The Woods Beyond

By VeronicaP.

Sophie’s eyes opened. Her vision was blurry, and her orientation was off. She was lying down and could feel a slight chill as she realized she was outdoors, but how did she get here? She sat up, and as her vision cleared, she saw trees around her. She was still wearing her lab assistant’s coat and had her blonde hair tied back in a bun. She stood up to get her bearings but couldn’t recognize anything around her or how she got to this place. Sophie reached into her pocket and checked her phone, but it was dead. It wouldn’t turn on and showed no signs that it even could. Letting out a sigh and getting her bearings, she leaned over and put her hands on her knees. “Okay, Sophie, what was the last thing we were doing? The lab!” she said to herself. “Okay, we were in the lab and what happened…Dr. Phillips…overload warning!” Sophie then bucked up straight and remembered. She was helping Dr Phillips with his Quantum Entanglement experiment. There was a power spike, and then…she was here? Sophie took a few deep breaths to steady herself, then leaned back up and let it all sink in.

Sophie felt afraid and alone. Nothing around her indicated where she was or where she could go for help. She tried shouting “Help!” a few times but did not respond. She looked up at the sun and thought it might be around midday. At least she knew what time it was. There was a slight chill in the air, too, so Sophie decided to get moving, if not just to try and warm herself up. Without a direction to go though, she decided on downhill as the forest was slightly inclined. She thought maybe she could find a stream and follow that.

Sophie walked for about 30 minutes and took a break. The forest wasn’t particularly thick with trees, but she had not found anything interesting. She then cocked her head as she heard a rustling in a bush or some foliage which wouldn’t have been too far from her position. “Hello?” she shouted but received no response. Sophie got up and continued. At one point, she tripped over a fallen log and ended up with her face in the dirt. Checking herself quickly, there were no cuts or scrapes, but she felt embarrassed. Sophie laughed to herself, thanking that no one saw her clumsiness. Eventually, Sophie did reach the bank of a small stream. Success! she thought to herself as she crouched down to wash her hands. She caught her reflection in the crystal-clear water. Her face had a bit of dirt on it, but she was mostly fine.

She smiled at herself with her wide mouth and plump red lips as she undid the bun in her hair and let her blonde locks flow down naturally. Sophie had very pale skin, too, so finding shelter before she got any sunburn was on her mind. She cupped her hands and took a drink from the stream. She didn’t know if the water was completely clean, but she felt she was so isolated, and it was so clear that it couldn’t do her any harm. Continuing downstream, Sophie heard the same rustling again, close enough. She shouted for help again, but there was no answer. She decided she wouldn’t let fear take over and knew there must be a logical explanation for this, and she would be found in a few hours once she found some civilization.

Taking another break after another half an hour of following the stream, Sophie was beginning to get worried. She had come to a clearing and could see for miles around her and there was nothing – no sign of human life, just more forest. Hearing the rustling again, this time much closer, Sophie jolted up. She could hear something more specific this time – it sounded like something was sniffing the air. Cautiously, she approached the bushes, and then she saw it – a wolf! It was large with grey and black fur. It didn’t appear to look at her threateningly; more just regarded her. Sophie’s heart was pounding in her chest. She knew if the wolf went for her, there was no way she could fight it off. It looked like a powerful, strong beast, but something in its eyes reassured her that it was friendly. It sniffed the air in Sophie’s direction a few more times and then cocked its head, hearing or smelling something else, and it darted off. “Goodbye, I suppose,” Sophie said, her heart settling down as the wolf disappeared into the forest canopy.

Further down, the stream finally came to a large river. This reassured Sophie that she was on the right track, but it was getting late now. The sun was coming down towards the horizon and still Sophie hadn’t seen any sign of human life. Her wolf friend hadn’t returned either, so Sophie was apprehensive about what to do. Her stomach was rumbling as she hadn’t eaten all day, nor had she come across any berries that she thought would be edible. If she continued going, she might find anything, but she also ran the risk of getting too tired. Kneeling beside the river, Sophie leaned forward to see if she could spot fish. She had no idea how to catch one with her bare hands, but at least she knew there was a possibility. Seeing something glimmer a little further out and toward the surface, Sophie leaned forward. Quickly realizing she had leaned too far, Sophie tried to move back, but it was too late, and splash! Sophie had fallen into the river. She was a strong swimmer, so she didn’t panic, and it wasn’t very deep, but again, her clumsiness had caught her. Sophie managed to wade out of the river, but she was soaking wet now.

She decided to strip off and see if she could wring some of the water out of her clothes, as she knew the possible infection risks if she just let them stay wet. Sophie got down to her underwear and decided they needed to be dried, too. Knowing that no one else was about, she spared no thought for her modesty as she unclipped her bra. Sophie had naturally quite large breasts and a 34DD cup, and it felt quite liberating to remove the bra. Her puffy pink nipples felt the bite of the cold air and hardened, and Sophie brushed them lightly. She then removed her cotton panties and began wringing them out. Her vagina was tingling a bit, also unused to the cold air. She was clean-shaven, something she did as a comfort, but she felt some moisture and knew she must be ovulating. Sophie then turned and bent over to pick up her top to wring out, and she heard another noise coming from near the reeds of the riverbank; it was that sniffing sound again. She snapped and saw the wolf again, the same one from earlier. Sophie stood frozen in place, her nude body on display to the wolf, who again regarded her. The wolf stepped forward. Nothing in Sophie’s mind thought he was displaying aggression, but still, her heart began to pound in her chest, and the anxiety built as the wolf got nearer. It got closer still, its eyes locked on Sophie until it was within touching distance.

Sophie dared not to move or show any signs of fear. The wolf circled her, sniffing down at her feet and legs. It then moved behind Sophie, and she felt the wolf sniff around her tight butt. The wolf then licked just at the top of Sophie’s thigh, which sent a jolt of electricity through her entire body. Still, though, she didn’t move. The wolf then moved around and faced her again. It was staring right at her vagina, and then it moved its large snout in and gave it a few sniffs, taking in her scent, before backing off again. Sophie didn’t know why, but she said to the wolf “Hello”. They both stared at each other and then the wolf did the same thing it had done earlier; it cocked its head and darted off back from where it came from.

The whole ordeal seemed odd to Sophie. At least the wolf wasn’t trying to eat her, she thought, but it was still a strange interaction. Sophie continued to wring her clothes dry, taking ages, and she could see the sun setting. She would need to try and make camp somewhere and possibly build a fire. Fortunately, Sophie had been in the Girl Guides of America when she was younger and knew a few basics, so she wasn’t too worried about that. Her clothes still weren’t fully dry yet, but her lab coat was, so she put it on to protect herself from the cold. Sophie decided to move in a bit from the river, where it was less damp, so she found a small clearing in between two large trees. Gathering dry wood and fuel for the fire was relatively easy; it was a dry day, and Sophie got to work on that. It took longer than she thought to get the fire started as her technique was a little off, having not yet done this in about 15 years, and she was covered in dirt by the end but didn’t mind. She lay her clothes, including the lab coat, around the fire and let them dry, but this did nothing to satisfy her hunger. Sophie knew that this was just a stopgap and at some point tomorrow, she would have to try and find something to eat.

Sophie was enjoying the fire as it warmed her nude body. She was sitting at it with her legs open and her arms back to balance her as she pushed her chest out, trying to get as much warmth as possible. She thought her clothes must be dry by now, but she felt comfortable like this, in the great outdoors and one with nature. As she drifted off in her thoughts, she was shaken back to reality when she heard something coming. It sounded large from the rustling and twigs snapping she could hear. There was a low growl, too, and this shook Sophie. She tensed up as she stood, not knowing what it could be. It certainly didn’t seem like the wolf from earlier. In fact, something in the air told her that it was definitely not it. Her heart was pounding. She didn’t know what to do, run, or maybe try to stay close to the fire. Then it appeared. A bear crawled forward from the bushes and roared. Sophie was struck by fear; her mouth had gone dry, and she panicked. She knew this wasn’t what you should do if you came across a bear, but the surprise had gotten the better of her.

The bear crawled forward towards her. Sophie tried to keep the fire between her and the bear but knew that wouldn’t help. Just as the bear was about to make a move, though, Sophie heard some snarling and barking coming from behind her. She turned to see the wolf from earlier. It was hunched forward, its ears back in an aggressive posture. It was staring straight at the bear, who roared again. The wolf crept forward and bared its teeth at the bear. The bear seemed to dart forward, but the wolf circled and barked angrily at it. Sophie was petrified. She didn’t notice, but she had relieved herself out of fear, and there was a small puddle on the ground. She then saw the bear take a swing at the wolf, who darted out of the way and then went in and bit the bear on its hind leg. The bear roared in pain and shook the wolf off, kicking it with its free leg. Sophie heard the wolf whine, but it maintained its aggressive posture toward the bear and barked loudly at it. The bear turned, gave out a small growl, and then slunk into the forest, clearly deciding that this meal was too much hassle.

Relief ran through Sophie as the bear limped off. Every small hair on her body was standing on end at this point. The wolf stood guard, looking towards the bear went with its ears on end. When it was sure, it walked slowly over to where Sophie was standing, still rooted to the spot at what had just happened. The wolf stood in front of her now. It looked so big and wild but also noble. It had saved her, and now she wanted to see if she was alright. It crawled forward and was looking at Sophie’s knee. She had gotten a minor graze there during the melee. She didn’t know how. The wolf moved in and licked it, almost like it was trying to heal and help Sophie. It calmed her down slightly, but then the wolf noticed the wet ground near her and sniffed at it. The wolf then looked up at Sophie and moved its snout closer to her vagina, and began sniffing again, picking up her familiar scent. Sophie could feel her pussy begin to tingle, and butterflies were building up in her stomach. She was still nervous but also excited. The wolf then began to stalk around her, sniffing around her legs. It then moved in towards Sophie’s butt and was sniffing hard and fast. Sophie could feel her pussy now positively pulsing in anticipation. She then felt the wolf’s tongue on her backside.

It was raw and rough and seemed massive. He was licking all around her ass, taking in the sweat and pheromones Sophie was secreting. Sophie’s brain was in a daze. All of the day’s events, waking up in a forest, trekking for miles, meeting the wolf for the first time and down at the riverbank, how he regarded her… how he protected her. Her head was swimming as the wolf walked back around to face her. The light from the fire lit up both their bodies and reflected in those amazing grey-blue eyes. There was a connection between them then, both chemically and emotionally. Sophies’s heart was still pounding, but this time not out of fear but excitement. “Hello again,” she said to the wolf, who stared back at her. Unsurprisingly, Sophie widened her stance, exposing her mating area to the wolf. His eyes went down as he looked at Sophie’s wet, ovulating pussy. The wolf moved purposefully then, following his nose and in towards Sophie.

The wolf paused his snout right there at Sophie’s labia. She could feel the moisture build-up and looked down at the wolf. He sniffed several times and reached out with that rough, wet tongue. It was electric; Sophie had never felt anything like that before as the wolf’s tongue licked across her vagina. Then the wolf licked again, and again, and again. Sophie was biting her lower lip, moaning in sheer pleasure as the wolf smothered her pussy with his long, rough tongue. He was pushing in at her, trying to almost bury himself in Sophie’s pussy. She cocked her leg up, allowing the wolf to get more access, and the wolf took advantage of this, tonguing in at Sophie’s pussy, coursing right over her clitoris. An orgasm was building up in Sophie now, and she was stuck, moaning, and writhing in ecstasy as this wolf, her protector, lapped away. Her breathing became light and shallow as she felt the energy build from her pussy up through her stomach. Her nipples were standing on end now as the wolf was ceaseless in its administration to her vagina. She let out a low, sustained moan as the orgasm took hold, and still, the wolf continued at her pussy, not relenting from her wonderful taste and smell.

Sophie could feel her legs begin to buckle and knew she needed to get down before she fell from the pleasure. She began to crouch down, and the wolf just followed her down, his snout and tongue still glued to this female’s pussy. Sophie leaned back, opening her legs for the wolf, and he pushed his tongue further into her, which caused Sophie to go over the edge. This orgasm took her by surprise, and she squealed in joy. She was sweating profusely now, and her breathing was shallow and sharp, panting almost. She lay back, and the wolf finally relented, releasing himself from Sophie’s now well-licked pussy. He stood over her, Sophie’s scent and juices covering his snout. He looked so noble in the dying light of the fire. Sophie reached her hands up to him and began rubbing around his head. “Thank you, thank you so much,” she said to him. The wolf then crawled forward and moved his head down to meet Sophie. He licked around her face playfully, and Sophie giggled in response. His tongue then moved down towards Sophie’s neck around her erogenous zone, which caused Sophie to moan and blush.

The wolf was so loving and so caring, she thought. The wolf followed her sweat down to her lush, plump breasts. Sophie pushed them together for the wolf, and that amazing tongue coursed across her nipples and down across the sensitive sides of her boobs. The wolf was taking his time here, it seemed, licking and sniffing across Sophie’s chest, and the wolf seemed to enjoy licking the tastes under and at the bottom of her breasts. Sophie’s pussy was tingling and throbbing in anticipation. The scent of her fertility filled the open air, and the wolf was lapping away, taking in all of Sophie’s pheromones. She was rubbing around his head, cooing, and whispering in lust at her protector. The wolf then pried himself away from Sophie’s amazing breasts and took a few steps forward.

Sophie could see it now. It’s what she had been anticipating in her gut since this began. On a primal level, something had been triggered in Sophie’s brain even before this. When they met at the riverbank, Sophie had felt that energy between them, that connection. She didn’t want to admit it to herself then, but she knew. This wolf was for her, and she was for it. The wolf had been tracking her scent from the moment she appeared in the forest. It had followed her and protected her, and now they were together. Her eyes locked onto the wolf’s red, wild penis. It was peeking out of its sheath now, leaking precum in anticipation of mating with someone, with her. It seemed to be straining and flexing towards her as if it needed her more than anything. Behind, Sophie could see the wolf’s large testicles, filled with wolf semen and waiting to release their load into a female, into her. Goosebumps ran down her body at this thought. This wolf was going to shoot his load deep into her pussy. He was going to pump her full of doggy cum. It was all for her, she thought. This wolf had been saving all his semen for this moment and was going to breed Sophie.

Sophie was now writhing on the ground in excitement. The wolf stood above her, panting in anticipation, his cock flexing in the open air, dripping in pre-cum. Sophie crawled under him, getting closer to this wild penis that was going to fuck her and pump her full of doggy spunk. She was hypnotized by it and breathed in its strong, male musk. Without even thinking, she opened her mouth and moved in over his cock. She wrapped her shiny, plump lips around him and began suckling at the tapered head while lapping away with her tongue. The wolf whined and strained at this unbelievable pleasure, and Sophie responded kindly. She could taste the saltiness of his precum and swallowed it as it secreted out from the tip. Sophie moved off and began to lick down the sensitive sides of this amazing, thick wolf cock, catching more precum with her tongue and swallowing greedily. The wolf’s hind leg started bucking in pleasure, and Sophie didn’t relent, kissing and licking with her salivating mouth before moving back over the tip and sucking him down. She teased and played with the tip, lapping at it with her tongue rapidly before sucking and kissing more of this wild penis. The coupling pair were both in heaven with this. The wolf was panting as she pleasured him beyond measure with her amazing mouth while Sophie’s vagina began to tingle and saturate the thought of what she was doing to this wild animal. She cupped those massive testicles, feeling them throb and pulse in her hands, knowing what they contained would be pumped into her waiting uterus.

Sensing both of their need, Sophie released the wolf’s penis from her mouth. She leaned back and kissed it right on the tip, causing it to flex again at her. Sophie then stood up, and the wolf turned to meet her. Sophie’s pussy was on fire now. The wolf could sense it, and his cock hardened and strained in response. He moved forward and jumped up on her, almost bowling her over, but he was gentle and rested his paws on her shoulders. He began to lick and kiss Sophie in appreciation for what she had done to his cock, and Sophie was mewling in response. Her breasts were resting against his chest, and Sophie could feel her heart pounding in excitement. The wolf got down and went straight in again at Sophie’s ovulating pussy, sniffing at it and giving it a few licks before moving back. Sophie knew what he was indicating. It was time. They were both aching for this moment, Sophie’s pussy had become slick with the wolf’s saliva and her juices, and his cock was flexing and drooling in precum, ready to fuck. Sophie kneeled in front of the wolf, her chest heaving and her breasts rhythmically bouncing to this. The wolf’s eyes met hers, the burning desire between them and what was to happen reflected in each. She then got down on her hands and knees in front of the wolf and turned around, arching her back down and displaying her mating gear to the unstoppably horny wolf.

The wolf moved on her, first moving his snout in towards her pussy, taking in a few more sniffs of those intoxicating pheromones and giving it a few final licks. The shock of this coursed through Sophie as her sensitive pussy clasped, needing a cock to fill it. The wolf then got over her; his weight was difficult to bear, so Sophie moved down further to better balance herself. The wolf was humping now, thrusting his wild penis, and trying to find his mate. Sophie felt it brush against her, and the wolf instinctively adjusted. He thrust again, and this time, he found his mark. Sophie let out an uncontrolled squeal as she felt his hot, wild cock fill her. The wolf pulled back and thrust again and again, repeatedly pumping into Sophie’s scorching hot pussy. The size caught her off guard. It was so big! It filled every bit of her, and it was so hot. She could feel it strain and pulse inside her as the wolf began to well and truly fuck her. His hips were humping in at her at impossible speeds as his need to mate with a bitch took over every aspect of his wolf brain. The orgasms came quickly in Sophie, beginning in her pussy and spreading down through her chest and arms as she moaned and writhed beneath the wolf. It felt like a burning star, spreading throughout her body as orgasm rolled into orgasm while the wolf fucked away.

She could now feel something at the base of the wolf’s penis as he thrust into her and knew it must be the knot. Sophie knew she needed it and demanded it. She wanted to be tied to this magnificent wolf who saved and pleased her. The wolf was thrusting, trying desperately to knot his bitch, and Sophie moved down and back, and with that, the knot slipped into her furnace-like pussy. The wolf was growling now in sheer pleasure. His humping and growing short and controlled as the knot began to grow. Sophie could feel it expand inside her now as it touched on her g-spot. The tapered head of the wolf cock was now resting at her cervix, and she could feel a pinch there. She flexed herself around the massive cock that had filled her and could feel her wolf’s dick flex back in response. The knot continued to grow, and Sophie let out a long, sustained moan as another orgasm built up in her. And just at that moment, the wolf bucked forward, and his penis, lodged deep in Sophie’s fertile pussy, pulsed, and strained far harder than he had before as he began cumming inside his mate, inside Sophie.

The orgasm that hit Sophie seemed to take over her entire body. She tingled and almost lost consciousness as she felt the wolf’s cock flex and pump that first jet of wolf semen into her. Then it bucked and flexed again, the knot hitting her g-spot, and more wolf cum flooded through to her uterus. She tightened herself around him, but again, the impossibly hot, massive cock flexed and pulsed, pumping her full of his spunk. Sophie lay in absolute bliss as wave after wave of wolfy cum filled her. It was a warm, full feeling, and her whole body tingled and shuddered as the wolf lay on top of her, cumming his brains out inside her tight, hot pussy. The wolf was beginning to lick the back of Sophie’s neck and around her face, telling her how happy he was and how amazing he felt cumming in her. Sophie responded by reaching up and kissing around his head, saying a quick “good boy” to him. The cock lodged inside Sophie pulsed again as another wave of wolf cum filled her. She could feel those massive testicles resting against the entrance to her now impossibly full pussy. They were trembling and straining there as they pumped more semen into Sophie’s vagina. It was pure bliss, Sophie thought. Nothing could ever match this feeling as the mating couple mewled and kissed as the wolf kept pumping his load into her.

They stayed like this for what seemed like an eternity. Sophie was more than happy to squeeze and tighten herself on his big wolf cock, while the wolf flexed and pumped happily into her. Sophie could feel the knot beginning to go down a bit, though, and knew it must be coming to an end. The wolf, too, began to back out of Sophie, unwilling as he was to do so. With a pop, the wolf’s massive cock came out of Sophie and some of his cum with it. She suddenly felt so empty, but the wolf moved back in and started licking at her vagina, trying to seal his cum inside her. It felt so right and natural, and Sophie loved this aftercare from her mate. She then turned around and saw it. His red, raw cock was on full display, and it was massive. Sophie had no idea how she fit everything inside her, but she would do so again in a heartbeat. It looked so raw, so sensitive after cumming so much inside her. She moved to it and got under the wolf. She gripped the base of the cock and moved her mouth over it, and began sucking and lapping away at the tapered head.

She could hear the wolf panting as his cock was once again being sucked and loved on by her. Sophie would gently suck while using her tongue to lap the head inside her mouth, trying to get all the wolfy cum she could out of it. She then took her mouth off and began licking up and down the sides of his ultra-sensitive penis, kissing, too, as she went. The wolf’s hind leg was bucking like before, unable to stop this amazing pleasure as Sophie took her time with his cock. She would move back to the tip, wrapping her shiny, wet lips around it, trying to tease more cum out. Sophie was obsessed with the taste of it; the saltiness mixed with the liquid texture was new to her, but she loved it. Once satisfied that her mate was clean, she released him.

The fire had died down to embers as Sophie emerged from under the wolf. Her vagina felt tender and raw but oh so good. She was full of the wolf’s cum, and that thought sent tingles through her again. The night had drawn in, and Sophie was tired from the day’s events, not to mention the hard breeding session between her and the wolf. He, too, seemed tired and lay there. Sophie knew she needed warmth for the night and grabbed her lab coat. She then snuggled up against the huge wolf, who responded by wrapping his paw around her. Sophie then turned so she was the little spoon and threw the lab coat over them. She could feel her pussy tingle and pulse again. Being so close to the wolf and taking in his musk turned her on. The wolf’s penis was peeking out of its sheath, so Sophie opened her legs and moved down, allowing the wolf to rest his cock in between her legs and against her vagina. It was a comfort thing, she thought. Both of them were happy in the knowledge that their pussy and cock were resting together and getting to know each other. They both drifted off like this, the wolf’s cock leaking precum against Sophie’s pussy while her vagina secreted her fluids onto his cock, marking them both together.

Thoughts of rescue were far from Sophie’s mind, and she dreamed sweetly that night. She thought she would need to find some food soon, but she also had a wicked little idea of getting her morning fill…


Sophie woke up feeling warm and nurtured, as if her whole body was at peace. She could feel the wolf still embracing her, its large paws reaching around her and covering her breasts. Between her legs, she could feel stickiness of the wolfs cock which was covered in both precum and her own secretions from her ovulating vagina. It was resting against the entrance to her pussy, where it had been all night. Sophie felt glad and reassured by this, that both her and the wolfs mating parts had got to know each other during the night and were now completely familiar with each other. She reached her hand down and felt around her pussy and his cock and felt the stickiness. She then brought her hand up to her nose to smell and the scent was of pure sex. The wolf had woken at this stage and was lazily licking Sophie’s neck and back, taking in more of taste and scents. Sophie could feel her stomach tighten and rumble, but this time not exactly out of lust. She hadn’t eaten properly since she found herself in this strange land, and today that would have to change.

She needed some nutrition to set her up for the day and realised there was a source quite close to her. A wicked thought entered Sophie’s mind as she crawled out from where she and the wolf lay. The wolf was still lying there, and Sophie got down in front of him. Their eyes locked together, and Sophie was looking at him in pure lust. She folded her arms under her boobs and posed with them at the big wolf, who responded by licking his lips. She then leaned back, bringing her hands up to play with her hair and pushed her chest out at the wolf, who began to stir at this sexual display. Sophie then leaned forward and presented the wolf with her boobs, and he needed no second invitation. The wolf reached in with his snout and began sniffing and lapping away with his rough tongue at Sophie’s amazing tits. The wolf was licking deeply and thoroughly around Sophie’s nipples which responded by hardening and then he went in and under her boobs, making sure to get the sweat which had built up there. Sophie giggled and was rubbing around the wolfs head with her hands, reassuring him as he went to work on her breasts.

While the wolf was mesmerized by Sophie’s amazing tits, she took the opportunity to look down and over at his wild cock. She saw it was peeking out from its sheath and hardening in response to the pheromones the wolf was taking in from her bosom. Her plan was working, she thought. Sophie then pulled the wolf up and looked into his eyes, a knowing and lust filled look. The wolf licked his chops, and Sophie went down and moved under him. His cock was straining and pulsing, almost afraid at what she was going to do with it. This made Sophie more determined as she moved in, grabbing her lovers’ wild penis from just behind its base in a firm grip. She could hear the wolf panting and knew she had him in her power. His senses had been flooded with the scent of Sophie’s breasts and now she was down there, inspecting his cock. Sophie then opened her mouth wide and moved her luscious lips over his throbbing member, lapping away at the tapered head as she did so.

The wolf winced at this touch, whining slightly as Sophie suckled and licked his sensitive cock. She was determined now, on a mission for this wolfs hot load. She thought back to the night before, how she believed this wolf had been saving his cum just for her, and she needed it now more than anything. Her administrations to this cock were having the desired effect as more of it grew out from its sheath. It was truly massive, Sophie thought. It must have been at least 11” fully erect and she felt every inch of that locked and cumming inside her the previous night. She kept up her assault on the wolf’s cock, sucking and licking with purpose and now the knot began to form. The wolf’s hind legs were shifting and bucking, not knowing what to do with the sheer pleasure Sophie’s mouth and tongue were doing to his cock. Sophie cupped the knot with her free hand and began to gently stroke and squeeze it ever so lightly. The penis was flexing and pulsing in her mouth as she swallowed as much precum as she could. The wolf’s whining grew more and more intense as the natural conclusion was drawing near. He couldn’t do anything about this lusty female who was under him and having her way with his intimate parts. His tongue was lolling out of his mouth as he gave in to her, feeling suction and lapping at his cock and in complete bliss.

Sophie knew exactly where this was heading and redoubled her efforts, she needed her wolf to cum and pump his load into her mouth. The wolf gave out a deep, sustained whine and Sophie felt the knot bulge in her hand and then the wild, hot penis pulsed and flexed and then jet of his delicious cum unloaded in her mouth. Sophie swallowed it all and the wolf’s cock pulsed and flexed again, sending another jet of cum down her throat. Sophie kept up the suckling as the wolf whined and howled pumping jet after jet of his hot semen into her mouth while she lapped away. The wolf was cumming so hard and so much was coming out that Sophie, try as she might, couldn’t swallow it all. Some leaked from the sides of her mouth and then she accidently gagged a moment and released the cock from her mouth in order to swallow it all.

As she did, the wolf’s wild red cock pulsed and a massive jet of his cum landed flush on Sophie’s face. Sophie was surprised by this and then another jet of cum splashed onto her face and began to dribble down and onto her breasts. She quickly got a hold of herself and latched her mouth back around the wolf’s cumming penis and sucked more and more of his cum out of him. The wolf was in a daze, mewling and whining as Sophie continued to drink his cum. She loved the saltiness of it and how liquidy it was. The wolf was panting now as Sophie sucked and licked, his cock now eternally flexing and cumming into her mouth.

Sophie kept this up as long as she could, trying to get as much of the nutritious cum out of the wolf as possible. The knot began to shrink though, and Sophie could taste less and less semen shoot out from it. Eventually, after a few dry pulses in which nothing came out, Sophie relented and released her hold of his cock. The wolf whined and almost collapsed down beside her; his sensitive cock still exposed to the world. Sophie licked her hands, savouring the cum that had spilled there, before returning to the cock. She crawled over and on top of the wolf and wanted to be sure and began cleaning around the sides of the shaft, getting the last remnants of cum out from him.

She returned to the head and placed her mouth over it. Again, the wolf whined, and his legs bucked and kicked up in the air. Sophie sucked and licked, getting every possible drop she could out from the wolf’s massive cock as it beat a retreat back to its sheath. When she was satisfied, she kissed the very tip and smiled. She then stood up, basking in the morning air. The wolf’s semen had dried onto her face and breasts, but she didn’t care. She took it as a sign of their connection and would gladly let him drown her in his cum. She knew the nutrition it provided was a stop gap though. She needed a proper meal, and soon.


With the wolf laying prone and dozing, dreaming probably of mounting lusty bitches in the forest, Sophie got dressed into her now dried clothes and decided to look for a proper meal. The wolfs cum was nutritious enough, but Sophie knew she needed more, and soon. She set off and decided to go back towards the river where the best chance of finding something to eat was. Again, Sophie wanted to follow it downstream, hopefully towards some form of civilisation where there might be foodstuffs and shelter. Continuing down, she still found no sign of civilization, but the foliage was getting denser and there seemed to be a lot more flowering plants.

In the late morning sun, Sophie could still smell the wolfs cum which had dried on her face and breasts. It empowered her, made her feel confident and was definitely turning her on more. She was in the last day of her ovulation cycle, and she could feel the wetness build up there the more she thought about the previous night. How the wolf defended her from the bear and stood guard for her, their unsaid bond based on the chemical signals both were giving off and then finally, their eventual mating. It had all felt so right, so natural and ever so erotic. Her pussy contracted a tiny bit as she thought of the wolf knotting her and pumping his load into her. Her mouth went dry dreaming of that, but as she rounded the bend of the river, something caught her eye.

Right there, was a row of bushes with what appeared to be blue fruit on them. She ran over to them in her excitement and knelt down to inspect them. Blueberries! Sophie knew exactly what they were as back home, before whatever this was, she would have them daily with her oatmeal at breakfast. Gently taking one, she put it up to her mouth and took a small bite, just in case. They were blueberries alright. Sophie began to pick them as fast as possible, stopping only to pop one into her mouth. They were so sweet and chewy, just ripe she thought. Soon she had filled the pockets of her lab coat, and she then laid it out and began to gorge on them. She had seen that there was a big line of these bushes, so didn’t care to moderate her intake. She had a rough day yesterday and a night of hot, heavy sex so she was ravenous. As she ate though, she knew that the blueberries were making a mess on her hands and face, with some even dribbling down her cleavage. After she felt like she had eaten enough, the thought of bathing entered her mind. She was dirty, sweaty and her face and hands were a mess. She knew she had to take care of herself every chance she got as who knew when she would be rescued or even if she could find any form of civilisation. Looking around, she saw no sign of any bears or other possible dangers, so Sophie stripped off and dipped into the river.

A she waded into the river, she could feel how cold it is and how unused to the temperature her body was. She had found this whenever she swam at the beach and knew she was best off just diving in and dunking herself under so her body could adjust to the temperature. Taking a deep breath and making sure the river was deep enough, Sophie dove in. It was so cold! She thought, but knew she would adapt. She took some gulps of the water too, knowing that from yesterday it seemed good enough to drink and the water was very clear in this section of the river. Her body began to adjust, and Sophie began to enjoy the experience more and began swimming around playfully. She noticed some rocks downstream and swam over to them. It felt so good and so liberating, swimming nude in the river. Just her and the elements around her and a sense of belonging washed over her. The sun was beaming down and there was a gentle breeze and sense of calm washed over Sophie. Approaching the rocks though, she noticed something between two of them.

It appeared cylindrical in shape and was made of wood, but definitely not something you’d find in a tree. Coming closer, she thought she saw something inside it too, blocked at one end. When she got close enough, she saw it was a fish, wriggling against the end which had been trapped off. A jolt hit Sophie; this was manmade! It was a trap used to hunt fish and it had indeed caught something. Carefully, Sophie picked it up, noticing the weight and how well made it was. There was no string or anything modern on it, just wrapped in vines and other organic materials. Her luck was in, she thought. She would need to find a way to gut and cook this fish and she decided to take the trap too – hoping that whoever made it would understand her need.

Sophie swam back to where she had put her clothes, just under a rock to prevent them from blowing away. She waded out of the river and felt clean but suddenly so cold. Her body shivered and she felt her nipples stand on end and goosebumps cover her skin. Carefully putting the trap and the fish on the ground, Sophie tied her hair forward and began wringing it of water. Suddenly, she sensed something in the air. She looked up and there he was, the wolf, her wolf. He had something in his jaws, a hare or jackrabbit by the looks of it. Both of them had gotten lucky it seemed. Sophie froze under the gaze of the wolf, who dropped the now dead jackrabbit to the ground. Her nude body was being inspected by the wolf. Her chest was heaving with her juicy pink nipples pointed and super sensitive. Sophie’s heart was pounding in her chest as she looked at the wolf.

This was just like the day before, Sophie naked, wet and vulnerable and the wolf gazing at her. Her pussy was tingling, and she could feel her stomach tighten. Again, just like yesterday, the wolf sniffed the air towards her and approached. Sophie stood perfectly still as the wolf circled her, inspecting her body. Again, he stopped at Sophie’s tight butt and began sniffing in at her. Sophie spread her legs slightly for the wolf and could feel the moisture build at the entrance to her fertile pussy. The wolf leaned in and again took a lick just at the top of her thigh. Sophie got it now, when the wolf did this yesterday, he had been tasting the secretions from her ovulating vagina, making sure he knew how to track her and protect her. This turned Sophie on even more, knowing that connection she had with the wolf was a deep, driven lust. The wolf circled in front of her, and again, moved his nose in towards Sophie’s vagina and began sniffing, taking in her scent and what that was communicating to his brain. The wolf took a few steps back, his eyes locked on Sophie’s mating parts. “Hello” Sophie said, breaking the silence. Then, with purpose, Sophie kneeled down. She could see it then, the wolf’s dark red cock was peeking out of its sheath, flexing at her, needing her. She got down further, letting nature take its course, and got onto all fours. Her pussy was now dripping wet, expectant of that amazing wolf cock and knot, the need to breed taking over all aspects of her body.

The wolf stalked towards her, sniffing in towards that amazing pussy whose scents and flavours dominated his instincts. Sophie felt his cold nose go right in at her pussy and the wolfs heavy breath as it sniffed in deeply at her. There was something so amazing about this, she thought. How the bond between her and the wolf was based on their scents and how much the wolf enjoyed taking in hers. Then she felt it, that amazing, wide tongue as the wolf began lapping at her pussy. The wolf was relentless, digging his tongue deep into her folds and then strongly licking up and towards her asshole. Again, and again the wolf would go in, twisting his snout to get more purchase and angles of Sophie’s dripping cunt. Sophie was writhing in ecstasy at this, a sharp squeal being exhaled from her lungs as her body unwittingly succumbed to orgasm. The wolf though wouldn’t stop, he kept going, digging in at Sophie and drooling and slurping all around her labia and tickling her sensitive clit on occasion. It was almost as if the wolf was showing her something, his skill and dominance in pleasuring his mate, just as Sophie had done that morning. Maybe the fluids Sophie was secreting from her pussy was what he needed to nourish him, both of them trapped together in an endless cycle of lust.

Just as Sophie had rolled through her third or possibly fourth orgasm, the wolf stopped. Peeling himself away from Sophie’s now ultra-sensitive pussy. He must have been coated in her scent and secretions, Sophie thought, turning her on more now, knowing just how much of an aphrodisiac this must be to the wolf. Just as she was regaining her breath though, the wolf mounted her. She could feel his weight and tried to support it, but buckled under, weak from the orgasms she had just gone through. This though turned into the wolf’s advantage, as her pussy then pointed up and rubbed against his red, hard wolf cock. Just as nature intended, the wolf humped forward and entered into Sophie’s furnace-like pussy. The air was pushed from Sophie’s lungs as she felt that first push and throb of penetration. She tried to steady herself, but the wolf humped again, and again, and again. Sophie was prone now, ass and pussy up and face down in the grass and dirt as the horny wolf fucked her hard and heavy. She could feel the piston-like pumps filling her with more and more of his raging cock as her stomach tightened and her head was spinning in pleasure. No sooner than she could adjust though, she felt that familiar hard ball at the base of the wolf’s cock try and drive into her. This jolted Sophie back to life as her lust demanded, needed the wolf to knot her, to lock herself to him and visa-versa and let the wolf cum deep into her and let his doggy semen hunt down her egg.

Pushing herself up, she arched deep and back, just as the wolf thrust forward and with a squeal, the knot pushed itself into its rightful place in her fertile pussy. Just like before, she now felt the wolf steady its humping. He was growling and shifting his paws around in satisfaction at this. Sophie could feel the knot begin to expand as the wolf humped forward more, ensuring the entirety of his penis was locked in Sophie’s mating parts. She could feel those massive testicles rest against her now, once more ready to pump their load deep into her waiting uterus. There was that pinch, just at her cervix and then Sophie felt the red-hot wolf cock contract and then expand. The first jet of cum hit her hard, filling her insides with that liquidy warmth. Another orgasm built up in her as her hands gripped onto the grass and she felt that warmth and glow spread around her body just as the second jet of semen hit her.

The wolf was panting hard and heavy, his cock flexing and grinding as it pumped Sophie full of semen. Sophie screamed in pleasure as again, another orgasm rocked her world, and the wolf kept pumping more and more of his cum into her. The knot, the wonderful knot, was flexing, contracting and expanding right there on her g-spot as Sophie’s welcoming pussy demanded more and more from the wolf’s now quivering testicles. A mating session this hard hadn’t been on the cards for Sophie this morning, but now that she was here, beneath the big wolf as he pumped her full of his doggy cum, she didn’t care about anything else. About finding civilisation, other people, a way out. This was what she now demanded. Hot passionate sex and all the wolf cum her body could take.

The wolf then did something unexpected. It began to twist around moving over Sophie while still locked and pumping cum into her. It’s cock slightly twisted too, sending Sophie over the edge again, but now they were butt to butt, locked by the wolf’s throbbing knot. Sophie thought this was so hot, how the wolf was now standing guard over her again as he bred her, on the lookout for any dangers or predators that would threaten his mate. The connection between Sophie and the wolf only grew from this, their compassion and lust symbolised in this act of sex. The wolf stood there, panting away as his cock spewed more cum into Sophie, who was now mewling and tingling in the sheer pleasure of it all. Her face in the grass and at one with nature, feeling the pulsing cock flex and contract at the pleasure of her warm pussy.

Sophie didn’t know how much time had passed, the sex had been that good, but she felt again the wolf soften as the last of its load was expended in her. The wolf then shifted and with a soft plop, its sated cock was now released from her pussy. An emptiness hit Sophie, but it was replaced by the familiarity of that amazing tongue, which was now lapping away at her sensitive pussy, a way of saying thank you and to try and seal his cum inside her. Regaining her strength, Sophie then crawled over to her wolf’s exposed and sensitive penis. It was almost like the wolf knew what was coming and was unable to stop this lusty female from having her way with him. Sophie grasped the base of his spent cock and then licked her lips. She opened her mouth and then lightly closed it around the tapered head of the wolfs penis. The wolf immediately began to whine.

Again, Sophie started lapping away at the tapered head with her tongue while the cock was in her mouth and sucked ever so lightly. The wolf’s hind leg began kicking again, unsure what to do with the pleasure of what Sophie was doing to his most sensitive parts. Sophie loved this, the taste, the connection, the control. Just what she was doing to such a powerful and amazing creature. She loved the taste of their combined juices and duly swallowed what she could, then began lapping up and down the sides of his penis, listening to his whining and mewling as a sign of affection and what she was doing. She sucked and licked more, ensuring that her wolf felt wanted and taken care of by her. She then moved off and lay back on her hands, her large breasts pushed out. The wolf turned and without a thought, began licking in at those amazing tits, across her sensitive nipples and around the sides, slavering over them as Sophie giggled and laughed at his touch.

This was it, Sophie thought. A life she had never expected, nor dreamed of. Her pussy was raw and full of doggy cum, and she and her attentive lover were out in the wilds, enjoying each other’s bodies – their scents and flavours. A true connection forming between them both. When the wolf had finished playing with her breasts, he began licking her face, kissing her with affection, but Sophie knew that if she stayed like this, and she very well could, that they wouldn’t be able to eat or properly survive. Kissing the wolf on his snout, she got up and gathered her clothes and the trap with the now dead fish inside. Suddenly though, the wolf let out a bark and a growl. Sophie saw its ears stand on end and then she heard some rustling and movement from the long grass just downstream. Walking out from behind some trees, Sophie saw her. A woman was standing there. She seemed to have a two-part covering on made from hide or furs. Her hair was tinged blonde and wild, and her olive skin was covered in what seemed like paint in different markings.

She was staring at Sophie’s nude, just fucked body and seemed to be indicating something. She was pointing at the trap Sophie was holding. Thinking quickly, Sophie lowered the trap to the ground and held her hands up. “Hello?” Sophie said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was yours, I just…” but then woman cut her off. “Umm janga fetto!” she said, in an accent that Sophie didn’t recognize at all. “Sorry, what?” Sophie responded. “Umm jango fetto! Mei runta fang!” the woman said, confusing Sophie even more. The woman stepped forward and Sophie’s wolf began growling. Sophie saw that she was holding something, it seemed like a spear or weapon, she thought so started saying ‘shhh’ to the wolf to try and calm it. But then the wolf suddenly got down in a sitting position, its ears lowered and submissive. Then from around the back of this woman, Sophie saw another bigger, greyer wolf…


Sophie could feel her wolfs cum dribbling down her thighs as she followed this strange woman through the forest. The woman seemed annoyed at first, probably because Sophie had taken her fishing trap, but was now a bit friendlier – directing Sophie to come with her even though she couldn’t understand what she was saying. Her wolf was in front of the pair, but following behind Sophie was this larger wolf. Sophie felt a bit afraid of this wolf, it seemed like it was a bit more aggressive and rough than the wolf she had mated with. Sophie, just like the strange woman, was still naked. After she had been found at the riverbank, she attempted to put her clothes on but the woman seemed forceful that she didn’t. She was also the one holding the spear, so Sophie politely followed her instructions.

After about half an hours hike through the forest, Sophie could smell that familiar smoky scent of a campfire. The woman too seemed more animated and turned to Sophie, putting her fingers on her lips to tell Sophie to be quiet. Sophie could then hear other noises, it seemed like it was people talking in that unfamiliar language the woman was speaking. The woman then grabbed Sophie’s hand and guided her out from behind the bushes. “Nanan chok!” the woman shouted. Sophie could see it now, there was a whole camp with tents and campfires in a clearing. Two trees it seemed had been felled here too and there was a group of women sitting around one of the campfires. And about a dozen wolves around them. One of the women at the campfire stood up and pointed at Sophie. “Nin tana horay!” she said. The woman that had found Sophie replied back something Sophie couldn’t understand, but the tone seemed non-threatening. The woman at the campfire approached both of them. She was beautiful, Sophie thought. She was tall with an athletic build and her hair done in long dreads. Her face was perfectly proportioned with smoky eyes and beestung lips. She was naked too, her ebony skin covered in designs and patterns – including most notably a large wolf paw just above her clean shaven vagina. Sophie’s heart was pounding in her chest, she had no idea what to make of all this. She was glad she had found people and the possibility of food and shelter, but were they friendly? Where were the men? How did they get here? And what would they make of her?

This woman, who seemed to be some sort of authority figure, Sophie thought, was looking Sophie up and down. She walked around her, inspecting her body. She took one of Sophie’s arms and lifted it, then came in and smelled under her armpit. She then licked Sophie there, which sent shivers right through her body. She then went behind her and lifted Sophie’s blonde hair away from her neck and did the same – sniffed her and took a lick. Moving back around she then lifted both of Sophie’s large breasts, squeezing them lightly. The woman seemed pleased with this and Sophie saw her smile and the woman said “ek elia, ek elia”. The woman the got down in front of Sophie and this was what Sophie was worried about. The wolf’s cum had been leaking from her vagina and had dried there. What would this woman make of that? The woman then placed her hands on Sophie’s legs and spread them a little. She then moved in and started smelling Sophie’s pussy. She seemed extremely interested in this, taking multiple sniffs before finally taking her two fingers and inserting them inside. Sophie felt a little shock at this, but tried to maintain her composure, not wanting to seem afraid or weak. The woman then took her fingers out and tasted them. “Um janga fetto!” she exclaimed with a smile. Sophie had no idea what that meant, but the smile reassured her.

Sophie noticed that the wolves in the camp were lazily going about their business. A few were near the campfire with the women, who were petting them while talking amongst themselves. The big wolf though who had accompanied them on their way to the camp was still standing behind Sophie. When the woman, who Sophie had decided was the leader of the camp, had finished examining her, the big wolf moved towards Sophie. He circled around her purposefully, sniffing down around her legs. He seemed calm and directed, Sophie thought, and then the big wolf moved his snout right in towards Sophie’s vagina, taking in big nosefuls of her obvious arousal. Sophie was still and calm and looked towards the wolf as he was smelling her mating parts. A shiver ran through her spine at the lustful thoughts that were going through her mind. This big, powerful alpha wolf wanted her. He could smell her need and Sophie’s pussy was responding in kind, moistening in anticipation of his big wolf cock locking itself inside her. Suddenly, the leader took her hand, reminding Sophie of where she was and who she was with. “Tu sa melo janga” she said, leading Sophie away from the wolf. The initial woman who had found Sophie at the lake, the one with the olive skin and wild tinged blonde hair, followed in kind.

They brought Sophie to what seemed to be a teepee and took her inside. There was a smouldering fire there and a basin of water heating beside it. Sophie saw another few bowls which seemed to be filled with various liquids. The leader woman got her attention, and pointed towards her own chest and said “Ki-ra, Ki-ra”. Sophie understood what she was communicating and repeated her name back to her “Kira” she said, then pointed towards herself and said “So-phie, So-phie” to which Kira giggled and repeated Sophie’s name back to her. The other woman beamed a smile at Sophie and then said “Est-e, Est-e” and Sophie replied in kind. The atmosphere in the teepee seemed now a lot more comfortable for Sophie, even though they couldn’t communicate fully, they now at least knew each others names. Sophie felt far less anxious now and allowed herself to relax with the two tribal women. Kira took Sophie’s hand again and brought her to in front of the basin. She then took a sponge and some of the water and began to wash Sophie. Este joined in with her, gently massaging and rubbing around Sophie’s body.

Sophie was enjoying this so much, two beautiful woman taking care of her and cleansing her. Once they finished with the water, Este brought one of the bowls forward which seemed to be filled with a clear oil. Both the tribal women went to work again on Sophie, who was getting more and more turned on by all this attention the gentle, caring touch of the women. They massaged this sweet smelling oil around Sophie’s body, paying particular attention to her large breasts, which both girls seemed to enjoy playing with. Then they rubbed around her sensitive pussy, cleansing and shining up her ovulating vagina. Sophie was biting her lower lip at this, trying not to show how aroused she was. Este though slipped in two fingers, which caused Sophie to flinch, and began playing inside her. Kira giggled at this as Sophie’s leg buckled a small bit. Este withdrew her fingers and with a smile, took them into her mouth and said “ummm deli”. Sophie at least she now knew the word for when something tasted good, she thought.

The girls continued this treatment of Sophie, cleansing and refreshing her and giving her some sort of herbal tea to drink. It tasted delicious, similar to nettle tea, she thought. Another woman entered the tent with a bowl which seemed to have chunks of cooked meat in it. It was offered to Sophie, who took it and hungrily devoured it. It tasted amazing and Sophie was relieved to finally fill herself with something substantive. Once she was finished, the tribal girls stood her up and then brought over a bowl with what seemed to be white paint in it. Sophie recognized it as what they obviously used to mark themselves in their tribal designs. Kira dipped two fingers in and took some of the paint and swiped it across Sophie’s forehead while saying what seemed to be a little prayer. She then did the same and painted across her stomach in the shape of a crescent moon. Finally, she took some of the paint and marked three dots just above Sophie’s vagina. She gave the bowl back to Este and then stared into Sophie’s eyes and kissed her on the lips. This shocked Sophie, but she returned in kind and the pair kissed for a few seconds before Kira released her. She then indicated that Sophie leave the teepee. Sophie thought that was all a bit bizarre, but did as she was instructed.

When she stepped out of the teepee, Sophie could see that the tribeswoman had created a circle in the ground using rocks. Este appeared behind Sophie and took her hand and guided her towards the middle of the circle. She then gave Sophie’s hand a final squeeze and moved away, leaving Sophie alone in the middle. Sophie was nervous now, her heart was pounding. Was this it? She thought. Was she some sort of sacrifice for the tribe? An outsider to be killed and appease whatever gods they worshipped? She thought about running, but she counted about 15 women. Each of them seemed unique, some were white Caucasians, others were dark skinned or Latin, others were of black African heritage. It seemed so odd to Sophie, how could these people exist here? How did they get here and survive for so long? Then she heard it, a loud, piercing howl that could only come from a wolf. The tribe was struck in silence at this. Sophie’s heart was racing now. That howl though awoke something in her and her pussy started tingling in anticipation. It was the alpha wolf, she thought, and he was coming for her.

Sure enough, the big alpha sauntered into the circle. He moved around Sophie, stalking her almost, as he established his dominance in the area. Sophie was breathing heavily at this, but she tried not to show any signs of fear. The wolf stalked in towards her, he was so large and powerful, so purposeful. He put his snout right up to Sophie’s now dripping pussy and sniffed hard and fast. She knew he could tell how turned on she was, how ready she was for him to mate with her. Sophie could smell his musk too, that wild, masculine scent was flooding her mind. The wolf then leaped up at her and Sophie almost lost her balance. She took his front paws in her hands as the big wolf licked and sniffed around Sophie’s face. He was so heavy though and Sophie knew she would fall, so she started lowering herself to the ground. The wolf was humping, thrusting forward. He needed to get this bitch down and fuck her, Sophie thought, and she was more than willing to oblige. When she got down she saw the lipstick of his cock peeking from its sheath and it was slick with precum. It was huge!

She thought as the wolf started stalking around her, growling as he went. The wolf dipped his snout in and began licking Sophie’s breasts, which caused her to moan and then he went towards Sophie’s rear. Again, the wolf began sniffing in at Sophie’s mating parts and then roughly went at them with his huge tongue, causing Sophie to jolt and moan in appreciation. The wolf put a paw on her backside, as if to tell Sophie she was going nowhere as he continued his assault on her now soaking pussy. Sophie felt so powerless now. This wolf was going to fuck her and knot her. He was going to pump her full of his alpha wolf semen and claim her as his and Sophie was more than willing to let this happen. With those thoughts in her mind, the big wolf then got up and mounted his bitch, his massive, pulsing wolf cock homing in on the heat of Sophie’s ovulating pussy.

The wolf quickly found his mark and his large cock slipped into Sophie’s sleek pussy. Sophie moaned in pleasure at this contact and the wolf growled in dominance. He began humping in at her like a jackhammer and Sophie couldn’t believe the size of this amazing wolf cock as it grew and grew inside her with each thrust. This wolf was far more rough, far more dominant than the wolf which had mated with Sophie earlier. Each thrust was penetrating Sophie right up to her cervix and he had yet even to take his knot. An orgasm built up in Sophie as she felt that familiar tingle spread from her stomach right to her extremities as the wolf ceaselessly ploughed into her. He was a rough, dominant mate and this turned Sophie on even more. She loved this feeling that he was using her, that she was his. She could feel it now, just at the base of this massive cock that was pumping itself into her, the alpha wolf’s knot.

She was determined to take it, to let this alpha lock himself inside her in the ultimate display of dominance. She went to push and lean back into it, but it was too late as with a forceful grunt, the wolf pushed himself deep inside Sophie, locking the mating couple together. Sophie squealed in both pain and pleasure. Another orgasm quickly took hold of her as she felt that knot lodge itself and begin to expand inside her. He was so big! She thought, as she tried to flex her pussy around him. The wolf was humping slower now, happy that he had knotted his bitch. Sophie once again felt that pinch as the wolfs’s tapered cockhead slipped past her cervix. He was now ready to fertilize her egg directly and this thought made Sophie shudder under the big wolf.

She felt it then, that pulse and flex of the massive cock inside her as the alpha wolf began cumming inside her furnace like vagina. The first massive jet caused Sophie to wince and moan as she tried to tighten herself around this magnificent cock. The knot pulsed again at her g-spot as move wolf cum was pumped deep within her. The wolf’s massive testicles were pulsing at the base of Sophie’s pussy, sending more and more wolf semen to hunt down Sophie’s egg. The wolf was panting now, pleased with his mate who was taking his load so well. Sophie was in a state of pure ecstasy. She could feel jet after jet of hot wolf cum pulse inside her as the wolf’s massive cock flexed against her g-spot. This was different to how she had mated with the wolf that found her, it felt more as if she was simply an outlet for this big, powerful animal. She was his to use and fuck as he wished, he had claimed her and Sophie could only agree. She craved him, his cock and most importantly, his wolf cum. The couple stayed like this for another 10 minutes, Sophie almost going in and out of consciousness at the sheer pleasure as the wolf stood over her, cumming deep and hard right up past her cervix.

The wolf then moved back off her and his massive cock slipped out of Sophie’s now well fucked pussy. He moved behind Sophie and licked her hard and fast in order to keep his load buried inside. The wolf then moved around towards Sophie’s front, his massive cock was now dangling over Sophie’s face. She could see it now, in all its glory. It was truly enormous, at least 12 inches and bright red. It was still leaking cum which was coating Sophie’s face, so she moved up to clean her alpha. She wrapped her plump lips around his sensitive cock and began sucking and licking, wanting to impress the alpha. She could smell his musk truly now, it was a deep, male smell that dominated her senses. The alpha’s cum was saltier than her previous wolf’s and it was thicker it seemed. Sophie licked and kissed down the wolf’s cock, who was more than happy to let this bitch take care of him and clean him after a vigorous mating session. Sophie moved up to his testicles and breathed in deeply. These were the same balls that contained the amazing wolf cum she was now finding herself addicted to. She kissed each one out of thanks, which finally caused the wolf to shudder. She then moved back onto that cock, lapping away at the head and suckling away to get more of that cum.

Some of it had leaked onto her face and breasts, but she was more than happy at this, to be marked by the alpha in such a way. Finally, the wolf, seemingly pleased with the job Sophie had done, moved away and back into the pack. Sophie was left kneeling in the circle, she suddenly remembered just where she was. The animal lust and need for the wolf’s cum had taken over her senses but now she was brought back to reality. The women of the tribe were looking at her with bright smiles. Este then came forward and took Sophie by the hand, picking her up, and then led her out of the circle. The woman seemed to be chanting or applauding from what Sophie could hear, but she was in a daze. She was completely wolf-dick drunk and could barely stand or walk on her own. Kira took her too and led her back to the teepee.

The two tribeswomen lay Sophie down on a hammock. She felt exhausted from the alpha breeding her and her pussy was sore from his knot. Kira seemed to be brewing more of the tea while Este took a damp cloth and started cooling Sophie down. Sophie was glad for this attention, but the questions were still burning in her mind as to what was going on. It had been two days since the lab accident and her life had changed completely. Who were these people? Where was this place? She wished she could communicate better with them, but her lust felt out of control. Even laying there, after being fucked so hard twice in one day, all she could think of was the alpha and her need for him. Kira brought over some of the tea and insisted she drink. Sophie was more than glad to as her mouth was dry, and she felt nearly constantly dehydrated.

Kira then went down to her privates and again spread her legs. She moved her head in to observe closer, taking a few sniffs of Sophie, before moving her mouth over her labia, causing Sophie to squirm. “Shhh, shhh” Este said, while Kira moved her tongue in and began lapping her tongue right inside Sophie, causing an audible moan. Just as quickly, Kira removed herself and looked at Este, smacking those luscious lips together and saying “taa, taa”. Kira then moved up and petted Sophie gently on her forehead. “Sell, sell” Kira whispered, as if indicating for Sophie to relax. The two tribeswomen then began a conversation, before moving off out of the tent, leaving Sophie in a relaxed stupor. She drifted off, but not quite to sleep. Her vagina was still tingling, and she felt restless, her thoughts always turning to the alpha and his massive wolf cock. How he took her down and bred her, pumping his doggy cum deep inside her.

Later, once Sophie felt a bit more rested, she stood up. She needed to relieve herself pretty badly but didn’t know where to go. She left the teepee hurriedly, forgetting about her nudity or how she looked. A group of 3 women were outside the tent who sat gazing at her. Sophie noticed that they were all in their own way beautiful, but she was desperate so without shame said, “pee pee!” while pointing at her vagina. The girls looked at one another and then broke out laughing. Sophie felt very embarrassed at this, turning a slight shade of red, but then one of the girls stood up and nodded, seemingly understanding and took Sophie’s arm. The woman’s hair was a deep shade of red and quite long but oddly well kept. Without saying much, she brought Sophie around behind a tree which was near a cliff face and small stream and said “akk” and then turned around. Sophie crouched down and relieved herself, but something up on the canopy caught her eye. It was a wolf, not just any though, it was her wolf, the one that found her and protected her from the bear. She smiled in its direction, before cleaning herself off and returning to the woman.

She was taken back to the circle the others where in. The camp seemed deserted at this point, the rest of the tribe and wolves seemed to have gone off for the day, possibly hunting or foraging Sophie thought. She sat with the women, who were talking in that strange language. Sophie thought she might have an opportunity to pick some up at this moment, so tried to stay alert and not shy. They passed around a basket of berries to eat, Sophie took a few and they tasted sweet so Sophie, remembering earlier, said “deli” to which the girls laughed at and then said along “akk, deli!”. Sophie laughed too then, letting the barriers between her and the others break down a bit. Each of the girls in turn then pointed to themselves and said their names. A small girl with dark brown hair and slightly olive skin and seemed to have a lot of body hair, definitely seeming of Latino origin thought Sophie, said her name was ‘Bell-a’. Another, who was taller than the others and had short, cropped black hair said her name was ‘Reb’ and the red-haired girl called herself ‘Len-ia’. Sophie sat and listened to the girls chat and laugh, feeling now she was more part of their group. She was listening for familiar words and picked up on ‘fetto’, which she had heard before. She thought it must mean something important to the tribe, thinking maybe it was what they called the wolves.

After a while, Lenia took some of Sophie’s hair in her hand and began stroking it. It was as if she was indicating to the other girls who seemed to nod in agreement. Lenia then turned to Sophie and showed her some of her hair, which was noticeably dirty due to her rough living and sleeping conditions the past few days. Sophie though seemed to think Lenia was saying something about washing her hair, and feeling curious nodded her head in agreement, to which the other girls gave out a slight cheer, brightening up Sophie. Lenia took her hand again and the group moved together down to the river. It was a clear flowing river which had a large cliff face behind it. At one point, the river formed a large lagoon like area which Sophie imagined must be their communal bath. Sophie and Lenia waded in, even if the water was noticeably cold. Sophie started shivering, but Lenia simply dived under and came up out of the water. Sophie could see just then how beautiful this woman was. Her body was glistening in the sun and the coldness of the water made her nipples stand on end on her large breasts. She only had a small amount of now damp hair above her pussy and Sophie was biting her lip like she does when turned on. Bella and Reb then returned with a few bowls, which looked like they had some of the oils from earlier in. Sophie decided ‘fuck it’ and took the plunge, going up and under in order to get used to the temperature. The girls all gave out a little cheer and then motioned her to come over to then by some rocks.

Sophie sat down by them, keeping the lower half of her body in the still moving river. The temperature wasn’t too bad now that she was used to it and the girls seemed to all be fussing over her hair. They applied some sweet-smelling oil to her scalp and started massaging, which Sophie felt so calmed and relaxed by. Just like earlier, it felt good to be taken care of and seemed to bring a sense of bonding and sisterhood between her and these strange people. They rinsed her off and then repeated again, the second time though with an oil that smelled of wildflowers. Bella then ran off and returned with some dry rags and a few combs. Sophie and Lenia got out of the water and seemed to be instinctually holding hands. Sophie’s skin pricked up in goosebumps though as she felt something slightly off. Just as quickly, Reb said “shh” to the group. Up on the cliffs there was about seven wolves staring down at them. Sophie could make them all out, seeing that in the middle of the wolves was the alpha, and he was staring directly at her.

To the left though, just on the edge, she saw her wolf from the previous day, the one that found her. He too was staring at her. A sense of foreboding built up in Sophie and a knot formed in her stomach. She then heard the familiar chatter of the tribeswomen and a group of them moved into the clearing. Kira was leading the pack and seemed to have a headdress on which was adorned with white feathers. Sophie inhaled quickly though as she saw her spear, which was stained red at the top. Behind Kira four tribeswomen, including Este, were carrying a dead deer stag, which was strung up on a log. A cheer went up from Lenia, Bella and Reb and the hunting pack cheered back at them. Lenia gripped Sophie’s hand then and brought it up and Sophie instinctually let out a cheer too. She could feel it then, she was one of them, one of the tribe.

The girls were so busy after the tribe returned. Fires were stoked, more tea was made, and they seemed to be making a clearing. The wolves too seemed restless, wandering around and playfighting with each other. Sophie took this time to inspect the wolves more closely. None of them seemed too young, there was no juveniles, and there were definitely no females. Sophie felt slightly perverted at this, trying to sneakily peek at their mating parts. Her pussy would respond in kind too, moistening at the sight of their red cocks peeking from their sheaths and their enlarged testicles, full of wolf semen. That was another thing she noticed too; she hadn’t stopped ovulating. In fact, it had only seemed to be more intense now that she had gotten to this camp. Her thoughts were nearly always of sex and of breeding and she could often feel fluid building up between her legs. She was desperately horny, but didn’t want to say or do anything about it, now that she was ingratiating herself with the tribe.

The woman had skinned the deer and seemed to be making easy work of stripping the meat from the carcass. They were definitely well practiced in this and seemed to be able to take care of themselves. A few girls had begun cooking the meat while another few were working with a large cauldron that had a sweet smell emanating from it, not unfamiliar to the tea she had been drinking since she arrived. It was getting dark now and there was a few more campfires going. Kira, who had disappeared with Este since returning, now emerged from her central teepee. She was adorned in that same wild headdress Sophie had seen earlier, but now was adorned with more body paint across her. Este followed dressed somewhat similarly. The tribe gave out another big cheer and some began to pass around bowls filled with the freshly cooked venison. One was passed to Sophie, who still maintaining a modicum of manners and respect, checked to see if anyone else was eating. The whole tribe seemed was so Sophie dived in too, savouring the amazing flavour of the fresh kill. Vast quantities of the tea were also passed, but more seemed to be given to Sophie, who under Este and Lenia’s insistence, was guided to drink more. She didn’t mind, making a game of it and smiling and laughing with the other girls. Sophie noticed that some of the girls were stripping and storing the meat, while the rest was doled out to the wolves, who made quick work of both it and the rest of the carcass.

The tribe were all laughing and enjoying themselves, listening to Kira tell a story, probably of the hunt, Sophie thought. But when she was done, Kira demanded the group to be quiet and then got up to the centre of the circle. Two of the girls then began hitting a handmade drum which was made from wood and deer skin and Kira started dancing around the fire. She was moving in a sensual rhythm and Sophie was mesmerized. Kira’s soft curves and ebony skin danced in the light of the fire as she gyrated and moved to the music. Sophie’s vagina was now throbbing in expectation in witnessing this display. She felt so wet down there and could feel her skin prickle up in nervous anticipation. The nipples on her large, round breasts hardened in response and seemed extra sensitive. Este got up, followed by Lenia and Bella. Soon the whole tribe seemed to get up and start to dance. Sophie felt almost hypnotized at this point, her shoulders tight and strained. Reb walked over to her, displaying her lithe, sensuous figure and offered Sophie a hand while beaming a smile. Sophie was almost afraid to take her hand, not knowing where it would take her. But take it she did and then moved in and let the music and her sexuality take control.

Sophie at this point felt out of control. She was letting her nature take over, moving and gyrating her hips in rhythm with the song. Lenia then found her and took her hand again, moving and dancing with her. She pressed her body up against Sophie, rubbing her vagina against her leg. Sophie moved her other leg around until she was doing the same, unwittingly moaning as she rubbed herself on Lenia. Their breasts touched, setting off little electric shocks between them as Sophie and Lenia then naturally reached in and kissed each other. Sophie felt this luscious woman’s tongue probe and lap around her mouth and Sophie returned the favour. She could feel the sleekness of the fluid she was leaving on Lenia’s leg as she rubbed harder and harder. Lenia then broke off and moved towards another of the tribe. Bella then took her place, using her small frame to lean in and take one of Sophie’s nipples in her mouth. Sophie let out a yell of pleasure at this, never stopping from undulating and gyrating her hips.

Bella then got down under Sophie and put two of her fingers inside Sophie and placed her mouth and tongue right there against Sophie’s now ultra-sensitive clitoris. The little Latina girl danced her tongue around clit while her fingers teased and probed Sophie’s now unbelievably soaking vagina. Sophie couldn’t help it as she felt herself begin to squirt under this amazing girls’ administrations, covering Bella with her fluid, which seemed to be of no consequence to her. Bella then moved off, leaving Sophie gasping for breath. She was still trying to dance and move to the rhythm, but her sheer horniness was taking over. In a moment of clarity, she looked around and could see many of the girls each in a lovers embrace. Sophie breathed deeply and could smell the musk of pure sex in the air. Reb then came and took her hand, helping lower a clearly desperately horny Sophie to the ground.

Reb then moved her leg around the inside of Sophie’s and then glided herself up the inside of Sophie’s other now sleek leg. Here Sophie and Reb’s pussies made contact and Sophie let out a deep moan as Reb rocked and gyrated against Sophie. Sophie returned in kind, rocking gently and deeply while moaning into the night sky. She didn’t know how long this would go on for, but she was in a state of orgasmic bliss, one rolling into the next. Then there was a sudden stop to the music and a new sound filled the air, the howl of the wolves.

The tribe then seemed to get up, waiting for the wolves to move on them. Sophie saw Bella, crawling on all fours and snarling. Just as quickly, a wolf moved in on her, his snout gunning for that hairy pussy. Lenia too was being forced down to the ground by a large black wolf who was humping hard and fast, looking to breed this lusty redhead. One by one, the wolves moved on the women, some of whom were teasing and playing with the wolves – taking their large, tapered cocks into their mouths or rolling with them as the wolves lapped at their pussies. Sophie then saw him, her protector wolf. He was staring a hole through her and Sophie’s vagina was leaking in anticipation again. “Hello again” Sophie said, mimicking her behaviour from the first night the wolf took her. The wolf began stalking toward her, but then Sophie heard a deep snarl from behind her. It was the alpha. Sophie turned, and saw him there – teeth bared, ears back and aggressive, his shoulders hunched up. The other wolf returned the stance, baring his teeth too. It dawned on Sophie; they were fighting over the right to breed her.

Sophie, for the first time since she arrived in the camp, felt genuinely scared. She didn’t know what to do as the two wolves faced off at each other. The rest of the tribe was in various states of sex with the wolves. Sophie looked around for help and could see none – Bella was already locked together with a wolf who was pumping his cum deep in her. Kira too was being pounded hard and fast by another wolf. It was Este though who appeared by Sophie’s side and took her hand, gripping it and calming her. Sophie then realised that this might have actually been pretty common among the wolves and that Este might have seen it before. The Alpha began moving directly towards the other wolf, who didn’t seem to be backing down. This wasn’t what Sophie wanted at all, the other wolf had been so kind to her, so brave. Este though then jumped in between them both, her stance directed toward the original wolf. It was an aggressive move, but it seemed to work as the alpha calmed himself. Este then indicated Sophie to back off, which she did. Este then moved over to the wolf and began stroking his head and then quite purposefully, moved her vagina right against the wolf’s snout. He began sniffing and licking at her, which filled Sophie with a moment of jealousy before realising what Este was doing. She felt a pang of relief at this, but then felt the snout of the alpha from behind her, sniffing wildly at her soaking wet pussy.

The alpha’s tongue started probing, licking wildly at the fluid that had built up between Sophie’s legs. He then leaped up behind Sophie, pushing her down on all fours. The alpha was still clearly in a dominant and pissed off mood, moving around Sophie snarling while taking licks of her supple body. She then rolled over, in a move to show pliancy and submission to the big alpha. She held her hands and legs up and spread her pussy wide for him while panting to show she was ready to mate with the big wolf. He then stuck his snout down at Sophie’s large breasts, sniffing around and taking in her pheromones while licking across them, which Sophie was in heaven at. The alpha then began licking in at her face and neck, taking in more of Sophie’s scents which were telling his wolf brain that this bitch was in heat and needed his wolf cock. Sophie looked up and could see it now too, poking out from its sheath and dripping in precum. The wolf though then moved to Sophie’s side and cocked his leg and began peeing over Sophie’s body. Sophie was too horny to care, the alpha was simply marking his mate, she thought. The pee was warm, and sticky and its scent just seemed to turn Sophie on more. She was the property of the alpha and was happy to oblige his desires. She could see the wolf’s enlarged testicles now, filled with that doggy semen she desired. It was all for her, she thought. The alpha was going to fuck her, lock her, and shoot his cum directly into her fertile uterus and there was nothing she could do about it.

Sophie then turned back onto all fours and the wolf, seemingly as horny as she was, immediately started humping the air, eager to get to his pussy. He moved himself over her arched butt, humping hard and fast, his massive, red hot wolf cock searching for Sophie’s waiting vagina. Sophie was panting now in anticipation and then felt it, the first hump and connection of the wolf’s cock having found the entrance to her pussy. She arched back, meeting the alpha’s next thrust and he was in her. The alpha then began pumping his hips hard and fast into Sophie, who’s breath escaped her lungs in a cry of pure pleasure. The orgasm built up fast in Sophie as she felt her arms go numb and her head spin as that burning star of joy spread from her loins. The wolf was relentless, rough and hard. He cared not for her pleasure but to simply breed her and pump his sperm into her. Sophie could feel her vagina gushing in what must have been a mix of her fluids and the wolf’s precum. His cock was hitting just at her cervix now as she felt it swell and build inside her hot, tight pussy. She knew his knot would be swelling soon so moved back to meet the wolf’s thrusts, who in turn was howling his dominance toward the rest of the pack. Sure enough, Sophie could feel that familiar hard ball slip into her and it began to swell, locking the pair together.

The wolf was still humping and still growling. It’s paws restless as they searched for more ground to purchase. Sophie was being scratched a bit, but the pain of that was insignificant to the rolling orgasms she felt. The wolf’s knot, locked deep in her pussy and pinching just past her cervix began to pulse and throb which then moved up along the entire length of the burning hot wolf cock that was lodged in her. She knew what this meant and braced herself by gripping into the dirt. With another deep growl from the alpha, Sophie felt a huge, pulsing jet of wolf semen deep within her and she screamed out in pure pleasure. The wolf seemed unsteady though as another massive orgasm rocked through Sophie as the wolf came again and again, it’s penis constantly pulsing and flexing inside her and the large knot throbbing against her g-spot. The alpha ground forward, pushing Sophie roughly too as he came again and again. Sophie was breathing fast and hard, trying to keep up with the pleasure of this experience, feeling the wolf’s unrelenting cock spasm and pump more and more wolf swimmers into her to hunt down her fertile egg. She could feel the alpha’s enlarged testicles against her vagina pulse in rhythm to the wolf cumming in her. The wolf finally steadied himself and stood above Sophie, his giant cock lodged in and breeding her.

Sophie could finally assess herself as the alpha took his position of deserved dominance above her. She looked around and could see the others in the tribe all in various states of sexual coupling with the wolves. Bella was now beneath her wolf and was sucking and licking his cock in a playful and teasing way. Kira too was knotted and was butt to butt with the big wolf that had taken her, she was breathing deeply, obviously feeling the wolf cumming deep inside her. Lania and Reb were doing something interesting – they had a wolf laying on its back as they sucked and licked his quivering cock. Lania had her pussy pressed up to the snout of the wolf, who was lapping away at her cum filled pussy. Reb was licking and kissing the wolf’s balls, occasionally joining Lenia in a passionate kiss around the cock. The scent of male sex was mixing in with the female scents in the air and Sophie could just smell pure lust. The alpha was not finished cumming in her it seemed as his cock flexed and pulsed deep in her which Sophie was in heaven to receive. She turned her head to see Etse too, under the other wolf who had his knot buried deep within her. Este smiled at Sophie who returned it but felt a pang of jealousy that her protector was mating someone else.

Eventually, the pulsing of the wolf’s cock slowed, and Sophie couldn’t feel as much semen flow into her. The alpha took a step back and then slid slowly out of her, causing Sophie to whine and cry out in orgasmic pain. A small amount of cum began leaking from her pussy, but the alpha was quick to remedy that, taking long, purposeful licks deep in at her pussy, sealing his doggy swimmers inside Sophie to fertilise her egg. He then knowingly moved around to Sophie’s front and began licking her face, as if to tell her what a good job he had done. He then positioned that massive penis over Sophie’s face, and she took no time at all in moving up and cleaning him with her mouth like a good bitch. She sucked and licked all around this swollen, sensitive cock while the alpha sat there panting. Sophie licked and tickled the tapered end with her tongue, causing the alpha to whine a bit and to show him what she was capable of, before licking down along the sides of this amazing, spent cock and sucking then greedily to get the last of that wolf cum out. Sophie then kissed down the cock, wanting to show her alpha her appreciation of him and then the alpha moved off towards the riverbank. Sophie lay on the grass then, completely spent and out of energy. Este then moved over towards her, and without saying anything, began to kiss her. Sophie noticed though that this kissed was loaded, her mouth was filled with that amazing salty tang of the other wolf’s cum. Este shared this, and Sophie began hugging her and kissing back.

The rest of the tribe had seemingly finished with each of their wolves. Some were covered in wolf semen, which Sophie could smell off them. Others were showing off their sperm filled vaginas to each other while laughing and tasting the cum out of them. It was Kira who then found Sophie and took her hand, taking her back to where the cooking had been done. There, she once again gifted Sophie a bowl of the tea she had been drinking and insisted Sophie drink it all, which she did. Sophie’s mind was still swimming. She had just had the greatest, roughest fuck of her life and all she could think about was wolf cock and their sperm. It dominated all her thoughts. She was still incessantly horny and couldn’t keep her hands off her large breasts and soaking vagina. Kira looked at her and seemed to understand. She then knelt in front of Sophie, and pushed her sperm covered breasts together. Sophie, without need of an invitation, dived in, licking and lapping hungrily across those firm breasts. She sucked hard, trying to get as much of the salty wolf cum as possible while lapping at Kira’s nipples, causing her to giggle. When she had finished, Sophie simply looked at her and said “more” which Kira laughed at.

The tribe seemed to all get back up and began tidying the area, sure not to leave any food out. The wolves all seemed to be lazily lolling about, satisfied that they had fucked and serviced the tribe and emptied their balls into the girls. Sophie was brought into the teepee with Este and Kira and offered the hammock she was in earlier to sleep. She did, but she was restless, her thoughts ever returning to what was just outside – the wolves and their knotted cocks and amazing semen. When she was convinced Este and Kira were asleep in a lovers embrace, Sophie snuck up and crawled to the entrance of the teepee. She looked around, with only the embers of the fires and the moonlight to guide her, but then she saw him. Waiting just past a tree in the silver moonlight was her wolf, the first one she had met. The one who slept with her that first night, both their mating parts against each other and getting used to themselves. Sophie was sure to be quiet, checking once again on Kira and Este who were sound asleep. She then crawled out of the teepee and towards the edge of the camp, her wolf following…


To Be Continued…?


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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