Curiosity Excited the Pussy!

By Rhianna.

I’m your normal 5′6″ medium-sized girl with (normal?) desires and fantasies. I think!? It all started happening to me about four years ago. My boyfriend then bought a sex film about a girl that got mounted by her dog! I was strangely excited when I viewed the film and enjoyed sex with my boyfriend right afterward. He had no idea how much that film had excited me!

Later I kept thinking about how that girl seemed to like what happened! I couldn’t get it out of my mind, and it all seemed very sexy and exciting, and if I had a dog, nobody would know! Well, I didn’t have a dog, and the experience took a back seat to reality. My job, chores, etc., but now and then, the thoughts would resurface, and I would get wet just thinking about the dog cock being shoved forcefully into my pussy! That’s right! I was no longer thinking about the girl in the film but about the dog mounting me! I wondered how big the dog in the film looked and how much he would have filled the girl he mounted! I longed for that feeling of being secretly filled!

I was home alone one evening, and my friend Jane called me and asked if I would take care of their dog for them while they went on vacation. Jane was a married friend of mine, she was married to a guy named Jack, and they had been friends of mine for years! Anyway, she went on about how they had asked a kennel to take care of him (the dog) last year and were somewhat upset about their dog’s condition when they returned. He was dirty and smelled bad! Also, the dog had an attitude, and it took them weeks to make friends with him again! So this time, they wondered if I would help them out.

I told them that I would be happy to help them out. They would be gone for two weeks, even though they offered. I wouldn’t accept any money! I’d be glad to help just because I’m a friend! Well, when they brought their dog over. He was a huge Doberman Pincher that stood about three feet tall at the shoulders and weighed about 150 pounds! They gave me lots of food, so I wouldn’t have to go out and buy anything, some toys he liked to play with, and his favorite blanket and stuff. They even brought over his doghouse, which we put outside the back door.

The dog was friendly from the start! Jane and her husband had trained him not to jump up on people, and he was housebroken! Even though I had a small yard for him to run in. I intended to keep him inside for the majority of the time.

The first weekend I fed him every day and grew to like him as he was very playful and attentive! I almost wished I had a dog like him! Anyway, it was about the third or fourth day that I noticed him cleaning himself while I was watching TV, and the old thoughts about that girl in the film came back to mind. Looking at him licking himself, I couldn’t help but wonder how big he was. I went over to him and started to pet him. Then gradually, I stroked his side and then his belly, and then I finally worked around to the object of my attention. His cock!

When I started manipulating his penis, it was limp and flaccid and didn’t amount to much. And I was beginning to think that this was wrong! But curiosity kept me stroking him, and in a few moments, the tip of his penis started to poke out of his sheath! He had been laying down up to this point, and when I finally got his attention by manipulating his cock, he stood up and took notice. Looking at me with a quizzical look on his face. I continued playing with him, and he continued to grow and grow and grow!

The dog turned his head and licked my face as I played with his cock, and by this time, his cock had grown to eight inches long. He was huge! His cock was about an inch and a half in diameter and pointed, and his knot was about three inches in diameter. He started to move his hips back and forth as he thought he was fucking my hand. I was mesmerized and had to finish him off! I was getting hot just thinking about what would happen, and I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter!

I reached down, touched myself under my dress, and was shocked at how wet I had gotten! His cock started to drip pre-cum, and I caught it in my hand, worried about making a mess on the carpet. I rushed into the bathroom and got a towel to put under him. When he started to hump my hand, his cock felt so powerful and big! I got this feeling that I wanted to feel him come! I wanted to experience his huge cock throbbing and throbbing. I wanted to be the cause of it cumming and be part of his experience!

I continued my manipulations, and his humping actions on my hand increased in tempo and speed. His cock was bigger than any man’s cock I had ever seen, and he was humping my hand with more energy than I had expected. His urgency increased as he got close to cumming, and his constant energy level was very exciting!

I reached back under my skirt, brushed my panties aside, and started to play with my clit, but it wasn’t very long before he started to come and come and come! He came all over the towel I had laid down under him and all over me! It broke the spell because he had made a mess. I had to clean up now! I went into the bathroom, got a washcloth, and cleaned up the mess before it could dry!

He had gone over, laid on his blanket, and cleaned himself again! I reached under my skirt, removed my panties, sat on the edge of the couch, and started playing with myself as I thought about what had almost happened! Or rather, what did happen? I leaned back, closed my eyes, and thought about how huge and strong his cock had looked while manipulating my pussy! As I lay there getting more and more excited, my hand moving faster and faster. I suddenly realized that Jane’s dog had wandered over and was sniffing me!

The suddenness of him sniffing at me scared me a little, but then I wondered if I could get him to lick me like the girl in the film. At first, he sniffed and took a lick or two but didn’t want to continue. But as I kept moving his head back to my vagina and pushing my pussy in his face, he would take a lick or two. It felt great, and I was in heaven! I went to the kitchen and got some honey, and spread it on my pussy and up inside me! Now the dog licked with renewed interest! His tongue was long and broad, and when he licked all over the outside of my pussy hitting places that no man had ever hit. He caused me to cum as I never had cum before!

God! I had never been so excited! I think it’s because it’s forbidden that I found it so exciting! But right after I had cum, I noticed his cock began sticking out of its sheath again! I sat on the edge of the couch with my legs spread, and he came over and stood between them, licking me! While I was looking at his cock he jumped up with his front legs straddling me on the couch, and started to hump me like he wanted to fuck!

I was hot! And I wanted to experience his canine cock! But I didn’t think this was the position to do it in, so I got down from the couch and got on all fours with my skirt bunched up around my waist. I spread my legs and pushed my pussy in his face. He sniffed me again, licked me a couple of times, and then jumped up and mounted me!

When he mounted me, I realized he was a very heavy dog! His weight was enough that it almost knocked me over! He held me firmly with his front legs around my waist and started humping me. His cock pressed against me several times while futilely humping without getting it in me, and I reached back to help. I had a hard time getting him started, but when his cock finally found the entrance to my pussy I was so excited and wet that it didn’t have any trouble sliding in!



My mind was going crazy with nothing more than pure lust. Did I want to be fucked by a dog? I was expecting it to stretch me a little and to feel tight, but I was surprised when he slid in with little or no effort! But soon after he got it in me, he started to grow! His legs held me to him insistently, and I submitted to his sexual demands! I was his bitch at this point, and he was my master! The roles had been switched, and I was his bitch! I buried my face in the carpet, letting him take me.

There was no way to get him to stop. Oh god. I didn’t want him to stop. He was close to cumming in me now. I could feel his thrusts were quicker. I raised my ass higher, offering him more access to my open pussy. I pushed back against him as I felt him slam his cock deeper and deeper into my pussy. His cock had grown to the point that it felt huge inside of me, and I felt him bottom out against the opening to my cervix, and he wasn’t even in yet! He slammed his cock deeper and deeper, and it started to hurt.

But it was a good hurt, and I didn’t want it to stop! I could feel his cock pressing against my internal organs. I had been filled with more doggy cock than any cock I had gotten before! I felt indescribably full! And it felt good! Then his knot slammed up against the opening. I pressed against him even more and felt it squeeze past my vagina muscles. It was in me now, and we were tied.

I had cum once while he licked me and was excited when he mounted me but didn’t come until we were locked together in a tie. His knot had expanded, so he was locked inside me and couldn’t escape. I could feel his cum running down the inside of my leg, and my pussy was soaked! As his cum mixed with my juices, a doggie smell permeated the air that told me that I had just been fucked by one of the best!

After he tied with me, he got off me and turned the other way so we faced each other! I wasn’t expecting the knot to be as exciting as it was! Especially when he turned to face away, his knot pressed and rubbed up against my g-spot and caused me to cum more violently than I had ever come before! As we would move one way or the other, his knot would rub up against my g-spot. I probably came three or four times while in that position!

I lost count and lost track of time! We spent about twenty minutes locked together like that, and when the swelling in his knot finally went down enough, he slipped out of my cunt, and a big gush of doggie cum followed. He went into the corner to clean himself again, and I collapsed in a satisfied heap on the floor! I couldn’t believe how exciting it had been and how satisfying! The dog was huge, and I was sore from something I wasn’t used to, but it was a good hurt, and I was looking forward to more! While he was in my charge, I think we both knew who the boss was for those few minutes!

Let me say this for those who don’t know where their g-spot is. If you want to find your g-spot and don’t know where to look, lay down and put your middle finger inside your vagina as far as possible. Then curl it against the front lining of your vagina and feel around. The g-spot feels like a swollen rough area about the size of a quarter or smaller. When you are excited, it can bring about some great feelings! You will cum a lot stronger and more forcefully! You will notice that you will discharge a clear fluid when you come this way, and I’m assuming that it’s nature’s way of lubricating even more!

The next time I initiated sex with King, I knew what I wanted to happen exactly! I knew I would ache from him because he was huge, but I looked forward to submitting because I felt powerless while possessed! He was the boss, and I loved thinking about being taken by him! I laid awake at night fantasizing about being tied and held mercilessly spread-eagled while he would mount me against my will and fuck my brains out!

I would wiggle and squirm to try and get away, and King would still impale me on his cock and fuck me silly! No matter what I did, I couldn’t get away, and when he tied with me, I would start to cum. I would be embarrassed and red-faced but couldn’t escape, and against my will, I would cum and cum and cum! But fantasies are fantasies, and reality is reality!

When we mated the next time, I was a little more ready for what was about to happen and wasn’t taken by any surprises! The only surprise I had was that I seemed to enjoy it more and more each time! I began to look forward to getting home from work and having the dog mount me! Feeling his knot inside me and feeling trapped, a prisoner and unable to escape, is overwhelmingly and irresistible!

King loved it too! But I began to notice that when I would come home from work that he would immediately try to sniff my pussy, I guess to decide if he was going to get any or not! King would try to mount my leg and hump the empty air at the worst times! Once when my neighbor was visiting, he tried to sniff me, and I pushed his head away. When I sat down to talk to my neighbor, he jumped up on my leg and started to hump the air!

I pushed him away and said, “Sometimes I don’t know what comes over that dog!” And would hope that nothing will be noticed!

The two weeks flew by, and Jane and her husband came by to pick up their dog sooner than I expected, and I felt cheated that they could have him back! I miss that dog and am now searching the ads for a good dog! I don’t know whether I’ll ever find a dog that understands fucking as that dog did, but I think I’ll enjoy looking!


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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