Clinical Trials

By Kevin Jones.

Chapter One

A little about me before I get started. I had just turned 18, about two weeks before all of this started. My Name is Lesley. I am 5’5 ft tall, stacked, and weigh around 110 pounds. I am very good-looking, but I am also very shy. My mom told me I could have any guy I wanted, but I just kind of felt uncomfortable around boys and men for some reason. I thought about sex a lot and would often masturbate at night, dreaming about some Hollywood star. I thought that when I got to college, things might change once I got away from my parents. I am also on the swim team, which is why I got a scholarship.

It all started a week before I graduated high school. When I was jogging in the park, a large German Shepherd attacked me. The dog had gotten off his leash, jumped on me, and knocked me down. I fell on my butt and back, and the dog started to hump me through my jogging shorts. I fought and screamed, but the animal would not stop. Luckily, the owner came and pulled the dog off me. He was very sorry and even gave me $2,000.00 to compensate me for my ordeal. At the time, I thought that was going to be the end of it; however, I started to have a real fear of dogs, which only grew over the summer. I also started to wake up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat, and my pussy was wet. I shook off these feelings as best I could and prepared for college.

A week before college started. I moved into my school housing. The rooms were four small but private bedrooms, which shared a common area that included a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. The names of my three roommates are Sandy, Amy, and Susan. Sandy was very religious, which I did not mind as she was a virgin, just like me. Amy and Susan were much more social and, as such, much more popular. Susan came across to me as a slut. I know I should not judge people, but that was my impression of her. Anyway, we got along well and started to get to know each other. Amy was a big dog person, having a big mutt at home. I told her and every one of my roommates about the dog attack and how it was affecting me, and I did not know what to do about it. I told them that I did not have the money to go to therapy and felt very uncomfortable in groups, so I just did not know what did not know what to do.

They did not say anything for a moment. Amy said I have an idea you could do a clinical research study. She had done two, one for Acme and the other one for the flu shot, and had made over $1,000.00 doing so. She had seen an ad on the internet when she had been looking for one for herself. She pulled the ad up and showed me. The ad said, “looking for women that have had a traumatic experience with a dog or had a great fear of dog to take part in a clinical research trial. Compensation up to $5,000.00. Call 1-866-364-7399 to see if you qualify.” I hesitated for a day. Telling myself that I was too busy checking into college and getting ready for school. Overnight, I had another one of those dreams, which made me wake up covered in sweat and damped. I now feel that I had no choice but to call.


Chapter Two

It was Wednesday morning when I called. The lady answered the phone. Hello, Sanford, research and study group. May I help you? Yes, my name is Lesley Dowd. I am calling about the ad or study about women that be afraid of dogs and was wondering if the study is still open. Yes, it is through space is very limited can you make it this week? Yes, I can, can I come on Friday in the morning? Yes, we can. I can schedule it at 10 am. Great, I will see you then. As I hung up the phone, I felt proud of myself for doing something to take care of my anxiety and fear of dogs, which was interfering with my concentration. I continue my activities, checking in with my swim coach and my teachers and staff. I found the library and cafeteria. The whole time, my thoughts on my appointment with Sanford. I had a feeling that my life was about to change, though I had no idea of how much so.

It was Friday morning, and it was time to go. A short bus ride later, she was outside Sanford’s research office. It was a large, detached house, slightly modified to resemble a health clinic, but it still looked like a home. It had a cozy feeling that many real medical clinics lack as I walked in and saw a very beautiful woman, most likely in her mid-twenties. She was wearing medical clothes, which had dogs all over them. I thought the clothes made her look sexy, though I did not know why at the time. I told you that I am Lesley, and I am here for my 10 am appointment.

She told me, great and told me her name was Laura, and Dr. Tom Howard would be with me in 15 minutes or so. She gave me paperwork to fill out and told me that I would be paid $100.00 for today’s visit if Dr. Howard did not pick me up for the study and $200.00. Most of the paperwork is tax forms and very basic stuff. I turn in the paperwork, and Dr. Howard comes out to me. He is a very handsome man in his early thirties, and even though he has a suit on, one can tell that he has six-pack abs and is in outstanding shape. He also has a great and magnetic personality. This type could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo in the middle of winter.

Dr. Howard explained to me that this is a very special study and that he would only be taking two cases. He had already interviewed 24 women and now would be coming back for a second treatment. He explained that if I wanted to be part of this study and treatment. I would have to be one hundred percent honest with him and his questions. He also explained that I would have homework and have to do things that might feel uncomfortable. He also explained that on the second visit. I would have to do additional paperwork, and I would be getting aid and clothes. He asked me if I was OK with that. I tell him yes. He then told me to explain to him why I was scared of dogs. I told him about the attack that happened to me.

How I was unable to get a full night’s sleep. How I was unable to concentrate and feared that I would not be able to handle my schoolwork. He says I see, these are very serious problems; however, I do not think you are telling me the whole story. Suppose I wanted not only free treatment but treatment, which I would get paid for, as well as free aids and stuff. I was shaking and telling him that the dog was also trying to mate with me and that I was sexually aroused, and it was driving me crazy. I also explained to him that I had else to turn to. I was crying at this time and said you must think that I am a real nut job. He tells me not at all. That while he would have to talk to his partners. He would have recommended me for future treatment and the study.

He then asked me to answer two questions: the first was if I was a virgin, and the second was if the encounter with the dog was my first sexual experience. I was very red with embarrassment and agreed, but I said yes to both. Then I asked him to explain to me why he needed that information. Before he answered, he asked me if I had time to combine sections and that I would be paid $400.00 instead of $200.00. he also asked me if I would like lunch. They would be having Chinese. I said that would be great, and I would have sweet and sour chicken with fried rice.

Lesley, first, I need you to trust me, as I have your best interest at heart. The reason I need to know this information. Suppose this is your first time in a sexual experience. It is most likely imprinted on you in a way that is not going to be easy to treat. You are also a very beautiful woman, so I am a little surprised that you don’t have a boyfriend, can you tell me why? Well, I guess most boys just think I am too good to be true, and they would not have a chance, or most just don’t turn me on. Oh, I see, so when you masturbate, do you think about men? And how has that been going since the dog attacked you? Not so good, Doctor. I keep thinking about that dog attacking me and trying to mate with me; it is driving me crazy.

I see. Let me explain the type of therapy we will be doing. Let’s say you are a smoker and want to quit; one of the ways that was proving to be effective was to put a person in a room full of smoke so the smoker would be sick of it. And so it is heard. The next time you masturbate, think about the dog mating with you and see if that gets you to orgasm. Please remember that many women have this problem, and we are a judgment-free zone. This is a big problem for many women, which is why we have this study. It was hard for me to argue with him. I said I would think about the dog mating with me.

I was so ashamed, and yet, my pussy was wet, and I felt aroused. The food came about that time, and it tasted really good. I was proud of myself because I felt I had taken a step in my recovery. As I ate my food, I kept getting hornier and hornier. The Doctor told me that the next me we met. I was to give him an update. He also called Laura to get my underwear and bra size. And I was to take home six pairs of each. The material was made of the finest silk and was decorated with doggies of larger sizes. The Doctor told me it was to reinforce the idea that dogs were not evil and not to be feared. I collected my money and went home. My head was spinning.


Chapter Three

At the Doctor’s office, Dr Howard tells Laura. I think we have struck gold. Mark my word that she will be Cindy’s best dog trainer yet. Just give me three months, and she will be addicted to dog cock. Lesley is perfect, young, virgin, and not all that interested in boys. She just needs to be molded into the sexual goddess that she is. Suppose Lesley comes back next week telling me that she has a better time masturbating, thinking about dogs over men. It will be just a matter of molding her just like I was able to mold you. Laura blushed and then thought Tom into turning her into a total submissive dog lover, and I would not change a thing.

Lesley gets home and finds all the girls chatting about their day. Sandy asked how the clinical trial went. I tell them it went well, that I got picked up, and I think it would help me. Different from going to the Doctor and getting paid to do so. I thank Amy for telling me about this opportunity. Susan tells me that she is happy for me but has to get ready for her date with Mike. Mike comes in; he is very cute, and I tell myself that I will try to masturbate to him instead of a dog. I asked the girls if they would like some pizza, my treat. Sandy and Amy say that would be great and thank me. While we eat, we make small talk. My thoughts are on Dr. Howard’s words that I should be fantasizing about making love to a dog.

After my shower, I go to bed. I find it hard to go to sleep. I end up just tossing and turning. I start to masturbate thinking about Mike, but images of a dog keep coming into my mind. I have no choice but to stop fighting it. I start to think about a dog licking me and then fucking me. After 20 minutes, I cum, and I soon fall asleep. In the morning, I am like a new person, rested and ready to go. I try on my new underwear and bra, which feel absolutely wonderful against my skin. The fact that my undergarments are decorated with dogs just keeps me aroused.

The next few days were just more of the same. I try to masturbate to the faces and bodies of boys and men that I met on campus, but now my orgasm is as strong as when I think about dogs. I don’t know what to do with myself. I honestly just can’t wait to see Dr. Howard. I know that I am going to be very embarrassed to talk about my feelings and my sexuality. Nevertheless, I had to solve this problem if I wanted to have a normal life with home and kids.


Chapter Four

Well, it is Friday again, and I am back at Sanford Research. I walk into the office, and Laura meets me again with a big smile. she is now wearing the most stunning dress. This dress is white with lots of dogs on it. Anyone seeing her would know that she loves dogs, and the dress leaves a big impression on me. She informs Dr. Howard that I am in, and he comes out to meet me with a big smile, which puts me at ease. Shall we go back and talk about your week? I am very interested to know what has happened to you after are first meeting last week.

I now felt completely at ease around Dr. Howard. I told him that I try to masturbate to images of men or boys that I have met on campus or seen on TV or in magazines. I did not have any success with that. I then tell him that when I think about a dog, I am able to cum in about 20 minutes, which leads to a good night’s sleep. I find it easier to concentrate and do my schoolwork. I also tell him that I love the undergarment, though it makes me think about sex. He is very happy with my honesty. Lesley, I am very proud of you. I think you are making great progress, but we will need to go to the next step if we are to get you back on track.

Now, I am going to go over some new paperwork, which you will understand completely before we continue. Now, this paperwork is sexual, so if you feel uncomfortable, you will be free to leave and collect your $200.00. If you should do that, you will not be allowed back in. Are you ready to continue, or would you like to leave? I answered that I would like to continue. I know I will not be able to get it out of my system otherwise. Great, that is music to my ears.

Now, let’s go over the paperwork. The first one is a new disclosure agreement, which basically says that what happened here or in one of the therapy sections is not to be talked or written about with anyone. Your information, Name, and address will not be shared with anyone. So you do not need to worry about your information ending up on the internet. However, your information as far as your race, age, and sexual experience will be, this is in a clinic research study, after all. The next one is for you to consent to be nude during some part or all of some of the therapy sessions.

This type of therapy leaves the subject most likely to be not only honest with the therapist, but also honest with themselves. The next one is to inform you that we will be discussing Bestiality; there will be homework involved, stories and movies, and the like. We will give you your tablet to do this homework on. Under no circumstances are you to share this tablet with anyone, and it will be password and fingerprint-protected. You are also not allowed to use your own or anyone else’s computer to look up this type of information. Do you understand and agree to all of these terms so far? I was red-faced and very embarrassed. I was also a little aroused, though I was in denial about this.

Nervously, I said I do, and I agree to all of these terms.

He then says this last one you will like the best. From now on, you will be paid $500.00 instead of just $200.00. How does that make you feel? Oh my, that is great; that is more money; either Amy or Susan make waiting tables or work at the grocery store. I guess I will have to keep the money I am making a secret, too. That is right. You will also be getting some aids, toys, food clothing, which you need to keep on the download, in that understood. Yes, Sir, doctor. Great, let’s get these signed so we can get started. How are you feeling, Lesley? I am feeling scared and excited. That is expected. You are opening a new chapter in your life, so let’s get started.

Lesley, please take your clothes off and take some tests. First, I will need to examine you. Me and Laura will have to verify that you are a virgin. We will have to put this in our report. As I took off my clothes, my hand could barely move; it was like a dream. As I took off my clothes, Laura said how cute I looked in my Doggie undergarments. I felt red with embarrassment, but I continued. Until I was nude, the Doctor noticed my public hair and told Laura to get the shaver, which was a men’s beard trimmer. Laura trimmed me, and then the Doctor and Laura examined me and verified that I was indeed a virgin. Next, Laura hooked up some electrodes to me while the Doctor set up a projector. Now, Lesley, I am going to show you a picture of well-built, sexy men and large male dogs. This test will show which picture you find most arousing. There were various pictures of men, mostly young and fit in their twenties. Some older men were included.

In the mix were also pictures of large dogs, such as German shepherds, Cane Corso, Leonberger, Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Dobermann, Rottweiler, and wolf, as well as different types of mutts. My heart must have been racing at 1000 miles an hour. Because. I was covered in sweat by the time the sideshow was over. Now, Lesley, we will have the results in just a minute. Here we go. It looks like you had the greatest amount of sexual stimulation when you were looking at the dogs. The Dobermann, Rottweiler, and Great Dane came in at the top. I believe what you have is emotional, sexual traumatic disconnection. I am recommending sexual and physical therapy via canine-based therapy. You are not going to be able to go back to a normal life until all of these feelings are brought out into the open. Now I know that you have a clash between your moral and sexual, perhaps even disgust, at this diagnosis.

Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone, as many women have this same condition. Thus, the need for the study and the amount that it pays. Also take comfort in the fact that both me and Laura will be here for you every step of the way. Do you understand? Yes, sir, it is just so much to take in. I am feeling so overwhelmed with all of this information. I hope you understand. Just look at me; I am nude and covered in sweat. I have every butterfly in Mexico in my stomach. I am all shaken up. Not to worry, Lesley, you can take a shower before you get dressed. I think we will end the therapy section for now while you get cleaned up. Laura will get your stuff ready. You will be taking home the tablet, we are also giving you some human dog biscuits (cookies which are shaped like dog biscuits) and dome dog tee shirts.

Remember, the best way to cure a smoker is to put them in a room full of smoke. Likewise, the best way to cure your condition is to get exposed or have a dog on your mind. It is to expose you to dogs as much as possible in a way that will not bring too much attention to yourself. Lesley took a quick shower and got dressed. She noticed that the shower curtain and towels had dogs on them. As she left, she had a bag full of stuff and $500.00 in her pocket. What a day.


Chapter Five

When Lesley got home, her head was still spinning with all kinds of thoughts. All of her roommates were out, so she had the place to herself. She put a TV dinner in the microwave. And look at all the stuff that she had brought home. There was a tablet, three boxes of cookies, five tee dog tee shirts, and a pair of dog slippers, which surprised her. She decided that she was just going to stay home and do her homework. The tablet was fully charged, and it came with earplugs, too. After eating, she went to her room, making sure that the room was locked, and checked out what was on it. There were twenty movies of young women having sex with dogs. There were also five instructional videos on how to have sex with canines, and lastly were twelve well-written Bestiality novels about women who were reluctant at first but came to love canine sex. She started to watch some of the movies, and the girls seemed to enjoy the experience.

The women made much noise, and Lesley was happy to have earplugs. Also, one of the girls gives one of the dogs a blow job; the girl then lets the dog cum all over her face. That is all Lesley could take. She decided to go to bed and get some sleep. And maybe tomorrow would be better for her if she followed Dr. Howard’s advice. She decides to sleep naked and, instead of trying, masturbate to men. She went straight to dogs. In her mind, she could not get the image of the girl sucking the dog off. As she played with her cunt. She also had her finger in her mouth, sucking as hard as she could. Then it hit her: the biggest orgasm of her young life. It was a blowing experience that allowed her to get the best night’s sleep she had had in a long while.

In the morning, she looked and felt radiant. Her roommates ask her why she looks so chipper. I think the therapy is working. I feel like going to the pool and getting some laps in today. Would anyone care to join me? The girls were all busy with their studies and boyfriends. Even Sandy had a boyfriend now, someone she had met at church, no doubt. Lesley headed out to the swimming pool, where she was able to knock out 50 laps, a new record for her. After lunch, head to the library and finish all of your school homework. With it being Saturday and nothing else to do, she headed back to her room and decided to read one of the novels on her tablet. The story was about a family: Husband, wife, and two daughters.

Dad brings home the dog as protection for the house. Long story short, the dog has its way with Mom; Mom thinks that her seventeen-year-old Daughter has trained the dog, only to find out that the dog had its way with her as well, and that she had thought that mom had trained the dog. The story ends with both of them finding out that the husband and father had knowingly gotten a trained dog. The final chapter dedicated all of them to getting the dog to seduce the youngest girl at fifteen. Lesley just could not stop reading the story as she imagined herself as both the seventeen and the fifteen, depending on where the story was at the time. It was almost midnight, so she decided to look at some pictures for 10 minutes or so before going to bed. The one burn on her head was of a girl sucking a Rottweiler and the beast cumming all over her face. With this thought in her mind, Lesley is able to masturbate and get herself a good night’s sleep.

She woke up around 10 am. Having a good night’s sleep with many strange and erotic dreams. After breakfast, she decided to go to the science museum. Because she had a rottweiler on her mind, she decided to wear her rottweiler tee shirt. While on the bus, she saw a very pretty girl wearing a similar shirt, which had a Great Dane on it. She smiled at me. Then came over and asked if I was a dog lover, too. I told her that I was working on it. She asked me what I meant by that. I told her that I had been attacked by a dog a few months back, and this was part of my therapy. She let up and said that she understood. Then, she introduces herself. My Name is Betty, as in Betty Crocker that is, are at least all the jokes that I had to put up with when I was growing up.

I am going to the science museum, how about you? I told her that was where I was going too. I asked her if we could go together as I had yet to make many friends. She said that would be great and that she had a feeling that we were soon going to be best buddies. I asked Betty why she was wearing a dog tee shirt. She told me that she had also had a bad experience but now thought dogs were the best companions that a person could ask for. We really hit it off. I think I could tell her anything, and she would still want to be my friend.

I asked her if we could spend some more time together. She told me she was free on most Sundays and then gave me her phone number. I told her the same, given my school and swim routine, as I went back to my room. I wonder if Betty had on doggie undergarments. I wonder if she has been in or is in a clinical research study. I hope so. I need someone to talk to about all my messed up feelings. The rest of the week was uneventful. Her masturbating sections were not as strong with each day, and she looked forward to seeing Dr. Howard again. The week went by with me going to school, swimming class, and doing my special homework.


Chapter Six

At last, it was Friday. God, I was so looking forward to seeing Dr. Howard. As I got to his office, my knees felt weak, but I wanted to see and tell him about my week and my new friend Betty. I was greeted by Laura, all smiling and very welcoming. She took me to Dr. Howard, where I took off my clothes before I was even told to do so. She then handed me a dog collar and told me that from now on, I would be wearing it for all future therapy sessions. She then attached a leash to the collar. I asked Dr. Howard what was up with the collar. He then told me that in order to get over my trauma. I would have to identify as a dog as the dog would not be able to identify as a human. He used a word salad, which made sense as he was the type of man who could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo. He asks me about my week. I told him about the movies and which part I found most arousing. He also asked me about the novels.

I gave him a summary of each and what I found most interesting. I also expanded on how my masturbation seemed strongest after my therapy section. Afterward, I was able to do my school work and swim meet requirements. Lastly I told him about Betty and how I was very excited because I think I had a friend that I could relate to. My roommates are good people, but I don’t think I could ever talk to them about real stuff. I also told him that I thought maybe she might be like me as she was also wearing a doggie Tee shirt. Dr. Howard and Laura just gave each other a little smile. Then Dr. Howard told me that he had a feeling that I would have plenty of friends shortly.

Now that we are done with the update let’s get started. To start with Lesley, this will be the last therapy we will do in the office. In the next section, we will be taking a field trip, and you will have contact with some real dogs or dogs. My heart was in my throat. I was scared, and Dr. Howard sensed that I was scared. And told me that he would be there for me the whole time. He go back to the only way to stop a smoker from smoking was to put said smoker in a room full of smoke. Likewise, the only way to get over my fear of dogs is to go to a dog ranch. In this case Cindy’s dog grooming and training. With me put at ease, it was time for my training. Laura set up the projector. Now, Lesley, I am going to put pictures up, just like last time. However, this time, these pictures are of women having sex with both men and dogs. When the pictures of the women with dogs come up, you are to spread your legs and say I want that; that is for me. And when pictures of men with women come up, you are to close your legs and say I don’t want that; that is not for me. Do you understand?

Yes Sir. I do, let’s get started.

As the pictures came up, all of them had either men who were very well built doing sex acts, sucking, fucking, and cumming on or in the women. On each of these, Lesley would close her legs as tight as she could, saying I don’t want that; that is not for me. On the dog sex picture, she said. I want that to be for me. While she spread her legs as far as she could. With each time, her pussy was getting wetter and wetter. About three-quarters, though, a picture came up of a Doberman and Rottweiler. The Doberman had his cock in the girl’s mouth, and the Rottweiler was fucking the girl. This picture sent Lesley into an overwhelming orgasm. Lesley tossed and turned on the floor, screening, oh god, oh god. I am cumming. I want that, I need that, oh god, I want that, I need that. After what seemed like hours to Lesley, it was, in fact, just a few minutes. Dr. Howard asks Lesley why she had an orgasm from just the pictures. Lesley said I think that is going to be me. I am still a virgin, and I always thought that it would be a man that had me first.

The idea of two strong beasts put my mind into overdrive. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I feel so conflicted. I feel like I am going to go crazy. Now, this is nothing to worry about. Many women have the condition. You are in the best place, and the information you are giving up will help many thousands of women. We will need to start again. I was able to get through the slide show without having another orgasm, but I was sweaty and horny. Then, the Dr. gave me the same card with affirmations. The first one said, “ I love big dogs with big. cocks. A dog penis is a natural aphrodisiac for a woman like me. Now, Lesley, please read what the card says out loud ten times each morning. And night just before bedtime. Do you understand? Yes sir. I do. Do you want me to read it now? I started to read. I love big dogs with big cock. A dog penis is a natural aphrodisiac to me.

I said it ten times, with each time saying it with more confidence and convection. Very good, I am very proud of you. Now we are preparing another bag for you. We will also be sending you more novels and movies on your tablet. As far as your collar goes, you should be wearing it when you go to bed and when you do your homework. As far as your next visit, you will be paid for two sections. Now, take a quick shower, and we will have a quick chat before you go. As I took my shower, I could not help myself. I just had to masturbate. The water washed away my shame. Laura was waiting for me. She had fresh undergarments for me. As well as one of those lovely dresses with the doggies on it. The dress came with silk stockings and nice shoes. The clothes that I came in with were nicely folded and placed in a bag, along with five boxes for human doggie briskets and some doggie PJs.

My collar was placed in a box. I thank Dr. Howard and Laura for their help. Flush with cash, I went to a nice restaurant. Several people complimented me on how beautiful I was, which convinced me that I needed to be on the right path. I was very proud and grateful for Sanford Research. I was looking forward to my next visit and the double pay. I had now made more money than all of my roommates combined.

I got home at about 9 pm. Most of my roommates where out, which I was happy for. Amy complimented me on how great I looked and then teased me. Saying that, I must be getting some. I blushed, telling her that I was tired and would be going to bed early. She laughs, saying I bet you are. I blushed and headed to my room, saying goodnight. Once in my room. I got naked, racing to find my collar, not being able to put it on fast enough. I laid out my PJs just in case I had to go to the bathroom or something. I was also happy to have some special cookies. I swear the more I ate, the hornier I seemed to get. I got out my tablet to check out the movies and novels that Dr. Howard sent to me. There were ten more novels, six more movies, and a hundred photos, just like the ones that had been on the slide show, with instructions to continue the same exercises that I had done in the office. Lastly, there were affirmations. The first one I already had was, “I love big dogs with big cocks. Dog penis is a natural aphrodisiac to me. The second one said, “Doggie cum is good for me. It keeps my skin young, is full of protein, and is very tasty. I love dog cum.” I decided to read the affirmations and go to bed.


Chapter Seven

In the morning, I was surprisingly refreshed. I knew that it might only last for a while based on my experience of last week. Doing my affirmations and doing my picture exercises. I ate breakfast and headed to the library to do my school homework. I finished that around 4:30. I decided that I better hit the swimming pool before it closed. I was able to knock out a quick 40 labs. Now I was really hunger, and think about where I was going to eat. As if she had sent me an angel, I got a call from Betty, gives me a call and asked me if I would like to go to a nice restaurant with her, as she had just gotten a voucher, which had to be used today. Since, I was very hungry and really enjoyed Betty’s company. I gave her an enthusiastic yes. Great, I will pick you up around 6:00. Make sure you wear your best; I’m looking forward to seeing you as I get back home. I realized that I only had the dress that Sanford Research had given me.

The thought of wearing it sent an electric shock through me. I quickly took a shower and put on my doggie undergarments, my silk stockings, and my doggie dress. I was so thankful to Dr. Howard for giving me such great clothes and shoes. At this time, I had had this need to read my affirmations. Betty showed up right on time. She was wearing a similar dress to mine; however, hers had dogs and cats on it, not just dogs. She laughed and complimented me on my taste in clothing, and we headed out. I asked her how she came by the voucher or gift certificate. She told me she had gotten it as a tip for the work she did. I want to ask you what type of work you do. I am a veterinary assistant specializing in dogs; she had a mischievous smile come across her face.

Cool, it must be nice to work at such a place. I hope that I can get a job like that one day, maybe when I get out of school. I love your dress, Lesley; where did you get it? Do you love dogs, too? I was all butterflies in the stomach. Oh, I got it for participating in a research study. I just answered some questions and stuff. I hope the subject will change, even though I was getting a little aroused remembering my affirmations. As far as your second question. I had a bad experience with a dog a while back. The only good dog in a dead dog was my feeling. However, I no longer have such feelings. I still have some apprehension about them. That is the way I wear this dress. I hope you understand. I do, Lesley; I hope you will let me help with your apprehension.

I will, but I am getting theory. Let’s talk about where we are going to eat. You’re going to love this. It is called Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar. Now, we won’t be able to order wine or any alcohol. Because we are both too young to partake in. otherwise, anything goes. I am going to order the oysters as a starter, a salad, with a big lobster. I might also get some cheesecake as a dessert. How about you, Lesley? What are you going to get? Remember, you can get anything you want. It is all covered by the voucher, even the 20% tip. All we have to do is enjoy. So don’t hold back. I think I would like a fancy drink; Lobster sounds great, soup or salad sounds nice, and maybe some dessert. I will have to look at the menu to be sure. I would like to thank you for thinking of me. It is such a great treat. I am happy to do so; otherwise, I would have to eat, and where is the fun in that?

The restaurant was the most elegant she had ever been in. Betty showed the voucher to the greeter. We were given a private booth with no wait time. Lesley had never been given such first-class treatment in her life. The food and drinks were incredible. They had great conversations, mostly about each other life, at least before either one of them started college. As they walked to the car, Betty kissed me on the lids. It was deep and passionate. I was shocked, not just by the kiss, but by how I responded to the kiss. I held her close and kissed her back. I wanted her, too. When she touched my pussy my mind went spinning. I had never considered a woman before. I needed a break from the novels, movies, exercises, and affirmations. Betty said that one of her friend’s family was out of town, and we could go there and make all the noise that we wanted. Betty said she was planning to make much noise. It was a big house with a swimming pool.

She grabbed me by the hand and led me into the house. She told me that we would have to use one of the guest rooms as she would not make a mess that would be hard to make up. I did not care. I just wanted to suck her cum on her face and have her cum on my face. I wonder what she tastes like. We got to the room fast enough and started to undress. I noticed that Betty had the same undergarments as me, and she noticed the same on me and laughed. I guess I should call you Doggie Girl. Betty started to suck on my breasts and rubbing my pussy. I gasp. I had never been able to make myself so good. My body was on fire with lust. I wanted to submit to her, and she knows it. She asked me if I was a virgin. I told her yes that I had never been with anyone.

I asked her if she was a virgin. She told me that she had never been with a man, which I mistakenly took as yes. She keeps calling me Doggie Girl because of my dress and undergarments. This drove me wild. I started having orgasms. I was wild lust. Then she put her cunt in my face telling me to suck her until she came into my mouth. God, it tasted good. I could not get enough. We continued for at least four hours; my favorite was 69. I loved her mouth on my cunt, with her fingers fully embedded inside me. God, it was great. In the morning, we took a shower together.

She put on my undergarments, telling me that we were the same size anyway, and she wanted to think about me. I had no problem doing the same. She told me that she would be calling me on Sunday morning as she had to work the next Saturday night. She drops me off. When I returned home, all the girls were there. Look at who got some. I blushed at their teasing and such and let them think that I had made it with a guy after a couple of hours of socializing. I was happy to get back to my special homework. Feeling guilty that I had missed a night. When I look at some of the movies. I imagined that Betty was fucking and sucking the dogs in the firm. At about ten, I put on my collar and did my legs open legs close exercises, saving my affirmations for last.


Chapter Eight

It was 10 am on Monday. And Betty was in Dr. Howard’s office. So, how did your date go, my dear? Sir, she is quite the firecracker and ready to explode. She wears both her Doggie undergarments and Doggie dress. When we are down and nasty, she practically orgasms every time she calls her doggie girl. The cheery on top is when I put on her undergarments. Telling her that I wanted her to smell her when I masturbated and that I wanted her to go the same. I could tell her head was spinning. Did she ask any questions? She did ask me if I was a virgin. I did not lie; I told her that I had never been with a man. I was about ready to explode myself. If she only knew how many dogs I had fuck, she would have left me then and there. God, I hope we can get her. I would love to be her roommate and mentor. What are your recommendations, Betty? I think for her treatment outside the office.

She should be placed in a submissive role. Have Alfred (an Alaskan malamute) give her kisses. Then have her lay down and give her a good pussy licking. For at least three orgasms. Then you and Miss Cindy comment on how unfair it is to Alfred and that Lesley owes Alfred at least one good cum. I am sure you can talk her into a hand job. Perhaps some licking or even giving Min a blow job. Afterwards. I can come in and act all surprised and full of joy at seeing her. Just full of joy. Saying I knew that you were just like me, and giving her the biggest, most passionate kiss that I can. You will make sure that she eats plenty of dog bone cookies, maybe one of the special drinks. I want her to be out of her mind with sexual longing. Betty, I like the way you think. I think she should be fully initiated the following week. I agree; I think she will have her mind right by then and be a good veterinarian assistant for years to come, just like me. Sounds like a good plan. I will inform Cindy.

Lesley seems to have sex on her mind all the time now. Besides her therapy, she had her first lesbian experience. Did she want to fuck a dog, or did she want to Betty pussy? Just out of the blue, a thought hit her did she want to eat Betty’s fresh dog fuck pussy? This week was going to be hard for her, and she knew it. Her mind was not on her studies or her swimming. Her mind seemed to be legs open. Legs shut exercises or her affirmation. Wondering what god cum tastes like? Does it feel good on the skin? Would her pussy be able to handle a dog’s knot? And would she find it out? God, what was in store for her on Friday? It was so scary and exciting at the same time. Lesley tries a new masturbating routine, putting Betty’s panties in her mouth. While fixating on dogs fucking her. This routine helped her have orgasms, but it left her unfulfilled and frustrated. God, I hope Friday comes soon.

Thank God it is Friday. Lesley could not get to Dr. Howard fast enough. Besides, being sexually aroused all the time. She was also having this bizarre dream, which was very vivid and very orgasmic. Good morning, Lesley, Laura said, greeting her with a big smile. I hope you are ready for our field trip today. I am so excited for you. Thank you. I am very excited too, but I am scared too. It is so conflicting for me. I understand; I was the same way, too. I will inform Dr. Howard that you are here. Good morning, Lesley. I am pleased that you are here and ready to go. Now, let’s put your collar on. I will also go to attach your leash. Now, let us get some snacks. Dog bone cookies, do you have a preference on the favor. I like the cinnamon. I just can’t get over how much I love these cookies. They are tasty.
Lesley walked out to the car wearing her collar on a leash. She thought she might become a dog soon. She met Cindy. Cindy informed Lesley that she was doing everything asked of her quickly and without question. First, you will address me as Miss Cindy, Laura as Miss Laura, and Dr. Howard as Dr. Howard. Second, you are to be naked; you are to wear only your collar and your knee pads.

You will be allowed to stand at all once your theory section is over. We want to create an environment where you are on an even level with the dog. As we cannot bring the dog up to a human level, it is necessary to bring you down to the dog’s level. Do you understand? And are you ready to begin? I nervously said yes. Good, now set down, and we will bring out Alfred. He is an Alaskan Malamute. Malamutes are bred to be very genital dogs so that they won’t eat their masters on long sled trips across the wilderness, so you have nothing to fear. Now, when he comes out, he will want to kiss you. You are to let him, and you are to kiss him back. Do you mean with my toughness? That’s gross. Yes, I do. I will use restraints if needed. Miss Cindy picks up a bell and starts ringing it. Betty came in, carrying restraints, stopping, and their face lit up. My God, Lesley, is that you? My God, I am so happy to see you. I knew that we were the same. Miss Cindy, this is a girl I was telling you about. You know, the one I want on a date with.

I thought she might be like me and even hoped she would be. Well, Betty, are you sure about that? She does not seem to want to cooperate and do as she is told. Miss Cindy, I have a suggestion. How about I help Lesley out by being her mentor and showing her by example? I love her and want her to be with me or be with us. She is just scared and needs a little help. Please let me help. All right, you may help. Before we start, let’s have some refreshments, and we will let Lesley get her mind right, but I will not put up with any more disobedience. Is that understood? Becky: Yes, Miss Cindy. Lesley had to be poked by Becky. Yes, Miss Cindy. Becky bought some drinks and dog bone cookies. Lesley got her drink last. As she drank it, she started to feel better and more aroused. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Betty was here but going to help her kiss a dog. Now Lesley is set like this. Miss Cindy, we are ready, Alfred. God, Lesley, this is going to be so much fun. Don’t you think? Lesley looked on as Betty patted her thighs. Come here, boy.

Alfred came over and started to lick Betty’s face. Betty opens her mouth and lets Alfred stick his tongue into her mouth. Betty seems to really enjoy herself. Then she turned to Lesley. Now it is your turn! My heart was in my throat. I patted my thighs, and Alfred came over and started to lick my face. Betty told me to open my mouth, and Alfred’s tongue went into my mouth. Despite herself, Lesley started to get into the kissing and suck on Alfred’s tongue. This lasted for about 10 minutes before Miss Cindy broke it off. Good girl, Lesley, come here and have a cookie and some more of your drink. I was breathing heavily as I listened to Miss Cindy tell me that Alfred really liked me and he wanted to please me. The next step you are to lie down on your back with your legs spread out and knees up. Do you want Betty to show you? No, Miss Cindy, I can do it. Just let me finish my drink first; it seems to help me.

I understand you are doing great. Don’t you agree, Dr. Howard and Miss Laura? Dr. Howard said yes, I do. I am very grateful for Betty. I think she has been a godsend in helping Lesley. What do you think, Miss Laura? I think the same. I sure wish I had a mentor when I was at this point in my therapy. What do you think, Betty? I agree, Miss Laura, that is why I had to step up to help Lesley. What do you think, Lesley, how are you doing? I am scared and excited all at the same time. I am ready for the next step. May we start Miss Cindy? GOOD GIRL, let us begin.

Lesley laid down as she was instructed; Alfred came up and started licking me. First, he licked me on my chest. My nipples were getting hard, and I started to breathe hard. The dog moved onto my face. I did not have my mouth open. Dr. Howard instructed me to open my mouth and kiss him back. As I kissed him, I noticed his dick coming out. Alfred then stopped licking my face and moved down, and before long, he started to lick my pussy. I gasped with surprise; my breathing was much heavy and heavy. Alfred was now going to town on my pussy. His tongue was now licking up in my vagina. I was going out of my mind now. I went into a New Year’s Eve celebration with all the fireworks going off inside my. I was having not just orgasms but atomic orgasms.

I squirted and squirted, and Alfred ate me more. I was screaming to continue, EAT ME, EAT ME, you nasty breast.

I then put my hand in my mouth and started to suck my hand as if it was a cock, so good, so good. I could hear my saying after what seemed like hours to me. Alfred left me and went over to his corner as I tried to come to terms with how I had behaved. As I lay there, all covered in sweat and dog slobber. I could Miss Laura say, ‘Well, that was quite a show,’ what do you think, Miss Cindy and Mr. Howard? Miss Cindy was the first one to speak up. I think Lesley will need at least one more section. I also feel sorry for poor Alfred. Here, he has helped Lesley have many orgasms, and yes, poor Alfred has not had any relief.

The poor boy will have a case of blue-balls before long. What do you think, Dr. Howard? I agree with you, of course; Lesley, you have to help poor Alfred, do you understand? Yes, Sir, but how? You are quite right, my dear. Betty, please help the poor girl out by showing her the way. Betty has the biggest smile that I have ever seen of her. Yes, sir, that is a great idea. She gets down right beside me, taking a moment to kiss me on the lib, her tongue wrapping around my tongue. I almost had another orgasm then and there.

Betty then patted her thighs, signaling Alfred to come over. Look, Lesley, I will show you what to do, and then you can do as I do. Betty to roll over, boy. Alfred then rolled over and exposed his privates to all. Betty then reached out and touched the dick and started rubbing it. Come on, Lesley, touch it; it’s fun; see how hard it gets. I did as Betty said. It was hot and wet, slimy even. My heart was racing now as I started to give Alfred a handjob. Betty asked me how does that feel. I told her it felt nice that his dick was getting hotter and harder. She told me that we had to make sure that Alfred would cum; otherwise, he could get blue balls, and that could cause all sorts of problems for the poor guy. Sometimes, a hand job will do, but not always. Sometimes, we have to kiss and lick his thing. Let me show you. Betty removed my hand and put her hand on Alfred’s cock. He bent over and licked and kissed his dick.

God, that tastes good; it is so wickedly delicious. Now you do as I do. I was in a hypnotic state at this point and did as I had just seen. To my surprise, it tasted good. Dr. Howard asked me how it tasted, Lesley. It tastes very strange but really good. Miss Cindy asked me. Lesley, you know what tastes better than his dick is his cum. Now, there are three types of blow jobs. The first one is called a Facial, which is where you suck his dick until he starts cumming, then let his cum all over your face. The second one is a hold in the month. This is great when you want to show off how great you are at giving head or when you want to give a deep, passionate kiss to your partner, you and Betty, for example. This made my pussy hot. I thought I might have an orgasm just thinking about this option. The third is to drink and swallow. Which one do you want to do? I could barely talk, you want me to suck Alfred’s dick?

No, I want you to want to suck Alfred’s dick. My question to you, Lesley, is, do you want to suck Alfred’s dick? I could barely speak. I weakly said yes. WHAT IS THAT? I DID NOT HEAR YOU. YES, I want to suck Alfred’s dick. I want to make him a happy boy.

Good girl, I am very proud of you. You will get a reward for your efforts. I went down on Alfred. I just could not get over how good it tasted to me. The affirmations that I had been saying for the last few weeks were running through my head. I love big dogs with big. cocks. A dog penis is a natural aphrodisiac for a woman like me. As I sucked, Miss Laura asked me which blow job option I was going to take. I said I think I want a facial because I think that is sexist, and after my face was fully plastered. I want Betty to lick my face clean afterward. Betty shouted out I want to do that, start sucking do him good. I knew that me and her are like two peas in a pod.

I sucked like a drowning in the sea and was grasping for air. I did not think it was gross; I just loved the taste. Then I got my reward. He started to shoot out. Pulled it out and let it splash my face. My mouth was open, and I got a good amount inside of it. It did not take Betty long before she started to kiss me and lick my face. We must have put on a good show. After 30 minutes of the display. I was laying on the floor covered in sweat, dog cum, and dog slobber.


Chapter Nine

Miss Cindy was the first to speak. I think that was a very productive therapy section. You have made real progress in your journey, Lesley. I think you should spend the night here with Betty. How do you feel about that, Betty? THAT FANTASTIC shouted Betty, this is the best day ever. How about you, Lesley? I would love that, can I stay until Sunday afternoon? Yes, my dear, now you two get cleaned up, and we will talk in the morning. Lesley and Betty went to Betty’s room and took a show together. Afterwards went to bed and slept like a baby. After breakfast Lesley and Betty meet with Dr. Howard and Miss Cindy. Lesley, we are happy with the help you have been giving us. The information that you have provided us has been very helpful. It is worth much more than 100 subjects, so we will be paying you for eight for yesterday’s work, which will be $4,000.00. How does that sound? My God, that is fantastic.

I can’t believe how lucky I am. I am glad you feel that way. This coming week is Thanksgiving week., which is your last day of class for the week. That would be Wednesday morning, sir. I will be finished at 11:00 am. Great, I will have Betty pick you up at noon. You two can have a good lunch and be over here at, let’s say, 3:00 pm sharp. For your final Therapy section, then, we will have all the information needed for our research. Lesley’s heart sank; she did not want it to end. Lesley, have no fear. Miss Cindy has expressed some interest in hiring you, depending on how well you do on your last section. She looks at the last sections as a kind of initiation into the order. Lesley Hearth picks up. Would I be able to live with Betty full-time? Yes, but you must do your last section by yourself. Once started, you have to finish. What will I have to do? Lesley asked. That is simple: you will have to please Bruno.

He is a strong and very dominating Rottweiler. You will have to submit yourself to his desires. To be straightforward, he will want to kiss, eat as in your pussy juices, fuck you many times, and have you suck him off also multiple times. You very well be an expert by the time it is over. Take comfort, Miss Cindy. Laura and all of Miss Cindy’s girls have done chores, and all of them have enjoyed their experience, and I am sure you will, too. Lesley bit her lip before she answered. I am scared, but I will do it. I will take your beast. My mind is full of images of Beauty and the breast. The whole idea now turns me, oh. That’s great, Lesley; I am very proud of you.

At lunch, Lesley talks about the conversation she had with Dr. Howard and asks Betty about her initiation. Betty said I was scared, too. However, I did not back down. It was amazing; the wickedness of it drove me mad with lust. I looked forward to it. I was glad that I was going to lose my virginity to a hound. I was actually glad I had not made it with a man and still proud of it as far as what came next. Working here is great. Not only is the money great, but that comes from doggie training. We get a free place to live, 100% medical and dental. There is also Emily, who is a real genius when it comes to Commodities or futures trading. If you sign on, Miss Cindy will open an account in your Name for $10,000.00 and have Emily manage it for you.

I have been here for a little under two years, and I already have over $190,000.00 in it. That legal money, I will be a millionaire by the time I am 25 just from that alone.. THAT IS NOT ALL, when we work parties. Do you know where all these hundred millionaires and billionaires go? They talk about business and stuff. We report what they say, and Miss Cindy and Dr. Howard use that information to make trades. So far, I have gotten over $400,000.00 just from that; IT’S AMAZING. God, I love it here, but there is more; we get tips and stuff. Miss Cindy also gives us trips and takes up skydiving, scuba diving, and all sorts of fun stuff. However, the thing I like most is the close friendships we have with each other. I would do anything for them, and they would do anything for me. I know everyone will love you as much as I do.


Chapter Ten

It is the big day. Lesley had just had her last class. And looking forward to her big day. Was she excited about losing her virginity to a dog? Or was it that she would be doing it in front of people? Or was it that would be sucking off multiple times and in multiple ways. Perhaps she was still torn between it being so gross and forbidden, or was that the reason she found it so exciting? Betty called her about this time and wanted to come over to pick up Lesley. She was almost as excited as me. She wanted to make sure that I would have a good lunch as I would need my straight. Betty picked me up, and we went to a nice steak house. I had a 10oz Potter House with baked potato and a fancy salad. We both made small talk, and she asked me if I was ready.

I said I was, but was a little scared, and asked her if she had been when she had been initiated. She told me, of course I was who would not be? I have talked to all of the girls, and they all say the same thing. We are all scared. We are also glad that we did it. It is so exciting, and once it starts, there is an overwhelming desire to please. There is also an overwhelming sense of pride once it is over that you were able to tame such a strong beast and make him yours. Even though everyone else thinks you are the bitch, you know better, and all of us girls know better too. How about it, are you ready? I am letting go.

When we pulled into the driveway, Betty handed me my collar, which I put on. She then handed me my knee pads once outside the car. I was instructed to undress and that I would go into the house on all fours, nude and on a leach, as I craw in the house. I see Miss Cindy, Dr. Howard, and Miss Laura, most of the other girls are also. Dr. Howard and Miss Cindy asked me if I was ready. I said I was. Good, here are the rules: you must stay on all fours at all times. You stand up without permission. The initiation is over. Two, you will be given rest times for peeing, having a drink or snack after each fuck or suck section. Lastly, the test is over when your lover goes through the door; as long as he is in the room, you are to please him, even if he is resting. You are not to ask if it is over yet at any time. Do you understand? I do, and I am ready. I am ready to get fucked in both my pussy and my mouth.

Very well then, before we begin, we have fixed you some spiced tea and some doggie biscuits. The tea is an aphrodisiac. We feel it is only fair, as we have given Bruno, your lover for today, quite a lot. You will have quite the workout ahead of you. The tea was delicious. I was in the mood before, but now I was supercharged; my pussy was leaking, and my nipples whereas hare as diamonds. Now Lesley, let’s meet Bruno. Bruno was a large Rottweiler, very muscular and super strong. It would be a bad day, be on the bad side of Bruno. Seeing him made my pussy ache to be filled, and my mouth watered. God, I wanted to start. I wanted Bruno.

Miss Cindy spoke first, Lesley. We will examine you to make sure you are a virgin. Mr. Howard and Miss Laura came to me. Mr. Howard carried a movie camera with him while Miss Laura spread my pussy lips apart to verify that I was. Next, I was told to pat my thighs then Bruno came to me and started licking my face. My mouth remains shut. Betty told me to kiss Bruno back to suck his tongue, so I did. I enjoyed the taste and opened my month as far as I could.

His tongue was so long it was going down my throat. I was really getting into it. Bruno stopped and barked at me twice. Miss Cindy told me that it was my command to lay down with my legs spread. Bruno wants to eat you out now, Lesley, so I did as I was told. Bruno wasted no time in going after me. He started to lick my boobs, then moved on to my belly and finally my pussy. God, this was the most amazing feeling in my life.

It took me less than four minutes to have my first orgasm, and to that point, the most amazing one in my short life. Little did I know that was nothing compared to what was coming over the next few hours. I started to buckle and scream, YES, BRUNO, OH MY GOD DEEPER, PLEASE GOD GO DEEPER.

After ten minutes or so, Bruno stopped and barked at me three times. Miss Cindy told me to get on all fours. It was time that I was going to get fucked! I was going to become a dog bitch. I looked up, and I could see Bruno’s cock; it must have been eight inches long and very thick; I was wondering how I would be able to take such a monster into my cunt. I also wonder how it would taste, for right now, I rolled over. I hoped that I would be able to take it. I really wanted to show everyone that I could take it. I wanted to be a doggie bitch more than anything else in the world. It was a good thing for me that Bruno was wearing leg socks so he would not scratch me up.

I was now on all fours; Betty walked over to me and said that she would help Bruno find my fuck hole and make sure he would not go too fast in breaking my cherry. Bruno mounted me and started humping me. Betty guided his cock into my hole. His dick was shimmy, and it went in, but not all the way. All the time, Betty was telling Bruno to go slow. I could feel my cherry giving way under the pressure; it was painful, yet I wanted it. Then his dick was all the way in. It was hot, and my pussy muscles were tightly grabbing his cock. Betty moved away from me, telling me to enjoy. Bruno picked up the pace, and it started to feel good, not just good but great.

I was moaning in delight, FUCK ME BRUNO, God that is good. FASTER, FUCK ME FASTER, MAKE ME YOUR FUCK BITCH.

My body has never felt so good. I was having orgasm after orgasm. Bruno was deep, and then I felt his knot; the feeling was so intense beyond anything I could have imagined. Then the feeling got better. Bruno stopped pumping, and I felt his seed filling me up. God, it was so hot; this made me cum all over Bruno’s cock; I felt so full, Bruno then turned around, and we were butt to butt. I was breathing fast and furious; everyone clapped, congratulating me. Mr. Howard asked me how I felt.

I shouted, I felt FANTASTIC. God, I want to do that again. I want to suck Bruno’s cock. Can I do that next?

Yes, you can, but you need to wait until Bruno’s cock pops out of you; that should take about 20 minutes or so.

Bruno’s cock finally came out after giving me many outstanding orgasms. I felt like a flood of hot cum gushing out of my pussy. I reached down and scooped up as much as I could and rubbed as much as I could all over me; it felt great. Miss Cindy asked me if I wanted a break. I told her I wanted my break after I sucked Bruno’s cock. I want to suck it now. Good for you, Lesley. I, we are all very proud of you. Now, help yourself. I want to do a mouth full for us.

Once he comes, try to hold as much of his cum in your mouth as you can and give us a big smile. Will do Miss Cindy? I crawled over to Bruno, who was licking his dick. I reach out, touching his dick. I took a deep breath and took Bruno’s cock into my mouth. God, it tasted good, a kind of cheesy licorice taste. It was the best thing I have ever tasted. I went wild. I resisted the urge to take his knot into my mouth. I did not think it would fit anyway, but I was scared I would be tied to Bruno and not be able to breathe.

I was like a wild woman; my head was bobbing up and down, and the taste and smell were sending me into an orgasmic frenzy. Then pop, my mouth was full of cum; God, it tasted good. I wanted to swallow it so badly, but I promised I would not. I look at Mr. Howard, Miss Cindy, and Miss Laura open my mouth, having a big shit-eating grin on my face and a mouth full of cum. I knew I had to look like a total slut, yet all I thought about was all those films and photos of girls that had done what I was doing now. I was filled with pride, I wanted to be here, and I wanted to fuck again. Can I take that break now? I need to pee and have a drink and snack, too. Yes, you may. Betty came to me with my leach, attached it, and walked me to the bathroom. There was an Asia toilet on the floor. I squatted and did my business. I crawled back to the living room and had more spiced tea and doggie biscuits waiting for me.

As I ate, Miss Laura asked me how I felt. I told her I felt great. Even though my pussy and jaw were both sore, I wanted more. I asked her if there were other styles other than doggie style for fucking. Yes, there is for your next fuck. You will be doing it missionary style. Betty is setting up pillows for you. She is also setting up your next blow job for you as well. For that, you will lay back, and Bruno will lean against the wall; his dick should be right in your face so that you will be able to suck it and pull it out as he starts to cum, and he can cum all over your face; how does that sound. I was wet at the thought, God, that sounds fantastic. Let’s start round two; God, I love this.

Betty led me to a set of pillows. I was to lay down on them. My hips were elevated as if I was doing a hip bridge. My legs were spread, knee up. Bruno came over and started to lick me on my legs. It was not too long before he ended up at my pussy. This time he was able to get much deeper into my pussy as I had no cherry to block his tongue. I started to pant; soon, I was having an orgasm. I am so glad that Bruno was paying back for the great blow job that I have given him. This went on for five minutes; he stops I could see his big red dick. He laid on top of me. He was hot and sweaty and full of lust. As he lay on me, he started to move his hips. I reached down to hind his cock and guild it into my leaking cunt. It slipped in much easier than it did the first time. Man, it felt good to get into me. It was still tight, but it slid in and out of me. I started to meet his thrust; soon, I was screaming for Bruno to fuck me, you son of a bitch. I want your seed to fill me up; I need to have your knot. As I screamed, Bruno was on top of me, his slobber leaking all over my face and into my mouth.

I loved it; I loved the smell, the heat, the fucking, and the fantastic orgasmic state I was in. I never imagined I could feel this way. It was amazing; I wanted it to last forever. Just when I thought it could not get any better, I felt his knot slip into me. I was now in convolutions. My legs wrapped around Bruno as tight as I could. As I felt him shoot his seed into me, it was even better than before. Man, I was hooked or addicted to dog cock, and I knew it. I was proud of it. Bruno was not able to get up because my legs remained locked around Bruno’s body until I felt his knot shrink and slip out of me. He panted as he made his way to his water bowl. I was panting, too. I needed a break, too, as I looked forward to giving him a blow job and getting a nice facial.

Well done, Lesley, I heard Miss Cindy say to me, Thank you for the compliment. May I get a drink and some doggie biscuits? Yes, you may; I think you need a break. How does your pussy feel? It is sore but in a good way. I am looking forward to giving Bruno a good blow job and giving myself a good facial; that would be fantastic. I just keep thinking about those photos of all those girls with nice facials; it just makes me horny. I understand; I am the same way, too. Are you ready to start again? Yes, I am; God, I love the way Bruno’s dick taste. Betty had just finished a pillow for me, so I was leaning against the wall. Bruno would come stand up and lean against the wall. His dick would be the perfect height for my face. I thought how great it was going to be. Come here, Bruno, my love. Let me show you how much I love you and your dick. I want to suck your cock. I want you to cum in my face.

Bruno came over and took his position, and it was perfect. His hard red cock was right in my face. I opened my mouth and took it in. The taste was great, just like before, and soon my head was bobbing as Bruno fucked my face. The taste was driving me crazy with lust. I just could not get enough in my mouth. I don’t know if I was able to breathe, yet I was as I went to town. Soon enough, Bruno started to cum. I pulled it out just in time as his dick shot his hot cum all over my face. Globs of cum hit my face. I used his dick to rub the cum into my face and hair, milking his dick for the last drops. Bruno stepped down and headed to his bowl to get a drink and eat some doggie biscuits. I started to wonder if I could out fuck Bruno? I was not about to quit. I was hoping for another fuck. I also wanted to suck him off and see if I could swallow all of his goodness directly from the pipe? I would find out soon enough.

To make a long story short. I was able to suck and swallow most of Bruno’s off; some slipped out of the corner of my mouth. I had two more fucks out of Bruno, both of them being doggie-style. I finish my initiation with a fantastic facial. After that, Bruno licked my face, headed to the door, and went through it. I had succeeded. I had made it, my pussy and jaw were sore, and I was tired, but I made it. I felt like I had just walked on the moon or had won the Nobel prize. After Bruno went through the door, everyone clapped and cheered. Congratulations are in order, shouted Miss Cindy. I agree, Mr. Howard said. Betty, take Lesley back and get her cleaned up, and we will have a little celebration.

The shower was amazing. It had a rainfall fixture to it as well as hoses to clean my privates. I never felt so clean in my life. The underwear that Betty gave me had the words knotted and proud of it, and I was proud of it. The long tee shirt I was given had a picture on it of Bruno with the words on it, ‘been there, done that”. I was in Haven. When we walked into the dining room, everyone clapped and congratulated me; the dinner layout had everything I would have hoped for. I felt like Princess Diana at her wedding. All the other girls also had shirts similar to my own, with the dog they had fuck to be part of the sisterhood. I never felt so much belonging in my life. I was part of a very special tribe. I was home.


The End.



*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to, but we claim no copyright over it. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

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