Cassie’s New Desires

By rexcanis.

Part One

The slim silver vibrator hummed and buzzed as I circled the areola on Cassie’s left breast. Moving in a slow circle from the outer edge, I worked my way to the center to tease her hard little nipple with the vibrating tip. She softly cooed and sighed approval while arching her back and rocking her shoulders as she reclined on the cool white sheets.

She was so sexy lying there naked on the bed with her arms stretched out above her head framing her beautiful face. The faint hint of a smile graced her lips while her eyes remained closed enjoying the sensations of my attentions to her nipples. I pulled the vibrator away and ran my tongue in a slow, wet circle around her nipple then drew it into my mouth lightly biting her hard nipple between my teeth.

“Oh, yes… Nibble on my nipple. Yes, yes… Ah! Not too hard.” She scolded playfully as she smiled, bringing her right hand down to caress my cheek. “You’re getting me really excited,” she said, craning her neck to give me a seductive glance.

Cassie placed her arm back over her head as I sat up and turned my attention to her other breast repeating the same treatment I lavished on her left breast. After all, I wanted to be fair to both of her girls.

Cassie liked most of the toys I bought her, but she seemed particularly fond of this one. She called it her silver bullet. It was a 7.5” long silver vibrator with a slim shaft. The shaft was only ľ” in diameter, but the head flared to an egg shape that was 1 1/2” long and 1” wide at the center. The tip came to a soft rounded point that could stimulate small areas of her body like her nipples and clitoris. She also liked to use it as her foreplay toy of choice because its smaller dimensions easily penetrated and excited her while preparing her for more fulfilling stimuli.

As I finished nibbling on Cassie’s right nipple, I could see she was feeling really good. She was gently rocking her hips up and down ever so slightly to meet the thrusts of an imaginary lover. I moved my mouth down her body planting wet kisses on her tummy and using the vibrator to lead my way to her pussy. When I reached her sweet, moist vagina, I stopped to torment her erect little clitoris with my tongue and the tip of the vibrator.

I positioned the point of the vibrator upward. Hence, the tip stimulated the underside of her clit. At the same time, I used my other hand to gently pull back the hood to expose Cassie’s clitoris. Then using my tongue, I licked and kissed her clit from the top. This position had the added benefit of placing the egg and shaft portions of the vibrator between her moist, swollen lips at the entrance of her vagina.

“If you keep that up, you’re going to cum,” she cried, squirming on the bed.

“Isn’t that the point?” I said with a fiendish smile, then returned to lash at her clit with my tongue so more.

I pulled the vibrator away from her clit and continued to lick, suck and nibble her with my tongue. She’d cry out and go rigid, catching her breath in short, erratic gasps when I sucked her little nub into my mouth and gently pinched it between my teeth. I increased the silver bullet’s speed and placed it again at the entrance to her vagina. She was very wet and ready for a good hard fuck.

“Come up here, baby. Please… Put your cock in me. I want you to fuck me. Please… I want to feel your cock,” she begged.

I loved teasing her and getting her hot. It’s such a sexual power rush seeing her lose all her inhibitions and beg to be fucked. I continued gently working the vibrator just inside the entrance of her pussy; slowly moving it in and out of her body, then delaying at the entrance for a moment before sliding it slightly deeper into her again. Cassie was panting faster and moaning while rocking her hips, trying to fuck the vibrator.

“You like that, baby? Huh? Does that feel good?” I taunted.

“Yes… Yes… Now, please fuck me,” Cassie pleaded. Cassie raised her head and looked at me with lust-filled eyes. Panting between clenched teeth, she pleaded, “I need a big, hot cock in me, fucking my pussy. I want a real, live cock in me now. No more cold, hard vibrator.” Cassie whined, “Please, sweetheart! I need a cock, any cock. I’m so horny I’ll fuck your cock, Jack’s cock, or any other hard throbbing, hot cock… I just want to be fucked now.”

She lowered her head back and whimpered. I couldn’t believe what I just heard her say. We had talked about the night I bound her spread-eagle to our bed and called Jack in to fucked her, but she always seemed uneasy talking about it. She had submitted to fulfilling my fantasy that night. Still, she suggested inviting Jack to join us without coaxing me.


Part Two

“Did you just say you want Jack to fuck you?” I asked.

“Sure, why not?” she purred. “You’re teasing me and not giving me what I need. Jack has a nice, firm, hot cock, and he won’t tease me with it. He’s fucked me before and knows how to use that beautiful tool to make me feel good. I think it’s time I let him do it again,” Cassie said with a mischievous smile and a twinkle in her eye. “This way, if I play my cards right, I enjoy two beautiful hard cocks.”

Cassie pinched her nipples and circled her tongue around her lips. “When he’s done cumming in me, I want you to fuck me so you can feel his nasty doggie cum in your dirty little slut wife,” she said with a smile. Cassie rolled onto her knees with her shoulders on the bed and her butt in the air. Turning her head to look at me, she said, “Last time Jack fucked me when I was tied to the bed. This time I want him to take me doggie style like a little bitch in heat.”

She then spread her knees a bit, arched her back and reached between her legs, and started rubbing her pussy. She was so wet her pussy was making a lewd squishing sound as she masturbated. “Ohhh… Call Jack in here. I need his hot cock in me now,” she moaned while closing her eyes. Before I could say a thing, Cassie called out to him, “Jack! Jack! Come here, baby. Cassie needs you!”

I could hear Jack climbing the stairs as he went to our bedroom. When he entered the room, his tail wagged, and he began sniffing the air; I’m sure he caught the scent of Cassie’s sex. The dog looked at me, then turned and looked at Cassie with her butt up in the air on the bed. This was something wonderful that he’d smelled before, the scent of a human female’s aroused and wet vagina.

Cassie called out to him. “Come here, Jack,” she cried as she wiggled her bottom to entice the dog. “Come give me that beautiful cock of yours.”

Jack jumped on the bed, immediately sticking his nose to Cassie’s bottom. She must have been prepared for his cold nose this time as she barely moved when he stuck his nose in her crotch, searching for the source of the female sexual scent that filled the air. Her body stiffened, and she quickly caught her breath as his tongue touched her moist, swollen labia. Cassie bit her lower lip and gently rocked her waist from side to side as Jack started to lick her pussy in earnest.

She softly moaned and swiveled her hips as Jack once again demonstrated his natural cunnilingus skills for her. Each and every long, slobbering lick of his rough tongue ran the entire length of her sensitive clit and probed into her vagina. With each lick, he kept trying to snake his tongue deeper and deeper inside her as if licking ice cream from a dish. Cassie was panting hard and struggling to catch her breath. Her body was visibly shaking with little body tremors and muscle spasms when she suddenly rose up on all fours.

“I can’t take any more of this torture. I need a cock fucking me. I want Jack’s doggy cock in me now! Why won’t you boys fuck me?” she pleaded and whimpered. She wiggled her butt at Jack, trying to tempt the dog to mount her. “Come on, baby. Please give it to me. Take me for your bitch again, lover.”

I reached over and lifted Jack by his front legs and helped position him on Cassie’s back. Jack clamped his paws firmly around Cassie’s waist and thrust his hairy sheath at her. I could see the pointed tip of his pink cock starting to poke out, squirting little jets of pre-cum fluid on Cassie’s butt as he pulled her closer and closer to his cock.

“You better tilt your hips up a bit. Otherwise, Jack’s lined up to enter your other hole,” I warned.

Cassie quickly lifted her head and arched her back, which brought her pussy up in line with Jack’s cock. She looked proud yet vulnerable in this position; her head cocked back with her hair flowing over her shoulders, her eyes closed, her breasts firm and erect, swaying lightly between her arms, her vagina wet and gaping slightly open as she braced herself on the bed for Jack to take her. As Jack strived to mount her in those frantic moments, I could see the glistening tip of his penis poking and squirting at her bottom in search of her sex.

Cassie was panting harder and faster now as Jack gripped her hips with savage intent and held her body tighter. They were an incredibly beautiful and erotic pair of lovers about to consummate their passion; the sleek, muscular male black lab aggressively seeking to mount and fuck his bitch and the stunningly gorgeous female offering her naked body to a canine lover.

“Ohhhh…” Cassie let out a long sigh, followed by several short grunts, then began panting in short, fast breaths.

I could see her toes curling and her fists clinching the bed sheets. She started rocking back and forth against Jack’s savage thrusts, and I knew he was in her. The next few minutes became a frantic frenzy of physical, sexual activity. Jack was a determined lover intent on driving his cock and knot deep into this bitch to impregnate her with his seed. Cassie was a wild, horny female in heat, giving her body to her lover, wanting to give him the pleasure only her body could give.

“Ugh, ugh. Fuck me with that hot doggie cock! Ugh, ugh, ugh.” Cassie grunted between clenched teeth. “Good boy. Uh, huh. That’s it. Good boy. Fuck me, baby. Fuck me.”

Cassie’s body was glowing with a thin sheen of perspiration when she suddenly tensed and cried out with a meek, almost inaudible little shriek. Jack stopped thrusting and became still and rigid on her back, his tail curling. I knew this meant his knot was now stuck inside her and swelling. He was tied with her and starting to cum. I pictured his big red throbbing cock in my mind with its pointed tip firmly pressed against her cervix, spraying hot pulsing jets of gooey doggie cum into her womb.

“Oh, yes! Ugh, ugh. Oh, God, it’s so hot! Ugh, ugh, ugh. Good boy, cum in me. Uh, huh. That’s it. Good boy. Shoot your hot sperm in me!” Cassie panted and wailed as her body shook and quivered. “Make me your bitch! Ugh, ugh, ugh. Fill my pussy with your nasty puppy seed. Ahhhh!”

Cassie’s arms finally gave out, and she let her shoulders fall to the bed. Jack stood over her with his paws around her waist and his cock firmly embedded in her sex. Cassie reached between her legs with her right hand and furiously rubbed her clit. At the same time, her body continued to shake and quiver. She grunted and sighed, oblivious of the world except for the cock in her pussy giving her the satisfaction she craved.

I moved behind them to better understand their forbidden carnal union. Cassie’s pussy was red and swollen like a ripe peach, her lips tightly secured around the pink shaft protruding from Jack’s sheath. Jack’s ball sack was tight and close to his body. It was pulsing like a beating heart as he ejaculated into her womb over and over again. Cassie’s fingers swiftly moved over her clit but slowed and finally came to a stop. She then gently moved her fingers up her pussy to feel Jack’s cock buried in her. I can only imagine what was running through her mind.

She then affectionately touched and stroked the length of his hairy sheath until she reached his balls. She lightly caressed and scratched them with her nails as they pulsed and beat in her hand. I assume she could feel the flow of his sperm from his constricting balls to his throbbing penis and, finally, the warm flowing sensation deep in her womb as he continued to cum in her. After feeling several more constrictions of his balls, she quickly moved her hand back to her clit. She resumed masturbating, shaking and moaning with her face pressed to the sheets.

Cassie’s hand finally fell limp to the bed between her legs. She looked exhausted but kept her hips up while Jack finished cumming in her. She was pretty quiet now, only making periodic soft whimpering sounds as Jack continued throbbing and squitting in her.

Jack continued ejaculating into Cassie for another ten minutes. He had been good this time. He didn’t try to pull out of her until his knot was small enough to slip out without too much effort. I heard Cassie grunt and watched as his knob pushed the lips of her labia apart to expose his huge knot, followed by his whole cock swiftly plopping out of her vagina with a splash of fluids. His cock jerked and dangled between her legs in obscene magnificence.

The reddish-pink monster was a good six inches long with a knot the size of a large lemon. Little spurts of cum still sprayed from its tip as it swayed and jerked between their bodies. Jack moved off Cassie’s back and jumped off the bed to begin licking and cleaning his shrinking cock. Cassie made another weak grunting sound as she squeezed her abdomen, followed by a small gush of fluid squirting out of her pussy.


Part Three

“Ohhhh…” Cassie cried weakly as her hips fell to the bed, and she rolled to her side.

She stared at me with a look of pleading and yearning in her eyes while taking deep, shaky breaths. Rolling on her back, she spread her legs and gently caressed her pussy with her right hand. Without saying a word, she stretched her left hand to me, signaling me to come to her. I took her hand, and she slowly pulled me onto her. She then took my cock in her right hand and rubbed the tip over her wet and well fucked pussy. Our faces were only inches apart as she stared into my eyes with the catatonic look of a possessed soul.

She guided the head of my penis to the entrance of her vagina and released her hand. I slowly pushed my cock into her and easily slid the entire length of my cock into her body. Her vagina stretched and expanded to accommodate Jack’s forceful intrusion and swollen knot. Still, it was now slowly contracting to embrace my cock. Cassie stared at me with blank, emotionless eyes as I slid in and out of her pussy. Her body was hot and sweaty under me as her chest rose and fell with each steady, fast breath. As my cock glided in and out of her pussy I could feel the warm concoction of her lubrication and Jack’s semen squishing and oozing around my dick as I fucked her.

Suddenly a spark and intensity appeared in her eyes as she gasped and grabbed my head, pulling my forehead to hers. Staring deep into my eyes, Cassie said, “Use me. Use my pussy. Squirt your cum in me!”

Her teeth were clenched, and she started a deep rhythmic panting again.

“You like being fucked, don’t you? You love being the bad girl? Don’t you? Huh? Don’t you?” I asked as I plunged my cock faster and faster in and out of her pussy.

Cassie didn’t reply except stare at me and rock her hips faster, grunting and holding me tighter.

“You love being the nasty bad girl. You’re so bad you’ll even do the ultimate taboo of fucking a dog for pleasure. Huh? Won’t you? Say it!”

“Yes… Now just fuck me. Use my pussy and cum in me,” Cassie cried.

“You enjoy having a dog fuck you, don’t you?” I was now fucking her hard and fast. I could feel the tip of my cock banging against her cervix. “Tell me the truth, or I’ll pull my cock out of you.”

“Yes, YES,” she said defiantly as I fucked her, “I love having a dog’s hot cock throbbing and squirting in me. I can’t stop thinking about how good it feels inside me. I’m a bad little slut that loves to be fucked by a dog.”

I couldn’t hold back anymore and pushed my cock as far as I could into her body as I climaxed and shot my load into her. Cassie cried out and dug her nails into my back when she felt my cum inside her. My body shook and quivered with ecstasy as every nerve jumped and tingled. Cassie just watched and softly cried out as I used her body to achieve my pleasure.

I stayed on top of Cassie without moving for several minutes. We both stared into each other’s eyes, breathing hard without saying a word. My cock was slowly shrinking in her vagina, and I could feel a warm liquid leaking out of her around my balls. The concoction was now her lubrication, Jack’s cum, and my cum mixed in her pussy.

When I finally rolled off her, I fell back on the bed. I relaxed, enjoying the exhilarating euphoria of sexual afterglow. Cassie rolled over and cuddled beside me, placing her head on my chest.

After a while, she asked, “Do you still love me?” She was a meek-sounding little girl.

“What? Of course, I love you. Why would you even ask?”

“I don’t know,” she said hesitantly. “I did something I thought I’d never do, but I did it for you because I love you, and you wanted it so bad. But then I liked it. It felt so good, and I felt so nasty doing it. I’ve been told good girls don’t think or do such things all my life, but I liked it. I liked it a lot. I like being a bad girl and doing whatever I want to feel good. I haven’t felt this alive and sexually alluring in years.

“But I’m scared. I find myself frequently thinking of Jack’s cock and wondering when he can fuck me again. I get so consumed by it that I’ll masturbate in the middle of the day when you’re at work. I imagine I’m in the woods, naked and on all fours when Jack rushes up behind me, then mounts and takes me like a bitch in heat. He fucks me savagely like the animal that he is. I cum almost immediately when I think of his cock penetrating me.”

Cassie looked up at me. There was a nervous fear in her eyes.

“Sweetheart, I love you more than you can possibly know. Everything you’ve just shared makes me love and desire you even more. I can’t begin to tell you how lucky I am to have a lover, partner, and soul mate that I can share my sexual deviance. If you’re a bad person, I’m just as bad and never want to be right again.”

I pulled Cassie closer, and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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