Awesome Farm Fivesome

By Unknown.

“The stallion is in here,” the man directed me.

The man was the owner of this farm that I was invited to. I am an experienced, unemployed cameraman who posted a message on an internet forum asking for anyone who owns a farm willing to allow filming of their animal’s mating. A reply, A few e-mails, and a few phone calls later, I had arrived on the farm and was being led into the shed where the big boy was kept.

“He isn’t erect yet, I hope,” I said.

“No,” the man said. “But as soon as he gets a whiff of the mare’s sent, he’ll be the horniest thing on the planet!”

The man opened the shed door and showed me the stud. The man shut the door and turned the lights on. What a horse! Big and muscular.

“Try to keep him still,” I said as I stood next to the side of the stallion’s stomach.

I then knelt to get a good shot of the male’s genitals for the camera. The tripod and camera were set to look up at the genitals from underneath the stallion’s stomach. I switched the torch mounted on the camera and adjusted the brightness level until it was perfect. Finally, I looked through the color viewfinder on the camera and zoomed in on the genitals. Very nice! I stopped zooming when the big balls and the deflated sheath were in the picture. I started recording.

“OK, you can let rip the Viagra,” I said.

The man took out a small container of clear liquid, put it near the stallion’s nose, and opened the lid. It was an instant turn-on! The stallion whinnied, and its sheath grew longer and became very un-deflated. The sheath grew downwards until its smooth, leathery skin had lost its wrinkles and could stretch no further. The head of the stallion’s incredible cock protruded out of its hideaway, and the rest of its increasingly fattening cock was slipping out.

Inch by inch, the massive cock progressed, and the head fattened up, so it was the widest part of the cock. The stallion twitched, which made his cock wobble. Finally, it reached its full length. The head was halfway between the balls and the ground, and from my viewpoint, the cock was massive! The man let the stallion take another sniff of the mare sent as it let out a whinny and its cock hardened up. The head was now swollen and looked like the slightest touch could make it blow its load.

The cock was stiffening in the direction of up and stopped when the cock was almost horizontal. The cock was thickest at its base, wider than the thickness of my arm, and its length must have been more than 22 inches (60 cm). I took many different shots of the genitals: of the massive balls close up, scanning slowly along the gigantic cock giving a very detailed close-up, a behind and under the horse shot showing the cock, balls, asshole, etc.

I had finished filming the stallion and asked the man a logical question: “Is the mare ready.”

“A very big understatement. The mare’s outside and hot for him,” he replied.

Outside, I saw her. What a magnificent mare! She had the body that could cut through the strongest storm, a mane and tail that flowed with the wind, and an ever so perfectly big, rounded ass that could make any stallion blow his load even before he shoves it in. I walk over behind the mare, and she is hot for it!

Her cunt is ‘winking’ (her cunt entrance opens and closes, giving a stallion an open invitation). Moving the tail aside gave me the perfect extreme close-up of her cunt opening and closing, revealing her pink, tight meat, eager for some sauce. I spread the ‘lips’ apart with my fingers to get a deeper shot of her churning mass of pink, squirting her hot juice.

I shouted, “Release the sex on legs,” and out gallops the horniest stallion anyone will ever see.

It had a cock ready to burst, but my camera pointed at her bum. Only the cunt and her asshole filled the viewfinder as she braised for the onslaught. Forget about mounting your mate. The stallion leaped onto her! His cock was completely missing her bum. He tries the second time and hits gold: the head stretching the tight opening while the rest of the cock slips inside her juicy heat.

The stallion and mare scream ecstatically as their torturous wait is rewarded, and the erotic action begins.

My cock nearly jumped out of my pants! I so needed to jack off! I so wanted to cum! The stallion’s thrusts were deep and quick, and he moaned into the mare’s shoulder with every sloppy stab of his super-sensitive cock. From the camera’s point-of-view, the stallion’s thick cock was now saturated in her hot, marinated juices, trickling down the length of his piston, which then dripped from his tool, his sheath, and his huge balls, which swung freely like a boxer’s punching bag.

I did many camera angles: underneath, front, the horses’ facial expressions, and behind. That gave me a great view of the stallion’s very puckered asshole; I wondered what it would be like fucking that! That’s when I saw the kid hiding in the shed behind a pile of hay, obviously masturbating. The kid must have been 21 and the neighbor’s son. His eyes closed, and his whole body quivered; he was cumming. Lucky kid!

The stallion was now drowned in ecstasy. His eyes were tightly closed, his nostrils flared so wide that another horse could have fucked his nose, and his teeth were bared and clenched so hard he could cut metal. The stallion screamed onto the mare’s shoulder, pumping his rod deep and fast inside her hot, wet, tight rump.

The mare had this so easy. She just had to stand there receiving her back massage, possibly multiple orgasms, while the male just got the one, screaming at the fire being stoked between her legs. Suddenly, the mare lets out a high-pitched roar as her first orgasm sears through her body. Her roars of ecstasy lasted for many seconds as her juices squirted and spilled from her tightening cunt.

Her orgasm sent the stallion very close to his orgasm, her tightening buns severely increasing his searing simulations through his cock. The stallion roared with every shove of his pistoning cock when he let out the most earth-tearing scream as his cock exploded white hot cum inside her rump. Another scream rips through as a second load of cum bursts from his balls and shoots into her hot, churning cunt. He cums, again and again, squirt after squirt, pump after pump, until his deflated balls finally run out. All that’s left is one very spent stallion on top and inside of a mare who has just finished her second orgasm, but the stallion drowned out her screams of ecstasy.

The stallion slid off the mare, and his cock popped out of her cunt with a splash of cum. I quickly went behind the mare and opened the lips to get a very extreme close-up of the sperm trickling out of her used cunt.

“That’ll do for today. More mating tomorrow. Gotta check that the exposure was correct on TV,” I said.

But first I had an emergency! My cock was now pulsing so painfully horny that I ran to my borrowed room, video rewinding in its camera. I entered my room, locked the door, shut the blinds, stopped the winding tape wherever it was, and put it in the player. I started the TV, stripped off clothes and underwear, and grabbed a towel. The TV screen revealed that I had started the tape in the middle of the steamy horse mating section.

My cock was blood red and rock hard and wet with pre-cum, and just hearing the horses’ erotic moans again sent me closer to my orgasm. I was on the bed in my favorite masturbation position, towel at the ready, horses fucking and moaning. I grabbed my cock and rapidly started jacking off, sending me in hot waves of pleasure only felt during real sex with someone else.

“Oh fuck! Ooohhhh FUCK….”

The pre-cum lubed up my cock so I could jack off faster and harder, forcing my eyes closed. I forced my eyes partially open to see the behind shot of the fucking horses. I imagined myself fucking the stallion deep inside the only unused hole. I was fucking the stallion’s so hot, so very tight asshole.

“Oh yes! Ooohhhh. Yessss. Oooohhhhhh, fuck yes….”

The sperm bubbled around in my balls, sending me into the depths of ecstasy I’d never reached.

“Ohhhhhh fuck! Ohhhhhh fuck! Fuck. Fuck….”

I shot a load so hard it hurt, the hot sperm splattering on the towel that I gripped so hard and bit into. Another shot of cum was now pure ecstasy as I screamed into my towel as waves and waves of sperm splashed from my cock. I was no longer jacking but bucked and pumped my hips. I pumped my hot seed into the towel again and again, scream after scream, tears pouring from my eyes. The storm finally slowed to a trickle as I looked at my saturated towel. ‘Never had I felt an orgasm like that in my life, ever,’ I thought.


It was late in the evening when I woke up. The video had finished and rewound and was waiting for its next instructions. After turning off the TV, I opened the blind. Yep, as black as night outside. It was when I was closing the blind that I saw the wife of the man who owns this farm. I should have mentioned her before; she kept the mare steady during the mating session.

The wife was walking the stallion back to its shed; nothing unusual about that except that the wife was BUTT NAKED! And, oh, what butts they both had! I rubbed my hand around my hardening cock, wondering which ass I’d fuck first when they entered the shed and closed the door. Yep, you guessed it, I grabbed my video camera with a fresh tape and made my way to the shed, and I was naked from the waist down!

I found an unlocked door and parted it slightly to get the view clear for the recording camera. The scene inside was more than I expected. The view was side on with the action, and not only was the wife bent over piles of hay, sucking off the stallion, but there was also a bull behind her and a Billy goat next to her! Both the bull and goat had huge ball bags nearly touching the ground. The bull’s red cock was poking in and out of its sheath, and as soon as she got the stallion’s cockhead in her mouth, the bull stood over her and shoved his pointed, red cock straight inside her cunt.

Bulls don’t pump like horses; they ram it in one shove at a time! With every shove of its huge red cock, the bull makes an ecstatic MOO sound, like a howl and a roar combined (sounded like MMMMMOOOOORRRRUUUUHHH!). Again and again, the bull rammed its cock as it roared while she sucked the horse. The bull shoved eight times. It made louder roars as it came inside her, but his final shove slipped his cock from her cunt, and he squirted his last shot of white, hot sperm on her back. The bull’s cock then quickly hid in its sheath. Meanwhile, the wife stopped sucking the stallion to turn her attention to the male goat.

She played with its large ball bag and ducked her head under the goat when its pointy cock poked out, sucking it in her mouth. The goat’s eyes widened, and he immediately straddled her head, pumping its cock deep into her sucking mouth. The goat’s teeth were bared, bleating out its ‘moans’ of ecstasy. It then bucked its hips madly as it came into her mouth, wailing in ecstasy.

The goat squirted its last load of cum then it hopped off her. The wife continued with the horse, sucking and swallowing its giant cock, hot pre-cum going everywhere. It was then that the bull decided to fuck her again. The bull stood over her and rammed his cock in… her asshole! Not expecting the intrusion, the wife screamed at the horse’s cock, vibrating her mouth as she sucked; the horse-loving it gave her an extra load of pre-cum. She quickly adjusted her ass to handle the bull’s cock.

The sudden tightness of the hole overwhelmed the bull, and after four rams of its red cock, the bull roared as he came hard into her ass. Cum squirted out from her rammed asshole as the final roar and drop of cum had left the bull, while the very red, hard bull’s cock had left the woman with a wider-than-average asshole. (if you don’t already know, bulls cum very quickly, naturally, to escape predators).

I envied that stud bull’s job of impregnating cows. Imagine how much ass that bull would be getting? Fifty? A hundred cows? Not including the cows he fucks more than once. And the cows want it. I mean, want it! I heard that a cow would mount another cow to make the bull think there’s another bull in the area so that the bull will protect his genes by adding his sperm in more cows quicker. I bet the real reason cows mount each other is to help the bull get turned on, wouldn’t you? And after about thirty fucks, he’d need encouragement.

Meanwhile, back at the orgy: The bull is spent, the Billy goat is horny again, and the stallion is getting the blowjob of his life. The wife had her mouth all over his cock, bobbing her head, sucking that thirty-plus inch of horse meat in and out of her mouth in-out-in. All the while, the stallion just had to stand still in ecstasy, moaning with every suck of his cockhead, every slurp of pre-cum, every lick from her tongue.

Now the billy goat wanted a piece of the ass action. He ran over to her rear, leaped onto her back, stuck his red donger in her now relaxed asshole, and fucked! And I mean the goat pumped his hips a few times then shoved—pump-shove-pump-shove-pump. The goat wailed through his gritted teeth; no nanny goats have ever been this tight!

I joined in the ecstasy and jacked my cock off to the beat of the goat’s humps, and believe me, I was jacking off fast, and I still had trouble keeping up with him! My balls are still filling up. Otherwise, I’d have cum by now.

Now the wife loved the workout the goat’s little red donger was giving her asshole (it’s a wonder any pubic hairs didn’t catch fire). She was now greedily swallowing several inches of the horse’s cock, which drove the stallion wild. The stallion was now ‘whimpering’ as almost half the length of his cock was drawn in deeper by her many throat mussels that edged him closer toward that hot, sticky ending.

The goat fucked and rammed and pumped and finally let out the most wonderful wail of ecstasy, and he came hard into her ass. He bucked his hips with every spray of hot cum that squirted inside her ass. Squirt, squirt, and then dribble as he pulled out.

The wife did the same thing and pulled the massive cock from her mouth to get some well-needed gasps of breath!

I could tell the stallion was close; his cock was throbbing, dribbling pre-cum, and his asshole was tensing and relaxing, tensing, relaxing.

My masturbating hand was getting sore, so I stopped. I couldn’t use my other hand since it was operating the camera. My dick is red and numb. Hang on! The wife is doing something else. She’s turning around with her ass pointing in my direction. Oh yes! What a muff! And check the boobs hanging down and wobbling! She has done a complete 180 degree (her cunt is now where her mouth was and vice versa). If my cock is any indication, my eyes and the cameras were in for something intense.

Moving her hand behind her, the wife grasped the horse’s pre-cum lubed swollen cock. The amount of bull cum and ‘wetness’ in her would be enough for an elephant to fit, no matter how tight she is. The wife pulls the cock head onto the surface of her cunt. I could hear her heavy breathing as she rubbed the cock head up and down along her sensitive clit.

The stallion couldn’t take it any longer. He spread his legs apart and thrust his hips forward to slip more than seven inches of hard, pulsing horse fat deep into her slippery cunt. You couldn’t even imagine the squeal of surprise from the stallion as he entered a cunt tighter than any mare could be. He squats his rear to get as little as three inches inside to as much as ten inches as the stallion pumps his hips faster than he could with any mare.

Her g-spot, clit, and every hot spot was getting the full work over when she screamed in explosive ecstasy into the hay as her orgasm raced through her body, cunt gripping onto the slipping and slopping cock. She had no control over the fucking stallion (or herself, for that matter). In that situation, she must be getting the best and sooner orgasms.

But now the bull and the Billy goat wanted more. Their red hot cocks poked out and in from their sheaths in anticipation. But with her two-lane highway to ecstasy now blocked by a very horny stallion, the bull/goat duo didn’t know what to do. Then the wife grabbed the bull’s cock and slurped it straight into her mouth. The bull roared in the new pleasure experience as he rocked his body forwards and backward to the rhythm of her sucking.

The goat, already in the know of the great blowjob she gives, wanted another. With a free hand, the wife grabs the goat’s cock and starts jacking him off (and boy, did he love that). As the goat’s cock got long enough, she slurped that in as well. She was now sucking off a bull and a goat while getting boned up the cunt by a squealing stallion! It was a real mouthful now.

Two cocks to suck, twice the load of pre-cum, twice the thrusts of moaning bull and goat. You couldn’t imagine the noises made by the animal foursome (wife included as an animal!). Now I was jacking off. This will be the best footage on the net! But what happened next blew me away (not my balls).

The kid (remember, hiding in the hay while jacking off to the horses mating) walks in behind the stallion in the nude. The wife saw him as the kid said, “I won’t tell anyone, only if you let me ass fuck the stallion.”

Under the influence of ecstasy, the woman says yes. It was more like, “YEH… YES… YEESSS!”

Is that all I needed to do to get an ass fuck?!

The kid got something solid to stand on, stood on it behind the huge pumping ass, and lubed up his hard, throbbing cock with his spit for that place. That place was between the stallion’s large buns at the top of the crevasse just below the erect base of the tail: the swollen asshole sporting a tightened hole. The kid placed his cockhead at the entrance, pressed hard inwards, and the cockhead slipped inside. Suddenly to have the stallion pulled its hips back towards the kid, completely having the horse’s ass swallowing the entire length of his cock.

The kid, now engulfed in ecstasy, roared through his clenched teeth, his eyes forced shut. The kid didn’t have to do anything; he just stood with his hands on the horse’s hips. As the stallion thrust his cock deep into the wife’s orgasming cunt, his ass moved forward, slipping out most of the kid’s cock. When the stallion pulled back for another thrust, his asshole greedily gobbled up the kid’s cock. All within less than a second, again, and again and again.

Then comes the part I had been waiting for. All the animals (the kid included) were preparing for a monstrous orgasm. The stallion squatted further, fucked quicker and deeper; the kid also squatted, spreading his legs wider. He was now hugging the stallion as he buggered him faster; the goat bucked his hips faster, almost trying to mount her; the bull stood over her head, shoving deeper.

All animals roared with each shove of their cock, humping faster and faster, intensely roaring louder and louder as they got closer and closer and closer when in unison, they all screamed and squealed as cocks exploded, cream, and splatter white hot cum inside the tight loving holes as the ecstasy levels rip through the ceiling. Squirt after squirt after scream after splash as the animals’ orgasms overflow the wife as sticky, stringy, hot cum drips from her overfilled holes and splat to the ground.

Squirt, squirt, splat, then dribble as the stallion was the last of the lot of them to have finished his orgasm, having squeezed the milk out of a very stocked kid and overfilling an exhausted wife that had swallowed what seemed like a liter of the bull/goat cocktail. The bull and goat were relaxing in the hay, both having their load blown from their balls for the umpteenth time.

I left the shed so as not to get caught. Damn! I was the only witness that didn’t ejaculate, but I was close. I’d decided to watch the recording in my room and finish there when suddenly I saw fresh horse dung on the grass. I followed the horseshoe marks to another shed further away. Inside was the man (the owner of the farm and the owner of the wife). He was naked from the waist down with a large erection. With him were four different female animals, all hot for some action! They weren’t tied up.

They had heaps of space to run away, but they stayed with moist cunts and a sense of knowing what would happen. Both animals and the man loved each other. I started taping in a safe spot as the man stuck his hard-on inside the mare’s cunt (the one I filmed mating with the stallion). The man pumped his bone in and out and in and out as the mare’s cunt juices could be heard squishing. He pulled out of the mare and moved to the next animal’s cunt, a cow. In slopped his dick and out and in and out.

He worked his cock on the cow for a few moments, then pulled out to stick it inside a nanny goat (or maybe it was a shorn sheep. I was too wrapped up at the moment). Bent down to accommodate his pumping cock, I could hear the squishing, hot juices of a very turned-on cunt. And a very comfortable fuck it must be! His cock eventually left her for another female (and a tighter one too). She was a pig.

The man had been amazingly silent after three females (the occasional heavy breathing), and even if he hadn’t orgasmed yet, I couldn’t have controlled myself for that long! But with the pig, it was a (w)hole tighter difference! The man got to his knees, his body leaning over hers, one hand on the floor beside her to steady himself with the other hand underneath the sow, rubbing her tits when his cock, pressed against her cunt-lips, was sucked in by her cunt heat with a loud slurp.

The man groaned and panted as her juices flowed in the little space. His hips pumping, his cock pumping, they were at it for a minute when he pulled out. He hadn’t even cum yet! With no animals left and enough pig lubricate on his dick to gel the mare’s fur coat. He opted to gel her asshole instead! His cock went with a wet squeeze, pumping his cock in and out and in. It must have been as tight as the sow’s cunt with how he panted.

He stuck his fingers in the mare’s and the cow’s cunts. His digits must have hit the spots because they were squealing their heads off as the man entered the cow’s ass at the time of the cow/mare orgasm, the cow’s anus squeezing his working hard-on with all her muscles. As the cow’s orgasm subsided, he slipped out of her and bent down to enter the goat’s (or sheep’s) you-know-which hole while doing for the pig and goat/sheep cunts as he did for the big, other two. Working his cock in her, waiting for when the time was right, he pulled out as they both neared an explosion.

His cock was placed just outside the pig’s tightening and opening asshole. He timed for the right moment that wouldn’t hurt the pig. He waited ’til her spasming asshole widened enough to stick his cockhead in, and that was all he got in when her ass walls slammed tight around the head. The feeling must have been unbelievable because he tried gripping and scratching the floor.

In and in slowly, he went until his cock was in all the way, which set her off. The sow and the goat/sheep squealed as an orgasm exploded. The juice passed his fingers and out their cunts. The pig’s asshole is locked up with his cock buried. The man couldn’t fuck it for the tightness, so he road out the sow’s orgasm and pulled out when the hole relaxed.

Like me, the man must be very close. With a throbbing hard-on, he chooses his favorite animal, slips his dong into his favorite hole (you get to imagine for yourself what he chooses), and gives her the fastest fucking of her life. No kidding, he was going for it in there: hot juices squishing in a small space, the female moving to the rhythm of his fucking to suit her, and, oh, the erotic moans coming from the man!

He got louder and faster when suddenly his legs quivered and weakened, and he exploded with a roar of ecstasy to match that cumming downstairs. A few sticky loads shot, and he was spent. He pulled out for the last time and hurried to the house before the wife found him.

At last, I’m alone with a mare! Stacking up a few bails of hay next to her so I could get the perfect close-up of her behind, I sat the camera on top of the stack. There was no time to lose, and this could be the first and last time I made true my dream of ass fucking a horse. Thinking about it sent me almost too close, and I could feel the sperm in my balls forcefully battling for release. Gees! Her ass cheeks seem big from behind! Moving her tail aside, I placed my cockhead on her warm anal entrance and slipped inside.

“Ohhhh, the heat! The tightness….”

Her tightness crushed my cock in a way no other female could. Her rounded walls completely covered every square nanometer of cock. The head was squashed all over, sending the strongest rush of ecstasy ever felt through my body with every thrust, and at the bottom of the head, the ultra-sensitive skin around the penal hole received so much soft, hot excitement that every ecstatic pump jolted my sperm closer to ejaculation. I pumped and fucked my donger in and out of her dry but slippery hole as the best ecstatic pleasure flooded my body with every shove of my cock. I couldn’t take it anymore. My legs buckled under me, I bottomed out, my eyes slammed shut, and I hung on tight.

“Ahhhh! So tight! So hot! Ooh, fuck! Ahhhhhhh, fuck. Ahhhhhhhhhh!”

I scream into the horse’s soft, furry back as waves and waves of hot, sticky cum spraying from my cock into her hungry ass sent me screaming through the mad heights of explosive ecstasy ever felt by a human. Hips bucking uncontrollably against her large hair-coated rump as her tight hole of fire gobbles up amounts of sperm thought impossible to shoot.



The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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