Crystal’s Big Night

By bbwlover83.

On Saturday evening in May, we were sitting out on the porch, and Crystal asked me, “What are we gonna do tonight?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I thought we would hang out at the house and watch TV and have a few drinks.”

It wasn’t long before sunset, and we went inside and picked out a movie. Now let me tell you a little about Crystal and myself and also our relationship. Crystal and I are both 25 at this time and roommates. Due to the slowdown at work, I had to save money and move in with her. She is about five’11 and has some amazing curves. They were not the biggest breasts in the world, but they had to be the perkiest I had ever seen. They must have been small C-cups. She had long sandy blonde hair that, when straightened, she could turn heads anywhere.

I’m five’11 with what I refer to as a stocky build. I have a few extra pounds but wouldn’t go as far as saying fat. I have never been called hot or anything of such, but on the same note, I never had any problems getting women. I’ve always been clean-cut and tried my hardest always to be a gentleman. Crystal and I had messed around a few times after wild nights at the bar. But it never went anywhere relationship-wise.

Recently, I was reading some stories on this site. I assume I fell asleep with my computer in my lap because when I woke up, Crystal was shaking me.

“Wake up and go to bed. It’s late,” Crystal said.

I went to bed, not thinking about leaving my laptop on in the living room. The next morning, I got up and powered up my laptop to print a few things off, and there was something that blew my mind. There was a bookmark that read: ‘My dog and Me.’ I opened it and briefly read through it. It was gross, but for some reason, I was getting hard thinking about Crystal reading it. I thought to myself, ‘What a freak.’ I was kind of in a hurry, so I put my laptop up, finished getting ready, and headed off to work.


That night was almost the same as the night before. I got home late and after dinner, paperwork, and a shower. I turned on the computer and started reading another story. Crystal finished washing dishes and took a shower. While she was in there, I sat it up to catch her reading another gross and nasty story. I left my laptop lying on the coffee table and went to bed.

The next morning, I couldn’t wait to see what stories she had read. The first one I came across in history was ‘A Rottie Made Me His Bitch.’ I was floored at how she had to be attracted to this kind of thing. I found several more she had read, ‘House Sitting Surprise’ and ‘Heather’s Stray Day.’ Oh my god, she is wild. All of these stories were very long, so she must have stayed up late reading them. As I was going through them, I just caught the high points of them. I noticed a towel underneath the end table.

I picked it, not knowing what it was doing in here. I could see something dried on it. I pulled it up to my nose. I could smell the scent of a woman. She must have had a lot of fun reading these stories. I really wanted to confront her about this, but how? It was Wednesday, always a long day for her, and I knew it would be a short one for me. The only thing I could think of was catching her in the act. But how I knew she would wait till well after I went to sleep before she acted on it and read her stories. Then it clicked. My laptop has a fixed webcam. She isn’t a computer nerd by any means. She would never think about it.

If I could get the little light off, she would never notice it. So, I took my computer to work and had the lab techs disconnect it for me. I got home that evening and patiently waited till 7:30 pm when she got home from work. We had pizza and a few drinks, and she showered and came out all nice and clean. She had me rub some lotion on her and sit down to watch some TV. She was wearing a pink nighty that matched her skin perfectly. She was a pale-skinned woman. It was about 10 when I mentioned my good night and turned in. I couldn’t sleep all night waiting with excitement to see what she had done.

I finally fell asleep around two am or so, and when my alarm went off at 6 am, I wasn’t tired at all. I was just interested in watching the footage of Crystal playing with herself. I don’t know what it is about a woman playing with herself that gets me going, but it’s the ultimate turn-on for me. I got up and went straight to the living room to get the laptop. I pulled up the webcam and rewound it till I could see her sitting in front of the computer. I had to fast-forward it a lot cause of the little amount of time I had before work.

It took her probably twenty min to finally start to massage her breasts. Seeing her touch herself with such passion gave me an instant hard-on. I started rubbing it as I watched for another twenty minutes, and she had set the laptop on the coffee table and was rubbing her clit as she read. In no time, I could see her arching her back and closing her eyes. I’m sure she was in La-La Land by this time. And bam, the screen went dark. She must have finished or realized what she was doing. I finished whacking off and hurried my ass to work. All day, I couldn’t wait to see her do it again. Thursday night, we had company, her sister, and her boyfriend, so there was no funny business.

Friday night, after dinner, showers, and a few beers, I set my laptop up on the coffee table, went to bed early, and just laid there till about midnight. I got up and snuck into the kitchen to see if I could peek into the living room to catch her. Sure enough, I caught her right in the middle of it, except tonight, she had a toy to play with, a huge purple dildo, and I could see that she had most of it in her pussy. I didn’t understand how she could take it now. I’m not huge by no means, maybe seven inches and fairly thick, but this thing was at least twelve inches and really thick.

And she was pounding her pussy with it.

I had had sex with her several times and knew that she was tight with my cock, and now she has the beast of a dildo in her tight hole. I couldn’t help but get my cock out and start stroking it. I must have closed my eyes cause I heard the laptop slam shut, and she was staring right at me.

“What are you doing, freak?” Crystal managed to get out.

Looking at her blotchy red face, I could tell she must have been close. I replied with a lot of nerve, “What are you doing, and what are you doing with my laptop?”

“NOTHING,” she said back with a blank look on her face.

The whole time she was trying to hide her rubber cock in the crack of the couch. I walked over to her and opened the computer to see the bottom of a story. I scrolled up to see the title ‘I Became a whore for Animals.’

She started trying to explain herself, saying, “It’s not what it looks like. Please don’t tell anyone about this. I’ll do anything.”

Here was my chance to watch her masturbate close up. “Go back to what you were doing with that big dildo,” I said.

“How long have you been looking in on me?”

“Four nights now. One way or another.”

“You pervert!” Crystal declared,

“I’m the pervert? You’re the one reading nasty dog sex stories and playing with a huge dildo, and now I’m the pervert,” I said, smiling and teasing back at her.

“Okay, maybe you’re right. I am sick, and I’ll keep doing it, but if you tell anyone, your ass will be kicked out.”

“Okay, okay, I got you. This is just between us,” I said, hand on heart.

She continued as she was. Only this time, I was sitting between her legs, just caught up in all the action. Watching her slowly work that huge rubber dick in and out of her pussy. It took a while to get her rhythm back up to the hard-pounding action that I had seen earlier. Still, before I knew it, she was back to arching her back and enjoying having her pussy stretched by this huge beast. She began to moan, and then the animal instinct took over. She began to frantically pound her pussy hard and deep. You could hear her pussy sloshing with its juices.

I started rubbing her leg and eased my hand down her thigh. As I crossed the inner part of her thigh, I just kept going, trying not to distract her, right across her vaginal area to her stomach. Her skin was as smooth as silk sheets. I made my way to her perky breasts, firmly massaging them. One at a time, squeezing them, causing all the blood to come to her nipples, making them hard as ice.

By this time, she was screaming, “Ah…ah…ah…ah…ah…Oh my God! This feels so good.”

A minute later, she was shaking all over. She pulled the big monster out. It was glistering with her pussy juices. She took it to her mouth and licked it. Then, setting it down on the floor, she reached down and ran her finger threw her slit and stuck her fingers in my mouth. Her juices were amazingly tasty. As sweet as sugar itself with a very little musky taste. It was amazing. All I could think was I wanted more. I leaned down and slowly kissed every inch of her thigh down to the treat in the middle. Just brushed it with my goatee and to the other side, kissing up her thigh and all the way up to her feet.

Her legs were amazingly smooth her feet were perfect. Having the softest feet I’d ever felt topped off with hot pink toenail polish. I began kissing my way back to the sweet spot. I made my way down her thigh, feeling shivers run threw her body. I finally rewarded her with the treat. I began licking her clit, which was swollen with all the attention she had given it in the last few nights. It wasn’t long till I could feel pressure on my ears from her legs clamping down on me. She grabbed my hair and violently pushed my face into her love hole. I managed to get her off within no time.

I stood up with my hard-on sticking straight out. Crystal grabbed it, squeezed it, and then yanked my boxers off. “let me taste you now,” she said with the sexiest voice I’d ever heard. With that, she wrapped her big beautiful cocksucking lips around my swollen head. Crystal took no time to get things started. She just started gagging on my cock. Almost brought tears to her eyes. ( I had never seen her have so much sexual tension) she had given me blowjobs before but never with such skill.

She was taking my whole cock deep in her mouth. Before, she had barely managed to get 3/4 of it in her mouth, and now she was forcing it down her throat. After watching her and seeing her now gag on my cock it wasn’t long till I was filling her mouth with cum. She had always pulled off before I blew my load in the past, but today, she seemed hungry for it. When we finished, I sat beside her, put the computer in my lap, looked at the stories she had been reading, and started quizzing her on all the dirty stuff this woman had been reading. She was really into this. But was she into it enough to follow threw with it?

“Would you ever do what these women in the stories are doing?” I asked

“No,” she said with a quirky grin on her face, telling me she really would.

“Have you ever done anything like this?” I asked.


“But if you had a chance and knew no one would find out, you would, wouldn’t you?”

“Well, maybe,” she said, ducking her head down, being ashamed at her bestiality thoughts.

“What if I could set it up for you?”

“No, I just like reading the stories for now. Maybe someday, though,” Crystal said, smiling.

I knew it was just a matter of time before I would see this little innocent girl taking a dog’s dick. We lay there and talked about sex and her dirty thoughts of dogs and maybe even horses tell about three am. We finally called it a night and hit the sack in her bed. I held her and kissed her back and neck until she rolled over and asked me to give her some loving. We had amazing sex. To my surprise, her pussy wasn’t stretched from the huge dildo earlier but rather swollen and tighter than ever.

The next day, we kissed each other bye, and she went to work.


Okay, you’re all caught up to that Saturday night, sitting there watching a movie. She had picked out a chick flick, which I didn’t mind. For some reason, I had always liked movies with a good story behind them, even if it was a chick flick. We watched the first one without anything sexual, just her laying her head in my lap and drinking a few drinks. I was drinking beer, and she was drinking whiskey and Sprite, which I knew that all ways made her horny. We had just finished the first movie when she mentioned we should take a drive. We did this often.

I guess it’s a small-town thing. There is nothing else to do in a one-horse town and plenty of dirt roads to keep us off the highways and take the risk of getting in trouble with the law. We left town with a six-pack and her with a forty-four-ounce cup of whiskey and Sprite and a twenty-ounce of Sprite and another filled with whiskey. We made it about five miles out of town by her sister’s house. She asked me to stop and say hi. Which I knew wouldn’t be just hi. I knew we would be there for most of the night, which we were.

Crystal had drunk all her cups, which she had brought to refill her cup with, and mixed a Jack and Coke with just a couple of drops of Coke, it looked like. We stayed there till about one am. She was getting really wasted. Her sister caught me in the other coming out of the bathroom and said I could leave her there if I were ready to go home. She mentioned that she would be a mess to get back home and in bed.

I couldn’t even think for a second about leaving her there with her being drunk. I knew that I could get Crystal to do anything I wanted her to. It wasn’t long before I told her we had better go home before I had to carry her. Her being drunk, she blurted out, “We’re going home to fuck.”

Now, let me tell you a little more about Crystal. She was a nurse and a very respected person in the community. She didn’t talk like this, especially not around her sister. I laughed at it, grabbed her by the arm, and helped her to the truck. It was all I could do to get her drunk ass loaded up in my truck. We made it back to her house, and with lots of falling and stumbling, I got her in the house.

The first thing out of her mouth was, “I want you to fuck me.”

Of course, I knew she was really drunk, but I wanted more of what we had last night. We started kissing and rubbing and getting a lot of sexual tension built up when she broke the kiss and said, “Go get your hunting dog.”

I almost fainted when she said that. “What?” I asked wide-eyed.

“You heard me go get Ace. I want him to lick me with his big, long tongue. Like I read in those stories,” she slurred.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I know you’re drunk, but you might regret this in the morning.”

“Yes. I’m sure. Ever since the other night when I started reading those dirty stories, I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind. And now that I have the liquor in me, I can do it.”

I didn’t know what to do. I had never thought much about a woman and a dog, but for some reason, the idea was getting me worked up. So I went out to the backyard and yelled at the dog. Ace came running, I’m sure, thinking I was taking him hunting or maybe giving him some food. But to his surprise, Ace wasn’t hunting coon tonight. He was going to be hunting ‘beaver.’

I leashed his collar and pulled him into the house. You could tell he was a little nervous about being in the house by the way he was trying to run and hide. I brought him into the living room and over to Crystal, who was already naked and rubbing her slit. She had the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face as if she had just won the lottery or something. I brought Ace over to her. He must have smelled her from outside because he needed no coaching to lick her pussy like she wanted.


I just stared and watched my dick was trying its best to work its way out of my shorts. But I didn’t have time to worry about me. I just wanted to see this little sex pot have her dream come true. In no time, she was grabbing his head, trying to pull him back. I assume she had already cum at least once, and her clit was tender to his touch. She got her legs closed and set up, got a drink, caught her breath, and said something that floored me.

“Hold him. I want to see how big his dick is,” Crystal ordered me.

I tightened up on the leash and petted him on the head while Crystal got on her hands and knees under him and petted him up and down his body, getting closer and closer to his sheath. And then she touched it; she and him both flinched at the touch. She just looked me in the eyes, smiled, and grabbed his sheath without flinching or anything. This time started rubbing back and forth, rubbing her breast down his back and all down the side of his body. It wasn’t long until I could see his bright red head sneaking out of its sheath.

Once she got most of it out, she took her other hand and touched the cock itself. My hunting dog Ace turned and snapped at her. I yanked him back as she jumped back. “I can’t believe he did that. I figured he wanted me to touch him,” Crystal said with a shaky voice.

“I think because your hand is dry, it hurt him,” I explained to her.

I guess she agreed cause she bent down farther and stuck her tongue to it. Nothing happened, so I guess I was right. She licked it up and down, then slowly started trying to put the length of it in her mouth. Ace started trying to hump her. She didn’t seem to mind it. She just kept taking more and more till this big ball came out of the sheath.

“What the hell is that?” I asked.

“It’s his knot. That’s what ties him to the bitch, so he can fill her cunt full of his sperm,” she said.

“Oh hell, I never messed with a dog’s dick before. How was I expected to know this?” I said with a shrug.

I guess she read about it in a story or something. She was taking almost all of the dog’s dick all the way to the knot. She appeared to be doing a good job by the way he was humping her mouth. Then, her cheeks expanded like she had a jawbreaker in each cheek. She pulled her head back, and dog cum sprayed everywhere.

“God, he has a lot of cum for you, Crystal,” I said, amazed.

Crystal didn’t seem to think it was so nice. She grabbed her shirt and tried to wipe her mouth while Ace was licking himself. Crystal got her mouth clean and chased any swallowed dog cum with some more whiskey.

And as she ran her hand across my swollen cock, she asked, “Is this turning you on?”

“A little, I guess,” I said.

“Looking at this bulge in your shorts, it looks like more than a little.”

She pulled my zipper down, and he seemed to jump out on his own. She wasted no time in getting her lips around it. She was now drunk and really, really horny. Taking all my cock in instantly as she had the night before. I must have been all caught up in the action and dropped the leash because, out of nowhere, she bit my cock.

Instantly, I raised my head. “What the hell?” I yelled.

When I opened my eyes, I knew why she bit my cock. Ace was now mounting her. She was now his bitch. Crystal began digging her nails in my legs as my dog pounded her pussy with speeds that no man had ever gotten close to. I could see the knot getting close to the gate to her pussy. Between moaning, she was still sucking on my cock. Maybe a minute later, she had squeezed my legs hard enough that I knew her nails were breaking the skin. She had to be cumming with that.

She pulled her head off my cock and screamed, “Oh fuck…I’m cumming…Oh fuck, it feels so good!”

She laid her head in my lap to catch her breath, but Ace wasn’t done yet. He was still pounding away with his huge tennis ball-sized knot pounding against her pussy hole. I knew it wouldn’t be much longer before my dog had that huge thing inside of her. Before I could say that to myself, Crystal screamed, “Holy fucking shit! He is tearing my pussy.”

What could I do? Crystal wanted this, and now she had it.

Once Ace had that huge thing inside her cunt, he just stopped with his hips buckled forward. And started howling and appeared to be shaking. I guess he was cumming cause. It was all Crystal could do to keep from fainting. Her body started trembling with pleasure. She was shaking from head to toe. I could see a clear fluid leaking out of her, but just barely. I knew he must have had her sealed off with that big dog knot. Once she got her composure back, she tried to pull away, but they were stuck.

Ace has now turned around ass to ass with Crystal. I couldn’t believe how long this was lasting. She looked up at me and said, “Oh my god, he is an amazing lover. But how long will he stay hooked up with me?”

“I don’t know, sweetie,” I said.

I got behind her and tried to pull him out of her, but he was locked. I couldn’t believe how this worked. He tried a time or two to leave, but he was dragging her with her pussy being so sore from his knot she had to go where he did. He ended up dragging her around the room a time or two.

I asked her, “Is his dick still hard?”

She smiled back at me. “Yes, very,” she said, and with that, she started pushing back at the dog, trying to get off again.

Crystal motioned for me to bring my dick over to her mouth. She sucked on it just enough to get it wet with her saliva. Then Crystal said something that still to this day amazes me. “Stick your dick in my ass.”

She had never let me do this before, and now she wants it while her pussy is filled with a huge dog dick and knot. But what the hell? I had always been an ass man anyways, so I straddled Ace. Spit on her little ass hole and stuck the head of my dick to it, and started trying to poke it in with a little force. The head popped in, and then I slowly started sliding the length of it in. I could feel the huge lump just inside pushing up threw the thin skin. I figured It would gross me out, but for some reason making this woman my bitch and my dog bitch made me a madman.

I didn’t even let her get up to my cock. I just started pounding her ass. I knew it wouldn’t take me long to cum with all that I had seen her due and the fact that I had now had a hard-on for well over an hour. I was just about to blow my load when I felt extra space as Ace’s dick slipped out, along with a huge amount of dog cum landing on the floor. With about two more deep strokes, I filled Crystal’s ass with my cum. This little sex pot had now had all three holes filled with cum. Crystal looked terrible but sexy, too, I would say. Her hair was a mess. What makeup she had been wearing was smeared, and her skin was blotchy everywhere.

She looked up at me and said, “I feel so dirty but so sexually fulfilled,” and kissed me.

She laid back on the floor and was out. I got Ace back outside, picked her up, carried her to bed, and got her tucked in. And went to bed alone.


The next morning, I woke up and cooked breakfast and took it to her in bed. When I woke her up at almost noon, she had to have me help her to the bathroom. She was walking bow-legged and could barely do that. She stayed in bed most of the day and finally got the energy to take a bath. And thanked me for being there to take care of her and said that we should do this again sometime, but not for a while. She showed me her pussy. It was swollen, and you could see tears all over it. I helped her put some antibiotic cream on it, and we went to bed to recover for another work week. She said that one of her friends was coming in that she went to school with next weekend and that she would try and get her to do it as well.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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