A New Breed!

By Shadow Kiss.

Anna sighed as she looked at her naked image in the mirror. She had gained weight since Eric dumped her. Anna hated having her depression displayed so dramatically. She knew what Eric would think if he could see her now: She’s lost without me. I knew she would never get over me.

Anna released another deep sigh and put on her bathrobe. At least she didn’t have to look at herself all the time. Her hair was still wet from the shower, but Anna didn’t bother with a towel. She wanted to get away from the mirror as soon as possible. She went downstairs and sat in the parlor to watch TV. Her Rottweiler Daryl came bounding around the corner, gleeful to see his mistress.

Anna smiled as he approached. No matter how rotten she felt, Daryl was always around to perk her up. She patted the seat next to her on the couch, and Daryl eagerly jumped onto it. Anna petted, scratched, and cuddled her dog for a long while. Eventually, they both settled down, and Anna watched some shows. As the hours passed, Anna slowly drifted off to sleep.

Anna awoke to a strange sensation. Something warm and wet was gliding along her pussy slit. At first, Anna thought she was dreaming, but the sensation intensified. Opening her eyes, she saw Daryl’s snout buried in her snatch. His tongue was lapping at her cunt like it was precious nectar.

Anna couldn’t believe her eyes. Daryl had never done anything like this before. She’d never considered that a dog might want to lick a woman’s pussy. Daryl continued his ministrations, and Anna couldn’t help but become aroused. Her cunt began to produce fluid, which seemed to encourage Daryl. His tongue slid into Anna’s love canal, which produced a shudder from the woman.

The dog’s tongue probed deep, touching Anna’s cervix and gliding along her clit. Anna’s body convulsed as she approached orgasm. Daryl’s doggy tongue was driving her to new heights of ecstasy. He finally drove his tongue deep and tickled her cervix with the tip. Anna exploded into orgasm. She squealed as her body became a vibrating mass of pleasure.

When she finally came down, Daryl removed his tongue and whined softly. Anna looked at him quizzically, wondering what was wrong. She looked down and spotted the problem. Daryl’s penis had grown erect, and his swollen red member glistened and pulsated. Anna realized what he wanted.

Anna was torn. She wanted to repay Daryl for the mind-numbing pleasure she’d just received, but Anna didn’t know if she could bring herself to fuck a dog. She looked into Daryl’s eyes and saw the need written plainly in them. Anna got down on all fours and turned around to present herself to Daryl. She hiked up her robe to expose herself completely.

At first, Daryl seemed confused. He sniffed around her pussy and asshole, trying to make sense of the unusual anatomy. Anna waited patiently, determined to give her new lover a chance to sort things out independently. Finally, Daryl climbed onto her back and wrapped his forepaws around her waist. The material of the robe kept his claws from scratching as Daryl searched for the proper entrance.

His cock slid around her butt cheeks and inner thighs to locate its target. Finally, Daryl placed his tip at the entrance of Anna’s pussy and thrust forward. Anna gasped as Daryl’s cock slid to her cervix and beyond. His cock head was actually inside her womb. No human had ever filled her so deeply.

Daryl unceremoniously began pumping his dog cock inside Anna’s pussy. Anna moaned as her body shook from the assault. Her breasts swung back and forth, and she struggled to maintain balance. Daryl panted as he put all his effort into fucking his human bitch.

Finally, he thrust deep into her. Streams of dog cum sprayed forth, filling Anna’s womb. The sensation triggered her climax, and she let out a guttural moan. She pushed her hips back, trying to bury his cock even deeper. Suddenly Anna felt a new sensation as Daryl’s cock swelled inside her. Before Anna could react, his knot entered her pussy and tied them together.

Anna’s pussy stretched painfully around Daryl’s swollen member. The Rottweiler made himself comfortable by turning around and standing on all fours. Despite the pain, Anna still felt erotically charged. The blatant obscenity of being tied to a dog filled her with kinky mirth. The pain subsided, and Anna built another orgasm. She came twice before Daryl’s cock shrank down and released her.

Daryl wandered into a corner and began licking himself clean. Anna sat on the couch. She was still exasperated by what had taken place. Anna looked down at her swollen cunt lips and watched as a string of white liquid drooled from her pussy. She looked over at Daryl, who was licking his prick clean. If he had grasped that the sex act they’d just committed was unnatural, he certainly wasn’t showing it.

Why did I do that? Anna thought to herself. I’ve never thought about having sex with Daryl before. I’ve never even thought about fucking a dog before. How could I do that?

Anna felt depraved and perverted. She’d enjoyed the sex, but she knew that bestiality was wrong. Wasn’t it? She could still smell the sex hanging in the air. Anna had to get out of the room to clear her head. She went upstairs to her bedroom and closed the door just in case Daryl decided to follow her.

Away from the dog, Anna could finally think straight. She had been lonely after Eric broke up with her. She’d been craving sex, but why would she debase herself by fucking her dog? The strange thing was that Anna didn’t feel debased. She felt elated. The sex Anna had with Daryl was the best of her life. She was considering doing it again.

Was it so wrong to fuck Daryl? She wasn’t hurting anyone. It had been good for her, and Daryl didn’t seem phased by it. Maybe this was just what she needed; a sexual relationship with no emotional baggage. Just as she finished her thought, Anna heard a whine at the door. Daryl was outside, begging to be let in.

Anna smiled to herself and opened the door for her new lover. Daryl traipsed inside the room. His tail wagged, and he had a look of joy in his eye. Anna removed her robe and stretched out seductively on the bed. Daryl’s cock slipped from its sheath and grew as he scented his mistress’s readiness. He jumped up on the bed beside Anna.

Anna got on all fours and raised her ass. Daryl mounted her once more and searched for her opening. His cock slid inside her with ease. As Daryl pounded away at his prize bitch Anna prepared to experience another string of orgasms. She looked beneath her and watched Daryl’s red prick piston inside her. It was something she was going to keep up.

After that fateful day, Anna and Daryl became the equivalent of lovers. They fucked almost every day, and Anna was almost always the initiator. She wore skirts without panties to give Daryl free access to her pussy. He became quite adept at licking her to orgasm. Anna was on her hands and knees so much that she developed calluses. Anna had tried to get Daryl to fuck her in a missionary position a few times, but he’d been so confused that she gave up on the idea.

Anna was in a state of bliss. She had finally found a mate who was compassionate, loving, and completely loyal. He never judged her appearance or criticized her decisions. The fact that he was a dog was incidental. What mattered to Anna was his absolute devotion to her.

Everything seemed to be perfect until Anna missed her period. At first, she thought that her cycle was off. After all, she couldn’t get pregnant from a dog. Another month passed, and Anna became worried. She bought a home pregnancy test. The results were positive.

Anna reeled from the news. Never in her wildest imaginings did she think she could get pregnant by Daryl. It was supposed to be impossible. Yet here was the proof right inside her womb. Daryl’s baby was growing inside her. What was she going to do? Should she get an abortion?

As soon as the thought entered her mind, she knew she couldn’t do that. Killing her child was too disgusting. But was the baby in her womb a child, or was it a puppy? Was it only one, or would it be a litter? The more she contemplated, the more Anna despaired. No matter what happened, she was going to end up a pariah.

People would revile her for giving birth to a half-canine thing, and her child would be treated like a freakish monster. Anna wrapped her arms around her stomach and cried. Just then, Daryl poked his head into the room. Sensing Anna’s distress, he approached her and licked her face. Anna smiled and hugged her dog lover.

“No matter what happens, you’ll always love me, won’t you, Daryl? I love you too. I’m going to have our baby, and we’re going to raise it together. I don’t care what it is or how hard it gets. As long as we have each other, we can do anything.”

After that, Anna seemed to develop a new zest for life. She went shopping for maternity clothes. Anna converted her bedroom into a nursery and read books on human and canine pregnancies, and she also fucked Daryl with increasing regularity. The poor animal could barely keep up with Anna’s urges as she fucked him twice daily.

Anna’s pregnancy progressed more rapidly than a normal human pregnancy but much more slowly than a dog’s. She started to show at three months. By four, her belly was rapidly expanding. At five months, she looked like a woman in her third trimester. Near the end of her sixth month, Anna went into labor.

Anna was well prepared. She’d made provisions in case she came to term as early as a dog. Anna had made a birthing den in the corner of her room. It consisted of several blankets and a pile of pillows. There was a pot of water to clean herself and the baby, a water bottle to prevent dehydration, a first aid kit including scissors and ties for the umbilical cord, and if anything went wrong, the cordless phone was right there with 911 on speed dial.

Anna’s contractions grew closer together, and she could feel the baby squirming to get out. Daryl paced outside the bedroom. He was unaware of the specifics, but instinct told him something important and dangerous was happening. He also knew that he was powerless to help if his mate should take a turn for the worse. The contractions were coming right on top of each other now. Anna took a deep breath and pushed.

She could feel the head crowning, and she gave another push. The head emerged, and a weak yowl escaped the infant’s mouth. The pain was excruciating. Anna thought she might pass out but was determined to bring this baby to term. The baby was free from its mother’s body with a few more pushes. Anna quickly tied off the cord and cut it. Then she leaned back and pushed out the afterbirth.

Anna was completely exhausted. She felt like closing her eyes and sleeping but forced herself to remain awake. She cleaned off her newborn and examined him closely. To her amazement, he was neither a dog nor a human but a combination of both. The baby had a dog’s head complete, a human’s torso and arms, and a dog’s legs and tail. He was covered in a thin layer of fur with the same shade of auburn as hers. His tiny fingers had claws and pads where the fingerprints would normally be.

Other women would have been horrified to give birth to such a monster. Instead, Anna was delighted. She gently kissed her baby on the head and touched his mouth near her nipple. The tiny infant reactively took it into his mouth and began to suckle. Anna lay back and held her newborn to her breast. She smiled serenely as she drifted off to sleep.

The dynamic of the household changed after that. Anna made Gavin, her baby, a priority. She rarely had sex with Daryl anymore, only when the Rottweiler persuaded her for a long time. Daryl began resenting the little interloper who took up so much of his mate’s time. He was decidedly against keeping Gavin around longer than was necessary to raise him. Anna was oblivious to the dog’s feelings and doted on her son constantly.

She never let him out of her sight unless necessary. She was always playing with or breastfeeding him, although his rapid maturity meant it wasn’t required. She even slept with Gavin cradled in her arms. The first and only time she had put him in a crib, he’d made a fuss, so Anna did away with it. She felt that Gavin deserved as much love and attention as she could give.

This attitude also made Anna perceive Gavin as much more innocent than he was. All of Anna’s coddling was turning him into a spoiled brat. He never went without and knew exactly how to manipulate his mother. The best example of this was illustrated by what happened to Daryl.

It was two years after Gavin’s birth. Most puppies would have been long gone from their homes by this age. Daryl’s instincts were to either drive Gavin out or force him to submit to his alpha male father. Of course, Daryl’s canine inclinations were abhorrent to Anna. Whenever Daryl tried to discipline his son, she would scold the Rottweiler. This lead to Daryl becoming sullen and angry.

It all came to a head one day when Anna fed Gavin lunch. He was now in a high chair eating solid foods, but at least one meal a day still came from Anna’s breasts. Gavin was spoon-fed when Daryl entered the kitchen, looking for attention. He jumped up on Anna in a desperate plea for recognition. Gavin was mad about having his meal interrupted. He picked up his bowl and tossed it at Daryl’s head.

Daryl exploded in rage. He growled menacingly at Gavin and stared at him as if he were going to bite. Anna grabbed Daryl by the scruff of the neck and threw him out of the house. From then on, Gavin would yelp for his mother whenever Daryl was near, as if the animal were attacking him. Anna fell for the rouse every time. Eventually, she decided that it was best that Daryl leave. She took Daryl to a pound and left the poor dog that had once been the love of her life.

What Anna didn’t realize about Gavin was that he was maturing much more rapidly than a human infant. By age two, he had the equivalent intellect of a six-year-old. Physically he was smaller than humans, but if Anna had considered dogs smaller than humans, she might have noticed that he was halfway to adult size. This fatal error left Anna unaware that Gavin was entering puberty at age four.

She still treated him like an innocent child, yet he began having very adult urges. Anna still slept with Gavin in her bed. She dismissed his erections as reflex actions and his sexual groping as affection. Gavin was keenly aware that his mother had no idea what he was thinking. The crafty hybrid was planning to take full advantage of this fact.

It was late one night, and Anna slept next to Gavin. He examined the woman with keen interest. Gavin sniffed the air around her body. Although unaware of the concept, his instincts told him Anna was in estrus. Gavin’s cock slipped out of its sheath and grew exponentially. He gripped it in his hand-paw and gave it a few pumps. Now he was ready to claim his prize.

Gavin poked his head under the covers and sniffed his mother’s crotch. The musky aroma was intoxicating. He delicately took hold of her panties and slowly pulled them off. He held them to his snout and inhaled deeply. His tail wagged involuntarily. Gavin next pushed up Anna’s nightgown to expose her sex. He buried his nose in her bush and took several whiffs before he licked her slit tentatively. Anna moaned, and her eyes fluttered, but she didn’t wake.

Emboldened, Gavin began to lick his mother’s pussy with enthusiasm. His long dog tongue penetrated deep into her folds and tickled her clit. Anna was now half asleep and, in her dazed state, imagined Daryl was tonguing her.

“Oh, such a good boy,” she murmured robotically.

This thrilled Gavin, who became more enthusiastic and gripped his mother’s ass cheeks in his clawed hands to bury his snout inside her snatch. The feeling of hands on her flesh alerted Anna to the fact that something was wrong. Her eyes flew open, and she saw her son’s canine head buried in her crotch. “Gavin! What are you doing? Stop that,” Anna demanded in the firmest tone she had ever used with him.

Gavin gave a small whine but continued with the cunnilingus. Anna grabbed her son by the ears and removed him from her cunt. Gavin was stunned. His mother had never manhandled him like that before. Without warning, a deep growl emanated from the hybrid’s throat. He could smell the sudden waves of fear emitted by his mother and became even more turned on.

Anna was shocked by Gavin’s display of anger. She had never considered the dog boy anything more than a harmless infant. Now she was suddenly confronted by the possibility that her son might seriously harm her. Her hesitation was all the opportunity Gavin needed. Without ceremony, he parted Anna’s legs and placed his rigid cock at the entrance to her pussy.

Instinct guided him as Gavin sank his shaft to the hilt inside the woman who had given birth to him. He made a strange noise, something between a moan and a growl, as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the novel sensation. Anna’s heart pounded, and her mind reeled. Somehow she believed that this wasn’t real. It had to be some bizarre nightmare.

As if to prove the reality of the situation, Gavin licked his mother’s face. The familiar sign of affection seemed to calm the woman, but she was still unable to react. Gavin’s hips began to rock back and forth as he moved his cock inside Anna’s love- tunnel. The bed creaked from the effort, and Anna could feel her son’s tool pounding against her cervix. Despite herself, Anna began to enjoy the play inside her body.

It wasn’t long before she was succumbing to the pleasure. Her breath came in pants, and she subconsciously wrapped her legs around her son’s furry hips. It spurred Gavin on as he pumped his cock harder, trying to drive it deeper inside his mother. Soon Gavin felt his balls tighten, and he thrust his rod deep. He howled as he came in thick streams of hot semen.

Anna couldn’t hold back her climax. She moaned in ecstasy as her son filled her womb with incestuous seed. As her orgasm subsided, Anna could feel Gavin’s knot enter her pussy and tie her to him. Then the half-breed put his arms around his mother and held her as a human lover would. The dual sensation of human and canine affections triggered another orgasm in Anna. Her whole body shook as she came.

When it was over, Gavin withdrew his organ, rolled over, and fell asleep. Anna lay there long into the night, thinking about the implications of what had occurred. She had just had sex with her son. The child she had given birth to had filled her belly with his cum. It was something that Anna couldn’t rationalize. It was unnatural even in the animal kingdom. Eventually, Anna drifted off without resolving her problem.

The next morning Anna woke before Gavin and snuck away from the bed. Her boy’s cum leaked from her snatch overnight and dried on her crotch and thighs. The overt reminder of last night’s activities was too much for her. She immediately headed for the bathroom to clean herself off. As she showered, the worries of last night emerged again. What was Anna going to do about this? The Pandora’s box of incest wouldn’t easily be closed.

Anna’s musings were interrupted by the sudden arrival of Gavin. The hybrid poked his head through the shower curtain and gazed longingly at his mother’s curvy body. At first, Anna was too stunned to react, but she collected her wits and said, “Gavin, what are you doing?”

In response, Gavin pulled back the curtain to reveal his enormous boner. Anna was shocked by what she saw. His cock was a full foot long while erect, and though it was slick like that of a dog’s, it bore a strong resemblance to that of a human’s. The cockhead was purple with a foreskin stretched away from it. The slippery shaft pulsated with blood, and a droplet of pre-cum oozed from the tip. Anna backed into the corner of the shower. She was amazed and frightened by her son’s anatomy. Anna knew exactly what he was after, but she deluded herself into believing she could change Gavin’s mind.

“No, Gavin, we can’t,” she hurriedly explained. “You don’t understand. It’s wrong. I’m your mother. I could get preg….”

Anna was interrupted by a harsh growl from her son. His tone made it clear that he would broker no resistance. Gavin stepped into the shower and grabbed his mother by the arms. Anna screamed as her son’s jaws reached for her neck. Instead of biting her, Gavin gently nuzzled his snout against her skin. Anna calmed down but still refused to let Gavin have his way.

She pressed her legs tightly together and covered her breasts with her hands. Gavin was having none of this. He promptly demonstrated his control by gently tossing his mother into the air and catching her by the buttocks. Her legs automatically splayed open, and Gavin placed his cock against her bush. He slid the slimy member along her cunt slit as he licked her face, neck, and chest.

Anna placed her hands on Gavin’s shoulders for leverage. She felt the powerful muscles rippling beneath his skin. An epiphany struck her: If Gavin wanted to do her harm, there was no way she could stop him. He was physically stronger than her, with clawed hands and powerful canine jaws. He could rip her to pieces without any great effort.

The realization struck a chord of fear within the woman but also touched something else. A deep primal instinct, buried but not lost, to submit to a powerful male. It was an innate drive to mate with the fittest member of the opposite sex without compunction about morality. Without realizing it, Anna became aroused. Her juices mingled with the viscous fluid covering her son’s cock.

With no preamble, Gavin lifted Anna slightly and aimed his cock at her pussy. He lowered her body so that his mammoth shaft sank inside her. Anna’s whole body trembled, and her cunt muscles contracted around her child’s prick. The dog-boy whined from the sheer pleasure of the sensation. He began gyrating his hips as he fucked his cock in and out of his mother’s snatch.

Anna wrapped her legs around Gavin’s waist. Her entire body moved up and down, and her assed slammed against the wall. Gavin pounded away at his mother, driving his cock deeper inside her. He licked his mother’s undulating breasts and rolled his tongue around her stiff nipples. Anna moaned and clenched her son’s cock as if trying to trap it inside her. The two built to mutual orgasm. Anna shrieked, and Gavin howled as they came.

Afterward, they sank to the bottom of the shower. A few moments passed, and Gavin withdrew from his mother. He casually stepped out of the shower and shook himself dry before leaving the bathroom. Anna remained where she let the water pelt her as she lay motionless. She felt completely ambivalent about what had just happened.

Gavin had forced her to have sex. He had threatened her and taken her against her explicit objections. At the same time, Anna enjoyed it. No, not merely enjoyed. She had loved it. The orgasm she received had been more powerful than any she could recall. Even Daryl had never gotten her that hot. She couldn’t decide what she wanted or what to do to find the answer.

Anna finished her shower and then left the bathroom. She walked toward her room with a sense of trepidation. She half expected Gavin to lunge at her from some hidden corner. Instead, she found him napping peacefully on their bed. He was curled in the fetal position for warmth. Before last night Anna would have found him cute. Now she saw him as a sleeping bear, ready to act when disturbed.

She tiptoed through the doorway and surveyed her surroundings. The room was in shambles. All the drawers in her dresser had been pulled out, and her closet doors were wide open. The shredded remains of clothing covered the floor. Anna had no idea what had possessed Gavin to do this. Had her son gone crazy?

It wasn’t until she examined the torn clothes that Anna saw the method to the apparent madness. The only damaged clothes were her panties, jeans, slacks, and anything else that might cover her pussy. Everything else remained intact. Gavin was trying to make a statement. The previous fuck sessions were only the beginning.

Anna managed to put together an outfit. It consisted of a t-shirt and a mini skirt. Anna felt completely exposed in her ensemble. A strong wind would show off her privates to any casual observer. Anna shook off her reservations and went toward the door. Just as she was about to leave, Gavin awoke.

He yawned lazily and stretched on the bed. He got up and walked over to his mother, hugging her like on any normal day. Instead of breaking away, however, he gently pulled her toward the bed. There was no resistance from Anna this time. She had resigned herself to the fate Gavin had assigned her.

He brought her to the foot of the bed and turned Anna so that she was facing it. Gavin then pushed her head forward, and she instinctively caught herself in her hands. He lifted Anna’s tiny skirt exposing her winking pussy, which was becoming wet with involuntary anticipation. Gavin’s cock grew rock hard, and he positioned it behind his mother. Gavin buried his tool to the hilt with a mighty thrust that sent Anna reeling forward.

Having expended much energy in the shower, Gavin fucked her at a slow, steady pace. Her body rocked back and forth in time with Gavin’s hips. Anna climaxed multiple times as Gavin pumped away like a machine. Eventually, Gavin reached his orgasm. He thrust forward and sprayed a modest amount of cum inside his mother and then used his knot to tie her.

As Anna lay there, her body firmly locked to her son’s cock, she contemplated his anatomy. He had a knot, but he hadn’t used it in the shower, which meant he might have some voluntary control over it. Anna had no idea what that might mean, but she knew that if he was tying her voluntarily, he was intent on impregnating her. Anna sighed and accepted that she would give birth to her grandchild. Oh well, she thought, it can’t be stranger than giving birth to a half-human dog.

Anna’s life was profoundly changed from that moment on. She was now officially Gavin’s bitch. He fucked whenever and however he wanted. Anna never replaced her wardrobe; she knew Gavin would only destroy it and possibly punish her. It was almost six months from the day that Gavin first fucked her that Anna gave birth to a daughter she named Ariel.

Like Gavin, Ariel was a hybrid but lacked the canine legs of her father. She resembled a furry human with the head of a dog and clawed hands. Anna breastfed Ariel, just as she’d done with Gavin. Gavin seemed intensely proud of his little girl. He showered her with affection and took excellent care of her whenever Anna was away.

Gavin mellowed out a bit after Ariel was born. He reduced his lovemaking to a few times a month. It wasn’t to prove a boon for Anna, however. Gavin seemed to be able to know when Anna was ovulating instinctively. He would keep her near him on those days and fuck her with wild abandon, always tying her. And so, a week after Ariel’s first birthday, Anna gave birth to her third child Devon.

Anna gave birth to three more children at a rate of about one a year. Each resembled Ariel in that they had a human body and canine head. Anna was worried that Gavin would force her to breed children until she reached menopause. Anna wasn’t sure if she could survive if that were the case.

One night Anna woke to a noise she couldn’t identify. At first, she thought it was Asher, her newest pup, but he was sleeping soundly in his crib. She checked on Melody and Belle, her third and fourth but found them asleep. As she headed downstairs to check on Devon, she found a curious item lying on the floor. It was one of Ariel’s bras.

Anna had been clothing her children since Ariel turned three and began developing human breasts. At age five, Ariel now had the body of a sixteen-year-old girl, albeit covered in a thin layer of black fur. Understanding came quickly to Anna. She crept into the living room and was not surprised by what she found.

There was Ariel spread-eagle on the couch. From her throat emanated the strange noise Anna had heard. It was something between a moan and a whine. Between her sleek, fury thighs was a slick penis pounding away at her pussy. Gavin was fucking his daughter vigorously as he played with her tits.

Anna watched silently as the incestuous lovers climaxed and tied together. From their behavior, Anna could tell that this wasn’t the first coupling they’d experienced together. Anna felt no anger or resentment at this realization. She felt relieved. In her mind, Anna had always known that her children had no place in the world. They couldn’t fit into human society, and the wilds were not feasible.

As Anna watched her son proudly mate their daughter, she knew they had found a place. They had each other. They were few, but their numbers would grow. Eventually, they would become a species of themselves, independent from their human and canine forbearers. In a way, Anna felt like a kind of Eve. She was the mother of a new race and breed that would carve its niche.


The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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