Tina’s Horse Adventures
She lay on the bank of a small pond about 100 yards from her uncle’s house, feet resting on a rock underwater. Just as she was dozing off, she heard her uncle calling her.
“Tina!” he said. “I need to talk to you for a minute. Come on inside.”
“Coming!” said Tina.
She got up and made her way back to the house. When she walked in through the backdoor, her uncle had a cup of sweet tea waiting for her. She picked up the glass and took a nice, long sip.
“Ah, Tina, I need to ask you something.”
“What is it?” Tina asked.
“Well, I just got off the phone with Jeff. He said his mother had just been taken to the hospital, and he would likely be there for at least a couple of days to be with her. He asked me if I could go over and take care of his livestock while he was gone. Since it’s such a long drive to his place, I must stay there while he’s gone. My question is: do you think you could look after the farm alone while I’m gone?”
“Wow, I’m so sorry about Jeff’s mom. Of course, I can take care of the farm by myself! I think I’ve proven my worth.” Tina said.
“Alright, excellent. I just wanted to make sure you were up to it. I’m going to head on over to his house. Hopefully, I can make it by sunset. You know my cell and Jeff’s home numbers.”
“Yep! Have a safe drive!” said Tina.
“I’m off. Love you, Tina!”
“Love you too!”
And with that, her uncle got into his truck and headed down the highway. Tina was excited to have the farm to herself. She had always dreamed of owning her farm. Now, she finally got the chance to handle one all by herself.
She headed outside and checked on all the animals. She spent some extra time with the horses. She loved horses dearly and would ride around the property daily on her favorite, Thunder. Thunder was an exceptionally strong horse covered in brown hair. Tina’s uncle prized him.
After checking on all the animals, she went back inside and decided she should probably make herself dinner. She made a plate of spaghetti. She accidentally spilled some sauce on her shirt. She got up, went to the laundry room, took her shirt off, and threw it in the hamper.
‘Well, I guess I don’t need to wear the rest with nobody else around,’ she thought.
She stripped off the rest of her clothes. She admired her perfectly shaped tits for a few moments. They always caught the eye of any man she passed, though nobody had ever seen them. She was repulsed by most of the boys at her school, and since she lived in a relatively small town, it was hard for her to meet many people outside her school.
She finished staring at herself and went to take a nap on the couch. She awoke several hours later. She looked out the window and saw it was dark out. After a few hours of channel surfing, she checked on all the animals again before bed. She visited the horses last. She walked up to Thunder. Usually, he was fairly mellow, but for some reason, he was acting different. He seemed very anxious.
Tina went over and started petting him. Tina tried calming him down for several minutes, but he got increasingly restless.
‘Maybe he’s just hungry,’ Tina thought to herself.
She went to the corner of the stable where her uncle kept some spare feed. She grabbed a bucket, bent over, and scooped up some feed. Suddenly, Tina was knocked forward. She caught herself on a table. She turned her head around, and she saw Thunder. His massive horse cock was fully erect underneath him. Tina’s eyes suddenly grew very, very wide. Before she could even react, Thunder lunged forward and mounted Tina, and began thrusting his cock at her pussy. Terrified, Tina tried to escape between the massive beast and the table. She screamed for help, but no other houses were within two miles.
Suddenly, Thunder’s cock hit its mark. It tore its way into Tina’s virgin pussy. She cried out in pain. Each thrust forced Thunder’s cock further and further into Tina. She cried from the pain and continued to try to get away from her horse rapist. It was to no avail, as Thunder had her locked down. After several minutes, Tina was completely exhausted and gave up her fight. Moment’s later, she felt Thunder’s cock begin to pulse. Thunder began to shoot his full load deep into Tina’s abused pussy.
She felt the gooey warmth fill her abdomen. Her abdomen had a slight bulge from all the hot horse cum. Thunder pulled his deflating cock out of Tina, and cum poured from between her legs. She fell to the floor, tears running down her face. She looked down at her bloody and cum covered pussy. She knew there was no way she’d be able to please any normal man again.
She cupped her pussy and started to get up. She turned her head and saw another smaller horse standing next to her with a raging hard-on. Thunder fucking her silly must have gotten the young horse’s attention. She froze. The horse moved toward her. She backed up until she found herself in a corner. There was no escaping. She stifled her tears, not wanting to spook the horse. Realizing she could not escape the stable, she crawled to the horse. She grabbed its long, meaty rod and opened her mouth. The second her lips touch the head of the horse’s cock, the horse thrust forward.
Before Tina even knew what was happening, the horse had shoved its cock deep into her throat. She choked and tried to back away. She slammed against the stable wall, choking and gagging. The young horse stepped forward, and his first thrust hit its mark. His cock went straight down Tina’s throat. Unable to breathe, she tried pushing him away with whatever strength she had left. It was no use. Thankfully for Tina, the horse was very inexperienced and came quickly, emptying his load directly into her stomach. He pulled out, and Tina gasped for air. She collapsed on the floor, sobbing.
She lay on the floor for what seemed like hours. Finally, she mustered the strength to get up. She moved as quickly as her weak body could. Once inside the house, she turned on the shower and sat in the tub. As she collected her thoughts, she looked down and inspected her pussy. It was throbbing in pain but felt strangely good. She exited the shower, dried off, and lay in bed. She was thinking about what had just happened when she noticed her pussy begin to leak a little horse cum.
The combination of thinking over what had happened and seeing the horse cum began to turn her on. She reached down and started rubbing her clit. It seemed to soothe the pain of having her pussy violated and torn open. She reached up and started playing with her nipples. She moaned in pleasure. Suddenly, she felt an orgasm explode through her body. She moaned even louder. She had masturbated before but had never felt an orgasm like this. She cried out in pleasure.
Finally, the sensation stopped. Too exhausted to even move, she lay and stared at the ceiling. So many thoughts were running through her head. One thing was certain, though; this wasn’t the end of her sexual horse adventures. She slowly drifted off to sleep.
What lies ahead of her tomorrow?
The End.