The Vicars Wife

By shygirlnu

Peter and Agnes were married for five years now.

Agnes is only twenty-three years old, and she is already stuck in the suffocation of a boring marriage with a man who is ten years older.

Five years ago, it seemed like a fairy tale. The good-looking, well-mannered, at that time 28-year-old young assistant pastor, who had shown interest in Agnes.

With sadness Agnes thought back at that summer, already more than five years ago. When Agnes is a happy, young girl who always smiled. Her beautiful blond curls were dancing around her head and her pouting lips always smiled. And when Agnes laughed, then her bright blue eyes were sparkling.

She is a joy to look at, and because of her openness and friendliness she is loved in the village, and an asset to the grocery store where she worked. Her cheerful character and her good manners, however, were nothing compared to her beauty. Every boy in the village had been trying to get courtship with her. But Agnes is not interested in boys. And certainly not for the farm boys from the village.

Just over two years ago, she went to a birthday party of a school friend who lived in the small town where she went to school. They had been all together in the movie, something that Agnes had not told at home, because she knew her parents would have disapproved that. They had been to ‘Dirty Dancing’. It is for Agnes a great experience, and she had never enjoyed herself so much of anything before.

After the movie, the birthday party continued, and everybody stayed overnight. In the dark, there is still a long time giggling and whispering about the movie and about Patrick Swayze and his hands, caressing everywhere. Agnes had gotten warm, and involuntarily her hand had slid into her cunt, where her fingers had done wonderful things with her clit. Without really thinking about sex, Agnes had become an orgasm. And that, she thought with some regret, is all the sex she had ever had till her marriage.


She had met Peter the first time when he bought groceries at the local supermarket, where Agnes is sitting behind the cash register. He’s a friendly, good-looking young man, and even though he had nothing of the rebel where Agnes often dreamed of, she thought him handsome and charming.

The next time they met was after church on the next Sunday. To Agnes her surprise, the young man is announced by the minister as a minister in training that in their church would work as an assistant minister for a while, as a kind of training. After the service he spoke to Agnes whet he said goodbye to the congregation.

“Hello,” he said. “I saw you Friday at the grocery store behind the cash register. Do you remember me still?”

“Sorry,” lied Agnes. “There’s hundreds of customers each day passing the cash register. I can’t remember them all.”

“I understand,” said the assistant minister, laughing. “You have, obviously, most impressed me, then I have made an impression on you.”

When her parents invited him for a cup of coffee, he accepted the invitation without hesitation. It was the beginning of an old-fashioned courtship. At first, her parents were not very pleased with the advances made by the ten years old man for their daughter. But gradually stroked their egos that their son in law to-be is a pastor, and she encouraged him even to court Agnes. And so is Agnes is going steady with the assistant vicar.

Actually, Peter is an accountant at a national accounting firm in the neighboring town, where he also lived. When Peter is offered to establish himself as a pastor in a relatively small village, whose pastor elsewhere became pastor in another church, he liked the idea. When he also could be transferred in the same position in the office of the accounting firm in a town near the village where he could become the vicar, he asked the parents of Agnes for the hand of their daughter.

And although her parents actually found Agnes is too young, and she still had to short going steady, they were so pleased with the idea of their daughter, who would become the wife of a pastor, that they were only too happy to give them permission. And so the courtship ended half a year after she started, in the marriage of Agnes and Peter.

He told them of the vacancy of Reverend and the transfer to another office of the accounting firm. He also told of the parsonage, which is empty, and where they could live. Agnes is overwhelmed, but her parents were in heaven! Their daughter would be the wife of a pastor! She would be one of the notables of the village while she is serving God.

From then on, everything happened in a daze. Agnes met her future in-laws who came for a familiarization visit to her parents. Then the mothers arranged for the wedding, which took place a month later on a sunny, but cold Friday in February.

Agnes lost her virginity on her wedding night. It’s the first time they had intercourse, and she had, after the initial pain that had caused the rupture of her hymen, soon regretted that she had not previously let herself fuck. She loved to be fucked, and she could not get enough of it. For the honeymoon, Peter had rented a cottage on the Veluwe. It’s small and cozy, and had both central heating and a fireplace. And despite the bright, sunny winter weather, the first few days they almost did not leave the cottage.

Later that week, Peter and Agnes took bike rides and walks in the area, but once they were back at the cottage, they undressed each other and had sexual intercourse in all possible places in the cottage. Peter even fucked her once during a bike ride in the woods. Besides the silent cycle path, where they had no one seen the whole time, stood a simple wooden bench. Two short, upright thick poles in the ground, and two longer, thinner sloping poles next to them. A thick, apparently out a tree sawn plank on the thick poles served as a seat and a thinner plank against the thinner poles served as a backrest.

With a mischievous look in his eyes Peter asked Agnes to stand with her hands resting on the backrest behind the bench with her legs spread. While Agnes expectantly took the required position, Peter stood behind her. He unbuttoned Agnes her jeans and pulled it over her buttocks down, together with her panties. Because Agnes had her legs spread, her jeans and panties did not go down further than to just above her knees.

And so Agnes became fucked in God’s beautiful nature. It’s the highlight of the honeymoon, and the peak of their sexual exploits. It is also Peter’s last sexual debauchery he ever made. Rather, it is the end of a week of sexual arousal and the beginning of a life with occasional conventional sex in the bedroom. And the beginning of a blank, boring, and meaningless life.


Agnes stopped daydreaming and with regrets, she returned to the present. Life as a married woman, Agnes had not brought what she had expected. Not to speak about sex. After the honeymoon, it went straight from the holiday bungalow to the parsonage. Peter, who lived on his own for some years had arranged that his furniture and other belongings were moved and unpacked so that Agnes came in a neat and tidy but to her completely strange house. Not that Agnes really cared.

She’s at her own home with her husband. That is all that mattered. Moreover, the parsonage is a spacious and sunny house with lots of light, and Peter had a good taste. She ran in front of him through the entire house. Arrived in the cozy and tastefully decorated bedroom, Agnes quickly undressed herself and went sprawling on her back on the bed.

“Let’s initiate the house,” Agnes said inviting. “Fuck me.”

Peter shook his head, laughing. “Come on,” he said. “Get dressed. The holiday is over and real life has begun!”

He turned and went away down the stairs.

Agnes is stunned! He just left her lying naked on the bed! Without even getting a hard on!


And her life as the wife of the pastor suggested here in this village not much either. The church is very conservative. The church board consisted only of men. And farmer Schumann, the richest and the most powerful farmer in the village is the Chairman. And Peter is turned like a leaf on a tree. From the love and happiness preaching assistant pastor, he had under the influence of the church board changed in one week into a hell and damnation preaching vicar.

And Agnes was weighed, and found wanting.

Her cheerful nature and her sparkling laugh and her helpfulness why she is so loved in her hometown, were in this gloomy village negative behavior of the wife of the pastor. And she is blamed for her beautiful dancing blond curls and her generous sparkling laugh. Then the way she dressed herself and walked or cycled through the village. In her colorful blouses and t-shirts that were showing the outline of her perfect breasts so well, and her equally colorful skirts, she is, according to Chairman Schumann, the personification of seduction. In short, Agnes is not a woman that you could sent on home visits to sick people. Besides the wife of Chairman Schumann could do it better anyway.

Apart from the cleaning and arranging the flowers in the church, there’s no function for women to play in the church. The flowers were already taken care of by Mrs. Schumann, and even though Chairman Schumann found Agnes unsuitable as a pastor’s wife, the fact remained that she is the wife of the pastor.

And it’s not worthy of the wife of the pastor to clean the church.

What remained is collecting money, and there she had a lot of benefits with her cheerful appearance and her attitude. Because whatever Chairman Schumann, also might find about it, the people liked Agnes. She’s interested and compassionate and people were happy to chat with Agnes when she came at their door to collect money. And they gave generously. Agnes is collecting nearly twice as much money as the wife of Chairman Schumann did.


The first year, everything is still new. She had met the villagers. The parsonage redecorated and refurbished. And she had enjoyed her freedom as a married woman. Until there is nothing left to enjoy. Not even the sex because the pastor still poorly once a week, on Wednesday evening before bedtime, had sexual intercourse with her. And the success of Agnes with the collections is the wife of Chairman Schumann a thorn in the flesh. So she arranged behind Agnes’s back for others to be in the collections by the women of the women’s council, and so Agnes was bored for four long years.


Fortunately, the last month, there’s something to do. The house next to the parsonage had been empty for more than five months after the old lady who had lived there had just before Christmas broken her hip, and is deceased on the complications of the surgery. Shortly after the New Year the sign is placed in the garden, and it had been there for sale for over three months, before the sign is removed. Agnes had no idea who the new residents are.

But of all the jobs that the new owners had left to do she knew. For a month there is a coming and going of workers in vans. Carpenters, masons, heating and sanitary engineers, electricians, they drove back and forth. And don’t forget the gardeners.

The day before yesterday the moving van had arrived. Unfortunately, Agnes had just been to the shop when the moving van arrived, so she could not see how the new residents looked like. She then still had tried all the time to catch a glimpse of the new neighbors. And yesterday she had done her best to catch a glimpse of the new neighbors too, but in vain. And so Agnes again had nothing to do. And so Agnes is bored again. And so she did what she always did when the weather is nice. Drinking coffee under the chestnut tree in the garden.

While Agnes is in the kitchen making coffee, she heard the doorbell. When she opened the door, she saw a much older woman.

“Good morning,” the woman said. “May I introduce myself? I’m Reina, your new neighbor. ”

“Nice to meet you,” said Agnes. “I’m Agnes.”

“My husband and I would like to invite you for a cup of coffee to get to know each other,” added Reina. “If you have at least time and if you want”.

“I have both,” said Agnes. “And I’d like to go with you.”

She grabbed her house keys from the cupboard and pulled the door shut behind her as she followed the footsteps of Reina in the house of the new neighbors.


Agnes followed her new neighbor along the street, across the newly constructed driveway through the newly landscaped garden to the front door of the neighbors. The neighbor opened the door with her key, and let Agnes go first through the door into the vestibule. A black Labrador came to meet Agnes, wagging his tail.

The dog did not jump on to Agnes, as she had expected, but began to sniff her enthusiastic. He even stuck his nose under her skirt and nuzzled her thighs and her crotch. Because of the pressure on her crotch Agnes could feel that the dog tried to lick through her panties at her cunt. Moreover, she felt the sandy rough dog’s tongue licking along the top of her thighs. It tickled, and her cunt started to twitch.

Agnes is not sure what to do.

Actually, she wanted to push away the dog, but she did not dare.

“You don’t need to be afraid,” said Reina. “The dog will not harm you. He only sniffs at you because he wants to get to know you.”

Agnes said nothing.

“It’s such a sweet dog,” the woman said. “So watchful and so obedient. He is a true, loyal friend.”

While the woman continued to talk, the dog continued to lick over her crotch. And although Agnes didn’t find it unpleasant, it was nevertheless particularly embarrassing.

She’s about to push the dog away when the door opened and a tall older man came into the hallway. He came up with arms outstretched toward Agnes.

“Hi, neighbor,” the man said with a broad smile. “Nice of you to drink a cup of coffee with us oldies. I’m Ron.”

Agnes is immediately distracted from the dog, who continued to lick through her panties over her cunt.

“Nice to meet you,” said Agnes. “I’m Agnes.”

“Nice to meet you too,” continued Ron. “Please, come in.”

Hindered by the dog Agnes tried to walk further, behind Ron into the living room who finally took action.

“Sorry,” he said. “I had not seen that King was bothering you.”

He laughed and grabbed the dog by its collar and led him through the living room into the garden.

Drinking coffee and making acquaintance went extremely pleasant. As if the incident with the dog had never taken place. The couple are Ron and Reina de Ridder.

Ron told Agnes that he had built up his recycling company out of nothing, and had it sold after a mild heart attack in order to take it easier. And that they had left behind the city for the same reason. They had three adult children, two sons and a daughter. The sons were engineers and the daughter is a lawyer. None of them had been interested in taking over the family business.
They knew that their house is next door to the parsonage.

And they knew that Peter is the pastor, and that he also worked as an accountant in the city.
Before Agnes went home, Ron and Reina promised that they would invite Agnes once again, together with her husband, for an acquaintance drink.

The weekend came and Agnes is expecting an invitation from Ron and Reina for her and Peter, so that Peter also is acquainted with the new neighbors. But Sunday had passed and Agnes still had not heard anything from Ron and Reina. When she on Monday had not heard anything, on Tuesday Agnes called herself to the neighbors, to invite them for a cup of coffee. She got Reina on the phone.

“That we would like very much, honey,” said Reina. “But we cannot leave King home alone.”

“What a shame,” said Agnes.

“Yes, I agree,” said Reina. “It would’ve been nice to have a cozy chat”.

Agnes kept silence.

“You know what?” Continued Reina. “Why don’t you come over and drink coffee with us. That we would appreciate very much.”
Agnes thought only a moment. “I’m coming,” she said.


Even before Agnes rang the doorbell, the neighbor opened the door to let Agnes inside. When Agnes is inside, the dog immediately stuck his nose under her skirt and nuzzled at her thighs and her crotch.

“I saw you coming,” said Reina. “Come on in”.

Agnes felt that the dog licked her cunt over her panties.

“I hope you don’t mind the dog bothering you?” Said Reina. “He likes you quite clearly.”

“It doesn’t matter,” said Agnes.

She knew she didn’t mean it and that she found it very annoying.

“If you just let him smell you for a bit, he’ll eventually be satisfied,” continued Reina.

Agnes found the reaction of Reina, to say at least, quite odd, but she let the dog have his way, and she waited until Reina would intervene and would take the dog away. But Reina took plenty of time to stand and chat in the hallway while the dog licked Agnes over her panty crotch.

“Apparently, the dog really likes you,” said Reina. “Let him sniff, so he gets to know you better.”

But a little later, Reina pulled the dog on his collar away from Agnes, and she could walk unhindered into the living room.


Again drinking coffee is very pleasant. This time it’s mainly Agnes, who’s talking. Ron and Reina wanted to know everything about their new neighbor, and so Agnes talked about her childhood in the village where she grew up. How it is to grow up in a village. About her work at the supermarket, and about Peter and his work. How it is to be the wife of the vicar, and after she had drunk a few glasses of Sherry, Agnes told them about her marriage. About the emptiness in her life. About the dullness of her marriage and even about the lack of sex. She is more open than she had ever been to anyone.

Ron told her he started as a trader in old iron, after he had taken over a junkyard. He had anticipated on the developments relating to the environment, and ultimately he had built a waste disposal company he had sold last fall for millions. Reina talked about her three adult children and her three grandchildren. Her two sons were late thirties, and despite their age both still single. They both worked as engineers at large international companies and worked all over the world. Her daughter is married. She is a successful lawyer. She had three children, two boys and a girl, just like Ron and Reina.

When Agnes went home, Ron and Reina promised that they would invite Agnes more often for a cup of coffee.


From that day, Reina phoned every Monday, Wednesday and Friday if Agnes wanted to come over for a cup of coffee. And from that day on Agnes went every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a coffee to Ron and Reina. And every day after the coffee, they drank one or two glasses of sherry. Agnes found it all very enjoyable, and she really looked forward to that cozy coffee morning with Ron and Reina. It’s a more than welcome change in her boring life as a pastor’s wife.

The ritual greeting of the dog, with his head under her dress or skirt continued with every visit. It’s embarrassing, but at the same time it made her cunt begin to tingle. So she took it for granted, because every time she came to drink coffee with the neighbors, they allowed their dog to sniff at her crotch as if it’s a normal thing. And to be honest Agnes found it’s also exciting. Everyone pretended it was accidental, innocent incidents. But Ron and Reina knew Agnes enjoyed it, and Agnes knew that Ron and Reina enjoyed seeing her getting excited. But they all acted as if nothing exceptional happened.

This particular Monday morning Agnes is risen frustrated. Last Sunday had been an outstanding last Sunday in May. It had been sunny and warm, and nature is in full bloom. Even Peter is touched by the beauty of this day. He had preached about the beauty of nature as God’s creation. It had been a happy sermon, full of beauty, hope and expectation. Agnes had heard him preach like this so seldom and she really listened to him this time. They had spent the rest of the day outside in the garden, where they until dark had been sitting under the beech tree or on the terrace.

When it was time to go to bed, the heart of Agnes is still full of beauty, happiness and love. Especially full of the last. The sermon that morning about the beauty of nature as God’s creation in mind, she had stripped naked and presented herself to her husband.

“What do you think of the beauty of God’s creation, darling?” She had asked. “Would you not enjoy it? Would you not indulge your lust on it?”

But her joy and desire stimulated rapprochement from her husband had made an equally abrupt as the disillusioning end of this wonderful day. Instead of making love with her, Agnes had gotten an angry lecture about the sins of desecrating Sunday. At first Agnes is shocked. Then she became angry. All her frustrations in recent years had come out and made a big quarrel, which had ended that Peter had slept in the guest room.

The breakfast that morning is held in a frosty atmosphere of silence and Peter had gone out the door without saying a word. When the expected phone call from Reina came, Agnes is still angry and frustrated. But the thoughts of the dog tongue, which, through the fabric of her panties would lick her cunt, improved her mood, and she is pleased with the invitation to come and drink coffee.

When she’s ready to go to the neighbors, Agnes gave in to a sudden impulse, and she quickly pulled her panties off, before she shut the door behind her. If her husband isn’t interested in her cunt, the dog sure will be. Agnes already wondered for some time how it would feel to have the dog’s tongue on her bare cunt. Well, in a moment she would know.

As usual, her neighbor is already waiting for Agnes at the open door. And as usual the Labrador put, as soon as Agnes is inside, his muzzle under her skirt and sniffed at her now bare crotch. A jolt of excitement swept over Agnes when she felt the wet nose of the dog against her bare cunt. Her whole body started to tingle, and she gasped for a moment. But then Agnes felt that the dog began to lick her cunt. She froze completely, and began to tremble with excitement.

My God, Agnes thought delighted. This is so delicious! Just great! She began to feel dizzy and she leaned backward against the wall of the hallway while she spread her legs a little further to let the dog lick her cunt. Reina looked investigating at Agnes, who’s standing with her back against the wall and with the head of the dog under her skirt. She had a glazed look in her eyes.

“Well, well,” Reina said. “The dog seems to excite your quite a lot. Do you need it that bad?”

Agnes heard her, but she paid no attention. She concentrated entirely on the delightful feeling of dog tongue over her cunt, and she had no time to pay attention to Reina. She is lost in the enjoyment of the licking dog tongue, which is setting her cunt on fire. When Ron came into the hall, he said nothing. He glanced at Agnes, and then knowingly at his wife. Ron studied closely at the facial expression of Agnes. Just before he thought she would orgasm, Ron pulled the dog by its collar away from Agnes, into the living room. Dazed and unsteady on her feet Agnes followed him and Reina with wobbling legs.

While Ron worked the dog out of the door, Reina served the coffee. The coffee brought Agnes back again to the reality, and she blushed with shame. But Ron and Reina acted as if nothing had happened. Nevertheless, the conversations during the coffee started off a little awkward, because Agnes is not sure how she should behave. Only after the first sherry Agnes relaxed and the conversation went relaxed and normal. How unbelievable it is, Ron and Reina seemed to have not noticed anything!


That Wednesday Agnes is tensed, waiting for the phone call from Reina. She had pulled out her panties and had put on a wide skirt, which reached to her knees. In order to give the dog better access to her cunt. Last Monday, she had herself at home after the coffee immediately fingered, and after that first time she had often masturbated while thinking of the dog’s tongue on her cunt. So when Reina called, she went also immediately to the neighbors were not like usual Reina is waiting in the open doorway, but Ron. And to her disappointment the dog is also not in the hallway to stab his muzzle under her skirt and to sniff and lick at her cunt.

Ron went in front of Agnes to the living room and gestured her to the armchair where Agnes usually is seated. Pity, but the dog is nowhere to be seen. Reina served the coffee. The drinking of the coffee took place in a relaxed atmosphere, and even became a little exuberant when the bottle of Sherry came to the table.

There is not enough sherry in the bottle for a second round. So Ron went to the kitchen to fetch a new bottle. When Ron came back with the sherry, the dog took the opportunity to slip through the open door into the living room. Where he went straight to Agnes, where he pushed the hem of her skirt up against her thighs to be able to stick his snout under her skirt. A jolt of excitement swept through Agnes when she felt the wet nose of the dog against the inside of her thighs. Her whole body started to tingle and for a moment she held her breath. Instinctively she opened her thighs to give the dog better access to her cunt.

Only then she came back to her senses, but it is too late. Startled, Agnes looked around. The dog had his head pushed up the hem of her skirt so far that her bare pubis could be seen. Not clearly, only a quick glimpse of white skin and her cunt hair, before the head of the dog completely slid under her skirt, and the view of her cunt is blocked against the prying eyes of Ron and Reina. The same dog tongue that made Agnes shiver with excitement when the dog began to lick her cunt. And again Agnes let herself carried away by the thrill that brought the dog’s tongue on her cunt. Trembling with excitement Agnes allowed herself the heavenly delight of the dog’s tongue on her cunt.

Fortunately, she came back to her senses again in time. Agnes quickly sat upright and pushed the dog away. She clenched her skirt between her thighs and with a blush on her cheeks, she looked hesitantly at Ron and Reina. They smiled kindly at her.

“Just don’t be embarrassed, honey,” said Reina. “We already knew the last time you wore no panties. And we understand why you’re not wearing panties.”

“Well, yes,” continued Ron. “We were not sure the last time. But the way you responded to the dog, it is almost certain for us that you wore no panties.”

“I… I…” Stammered Agnes astonished and ashamed.

She did not know what to say.

“It doesn’t matter,” Reina said soothingly. “We do understand you perfectly well. In your place I think I would do the same.”

Agnes sighed. “I… I…” She stammered again.

She could still not say a word.

“Isn’t it nice a dog can give you a little relief of your sexual distress,” continued Reina.

“I think the same,” Ron said. “It’s a shame such a beautiful, sensual, young woman as you isn’t satisfied by her husband. Why don’t you just let the dog have his way with you?”

“Yeah, why not?” Added Reina. “We’ve already seen your cunt anyway, and you’ll certainly feel a lot better afterwards.”

Agnes looked at her puzzled. This Reina could not be serious! Still, she hesitated.

“I think I better go home,” she said.

While uncertain, she walked home with her head low.


A whole week passed and nothing happened. No phone call. No invitation to drink coffee. Nada.

The events hadn’t left Agnes untouched. She thought about it almost all the time. Then she saw herself in her mind again sitting in the living room of the neighbors, in the armchair, with her skirt moved up to her abdomen, her cunt visible, and the tongue of the dog that licked over it. She could vividly imagine what it must have looked out for Ron and Reina, as she should have seen her sitting there. Too lively! Despite the shame and humiliation, these thoughts excited her. They excited her even so much that she masturbated with that picture in her mind again and again.

The relationship with Peter, and is and stayed cooled off. The atmosphere of hostility had been replaced by an air of civility distance. Peter is still sleeping in the guest room, and any affection or even rapprochement did not exist. Let alone that there would be sex. Along with the coffee with the neighbors that she missed, it all made that Agnes is restless and irritable. Something that became worse every day.

Agnes finally could bear it no longer. She had to do something about it. It had been more than two weeks since the last time that Agnes had drunk coffee with the neighbors, and so she took on a Wednesday morning after two weeks the phone and she called Ron and Reina. She got Reina on the phone.

“I’ve heard nothing from you for a long time,” Agnes said hesitantly. “So long, I’m afraid something might be wrong between us. Is there something I might have done wrong? ”

“Well, yeah, I don’t know,” said Reina. “The last time you were here, you suddenly got up and practically ran away, while you looked as if we were the worst filth.”

“Sorry,” said Agnes. She is not sure what to say. “I’m really sorry, it was not intended. I admit I felt shocked because the idea I would let your dog… Err, my… Um, would lick my private parts.”

“I suppose so,” Reina said very friendly. “But it did look as if what I said—”

“Again,” said Agnes. “I’m really very sorry. I really didn’t mean it that way. The last thing I wanted was to hurt you. I was just a bit overwhelmed by the situation. Can I not redeem myself, one way or another?”

“That’s something that would please us to, honey,” said Reina. “But can we trust you on your word? You give the blame on the situation, but that same situation, you have caused yourself by coming to us without panties.”

“I know,” answered Agnes. “And I’m sorry. Can I not come over, so we can talk it out?”

“That we would find very nice,” said Reina. “We miss you too. But it needs more than pleasant chatting. We need an insurance to know if your apologies are sincere.”

“I understand that,” said Agnes. “Tell me, what can I do so, you can regain confidence in me again?”

“Well,” continued Reina. “Come over here and drink coffee with us. But you must come over here dressed like the last time, in a short skirt without panties. That would be for us the proof you have spoken the truth, and that you really mean it. And that we would appreciate very much.”

Agnes is beaten dumb. She wanted to protest. To say that to come over for coffee without panties, is now just the cause of the whole mess. But Reina had already put the phone down. Agnes thought hard for a moment. It’s humiliating to drink coffee with the neighbors while everyone would know that she didn’t wear panties. It would make that the times of ignoring and pretending that nothing is really happening, would be over. Agnes knew the neighbors had known she liked it to let the dog lick her cunt. And also that the last few times she had worn no panties.

But no one could still pretend nothing had happened. No one could pretend any longer that he or she had noticed nothing or knew nothing. The time of innocence is now over. If she is going, it is not for the coffee, but for letting the dog lick her bare cunt, and that Ron and Reina would be watching her and the dog. Agnes made a decision. She pulled her skirt and her panties off, and she pulled the same, shorter skirt that she had worn that fateful Monday afternoon.

“I’m doing it,” Agnes said to herself as she closed the door of the parsonage behind her.


Even before Agnes rang the doorbell, the neighbor opened the door to let Agnes in.

“I saw you coming,” said Reina. “Come on in”

Agnes did not really knew if she heard it well. Did Reina say: ‘I saw you cumming?’, or did she say, ‘I saw you coming?’

Well, never mind. Fortunately the dog isn’t in the hallway.

“I see you’re wearing the same skirt,” said Reina. “That’s okay. Did you arrive without panties?”

“Yes,” Agnes said, blushing.

“Show me,” Reina said.

“Sorry?” Said Agnes.

She is flabbergasted!

“Show me you’re not wearing panties,” Reina said. “Lift your skirt.”

Surprised and hesitant, Agnes grabbed the hem of her skirt and lifted her skirt so far, that it must be clear to Reina that she is not wearing panties.

“Reina looked briefly. “Okay,” she said. “Follow me.”

Reina guided Agnes into the living room. Ron sat there on the couch. He stood up to greet Agnes.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he said. Pointing to the middle of the sofa he said, “Come, sit down,”

The dog is not in the room. Despite her relief Agnes felt a little disappointed. Agnes sat down on the sofa, just like Ron. Reina served the coffee, and then she also sat down on the three-seater sofa on the other side of Agnes. They talk about the weather and their respective gardens. Over the village and the sermon of last Sunday. And they drank a cup of coffee. And they talked small talk. And the three of them drank a glass of sherry. And they let the dog inside.

Agnes jumped.

But she had no time to respond. The dog ran straight toward Agnes and stuck his snout under her skirt. A jolt of excitement swept through Agnes when she felt the wet nose of the dog against the inside of her thighs. Her whole body started to tingle, and she held her breath. Startled, Agnes looked around, but she knew it was no use. The dog had his head pushed completely under her skirt, and Agnes felt his rough tongue sliding over her cunt. She realized that Ron and Reina each on their side firmly grabbed one of her knees, and pulled at her legs, pushing them apart after which they also lifted her skirt and pushed the hem at the top of her skirt so that her bare abdomen clearly could be seen in the more than curious eyes of Ron and Reina.

Agnes looked shocked at her cunt. Her cunt that could clearly be seen between her extremely wide spread legs. Not only had she herself looked at her cunt. Ron and Reina also had both a fantastic view at the cunt of the young vicar’s wife. Meanwhile, the licking dog’s tongue made Agnes shivers with excitement.

Agnes tried to pull her legs loose from the hands of Ron and Reina, and tried to sit upright, but it is in vain. Ron and Reina held her legs firmly spread wide, and pushed Agnes with the other hands back against the backrest of the sofa. They smiled friendly at her.

“Just don’t be embarrassed, honey” cooed Reina. “We know how much you do enjoy it when the dog is licking your cunt. How passionately you’re longing for the feeling of his doggy tongue on your cunt.”

“I… I…” Stammered Agnes astonished and ashamed.

She did not know what to say or what to do.

“It’s alright,” Reina said soothingly. “You’re among friends here. We understand what a young woman as you occasionally needs. And there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“And is it not nice the dog can give you a little relief in your sexual needs?” Continued Ron. “So why don’t you let him just have his way with you, and let him lick your cunt?”

“Exactly,” continued Reina. “We’ve already seen your cunt, anyway. And your secret is safe with us”.

Agnes looked first at Reina and then at Ron. They both looked friendly smiling at her, but she recognized clearly the sparkles of excitement in the eyes of the elderly couple. Nevertheless, they were right. She needed to orgasm badly. And if that could happen by letting the dog lick her cunt, it is a wonderful solution. As long as she received an orgasm. And so Agnes did not resist against the man and the woman who were holding her back. She sank back against the backrest of the sofa, and with closed eyes, she let herself go, and she gave herself over to the sweet caressing of the raw dog’s tongue on her cunt.


The over her cunt licking dog tongue felt like sandpaper. Once the dog had begun to lick her cunt, which started began to tingle, and the muscles on the inside of her thighs, which formed the connection with her crotch tightened. Her cunt began to contract with excitement. Involuntarily Agnes spread her legs, which gave the dog even easier access to her cunt.

My God, Agnes thought delighted. This is delicious! Just great! What the hell everybody can see my cunt! When everybody can see me cumming it does not matter, as long as I am just cumming. Dizzy with excitement she sank a little further sprawled on the three seater sofa, where she slid her buttocks downwards away from her skirt, until she sat down with her bare buttocks on the sofa. Still dizzy with excitement and emotion, her whole body began to tremble. Agnes moaned softly as she involuntarily pushed her pelvis shocking forward, and her cunt started spastic and involuntarily to contract, while the dog licked her cunt.

Ron and Reina looked curious and full of excitement at the cunt of Agnes. Their eyes seemed fixed to her cunt, but Agnes didn’t notice. She is so focused on the delicious feeling of dog tongue over her cunt, that she had no time to give even a shred of attention to her surroundings.

“Well, well,” said Reina. “The dog seems to quite excite her. Apparently she desperately needs an orgasm.”

But Agnes didn’t hear it. She totally concentrates on the dog’s tongue, which not only put her cunt, but her whole body on fire. It’s as if she is playing with herself, but a thousand times more delicious. Her lower body shook spastic and shivers ran over her back. Her cunt contracted again and again, and a large amount of cunt moisture oozed out. Agnes began to feel dizzy when her orgasm erupted as a volcano. She gibbered incoherently, and for a moment she is out of the world. At the moment that Agnes came back to her senses, Ron pulled the dog by its collar from between her legs away, and led him out through the door.

While Ron took the dog through the garden doors to the garden, Agnes came to her senses. She sat with her legs spread wide, in the middle of the sofa. Her cunt is clearly visible, and is still occasionally contracting in the afterglow of her orgasm. Her cunt glistened from the saliva of the dog, and perhaps from the cunt juice of her own cunt. Even the hairs on her cunt were wet with the slobber of the dog. She sighed satisfied and content, and she let herself blissfully sink backward against the backrest of the three-seater sofa.

With her legs still spread wide. Until the realization that she had an orgasm under the eyes of her neighbors dawned on Agnes. It drove her blush to her cheeks. Hasty and embarrassed she sat upright. She did put her legs together and pulled her skirt back down. Looking downward, she sat stiffly upright on the sofa, her hands demurely folded in her lap. Ron sat in one of the armchairs, while Reina got up and served a glass of sherry, after which she sat down in the other armchair.

“We saw you cumming” Reina said.

“I cannot deny that it was a thrilling spectacle to see you having an orgasm,” Ron said.

Agnes said nothing. She bowed her head even deeper in shame.

“Indeed it is,” agreed Reina. “And it may be said that you have a very beautiful body, and one, even more beautiful, delicious and horny cunt. Unbelievable this vicar of yours doesn’t get aroused by it. That he makes so little use of it.”

“I agree,” Ron chimed in. “Such a body, and such a nice, tight cunt is primarily created to be fucked. A vicar should understand that in the first place. What is wrong with that man?”

Agnes still didn’t say anything. But those with admiration spoken words from the couple made that she felt less ashamed, and that she even became a little proud of her body.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of,” said Reina. “You’re a young, healthy woman. Of course you have a desire for sex. Of course you need to orgasm regularly. Like every other human being.”

“That’s something we also have,” said Ron. “Even at our age. That is natural. Not something that any man or woman should be ashamed of.”

“You have a beautiful body,” continued Reina. “It’s a pleasure to look at. Even when you orgasm.”

“Especially when you orgasm,” Ron said again. “You can only be proud of it.”

Reina took the conversation back. “Listen,” she said. “We found it really great to see you cumming. It’s obvious you found it wonderful to cum. And we’re sure the dog loves to lick your cunt. You don’t harm anyone, you make everyone happy. Not in the least yourself. So, why wouldn’t you do it? And what’s against it to continue doing it?”

“Exactly,” Ron said. “You not only made yourself happy, but everyone else is happy with it.”

Everyone is silent. But by this discussion the atmosphere suddenly changed into a warm, pleasant atmosphere of contentment. They drank their sherry in a contented silence. Reina stood up and began to clear the coffee table.

“Do you come back next Friday to drink coffee again?” She asked gently. “That we would find very pleasant”

“I think so,” said Agnes.

“Lovely” said Reina. “Come again without panties, so the dog can lick your beautiful cunt again, and we can see you cumming again.”

The satisfaction Agnes had felt under the influence of the afterglow of her orgasm, yet changed again in embarrassment, anxiety and restlessness.

“I don’t know,” she whispered, her head bowed.

“Come on, baby,” responded Reina comforting. “There’s nothing to which you should be ashamed of. We all enjoyed it, yourself not in the last place. And that’s nothing to be ashamed of. ”

“I’ll see,” Agnes said, as she got up to go home.


Agnes didn’t have to think long about the question if she next Friday would go or not to the neighbors to drink coffee. The orgasm the dog tongue had given her, had done her so well that she could not resist to masturbate again that afternoon. Although she mainly thought back with shame to it, that the neighbors had been sitting and watching when she became her orgasm, it began to excite her as well. And the more the caressing of her fingers on her clit continued, and the feeling of excitement became more intense, the shame became replaced more and more by excitement. In her mind, she saw the neighbor bent over with intense eyes looking at her cunt, and she came delicious.

Because of the delicious orgasms she had had, and maybe because Agnes felt a little guilty, she forgiving had cooked a delicious supper. Peter’s favorite meal. Whether it is through the food, or because Peter had enough of the situation, Agnes didn’t know, but the food certainly had to do with it. Because after dinner they were still seated down to enjoy the meal. Something they had not done in the last few weeks. And when Agnes suggested that they would forget their quarrel, Peter eagerly agreed.

Eager enough so that when it was time to go to bed, she dared to ask, “Shall we go to bed?”

To her delight Peter not only agreed, but also followed her into the marital bedroom. At that time it was clear to Agnes. She would not go and drink coffee with the neighbors anymore, but would from now on be satisfied with the weekly sex with her husband. Less than ten minutes later, Agnes thought about it again quite differently. Peter is indeed lying down next to her in bed. He had turned toward her and under the covers he had pulled up her nightgown.

Agnes had willingly spread her legs when Peter is lying on top of her. He had pulled down his pajama pants a little, and he had fucked her rutted and without foreplay or any kind of caresses. Groaning, he had pushed his cock up and down in her cunt, until he came and had emptied his balls inside her. Then he is rolled away from her. He had turned his back to her and he had said goodnight to Agnes and a little later he fell asleep.

Agnes had been lying awake frustrated for another hour or longer. The fucking had her excited. But no more than that. It had not lasted long enough for her to orgasm, and through the excitement that Peter had awakened in her, Agnes still remained restless. She didn’t have the courage to play with her clit while her husband is sleeping next to her. Finally, she fell into a restless sleep, so that she woke up tired the next morning.

Then Agnes was really sure. During drinking coffee with the neighbors, she enjoyed more from the orgasm caused by the dog’s tongue than while she’s fucking with her husband. Tomorrow she will go drinking coffee again at the neighbors. Without panties. When she had taken that decision she took off her panties and sat with her legs wide apart on the three-seater sofa. She pulled her skirt up and caressing with her fingers over her clit, she began to masturbate.

Agnes now thought again back to the neighbors with less shame, how they had been seated looking at her cunt as she came under the dog’s tongue. And while the caressing of her fingers over her clit continued, she saw in her mind the neighbors bending over her, with intense glances looking at her cunt. It made her so excited that she gloriously came.


At ten o’clock precisely Agnes stood by the neighbors at the door.

It is Reina, who opened the door for her. “Did you come without panties?” She asked, once the door had closed behind Agnes.

“Yes,” replied Agnes.

“Good” continued Reina. “Show me”

“What?” Asked Agnes surprised.

“Lift your skirt,” said Reina. “I want to see with my own eyes you have no panties on.”

A moment, Agnes is baffled. What the hell, she thought? She is bossing me to show my cunt? That I cannot let happen. But then what? Going home? And forever missing the wonderful feeling of the dog’s tongue over my cunt? That wonderful feeling that I’ve been looking forward to so much?

Moreover, thought Agnes, she’ll see my cunt in a moment anyway. To be honest, the way Reina ordered her to show her cunt, made her more excited than she wanted to admit. So Agnes lifted her skirt still a little uncertain at the front, showing Reina her bare cunt. Showing her cunt to the other woman caused a twinge of excitement pulling through her cunt.

“Okay,” said Reina. “You can come in”

She went to the living room, followed by Agnes. The dog is not in the living room, as Agnes noticed when she came in. Ron is in the room. When Agnes entered the room, he rose from the easy chair where he is sitting and came towards Agnes. While Reina sat in the other easy chair, Agnes stopped, like a reflex. Ron stayed about a meter and a half in front of her.

“Hi, Agnes,” he said gently. “How are you?”

“Good,” Agnes said. “Thank you.”

“Did you come here without panties?” Ron asked.

Agnes blushed. “Yes,” she said with her eyes down.

“Sweet,” Ron continued. “Let’s see.”

Showing your cunt to another woman, is one thing. It’s something different, to show your cunt just like that to a strange man, Agnes thought even more embarrassed. At the same time another twinge of excitement pulled through her cunt. With bowed head and blushing with excitement and shame Agnes lifted the hem of her skirt at the front edge so Ron could see her naked cunt. He made her humiliation complete by coming closer towards her and to sit down on his haunches in front of Agnes. Ron is now less than half a meter away from her cunt and Agnes felt the intensity of his eyes on her cunt. Nevertheless, she stood still, with the hem of the skirt in her hands, raised to her waist.

“Put your legs slightly further apart,” Ron said.

Blushing with shame Agnes did what Ron had ordered her. At first she felt his hot breath on her cunt and then his hands on the bottom of her hips. With his thumbs on her cunt lips Ron pulled her cunt open. Agnes trembled with shame and excitement. She felt how Ron is looking into her cunt. And she knew that he saw how wet her cunt is on the inside. Then Ron took his hands away from her cunt and stood upright. Agnes released her skirt.

“What are you doing?” Ron cried. “Nobody said you could put your skirt down! Come on! Lift that skirt up and show us your cunt!”

Startled Agnes lifted her skirt for the third time at the hem up to lift it at the front, so Ron and Reina again could look at her naked cunt.

My God, Agnes thought of herself. What I am doing for God’s sake. But nevertheless she remained, with her skirt up and her legs spread in the living room of the neighbors, without even making any move to cover her cunt.

“Why are you doing this?” Ron asked her.

Agnes looked blankly at him.

“Why are you doing this?” Repeated Ron. “Why do you lift your skirt up for us just like that, and let us your cunt? Why do you come here without panties and let our dog lick your cunt?”

“I… Uh…” Agnes hesitated. “Because you want me to do this.”

“That’s nonsense,” Ron said. “You don’t do this because you have to do it for others, for strangers. You can simply refuse it.”

He sat on the three seater sofa and looked at Agnes, who with her legs still spread and her skirt still up, with blushing cheeks stood in front of him.

“I will tell you why you’re doing this,” Ron said.

Reina sat in the other corner of the three seater sofa.

“I will tell you why you’re doing it,” Ron said again. “Why you came back a few weeks ago, begging after you previously ran away upset. Why you’re obedient come to us, drinking coffee with us without wearing panties. Why you let us look at your cunt while the dog is licking it. Why you let us watch you while you’re cumming.”

Ron paused.

“You do it because it excites you,” Ron said. “Dear, in your heart you know the Lord has programmed you this way. Because you know deep inside you’re created to be King’s bitch. That you’re created to be our little slut.”

He paused again.

“Your education and your so-called Christian values have prevented you from admitting it until now. It’s prevented you from showing your true nature,” Ron said. “But deep in your heart you feel that you’re created to serve others with your beautiful, but slutty body. To please others with your cunt. Humans and animals. To become possessed. You’re destined to be someone’s property. To be owned. Like some domestic animal. Someone who can use your body. Using it to his or her sole discretion. To be someone’s property.”

Agnes is stunned silent. Ron’s words had perplexed her.

This went far beyond her imagination.

“What I said, bewildered you,” Ron said. “You’re shocked. But deep down inside you know I’m right. Deep down you know you want to be our property. That you want us to use your cunt and the rest of your slutty body. That we humiliate you and let us use you in every way that pleases us. That’s what makes your cunt tingle right now. That’s why you’re trembling with excitement. That’s why your cunt is so wet now.”

Reina looked at Agnes with an encouraging smile.

“You’re shocked,” Reina said. “I can imagine that. It must be quite a revelation for you. But just think quietly about it when you’re back home.”

She paused for a moment.

“Now we go drinking a nice cup of coffee,” she said. “Let your skirt down and come and sit between us.”


After they’d drunk their first cup of coffee, they let the dog into the living room. Which immediately ran to Agnes to stab his snout under her skirt. Agnes sat frozen, with legs slightly spread. A jolt of excitement pulled through her as she felt the wet nose of the dog against her cunt. Her whole body started to tingle, and she gasped for a moment.

“King is very excited today,” Ron said. “I’ll keep him away from you for a moment, so you can sit in one of the armchairs”

“Maybe it’s a good idea to have the dog first lick your cunt, so then we can drink another coffee in peace,” Reina said.

Agnes didn’t know what to say. For her feelings, this still didn’t go in the right direction. She felt that she is being manipulated in some way. But the openly, nonchalant way she is commanded to behave herself salacious, made her so excited that she felt that her cunt is becoming even wetter as it already is. And so she sat down in the armchair.

“Lovely,” said Reina. “Sit quite slumped in the armchair, with your legs over the arm rests.”

When Agnes didn’t respond, Reina came to her, and she first lifted Agnes left leg until it hung over the armrest. Then she did the same with the right leg of Agnes. Then she grabbed Agnes at her hips and pulled her further forward in the armchair. Agnes is now sitting in the armchair with her legs spread wide and her cunt exposed, but Reina still pulled Agnes her skirt further upwards and also backwards so that her entire abdomen could be seen.

Agnes is sitting in the most obscene possible position in the armchair. Because her legs were hanging over the armrests, they were spread wide, which is accentuated by being sitting slumped in the armchair. With her legs spread so wide, her cunt is shown in all its glory to Ron and Reina.

“You can let the dog loose now, Ron,” said Reina.

Like an arrow from a bow, the dog rushed forward, until he stood between Agnes her widely spread legs. The dog sniffed only briefly at Agnes her crotch, and then he immediately started to lick her cunt. Agnes shivered with excitement. The feeling that the dog’s tongue on her cunt gave her is divine! Involuntarily Agnes pushed her pelvis forward towards the muzzle of the dog. She closed her eyes and while enjoying the wonderful sensation of the dog’s tongue on her cunt, she let the dog shamelessly lick at her cunt. She is herself well aware of the spectators, and even more of the fact that Ron and Reina both, were watching how she came.

Because that is what already is happening after only a few minutes. Her orgasm had built up itself plummeting, from deep inside her cunt and engulfed her with a wave of sensational lust. She is cumming in a few minutes. And it is delicious. That the watching of Ron and Reina had made her only more excited, is something that she didn’t want to recognize. She even didn’t want to think about it. Because Ron nor Reina made preparations to take the dog away from her, Agnes pulled her legs from the armrests, and put her feet on the floor, and closed her knees tight together. To try to force in this way the dog’s head out of crotch, in which she succeeded very well.

“That’s beautiful,” said Reina. “We’ve seen how you’ve enjoyed yourself.”

“And there we have enjoyed ourselves too” Ron said. “It’s a horny sight to see you cumming.”

“Let’s go and drink some coffee,” said Reina.

She got up to serve the second cup of coffee.


From that day Agnes went still three times a week drinking coffee with the neighbors. The procedure is the same every time. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at ten o’clock precisely stood Agnes in front of the neighbor’s front door to be let in by Reina. In the hallway Reina checked if she had come without panties, by letting Agnes raise her skirt, after which Agnes went behind her to the living room. There she sat down in one of the armchairs, with her legs over the arm rests so that her legs were spread wide and her bare cunt, could clearly be seen. Ron then let the dog loose, which like a spear ran towards Agnes to lick at her cunt till she came while Ron and Reina were watching. As soon as she had been cumming Agnes took her legs from the armrests. Put her feet on the floor, and pulled her knees together to force the dog to take his head out of her crotch.

Then they drink coffee.

Like this Wednesday morning too.

When Agnes had climaxed she sat up and did put her legs together to push the dog away. Ron and Reina smiled kindly at her.

“That again is lovely to see, sweetie,” said Reina when they were drinking coffee.

“Well, it is!” Ron chimed in. “It’s always a pleasure to see you cumming.”

Reina stood up to serve the coffee. As if Agnes, not just yet under the eyes of the eagerly watching neighbor’s had an orgasm, because she had let the dog lick her cunt, Agnes is sitting then neatly upright in the armchair. Upright with her knees demurely together and her hands folded in her lap talking small talk.


After they had drunk their coffee, the sherry bottle came to the table. While drinking sherry, Ron started to talk again about the orgasm of Agnes.

“What I do wonder for a while,” he said bluntly, “is what would happen if the dog would continue to lick you while you’re already cumming?

Agnes froze. She almost choked on her sherry, and quickly took another sip.

She’s not used to talk about the shameless showing off her cunt, and the shameless cumming under the watching eyes of her neighbors, yet she recovered quickly.

“To be honest, I’m curious about too,” Agnes said as nonchalantly as possible, but with a blush of shame on her cheeks, and her heart is pounding like mad.

“But when you’re also curious about it, why don’t you let the dog proceed with licking your cunt?” Said Reina. “By closing your legs, you’re pushing the dog away.”

She asked it in a tone as if she asked which flowers from the garden, she wanted to put in a vase.

“I can’t help it,” replied Agnes, a little more at ease now. “It’s a reflex stronger than myself. When I orgasm I have no control over my body. I must close my legs, and it’s not to stop the dog. I just have to close my legs.”

“I know what to do about it,” Ron said. “At least, if you really want to experience what it’s like when the dog continues to lick your cunt while you’re already cumming?”

Agnes is still struggling with the subject, even though it’s discussed in the same tone nonchalant tone. Stuttering and blushing to her neck, she asked the question, which they expected she would.

“What?” Asked Agnes.

“I’ll tell you only when you really want it,” Ron said.

On which Agnes said hesitatingly, “I really want it.”

“Good,” said Ron. “Next time we’ll ensure our dog continues licking your cunt while you’re orgasming.”


The next Friday Agnes went to the neighbors again, and Ron asked her to sit in the middle of the three-seater sofa instead of the armchair. Agnes is still not used to sitting with her bare cunt in full view while Ron and Reina were watching her. She probably never would get used to it. She kept her knees together, and she brushed her skirt smooth, so her cunt isn’t visible despite the absence of panties. Even though Agnes found it embarrassing, she also found it oddly exhilarating.

Ron and Reina were seated on either side of Agnes. Reina on her left and Ron on her right.

Ron asked, “Do you remember we promised you we’ll ensure you the dog will give you a continuous orgasm?”

“Yes,” Agnes said, blushing. “I remember.”

“Now put your arms behind our backs on the backrest of the sofa,” Ron said.

Reina and he each took one of Agnes her legs and put it over their knees.

Now Agnes with her arms and legs spread wide is seated on the three seat sofa, and her bare cunt could be seen clearly and is easily accessible is for the dog. Ron let go of her leg and stood to bring the dog into the living room.

With his right hand he held the dog by its collar while he laid Agnes leg over his lap. Reina and he each lad now one of Agnes her legs over their knees. Agnes with her arms and legs spread wide, is seated on the three seat sofa, and her bare cunt could be seen and is easily accessible for the dog. Ron let the dog loose. Which ran straight between Agnes her widely spread legs and started to lick her cunt.

Ron and Reina were watching intensely. They had never had such a clear and nice view of the cunt of the vicar’s wife, despite the fact the dog’s tongue covered their view most of the time. Even though she didn’t confess it to herself, deep in her heart, Agnes knew the watching of the man and the woman seeing her cum excited her more. A fact that made her cum quickly and delightfully. Just as always the urge to close her legs when she came, was very strong. But Ron and Reina kept her legs firmly over their knees, so Agnes simply is unable to close her legs.

How delicious the dog tongue over her cunt might be, her orgasm unleashed in full force and she just had to make sure the dog stopped licking her cunt. She couldn’t close her legs, but it isn’t the point, she had to stop the constant, maddening tingling of her cunt before she went crazy.

And so Agnes took her arms from the backrest and pushed the head of the dog away from her cunt. The dog apparently understood the licking at the cunt of Agnes was no longer required, and backed off. To the disappointment of Ron and Reina.

“Why did you do that?” Ron asked, disappointed. “Why did you not let the dog continue to lick your cunt? Now we have ensured you couldn’t close your legs, you pushed the dog away yourself with your hands.”

“Sorry,” said Agnes. “I can’t help it. It’s stronger than myself. I just had to stop him licking my cunt.”

“Pity,” Ron said. “I’d have liked to see what happened when the dog kept licking you during your orgasm.”

“I’m sorry,” Agnes said again.

“It doesn’t matter, girl,” Reina said cheerfully. “We’ll figure out something else. Better luck next time”.

“Right,” said Ron. “Let’s have a coffee.”


For Agnes the weekend began with an unexpected sense of excitement. She could no longer deny to herself the sexual encounters with the dog is excited her while Ron and Reina watched. But there’s more to it too. Agnes also realized Ron and Reina were suddenly rather deeply involved in her sex life. They encouraged and guided her when she let her cunt being licked by the dog until she had an orgasm. However, Agnes knew she’s also some kind of toy for them, or even a pet.

Deep in her heart, she knew already for a while, but she always pushed those thoughts far away. But by now she had to admit to herself she secretly found it exhilarating, and the shame and humiliation excited her just as much as the exhibition of her genitals and her public orgasms. Therefore, she hardly could wait until Monday again, so she could drink coffee with the neighbors.

Just like the last Friday, Ron asked Agnes to sit on the couch in the middle, with Ron and Reina on either side of her. King is in the kitchen. Agnes could hear the poor animal excitedly whining and she heard him scratching at the door.

“Okay,” Ron said. “Are you ready for a continuous orgasm?”

Would Ron indeed find a way to prevent her from close and push the dog away from her cunt when she came? Would she be able to endure multiple orgasms? And how would it feel to cum while the dog continued to lick her cunt? But now Ron asked her straight if she’s ready to let the dog lick her cunt while she kept cumming, she had to swallow.

Still Agnes said a little nervously, “Yes, I’m ready.”

“Then put your arms stretched out on the backrest of the sofa” Ron said. “Just as the last time.”

Once Agnes did as she were told, Ron and Reina each quickly tied a necktie around each of Agnes her wrists, after which they tied the other end of the neckties to the rear legs of the three-seater sofa, so Agnes with outstretched arms is tied to the sofa.

“I don’t know what the intention of this is?” Said Agnes even more nervous. “But I don’t want to be tied up.”

“Trust us,” said Reina. “This is only to prevent you from pushing the dog away when you’re cumming.”

“But what if it lasts longer than I can take?” Agnes asked, worried.

“Once again, trust us,” Reina said again. “We’ll make sure the dog will stop licking your cunt in time.”

While Reina sat next to Agnes on the sofa, Ron went to the kitchen to get the dog.

Agnes is sitting in an awkward position. She’s tied on her wrists, with her arms spread over the backrest of the sofa. Her left leg is lying over the knees of her neighbor, and her right leg is on the floor. Reina had put the hem of her skirt in the crease belt. And because she, as usual, isn’t wearing panties, the cunt of Agnes is shown in all its glory.

When Ron returned, he kept the dog with his right hand by its collar, and he went to the other side of Agnes to sit on the sofa. Reina and he now were holding one of Agnes her legs over their knees.

Now Agnes sat with her arms spread wide and tied to the back legs of the sofa. With her legs over the knees of Ron and Reina so her legs were spread wide and her bare cunt clearly visible and easily accessible for the dog.

The dog once he is released by Ron, steps between the wide spread legs of Agnes, to lick her cunt.

Not only Ron and Reina were watching, Agnes herself also watched shameless and with excited interest in her cunt, where the dog licked with his rough tongue.

Now Agnes admitted to herself, she’s extra excited by the watching of the man and the woman, while she’s sitting with her bare cunt on their sofa and let herself be licked by their dog. The dog tongue did a fantastic job with his tongue over her cunt. So it took only a moment, before her abdomen began to itch, and the first contractions of her cunt started. Then her leg muscles pulled together, and then the muscles of her abdomen. And moments later Agnes came delightfully.

As always, Agnes feels the urge to close her legs when she came. But Ron and Reina kept her legs firmly over their knees, so Agnes simply is unable to close her legs. She had no choice, but to try with every means to close her legs. She had to close her legs, but she simply couldn’t.

Meanwhile, the delightful dog tongue continued to lick her cunt, and her orgasm continued in full force taking possession of her. Agnes pulled at the neckties around her wrists to free her hands so she could push the head of the dog away from her cunt. But it’s in vain.

She sat with her legs spread wide over the knees of Ron and Reina while the dog had full access to her bare cunt, which he continued to lick mercilessly. She tried to yank her legs out of the hands of Ron and Reina, who had to make every effort to hold her wide spread legs steady. And while she, with all their might, tried to free her legs, Ron and Reina looked at a twisting Agnes, and her quivering cunt. Who came in all its intensity, and who remained cumming while the dog tongue continued to lick over her cunt.

Agnes couldn’t bear it without going crazy. She moaned, she gasped and she screamed. A long cry came from the depths of her lungs over her lips, as the howling of a dog or a wolf. Her body began to shake and to tremble. And the sweat beaded on her forehead. Her cunt is a glowing, quivering mass.

Agnes rolled her eyes and swung her head back and forth while she screamed of pure sensational lust. She started to beat and kick as far as her tied up and held arms and legs were able to do so. Her body began to shudder and to shake, and to convulse. She’s light-headed and the world around her seemed to turn into jelly. She passed out.

When Agnes came to her senses its dead quiet in the living room of the neighbors. Her hands were loose, and her feet were on the floor. But her legs were still spread wide, and between them, her cunt still continued rhythmic and spastic to contract.

She’s still in the orgasm, or at least she’s enjoying the afterglow! It had been fantastic! It’s still fantastic! Life is wonderful!

Only when Reina said it’s time for the coffee Agnes realized she’s not alone in the living room. Ron and Reina were looking with exciting interest at her cunt. Her cunt, which still pulled spastic together, as if it winked at the couple, grotesque and shameless. And it gave Agnes more tingling sensations in her already sensitive cunt.

She wondered if she could persuade the dog to start to lick her cunt again. But King isn’t in the room. They drank coffee while they were still seated and talked about the amazing orgasm Agnes had received. Or rather, while Ron and Reina were sitting and talking about her orgasm, Agnes herself is still a little dazed. But with a feeling of ultimate happiness, she enjoys her coffee. Sitting alone on the three-seater sofa, with her legs splayed, because she feels her cunt needed to cool.

It made no longer any difference to her Ron and Reina could look straight into her cunt. It even felt like it’s the most normal thing in the world, or even better: it excited her. Therefore, Agnes glanced occasionally at them, and she smiled at them.

When Agnes went home, she almost forgot to put on her skirt. Reina had warned her just in time, or Agnes might have walked out of the door with her bare cunt across along the roadside to the parsonage.


“It’s going fantastically,” Ron said excitedly as soon as Agnes had left their house. “It’s going exactly as we planned.”

“Indeed,” Reina said. “She’s a born submissive, who’s been unable to develop her true nature on her own, because of her strict Christian upbringing and her narrow minded life in the countryside.

“But now, with our encouragement, her submissive side is developing well,” Ron said. “It’s exactly as we expected, and as we have planned. Only a few more weeks, and then we’ll have her where we want her, and within a few months she’ll do what we want.”

Reina nodded. “I can’t wait until then,” she said.


The whole weekend Agnes is agitated and excited. She couldn’t forget the orgasm the dog had given her the last Friday. Every time she thought of it, she became excited and her cunt began to tingle again, and she thought about it often.

Then she saw in her mind again the picture of herself sitting with her legs wide apart orgasming on the three-seater sofa in the living room from the neighbors. With her legs spread shamelessly wide and her quivering and contracting cunt in full view of her spectators.

Sometimes she became so excited she couldn’t do otherwise than to go to the bathroom, where she feverishly and intensively rubbed her fingers over her cunt and she manipulated her clit until she came. And this happened on Saturday and Sunday about six to eight times every day! The rest of the day she’s tired, restless and irritated.


The following Monday Agnes woke up refreshed. She had Sunday night before bedtime made herself cum in the bathroom, and had fallen into a deep sleep, from which she the next morning is awakened refreshed and equipped. She’s excited by the prospect of ‘drinking coffee’ with the neighbors. It made her extremely excited.

“Let’s first have a coffee,” Reina said when Agnes is sitting in the middle of the three-seater sofa. “You have plenty of time to let yourself be pampered by the dog.”

When Agnes had entered the room the dog is on a leash next to the armchair where Ron is sitting. But he had the leash now released, and the dog had immediately ran to Agnes. Of course he tried to get his snout under her skirt. Although Agnes would let him have his way with her, she kept her knees tightly together, with her skirt between them because Reina wanted to drink coffee.

She had also gone to the kitchen to make the coffee, and Ron made no attempt to keep the dog away from Agnes. Fortunately, the dog soon gave up his efforts. To start the terror of riding against her. King clutched his legs around her squeezed thighs and began to hump excitedly against her legs. Agnes felt the smooth, slippery dogs dick sliding over her knees.

Agnes didn’t know how to deal with the situation and so her attempts to push the dog away were rather half-hearted. Fortunately Reina came in with the coffee.

“Get the dog away from Agnes,” Reina said to Ron. “And keep him with you or else bring him to the kitchen.”

Ron stood from the recliner in which he sat and took the dog to the kitchen.

They drank coffee in peace, cozily chatting.


But once Reina had cleared the coffee cups, they sat on either side of Agnes on the three-seat sofa. The arms of Agnes were again tied in the same way as the last Friday, after which Ron brought the dog out of the kitchen. So strapped Agnes is held by Ron and Reina while King licked her cunt until she had an orgasm, and she continued to cum until she fainted again.

After she came to her senses, and her cunt is no longer contracting, Agnes sat with her legs still shamelessly spread wide in the middle of the sofa. She felt naughty and satisfied.

Reina had everyone served a glass of sherry, and she and Ron were each seated in an armchair. They looked at her cunt, and Agnes had to admit to herself it made her quite excited. She therefore simply continued to sit with her legs spread wide and enjoyed the attention with which the neighbors looked at her cunt. It again made her even a little excited, and her cunt again started a little to tingle.

When everyone had emptied his glass Reina said to Agnes it’s time to go home. After which Agnes went a bit disappointed and with an unsatisfied feeling home.


The following Wednesday passed about the same way as that Monday. And the following Friday is initially not different. After Agnes came in, the neighbors asked her to sit on the three-seater sofa, and Ron let go of King. Which immediately ran to Agnes, and tried to get his snout under her skirt, and when King didn’t succeed, he clutched his front legs around the squeezed thighs of Agnes and started to ride up excitedly against her knees until Reina came in with the coffee. Ron then brought King to the kitchen and they drank nice talking their coffee in peace.

After Reina had cleaned up the coffee cups, Ron and Reina tied the hands of Agnes, after which Ron brought King back from the kitchen. While Agnes with her arms spread and her hands tied is sitting on the three-seat sofa between Ron and Reina, with her legs over the knees, which were held both firmly by them, King licked her cunt until she again had an orgasm. King continued to lick her cunt and Agnes continued to cum until she fainted.

After she came back to her senses, Agnes remained sitting with her legs still spread wide, alone in the middle on the three-seat sofa. Reina served everyone a glass of sherry which they drank while Ron and Reina each sitting in an armchair were looking at the cunt of Agnes, while they talked small talk. Until Reina told Agnes that it is time to go home.

At least, so it went on Wednesday.


The Friday started the same way, but ended slightly different. Instead of talking the usual small talk while they were drinking coffee, Reina began to talk about King.

“You should be grateful to King,” Reina said. “He treats you so deliciously, every time.”

“I think so, too,” agreed Ron. “Especially because he doesn’t get any enjoyment for himself.”

“What do you mean?” Agnes asked.

“What do you think?” Ron said. “Do you think King is licking your cunt because he feels good about it?”

“Why do you think King tries to ride up against your knees?” Reina asked.

Agnes said nothing. She is confused. Actually, she’s never really thought about it.

“King is always ready to lick your cunt” Ron said. “To make you cum. Yet he never gets to cum.”

“No wonder he gets frustrated,” Reina said. “You’d get frustrated too, if you made your husband cum again and again, yet you got nothing yourself”

“Actually, it would be fair if you’d occasionally let King fuck you,” Ron said. “As a reward for the pleasure he gives you.”

The hair on Agnes stood upright. She almost dropped her sherry glass out of her hands and looked at him incredulously, he couldn’t be serious! This is crazy, she thought! This is bizarre! The idea she should let King fuck her is so astonishing Agnes just couldn’t even comprehend it.

“Don’t you like how King brings you a little relief in your sexual needs?” Ron asked. “You should understand how King must feel better than anyone.”

“You’re in a position to do something about it, too,” Reina said. “Something nice in return for everything King has done for you.”

Agnes said nothing. Slowly, the mental image of what these two perverts wanted from her began to penetrate her brain.

“You know, it isn’t such a big deal,” Reina said. “Basically, it’s only fucking. So why you just let don’t have King his way with you, I don’t know?”

This is unbelievable, thought Agnes.

Agnes said, “You’re suggesting I let King fuck me?”

“Yes,” the old couple said simultaneously.

“Why not,” Reina said. “You’ve absolutely no problems when it comes to the pleasure King gives you three times a week. So why should you have problems with returning the favor? Why wouldn’t you be willing to do that?”

Agnes had her doubts. Their arguments sounded so convincing she couldn’t think of anything to counter their argument. Peter hadn’t fucked her for months, and she had to admit she wants a dick in her cunt so bad.

But a dogs cock?

It is, nevertheless, out of order, and besides, it didn’t only feel wrong. It is wrong, depraved, illegal, and clearly against her Christian beliefs.

“Why don’t you at least try it just once,” Ron said. “If it doesn’t work or if it doesn’t feel right, you can just stop at any time.”

“No way,” Agnes said.

“Okay,” Ron said. “Just think about it. We’ll talk about it again later.”

“You can talk about it as much as you want” Agnes said. “But I’d rather die than let myself be fucked by a dog.”

The rest of the coffee hour proceeded in an uncomfortable silence. Agnes drank her coffee, and she muttered a farewell and left.


Agnes couldn’t stop thinking about the proposal of Ron and Reina to let herself be fucked by King. With horror and disbelief she had seriously listened to the suggestion. But once back in the parsonage, she couldn’t close her mind from what Ron and Reina had suggested. She couldn’t forget a single word of it.

Again and again her thoughts wandered to the proposal, Ron and Reina made. But once she began wondering what it would be like to feel a dog’s dick in her cunt, she broke off those depraved thoughts before she had even finished them. Then she thought about spinach, which she found disgusting. The warm, green, slimy stuff, she found terribly tasteless and made her feel sick

She remembered how wet and slimy King’s dick felt when it slid over her closed knees. How thrilling it felt when King had tried to stab his cock in vain between the narrow slit just below her closed knees. Would it feel the same when he stabbed his dog’s dick in her cunt?

“STOP,” she said aloud to herself. “Don’t think about such wickedness!”

She thought again about spinach.

The more these thoughts played through her mind, the more the feeling of horror gradually gave way to a sense of excitement. Whenever she recalled the feeling of King’s cock sliding over her knees, she wondered how it would feel in her cunt. No matter how much she tried to avoid those thoughts, she couldn’t stop her mind going back to it again and again.

So the proposal from Ron and Reina gradually gave Agnes a feeling of intense excitement. As often happened when Agnes came home after drinking coffee with the neighbors, she hadn’t put on her panties again. When she sat on the three-seater sofa after lunch she tried to imagine herself for the umpteenth time how it would feel when King is stabbing her cunt.

“Don’t even think about it!” Agnes said urgently to herself.

But her hand had already wandered under her skirt, and her fingers were already caressing her cunt. Her thoughts drifted away to the memories of King’s dick. How wet and slimy it had felt when it slid over her closed knees. How exciting it had felt when King had tried to push his cock into the narrow slit of her closed knees. How it would feel if King’s dick had moved that way in her cunt. How delightful.

Further Agnes didn’t have to dream.

During her intense masturbation session, her body is changed into a tingling, swirling climax, and now the dam has broken, behind which her waving, swirling excitement is stored. Like a tidal wave, an orgasm of an unprecedented scope overflowed her body, from her head to her toes. Centered in her boiling, hot glowing cunt, which felt as melted fondant.

Initially, the orgasm had a soothing effect on Agnes.

First of all because of the blissful feeling of the afterglow, which took possession of her body.

But also because the idea of a dog’s dick in her cunt had held until the end, and had been accepted as a possibility. How horrible it still seemed to her. Who even thought about the possibility Agnes would let herself be fucked by King. But Agnes couldn’t let go of the thoughts of the slick, slimy dog’s dick in her cunt. So she is again very excited by the time Peter comes home.

Instead of the peck on the cheek, he always gave her before he hung his coat on the peg, Agnes kissed him passionately on the mouth. She took his hand and pushed it under her skirt, where she put his hand on her wet cunt. Peter looked surprised at her when she pressed his hand on her cunt and began to ride up against it. As King had ridden up against her knees like a bitch in heat.

Peter laughed, shaking his head. “What is wrong with you today?” He asked, laughing. “You’re acting like a bitch in-heat! Let’s go to the bedroom.”

Still, Agnes had no intention of ever letting herself be fucked by King.


Certainly not when the next Wednesday morning, with confidence, she went to drink coffee with Ron and Reina. Reina opened the door for Agnes.

“Come inside, please,” she said.

Agnes stepped through the doorway and followed Reina to the living room. King isn’t in the room, so he couldn’t ride up against her knees. Agnes found that both a relief and a disappointment. Just the feeling of that slick dog’s dick over her knees had made her thoughts always wandering back to do a dog’s dick in her cunt.

Reina suggested Agnes first would let King lick her cunt, and after that they would drink coffee. She also suggested King would continue to lick her, even after she came for the first time.

So Agnes laid without any suspicion, just like the last time her arms stretched out on the backrest of the three-seater sofa, after which Ron and Reina tied a necktie around both wrists of Agnes. She let everything happen with rising excitement. Also, Ron and Reina tied the other end of the neckties to the rear legs of the sofa. So far, nothing is new.

While Reina sat next to Agnes on the sofa, Ron went to the kitchen to get King. When he returned, he is holding King by his collar. As he sat at the other side of Agnes on the sofa, he lifted the other leg of Agnes again over his knees, so the legs of Agnes can be restrained so she won’t close them when she cums.

Now Agnes sat with her arms spread wide and tied to the back legs of the sofa, and with her legs firmly held by the knees of Ron and Reina. Her legs are spread wide, and her bare cunt is clearly visible to everyone, and easily accessible for King.

King, who once he’s released by Ron, steps between the wide spread legs of Agnes, and starts to lick her cunt. Ron and Reina are staring at the action, Agnes herself watches with exciting interest where King with his rough tongue licks.

Agnes also becomes excited from the couple watching her while she sits with her bare cunt exposed on their couch, and lets their dog ravish it. She enjoyed carefree excitement the licking of the dog tongue over her cunt caused her. King’s tongue did a fantastic job.

So it took only a moment, before her abdomen began to itch, and the first contractions of her cunt started. Moments later Agnes orgasmed delightfully. As always, Agnes feels the urge to close her legs when she came, very strong.

But Ron and Reina kept her legs firmly over their knees, and because her hands were tied, Agnes simply isn’t able to close her legs. But her body responds instinctively, and so Agnes had no other option but keep trying with all her might to close those legs. Meanwhile, the delightful dog tongue continued to lick her cunt, and her orgasm continued in full-force, taking possession of her.

Agnes pulled frantically at the neckties around her wrists to free her hands so she could push the head of King away from her cunt. But it’s in vain. She sat with her legs spread wide over the knees of Ron and Reina, while King had full access to her bare cunt which he continued to lick mercilessly.

Ron and Reina stared at Agnes squirming and trying to break free, while she’s cumming. She keeps cumming, while King’s tongue continued to lick her cunt.

Agnes couldn’t bear it without going crazy. She moaned, she gasped, and she screamed. With her eyes toward the ceiling, she rolled her head over the armrest of the sofa. Her body began to shake and to tremble, and the sweat beaded on her forehead. Her cunt is a glowing mass.

Agnes rolled her eyes and swung her head back and forth while she screamed of pure sensational lust. She started to beat and kick as far as her tied up and held arms and legs were able to do so. Her body began to shake and to convulse. She is light-headed and the world around her seemed to turn into jelly.

And then it all suddenly stopped.

Agnes looked down at her cunt.

King is no longer licking her cunt!

Her cunt, which still contracted from the unbearable excitement still rocking her body.

Ron is holding King by his collar, as he sat on his haunches at Ron’s knees, next to him. His pointy red doggy cock protruding from his shaft.

“Please,” begged Agnes. “Please let King continue to lick my cunt! I came so wonderfully.”

“Why don’t you let yourself be fucked by King, if you’re so desperate to cum?” Reina asked. “It’s no more than fair that King should entertain himself as well.”

“Yes, why not?” Ron asked. “He’s able to make you climax while he’s fucking you. I guess it’ll even be a better climax than you even imagine.”

“While can’t he just lick my cunt?” Begged Agnes again. “Please let King continue to lick my cunt!”

“Now you can feel for yourself how frustrated the dog must feel when he makes you cum without cumming himself,” Reina said. “Do you realize now that it’s only fair to let King fuck you?”

Meanwhile, Agnes had goosebumps all over her body.

How despicable it first felt, slowly the idea of being fucked by King began to penetrate her brain.

“You know, it’s only fucking,” Reina said. “No harm will be done. So why don’t you allow yourself a great orgasm by fucking King? ”

“Yes,” Ron said. “Why don’t you try it out just once? After all, it’s only fucking.”

But Agnes didn’t want to let King fuck her.

It isn’t just fucking, as Ron and Reina said. It’s crossing a border. The line between sexual promiscuity and sexual depravity. That’s how Agnes feels about it. But what she feels at the same time is the almost unbearable physical need for an orgasm. The physical pain of not being able to orgasm. A pain that she couldn’t endure any longer. Which she would not suffer any longer. Not now, while redemption is near.

She jerked at the neckties, if she only could get one hand loose, she could give herself an orgasm by stroking her cunt with her fingers. But no matter how she yanked and pulled, she didn’t loosen one of her hands. However, she should and she must have an orgasm, and immediately! Here and now. Regardless of how much she had to sacrifice for it. Realizing the inevitable, and trembling with desire for the ultimate satisfaction, Agnes gave in.

“Please,” begged Agnes. “Let King make me cum! In any way whatsoever. I’ll let myself be fucked by King if that’s necessary to receive an orgasm. But please let him make me cum! Please let him loose so that he can fuck me and make me cum!”

Ron and Reina listened with delight to the pleadings of Agnes. The little slut finally showed her true nature.

“It’s all right, darling,” Reina said. “You’ll get everything you’re desiring for. But first we have to prepare you for the fucking with King. Just be a little more patient now”

“Oh, no!” Groaned Agnes. “Don’t let me wait any longer, please. Please! Let him fuck me. Right now! I do need it so very badly!”

Neither Ron nor Reina responded further to the pleas of Agnes, who felt as if her cunt is on fire. Ron took some kind of medication bottle from his pocket and handed it to Reina, who unscrewed the cap. Attached to the cap is a stick with a small brush, as thin as a pencil.

Reina rubbed the brush over Agnes her cunt lips, after which she dipped the brush again in the bottle and then rubbed it over again, and especially between Agnes her cunt lips to lubricate them. This she repeated several times, after which she closed the bottle and returned it to Ron.

“What’s that?” Agnes asked. “What is in the bottle?”

“Urine of a bitch in-heat” Reina said without further explanation.

Actually, it interested Agnes not what’s in the bottle. The only thing that bothered her about the bottle and its contents, is that it caused that it took longer before King is going to fuck her. At first she didn’t understand why Reina had smeared her cunt with urine of a bitch in-heat. She’s still sitting widely spread as possible on the sofa, and all three of them stared at her wet cunt.

“I don’t know what the intention of this is,” Agnes said impatiently. “And, to be honest, it doesn’t interest me at all. I only want King to fuck me! But I’d like to know why you put this urine on me?.”

“Trust us,” Reina said. “And don’t ask much. All you have to do is enjoy what King has to offer you.”

Then Ron let King loose.

He jumped as lightning in front of Agnes, where he more excited than usual began to sniff at her cunt. Agnes is surprised by the reaction of King. Instead of sniffing and licking at her cunt, King puts his front paws beside her on the couch. Then he pushed himself over Agnes and began with curved back to ride up against the sofa. As he had ridden earlier in the week up against her knees.

Agnes could no longer see much more of King than his back and his tail, and therefore she bent her head aside to catch a glimpse of the red tip of King’s dick.

And she’s shocked by what she saw!

It is no longer the small, ten centimeters long, thin dog’s dick, she saw hanging under King previously. King’s dick had become much longer and thicker, and became still thicker and longer, while and more and more of King’s cock emerged from the sheath under the belly of King.

That isn’t all that’s going through her mind!

Agnes now suddenly realized why Reina had rubbed her cunt with the urine of a bitch in-heat, and she realized that for dog her cunt would have the same smell. That smell would awaken King’s reproductive instincts and Agnes felt scared.

Scared of the enormity of this ‘next step’.

Ron and Reina simultaneously pulled on her legs, so her ass slid forward over the seat cushion of the sofa, until Agnes is seated with her buttocks on the edge of the sofa. Agnes feels immediately how the tip of King’s cock bumped against her crotch. The enormous heat Agnes feels when she had agreed to let King fuck her had cooled a bit. Thereby she came to the irrational fear she felt for the unknown. The monstrous and depraved copulating of herself with an animal.

“Ho! Stop!” Agnes cried in fear. “I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want King to fuck me. I’ve changed my mind! I don’t want it anymore!”

“Too late,” Ron replied. “We cannot hold him back now. No one can. Not now King is guided by his instincts. Nobody can stop him now, other than to kill him, and that we don’t do for a fickle, frustrated housewife. Your destiny is no longer in our hands. Nor in your own hands. King is going to fuck you, even if you like it or not”.

With eyes full of shock and disbelief Agnes first looked at Ron and then to Reina.

“Let me go,” Agnes shouted angrily. “You cannot do this! This is sexual assault! This is rape! For this you go to jail!”

“Of course,” Ron said sarcastically. “Once King is finished, you’ll go straight to the police and tell them that you’ve just been fucked by a dog! They’ll probably find it very amusing!”

“Especially when you tell them you’re the vicar’s wife,” Reina said.

“That saves us the trouble of telling your nice pastor husband, how all this time you have mistreated and abused our dog,” Ron said.

But those last words Agnes didn’t hear. Because now her attention is distracted by the tip of King’s cock, which started to thrust rapidly into her crotch, seeking the opening of her cunt. For a moment she tried to wriggle herself loose from the grip of Ron and Reina, but soon she realized that it’s completely useless.

Reina reached out with her hand. She grabbed the stabbing dog cock and put him in the cunt of her young neighbor. Once King felt the cunt lips of Agnes surrounding his cock, he began uncontrollably to stab his cock in her cunt. For a moment it took away the breath away from Agnes.

King’s cock feels like a real dick inside her cunt. She feels him with a breathtaking speed moving in her cunt up and down, and to her horror and amazement, it’s an overpowering and wonderful feeling.

She couldn’t see King’s cock going up and down in her cunt, but she could feel him even better.

“Oh! No!” Agnes cried. “Oh my God! No! He’s inside me! His dog’s dick is in my cunt. Oh! No! This is terrible! This is—”

Agnes stopped, stunned. She almost said it’s delicious.

She closed her eyes and tried not to think about how grotesque and degrading this interaction with the beast is, but to concentrate on the extraordinary thrill inside her cunt. The feeling that her cunt made tingle and throb as if a hundred thousand fine needles were inserted simultaneously into it.

Her cunt is throbbing like hell.

“Look at that,” Ron said to Reina. “See how wonderful that dog cock fits in the hypocrite slut’s cunt.”

“I see it,” Reina said. “It fits perfectly, this dog cock in her cunt. See how he is stabbing his cock up and down in her”.

“Jesus, yes,” Ron said. “What is this a beautiful, horny performance. To see how her cunt lips are closing so nice and tight around the still thickening dog cock”.

They both looked with sparkling eyes and drooling with excitement at the cunt of Agnes, where the dog stabbed his cock like a hammer drill in up and down.

“Look at that,” Reina said. “She’s cumming.” Her voice shrieked with excitement, “See how her body shakes and trembles,” she continued. “Look how her cunt is contracting again and again. This is fantastic. The slut is cumming while our dog is moving his cock in her cunt. This is so dirty.”

Agnes listened with shock and horror to the excited conversation between Ron and Reina. But at the same time she realized that picturesque, lively description of her cunt with the dog’s dick in it excited her. Neither as she could ignore the in her cunt up and down thrusting dogs dick. Especially because of the indescribable, divine feeling that caused this dog’s dick in her cunt.

It is amazing. It felt wonderful.

The dog cock is hard and thick. Long and smooth and it felt like velvet every time he stroked her cunt lips while he pumped up and down at breakneck speed, up and down inside her cunt. It is such an amazing feeling.

From her initial reluctance, soon nothing is left. The attitude of Agnes turned from reluctance to one of surrender. Surrendering to the pleasure that triggered the dog cock in her cunt. Surrendering to the natural forces of the dog who took possession of her body without any compassion. The brutal dog, which indulge his animal lust in her receptive body. To the dog, who’s using her even more receptive cunt for his perverted animal satisfaction. To the dog who’s using her cunt to ejaculate in.

Agnes shuddered because of the incredible excitement. She shivered with the overwhelming thrilling sensation. A sensation that pulled like a warm tingling glow through her entire naked body. That made flashes shatter for her eyes into a blaze of light and endless bright sparks. And that ended in an overwhelming, thunderous orgasm, which came up from deep within her and which took her breath away and made her dizzy with excitement and perfect happiness.

Her whole body began uncontrollably to tremble and to shock, and her cunt began spastic to contract in a constant rhythm around the in her cunt up and down thrusting dogs dick. Agnes became a mist over her eyes and her blood raged through her body. She let out a hoarse scream of ultimate delight.

The dog did not pay any attention to the orgasm of his humans bitch. Unless it must have been that his dogs cock became thicker because of the orgasm that Agnes received. And that it is the reason for the appearance of the knot at the base of the dog cock. Which is highly unlikely. In the ecstasy of her orgasm at first Agnes did not notice that the dogs cock became thicker. Not that the knot appeared on the dog cock.

When her orgasm had slightly decreased, and Agnes came to herself again basking in the afterglow, she became aware of the dog who’s still fucking her with undiminished lust. Also that the dog cock had become thicker and thicker, and also that the same dog cock became much thicker at the base.

Agnes had lived her whole life in a village and more than once seen how dogs mated. She knew enough about the anatomy of a male dog to know that the thickening at the base of the dog cock is the knot, and that this is intended to prevent mating dogs from being separated too soon from each other. To keep the seed of the male dog inside the bitch long enough to make sure the fertilization would take place.

The dog’s seed. The knot. The fertilization.

Agnes shuddered when she let the meaning of these words go through her mind. But it is a shiver of pure excitement.

“Look,” Reina shouted. “Here comes the knot, “Her voice shrieked with excitement, “I see the knot. Look at it, see how the knot is pressing against her cunt lips.”

“I see it,” Ron said. His voice is hoarse with excitement. “He’s pushing the knot inside her. He’s pushing his knot into her cunt. See how her cunt lips are parting. See how wide they are stretched out. This is so gross. This is unbelievable. Unbelievable that her cunt can be opened that wide. That her cunt can be stretched that wide. Just look how that thick knot disappears inside her cunt. Look at that. The knot goes all the way inside her cunt. Just like that.”

“Jesus, yes, “Reina almost screamed it out. “He has pushed the knot completely inside her. His dog cock is now completely inside her cunt. With knot and all. See how tight her cunt lips are closing themselves around that knot?” Reina groaned loudly. “Oh, Jesus. Why do I become horny from this? My cunt is totally wet.”

Agnes did hear what Ron and Reina said to each other, but the meaning of their words has not really penetrated through to her mind. She concentrated herself on the almost unbearable enjoyment of the thrusting dog cock in her still with excitement hot tingling cunt. She felt how the knot with every thrust against her cunt lips, which were pushed further and further apart by the pressure, until het cunt lips were parted far enough to let the knot slide between them into her cunt.

“My God,” Agnes groaned in despair. “I do not want this. This is so very wrong.” But the moment when she’s saying it, a shiver of excitement ran through her body, and then another. “This is wrong,” she said with an excited trembling voice. “I do not want this. This is sinful. This isn’t good. Oh my God. This is so amazingly delicious.”

The picture of herself with the dog standing in front of her, with his dog cock in her cunt, held in it with her cunt lips strained over the knot, so that the dog seed remained inside her, appeared in her mind.

Agnes shivered again. A shiver of excitement went through her because of the excitement, tensing body. Her excitement grew again plummeting on the way to another orgasm.

“Oh my God,” Agnes cried with her still with excitement trembling voice. “This feels so good. This is what I want. This is so exciting. This is great. This is so amazingly delicious.”

Her orgasm came faster than expected.

Not yet while her cunt lips parted under the pressure of the knot and the thick lump slipped between them and disappeared inside her cunt, after which her cunt lips strained themselves around the knot. No, her orgasm came a little later, when the dog cock deep inside her cunt began to shake, and she felt how thick rays of dog sperm were sprayed against the inner back wall of her cunt. Then the next orgasm erupted in all its intensity.

Trembling and shaking Agnes sat slumped down on the sofa. Her legs were still spread as wide as possible, and were still held tight by Ron and Reina.

At that time Agnes wasn’t herself, not really aware of her surroundings. Through her orgasm she involuntarily flexed her muscles through which she lifted her ass on the sofa. Her pelvis came up and forward, which makes it look as if she so to speak is pushing her cunt upward against the stabbing the dogs dick, which because of that disappeared even deeper inside her cunt. She moaned and babbled incoherent sentences. But they sound as if she encouraged the dog to fuck her.

Her cunt shocked, and her bulging cunt lips, continuously were contracting on their own again and again around the knot, which since he is inside her cunt, had grown even thicker, and is now solid anchored inside her cunt. Her cunt felt as if it is all filled up with dog cock and dog seed, that is pressed inside her cunt until her cunt flooded and the dog seed is pressed between her cunt lips and the knot, again out of her cunt and is running in a thin stream down her cunt lips to her asshole.

It is truly a fantastic, extremely erotic spectacle. Ron and Reina could not have been more pleased with this extremely horny presentation of their in their eyes ignorant young neighbor. What is it great to see her sitting there between them, with her legs spread wide and the dick of their dog anchored inside her beautiful tight cunt. With her, their wildest dreams come true, and it is a thousand times better and a thousand times more exciting than they had ever dreamed of.

“Look,” Reina said. “The dog is cumming. The dog is spraying his load in her.” Again her voice shrieked with excitement. “You can see the dog cock shaking behind her over the knot outstretched cunt lips. I’m sure he’s emptying his dog’s balls in her cunt. My God. What an exciting picture that’s causing in my mind. Why is this horny to watch?”

“I know,” Ron said. “I see it, and I see a lot more. I see the slut cumming. Look at her. Look at her cunt. The dog is cumming in her cunt and she’s cumming on the dogs cock in her cunt. See how far her cunt lips are stretched out wide. Unbelievable that her cunt is opened that far. Look at how this thick knot is disappearing inside her cunt. Look at that. The knot goes all the way into her cunt. My God. Why is this horny to look at? I have the biggest hard-on of my life.”

“Jesus, yes,” Reina moaned. “She’s busy cumming. See how she squeezes the dog cock with her cunt. Look at her, how she’s thrusting her cunt upwards against the dog cock. She wants even more of him inside her. All the way inside her horny cunt. My God,” groaned Reina again. “How horny I feel right now, I really need to masturbate.”

She spread her legs and with her hand, she began to rub her cunt over her trousers.

Agnes is not aware of all of this. She’s cumming in a continuous orgasm, which is going from one peak to another. Her cunt tingled and felt like a mass of hot fondant. Her cunt lips were contracting at each peak of her orgasm. Her orgasm, which often remarkably peaked when a ray dog sperm is sprayed in her cunt. And which were following each other less quickly when the dog cock shocked less frequently inside her, and less frequently sprayed a ray of dog cum in her cunt.

Her orgasms peaked no more, but her cunt is still tingling, and still felt like hot fondant, when the dog puts his front paws on the floor. As a result of that movement the dog cock moved inside her cunt, which gave Agnes again an indescribable pleasure and which is setting her cunt on fire again.


When the dog had lifted his hind leg over Agnes her belly, and is standing on all fours with his tail between her spread legs towards Agnes, the nails on the hind leg of the dog had caused a few deep scratches on her lower abdomen. But Agnes felt none of that. The movements of the dog cock inside her cunt, and especially of the knot along the insides of her cunt were so exciting and tingling and soft, that her orgasm again peaked. So violently this time, that she’s holding her breath, and again became light headed.

When the excitement became lesser and Agnes regained her breath under control, she looked down in front of her to look at her cunt.

Which looked grotesque.

Her cunt lips were stretched wide, and were strained tight around the knot on the dog cock, which Agnes knew, is completely inside her cunt. Especially because she could feel him there, filling her cunt to the limit.

A small piece of shiny red dog cock is just visible between her cunt and the big scrotum of the dog, in which obviously were some huge dog’s balls. The piece of dog cock is fairly thin, unlike the huge cock she felt inside her cunt. It might be a grotesque sight, Agnes became still very excited from the looking at her own cunt.

And when the dog cock shocked again deep inside her cunt, gushing a ray of dog seed inside her cunt, Agnes saw her cunt lips moving, and pulling themselves tighter around the knot in her cunt. It is such a horny sight that her orgasm peaked again. Ron and Reina were sitting bent over, looking at the cunt of the young woman. As close as possible, in order to miss nothing of the most fantastic, exciting spectacle that the vicar’s wife performed here.

They had still Agnes her legs spread wide over their knees, and they saw firsthand how the cunt of Agnes is bulging because of the knot on the dick of their dog, which is still embedded in Agnes her cunt. Held inside it because of her tightly around the knot strained cunt lips.

“Oh, Jesus, “Reina said. “They are tied to each other. The dog is really tied to her with his dog cock in her cunt. Held in her cunt by her cunt lips, which are being strained tight around the dog knot. Her cunt protrudes completely through the mass of dog cock that is inside it.”

“I see it,” Ron said. “The horny bitch is cumming again,”

He shifted the leg of Agnes a little and opened his fly, to get his cock out. Which is large, thick, long, and rock hard. He took him in his hand and hit it a few times against the leg of Agnes who lay across his knees. Then he began to masturbate.

“Look at that cunt,” he moaned. “So big. So protruding. What a beautiful sight. So with that big dog cock inside it.”

Just at that moment King felt apparently that the knot had shrunk far enough to pull him out of the cunt of his human bitch. Agnes felt how to the pressure on her cunt lips from the inside became worse, until it almost is hurting. Her cunt began to contract again, and her excitement grew, despite the pain. She’s still dazed from the series of orgasms that she just had received, and she felt how from inside her cunt a new peak is building up.

Agnes climaxed again for the umpteenth time when the dog pulled the knot out of her cunt. She felt how, because of the pressure inside her, her cunt lips which were stretched to the limit, after which the knot with a ‘plop’ sound is pulled out of her cunt, followed by the still huge dog cock and a wave of watery dog seed.

Enjoying her orgasm Agnes watched the dog walking away from her. His pink, red dog cock still hung big and thick between his hind legs, and the knot is, still protruding, thick at the base of the dog cock. Agnes is impressed by the enormous length and thickness of the dog cock. And especially in the size of the knot. And a twitch shot through her cunt.

How is it possible that something enormously huge has been inside my cunt, she wondered? And why did it feel so good?

Meanwhile, Ron and Reina were seated with their nose practically on top of the cunt of Agnes. They both masturbated while they were looking with ecstatic admiration to Agnes her cunt, which is still wide open, and where a steady trickle dog sperm dripped out. Ron lifted Agnes her leg up and stood up from the sofa, after which he laid her leg back down on the sofa. Standing with his right foot on the floor in front of Agnes, he lifted his left foot up, to put it beside Agnes on the sofa.

With his cock still out of his trousers, he stood right in front of the face of Agnes.

“Suck,” he commanded hoarsely.

Agnes is still completely under the spell of her last orgasm. It had made her giddy with excitement, and she’s still far away from reality. She saw the shadow that suddenly appeared in front of her face and heard Ron’s voice. But she did not respond.

“Suck, bitch,” Ron said again. “Open your mouth.”

Still Agnes is not back to her senses, but she understood the last sentence and thoughtlessly opened her mouth. Ron pushed his long, hard and throbbing cock in her mouth.

“Suck,” He commanded again.

Now that she had his cock in her mouth, Agnes better understood what is required of her, and without thinking, she started to suck his cock.

“Oh, my God,” cried Reina. “She has your cock in her mouth. She’s sucking your cock. How horny.”

Meanwhile, Agnes came to her senses. She tasted the sickly salty taste of the male cock on her tongue, and suddenly she found it disgusting. Her excitement had vanished instantly and is replaced by shame and revulsion. She tried to push Ron away and pull her head back to let his dick slipping out of her mouth. But Ron grabbed the hair at the back of her head and pushed her head forward, further on his cock, so that it ended at the back of her throat.

Agnes gagged, but Ron did not care about that. He just fucked her in her mouth. Agnes is furious.

“Leave it,” she tried to scream. “Take your cock out of my mouth.”

But all what could be heard were, some were incoherent muffled screams. Agnes could hardly breathe, and thrashing, she tried to breathe. And her breathing is even more hampered when the cock ejaculated, and fat blasting of sperm directly spat out in Agnes her throat. Again she had to gag, and she could hardly breathe. There is no alternative than to swallow the mess, which she did, still gagging.

What made that some of it came in the wrong throat, after which she splutters and gasping almost choked, and a portion of the sperm literally came out of her nose. Finally, just before she thought that she would faint, Agnes could breathe again. She finally got some air. That is because Ron had pulled his dick out of her mouth, and after he had put his cock back in his pants he sat in one of the armchairs.

While Agnes again tried to catch her breath and to clean her mouth, Ron said, “Well? That was not so hard, was it? To let King have sex with you. You even enjoyed it.”

“Indeed,” Reina agreed. “You cannot have found it that bad, the way you came on the dog cock in your cunt more than four times.”

Agnes meanwhile, had regained her senses.

“You two,” she gasped, stuttering with rage. “You two are the lowest, dirtiest, most perverted scum that walks around on God’s earth,” she cried out loud. “That you two did this to me is…” She stammered and then fell silent, because she could not find the words for it.

“The best thing that ever happened to you?” Ron sarcastically finished her sentence.

“Drop dead,” screamed Agnes as she stood and rushed out the house of the neighbors.

Not until she’s home, Agnes realized that her skirt is still next door. Hopefully, no one had seen that the wife of the vicar running naked across the street.

“My God,” Agnes thought aloud. “Let nobody have seen me, for God’s sake.”

She burped, and the taste of cum filled her mouth.


And so a week and a half had passed.

It’s Friday at the end of the afternoon, and Agnes is in the kitchen, almost finished preparing dinner when she heard Peter coming home. After she’s fucked by the dog, Agnes had become nervous and irritable. And she had vented her moods on Peter, who has since avoided confrontations with her as much as possible. It’s no wonder he didn’t greet her with a kiss on the cheek, as he did before, but went straight to the living room. She heard him talking to someone before he called her.

“Do you want to come to the living room please, sweetheart?” She heard Peter calling. “We’ve got company.”

When she opened the living room door to go inside, Agnes almost fell over with shock and amazement. Ron is sitting in one of the armchairs, in an animated conversation with her husband.

“Ron invites us tonight for an introductory dinner party,” said Peter. “I’ve already accepted the invitation.”

Agnes is in shock! When she would be in the same room with King, he would at least try to stab his snout under her skirt, and who knows what more the dog would try! Perhaps he would begin to ride up against her. Then everything would come out and it’s over with her marriage.

“But I have our dinner almost ready,” she desperately tried.

“Save it for tomorrow,” said Peter.

“We’ll lock up the dog while in the garage” Ron said.

Deep inside Agnes let out a sigh of relief! Ron understood what’s troubling her, and made it clear the dog would not be in the room, and so her secret is safe. As Agnes understood, however, it would have a price tag, whatever it might be. But for the moment the danger is gone.

“Well, okay then,” said Agnes.

She’s resigned to her fate.


Until the coffee, the dinner took place in a pleasant atmosphere. So pleasant, even Agnes after a while forgot the whole quarrel between her and the neighbors. After dinner asked Reina to Agnes, if she wanted to help her with the coffee. Agnes knew it’s entirely unnecessary to help her, but she followed Reina into the kitchen. Reina is standing in the kitchen with her buttocks against the counter. She looked at Agnes.

“It has gone on long enough,” Reina said. “You now have long enough sulked like a little child.”

Agnes said nothing.

“You’re acting like a prima donna,” Reina continued. “Instead of accepting who and what you are, namely a slut and a dog fucker, you act like a spoiled child in the candy store who is angry because she cannot make a choice. And the poor vicar must pay for it.”

Agnes still said nothing.

“Enough is enough,” Reina continued. “Monday morning you come to us to drink coffee with us. Just like before.”

“You’re crazy if you think I’ll participate in your sick games,” Agnes said.

“Perhaps,” Reina said. “But we know what we want, and what’s even more important is we know what you want, but don’t yet dare to admit to yourself.”

“And what do I want, according to you?” Agnes asked.

“You want more than anything to become our bitch,” Reina said. “You want yourself only too happy let you fuck by our dog. You want only too happy to feel his thick dog’s dick in your cunt shocking again when he squirts his dog seed in your beautiful, horny body.”

“You’re completely mad,” Agnes said again, although deep down, she sensed Reina is right though. “Don’t think I’ll let myself to ever again be persuaded by you to fuck a dog.”

It’s good Reina didn’t know how excited Agnes had become during this remarkable conversation. How her cunt itched and tingled at the thought of the dog’s dick in her cunt.

“We’ll see,” Reina said. “Monday morning, when you come to us to drink coffee.

“Forget it,” Agnes said. “I won’t come Monday morning to drink coffee. I’ll never come here to drink coffee again.”

“We’ll see,” Reina said again. “If you don’t come, then we’ll invite you with your sweet, devout vicar husband for dinner, and the dog will be in the room. I wonder how you’ll explain King’s behavior to your husband.”

“You’re crazy,” Agnes said again. “I won’t be involved in any of this.”

She took the tray of coffee cups and without looking at Reina, she walked to the living room.

The rest of Friday night is as a dream for Agnes. As soon as she had served the coffee and is seated in the recliner, she noticed Reina had not followed her into the living room, and immediately Agnes wondered anxiously what Reina is doing. Is Reina perhaps busy to carry out her threat and get the dog?

Agnes is almost paralyzed with fear, and had barely moved, let alone said a word. She had put her coffee cup back on the coffee table, because her hands were shaking so badly, the cup is shaking on the saucer, and she’s afraid she would drop it out of her hands. She had heaved a sigh of relief when Reina, after what had seemed an eternity, but is no more than a few minutes, finally entered the living room.

Ron and Peter both sat on one side of the three-seater sofa, with each other in an animated conversation. Peter is not aware of anything and had not noticed anything. And because Ron and Reina also acted normal, the evening is really enjoyable and as pleasant as possible. But with Agnes as a spectator.

“Why were you so silent tonight?” Peter said, when they were at home. “Is there something wrong?”

“Of course not,” Agnes replied. “But the three of you were so busy talking it’s almost impossible to say a word. Besides, I was very interested in the conversation and liked listening to the three of you.”

The fear everything would come out is gone. At least for now. Even though Agnes is the whole weekend constantly reminded of the threat of Reina, she would again invite her and Peter and then the dog would let inside. But in doing so Agnes unavoidable thought immediately also about the dogs dick had been inside her cunt. And with it the desire came back, to the unparalleled sense of the dogs cock in her cunt. The desire for an orgasm like the dog had given her when he fucked her.

A desire she, with her cunt tingling with excitement, but also with a knot in her stomach of revulsion thought back on, and with Peter home all the time, it’s difficult to masturbate. Until she Saturday afternoon after the tea could stand it no longer, and withdrew herself to the bathroom, where she with the images in her mind of the dog’s dick in her cunt masturbated until she came. The weekend had given her time to think about the unforgettable feeling of the dog’s cock in her cunt. How it had made her cum harder than Peter or any man had.

The same evening before bedtime, she masturbated in the bathroom while she imagined the dogs cock is in her cunt. And the next Sunday morning she began again right away to play with her cunt while she’s showering. Remembering the unforgettable feeling she had experienced when the dog had fucked her, she gave herself an orgasm. The first of the three times Agnes Sunday made herself cum because her thoughts constantly wandered back to the conversation with Reina Saturday evening her kitchen. By which inevitable images of the dog’s cock going in her cunt, up and down, appeared in her mind. It seemed as if she’s possessed by dog dick.


So Agnes stood Monday morning at ten on the clock at the front of the neighbors in a short skirt and without panties. The bitter reality has penetrated through Agnes mind, she’s trapped. Either she did what the neighbors wanted from her, or her marriage would end and Peter would be hurt. She knew which choice she had to make, or better: she knew she had no choice.

But what’s now so terrible about it? Is it bad, she would let herself be fucked by the dog? Peter had more than once said there’s a lot of nonsense in the Bible, and how he didn’t witness a lot of faith, charity and compassion in so-called Christians. And it’s certainly the case in the Old Testament. The true value of a being good Christian is not in compliance with what’s in the Bible and try to impose it on others, but the real value of a being good Christian is in the practice of mercy, charity, respect for others, and their way of life.

Reina had not told her of their former residence where they let a prostitute to fuck the dog, and there were many women who did so happily and willingly. Reina also said mature people had every right to organize their sex lives to their own insights. Its pettiness and small-mindedness of the people who condemned others because they took freedom, and it had undeniably been delicious. Whenever Agnes remembered the dog’s dick in her cunt it immediately began to tingle again. Her body knew what it needed, and the dog next door could give it to her. Why would she not take what her body required? Besides, it would solve a lot of problems. But could she ignore what’s written in Chapter twenty of Leviticus?

Therefore Agnes stood there Monday morning, after much deliberation, at ten o’clock at the front door of the neighbors. In a short skirt and without panties. Reina opened the door. She didn’t ask Agnes inside, but turned around and left Agnes in front of the open door. Leaving it for her to close and follow Reina into the living room.

“So, you’re here,” Ron said unnecessarily, while he let go of the dog. “We’re glad you made the right choice.”

Agnes is silent.

The dog comes to her and put his snout under her skirt. He sniffs at her cunt. The cunt he had fucked a while ago for the first time. Had used to cum in. Agnes shivered, but at the same time a jolt of excitement swept through her cunt.

“Let’s start where we ended the last time,” Reina said. “First, you may treat yourself to a nice fuck by the dog. Which has longed for you cunt.”

Agnes shivered again. The coarse words of Reina – a woman crying out loud – shocked her. But at the same time a wave of tingling excitement pulled through her cunt.

“Indeed,” Ron confirmed. “Look at what he has hanging under his belly. All for you.”

As in a reflex Agnes looked under the belly of the dog. She saw the purple dogs cock had emerged out of the shaft. She shuddered again. Of disgust? Or with excitement?

“Now we know each other so much better,” said Reina. “You may take off your skirt. Makes it a lot easier for everyone.”

“And a lot more fun,” Ron added. “When you’re ready, you may sit between us on the sofa. Then we can look at your cunt after it’s been used by the dog.”

Agnes went almost through the floor with shame. Her face is glowing and with red cheeks of embarrassment, Agnes took off her skirt and laid it in one of the armchairs. But it was not the words of Ron, who made her blush with shame. No, the reason her cunt is glowing and tingling with excitement is because she’s desiring the dogs cock in her cunt so much. Heavily affected by the dog she approached the three seater sofa, where she sat between Ron and Reina. With her knees tightly together and her hands in her lap.

“We don’t want to tie your hands any longer,” Ron said. “We also will no longer hold your legs.”

“Instead, put your arms on the backrest,” Reina said. “You have to sit between us just with your knees pulled up, and your ass slumped down.”

“You must always offer the dog the best possible access to your cunt,” Ron said.

Agnes tried to keep up her attitude of victim and involuntary participant as much as possible, but secretly she would prefer the dog immediately climbed onto her and stab his cock into her cunt. So moments later, she’s sitting again with her arms and legs spread wide on the three seater sofa, and with her bare cunt clearly visible to Ron and Reina. Making it easily accessible for King, who immediately stood between Agnes her widely spread legs to sniff and lick at her cunt. Ron and Reina both pulled at the same time at her legs so Agnes sat with her ass on the edge of the sofa.

King sniffed for a while at her cunt and then he put his front paws on the couch next to Agnes. He tried to clench his front legs around her waist while he with a hunched back began to ride against her.

“Well, well, he’s looking forward to it,” Ron said laughing.

“Yes,” said Reina. “He desires to fuck her.”

Agnes felt the tip of the dog’s cock rapidly starting to thrust up and down in her crotch, in search of her cunt. Reina’s heart missed a beat of pure happiness. Here she became the chance of a lifetime! The change of which she had so often dreamed of. A chance just fell from heaven! Her dearest wish could come true! Right now! She could lead the dogs cock with her own hand inside another woman’s cunt! In the cunt of the vicar’s young wife!

Her own cunt tingled with excitement when Reina reached out to the thrusting dog cock. Which in the meantime had become rapidly thicker and longer, and is now more than ten centimeters long and about three or perhaps four centimeters in diameter. And is stabbed red and pointy and with dizzying speed in the crotch of the vicar’s wife. It took Reina some effort to grasp the dog’s dick. But when she had him firmly enough in her fist, she trembling with excitement led the dog’s dick to the tiny twat of her young neighbor and she stuck the tip of the dog’s dick between the swollen cunt lips of the young woman.

“Oh! My God!” She cooed giggling. “This is so exciting!”

As soon as the dog felt Agnes her cunt lips around the tip of his cock, he began to stab his dog cock unrestrained in her cunt up and down. He moved his doggy cock so wild and so fast, Reina barely had the time to pull her hand back. Agnes panted with shock. The dog stabbed his cock at a breathtaking pace in her cunt up and down. And again Agnes is surprised the dog cock in her cunt is so an overpowering and wonderful feeling. The dogs cock moved at an unprecedented pace in her cunt up and down. And, my God, how indescribably delicious it’s. As if her cunt is melted and only consisted of a red-hot mass. She pushed her pelvis forward and slid her buttocks a little further forward over the edge of the seat cushion. To get the dogs cock further into her cunt.

It’s so overpowering delicious, nothing mattered anymore! Ron and Reina were sitting each on one side of Agnes on the sofa. A little bent forward, in order not to miss anything of the erotic spectacle took place right in front of their eyes.

“It’s amazingly beautiful the dog cock fits so wonderfully in her cunt” Ron said. “Look how smooth and supple he slides between her cunt lips in and out of her wet fuck slit. That dog cock really fits completely inside her cunt.”

“Yes,” said Reina. “It seems as if her cunt was created for receiving dog cock, so perfectly fits in her cunt. As if the good Lord had meant it to be.”

“Jesus, yes,” said Ron. “Look how King is stabbing his cock up and down in her. What a speed, and what smoothness.”

They looked with sparkling eyes and drooling with excitement to the battered cunt of Agnes, where the dog’s cock moved like a rotary hammer in up and down.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Reina. “She’s truly already cumming!” Her voice shrieked with excitement. “See how she’s contracted with her cunt. Look how her lower body shakes and trembles,” she continued. “How she’s contracted with her cunt again and again! The slut is cumming! The bitch is cumming with a dog cock in her cunt! Our horny dogs fucking slut is cumming!”

Whatever Ron and Reina all said, Agnes didn’t really care. She’s here now, although not voluntary. She’s blackmailed to come here for ‘drinking coffee’. And now she’s here, the best she could do is to make the best of it. Ron and Reina wished she would let fuck herself through their dog. There is no escape. If it’s going to happen, why shouldn’t she try to enjoy it anyway?

So, when the dog began to fuck her, she had better things to do than listen to their excited chatter. The in her cunt up and down, thrusting dog cock demanded all her attention. The feeling of the cock in her cunt delivered her, overwhelmed her as if a sudden storm. It’s amazing how fast the dog could make her cum. That is the quandary! Fucking with a dog is repulsive, but it feels so amazingly good!

The dog cock seemed even harder and thicker than the first time he’s inside her cunt, or is it only her imagination? In any case, it feels like velvet, as the smooth, long dog cock caressed her cunt lips while he fucked her rapidly. It’s just insanely delicious. Still in the afterglow of her first orgasm, Agnes found it no longer repulsive the dog is with his cock inside her. And also the presence of the watching Ron and Reina annoyed or alarmed her no longer. On the contrary. Agnes tried to imagine what the nearby neighbors did see, and she herself tried to also catch a glimpse of the dog cock is moving inside her cunt up and down.

The dog had his front legs as good and bad as it went, clamped around the waist of Agnes, and hugged her in an iron grip. He had his head down over her right shoulder. Tirelessly he thrust his dog cock in her cunt up and down. Agnes felt the knot on the dog cock began to form and with every inward thrust of the dog cock is pressed against her smooth cunt lips. Full of surrender to the pleasure the dog cock triggered in her cunt, Agnes flexed her muscles in order to push her cunt up and forward, to meet the stabbing dog’s dick. At the same time she relaxed her cunt lips so the knot on the dog cock could slide easily into her throbbing and quivering cunt.

Agnes heaved a sigh of relief, while a shiver of excitement ran through her entire body. The dog cock is now entirely inside her cunt. With knot and all! Agnes is feeling herself in seventh heaven! She felt the pointy end of the dog cock stabbing against the back walls of her cunt. Till he pushed the tip of his dog cock in the tiny hole of her womb. Aghast and shocked Agnes took a deep breath. It didn’t hurt, but it’s a strange tickling sensation there deep inside her cunt. Especially when the dog cock began to shake, and her entire uterus moved together with the dogs cock. Agnes became really mad when the dog cock began to spray, and his hot rays of doggy cum squirted straight inside her womb.

Agnes shuddered as she came for the second time. Trembling all over her body, she underwent the overwhelming, exhilarating sensation of her orgasm. An overwhelming orgasm, which spread out from her uterus to her cunt and her abdomen. And further through her body until her hair stood erect, and her toes were curled. Her cunt began spastic to contract around the knot on the thrusting dog cock, which shocked inside her and filled her uterus with dog semen. In the flush of her orgasm Agnes began to scream.

“Fuck me! Fuck me. God damn it. Fill my cunt with your animal sperm! Fuck my body! Fuck my dirty human cunt!”

“My God,” said Reina. “Hear the slut cumming again!”

“I see it and I hear it,” Ron cried out hoarsely. “It’s good the good vicar does not hear his wife.”

“Jesus! Yes,” said Reina. “I wonder what he would think about God’s creation, if he saw his wife so busy. Look! She has the dog cock now entirely inside her cunt! With knot and all! Just look how tight her cunt lips are stretched around the knot. See how far they are stretched out!”

Agnes did hear what Ron and Reina said to each other. But at the time she didn’t feel embarrassed about it. On the contrary! The fact they looked at her cunt, while she’s fucked by their dog, excited Agnes even more. After all, they were the ones who had forced her to do this. Therefor it’s not Agnes her fault the dog fucked her, and therefore also not her fault she came and enjoyed it. All the blame is with Ron and Reina.

And so Agnes focused herself with her whole being on the almost intolerable pleasure of the shocking dog cock, whose point is still in her womb. And from which with every shock a new ray of dog sperm is sprayed directly into her womb. Her womb for her feeling is pumped full with dog semen, and felt as if it became more and thicker. Agnes even had the feeling her belly swelled because of her growing womb.


And so a week and a half had passed.

It’s Friday at the end of the afternoon, and Agnes is in the kitchen, almost finished preparing dinner when she heard Peter coming home. After she’s fucked by the dog, Agnes had become nervous and irritable. And she had vented her moods on Peter, who has since avoided confrontations with her as much as possible. It’s no wonder he did not greet her with a kiss on the cheek, as he did before, but went straight to the living room. She heard him talking to someone before he called her.

“Do you want to come to the living room please, sweetheart?” She heard Peter calling. “We’ve got company.”

When she opened the living room door to go inside, Agnes almost fell over with shock and amazement. Ron is sitting in one of the armchairs, in an animated conversation with her husband.

“Ron invites us tonight for an introductory dinner party,” said Peter. “I’ve already accepted the invitation.”

Agnes is in shock! When she would be in the same room with King, he would at least try to stab his snout under her skirt, and who knows what more the dog would try! Perhaps he would begin to ride up against her. Then everything would come out and it’s over with her marriage.

“But I have our dinner almost ready,” she desperately tried.

“Save it for tomorrow,” said Peter.

“We’ll lock up the dog while in the garage” Ron said.

Deep inside Agnes let out a sigh of relief! Ron understood what’s troubling her, and made it clear the dog would not be in the room, and so her secret is safe. As Agnes understood, however, it would have a price tag, whatever it might be. But for the moment the danger is gone.

“Well, okay then,” said Agnes.

She’s resigned to her fate.


Until the coffee, the dinner took place in a pleasant atmosphere. So pleasant, even Agnes after a while forgot the whole quarrel between her and the neighbors. After dinner asked Reina to Agnes, if she wanted to help her with the coffee. Agnes knew it’s entirely unnecessary to help her, but she followed Reina into the kitchen. Reina is standing in the kitchen with her buttocks against the counter. She looked at Agnes.

“It has gone on long enough,” Reina said. “You now have long enough sulked like a little child.”

Agnes said nothing.

“You’re acting like a prima donna,” Reina continued. “Instead of accepting who and what you are, namely a slut and a dog fucker, you act like a spoiled child in the candy store who is angry because she cannot make a choice. And the poor vicar must pay for it.”

Agnes still said nothing.

“Enough is enough,” Reina continued. “Monday morning you come to us to drink coffee with us. Just like before.”

“You’re crazy if you think I’ll participate in your sick games,” Agnes said.

“Perhaps,” Reina said. “But we know what we want, and what’s even more important is we know what you want, but don’t yet dare to admit to yourself.”

“And what do I want, according to you?” Agnes asked.

“You want more than anything to become our bitch,” Reina said. “You want yourself only too happy let you fuck by our dog. You want only too happy to feel his thick dog’s dick in your cunt shocking again when he squirts his dog seed in your beautiful, horny body.”

“You’re completely mad,” Agnes said again, although deep down, she sensed Reina is right though. “Don’t think I’ll let myself to ever again be persuaded by you to fuck a dog.”

Its good Reina did not know how excited Agnes had become during this remarkable conversation. How her cunt itched and tingled at the thought of the dog’s dick in her cunt.

“We’ll see,” Reina said. “Monday morning, when you come to us to drink coffee.

“Forget it,” Agnes said. “I won’t come Monday morning to drink coffee. I’ll never come here to drink coffee again.”

“We’ll see,” Reina said again. “If you don’t come, then we’ll invite you with your sweet, devout vicar husband for dinner, and the dog will be in the room. I wonder how you’ll explain King’s behavior to your husband.”

“You’re crazy,” Agnes said again. “I won’t be involved in any of this.”

She took the tray of coffee cups and without looking at Reina, she walked to the living room.

The rest of Friday night is as a dream for Agnes. As soon as she had served the coffee and is seated in the recliner, she noticed Reina had not followed her into the living room, and immediately Agnes wondered anxiously what Reina is doing. Is Reina perhaps busy to carry out her threat and get the dog?

Agnes is almost paralyzed with fear, and had barely moved, let alone said a word. She had put her coffee cup back on the coffee table, because her hands were shaking so badly, the cup is shaking on the saucer, and she’s afraid she would drop it out of her hands. She had heaved a sigh of relief when Reina, after what had seemed an eternity, but is no more than a few minutes, finally entered the living room.

Ron and Peter both sat on one side of the three-seater sofa, with each other in an animated conversation. Peter is not aware of anything and had not noticed anything. And because Ron and Reina also acted normal, the evening is really enjoyable and as pleasant as possible. But with Agnes as a spectator.

“Why were you so silent tonight?” Peter said, when they were at home. “Is there something wrong?”

“Of course not,” Agnes replied. “But the three of you were so busy talking it’s almost impossible to say a word. Besides, I was very interested in the conversation and liked listening to the three of you.”

The fear everything would come out is gone. At least for now. Even though Agnes is the whole weekend constantly reminded of the threat of Reina, she would again invite her and Peter and then the dog would let inside. But in doing so Agnes unavoidable thought immediately also about the dogs dick had been inside her cunt. And with it the desire came back, to the unparalleled sense of the dogs cock in her cunt. The desire for an orgasm like the dog had given her when he fucked her.

A desire she, with her cunt tingling with excitement, but also with a knot in her stomach of revulsion thought back on, and with Peter home all the time, it’s difficult to masturbate. Until she Saturday afternoon after the tea could stand it no longer, and withdrew herself to the bathroom, where she with the images in her mind of the dog’s dick in her cunt masturbated until she came. The weekend had given her time to think about the unforgettable feeling of the dog’s cock in her cunt. How it had made her cum harder than Peter or any man had.

The same evening before bedtime, she masturbated in the bathroom while she imagined the dogs cock is in her cunt. And the next Sunday morning she began again right away to play with her cunt while she’s showering. Remembering the unforgettable feeling she had experienced when the dog had fucked her, she gave herself an orgasm. The first of the three times Agnes Sunday made herself cum because her thoughts constantly wandered back to the conversation with Reina Saturday evening her kitchen. By which inevitable images of the dog’s cock going in her cunt, up and down, appeared in her mind. It seemed as if she’s possessed by dog dick.


So Agnes stood Monday morning at ten on the clock at the front of the neighbors in a short skirt and without panties. The bitter reality has penetrated through Agnes mind, she’s trapped. Either she did what the neighbors wanted from her, or her marriage would end and Peter would be hurt. She knew which choice she had to make, or better: she knew she had no choice.

But what’s now so terrible about it? Is it bad, she would let herself be fucked by the dog? Peter had more than once said there’s a lot of nonsense in the Bible, and how he didn’t witness a lot of faith, charity and compassion in so-called Christians. And it’s certainly the case in the Old Testament. The true value of a being good Christian is not in compliance with what’s in the Bible and try to impose it on others, but the real value of a being good Christian is in the practice of mercy, charity, respect for others, and their way of life.

And had Reina not told her to their former residence, they let come a prostitute to fuck with the dog? And there were many women who did happily and willingly? And had Reina also not said mature people had every right to organize their sex lives to their own insights. Its pettiness and small-mindedness of the people, who condemned others because they took freedom? And it had undeniably been delicious. Whenever Agnes remembered the dog’s dick in her cunt, it immediately began to tingle again. Her body knew what it needed. And the dog next door could give to her. Why would she not take what her body required? Besides, it would solve a lot of problems. But could she all is written in Chapter twenty of Leviticus simply ignore?

And therefore Agnes stood Monday morning, after much deliberation, at ten o’clock, at the front door of the neighbors. In a short skirt and without panties. Reina opened the door. She asked Agnes not inside, but turned around and left Agnes in front of the open door, leaving it to her to close the door and behind Reina to walk into the living room.

“So, you’re here,” Ron said unnecessarily, while he let go of the dog. “We’re glad you made the right choice.”

Agnes is silent.

The dog came to her and put his snout under her skirt. He sniffed at her cunt. The cunt he had fucked a while ago for the first time. Had used to cum in. Agnes shivered. But at the same time a jolt of excitement swept through her cunt.

“Let’s start where we ended the last time,” Reina said. “First, you may treat yourself to a nice fuck by the dog. He has waited long enough for you cunt.”

Agnes shivered again. The coarse words of Reina – a woman crying out loud – shocked her. But at the same time a wave of tingling excitement pulled through her cunt.

“Indeed,” Ron confirmed. “Look what he has hanging under his belly. All for you.”

As in a reflex Agnes looked under the belly of the dog. She saw the purple dogs cock had emerged out of the shaft. She shuddered again. Of disgust? Or with excitement?

“Now we know each other so much better,” said Reina. “You may take off your skirt. Makes it a lot easier.”

“And a lot more fun,” Ron added. “And when you’re ready you may sit between us on the sofa. Then we can just look at ease how your cunt is looking after it has been used by a dog.”

Agnes went almost through the floor with shame. Her face is glowing and with red cheeks of embarrassment, Agnes took off her skirt and laid it in one of the armchairs. But it was not the words of Ron, who made her blush with shame. No, the reason is her cunt is glowing and tingling with excitement, and because she’s very much desiring for the dogs cock in her cunt. Heavily affected by the dog she approached the three seater sofa, where she stiffly sat between Ron and Reina. With her knees tightly together and her hands in her lap.

“We don’t want to tie your hands any longer,” Ron said. “And we also no longer hold your legs.”

“Instead, just have to put your arms on the backrest,” Reina said. “And you have to sit down among us just with your knees pulled up and with your ass slumped down on the three-seater sofa.”

“And you must offer the dog the best possible access to your cunt,” Ron said.

Agnes tried to keep up her attitude of victim and involuntary participant as well as possible, but in secret she would prefer the dog immediately climbed onto her and would stab his cock into her cunt. And so is Agnes moments later, sitting again with her arms and legs spread wide on the three seater sofa, with her bare cunt clearly visible to Ron and Reina and easily accessible for King, who immediately stood between Agnes her widely spread legs, to sniff and lick at her cunt. Ron and Reina both pulled at the same time at her legs so Agnes sat with her ass on the edge of the sofa.

King sniffed for a while at her cunt and then he put his front paws on the couch next to Agnes. He tried to clench his front legs around her waist while he with a hunched back began to ride against her.

“Well, well, he’s looking forward to it,” Ron said laughing.

“Yes,” said Reina. “He desires to fuck her.”

Agnes felt the tip of the dog’s cock rapidly starting to thrust up and down in her crotch, in search of her cunt. Reina’s heart missed a beat of pure happiness. Here she became the chance of a lifetime! The change of which she had so often dreamed of. A chance just fell from heaven! Her dearest wish could come true! Right now! She could lead the dogs cock with her own hand inside another woman’s cunt! In the cunt of the vicar’s young wife!

Her own cunt tingled with excitement when Reina reached out to the thrusting dog cock. Which in the meantime had become rapidly thicker and longer, and is now more than ten centimeters long and about three or perhaps four centimeters in diameter. And is stabbed red and pointy and with dizzying speed in the crotch of the vicar’s wife. It took Reina some effort to grasp the dog’s dick. But when she had him firmly enough in her fist, she trembling with excitement led the dog’s dick to the tiny twat of her young neighbor and she stuck the tip of the dog’s dick between the swollen cunt lips of the young woman.

“Oh! My God! “She cooed, giggling. “This is so exciting!”

As soon as the dog felt Agnes her cunt lips around the tip of his cock, he began to stab his dog cock unrestrained in her cunt up and down. He moved his doggy cock so wild and so fast, Reina barely had the time to pull her hand back. Agnes panted with shock. The dog stabbed his cock at a breathtaking pace in her cunt up and down. And again Agnes is surprised the dog cock in her cunt is so an overpowering and wonderful feeling. The dogs cock moved at an unprecedented pace in her cunt up and down. And, my God, how indescribably delicious it’s. As if her cunt is melted and only consisted of a red-hot mass. She pushed her pelvis forward and slid her buttocks a little further forward over the edge of the seat cushion. To get the dogs cock further into her cunt.

It’s so overpowering delicious, nothing mattered anymore! Ron and Reina were sitting each on one side of Agnes on the sofa. A little bent forward, in order not to miss anything of the erotic spectacle took place right in front of their eyes.

“It’s amazingly beautiful. The dog cock is fitting so wonderfully inside her cunt,” Ron said. “Look how smooth and supple he slides between her cunt lips, in and out of her wet fuck slit. His dog cock really fits completely inside her cunt.”

“Yes,” said Reina. “It seems as if her cunt was created for receiving dog cock, so perfectly he fits it in her. As if that Good Lord of hers, has meant it to be like this.”

“Jesus, yes,” said Ron. “Look how King is stabbing his cock up and down in her. What a speed. And what a smoothness.”

They both looked with sparkling eyes and drooling with excitement to the battered cunt of Agnes, where the dog’s cock moved like a rotary hammer in up and down.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Reina. “She’s truly already cumming!” Her voice shrieked with excitement. “See how she’s contracting her cunt. Look how her lower body shakes and trembles,” she continued. “How she’s contracting with her cunt again and again! The slut is cumming! The bitch is cumming with a dog cock in her cunt! Our horny dogs fucking slut is cumming!”

Whatever Ron and Reina all said, Agnes did not really care. She’s here now. Not voluntary. She’s blackmailed to come here for ‘drinking coffee’. And now she’s here, the best she could do is to make the best of it. Ron and Reina wished she would let fuck herself through their dog. There is no escape. If anyway is going to happen, why should she herself, therefore not try to enjoy it?

So, when the dog began to fuck her, she had better things to do than listen to their excited chatter. The dog’s in her cunt thrusting, his cock demanding her attention. The feeling in her cunt overwhelmed her as if a sudden storm. It’s amazing how fast the dog could let her cum. This is Agnes’s quandary, fucking with the dog is repulsive, but it feels so amazing.

The dog cock seemed even harder and thicker than the first time he’s inside her cunt. Or is it only her imagination? In any case, it felt like velvet as the smooth, long dog cock caressed her cunt lips while he fucked her rapidly. It’s just insanely delicious. Still in the afterglow of her first orgasm, Agnes found it no longer repulsive the dog is with his cock inside her. And also the presence of the watching Ron and Reina annoyed or alarmed her no longer. On the contrary. Agnes tried to imagine what the nearby neighbors did see, and she herself tried to also catch a glimpse of the dog cock is moving inside her cunt up and down.

The dog had his front legs as good and bad as it went, clamped around the waist of Agnes, and hugged her in an iron grip. He had his head down over her right shoulder. Tirelessly he thrust his dog cock in her cunt up and down. Agnes felt the knot on the dog cock began to form and with every inward thrust of the dog cock is pressed against her smooth cunt lips. Full of surrender to the pleasure the dog cock triggered in her cunt, Agnes flexed her muscles in order to push her cunt up and forward, to meet the stabbing dog’s dick. At the same time she relaxed her cunt lips so the knot on the dog cock could slide easily into her throbbing and quivering cunt.

Agnes heaved a sigh of relief, while a shiver of excitement ran through her entire body. The dog cock is now entirely inside her cunt. With knot and all! Agnes is feeling herself in seventh heaven! She felt the pointy end of the dog cock stabbing against the back walls of her cunt. Till he pushed the tip of his dog cock in the tiny hole of her womb. Aghast and shocked Agnes took a deep breath. It did not hurt, but it’s a strange tickling sensation there deep inside her cunt. Especially when the dog cock began to shake, and her entire uterus moved together with the dogs cock. Agnes became really mad when the dog cock began to spray, and his hot rays of doggy cum squirted straight inside her womb.

Agnes shuddered as she came for the second time. Trembling all over her body, she underwent the overwhelming, exhilarating sensation of her orgasm. An overwhelming orgasm, which spread out from her uterus to her cunt and her abdomen. And further through her body until her hair stood erect, and her toes were curled. Her cunt began spastic to contract around the knot on the thrusting dog cock, which shocked inside her and filled her uterus with dog semen. In the flush of her orgasm Agnes began to scream.

“Fuck me! Fuck me. God damn it. Fill my cunt with your animal sperm! Fuck my body! Fuck my dirty human cunt!”

“My God,” said Reina. “Hear the slut cumming again!”

“I see it and I hear it,” Ron cried out hoarsely. “It’s good the good vicar does not hear his wife.”

“Jesus! Yes,” said Reina. “I wonder what he would think about God’s creation, if he saw his wife so busy. Look! She has the dog cock now entirely inside her cunt! With knot and all! Just look how tight her cunt lips are stretched around the knot. See how far they are stretched out!”

Agnes did hear what Ron and Reina said to each other. But at the time did not feel embarrassed about it. On the contrary! The fact they looked at her cunt, while she’s fucked by their dog, excited Agnes even more. After all, they were the ones who had forced her to do this. Therefor it’s not Agnes her fault the dog fucked her, and therefore also not her fault she came and enjoyed it. All the blame is with Ron and Reina.

And so Agnes focused herself with her whole being on the almost intolerable pleasure of the shocking dog cock, whose point is still in her womb. And from which with every shock a new ray of dog sperm is sprayed directly into her womb. Her womb is pumped full of dog semen, and felt as if it became more and thicker. Agnes even had the feeling her belly swelled because of her growing womb.

When the dog loosened the grip of his front legs around her waist, Agnes knew that the dog would get off of her. As a precaution she pulled her cunt lips tight together around the knot on the dog cock inside her, so that the knot remained firmly anchored inside her cunt, when the dog released her out of the grip of his front legs, which he put on the floor in front of her.

After that the dog had lifted his hind leg over her belly, he stood on all fours between her spread legs, tied to Agnes with her to the limit and tight over the knot in her cunt stretched cunt lips. The movements of the dog cock inside her cunt, and especially of the knot along the inside of her cunt walls caused Agnes another orgasm.

Despite the spastic contractions of her cunt, Agnes kept her cunt lips tightly stretched around the knot on the dog cock inside her cunt, in order to prevent the dog from pulling him out of her cunt. She let her legs spread wide and with the dog cock in her cunt, the delicious, tingling feeling of satisfaction which always after an orgasm took possession of her, flowing over her.

Meanwhile the dog cock is still embedded in her cunt, but squirted no longer sperm in her. She knew that both the knot and the dog cock in her slowly were shrinking, while she let herself sink in the wonderful feeling of the afterglow.

Because of that Agnes relaxed all the muscles of her body, she also relaxed the muscles of her cunt. Her cunt lips could therefore under the pressure of the knot stretched out even further, and the thick knot slid through them out of her cunt. Followed by the rest of the dog cock and a large amount of dog semen, which is flowing out of her cunt on the floor, where it formed a puddle. Her cunt kept gaping wide open, and closed herself only very slowly.

It is an impressive, fabulous and exciting spectacle. Ron and Reina were severely delighted with their new acquisition.
Usually their young neighbor looked like a slightly older fashioned Sunday school teacher, but beneath that appearance is a born nymphomaniac. The way she let herself go with the dog cock inside her, is beyond any description.

Agnes is herself not aware of all this. Still enjoying her last orgasm, she had nothing in her mind than the fabulous dog’s dick in her melting cunt, which still continued to tingle. Her excitement had been replaced by a blissful feeling of satisfaction. Agnes had her breath again completely under control, and she looked with amazement at her own cunt. Her cunt lips were red and swollen and looked beautiful exciting. Especially because her cunt lips are slightly open and wet.

Ron and Reina were still, and bent to look at the cunt of the vicar’s young wife. The cunt that has just been used by their dog. The wide spread legs of Agnes were still lying over their knees, and they saw firsthand how Agnes cunt lips were thick and swollen when the dog’s cock is out. They looked with excitement and admiration at how the cunt of Agnes slowly closed millimeter after millimeter.

When her cunt finally closed, Ron and Reina lifted her legs from their knees and they stood from the sofa. Ron sits on one of the armchairs, and Reina went to the kitchen to serve the coffee. Agnes puts her feet on the floor and sat up. After Reina had served everyone a cup of coffee, she herself sat in the other chair next to Ron.

They drank their coffee in silence.

“Well?” Asked Ron to Agnes. “Isn’t it nice to let yourself be fucked by King? You looked as if you really enjoyed it.”

“Indeed,” Reina agreed. “Judging from the way you behaved yourself, you must’ve enjoyed it very much. We saw you cumming with the dog’s cock in your cunt.”

Agnes still enjoyed the wonderful satisfactory feeling of the afterglow, which she still felt through her whole body. She had had a number of wonderful orgasms, and the feeling they had given her were overwhelming. As if she could cope with the whole world.

“You’re right,” she said with satisfaction in her voice. “It is ‘delicious’.”

“We knew it,” Ron said triumphantly. “You only needed a little help to get over the threshold.”

“We understand you have a little trouble with handling everything you’ve experienced the last few weeks,” Ron began his speech. “It goes against everything you’ve learned so far, and what you believe in.”

“And that’s a pity,” Reina continued the argumentation of Ron. “It’s unfortunately true your religion dictates what’s right and what’s wrong. Dictates how you should behave. Even if it’s against your true nature.”

“That’s the problem with religion,” Ron said. “In the name of God, Allah, or whoever, and in the name of charity, religious people do to each other the most horrible things.”

“Instead of approaching and treating each other with respect and compassion,” Reina continued. “To respect each other’s choices and way of life, and to let everyone have his or her values”

“Is this criticism of my husband?” Agnes responded a little angry.

“No, no,” Ron said and laughed. “Peter is a good man, and an even better vicar.”

“If you had listened to our conversation last Friday, you would know that these are precisely his ideas and his visions Ron expresses here” Reina said.

“It’s unfortunate he isn’t able to share his vision with his parish,” Ron said. “Because it’s forbidden by the church council. That bunch of hypocritical hillbillies who call themselves Christians aren’t worth a vicar like him.”

“Good,” Agnes said with relief. “But why are you telling me this?”

The irony of the fact that she’s sitting here naked with her legs spread with the neighbors, in their house on their three seater sofa, to defend the honor of her husband, whom which she has just cheated on by fucking in front of these neighbors with their dog, did not register to the mind of Agnes.

“Because it’s time you realized your education, your church, and the hypocrisy of a society of intolerant people is sitting in your way when you want to be yourself,” Ron said. “You know yourself much better than we do, but even we know how much you like to surrender yourself to your secret desires. To surrender yourself without guilt, but with full commitment to submit yourself to the desires of our dog.”

“But you do not dare to do, because you’ve learned it’s wrong,” Reina said. “Because you’ve learned it’s unnatural and sinful.”

“While everything you see on the news about what people do to each other you simply accept,” Ron continued. “All the grief and humiliation. Of all the crimes and all the atrocities you see or hear about, you accept the division into right and wrong according to your Christian upbringing, without thinking”

“Compared to almost everything you see on the news, letting yourself be fucked by a dog is innocent.” Reina said. “Is it nothing more than enjoying your sexuality, and letting others enjoy it with you?”

“What in God’s name can be wrong about that?” Ron continued the conversation. “You do no harm to anyone. No one is confronted with it. So nobody can get annoyed about it or be offended by it. The dog finds it absolutely delightful to fuck you, and we find it delightful to see you fucking our dog. Let’s be honest, there’s nothing wrong with this?”

“We do understand why you’ve turned the last few weeks against us,” Reina continued the arguments of Ron. “As Ron said, it’s the result of your upbringing. You reacted as you’ve been brainwashed to react. Instead of critically thinking about yourself and what you really feel about everything that has happened. You do what society expects of you.”

Ron and Reina were both silent and looked at Agnes, who said nothing.

“Deep in your heart, you know you’ve found it wonderful having sex with King,” Reina continued. “I’m convinced, since it has happened you no longer think of anything else. You masturbate the whole time while you think about the fucking the dog, and during your masturbation you’re cumming on the memories of the dog’s dick in your cunt.”

Agnes is stunned. How could Reina know? How could Reina know during her masturbation sessions indeed she thought about her fucking the dog. The memories of the dog’s dick in her cunt had her so excited she easily orgasmed when she masturbated.

“You know we’re right,” Ron said. “You know you’d love to give in to your sexual desires. To fuck and be watched while you’re fucked. You desperately desire to submit yourself to the enjoyment of the dog, but you’re afraid of what people would say if they knew. What your husband would say if he knew it. You’re afraid someone other than the three of us would learn about it.”

“That means you’ll not come to us out of yourself to enjoy the pleasure King has to offer you,” Reina said. “That’s why we let you fuck our dog as often as you wish, and as long as we see you like to be fucked or the dog likes to fuck you.”

“So, drink your coffee now, and then go home,” Ron said. “And come back Wednesday morning at ten o’clock. Then we let the dog fuck you again, after which we drink coffee.”

“Yes,” Reina said. “Now go home, and think carefully about what we’ve said.”

Agnes drank the last sip of coffee and stood.

While she put on her skirt, she said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can join doing it voluntarily. I think that you’re right. I want his cock really deep inside me. But I can’t do it out of free will. The feeling it’s wrong is something I feel strongly. I’ll fuck your dog as often as you want it. But only to prevent you telling everything to Peter. But it’s still blackmail, and in my mind it’ll always be blackmail.”


Agnes had come home that Monday morning in confusion. The fucking with the dog had made a deep impression on her, just like the excitement and satisfaction that the indescribable pleasure of her orgasm by fucking the dog had provided her. In the afterglow of her orgasm it actually had not felt perverse and unnatural, and she had enjoyed herself as never before when she had the dog’s dick in her cunt. And even though she knew deep down she’s destined to fuck everyone and everything, it’s still something her mind couldn’t settle.

But during the day she had come to the realization that the neighbors had all the trumps in hand. Agnes knew that she’s defeated. Although defeated is not the right word. It is more like a surrender. And so Agnes had decided to resign herself to her fate, and to make the best of it. That she must resign in it, that she’s fucked by the neighbor’s dog. And that it is not over yet. That she from now on would be fucked three times a week by the neighbor’s dog. And that she found the fucking with the dog exciting that is something she could do nothing about.

But her upbringing and her lifestyle were still struggling with what her body had already accepted. It resisted against the prejudice that her upbringing had taught her about women who fucked because they enjoyed it. She had always been taught that women who did such a thing were harlots. Not to mention, of women who had sex with animals. Those were perverse and depraved, and for them there is no place in a neat, Christian society. Sex is something between spouses. Intended as reproduction. A form of submission and obedience to the husband. Not to enjoy.

But when Peter had deflowered her, Agnes had discovered that fucking is the most delicious thing that existed! Not to mention the fucking with the dog. That is the most wonderful feeling that she had ever had in her whole life! She became even hotter when she thought about the feeling that flowed through her body from the first time she got a dog’s dick in her cunt. Agnes believed that her body and especially her cunt is the most perfect opening to accommodate a dog’s dick. That her body can give the dog more pleasure than a real dog bitch.

In short, her body was created to be used by a dog. And she herself is set on the world to let herself fuck. To give pleasure with her body to men and animal. To enjoy herself of the pleasure that the use of her cunt by men and dogs gave to her. She knew that it’s her destiny to let herself with heart and soul fuck anyone who wanted her. Without any hesitation and with full dedication, she would let herself be fucked, and it would be Ron and Reina, who’d lead her on this path of total surrender. Sex with men, sure, but especially sex with dogs.

It is something that she had to learn to accept, how much effort it might cost her because it’s the truth. And now she this truth for herself is willing to accept Agnes immediately felt relieved, and a lot more cheerful. But in her mind it still felt not right. Agnes said to have the fear.

Fear, for it would come true.

Fear of the reaction of her husband when he would find out. For the reaction of the people as it could be common knowledge.

And fear of the unknown. Or, if you like, for the wrath of God.

And what it did to her body?

Couldn’t hurt to get fucked by a dog?

Had the dog seed no effect on her body?

Could the dog make her pregnant? And if so, what would she give birth to? Would she have a baby or a puppy?

Could it have some effect on her hormones? Could her own body transformed by it?

Agnes didn’t know.

She also couldn’t manage to get chapter twenty of Leviticus out of her head.

Agnes had been married for five years with a vicar and she had the whole sanctimonious nonsense meanwhile seen. It is a lot of hocus pocus. And she no longer believed in the nonsense which stood in the Bible. And certainly not in what chaplains as her husband made of it. But after she had fucked with the dog, the doubts in her mind had come back again.

She had been guilty of bestiality. In the eyes of the Lord she had committed an abomination. A mortal sin. Okay. Maybe she made too much of it. Maybe it is all nonsense! But maybe she could still better be safe than sorry, and stop with it, regardless of the consequences. Maybe she should go no more drinking coffee with the neighbors. And that’s why Agnes had picked up the phone and dialed the number of the neighbors. Reina had answered the phone.

Without mentioning her name, Agnes said, “I’m never coming over to drink coffee again.”

Then she had without waiting for the answer puts the receiver on the hook, and she’s gone working on the household very hard, and at ten she had made a cup of coffee for herself. She had ignored the phone, and when she had seen Reina on the driveway, she also ignored the doorbell. It had taken a while, but eventually Reina unsuccessfully went back home. At the end, everything seemed to end well and Agnes is relieved that it’s ended so well.

But her relief lasted only a moment. Regretfully Agnes realized that she just had spoiled for herself the chance to experience the pleasure of having a squirting dog’s dick in her cunt again. And for what purpose? For the risk to lose all that is valuable for her? For the risk that Ron and Reina would make her perverse action publicly, she had thoroughly spoiled for herself the ultimate pleasure of that wonderful dog dick using her body to ejaculate in.

After all, the risk is still present that Ron and Reina may tell her husband his perverted wife had let herself be fucked by their dog. And yes! There she’s going again! Instead of worrying about what she had put at stake her thoughts immediately focused again on her itching, tingling cunt. For a brief moment she thought that it is a pity that she had not been thinking better, before she fully focused on her fingers that quickly and smoothly moved into her cunt up and down, to slide thereafter rapidly and compelling over her swollen and sensitive clit until she with her pelvis violently shocking came.

But then, when her husband came home, Agnes saw Ron walking up the driveway to speak to Peter as he stepped out of the car. The heart of Agnes missed a beat. Would Ron tell Peter everything? Is he there to talk to him? Because she didn’t want to come over and drink coffee? As quickly as she could without arousing suspicion she walked over to the men. She even forgot to wash her fingers. Agnes had no interest in what the men were talking about, she interrupted the conversation.

“Hi, honey,” she said to Peter. “Good to have you home.”

She gave him a kiss on his cheek.

“Will you please tell Reina I’ll come a little later tomorrow for coffee.” Agnes said to Ron. “Please tell her I’ll be there at a quarter past ten.”

“I understand,” Ron replied with a wink. “I’ll tell her.”

“That’s why Ron came to talk to me,” Peter said. “He wanted to talk about what you discussed while drinking coffee.”

The heart of Agnes froze. Her whole body froze! Her throat is choked! She couldn’t breathe and not think. She became light-headed and saw all the colors disappearing and the world became black and white. Agnes felt that she’s going to faint.

“You asked Ron if there might be a door in the fence so you could visit them by through the garden, rather than around the street,” Peter said.

Agnes breathed a sigh of relief! The world regained color and she could breathe again! Ron had said nothing about the escapades of her with his dog. At the same time Agnes is dumbfounded. How did Peter get that idea? Agnes had never asked for such a thing. They had never talked about the garden. The only thing they ever talked about is her getting fucked by their dog.

Agnes thought very quickly. Ron had still not told the truth to Peter about her and the dog. The talking about the door in the fence is no more than just an excuse to talk to Peter. But more than that it is a clear and unmistakable warning for Agnes. A demonstration to show Agnes how easy it is for him to tell Peter about her escapades with the dog. Agnes thought quickly about an answer.

“Yes,” she said. “Sorry, I didn’t talk about it with you before, but I wanted to know if the neighbors would like it first. Otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense to talk about it if they said no. Especially because the church council has to be asked for permission to do it.”

“That doesn’t matter,” said Peter. “I think it is okay, and Ron hasn’t only offered to make that the door is coming, but also to pay half the cost. The other half we pay ourselves. Then the church council’s permission is not needed.”

“Good. That’s nice of Ron.” Agnes said sarcastically.

Fortunately, Peter didn’t hear the sarcasm.

“I must go” Ron said. “I have to walk the dog out.”

The heart of Agnes missed a few beats in terror.

“It’s such a sweet dog,” Ron said. “So soft and friendly! He does not hurt a fly, and everyone loves him. Ask your wife.”

“I do believe you on your word,” Peter laughed. “And if he’s so sweet, do not let him wait.”

“Okay,” Ron said to Peter. “See you then.”

He turned to Agnes and took her right hand in his hand. Before he pressed a kiss on her hand, he smelled it, and winked knowingly to her.

“So you’ll come Wednesday morning at ten o’clock for coffee?” Ron asked.

“Yes,” Agnes said. “I’ll be there”.


And so it is that Agnes that Wednesday again stood on the doorstep at the neighbor’s house, just before ten o’clock. In a short skirt and without panties. And nervous to the very tips of her fingers. It took hours before Reina opened the door after Agnes had rang the doorbell. Of course it were not hours, but no more than five minutes. But for the nervous vicar’s wife it seemed to last for hours. Until finally the door went open, and Reina is standing in the doorway, smiling from ear to ear.

“Come in, love,” she said.

Then Reina turned and let Agnes close the door behind her and they went to the living room. The dog isn’t in the living room, but of course Ron is.

“Good morning, Agnes,” Ron said warmly. “Glad you’re here. Please sit on the three seater sofa. In the middle, please.”

While Agnes gently sat down in the middle of the three-seater sofa, Reina sat down in the other armchair.

“”We’re glad you’ve come to your senses,” Reina said.

Agnes said nothing.

“For us this is not easy at all,” Reina said. “Because it goes not primarily about what we want. As a matter of fact, it is not at all about what we want.” She paused and then said, “Of course it is true that we find it horny and exciting to see how you’re fucked by our dog. But that’s not the point! That is merely an added bonus.”

“We still see how you enjoy yourself with it,” Ron said the argument. “We see what it does to you. How do you give yourself to the dog, with body and soul. How do you transform yourself into his bitch.”

“We see it and we know it,” Reina said again. “How you let yourself fuck passionately by the dog. And what that means to you! How much it excites you. How convincing you let the dog’s dick penetrate your body. How much you enjoy the fucking with the dog.”

“We also understand that it is a big step for you, to accept that you’re a passionate dog fucker,” Ron said sternly. “But we’re your course by now more than fed up. This time you’ll still get off the hook easily, but hopefully you’ve seen how easy it is for us to ruin your marriage.”
“If you do not want to fuck with the dog, you should say so” Reina said the conversation. “Then we stop now.”

“Then you can now simply go home,” said Ron.

Agnes her mouth dropped open in surprise. Had she properly understood Ron and Reina?

“You mean, you’ll not tell Peter anything about me fucking King?” She asked, surprised. “I can just go home? That you’ll not tell Peter anything about my fucking your dog?”

“Indeed,” Ron said. “The choice is yours if you want to be our sex slave and dog bitch.”

“But you have to choose now,” Reina said. “It’s your last and one-time opportunity. You can now become our sex slave and dog bitch, and can fuck so often with the dog as you want. Or you go home and forget everything. Then we’ll be neighbors who greet each other friendly but do not interact with each other.”

One moment, Agnes is completely stunned, and relieved. The threat of the discovery of her perverted escapades is prevented. And it felt like a burden had fallen from her shoulders. She could go home and she didn’t have to worry that the neighbors would tell Peter about her fucking with the dog. Then her face clouded. What for benefit had she from this freedom when she could no longer fuck with the dog?
Finally the reality dawned on Agnes. This freedom is not freedom, but a return in captivity. A captivity of tradition and prejudice. Of petty bourgeois and once a week sex under the sheets of the matrimonial bed. Of deadly dullness. That would be intolerable now that she had experienced the freedom of unbridled sex.

It was not the neighbors who had held her hostage in an iron grip of blackmail. No, she had herself taken hostage in a straitjacket of petty bourgeois and prejudice. Her only chance of escape from this prison of morals is the neighbors. Who gave her the chance to be herself. By surrendering herself to the neighbors, she could get back her freedom. Agnes saw it suddenly very bright and very clear. And she didn’t understand why she had not seen it before.

Her freedom is hidden in being submissive. Being submissive to the neighbors would liberate her from the burden of habits and traditions. Of rigid values. Of petty bourgeois and prejudice. Being submissive to the neighbors would liberate her from her responsibilities. From making choices and making decisions. It would liberate her from responsibility for her actions, because she would from now on acting on the commands of the neighbors. Under the responsibility of the neighbors! To surrender herself to the neighbors, her sexual desires would be satisfied. Her sexual fantasies might come true. And she could fuck with the dog without guilt or shame!

“I understand now,” Agnes said. “I’m sorry for taking this long to get it. I want to become your sex slave and dog bitch, And I want to fuck the dog as often as you want.”

As she said it, her cunt began to tingle unbearable. This is what she wanted.

Agnes felt that she’s at a turning point in her life. It happened now, and it happened here. At this time. Simply in the living room of the neighbors. She became a dog bitch. Out of her own free will! Her reason for living from now on is to have a dog dick thrust into her cunt. The moment she realized it, her cunt began to tingle unbearably.

“That’s a smart choice,” Ron said. “Especially because deep in your heart you’re a born slut. Because you’re crazy about fucking, and you can’t get enough of it.”

“The fucking is in your genes,” said Reina. “You’re built for it. You look beautiful and desirable, and your genitals are clearly very sensitive. Much more sensitive than those of the average woman.”

“In short, you’ve been created to be fucked,” said Ron. “So much and as often as you can.”

“And because you yourself can’t organize that, we’ll do that for you,” said Reina. “Therefore, you have to do everything we want from now on. To do everything we tell you. To obey us in every way, wherever we’re.”

“Do you understand that?” Ron asked. “And do you promise us that you’ll trust us in anything blindly? And above all, will you obey us without question?”

“Yes,” Agnes said with a trembling voice. “I promise. So help me God.”

“Good,” said Ron. “Then you may take off your skirt now and come sitting between us on the sofa.”

Blushing with excitement Agnes took her skirt off and put it in one of the armchairs. After that she almost danced to Ron and Reina and she sat upright between them, at the front of the seat cushion of the three seater sofa. Careless she sank back against the backrest in the three-seater sofa, and put her arms stretched on the backrest. Ron and Reina grabbed each one of Agnes her legs and placed it on their knees. The old couple smiled at each other, and they looked between Agnes’s widely spread legs at her cunt. Which a few times spastic pulled together because of her excitement?

Ron and Reina looked briefly at each other again and winked at each other.

“Look at this,” Ron said proudly. “The miracle of technology.”

He grabbed with his free hand behind him and came out with a remote control. He pressed one of the buttons, and Agnes heard a click and she saw how the door to the kitchen swung open by itself. Agnes sat with her arms and legs spread wide on the three seater sofa, with her bare cunt clearly displayed for Ron and Reina and easily accessible for King, who spurted out of the kitchen to stand immediately between Agnes her widely spread legs, to sniff and lick at her cunt.

Ron and Reina Agnes both pulled together at her legs, so that she’s sitting with her ass almost over the edge of the seat cushion of the sofa. King sniffed at her cunt for a while and then put his front paws on the sofa next to Agnes. He tried to clamp his front legs around her waist while he hunched began to ride up against her.

Agnes felt the dog stabbing the tip of the dog cock in her crotch. Without hesitation, she reached with her arm under the dog to his thrusting dog’s dick, and guided him in her cunt. Once the dog felt her cunt around the tip of his cock, he began to stab his dog cock out of control in her cunt up and down. Agnes sighed in shock and excitement. The dog pushed his cock at high speed in her cunt up and down. And again Agnes is surprised that the dog cock in her cunt is giving her such an indescribably wonderful feeling.

Ron and Reina were both seated at one of Agnes sides on the couch. A little bent forward, for not to miss the erotic spectacle that took place right before their eyes.

“It is pretty amazing the dog cock fits so beautifully in her cunt,” Ron said. “Look at how smooth and supple he slides between those cunt lips, in and out of her wet slit. That dog cock really fits completely in her cunt.”

“Yes,” said Reina. “It seems as if she’s created for this, so perfectly fits that dog cock in her cunt. As if that Lord of her had meant it this way.”

“Jesus, yes,” said Ron. “Look how King stabs his cock in her up and down with such a speed. And what a suppleness.”

They both looked with sparkling eyes and drooling with excitement at the cunt of Agnes, where the dog’s cock like a hammer drill moved in up and down.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Reina. “She’s actually cumming!” Her voice shrieked with excitement. “See how she’s contracting her cunt. Look how her lower body shakes and trembles,” she said. “How her cunt contracts again and again! The slut is cumming! The bitch is cumming on a dog cock in her cunt! Our horny dog fucker is cumming.”

What Ron and Reina all said to each other, Agnes didn’t really care. Now she decided to give herself over to them as their property, a burden falls from her shoulders. She had now completely surrendered to them, with the intention to enjoy it as much as she could. And that’s what she did. The in her cunt up and down, thrusting dog cock also demanded all her attention. The feeling in her cunt, the up and down of a moving dog cock overwhelming her like a storm. It is amazing how fast the dog could let her cum. And even more amazing how well the fucking with the dog felt!

The dog cock seemed even harder and thicker than the first time he is in her cunt. Or is that only in her imagination so? In any case, it felt like velvet as the smooth, long dog cock caressed her cunt lips while he fucked her rapidly. It is just insanely delicious. Now that she had surrendered herself to Ron and Reina, Agnes is no longer repulsive that the dog had his cock inside her. And their presence didn’t disturb or troubled her any longer. On the contrary. Agnes tried to imagine how the dog cock in her cunt must look there for her watching neighbors. In her mind, she saw the smooth, shiny dog cock moving between her cunt lips in and out of her cunt. She became actually herself even more excited from it.

The dog now had his front legs around the waist of Agnes, and clasped her in an iron grip. He had his head down over her right shoulder.
Tirelessly he thrust his dog cock in her cunt up and down. Agnes could feel how the knot on the dog cock began to form, and with every inward thrust of the dog cock is bumped against her cunt lips. Full of surrender to the pleasure that the dog cock in her cunt triggered Agnes strained her muscles in order thus to push her cunt upward and forward. At the same time she relaxed her cunt lips so that the knot on the dog cock easily slid into her cunt.

She could feel how her cunt lips gave in under the pressure of the knot on the dog cock. How they were stretched to the limit. How they opened themselves. And how the knot between her cunt lips slid into her cunt. How the dog cock now completely sat inside her cunt. With knot and all. How her cunt is now completely filled with dog cock! How far her cunt lips were stretched. How tightly they were stretched over the knot, preventing him from flopping out of her cunt.

The dog cock began to shock deep inside her cunt. Agnes felt the pointy end of the dog’s dick deep inside her stroking against the inside of her cunt. And she’s getting mad with excitement when the dog cock began to spray his hot jets of sperm against the back wall of her cunt. The pleasure is intense and all-consuming. Agnes shuddered when she came for the second time. She trembled all over her body while she suffered with the overwhelming, exhilarating sensation of her orgasm. An overpowering orgasm, which spread from her uterus to her cunt and her abdomen. And said through her body until her hair stood up and she sat with curled toes on the sofa.

Her cunt began spastic to contract from itself around the knot on the shocking dog cock. With jets of hot dog sperm the dog squirted the content of his testicles in her shocking and tingling cunt. He squirted so much seed in her cunt that she felt as if the walls of her cunt were stretched out by it, until the dog seed began to leak between her cunt lips and the knot out of her cunt. Agnes gave a cry of pleasure when her excitement again peaked and the next orgasm engulfed her.

“My God,” Reina shouted. “See how that slut is cumming again!”

Reina’s voice shrieked with excitement.

“I see it,” Ron cried hoarsely. “She has the dog cock now completely inside her cunt! With knot and all! Just look how tight her cunt lips are strained around the knot. How incredibly far they’re stretched.”

Agnes didn’t hear what Ron and Reina said to each other. She’s their presence at that time not even aware. Her entire being is focused on the almost intolerable enjoyment of the shocking dog cock in her cunt, from which with every shock a new ray of dog sperm is sprayed in her, which her cunt further overflowed. Concentrated on her cunt, which is pumped full with dog semen, and from which, despite her cunt lips that were tightly stretched over the knot, more and more dog seed began to leak.

The shock of the dog cock in her cunt became lesser. And when the dog loosened the grip of his front legs, around the waist of Agnes, she knew the dog would go off her, and his divine dog’s dick would pull out of her cunt. Out of precaution she quickly pulled her cunt lips together around the knot on the dog cock, so that it would remain firmly anchored inside her cunt. The dog puts his front paws on the floor, after which he lifted his hind leg and over Agnes. Her belly is on the floor so he stood on all fours between her spread legs with the dog cock and knot still inside her cunt. Tied to Agnes with her to the limit stretched cunt lips still tight over the knot on the dog cock inside her cunt.

The movements of the dog cock inside her cunt, and especially of the knot along the inside of her cunt gave her orgasm a new peak. My God! What is this delicious! At first Agnes said to contract her strained cunt lips tightly around the knot on the dog cock in her cunt, to prevent the dog to pull his cock out of her cunt. Meanwhile, her orgasm is on the wane and she enjoyed with her cunt lips tight around the knot around the dogs dick in her cunt, but further totally relaxed and satisfied of the afterglow. With her legs spread wide and the dog cock still inside her cunt, she let the wonderful feeling of satisfaction flooding over her.

But now that Agnes had relaxed all her muscles, the thick knot on the dog cock slipped easily out of her cunt. Followed by the rest of the dog cock and a large amount of dog semen that is dripping out of her cunt on the floor, where it formed a puddle. Her cunt remained gaping wide open, and suddenly felt empty and cold, while her cunt lips slowly returned to their original shape and her cunt slowly closed. Agnes herself is hardly aware of all of this. Still enjoying her last orgasm, her cunt is still tingling. Her excitement had been replaced by a blissful heaviness. Agnes had her breath completely under control, and she looked with amazement at her own cunt.

She’s fascinated by her cunt lips, which looked red, large and thin. Almost transparent and beautifully stretched when they had been strained around the knot on the dogs dick in her cunt, but now slowly returning to their original shape. Making her cunt slowly begin to close back to its normal resting position. Until her cunt lips were thick and swollen and blooming again and only a very small crack of her cunt slit is still open.

All that time Ron and Reina both had fascinated looking at the cunt of the vicar’s wife. Now they both lifted the wide spread legs of Agnes, from their knees, after which Ron sat down in one of the armchairs, and Reina went to the kitchen to serve the coffee. With her feet on the floor, but with her legs still spread wide is Agnes sitting upright on the sofa, to take to the coffee that Reina served her.


After Reina had everyone served a cup of coffee, she sat down in the other armchair. While they all drank their coffee, Ron and Reina both looked at Agnes her naked body and especially to her rose-colored, slightly swollen, and still a little bit tingling cunt. Agnes is satisfied and relaxed and enjoyed the excitement that she felt because of their glances that were constantly focused on her cunt. She found it exciting to be watched that way.

“Well?” Ron asked to Agnes. “Is it not nice to let yourself fuck King? It looked like you really enjoyed it.”

“Indeed,” Reina agreed. “The way you behaved yourself proves that you can’t have found it terrible. We saw you cumming several times with the dog’s dick inside your cunt.”

Agnes is still under the spell of her newfound freedom, and she enjoyed without shame or reluctance of the afterglow of her orgasm. She had received a few wonderful orgasms, and the feeling that gave her that, is overwhelming. As if she could cope with the whole world.

“You both were right,” she said, grinning. “It is delicious. Divine!”

“We knew it,” Ron said triumphantly. “It’s only necessary to help you over the threshold.”

“And for that I am grateful to you,” Agnes said. “I know I haven’t made it easy for you.”

“You can say that again,” Reina said.

“And I’m sorry for that,” Agnes said as if she had not heard anything. “But I really had a difficult time accepting it. It’s so opposite of everything I’ve learned. So opposite of how I was raised.”

“We know, sweetie” said Reina comforting. “And we understand.”

“I’ve been confused for a long time,” Agnes said. “I couldn’t understand how something could feel so very wrong, and could feel at the same time so very good. But every time the dog fucks me, I feel so wonderful and perfect. Then I feel completely at ease. Then the world is suddenly completely all right. Then I feel with all my being that the world should be as it is then. That I am completely myself. When I am lying under your dog, with his dog’s dick in my cunt, I’m a complete person. Then I feel that I am who I am and what I am. That I totally am where I belong.”

“This makes us very happy,” Reina said sparkling. “We recognized your true nature immediately when you first came to drink coffee with us, and let the dog smell your cunt and lick at it instead of pushing him away.”

“We also knew that for you as the wife of the vicar it would not become easier to give in to your real self” Ron said. “That it would cost a lot of effort and self-conquest to allow yourself to be who you really are.”

“We have been looking forward to this for so long,” Reina said. “And we’re very happy that you finally have seen the light. That you finally dare to give in to your deepest desires. Dare to be who you really are. Not only dare to admit to yourself, but also to us.”

“We’re indeed very happy” Ron agreed. “Happy for you. But also happy for us. Happy that you dare to express yourself towards us. That you dare to acknowledge your true nature. To confess your true nature to us.”

“We’ll not betray that trust,” Reina said.

“On the contrary!” Ron said. “We’ll protect you against the hypocritical, vicious, and the shortsighted outside world with all its prejudices about people like you.”

“We’ll ensure that you’ll be safe for the same shortsighted outside world to be yourself,” Reina said. “We’ll ensure that you can enjoy without worrying, the divine dogs dick of King. As often as you need him. Whenever you just desire that he fucks you, we make sure that he does. Here. With us! Safe from the outside world.”

“But we’re going to do more to help you,” Reina said. “Now that you’ve recognized your true nature, we’ll help you to explore yourself further. To develop yourself further. To guide you along the path of the sensations of the surrender to physical pleasure. To unbridled sex.”

“And because we think it is necessary for that, that you have to surrender yourself to us, we’re willing to accept you as our property” Ron said. “We’re willing to take upon us all the duties and responsibilities, which belong to the keeping of a sex slave girl and a dog bitch”

“Of course, this means that you’ll have to obey us,” Reina said. “In your own interest. For your own sake you’ll have to obey us from now on. You’ll have to do whatever we order you. You no longer have any choice. If you hesitate, you’ll be punished. If you perform our assignments badly or half-heartedly, you’ll be punished as well.”

Agnes her heart leapt for joy. Actually, she had no idea where Ron and Reina were talking about. But it sounded so terribly exciting! She would be owned by Ron and Reina. Would become their sex slaves. She should do what Ron and Reina would instruct her. She should have to obey them. A shiver of excitement pulled from her cunt through her body. Her cunt contracted a few times in a row from pure excitement. Agnes hadn’t only felt it, she saw it too. With her own eyes. That meant that Ron and Reina had seen it too. And that they knew her reaction even before she had said anything.

“Okay,” Agnes said. Her voice trembled with excitement. “I hand myself with pleasure in ownership to you. As long as you ensure that everything remains to look to the outside world as usual, I’ll be your property. As long as you make sure that your dog continues to fuck me and no one would even know about that, I’ll do whatever you say. Then you may do with me whatever you want. If that’s what you mean.”

“That’s exactly what we mean,” Ron said. “Then we consider you from now on as our property.”

“Then we agree about that,” Reina said. “Now drink your coffee and you better go home, so that you can think in silence about everything we have decided today.”

“Think carefully about what it means to be our property,” Ron said. “And think if there are other things that you would like to do besides fucking with the dog. Realize that anything is possible. Tell us every fantasy you have and we’ll make it happen.”

“And come Wednesday morning by ten am, back to us,” Reina said. “Then we let the dog fuck you again, after which we drink coffee together.”


The End.

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