but, helped by Sandhu’s pushing, she managed to swallow the whole length. Wow, never thought she could do it. Meanwhile, Raj apparently tired of her tits, stood up.

“Hurry, Mohan,” he said “It’s my turn next,” as Amit, his limp cock quickly hardening once more, came and
stood next to me. “Don’t rush me man,” Mohan said breathlessly. “Take the other cunt”

“But, she isn’t willing,” Raj said.

“Do you think this bitch would be willing if she wasn’t drunk? This gal wants us to abuse her friend, so let’s give her taste of her own medicine.”

This was an unexpected shock. I started to run but Amit grabbed my arm and said, “Where are you going’ honey? Don’t you want to join the fun?”

The next few minutes are a haze. Amit and Raj caught me and, despite my protests, stripped me naked in minutes. I stood there shivering in anticipation of what was to come.

“Bend over, bitch” Raj demanded.

I didn’t want to comply but Amit slapped my butt sharply.

“You heard him” Amit said and gave me another slap.

I finally gave in and bent over. Raj immediately positioned himself behind me and, without hesitation, slid his cock all the way up into my already wet pussy. He started to fuck me doggy style, causing me to gasp in indignation; I had been too complacent about these guys.

Actually, Raj turned out to be a pretty gentle guy and just stroking back and forth for a few minutes before coming all over my ass. As soon as he withdrew, Amit slipped his cock into me and began rapidly deep-stroking me. But I wasn’t really turned on yet and not even close to an orgasm.

While Amit was humping away, I looked at Prachi. Sandhu was now rolling her over as Mohan stood near him. I wondered what they were going to do to her. Then Sandhu said to her “Get up on your knees!” She just mumbled something. He pinched her ass really hard and she let out a moan of pain. “Get on your knees, bitch,” he shouted! With an effort she got her knees under her but her head was still resting on the ground, causing her ass to jut out in a very sexy way.

Suddenly Amit started fucking me harder and shot all of his cum inside my vagina. I thought that now I would have some respite, but Mohan immediately walked over behind me.

“Let’s see how you feel with your hands tied,” he said, harshly yanking my hands behind my back and lashing my wrists together with his belt. I looked over at Prachi. She was still on her knees but Sandhu wasn’t doing anything, just standing over her.

“Get that bitch over here,” he said. “And lets have them in unison!”

“Get over in front of her and take the same position.” Raj ordered. Amit roughly pushed me forward. I went down on my knees in front of Prachi; her eyes were halfway open now and she seemed a bit more sober.

I was now staring at Prachi from an angle at which her back rose above her head and then bulged out into her tight, shapely ass. I’m sure she had the same view of my body. Then I saw Raj standing behind Prachi. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw the tall, muscular body of Sandhu.

He was slowly stroking his thick dick.

“You kids want to have some real adult fun?” he said, sliding a hand between my ass cheeks and dipping his fingers into my cunt. I saw Raj was doing the same to Prachi. Raj took a blob of cum from Prachi’s cunt and rubbed it over his dick head. He then took two fingers and shoved them into her asshole. Simultaneously, I felt Sandhu inserting two fingers in my ass.

“Noo!” I cried, “We’ve never been ass-fucked!”

“In a moment you will never be able to make that claim again, girl,” Raj said as he dug his fingers deeper into Prachi’s asshole.

“Please Sandhu, not your cock, it’s too wide for a first timer like me” I begged.

“Look at it this way, once I get my cock into your ass, you will be able get anything in there,” Sandhu said with a grin and the others started laughing.

“I have to piss first,” Sandhu said, removing his fingers and walking away to relieve himself against a tree.

Meanwhile, Raj bent down and put the head of his dick against Prachi’s asshole. She moaned as he pressed it against her small, puckered opening. Then he put all his weight on it and suddenly half his dick popped into her asshole! She began to cry, saying “Please don’t do it, it hurts.” Poor girl didn’t even have the energy or sense to scream. Raj pushed in deeper as Prachi started trashing about wildly and crying even louder.

Sandhu came back and, without any preliminaries, pushed his dick into my pussy.

“Hey,” said Mohan, “I thought you were fucking her ass!”

“Have to lubricate it first,” Sandhu commented as he stroked it into me ten or fifteen times, then pulled it out.

“Your friend could take it into her ass because she was relaxed by the hooch but you will have concentrate on relaxing your asshole. Don’t tense up or you will get hurt, ok?” Sandhu said. I nodded fearfully.

He began to tenderly massage my ass cheeks, crooning “Relax…Relax.” In front of me Raj had penetrated Prachi completely and was humping her hard; she was still crying. I closed my eyes. Sandhu’s touches felt so erotic, anyone would have relaxed. For about two minutes he kept caressing my ass, then suddenly I felt a huge monster invading my anus. I cried out in pain. It felt so painful yet, at the same time, so nice. I cried out a few more times, as Sandhu’s mighty cock penetrated me to the hilt. He then began to stroke it in and out of my
ass. It felt so great to have my asshole filled with cock that I came almost at once. I opened my eyes to see that Raj was dumping his load into Prachi’s ass. In a few moments, Sandhu also shot a load into my intestines. The feeling gave me another orgasm. I lay there with Prachi in front of me and my hands tied behind me.

“Well Roshni, how did it feel, honestly?” Amit asked.

“Wonderful,” I answered with a smile.

Suddenly, the other three guys and the two women turned arrived with a mechanic. I had forgotten all about them. They were surprised by the scene, which greeted them. The two ladies shrieked in terror and ran quickly back to their jeep. The other three guys and the mechanic stood rooted to the ground and stared at us.

Sandhu explained how I had played a game with them. Then assured them that we both had enough energy left to satisfy everyone and told the four new men to undress. His three friends leered at our young bodies and quickly stripped off their cloths. The mechanic was a bit more reluctant but finally put his toolbox down and took out his cock out of his pants.

“The drunk girl is totally limp and submissive. Let’s try a ‘Unison’ on her,” Sandhu suggested. The three new soldiers nodded and walked towards Prachi.

I rose to my feet and stepped back. Amit untied my hands while I stood there, curious to see what a ‘Unison’ was.

One of the guys told Prachi to stand up. Surprisingly, she understood and stood up, although she was bent at the waist.

“Excellent,” a man, whom I later learned to be Prashant, said, “She is in the correct position already!” Prashant lubricated his cock with the sperm juices from her pussy, then shoved his dick into her asshole. She just groaned a little as his relatively small cock penetrated her anus.

Then a guy named John positioned himself on the ground beneath her, his dick pointing to the sky. “Now listen baby.” Prashant said to Prachi, “You have to sit down on his dick so that it slips right up into your pussy, ok?”

Prachi just nodded feebly and started lowering herself towards John’s groin. With a lot of help from Prashant and John, she finally got it in. John started to fuck into her pussy while Prashant did the same to her asshole. Then the third man, Neel, put his dick in her mouth. Prachi swallowed it hungrily.

I was struck by the irony of the situation. Just this morning Prachi had been a virgin. Now, by the evening, she had been fucked by two dogs and seven guys. All of her fuckable holes were filled with cock and she was loving it! What a way to be deflowered! And I took all the credit for her awakening.

Suddenly I felt a hand pushing me towards Prachi. Amit bent me over and rammed his prick into my ass. Although his prick was a lot thinner than Sandhu’s, it still sent painful waves of ecstasy through my body. As Mohan lay down in front of me, I realized that I was about to be ‘Unisoned’ also. I carefully descended onto Mohan’s cock. Oh shit, it felt so damn erotic, both my holes being fucked by large pricks. Then the mechanic stood in front of me with his huge cock aimed at my lips. Its 10 inches made it by far the longest cock present.

I opened my mouth. This was the first cock I had sucked today. The mechanic was so horny that he crassly jammed it into my mouth without any warning. It hit the back of my throat and I it took all of my concentration to swallow it completely.

Having all three openings being fucked at once is a great sensation and every female should try it once in her life. Raj took the camera and snapped a picture of both Prachi and me completely filled with dicks. I came about four times during the ‘unison’ which continued for about an hour. Whenever one guy exploded and vacated a hole, someone else came and filled it up again. This was very tiring for me but, at the same time, extremely satisfying.

Suddenly Raj, who was in my mouth, said something to Amit, who was in Prachi’s mouth. I didn’t exactly hear it, but it sounded something like “Don’t fill their mouths, I have something better in mind.”

Sure enough, they both withdrew without cumming in our mouths. John, who was in my ass, pushed me forward, until my face touched Prachi’s. “French kiss her” ordered Raj. I looked at him incredulously. We weren’t lesbians; he couldn’t do that to us. Raj reached down and pinched my nipple sharply. That was a very easy way to get my undivided attention!

“I SAID KISS HER!” Raj roared, as he cruelly pinched my nipple and applied a resounding slap to Prachi’s sore bottom. Prachi tentatively pressed her lips to mine. “I told you to French kiss her! Let’s see a little tongue action! Do it NOW,” Raj demanded, delivering another hard slap to our asses. I felt Prachi’s tongue softly reach out for my lips, then press its way between them. Suddenly excited by this new feeling, I opened my mouth and met her tongue with my own. Our tongues intertwined and a sudden passion coursed through my body, causing my
pussy to tingle. Judging by the way that Prachi’s tongue responded to mine, I knew this kiss was affecting her the same way.

I was sure that we weren’t lesbians, we both enjoyed fucking men too much for that, but this felt far too good to be ignored. I guess we both discovered that day that we might well be attracted to each other. I think the term that best describes our status would be ‘bi’. Whatever it’s called, it felt very comfortable. We would have to explore this further.

These sex games continued, with many variations, for several hours before the men tired of them. They finally cleaned themselves up, got back into their jeep and continued on their way.

After they departed, Prachi and I smiled at each other and embraced, kissing one another deeply. We had discovered something about ourselves that we had never suspected!

After cleaning ourselves up, we rested awhile then drove home.

“Why so late, Roshni?” my mom asked.

“Car broke down Ma,” I replied causally.


The End.


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