A Star is Born

By SxaBeast.

Part 1…

Sally was a sex slave. She wasn’t exactly clear on how this had happened to her, but it was so. The first time her boyfriend had looked deep into her blue eyes and whispered, “Do you want to be my little sex slave?”

She had impulsively said yes, and he had placed a collar and leash on her slender neck. It started as just mildly kinky stuff, light bondage. Then, he drilled her into assuming slave positions on command and ordered her around during lovemaking. Soon, she obeyed automatically without thinking.

Before she knew it, he was her master, not her boyfriend. He was pushing her limits in ways that both frightened and excited her. He used perverse and shaming toys on her and even made her beg for them. He always talked her into whatever it was and made it fun. Fun became submission to him. She found she loved it.

He made her wear plugs and sometimes a furry tail and parade around the house naked, save for her heels and slave leash. She felt hot, excited, and desirable and enjoyed his response. Even when he shocked her deeply, such as the time he gave her a garden hose enema staked out in the yard or when he tied her to a chair and watched her squirm after inserting a goldfish in her (she had writhed around it as it writhed, cold inside her) he somehow talked her into it all and made it OK. He owned her.

One day she found herself dressed in black thigh stockings, naked on her belly, her wrists cuffed and tied tight to the headboard. He set up a camera! He arranged cushions under her chest and pelvis, spreading her legs and thighs across the bed.

She wasn’t comfortable with the camera, she had a nagging fear, but she prepared to subject herself to his whim as she had so many times in the last years. Slaves don’t get to say no. Or so she was constantly reminded. Her sex was chilly. He’d ordered her to shave smooth that morning. He caressed it, covering it with something slippery. Sally gasped as he finger fucked it into her and glided over her clit.

When he brought her sweet Pomeranian, Fluffy, to the bed, it never occurred to her to worry. She loved the little fellow. But master led him between her thighs. “What are you doing?” She demanded uncertainly. Master only said, “Shut up, Slave,” as he urged the dog forward.

She giggled and squirmed as it sniffed her thighs. And soon enough, it sniffed her exposed, naked flesh. She gasped as its cold nose touched her. Her body stiffened and arched back as its hot tongue found her smooth peach. She felt Fluffy’s velvety snout delve deep between her thighs as he ate her out. She whimpered softly, her eyes bright with emotion as she submitted to this new experience her master had chosen.

Fluffy seemed to like it and went at it with a will. Soon he was tongue fucking her, parting her petals, tasting and laving her. Its hot, rough wetness stuck to her as a washcloth. It was almost all she could feel. Sally sighed a little as she prepared to surrender herself. She could not deny her response either as her breath shortened despite herself.

Although she was astonished and humiliated by both master and Fluffy’s actions, she was still unable to resist effectively. This was partly due to her astonishment, her ingrained habit of submission, and her bonds. Just her wrists alone being tied would have been physically ineffectual at stopping her from trying to escape. It did, however, make it impossible to do so without causing a scene. This, combined with her growing response, caused her to submit to the act.

Despite her great humiliation and unwillingness, her reaction was very pleasurable, and the pleasure was increased by the fact that she need take no responsibility for what was occurring there on her bed. She briefly tried to close her legs, but master pinned one under him and seized the other in an iron grip. She was left panting, wide open to her dog’s sexual aggression. Master caressed her bottom and ran his hand up her inner thigh.

“Be a good slave. Just take it, Honey. I want to see this,” he whispered as she lay there.

She tried feebly, getting out of it. “Oh, master, please.”

But it was no use. He left Fluffy to his work without a word, and soon she was burying her face in the pillows in shame, gasping her climax, hoping it would pass unnoticed, but “Good Girl! Glad you appreciate him.” He said as she flushed all over. She would never be able to innocently caress Fluffy the way she had so many times before.

Soon she pressed her face into the pillow and gasped again–Fluffy was mounting her! She had submitted to the sick fantasy, tied up and helpless, so far, but as his flesh touched hers, it was too much. He was going to fuck her! Her sweet little dog! She straightened up and looked toward master as she prepared to voice her outrage, only to find he was gone! He had left the camera but couldn’t even be bothered to witness her debasement. she was nothing, a toy for the dog. Only the steady, dispassionate eye of the camera met her gaze, recording every nuance of her shame and defilement.

As her emotions mixed in turmoil, the little fellow thrust forward and entered her! “AAAH!” She gasped. It was the final straw, she broke, yelling “No! Bad Dog!” and thrashing under him, but he rode her luscious butt, clutching her waist with his paws, firmly anchored within her very core, swelling and sticking in her. As she settled into hopeless surrender, she noticed how hot he was inside her. He burned her like a physical manifestation of her shame and humiliation at what she’d come to.

Fluffy’s furry sheath rubbed silkily between her upper thighs, and she could feel his balls press against her slit as he forced himself fully into her, wedging his cock aggressively into her tightness, filling and stretching her sheath with it.

“Ugh, ugh–UGH!” She moaned as he rocketed into her, slipping in and out, swelling and splitting her cunt. Her ears filled with liquid slapping–she could hear him in her. He was twice as fast as any man she’d been with, fucking her frenziedly as she gasped and moaned, sweating and trembling under him. Tied in her bed. Taken by her dog. She hadn’t even known a dog could use a girl, but Fluffy was doing it as if born to it.

She implored the lens as if her master was there as if he would grant her mercy anyway. She just needed him to hold her hand. OMG! What would he do with the video? Anything he wanted! She couldn’t even bear the thought of him watching it. What if he showed it to people? Made she watch it? Oh my.

Before long, she was panting, her whole body hot and quivering at the furious pace of penetration she was subjected to. She had already been warm and tingling. she peeked at the camera again. Was her fire visible? It was too much, unfair. She loved Fluffy, loved his silken fur. Now it was caressing her buttocks as he used her sexually. Why? He fiercely huffed and snorted as he raped the young slave. Sally floated in a fog of sensation. Her sheathe spasmed rhythmically. She felt him start to squirt, hot inside her. He was cumming. She wept a bit as she realized she was, too, a little.

The cold eye watched them both dispassionately as Sally realized her body was bringing the dog pleasure, making him cum inside her pussy. Master had made her into a dog’s slave. Its toy. He wasn’t even there to watch as she was raped. The nasty dog seed felt so dirty as it began to seep out. She could hardly bear it. If she thought that was bad, she soon learned it could be worse, as his come started to run from her in earnest. It was hot and thin, voluminous beyond belief. Her entire smooth-shaven mound was coated. A steady stream ran down her lips from the top, where he relentlessly screwed her little cunt. The pillow grew wet beneath her.

Fluffy thrust forward, filling and hosing her with his seed. She bit her lip and clenched the rope from her cuffs, loudly groaning as they came together. Her flesh contracted tight on his. Her waist shook as he released deep within her. It pooled and built hot inside her ravished form. As his cock was still within her, she could feel it jetting against her cervix and running back. It polluted her young womb and filled it with animal DNA.

Now that he was slowing, she could think. What had become of her? She had just satisfied a dog! Got off on it even. She was a dirty whore now, a depraved and perverted slut who could never admit what had happened and how she had responded to anyone, ever, as long as she lived.

She couldn’t stop blushing and flushing every time she thought of it. Thought of it while the dog’s cock was still filling her. She was almost physically ill.

The dog huffed a final time and slipped out of her in a white gush, leaving her entire mound and slit bubbling and streaming with his hot, slimy sperm.
“Hwoahh. .” Sally sighed in release, slumping onto the bed. Hot, moist, dirty, and utterly exhausted.

It was the most amazing screwing she had ever experienced. Better than any two men could have done. She glanced towards the recorder, her cheeks burning with arousal and humiliation. Now master would see.

Waiting, Fluffy cuddled against her. It seemed like it had been an hour. Where was he? She just needed him to hold and comfort her, tell her he loved her while she processed the intensely sensual and humiliating sexual act she had been subjected to. She waited some more, wrung out, limp and thirsty. Waiting. Fluffy licked her flank and dozed off.

As she awaited her master’s pleasure, spent, she could feel her glowing pussy lips gaping open and slowly seeping into Fluffy’s happiness. Her crotch and pelvis were warm, tingling with the after-effects of over half an hour of the dog’s rapid love. She was stuck to the pillow in a pool of dog semen.

After fifteen minutes, Fluffy awakened, sniffed her, and immediately mounted her again. Although her humiliation continued, and she wasn’t sure she could take much more of this without passing out, she found herself slightly accustomed to the shame of the act and could not avoid being aroused again due to its speed and duration. He fucked her even longer this time, and she climaxed several times helplessly as he used her. He then scuttled off for food, leaving her dripping with his love.

It seemed like ages before master returned. She wanted off that bed so bad, but he covered her with his body and had his way with her doubly ravaged sex. It was her fate, what she was for.

She never did find out what he did with that video.


Part 2…

Sally was too confused and ashamed to make an issue of what had occurred that night in her bed. She needed her master’s love and reassurance for a while, but he provided it, and her life seemingly returned to normal. Sometimes when she petted Fluffy, she would experience a disturbing memory. Sometimes Fluffy would become erect. Master left the rope on her headboard, which also reminded her of her night of animal passion.

The thought of the video filled her with fear and excitement. She wanted desperately to see it but was too ashamed to ask. She was sure he watched it when he traveled for work, secretly. She began obsessively searching for it on the net. If she found it, she would just die. He loved to degrade and humiliate her, but so far, it had been private, intimate, and seasoned with his love.

The other things she encountered on this fruitless search were astonishing and sickly excited her. There was so much of it. Seeing it so often almost made it seem like a normal part of sex. When he was gone, she frequently could not resist touching herself as she searched far and wide. Occasionally she even called Fluffy and raised her skirt for his nose. in moments of weakness. She wished he would do it to her again. He tried, often jumping up and trying to mount or hump her. She always giggled, blushing, and pushed him away.

She was amazed, aroused, and disgusted at what she had learned. Thousands of girls did it. Did it on camera and uploaded it to the web! How could they? It seemed people had been doing it for thousands of years. It seemed dogs took to it naturally. Their come lived in the girls for days! She couldn’t help thinking of that as she went about her business. It was even claimed that a girl’s eggs could be fertilized by it, only to die.

One Date Night, he leashed and plugged her, then tied her spread-legged to a chair. “I have a treat for my sweet tonight.” He said as he set up his PC. Soon she was watching it and reliving her humiliation, her helpless passion, while he knelt before her! She came explosively on his tongue, but it was Fluffy’s in her mind.

Months later, she was face down on the covers gasping, packed full, and stretched out while master romped inside her luscious butt as he was wont to do. Suddenly he seized her wrists and cuffed them to the ever-present rope! She gasped in horror. He stilled inside her, grunting, and she could feel him twitching as he emptied himself into her. He had plugged her and fetched Fluffy before she knew it.

As she lay there, her whole rump tingling and pleasantly sore from the inside, Sally knew she was theirs to do with as he pleased. Still, she tried. “Please, Sir, oh no, please.”

“Sweetie, I’ve seen your browsing history. You will be fine, and I command you to cum as often as possible! You shall remain bound until I’m satisfied that you are satiated.”

Well! That didn’t work.

He patted her bottom tenderly as Fluffy’s tongue did its tricks. Then, as his unnatural passion ravished her, he stroked her hair and cheek, wiping the tears from her eyes and gazing into them as he told her how much he loved her. As she came with the dog’s seed shooting from her, he explained how arousing and precious her submission was to him. No other girl had ever fulfilled him, so he needed her deeply. As Fluffy fucked the shit out of her, his come dripping and running everywhere. She submitted herself to all of it for the love of him.

This became a special part of their love life from that night forth. He was fascinated by the amount of come. He often did little experiments, having her squeeze it out of her cunt into labware where he measured it. Or, he would replace her panties and make her go out without cleaning. Once, they went dancing, and while she had a handsome man’s hands on her waist, she could feel it running past her knees under her short skirt. It was so hard to meet his eyes and pretend everything was normal!

She would give him what he needed so badly every two weeks or so. It was a humbling sacrifice, but she loved him so. And she came at least three times during the act. Then they would hold onto each other simply forever. She had no idea what made him need such submission. At least it was cheaper than a therapist!

The only thing was she never knew when. He delighted in looking at or touching the rope and watching her blush!


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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