The Zookeeper

By farmer Joe.

Lucy woke late with the sun beaming through the thin tulle covering her bedroom window. Her friends had helped her celebrate her 25th birthday the night before and she started a little later at the zoo today because she would be one of the last to leave. She didn’t mind this though as Lucy had loved animals her whole life and had wanted to work in a zoo or be a vegetarian since she was 7 years old.

Lucy texted her boyfriend thanking him for the wonderful night and invited him to dinner the following evening. She considered she was indeed one of the lucky people in life, a great family, a small group of close friends, the best boyfriend imaginable, and her dream job. She almost felt guilty. The one gripe Lucy had in life was her body. She was thin and almost painfully so and 6’2 in height. Her hair was thin and lifeless, cut off at her shoulders, and her breasts a modest but perky B cup which on her tall skinny frame looked positively tiny, made worse by her large areolas and long nipples. Nevertheless, she was quite an attractive girl, and with a little more effort put into her appearance, she would look quite stunning.

Lucy took a quick shower, grabbed a clean uniform, and got ready for work. She was happy to tie her hair back as it was just going to get squashed under her hat for most of the day anyway. Lucy remembered suddenly she was giving her first tour today. She was a little nervous as she was not quite as good with people as with animals. She had watched and helped her colleagues do the tours many times but had never run one by herself. She knew a lot about the animals and was not worried about sounding like she didn’t. It was just speaking to a group of people that gave her the creeps. She had always shied away from being the center of attention. As she continued to dress and head for work, she thought about it more and hoped a small group would make it more manageable.

“Morning, Sam,” she chirped, walking past the Elephant enclosure. “How are you today Hun?” The Elephant gave a little grunt acknowledging her greeting.

“Hey, hey Goliath aren’t you looking handsome today,” She said over the fence at the Giraffe enclosure. “I shall see you boys later. Wish me luck.”

It seemed the bigger the animals were, the more Lucy adored them, not that she did not like the little animals; she had specifically requested to work in the petting zoo with a lot of the baby animals. When the time came to do her tour, she was shaken by the crowd. It was the biggest group she had ever seen, and for this reason, her supervisor (and not her biggest fan) had begrudgingly agreed to accompany her. Lucy would have rather taken the tour alone; she did not like the feeling of people looking over her shoulder as she worked. Besides, Geoff had always been jealous of her relationship with the animals. He took every opportunity to show up her knowledge with his years of experience and much more extensive knowledge.

Nevertheless, the tour was a major success, Lucy’s talks were flawless, and the animals all put on a spectacular display for her as Geoff rolled his eyes in the background. The highlight was when a group of penguins knocked Geoff over as he fed them and fell in the pool. Lucy fought hard but could not stop herself from giggling a little. He stormed off to get changed, leaving her to complete the tour independently. After the tour’s conclusion, Lucy stayed around to talk to a couple of curious children who were very interested in ‘big cats.’

Lucy sat down in the staff lounge for a break with a couple of hours to go. She was shattered. After the emotional energy she had put into the tour and the big night she had with her friends the night before, she could not wait to finish today. It was not going to be a big finish to the day. She just had to tidy up the petting zoo and tend to the elephants, chimps, and giraffes next door.

Lucy sat and cuddled a baby chimp in the enclosure; she had done all of her duties and had half an hour left until leaving. She stroked the chimps fur and watched the others playing as she relaxed in the enclosure.

Lucy awoke with a start, night had fallen, and she was all alone. Two little chimps were scratching at her shirt. “Oh my gosh, boys, I must have been tired.”

She went to get up but felt a strong arm across her neck and looked up to see one of the bigger chimps asleep with his arm locked around her shoulders. The scratching chimps had accidentally popped a couple of buttons, and now Lucy had started to worry. She was used to feeling in control around the animals, but the darkness and the sleeping chimp trapping her arms from moving was becoming quite unsettling to her. Suddenly the chimps had her shirt open and had become agitated and tore at her bra. When they succeeded in ripping her bra open, they started suckling on her breasts hungrily.

“No boys,” she cried. “Stop! Wake up, Charlie….pleeease” she yelled, but Charlie stayed was fast asleep. The chimps were not hurting Lucy, but the shock of what was happening made her start to cry. In other circumstances, Lucy would have welcomed two greedy tongues and mouths licking and sucking on her long hard nipples. Suddenly that realization sunk in. Her nipples were hard! Did this arouse her? Why would she be? She temporarily became more disgusted with herself than scared. Nevertheless, she closed her eyes and pretended her boyfriend was feasting on her tits as the chimps tried to extract some food from them.

Suddenly Charlie awoke, and Lucy ran toward the door. She slipped and fell on her stomach and felt the total weight of a chip on her back. Charlie poked, prodded, and sniffed at her shorts, then slipped finger under the hem of one leg. Pulling at it with his powerful grip, he tore the shorts down one side then worked at her the damaged garment until it, and the panties beneath fell from her body. “Get off Charlie, leave me alone,” she cried. But the monkey started sniffing around her skinny ass and shaven slit. He climbed down between her legs to examine her closer, but Lucy seized the opportunity and rose and began to run. She gained 5 meters toward the gate when she felt a firm hand grip her ankle and went down on her stomach once more.

Charlie turned her over and now had assistance from Arthur (another male adult chimp) is holding her down. At the same time, he explored her pussy and ass with his mouth and fingers as if analyzing the difference in her flavor and scent compared to his species. Lucy continued to struggle despite the pleasure she received from Charlie’s touch, causing the remainder of her clothes to be torn off in the process. An almighty shriek came from an enraged and jealous Mary (a female chimp) as she sped across the enclosure at the struggling threesome. Charlie turned to fend her off, giving Lucy a chance to escape from the enclosure, locking the padlock behind her.

She leaned forward, panting, short of breath, when she saw her keys were still lying inside the Chimp enclosure out of her reach to her dismay. She looked around, grabbed a stick, knelt against the gate, and tried to get her keys back while the chimps continued to fight loudly.

“Yes!” she triumphantly yelled as she managed to snag the keys on the stick and began dragging them towards her. How was it that the gate was open? She thought.

Suddenly something moist but leathery pressed against her pussy and sucked hard and long. She dropped the stick and clung onto the fence and, to her surprise, gushed in an unexpected but pleasant orgasm. She reached under, feeling the hoover attached to her pussy, and then looked behind her to see the intimidating shape of one of the Zoo’s elephants, a wily old soul called Sam.

“Holy shit, Sam, what did you do to me, and how the fuck did you get out?” She said as she watched Sam blow her sweet nectar into his mouth from his trunk.

Still experiencing all manner of shock and horror tainted with a hint of erotic excitement, she pulled the stick quickly toward the fence, dropping the keys within reach of her fingers. She felt Sam’s trunk slithering around her legs and ass as she tried to get them out. She reached back and smacked his trunk. “No, boy.”

Finally, she pulled the keys out and stood face to face with Sam wearing only her boots and socks. Even though she knew no one else would be around, she still looked nervously about her. The night staff would not come around unless an alarm sounded or video surveillance showed a significant disturbance. She could throw herself in front of a camera to get help, but there was no way she wanted to be seen naked and in this state.

She took some deep breaths and decided she would try and get Sam back into his enclosure first before heading to her locker, where she knew she had a spare uniform. Sam was quite cooperative as Lucy led him through the back of the Giraffe enclosure and headed for his own. She was still baffled as to how he had gotten out. Suddenly Sam stopped

“Come on, boy, one foot in front of the other, let’s go!” she said in a friendly tone.

But the elephant suddenly bolted past her knocking her off her feet, and appeared to run into its enclosure and shut the door. Lucy lay on her hands and knees, a little stunned at how the animals were behaving tonight and were just about to get up when she heard a snarling growl behind her. She turned her head sharply as fear suddenly crushed her spirit. It was Claudius, one of the Zoos’ male lions.

‘How is a fucking lion walking around the zoo like this?’ she thought in a panic.

The giant animal was now next to her sniffing her, walking around her, and claiming her. It was pissing on things around her which she knew was part of its mating ritual. Mating ritual? Sure enough, the large cat suddenly mounted her from behind and began to thrust its cock at her until it finally penetrated her wet pussy.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” she gasped as the pointy cock explored the insides of her womanhood.

Its cock surprisingly wasn’t as big as she may have thought, but it had a nice girth to it, which rubbed her clit and made her juices flow. The lion was sitting on top of her, now pushing her body into the gravely road causing her pain, but it didn’t bite her or scratch her, which was a relief. The colossal cat panted lustfully in her ear, and drool dripped onto her head as the cat fucked her. She had so many orgasms over the next hour that she lost count, and then finally, after she was marveling at the creature’s stamina, she felt its hot cum splash inside her womb.

After 10 minutes of coming, the lion pulled its cock out, and she shrieked in pain as the spines on the lion’s cock raked the insides of her vagina. Like other cats, the male lion’s penis has spines that point backward. Upon withdrawal of the penis, the spines rake the walls of the female’s vagina, which is meant to cause ovulation in a lioness. But only causes pain in a human vagina!

Claudius walked away from her back down the dark road, and in a panic, she jumped to her feet and leaped up and over the high fence into the petting zoo, crashing into the ground on the other side. Sure the lion may have fucked her, but she knew they weren’t called man-eaters for anything.

She lay on the cool, damp grass whimpering with her heart racing and her head pounding.’ Why hadn’t she pursued a basketball career?’ she thought. What the hell had gotten into these animals molesting her like this.

Lucy lay sobbing and exploring her violated body with her hand. She rubbed her sore, swollen pussy but found no damage even though she was sure it would be torn to shreds by Claudius’s spines. Her breasts and stomach, while red and sore, were ok too. She wondered how she could continue in this job after tonight, how could she look at these beasts the same way again?

Then she realized that the animals had not hurt her, which they most assuredly could have, and decided that she liked working with animals too much to let a thing like this stop her. Her thinking progressed to reflecting on how much pleasure she felt as Claudius fucked her. That was most unexpected, to be sure.

She stopped crying and composed herself. Lucy stood up and started walking towards the staff area to shower and get dressed again as naturally running around naked seems to be just inflaming the animals into mating with her. Suddenly she tripped over a log in the petting zoo and winded herself! She pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, trying to catch her breath, when something hairy and heavy landed on top of her.

“No Zach, Noooooooooooooooooo” She screamed as the Zebra plunged his rock hard cock into her and started pounding her senseless.

She tried to crawl out, but Zach the Zebra kept her mounted on his long horse-type cock. Eventually, realizing that Zach wasn’t going to let her go until he had finished, she decided, ‘Fuck it!’ she had done nothing wrong.

She had not asked this to happen.

Besides, she loved these animals. Why couldn’t or shouldn’t she benefit from all she did for them? She puffed and panted as the colossal cock slid in and out of her.

“Oh yes boy, fuck me, boy, that’s it, Zach, fuck me harder.”

Before feeling the Zebra swell even more inside her, she came several times, ready to cum.

“Oh yes, boy, fill me. Fill me with your cum”

Then she felt it, the floodgates opened, and a mighty stream of cum soaked her insides and started spilling out of her cunt from around the massive shaft still plunging in and out of her. Her juices mixed with his and flowed freely down her thighs. Zach finally finished pumping her and withdrew, walked off, and lay down contentedly as Lucy regained breath. She stepped gingerly over to Zach and kissed him on the head, and said, “Good night boy, see you in the morning!”

Back in the shower in the locker room, Lucy realized that even though she loved her life, it had been missing something to make it complete. Her love of animals had just been taken to a whole new level, and an idea came to her that she could explore this new awakening to its utmost using her position as a Zookeeper. A shiver of pleasure ran through her, and she began to masturbate.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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