The Volunteer
Lexi was not happy with the way the interview went. To cut a long story short, the Jobcentre told her she must take part in the Job-fair scheme, or have her Job Seekers Allowance sanctioned for an indefinite period. Thirty hours a week working for nothing, for four weeks, that was slavery! That was more hours than criminals were forced to do on community service.
“Think of it as an opportunity to give something back to the society that is supporting you,” her JobPlus Advisor told her. The patronising arsehole, she thought.
At least the agency that would be her taskmaster for the next month only worked with charities and non-profit projects, so it would be work that is normally done by volunteers anyway, she wouldn’t be slaving for some mega rich supermarket chain.
Mark, her JHP agency worker was actually pleasant and sympathetic, and was committed to making her ‘sentence’ as easy for her as he could.
“This could really be an opportunity for you. I know it’s hard to find work when you don’t have the experience, but a lot of employers will be more inclined to employ someone who has worked in the voluntary sector. Actually, I think we have an ideal place for you,” Mark told her. “There’s a local dog rescue charity called Paws 4 Thought. They’re quite a small operation at the moment, they’ve just opened a shop in town to raise money, but the shelter itself is only a couple of streets from where you live.”
Lexi liked animals and thought a month working at a dog shelter might actually be rather enjoyable. At least it would be a new experience, and it was only a five-minute walk away.
Two days later she arrived at the shelter for her induction appointment – she was to report to a warden named Peter Smith at 9.30 sharp.
Peter was a skinny ginger haired man in his mid-thirties or early forties she guessed. He was wearing an unfashionable checked shirt and faded jeans under his grey lab coat type overall, and didn’t seem to be the type who ever wore a suit. A stark contrast to Mark from JHP who always wore a neatly pressed suit and tie.
After introductions were over, he began to fill her in with the job he did and what her duties would be.
“We have fourteen volunteer’s altogether, and three paid members of staff, but the volunteers don’t work full-time, of course, and most of them help out in the shop. The staff is myself, Sue (who runs the shop), and Jan. Jan is a qualified vet and technically the boss, but she only works here part-time, so mainly it’s just me and whichever volunteer worker comes in. So I’m pretty busy a lot of the time.”
Lexi asked what keeps them so busy all day. “Oh, there’s always lots to be done,” he explained. “Apart from feeding and cleaning their kennels, the dogs need to be exercised, and I’m sometimes called out to pick a dog up. We work with the local RSPCA and the police, so when a dog is reported as stray or being neglected or ill-treated, one of us goes out with them in the van. They don’t have the facilities to take care of them you see, so that’s where we step in.”
Lexi nodded, she understood, so Peter continued, “The dogs also need to be bathed and groomed. A lot of them come here in pretty poor condition, and unless they are so far gone they have to be put down, we do what we can to bring them into top health. Most of the poor buggers are just neglected and need company. We don’t just lock them up and forget about them, everyone here does this because we love dogs can’t bear to see them suffering.”
“Are you a dog owner yourself?” He asked her.
“No, but I do like dogs. I’d love a dog, but our landlord doesn’t allow pets.”
“Yeah?” Peter nodded, “That’s the big problem these days, why we get so many dogs coming in, and never enough going out to new owners.”
After the primary interview was over and he had filled her in with her main duties, Peter showed Lexi around the small facility, introducing her to the dogs, pointing out fire exits, and filling her in with the Health and Safety rules. Lexi then spent the rest of the day shadowing Peter to learn the routine. Though he had seemed rather cold and clinical during the interview, she saw his personality change completely with the dogs in his care, becoming warm and friendly and treating each dog as if it was an old friend and companion. They likewise greeted him with warm affection and became excited every time he approached.
“Dogs are very affectionate creatures,” he told her. “Treat them right, and they’ll be the most loyal companions you are ever likely to have.”
After lunch, he introduced her to Debbie, a twenty-two year old voluntary worker who had worked with the shelter for two years. Being not much older than Lexi, they hit it off quite easily and Debbie was eager to tell her all about the shelter. “I thought the shelter had only just opened.” Lexi said.
“Oh no, the shop in town has only just opened, but the shelter has run for nearly three years. Ever since the funding was pulled from the Council shelter. Peter used to be the Council Dog Warden. We did have some funding from the Lottery, but that dried up after the first year. Peter and Jan were spending half their time trying to secure fresh funding, but it’s getting harder these days. We were faced with closure until six months ago we got some funding from the new board of trustees. They were very helpful, and a couple of the trustees – Charles and Roxxie – often help out as volunteers. They opened the shop two months ago to generate income to keep the project going.”
Debbie was one of the more regular volunteers at the shelter, and worked three afternoons a week, and Sunday morning. “It’s hard to get weekend help,” Peter told her, “But the poor doggies still need feeding and taking for walks.”
Walking the dogs was probably the most wearing part of the job. The shelter usually had anything from five to fifteen dogs at a time, so they couldn’t all be walked at once. The helpers usually took the dogs out in pairs, unless there was one that didn’t get on well with other dogs, or was particularly large.
“It can be a bit chaotic at times, and we’re usually pretty knackered by the end of the day,” Debbie explained, “That’s why we mostly only do half days. To be honest, we could do with a few more volunteers.”
Lexi accompanied Debbie on their first afternoon walk – Lexi walking a Labrador / collie mix whilst Debbie walked an Alsatian bitch and a Border Collie bitch. The dogs were very eager and practically dragged the two women to the park. All three had been with the shelter for several weeks, and knew the way off by heart. After circling the park, Debbie led them across the road and down to the beach, where the tide was still out so they could let the dogs off the leashes to chase after some rubber balls the girls threw for them.
“We always carry these balls with us when we walk the dogs – we never throw sticks.”
“I thought dogs liked to play fetch the stick?” Lexi questioned.
“They do – but it’s not good. It can damage their mouths, or they could even catch them wrong and get it jammed in their throat, so we never throw a stick to a dog. We can play catch with a Frisbee, but balls are easier to carry in our pockets.”
When they finally took the dogs back to the shelter, there was no sign of Peter. “He’s usually here till six,” Debbie said. “He must have had a call out.”
There were still six dogs to exercise, but there was a small problem. “Uh-oh, we might have trouble with Bruno,” Debbie said. Bruno was a large six-year-old Rottweiler dog that had been with the shelter for eight months. “He’s feeling frisky, one of the females must be coming into heat.”
Lexi could see the big dog seemed very boisterous, and she could see the ruby tip of his penis shining brightly from the end of his sheath. She also couldn’t help but notice he had an enormous pair of balls.
“I thought dog shelters always neutered rescue dogs?”
“We used to,” Debbie told her, “But the new trustees don’t approve of neutering, it’s one of the conditions of their donations that we don’t neuter a dog unless there are congenital defects, and Bruno is in prime condition.”
Debbie opened Bruno’s gate to let him out. “But there’s a little trick used by some dog trainers that Peter taught me. It’s something of a secret, but widely used.”
“What’s that?” Lexi asked.
“Dog trainers will often pacify a difficult dog, or tire out a particularly over energetic dog with a hand job.” Debbie pulled on a pair of latex gloves.
“A what?” Lexi said, wondering if she had misheard.
“A hand job, a ham shank, toss him off… Look, I’ll show you.”
Lexi watched in astonishment as Debbie hugged the Rotty from the side, and looping her arm under his belly, grabbed the dogs sheath in her right hand. Bruno stood unresisting and panting happily as Debbie pulled his sheath back to show a large glistening red cock.
Debbie massaged the furry sheath a few times, then gently wrapped her fingers around the exposed and rapidly swelling shaft that protruded a good eight or nine inches. Lexis jaw dropped as the pulsing pale organ suffused with a myriad filigree of tiny red capillaries grew to a size she could not believe.
Then Debbie cupped her hand behind a huge bluish white swelling at the base of the shaft and the crimson glans began spurting semen over the floor as Bruno whined and then twisted around to lick his own cock.
“That’s how police dog handlers get loyalty from their dogs, apparently,” Debbie told her. “And Greyhound racers use that technique to de-stress their dogs before a race, I’m told. It’s not spoken about outside the profession, and hotly denied, of course, but I’ve heard it from several sources, so I doubt it’s an urban myth.”
Debbie took off her latex gloves, slung them into a waste bin, and attached a leash to Bruno’s collar.
“It works anyhow, see how docile he is now?”
Bruno’s cock had begun to shrink back into the furry sheath, still dripping a little. Lexi wasn’t sure what had stunned her the most, that she had just watched her new friend masturbate a dog as if it was no more a big deal than brushing his fur, or the size and shape of that enormous penis. It was nothing like any penis she had ever seen, not at all like a man’s dick. It had hung from the dog’s belly like some big red angry monster organ from a science fiction movie.
It wasn’t until Debbie handed her, Bruno’s leash that she snapped out of it.
“Don’t be so horrified,” she told her, “It’s just one of those things you have to do, like cleaning up their poop with a plastic bag when they drop one in the park, or expressing their anal glands. In fact, when you think about it, tossing him off is a lot less gross.”
Lexi wasn’t so sure. Wanking a dog seemed a bit more personal than cleaning up after them, or squeezing their ass. Those things were more clinical, giving a dog sexual pleasure was different.
Lexi tried to explain how she felt, but Debbie told her, “What it boils down to is, it’s all about relieving his stress and making him more manageable. It helps us both, and I was wearing gloves. It’s not as if I got down and gave him a blow job.”
Lexi blushed as the image of her sucking on the dog’s enormous cock burned into her brain.
They tried to put the subject aside and took Bruno and two other dogs out for their walk. She had to admit the trick worked – Bruno had been impressively well-behaved throughout the walk, and played with the ball on the beach like he was an innocent puppy.
“He’s such a sweetie, isn’t he?” Lexi commented.
“Yes,” agreed Debbie. “He can get a bit frisky and boisterous when he’s horny, but he’s a really good dog. Unfortunately, people are prejudiced against his breed. Rottweilers aren’t nearly as bad as people think, but he’s no puppy and thanks to the media, nobody considers a Rotty as a family dog – particularly rescue dogs.”
“What will happen to him if nobody adopts him?”
“Paws 4 Thought never puts down a healthy dog. If nobody wants him he’ll just have to stay with us.”
After walking the last three dogs they made sure the dogs were comfortable for the night. By then Peter had got back with the new intern – a stray mongrel that had hung around some school dustbins until the vice principal finally called the authorities. The girls helped Peter wash and inspect the dog, which was pretty malnourished and ridden with lice.
“Jan will give him an examination tomorrow, but he doesn’t look too bad to me.” Peter said. “After a couple of days you’ll be as fit as a fiddle won’t you boy?” Debbie and Lexi left Peter to settle in his new friend before locking up for the evening.
It had been quite a day, and though Lexi was totally worn out, she was looking forward to the next day.
Lexi was cleaning out one of the pens, picking up all the smelly dog stools and scrubbing the floor clean, when Peter called out to her “Lexi, it’s time for Bruno’s wank. You’d better get to it if you don’t want me to put in a bad report to the JHP.”
Well, at least it was better than cleaning up dog shit, so she took the box of latex gloves out and tried to put them on. For some reason, they just wouldn’t stretch over her hands, though – the first one split, the second one stretched tightly over her fingers and then shot across the room. Bruno was beginning to get restless, and his throbbing organ was already swelling beneath his belly.
Giving up on the gloves, she tentatively squatted down and reached for Bruno’s cock. It felt warm and slimy in her bare hand, and she shuddered as it twitched and jerked at her touch. Gently she wrapped her fingers around the fluffy sheath and gave it a little squeeze. Immediately Bruno began to hump her fist, rubbing his enormous cock against her wrist and forearm, causing her to lose her balance and fall back against the gate of the pen, accidentally shutting it.
Panicking that she might be locked in the pen and unable to get out, she spun round to try to open the gate, but as she did so, she suddenly felt a nip on her backside. Before she knew what was happening Bruno’s head was under her skirt as he ripped off her panties with his strong jaws.
“Bad Bruno! NO!” She yelled, but as she tried to stand up, she was forced back onto her knees as Bruno’s heavy weight was pressed against her back. With horror, she realised he was too heavy for her to shake off, and the gate was preventing her from crawling out from under him.
Peter looked in through the door to the foyer and just smiled, saying “That’s a good girl – give him what he wants.” And then left, leaving her to her fate.
She could feel the dog’s foetid breath on her neck and a bit of drool as he tried to hump her. Maybe if she could just let his cock hump her thighs, she could, but it was too late. She suddenly felt something hot and wet poke her pussy.
But he’s too big, she thought as each thrust forced more and more of the hot throbbing flesh deeper into her cunt. She wanted to call out for help, but couldn’t find her voice – she just grunted with each thrust that banged more of Bruno’s cock inside her, stretching her cunt wider as he tried to hammer in his knot. Then she felt her belly begin to fill with hot fluid as he started to cum inside her and at the same time she screamed in pain as his enormous fist sized knot ripped her pussy open.
Her eyes were streaming with tears as the huge dog tied with her, and she wondered if things could get any worse. It did. She soon realised that she couldn’t see clearly, and was coughing because the room was full of smoke. Somewhere she could hear a fire alarm ringing, the building was on fire, and she was pinned down by a huge dog that had his huge cock tied inside her! What could she do? The fire alarm rang louder and louder.
Lexi opened her eyes to realise she was in bed, and the ringing was her alarm clock. She was drenched in sweat, and gradually realised that the moist wet feeling under her bum wasn’t just sweat, she had cum in her sleep during that strange dream. She shook the cobwebs out of her head and staggered to the bathroom for her morning shower, trying to get the dream out of her mind.
Debbie wasn’t in that morning, she only worked alternate afternoons, and Peter introduced Lexi to Jan and Dianne (Di being the morning voluntary worker that day). Di was feeding the dogs, so Peter asked Lexi to help Jan with the new dog. “Can you just hold him and pet him whilst I run a check-up? “ She asked. “I don’t want him spooked, the poor dear has no idea what’s happening to him.”
Lexi did all she could to comfort the confused and nervous animal whilst Jan gave him a thorough check-up. He didn’t appear to have been mistreated, but was close to starvation. Peter had deloused him, but Jan found several eggs in his pelt.
“He’s got worms too. Better keep him well away from the other dogs until he’s fully decontaminated and back to health. By the look of him, I’d say he’s been living wild for a long time. He hasn’t been chipped. I expect his owner moved away, or maybe even died, leaving the poor bugger to fend for himself. He’s not neutered, no collar, and doesn’t look as if he’s ever worn one. About two years old. He could be a true feral, though that’s rare these days. More likely he was abandoned as a puppy. He’s not a purebred, part Collie, part Alsatian, but no defects.”
“His breath is foul,” Lexi complained.
Jan examined the dog’s mouth. “Yes. His gums aren’t in the best condition. He’s probably been eating all sorts of crap – literally.” The female vet began to examine the dog’s sheath. “Genitals seem pretty normal, apart from mites. Let’s see how bad it is.”
She then tried to coax out the young dog’s penis to examine it closer, and with expert manipulation soon had a shiny six-inch cock in her hand. “Yes, a few mites there. Must be irritating the poor sod. We’ll soon deal with that.”
Jan took a tube of ointment out of a cupboard, and smeared it gently into the twitch organ, which began leaking precum as she massaged the ointment into the ruby-red penis.” “Hand me that flask will you,” she requested from Lexi, and proceeded to milk the erect organ into the flask. Lexi immediately thought of Bruno’s cock as she watched the vet catch each spurt of cum in the flask. Of course, this little member wasn’t nearly as big, but it had a similar look to it.
“I’ll get this analysed to make sure he isn’t carrying anything the blood sample might have missed.”
Once again Lexi’s thoughts wandered back to her dream. At the end of yesterday’s shift, she was hoping that she wouldn’t be expected to handle a dog’s penis in her duties, but now she was feeling curious and hoping that she might.
Later that day, she got the opportunity. Di had gone home at lunch time, and just before lunch Peter had received a phone call from his afternoon volunteer saying she couldn’t come in. One of the females was indeed in heat, and several of the males were starting to get a bit frisky. Peter was busy in the office, so she let herself into one of the pens, the one with the German Shepherd Dog that was starting to act up. She squatted down to his level and gave him a hug, then curiously looked to just under his belly. Sure enough, the tiny red rocket was just peeking out of his sheath and glistening wetly.
Carefully, she slid her hand under his belly as he stood panting, maybe in anticipation? Her fingers caressed the furry sheath and stroked the underside of the hot red tip. She was surprised how hot it felt, and wondered what it felt like to feel that burning tip probe her pussy.
No! Stop thinking that! She told herself. The German Shepherd whined slightly as she gave his cock a gentle rub, and felt the hard bony organ begin to grow in her palm. She giggled as the dog licked her neck, and feeling a little bolder she made a circle with her thumb and index finger, and used it to push back the furry sheath until his knot popped out to nestle in her palm. His shaft was quite big now, and already spurting hot fluid onto the floor. Lexi got a tissue to wipe it up and suddenly realised she hadn’t been wearing any latex gloves. Had she simply forgotten, or did she subconsciously want to feel that throbbing warm cock in her bare hands? She knew the answer.
She was eager to play with Bruno’s huge organ, and entered his pen next. His cock was already peeking and he was licking his exposed ruby red tip when Lexi entered his pen. He stopped as soon as she squatted down to his level and began to lick her face and neck. As his huge tongue slathered over her mouth, it dawned on her that only moments earlier he had been licking himself, which made her feel not disgusted, but dirty. Dirty in a way that made her wet.
He licked her hands too, covering them with drool. Well, all the better for what she was about to do. Her fingers were around his tool in seconds, and it was not long before his hot throbbing organ had swollen to full size. Lexi was astounded that a dog that though quite large, was still a lot smaller than her, yet sported a penis thicker and longer than any man who had fucked her.
As the randy dog humped her palm, she thought of her dream. Dare she let him take her? Might he do her some damage?
It was too late anyway, he was already starting to cum. Not wanting to have to clean up another puddle, she gave in to what had tempted her from the moment she saw Bruno licking his own cock, and bent down to take his throbbing tip in her mouth.
Though the conical glans were smaller than the widest part of his shaft, it was still a bit of a mouthful. She tried to run her tongue over the spurting tip, but in his lust Bruno thrust his cock deep into her mouth, and she almost choked as his hot cum pumped straight down her throat. Eventually Bruno stopped humping her face, and she was able to suck and lick the hot member at her own pace. She was rather surprised to find she liked the taste of Bruno’s cum, and kept licking him clean until his knot deflated and his cock began to retract back into the bulging sheath. She felt rather pleased with herself at having fully satisfied Bruno.
She moved to the next pen, another male (this time a grey coated Doberman). He too could smell the bitch, and was showing his tip to her when she opened the gate. Sucking off Bruno had made her panties soaking wet, and now she felt a need that had to be satisfied. She looked around nervously, then darted back to the corridor door to check. Peter was still busy in his office, and looked like he would be for some time.
She stepped out of her overalls and pulled off her wet panties, sticking them in one of the overall pockets, then folding the overalls and putting them on top of a cupboard, she let herself into the Doberman’s pen. This was it, she was really going to do it. She still had her top and a short skirt on, but she had to take off her shoes to get the overalls off, so apart from her socks and that tartan mini, she was naked from the waist down. The Doberman sniffed at her, and quickly buried his nose under her skirt. Lexi shivered and lifted her skirt higher as the rough tongue lapped at her pussy.
It’s now or never she thought, as she dropped down on all fours and turned to offer her rear end to the dog. She could feel his wet nose snuffling around her pussy, which was now aching to be filled. She bit her lip and almost cried as the probing tongue tormented her wet hole for what seemed like an eternity. Then she felt the front paws on her shoulders as the dog tried to get onto her back. She lowered her front half to the floor and raised her ass high, waiting for the thrusts. Seconds later she felt the dog’s weight on her back and the front paws suddenly grip her tummy, and then something hard and hot poked at her thigh. Two more pokes and it hit her quim. Her pussy lips parted as several rapid pokes thrust a red-hot bony member in and out of her pussy. She rocked her hips back to meet with the Doberman’s thrusts and soon felt his dick slide deeper inside her.
Oh my godI’m really doing this, I’m really letting a dog fuck me. But it feels so incredible!
The Doberman’s cock was starting to swell and engorged inside her hot little pussy. He was not as big as Bruno, but it was still a good size, at least seven-inches long, and a really thick girth in the middle of the shaft. Lexi was losing herself to the bliss of the warm member filling her cunt, when suddenly she felt something large slam against her labia. The warm doggy fuck had loosened her up though, so it was painful for her at first, the strong beast was able to slam his knot inside her and tie with the human bitch.
Lexi had never felt so filled and stretched before in her entire life. She had forgotten about the knot! The big dog gripped her tummy tightly as he thrust his groin against the girl’s rear and spurted his hot seed deep into her womb.
She could feel his hot semen hosing her insides and building up pressure. Her belly ached as it swelled with the combination of throbbing canine cock and what seemed like a never-ending gush of cum. Lexi was shaken to her core as she experienced the most powerful orgasm she had ever known at exactly the moment the dog had ejaculated his load inside her. Her head was spinning and she was seeing stars as the big Doberman cocked his leg over her ass and continued fucking her butt to butt until finally his swollen knot popped out with a loud wet sound and a cascade of doggy cum gushed from Lexi’s gaping cunt.
As the sated Doberman sat licking his shrinking cock, Lexi collapsed exhausted. It took her several minutes to collect her senses, stagger out of the pen, and put her overalls back on. She limped to the bathroom to clean herself up, collecting her panties from the cupboard on the way. She could barely walk, and was feeling a bit sore from the ferocious fucking, but so satisfied and excited by the sheer naughtiness of the deed. After cleaning herself she washed her panties in the sink, and was wondering how she might dry them. She didn’t want to walk home in wet knickers.
Walk home? It suddenly dawned on her that the day was far from over, and before she could go home, she had to walk all the dogs by herself!
Lexi squeezed her clean, but soaking wet panties. They were quite thin, so maybe they will dry soon. She put her overalls back on and went out into the back yard to peg them out on a line (there was a washing line outside for when they washed overalls and blankets etc.).
Then she faced the dog walking. She knew that the volunteers usually did it solo anyway, but it would take her a long time, and the girls who usually did it were not normally shagged out from being fucked by one of the dogs. At least not as far as she knew. Maybe they were. If Debbie is so offhand at masturbating Bruno, maybe she occasionally gives him a little more. Lexi began to feel turned on again, and quickly tried to put the images out of her mind.
She took a couple of leashes down from the coat rack and took out two of the bitches from their pens. It was a pity she didn’t know any tricks to calm them down, because they were a lively couple and Lexi had a job keeping up with their pace. Also, it was a very hot day, so Lexi was soon working up quite a sweat. She was tempted to join them splashing around in the water when they got to the beach, so she rolled up the legs on her overalls and took off her shoes and socks to paddle in what was left by the retreating tide.
She felt quite refreshed and had recovered her strength by the time she got back to put the bitches back in their pens and decided she should take out a couple of the male dogs she had serviced whilst they were still manageable. She decided to take Micky the German Shepherd she had wanked earlier, and Bruno. She was just about to leave when Peter came out of his office.
He laughed. “You’ve still got your overalls on,” he said. “You can’t go out in them in this heat, you’ll boil. Take em off you silly thing.”
He was right, she had almost fainted in the heat on her first run, but she wasn’t about to tell him that she was wearing them because her knickers were on the washing line, so she took them off before taking the dogs out. As she struggled out of the sky blue overalls her skirt hitched up a little as she raised her leg, giving Peter a quick glimpse of blonde thatch above an exposed pink labia. His pulse quickened. Blonde eh, he thought. Well, he didn’t think she was naturally bubble-gum pink. He tried not to stare at her, obviously, but kept glancing sideways to see if he could catch another glimpse. He wondered why she wasn’t wearing any underwear, particularly with such a short skirt. His imagination began to stir as she left with the two dogs.
Lexi was hoping that there wouldn’t be any sudden breezes, as red tartan skirt only just covered her thighs, and if it were to be blown up a little, her privates would be exposed. If only she had worn her shorts today instead. She considered taking a slight detour and nipping home before going to the park so she could grab a pair of panties. It was only a short five-minute walk, so she chanced it.
Her Mum was home, so she didn’t want to go in with the two dogs, and at the moment she couldn’t really think of an excuse anyway, so she nipped into the yard through the back alley and quickly took a pair of panties off the washing line. She stuffed them into the shoulder bag with the balls in, and then walked the dogs to the park with the intention of putting the panties on as soon as she could. The sooner the better – the dogs were starting to get a little too interested in what was under her skirt, and kept sticking their noses under.
Fortunately, there were not many people in the park, so the battle to keep the big dogs from outing her was not so great. All the same, she did scold them every time one of them tried to lick her bare ass or stick a snout into her pussy. She had to admit she got a great thrill as at one point Mickey’s tongue rasped against her exposed labia, but this was not the time and place. She decided to change into her panties in the toilets, but when she got there they were locked. She looked around frantically. There was a large rhododendron bush behind the toilet block, so she darted under cover inside the safe canopy of leaves and branches. It wouldn’t take long to just get the knickers out the bag.
It all happened so quickly, she didn’t really have time to react. She had looped the end of the leashes over a branch, but as soon as she put the bag on the ground, she was knocked down with it as she felt Mickey’s paws land forcefully on her back. She might not have fallen had Bruno not been in front of her, it was as if they had purposefully set it up. She tried to get up, and was on her knees when she suddenly froze. Mickey had his head under her skirt and was greedily licking her still puffy labia. She wanted to get up and put a stop to it, but it felt so good she almost cum then and there.
For a moment or two (or even three), she considered letting him continue, but common sense prevailed and she said, “No Bruno! Stop!”
She tried to get to her feet, however, Bruno had come round to the front and was mounting her shoulders. He was too heavy for her, and she couldn’t stand up. Suddenly, she felt a weight on her back as Mickey tried to mount her, and two seconds later she felt something hot and bony jabbing at her arse. Realising there was nothing she could do, and not wanting to be anally raped by the dog, she shifted her position as best she could to allow his thin bony dick to spear her cunt.
The hard organ slid into her pussy as easily as a knife through butter. Mickey’s cock was not very big, even when fully engorged it was only six-inch long and about three-inches thick, so he gave Lexi a very smooth ride. Even when he forced his knot inside her. By the time he had tied, Bruno had his red rocket thrusting in Lexi’s face, and she had to take it in her mouth in case he had her eye out with it. She suddenly felt a warmth spread through her belly, and realised Mickey had just cum inside her. Seconds later, he pulled his knot out of her wet dripping pussy with a sloppy plop, and immediately the dogs swapped places.
Before she could even recover her senses she felt Bruno’s heavy weight on her back. Oh no, she thought, not Bruno’s cock! I can’t take that monster.
But she didn’t have the choice. Within moments, she could feel Bruno’s hot penis between her thighs, and before she could even prepare for it, his cock was buried inside her cunt. It wasn’t too bad at first, she was already loosened up by Mickey, and Bruno still wasn’t fully engorged when he thrust his cock into her sloppy cum filled pussy. But he was a big dog, not much larger in height than Mickey, but stocky and with a really big phallus.
After a few more ruthlessly rapid thrusts, he slammed his cock in hard, and Lexi had to bite hard on a fallen branch to keep from screaming in pain. The painful pressure, straining her pussy like what she imagined childbirth to be like, could only be the Rotty’s massive grapefruit sized knot. Her belly was burning as the hot organ swelled and throbbed inside her. She could feel his pulse through the walls of her vagina. She wished he wasn’t grasping her tummy so hard with his forepaws, because her belly was already full of his cock, and was beginning to ache. Just like in the dream, she could feel his hot breath and wet saliva on her neck as he proved to her that he totally owned her, and she was his bitch.
Just as she was becoming used to his huge cock banging against her cervix, he stopped thrusting, and twitched a couple of times. Lexi felt a hot rush as his semen flooded her womb. Her own body began to convulse as she orgasmed, the pressure in her belly and vaginal passage became unbearable, but the tie was too firm, his knot too big to expel. It seems she had not milked him well enough back at the shelter. Maybe he was just unnaturally virile. She was pretty sure he was still pumping his puppy batter inside her.
It must have been a full ten minutes before his knot deflated enough for the pressure in front of it to squeeze him out of her pussy with a loud pop. As he dismounted her, Lexi released a torrent of doggy cum and bubbles from her tormented vulva. Had she still enough wits about her, she would have got up straight away, or tried to. Though the dogs were no longer holding her down, she was both emotionally and physically exhausted. The two dogs took turns licking the girl’s pussy clean, giving her another orgasm in the process. Lexi was in a state of sexual nirvana, and was lucky that there was nobody nearby curious to know what the commotion was in the bushes.
Eventually she came to her senses, put her knickers on, and brushed down her clothes. She had a comb in her bag too, so ran it through her tangled hair, hoping it wasn’t matted with doggy cum. By the time she staggered out of the bushes with the two satisfied dogs, it was much too late for the beach, and the boys had just gotten enough exercise for the day anyway, so she slowly limped back to the shelter.
Peter didn’t seem to be around, so after putting the dogs back in their pens she dragged herself to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Her face was streaked with tears and dog cum – though a casual observer would not know it was dog cum on her face. She washed herself and tidied herself up. She had only walked four of the dogs, and she was already knackered. She ached all over, and her legs were so weak she could barely stand. Having just been fucked by two dogs, one of them so big it was like being fisted by a Docker, it was not surprising she was walking funny. Three dogs if you count the Doberman she had earlier.
Her pussy had been slowly dribbling doggy cum all the way back, so her fresh panties were no longer fresh. She emptied herself as best she could in the toilet, then went out to get the now dry panties on the line. With reluctance, she got another two dogs out of the pens, noticing that all the males were staring at her. They know, she thought. They know I’m a doggy bitch.
She shrugged it off as an over-active imagination, but wondered if from now on the male dogs would rape her when they felt in need of pussy. All the same, she felt it would be safer if she took bitches on this walk.
When they got to the beach she just sat on a rock throwing balls out for them to catch. The tide was out now, so no cool, refreshing water to paddle in. Right now she wished she could go for a swim.
“You look done in,” Peter said when she got back to the shelter. “I’ll walk the rest of the dogs, it’s pretty much time for you to knock off anyway.”
Lexi put the bitches back in their pens and collapsed in a chair, too tired to even make a cup of tea, though her throat was as dry as a desert.
Peter was walking Zeus, the grey Doberman and Sam the Labrador / Collie. Sam was a little frisky, but Zeus was remarkably well-behaved and docile. Had Lexi already walked him? If she had, she had forgotten to tick it off on the rota. He wondered if Jan or one of the volunteers had taught her the “Hand Shandy” trick to relieve male dogs. If they did then it’s a shame she didn’t use it before taking Micky and Bruno out, because by the look of things they really wore her out. Then his imagination started to work overtime. She had been gone a long time, and came back looking like she had been fucked by an entire squad of soldiers.
He remembered seeing her bare pussy when she took off her overalls and wondered why she wasn’t wearing knickers, then he saw them later on the washing line. He was also pretty sure her labia looked pretty raw and recently fucked. Surely she wouldn’t? Hadn’t? Did she? Peter started to fantasize in his head, scenes of the cute pink haired girl servicing the male dogs in a variety of ways. He tried to ignore the hard-on that was now nagging him for release, and resolved to keep a very watchful eye on Lexi.
Lexi was resting and getting her strength back. Her pussy was still dribbling a little, and still rather loose, though not gaping now. Her legs still felt like lead, and even though it was now time to sign out and go home, she felt too tired to move. She didn’t regret what had happened, though, being fucked by Bruno was the best experience ever, and fully lived up to her dream. She was looking forward to being fucked by him again, once she had recovered. Of course, there was no getting away from the fact that he and Micky had raped her, and she must make sure that does not happen again. It is important that she should always be in control.
There were still two dogs not walked yet, the new dog that was still in quarantine and a tan coloured Greyhound, both males. The new dog had already been relieved by Jan during his examination, but the Greyhound was still unsatisfied. Keen to prove she was in control, Lexi opened the Greyhound’s pen and sat down beside him. He was clearly excited, and probably couldn’t wait to empty his balls.
It didn’t take long to coax his bone out from the small sheath, and soon Lexi had him fully engorged. She was a little disappointed that his cock was tiny compared to Bruno’s, and was so small she could have even taken his knot without any discomfort at all. However, she had taken enough fucking for one day, so was just going to masturbate him, but at the last moment decided to take his cock in her mouth and let him shoot is load down her throat. The salty drink didn’t actually quench her thirst, but she found it delicious all the same, and eagerly sucked out every drop his balls could give for her.
She poured herself a glass of water, then made sure all the dogs had plenty of water in their bowls. She was still quite sore and her legs ached so much she thought she might not be able to walk the next day. She wasn’t sure if Peter had the keys with him so she didn’t leave to go home until he got back, but she was ready to leave as soon as he did. Peter wondered if she had panties on under her short skirt, but didn’t get a chance to find out.
As soon as she got home Lexi ran a bath and soaked for a long time, using plenty of bath salts and bubble bath. Then, after a quick tea she sat in front of the telly until she fell asleep for a couple of hours, and upon waking, limped upstairs to bed, feeling stiff.
When she woke up the next morning she could barely move. A really strong coffee to wake her up, she took a couple of codamols to dull the pain in her aching joints and set off for work, this time wearing a pair of denim shorts and not a skirt that made her vulnerable. She had considered phoning in sick, but was worried that if she started skiving off on only her third day the Job Centre might get a bad report on her. On the way to the shelter, she popped into the off license and bought a couple of energy drinks, she had a feeling she would need them later.
As she signed the log book, Peter was disappointed to see she was not wearing her nice short skirt today, so he wouldn’t get a chance to catch another glimpse of her hungry snatch this time. His libido was still prodded awake by the shape of her plump boobies straining against her T-shirt though, and he wondered how she presented herself when she was out clubbing. Her use of dark makeup and the HIM T-shirt. Not to mention her black PVC coffin-shaped shoulder bag all pointed towards Goth preferences, and Goths tended to wear really sexy outfits.
Peter visualised her wearing black fish net stockings and a leather corset made more of straps than anything else, pushing her ample breasts up so they almost popped out. Of course, there was little point in asking her out, or going to the Dark Side in the hope of seeing her there. He was old enough to be her father, and would just come across as creepy. No, she would just be the object of his fantasies. Unless, of course, he had something on her he could blackmail her with and could trap her into becoming his slave.
After she had met Simon, the morning volunteer, Lexi fed and watered the dogs with him. He was a year younger than herself, but just over six feet tall, towering over Lexis five feet four inches, and very shy. He was obviously very awkward with the opposite sex, and blushed bright red every time she spoke to him. She thought him quite cute, but not really her type, and seemed a bit slow. As much to break the awkward silence, she questioned him about his home life, what music he listened to, what TV shows he watched etc. Eventually he began to relax and feel more at ease with her, and she learned that his mother was somewhat over-protective towards him, he had two dogs of his own, as well as six terrapins and a goldfish.
By the time they had cleaned out the pens and groomed the dogs, it was lunch time, so Lexi and Peter were alone again. Lexi enjoyed grooming the dogs – they loved it themselves, and were always particularly affectionate during the grooming sessions. She was so engrossed in it that she didn’t notice Peter was watching her brushing the dogs’ coats very intently. It was pretty inevitable that whilst brushing the bellies of the male dogs, they became a little aroused, so glancing at Simon to make sure he couldn’t see what she was doing, Lexi would give them a little executive relief so to speak.
Making sure she couldn’t see him, Peter watched transfixed as her gentle hands manipulated Zeus’s boner. Unzipping his fly, Peter eased his stiff cock out from under his boxers as he bit his lip. Watching Lexi lovingly squeeze the Doberman’s swollen knot as it throbbed in her palm was making him so horny.
Lexi glanced back toward Simon, he had his back to her and was busy grooming Bruno. Lexi felt a slight twinge of jealousy, then seeing she was unobserved, she dipped her head down under the Doberman’s belly and fastened her lips around the hot red glans. Having been already worked up to the point of orgasm, Zeus lunged to feel the girl’s warm lips slide down his shaft, and released his full load into her mouth.
Lexi greedily swallowed every drop of Zeus’s cum, and then licked the twitching member clean. Meanwhile, Peter, having seen the whole thing was masturbating furiously. The moment he saw Lexi licking the underside of the quivering doggy dick, still dripping with his hot thin puppy juice, Peter shot a big glob of thick, creamy cum over the door he was hiding behind. Peter cursed himself as he realised he had been so turned on by the scene that he had forgotten to capture the moment with his phone. Never mind, there would be other opportunities no doubt. For now he was satisfied that his suspicions had been correct, Lexi was not just giving the dogs hand jobs, she was into doggy sex in a big way.
Unfortunately, the shelter’s budget didn’t run to a full security system, just alarms on the doors, a motion detector in the foyer, and one in the back yard that activated a bright spot lamp. A deterrent really, as it wasn’t connected to an alarm and came on whenever a local cat ventured into the yard.
Lexi had forgotten to pack a lunch, so Pete told her she could have an extra half hour to pop into a café in town. “I’ve got to go out anyway, so I’ll lock up and you needn’t be back till one thirty.” he told her.
Then he drove to a computer hardware shop he knew that was pretty cheap and had a wide range. He was back at the shelter with a bag full of USB extension cables and four cheap webcams by a quarter to one, giving him time to look around for the best place to hide them.
Debbie turned up at one, so there was no opportunity to install the secret cameras, but he had a good idea of where to put them. It wasn’t hiding the cameras that would be hard, he could remove the outer shell so the camera lens and electronics could be concealed in something innocuous. The hard part would be running the USB leads to his computer without raising suspicions.
He chewed on a ham sandwich whilst contemplating the problem. The length of the extension cables was limited, so running them along existing wires was out of the question. One was simple, concealed in one of the water nozzles or fire detectors in the ceiling. He could run the cable across the ceiling space and down through a hole in the office ceiling straight to the computer. The trouble is his office was a long way from the pens, which was where he wanted to set up the cameras, and that would use up too much cable, and was hard to hide, apart from the ceiling cable.
Then he hit upon an idea. The toilets were next to the pens, so if he set up a camera at that end, he could run the cable through the wall to the gent’s toilet. He could then hide the USB inside the toilet roll dispenser and use an extension to connect it to his laptop. Of course, taking a laptop to the toilet and spending an hour or more in there might look a bit fishy, but he had an old spare one at home, he could keep it hidden behind a ceiling panel, which was two strategically placed cameras worked out.
He wanted at least one camera aimed at the grooming stations, which would be easy to hide, but the cables would be a particular problem. A remote, automatic recording unit would be ideal. He could hide it in several places, but they were a bit too expensive. He would have to wait a few days or even a week before it arrived, he wanted a short-term plan, something he could set-up tonight.
Part 2…
Lexi didn’t go into town, her legs were still stiff from yesterday, so she nipped home for a microwave pizza and a coffee. By the time she got back to the shelter Peter and Debbie had already given the dogs their dinner, and Debbie was playing a ball game with a couple of the bitches in the back yard.
“Gives them a bit of exercise,” she told Lexi, “And get their scent away from the boys a bit, the poor lads are getting a bit frantic.”
“I’ll get onto that if you like,” Lexi said, maybe just a little too readily.
Lexi returned to the building and entered the large room that contained the pens, and walked past each to decide who most in need of a good long wank was. She was not in the least surprised that the horniest dog was Bruno, pacing impatiently and trying to get out. She opened his gate to let him out, and almost immediately he tried to hump her leg.
“Whoa! Patience Bruno,” she said, as she grabbed his collar and led him into the grooming room.
She patted the large table besides the sink with the little shower attachment and Bruno jumped up onto it straight away, knowing exactly what was in store for him. Bruno affectionately licked Lexi’s face as she rubbed his tummy, sliding her right hand back and forth from his chest down to his sheath. Within seconds his wet red tip began to peek, and soon five inches of the bony shaft were slapping the back of her hand. She gently traced her fingertips along his veiny member, stroking it awake as it grew.
Bruno rested his front paws on her shoulders as she stroked his dick with loving attention, then as she curled her fingers around his shaft he thrust vigorously into her, fucking her fist. The throbbing organ swelled in Lexi’s hand until she could no longer get her fingers around the middle, and still it grew bigger until it was as big as her forearm, and starting to spurt its sweet salty juice. Lexi gripped his knot and squeezed it gently, getting ready to catch the flood of hot cum in her mouth, but stopped herself just in time as Debbie walked in, saying, “How are you doing, Lexi? I’ve just put… Oh my! You’re really good at that.”
Lexi spun her head in surprise and jerked her hand down just as Bruno shot his load over her arm, and even shooting onto the rolled up sleeve of her overalls.
“LEXI!” Debbie cried out. “You aren’t wearing gloves! He’s shooting his puppy batter all over you!”
“Oh!” Lexi suddenly realised that she had forgotten to put the disposable gloves on. “Latex brings me out in a rash, I can’t wear them,” she lied.
She couldn’t very well tell Debbie that she simply preferred to feel the warmth and texture of the throbbing canine cock beneath her bare fingertips. She hadn’t expected Debbie to walk in whilst she was masturbating Bruno. “Oh, I didn’t realise, I’ll get Peter to order some non-latex ones. You’d better go get cleaned up, Bruno’s well and truly hosed you. Erm… You should probably let go of his cock now, before he falls in love with you.”
Lexi blushed, and snatched her hand away from the dripping member, not realising she had still been gripping it. She rather hoped he did fall in love with her, because she was definitely falling in love with him. She made a mental note to make sure she never wears anything of latex whilst at the shelter.
Lexi took off her overalls and dropped them in the laundry basket, then went to the bathroom to wash the cum off her hands and arm, relieved that had Debbie walked in a second later she would be trying to explain why she would have to be washing it off her face. She would have to be more careful if she didn’t want to get caught. What was wrong with her? Getting caught would be disastrous, she would be arrested, maybe go to jail, be put on a sex offenders list for life, quite definitely get ‘fired’ and lose her dole money. Her Mum would disown her, her friends would shun her, and the newspapers would plaster her face everywhere.
Suddenly thinking about that for the first time made her feel panicky. What had possessed her? What had got into her? Well, she knew damn well what had gotten into her, huge throbbing hot doggy dicks had got well and truly into her. Of course, she wasn’t naïve, she knew that people did have sex with animals. Her friends had joked about it when they were at school together, and once one of the boys they sometimes hung out with had sent her a link that was supposed to be for getting free tickets to a concert, but had really sent her a link to a picture of a woman sucking a horse cock as a joke, with the message: U been dickrolled.
But she had always been under the impression that these women who were filmed or photographed with animals were on drugs, or used up whores being forced to do it by gangsters at gunpoint or something. She never imagined that they did it because they liked it. To say she liked it would be an understatement – it was the greatest thrill ever. She wasn’t sure exactly why though. Maybe it was because it was so forbidden and wrong, or maybe it was because the dog cocks were so hot and unusually shaped that just felt so amazing inside her. Maybe it was the animal lust with which the dogs fucked her like no human ever had. Maybe it was all those things, plus something primeval that stirred within her.
Whatever it was, it had her hooked and behaving in a reckless way. She told herself she had gone too far and was in the grip of a perversion that would destroy her life if she didn’t stop. Lexi resolved not to indulge in canine sex again, and only touch their beautiful cocks if it was absolutely necessary, and even then try to be as clinical as possible.
As soon as she had calmed down and composed herself, she returned to the grooming room. Debbie had returned a fully satisfied Bruno to his pen, and was now masturbating Zeus as Lexi stood quietly in the doorway, watching. Was Debbie getting off on it, or just doing an unpleasant chore? Lexi couldn’t see her face, so was unable to take a guess. She hoped she could catch Debbie being a little more intimate than necessary, she hoped they maybe had a little in common, she hoped she wasn’t alone in her fetish.
Who was she kidding? Liking being tied up is a fetish, wearing black PVC Bodysuits is a fetish, wanting to be spanked is a fetish. What Lexi desired was a perversion. She had to keep it a secret, and she had to stop, or at least be more careful.
“You can take Bruno,” Debbie was saying to her. “You’re able to handle him well, and he seems to really like you.”
She was talking about walking the dogs, Lexi had misunderstood her at first. “Some girl’s struggle controlling him, he’s so boisterous and strong too.” Debbie led Zeus and Mickey, whilst Lexi walked Bruno, but today she was having trouble keeping up. Her legs were still a little stiff from yesterday, and she had a bad pain in the small of her back, a muscle strain from all that doggy fucking.
Debbie noticed that Lexi was a little slow and seemed to be in some pain, she asked, “Are you okay, Hun?”
“Yesterday was a bit too much for me,” she explained. “The afternoon girl didn’t come, and I let the boys wear me out.”
“Ooh, sounds dirty,” Debbie joked. If only she knew, Lexi blushed. “Imagine if they were boys,” Debbie continued. “Could you imagine if our boyfriends had dicks like Bruno’s weapon, and had their vigour? You’d walk bow-legged for a week.”
Debbie laughed, but Lexi just said, “Huh,” and tried hard to walk normally. She didn’t have to imagine. “I would never have dumped Craig if he had a cock like Bruno’s,” she said.
Debbie giggled. “You really think you could have that monster inside you and stay sane?”
“Ooh! Wouldn’t you want to try? Sanity is overrated anyway.”
“Lexi! You are a bad influence on me, you’re gonna lead me astray if I’m not careful.”
“Lead you astray? Who taught me how to wank dogs?”
“Yeah,” admitted Debbie. “Astray is where I live.”
Lexi wondered if she had said too much, hinting to Debbie that she desired Bruno’s huge wang. Up until now Debbie had treated the dog wank thing as something clinical, and not sexual, but now the conversation was steering uncomfortably close to the truth. All the same, she did hope that maybe Debbie is inclined the same way, so she doesn’t feel such a freak. Maybe anyone who samples doggy dick will become hooked on it. One of her friends used to say, “Once you’ve had black, you never go back.”
Maybe the same is true of dog sex?
But how many people would cross that first threshold, even if it were true? Lexi wanted so much to find out if Debbie shared her secret lust, but was scared to show too much. Of course, had she thought more about it, she would have reasoned that people who work with animals are going to be much more blasé and less conservative on the matters of animal reproduction and genitalia. That doesn’t mean they are into bestiality any more than a proctologist wants to have anal sex with his patients.
Though she tried to test Debbie’s reactions she didn’t dare prod too much, so by the time they had finished walking the dogs she still wasn’t any the wiser about her other than that she seemed pretty broad-minded.
She did not know that Peter knew more about both of them than she would feel comfortable with, and suspecting that Lexi was into doggy sex was already making plans to catch her at it. As soon as the girls left the shelter to go home, he got to work fitting his hidden cameras. The overhead camera, he planned to fit in the sprinkler was easy, he just had to use the stepladder to open up a few ceiling tiles, lay a few yards of USB extension, and fit the camera pieces into the nozzle of the sprinkler head. That was actually easier than it sounds, because he had already hacked a spare sprinkler head that was in his maintenance locker, so just had to remove the genuine sprinkle from the ceiling tile and replaced it with his fake, then plug the camera USB into his extension.
The one on the far wall was also easy, he just removed the toilet paper dispenser from the gent’s toilet, drilled a small hole through the wall, and then inserted the lens of one of the cameras until it poked out the other side. It came out just a few inches away from a disused phone socket, which gave him an idea. He took the phone socket off the wall and relocated it, with the connector taken out and the camera lens looking through the connector hole. A perfect disguise, nobody will notice it had been moved a few inches, and nobody would examine it close enough to see there was a camera inside. He tidied away the electronics into the wall cavity, and taped the USB lead to the toilet wall, then fixed the toilet roll dispenser back over it. All he had to do to use it was loosen the dispenser screws, then plug the USB into a short extender plugged into his laptop.
That left two more cameras. He had run out of extensions, so held off fitting the other until he had two more USB cables and a better idea of where to put them.
Find a better place for the third camera when he had discovered which Lexis preferred spot.
Maybe he’d put one in the yard, and maybe he would save the last until he had discovered Lexis favourite spot. All he had to do now was sit and wait.
The End.