Debra Wants to be a Bitch 1

By Anon.

Debra stood in the kitchen looking out the window into the back yards. The sky was clear, and the sun shined. It was a beautiful day. She watched as her two sons stood about 100 feet apart, tossing a football back and forth. Her husband was at work, and the house was silent. Debra was 51 years old, a petite woman, only 5’1” and 105 lbs.

She had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and tiny 26B tits. However, she made up for it with her large butt and broad hips. She closed her eyes, and the dirty perverted images that haunted her flashed through her mind. About six months ago, Debra’s best friend Melissa and she were hanging out, gossiping, and enjoying a couple of glasses of wine when Melissa confessed to her that she had been cheating on her husband.

She was stunned. Melissa and her husband were high school sweethearts. They got married when they were eighteen and had enjoyed and had just celebrated their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. Even after all those years, they still seemed madly in love.



“Melissa! How could you do that? You and John seem so happy. Who’s the guy? Wait, don’t tell me. That cute boy from the bar is always hitting on you, isn’t he? Oh, Melissa, that’s so wrong. That boy’s barely old enough to drink. He’s young enough to be your son,” Debra said

“It’s not him…” Melissa said, shaking her head with a giddy smile on her face.

“Well, who then?” Debra demanded

“You promise not to tell anyone?”

“Yes, yes, I promise. Now tell me,” Debra answered.

Melissa took a deep breath and sighed.

“I can’t tell you. You’re gonna think I’m so disgusting.” Melissa said, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

“Well, you’ve got to tell me now! Come on, who is it? What are you fucking some gross old man or something?”Debra asked

Melissa hesitated for a few seconds. “It’s Duke,” she whispered, leaning close to her.

Debra was confused. She thought for a moment. “Duke? Who’s Duke?” she asked, wanting further explanation.

“You know… Duke,” she said, nodding her head toward the large Great Dane lying on the floor about ten feet away.

After hearing his name, the dog’s head rose and turned to look at them. Debra looked at the dog, then turned back to Melissa. She stared at her for a few seconds. Her face looked puzzled and disgusted as she realized what her friend was saying to her.

“What? Melissa! What do you mean? He’s an animal, for fuck sake,” Debra yelled.

“I know, I know. It’s crazy, right? I can’t believe it myself sometimes.”

“How… how did this happen? How does that even work?” Debra asked in disbelief.

“I never intended on it. It all happened so fast.” Melissa said.

“What happened so fast?” Debra demanded.

“It started about eight months ago when John was away on his business trip. Remember? He was gone for three weeks, and…” Melissa paused.

“And what?” Debra asked.

“I got kinda horny,” Melissa explained.

“So you fucked your dog? Jesus Melissa! Ever hear of a fucking vibrator?” Debra shouted.

“No, no, no, it wasn’t like that. It wasn’t like that at all,” Melissa said as she giggled.

“Well, what the fuck happened then?”

“It’s kind of a long story,” Melissa warned.

“I have time,” Debra said.

“Alright, I was in the living room on the couch one day, watching TV, and as I said, I started getting a little horny. Nobody was home, so I slipped my panties off and started playing with myself. After about ten minutes, I was getting into it. My eyes were closed, and suddenly, I felt Duke’s cold nose push up against my pussy. My eyes shot open, and I pushed him away but not before I felt his tongue slide from my asshole up to my clit. I yelled at him and grabbed his collar, and put him outside. I was immediately grossed out and turned off.”

Debra stared at her attentively and took a sip of wine as Melissa continued.

“After that,” she said. “I went upstairs and took a shower, trying to forget about it. I guess that’s kind of where it all started. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. For that split second, as Duke’s tongue slipped between my pussy lips, I was overwhelmed with pleasure. I tried denying it, but I couldn’t. As the hot water flowed over me, I started feeling horny again. I leaned back against the shower wall and started playing with myself again, wondering if I could get Duke to eat me out.

“I got out of the shower, dried myself off, and went downstairs and let him back in. Still naked, I sat back down on the couch and called him over. My heart was racing. I told myself it would just be this one time. He walked in front of me in between my legs. I spread them wide and guided his head down into my crotch. He took a couple of sniffs and then went to town. Deb’s, you wouldn’t believe how good it felt.

“His tongue was like a slimy piece of sand paper, gently scraping the entrance of my pussy, spreading it open, and slipping inside. He lapped at my pussy with so much enthusiasm. It was like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted. Maybe a minute later, I had the strongest orgasm I’d ever had.

“My eyes rolled back into my head, and my legs started shaking, but he kept licking without missing a beat. It was incredible. I’m honestly getting turned on right now just talking about it,” she finished.

Debra wouldn’t say so, but she started getting turned on too. “I don’t know, that still seems so gross, getting eaten out by a dog like that.”

Melissa continued, “He licked me tirelessly for ten minutes. I must have cum six or seven times. Finally, I couldn’t take anymore. I shoved his face away and pinched my legs closed. He kept trying to for his way back in, but I wouldn’t let him. He would’ve just kept going if I had let him. I’m telling you, Deb, no man on earth could ever please a woman like that.”

“Well, I’m sure it felt good, but it’s just so wrong,” Debra said.

“I know, but that made the whole thing even hotter. I was hooked after that. Duke was eating me out every chance we got. There were times when John wanted to have sex, and I’d tell him I wasn’t in the mood, then I’d go hide in the basement with Duke. I had to cover my face with a pillow to muffle the sound of my moans.

“Over the next few weeks, my curiosity progressed. I watched bestiality porn for the first time. My heart was racing just by typing the words into the search bar. I couldn’t believe what I was doing. ‘Girls fucking dogs,’ I typed in. The pictures and videos were endless. Part of me was disturbed by what I was looking at, but another part felt so turned on. I started watching it all the time. You should check it out sometime,” she jokingly said as she sipped her glass.

“I don’t think so,” Debra said confidently. “Aren’t you scared John will see it in your search history?”

“Yea, that was a big fear of mine, but I just couldn’t stop. I just made sure I always deleted everything when I was done. It was risky, but I never did get caught.”Melissa explained

Debra took another sip from her glass, and Melissa continued. “The first time I watched it, I told myself that I would never let myself get to that point. Masturbating girls getting fucked by their dogs was one thing but doing it was a whole other thing. But the more I watched it, the less taboo it became. It wasn’t long before I gave in to my temptations.”

“How long?”Debra interrupted.

“From when I first started looking at porn? A couple of months. I started catching myself looking at Duke’s huge low-hanging balls every time he walked by me. I’d force myself to look away, trying to suppress my perverted thoughts, and then my eyes would snap back to them.”

Debra casually glanced over at Duke, secretly wanting to peek at them, but they were hidden underneath his giant body. She quickly looked back at Melissa as she continued her story.

“I couldn’t stop fantasizing about it. I remember on a random Tuesday night. John wanted to have sex. I was tired and not at all interested, but he was insistent, so I gave in. We fucked missionary style for a few minutes, but I could not get into it. I told him to fuck me from behind. He was happy. I turned over, got on my knees, and lowered my face to the mattress.

“The entire time, I kept my eyes closed and imagined it was Duke behind me. John was so proud of himself, hearing me moan as I came over his dick. He was even bragging about it afterward. If only he knew,” Melissa said as she looked over at her four-legged lover and took another sip of wine.

“But did you ever actually… ya know… or is it just a sick twisted fantasy of yours?” Debra asked impatiently.

“So a couple more weeks went by. I was watching more and more porn and was really considering going for it, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Part of me wanted to, but I just couldn’t. Then one day, I got up the courage to reach under him and grab his sheath. I started rubbing it a little. I wanted to see if I could get his dick to come out.”

“What did he do?” Debra asked.

“His cock started to emerge. It came out about four, maybe five inches, and I wrapped my hand around it and started stroking it. And oh my gosh, Debby, it was so warm. He started thrusting his hips, and it glided back and forth in my hand. He started panting heavily, and it grew in my hand. You wouldn’t believe how big his dick is.”

“Bigger than Johns?”

Melissa chuckled. “Oh, it’s not even close. Johns is barely half as big. Duke’s cock has to be close to twelve inches and as thick as my wrist. He was starting to get worked up, and somehow, I got a grip on myself. I stood up and backed away from him. He stood with his tongue hanging out, panting as he continued humping the air. I shook my head, trying to rid the thoughts from my brain.

“I tried to resist it. I did. I didn’t want to feel that way, but I couldn’t help it. I laid down in bed and tried to take a nap, but my hands kept creeping down to my pussy as I thought about that huge cock. Then, in one single moment, I gave in. I jumped out of bed and hurried downstairs, shedding my clothes on the way. My shoes, shirt, shorts, bra, and panties made a trail from my bedroom, down the stairs, and into the living room.”

Debra drank the last sip of wine in her glass and refilled it while listening to her friend’s story.

“Duke was lying down in the kitchen,” Meliis said. “I whistled and called him over as I dropped to my hands and knees in the middle of the living room. I slapped my ass, trying to encourage him to mount me. He stuck his nose against my asshole and started licking my pussy. I was so worked up already I came immediately. I reached back, pushed his head away, and slapped my ass again.

“Then he started to get the idea. He jumped up and draped his body over mine. My heart was racing. I felt him start humping frantically, but he couldn’t find my pussy. He walked his hind legs side to side as he thrust. I felt his cock start poking against my ass cheek, then my thigh, and then my side. He circled me until his cock was poking me in the shoulder. He jumped down and got back behind me.

“He licked my pussy a couple of times and mounted me again. That went on for quite a while. He was getting frustrated, and so was I. There were a few times he got close. I’d feel his dick slide back and forth between my pussy lips but not quite make it inside. I tried to reach back and help guide him in, but I couldn’t hold up his weight with just one arm.

“Finally, after about half an hour, he found his way in. And when it went in, it went all the way in. It felt like the tip of his cock pushed through my cervix and went directly into my uterus. He humped wildly. His dick was like a jackhammer sliding in and out of me at lightning speed. His hips slammed hard against my bare ass, jolting my body forward with each thrust, and his balls slapped against my clit in perfect rhythm, making a loud clapping sound that resonated through the house as he pounded away.

“But that didn’t last more than a minute or so. Duke gradually started to slow down, but not before I had a shuttering orgasm. I nearly collapsed under his weight as I came. As he slowed down even more, I felt his knot starting to grow at the base of his cock.”

“Knot? What do you mean knot?” Debra asked.

“So, male dogs have a gland at the base of their cocks, and when they mate, it swells. Once it’s inside, it stays inside until it shrinks down enough for Duke to pull it out, which sometimes takes quite a while,” Melissa explained.

“Really?” Debra said.

“Yep. And they cum the whole time, too,” Melissa said. “Unlike men, who release a little bit of sperm only at the end when they climax, dogs release a lot of sperm, and it comes out continuously the entire time they’re inside. And that’s what Duke was doing to me. When I felt his knot start growing, I looked back between my legs and watched. He sank himself as deep inside me as he could get. I felt the soft wet fur on his crotch press against me, tickling the entrance of my pussy.

“He stopped humping almost entirely. He’d thrust his hips slightly every few seconds, nudging my body forward, but he was pretty still by this point. As I felt his knot grow, I could see my pussy bulging. In another fifteen seconds, it grew to the size of a grapefruit, and my pussy lips were wrapped tightly around the base of it. He couldn’t have pulled out of me even if he wanted to, which he didn’t. That’s when I felt him start to release his seed. I felt all the muscles in his body relax.

“His dick twitched and throbbed inside me as his cum pumped out of his balls and into my womb. I could physically see his balls pulsating as they dangled just beneath my pussy. And with each pulse, another powerful jet of cum splashed against the walls of my uterus. It was so warm, Debby. And that’s another thing about dogs; their body temperature is much higher than ours, so as he came inside of me, I could feel every drop.

“The sensation sent me over the edge. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, and I came again. He stayed inside of me for about 20 minutes. He was very calm and content the whole time. I was in sensory overload. And it wasn’t just his knot throbbing against my G spot that was getting me, although that did feel incredible. But it was the little subtle things that were driving me wild.

“The sound of his deep beastly grunting as he panted in my ear. His hot breath on my neck, his soft fur against my skin. His warm chest expanded and contracted against my back as I held up his heavy body. The sight of his head draped over my shoulder as I struggled to look up at him out of the corner of my eye. His rough tongue scraped against my soft skin from the occasional kiss he gave me on the back of my neck or across the side of my face. The mere thought of the army of dog sperm invading my womb, dead set on fertilizing my eggs.

“I can’t even tell you how many orgasms I had. They seemed like they came one after another. I’d feel one building. My body would tense up. Then I’d climax. And before I could even recover, I’d feel the next building. I collapsed flat on the floor when he finally pulled out of me. My entire body shook uncontrollably for another ten or fifteen minutes, and I was breathing as if I had just finished running a marathon.

“His cum poured out of me like a waterfall and formed a huge puddle on the floor. Duke laid down in front of the fireplace and started cleaning himself up. I lay there for almost an hour, completely exhausted and unable to move. When I finally stood up, my legs felt like jello. I could barely even make it up the stairs. It was the best sex I’ve ever had,” Melissa said.

“It was that good?” Debra asked.

“Words cannot describe how amazing it was. You should seriously think about giving it a try sometime, Deb. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. I swear, it seems like dog cocks are perfectly designed to pleasure women. Everything about them is superior to humans. They’re bigger and thicker, and the warmth is intoxicating. Not to mention that the shape is ideal, and the knot is perfectly placed so that it pushes up against your G-spot.

“Coincidence? I don’t think so. I’m telling you, it’s like women and dogs were meant to have sex with each other. And I’ve been doing some research, you’d be surprised at how good K9 semen is for your body. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. It contains vitamins and minerals that aren’t found in human semen.

“Look at my face. The wrinkles I had are almost completely gone. I’ve had multiple people ask me how I keep my skin looking so youthful and look at my hair. It’s as thick and as shiny as ever. I even noticed my teeth have gotten whiter,” Melissa said.

“Your face does look amazing. You don’t look a day over thirty. And I did notice your teeth being whiter too. I just assumed you were using those whitening strips or something,” Debra said.

“Nope, it’s all the dog cum, I’m telling you. Read up about it. There’s been studies done and everything.

“Interesting. So how many times have you done this now?” Debra asked.

“You mean in total or just today?” Melissa said sarcastically. “God, I couldn’t even guess. He usually gives it to me two or three times a day, sometimes more. One time we did it nine times in one day. I don’t know what got into him.”

“Oh wow, that often?” Debra asked.

“Yep, he sure keeps me satisfied,” Melissa said as she poured another glass of wine.

“And how long has this been going on?

“That first time was about five months ago.

“And John has no idea?”

“No, he works so much he’s hardly ever home, and when he is, he spends most of his time in his office anyways. I have had a few close calls, though.”

“Really, what happened?” Debra asked.

“Well, once, Duke was rearing to go while John sat in the living room watching the game. I told him I was gonna bathe him. I took him to the bathroom we went at it. Fifteen minutes into it, I was on my knees with my body bent over the toilet with Duke’s knot inside me, and I heard a knock at the door.

‘Hey honey, I’m gonna order some pizza. You hungry?’ John yelled.

‘Ugh, yeah. Sure. Whatever,’ I said, just get whatever you want, trying to fight back my orgasm.

‘Do you want mushrooms?’ he asked as I heard him try and twist the door knob. ‘Why is the door locked?’

‘Ugh… I don’t care. Oh, yeah… Just… Ohh, fuck, yes,’ I said as I came on his knot.

‘I can’t hear you!’ John shouted.

‘John! I’m going to the bathroom! Can I please have some privacy!’ I yelled back.

‘Alright, whatever. I thought you were bathing the dog?’ John said as he walked away.’”

The two women laughed and sipped their wine.

Melissa said, “Another time, he noticed my back covered in scratches. I told him Duke and I was roughhousing and he got a little too aggressive. He bought it. Why wouldn’t he? It’s not like his first suspicion would be Duke digging his claws into my back while plowing me from behind.” Melissa took another sip of wine. “Hey, come here. Let me show you something,” Melissa said excitedly.

They stood up, and she led Debra upstairs and into her bedroom. She walked over to her dresser, slid open her top drawer, and pulled out a pink leather collar.

“Check this out. I had it custom-made.”

In big white capital letters, it read ‘BITCH,’ and there was a gold paw print-shaped tag engraved with the words ‘PROPERTY OF DUKE.’

Melissa then said, “I love wearing this while Duke fucks me. Hearing the tag jingle while my body rocks back and forth gets me hot. I even wear it around the house while Johns is at work. I’ve been thinking I wanna get ‘Property of Duke’ tattooed on me, but I’m not sure how I would hide it from the hubby,” she said, giggling.

Duke walked through the doorway and went right up to Melissa. His tongue was hanging out, and he was panting heavily. His tail wagged, and his face went right for her crotch.

“Ugh. Sorry to ask you to leave Deb, but Duke wants me, and I don’t like to tell him no. If you want, you can stay and watch,” Melissa said sarcastically as her attention turned to the dog.

“Ugh. No. I’m alright. I’ll just leave you two, ugh, lovebirds, alone. I’ll call you later,” Debra said as she walked through the door, down the stairs, and out the front door.


She got in her car and headed home. She was grossed out thinking about everything Melissa had just told her, but little did she know, a seed had just been planted in her. Over the next several months, Debra gradually became sexually attracted to dogs.

She started noticing them everywhere she went. She started catching herself peaking underneath them, checking to see if they were still intact. Anytime she saw a woman walking a dog down the sidewalk, she’d immediately wonder if the woman was secretly fucking him. Eventually, she turned to the internet.

Melissa wasn’t lying. The pictures and videos were endless. Slowly but surely, the images were burned into her brain. She was starting to fantasize about it. Soon the only thing that could get her wet was imagining she was about to get mounted by a big dog. She thought about it while she masturbated, she that about it when she had sex with her husband, and she even dreamed about it. It occupied her mind day and night.



Debra leaned back against the countertop. Images of dog cocks ran through her mind as she heard the sound of her kids playing in the backyard. She anxiously bit her lip. She took out her phone and called Melissa. Before the first ring, she hung up and set her phone on the counter. She sat down at the kitchen table, and her hand immediately went under her skirt to her clit. She played with herself for a few seconds, then snatched her hands away, trying to control herself.

She bit her nails nervously and glanced back at her phone. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. She could see the image of a woman getting pounded by a big Great Dane. Her hand returned to her pussy, and then she snatched it away again. She opened her eyes and glanced back at her phone. She bit her nails as her other hand wandered back to her pussy. She closed her eyes again, and again, she saw the woman and the Great Dane. She let out another sigh.

“Fuck it,” she said, standing up and grabbing her phone.

She opened the screen, swiped Melissa’s name, and held the phone to her ear. After four rings, Melissa answered.

“Sup, Deb?”

“Hey, Melissa,” she said nervously. “I, umm, I just…”

“You ok?” Melissa asked.

“Yeah, I just, umm, I wanted to…”

“What?” Melissa asked impatiently.

Debra was silent for a long time. Then she took a deep breath and sighed before she spoke. “I wanna be a bitch.”


To be continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to, but we claim no copyright over it.

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