Doggy Style
“Dammit!” swore Barbie as she glanced at her watch. It was 7:57 AM. She had three minutes to reach her destination. And reach it she must, because being late is never a good idea, especially when it is for a job interview.
“Fuck!” she swore again as anxiety furrowed her brow, slightly decreasing her great beauty. Nonetheless, she remained a breathtaking young woman. In fact, she was one of the hottest women in the country… Scratch that, the world!
She had long, platinum-blonde hair with strategically placed, bright-pink highlights, full, pouty lip and piercing, emerald green eyes. Her firm, D-Cup boobs were barely contained within her bright-pink, see-through blouse. The top three buttons remained unfastened, leaving every inch of cleavage visible to all. With her erect nipples poking through the thin fabric, it was quite obvious she was not wearing a bra. With only a matching mini-skirt to cover up her clean-shaven pussy, her lack of panties was also evident each time she bent down. As if all that was not enough, a large, bright-pink tattoo seemed to hover between her pussy and navel. Shaped like she lesbian symbol, it made every man Barbie came across mad with envy. After all, what man would not want to go to bed with a lesbian? Especially such a hot one?
And that brings me to the next point. As if being a breathtakingly beautiful lesbian, Barbie also happened to be eighteen years of age… and a virgin! Now do you understand why she is one of—if not the—hottest woman in the world? If you were to fantasize about the perfect woman, the image you would end up with is Barbie.
“FUCK!” yelled Barbie as she saw something dash across the road before her. Slamming her foot down on the brake, she screeched to a halt, stopping inches before hitting a raccoon. The fuzzy fur ball casually continued his march as if nothing had happened. Usually, Barbie would not mind waiting, but on that particular day, she was in a hurry. As she waited for the raccoon to get out of the way, the young virgin thought back to what led her there.
It had all started about a year ago. On their way home from a business trip/first adults-only vacation in eighteen years, her parents had perished in a fiery plane crash. Only seventeen at the time and with no relatives to speak of, Barbie had been left alone to take care of her six-year-old sister Nikki. Or so she thought until the state came and informed her she was not old enough to take care of anyone. So both sisters were put into foster care. But no one wanted to adopt a seventeen-year-old and the sisters refused to be separated. So they remained in a state facility for the next six months. When Barbie finally turned eighteen, she became Nikki’s legal guardian and was forced to grow up before she was ready. Her parents had always been overprotective and had refused to let her work before she went to—and completed—college. Unfortunately for Barbie, she was now forced to find employment. But being inexperienced and stuck in the middle of a recession made it hard. After going through minimum wage job after minimum wage job for three months, Barbie finally got hired as a secretary at a large business. Unfortunately, the company went bankrupt less than a month later and Barbie was once more forced to seek employment. But the recession had worsened in the past few months and the young woman soon realized that finding a new job looked more and more unlikely.
But, after spending a week straight going from interview to interview, only to get turned down every time for lack of experience, Barbie finally caught a break. After yet another boss had turned her down Barbie decided she had enough. Using the acting skills she had developed in school to produce a few tears, she tried to convince the slick businessman that sat before her to give her a chance. Unfortunately, she did not land the job. However, the businessman did mention acquaintance who was expanding her business and was in need of an assistant. Barbie did not even bother asking what the job was before accepting. The man handed her a piece of paper with a name and a phone number. After thanking her savior, Barbie rushed home. Less than five minutes later, she was hanging up the phone with a smile plastered across her lips. She had just landed an interview for the next morning at eight.
So the next morning, Barbie awoke early to get ready for her interview. At least, that is what she would have done if not for a simple mistake. Her alarm went off right on time, but Barbie soon learned from her sister that the previous day had brought with it a time change. She was now one hour behind schedule! She barely had time to feed and send Nikki off to school before jumping into the shower. She was in such a hurry that she was forced to bypass her customary morning masturbation session. You see, Barbie was a nymphomaniac and was forced to pleasure herself at least once a day to keep her urges in check. If not, she would spend the entire day with arousal coursing through her veins. Luckily her appointment was just for an interview, so she would be able to pleasure herself in only a few hours. Or so she thought…
“Come on!” urged Barbie as she watched the raccoon slowly waddle across the road. At his current speed, it would have him a whole minute before clearing Barbie’s car. The hot young woman put the car in reverse and was about to press the gas pedal when she noticed a sign hanging on the side of the road. It read: The Dog Lover: Training Center & Kennel. Barbie smiled, amused by name until she noticed the house address hanging below the sign. It read: 6969. Barbie’s heart skipped a beat. She rummaged through her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. Her lips curled into a smile as she read the address on the note. It read: 6969 Old Oak road. Glancing at her watch, Barbie realized she had two minutes left. Slamming her foot down on the gas pedal, she sped down the driveway. At least, that is what she planned on doing. Instead, her vehicle jerked backward.
“Fuck!” muttered Barbie as she realized she had left the gear in reverse. Fixing this little mistake, she flattened the gas pedal and tore down the driveway toward her job interview. Halfway down the driveway, she emerged from the fog bank and saw three buildings waiting for her at the end of the driveway. One was an old, Victorian house. Across from it stool a smaller building with a large sign that read: Kennel. Further behind the two first buildings stood a third, much larger building. It had not a single window and appeared to have been an old barn before being renovated into a more modern building. Barbie had no clue what it contained, but realized she did not have time for such pondering. She only had one minute left. Speeding up a little more, she reached the house with thirty seconds to spare. Jumping out of the vehicle, she half-walked, half-ran to the door and rang the doorbell just as her watched beeped eight.
“Just on time,” though Barbie as she heard footsteps approach. Moments later, the door swung one to reveal a breathtakingly beautiful woman.
“Wow!” could not help but gasp Barbie as she looked the woman up and down.
She appeared to be in her mid-thirties, though she could have easily passed for ten years younger. Like Barbie, she had a perfectly modeled body with large boobs and an equally amble behind. Her long, naturally red hair was tied back into a ponytail, making her look even younger that she already did. Barbie had always loved redheads, especially the ones with freckles. And as luck would have it, the woman standing before her had a face full of them. The pair of skintight jeans and equally molding t-shirt she was wearing only served to make Barbie wet at the sight of her. As if that was not arousing enough, Barbie could clearly see her nipples poking through the thin fabric of her top, making it clear that, like Barbie, she was not wearing a bra. Wave after wave of arousal started washing over the young woman as she realized skipping her morning masturbation session may have been a mistake.
“You must be Barbie,” said the woman as she outstretched a hand, snapping Barbie back to reality.
“Er… Ye.. yeah!” stuttered Barbie as she struggled to keep things professional. Now was not the time to flirt; it was time to land a job. With that in mind, she shook the woman’s hand.
“I’m Candy, Candy Love,” said the redhead. Barbie could not help but smile as she recalled the sign she had seen minutes earlier. The Dog Lover. So, it was not just a name; it was also a pun.
“Clever,” thought Barbie.
“Where are my manners? Please, come in,” said Candy as she sidestepped and gestured for Barbie to enter. The teen strode into the house and waited for Candy to close the door.
“So, shall we get to business?” asked Candy, minutes later. She had led Barbie into the living room and the two were now seated on the couch. It was the first time Barbie had a job interview on a couch, but realized it did nothing to calm her nerves.
“Okay,” she agreed as she turned to the hot woman sitting beside her.
“So, tell me about yourself.”
Barbie was a little surprised. She had a surprising amount of pre-formulated responses in stock, but none of them were suited for such a question.
“Wh… what do you want to know?” stuttered Barbie.
“Well, do you like animals?”
“Oh yeah. I love them.”
Candy smiled.
“Do you have any?”
Barbie hesitated, then shook her head.
“Why not?”
Another moment of silence.
“Let’s just say I am too busy,” replied Barbie. She did not want to lie, but did not feel like telling her sad story to a complete strange. Candy sensed Barbie’s discomfort and did not insist.
“Have you ever worked with dogs before?” she asked.
“No,” admitted Barbie, “But I was the one in charge of training the family dog when I was young.”
Candy nodded, but remained otherwise unresponsive. Barbie was not sure if that was a good sign or not.
“Do you like to learn?” asked Candy. Barbie once again found the question odd, but answered it nonetheless.
“Ye… yes.”
A smile appeared on Candy’s lips.
“Good! You have the job,” she said.
Barbie was stunned.
Candy nodded, then asked, “Do we have a deal?”
This time, Barbie did not hesitate.
“Yes!” she said as she reached out and shook the hand Candy was presenting to her. But a few moments later, she realized she had just agreed to take a job she knew nothing about. She soon voiced her concern and learned that Candy had started her own dog training business almost five years prior. Up until recently, she had been able to handle the workload on her own. When she was faced with a choice—start turning down clients or expand—she had decided to hire her first employee. In fact, it had only been a few days since she had come to that decision and had not even had a chance to put an ad in the paper. It seemed like fate that Barbie had been referred to her by a former client. And now, she had her first employee; a hot, young assistant named Barbie Lez.
“Can you start today?” asked Candy once her story was over.
Barbie was a little surprised. Her first instinct was to say yes, but she then remembered she had yet to climax. Could she really make it through the entire day without masturbating? But she soon realized that was beside the point; she needed this job and did not want to do anything to jeopardize that. With that in mind, she nodded.
“Great!” said Candy as she got to her feet and led Barbie outside. The busty blonde could not help but stare at Candy’s ass as she followed her new employer across the driveway. They soon reached the kennel.
“Ready?” asked Candy. Barbie suddenly felt nervous. She had always loved dogs, but had never really been around more than two dogs at a time. She imagined a hundred dogs running toward her the second she stepped foot inside the kennel, but knew that was foolish. She nodded and Candy pulled the door open. Oddly, not a single bark was heard. At least, not until Barbie stepped inside. Suddenly, dozens of barks echoed throughout the room as Barbie studied her surroundings. The building was basically just a large room with a row of large cages on either side. About dozen dogs filled half the cages while the other half remained unoccupied. There were canines of all sizes; the only thing they all had in common was their barking. But their cries soon calmed down when Candy ordered them to be quiet.
“Wow!” gasped Barbie, impressed.
Candy smiled.
“You just have to show them who’s boss,” explained Candy.
Barbie nodded.
“Ready to get to work?” asked the busty dog trainer. Barbie nodded, though she had no idea what exactly said work entailed. But Candy was patient and a great boss, so Barbie had no trouble learning everything she would need to know to do her job. The next few hours were spent training a particularly bullheaded bulldog (ironic, I know). As they worked, both women got to know each other better and the more they spoke, the hornier Barbie got. As the minutes turned into hours, Barbie found it harder and harder to keep her urges in check. Arousal coursed through her veins, making it almost impossible for her to concentrate on the work at hand. She promised herself to never again come to work without masturbating.
Somehow, she made it all the way to lunch. But her hopes of finding a quiet place to rub one out were soon shattered when she realized she had not brought a lunch—after all, she had not expected to start immediately—and there were no restaurants in the near vicinity. So she had no choice but to accept Candy’s invitation to share her meal when it was offered. Miraculously, Barbie managed to keep from jumping across the table and fucking her boss then and there. Nonetheless, by the time the meal pulled to an end, Barbie was hornier than she had ever been. Luckily, Candy unknowingly came to her rescue.
“Do you mind waiting half an hour?” she asked, “I have some paperwork to do.”
“No problem!” said Barbie, almost yelling out of sheer relief and eagerness. “I’ll just go take a walk.” But all she really wanted to do was find a quiet place to masturbate. Minutes later, she was exiting Candy’s house, closing the door behind her.
“Uh-oh!” muttered Barbie as she studied her surroundings and realized there was nowhere she could hide that was both close enough to hear Candy if she called and far enough to keep her from getting caught. The solution came in the form on the kennel. It was the only building where she knew she could get a little privacy. Of course, there was the old barn, but she did not know what was in there and did not really have time to find out. So, with that in mind, she hurried over to the kennel. A cacophony of barks filled the air the second she walked in. But the arousal that coursed through her veins helped her silence them.
“QUIET!” she yelled. Less than a second later, every single dog in the room fell silent. They seemed shocked by the forcefulness of her order, but it was nothing in comparison to Barbie’s own surprise. But she had more important things to do; she had to find a suitable place to pleasure herself. Glancing around, she noticed something she had until then missed. At the far end of the kennel stood a door. She had initially thought it led outside, but now realized the room she stood in was too small to fill the entire length of the building. Heading for it, she tried the handle, but it was locked.
“Dammit!” she swore as she realized she had no other choice; she would have to masturbate in the main room.
“I just hope Candy won’t walk in on me,” she thought as she got to work. Grabbing an old cover from a corner of the room in which were pilled boxes and old dog-training equipment, she placed it in the center of the room. Taking place on the cover, she lifted her skirt, revealing her panty-free pussy. Moments later, her hand slipped between her thighs.
“Mmmmm!” she moaned as she felt her finger make contact with her lower lips. Usually, she would have taken the time to tease herself, but time was of the essence, so she got straight to work. Spreading her labia with one hand, she slid two fingers from the other hand into her soaking wet poon.
“Oh god!” she moaned as she felt her digits slither all the way up her virgin cunt. Not wasting a second, she started darting her fingers in and out of her. The arousal that coursed through her veins started to rise as she pictured Candy stroking her body. The more she thought of her gorgeous boss, the hornier she got.
The horny blonde was so busy fantasizing about the hot redhead while her fingers jerked in and out of her twat that she did not realize her arousal was forcing her to gradually move backward. It took almost a full minute, but she eventually reached one row of cages. As luck would have it, the cage she soon pressed her back up against was occupied by a white and brown Russell Terrier. If not busy furiously finger-fucking herself, Barbie would have noticed that her pussy-free hand was growing dangerously close to the latch keeping the cage closed. It took another few seconds, but she eventually unhinged the latch. The door swung open and less than a second later, the small canine bolted out of its cage. Now free, he scurried away.
“What the…” started Barbie as she struggled to understand what was happening. Seeing a dog run around freely was not enough. She had to see the cage door wide open before she understood what she had accidentally done.
“Fuck!” she muttered as she jerked her fingers out of her cunt and jumped to her feet. It was a shame really; she had been on the verge of climax before the Terrier had escaped. Still, that did not change the facts; a dog was free and it was her responsibility to return him to his cage.
“Come here!” she called as she hurried after the small canine. But the Terrier was faster and slipped between her fingers each time she got close. She eventually managed to corner him, but, as luck would have it, it was in the corner filled with boxes and training equipment. When the Terrier realized he was cornered, he opted for a different strategy. Instead of escaping, he decided to hide. Slipping between to boxes, he vanished from sight.
“Fuck!” muttered Barbie as she glanced at her watch. It had already been ten minutes since the end of the meal, which meant she only had twenty minutes left to catch the escaped canine and masturbate before Candy returned. Pushed forth by determination—and a little desperation—Barbie started rummaging through the mountain of boxes in search of the sneaky little Terrier. She eventually found him hiding in the very corner of the room behind the pile of boxes. Short on time, Barbie chose to not dismantle the mountain of boxes. Instead, she tried to squeeze through the tight opening between the two piles of boxes that separated her from the Terrier. Unfortunately, right before she could get her hands on him, he decided to escape once more.
“Oh no you don’t,” muttered Barbie as she contorted her body to reach the dog. She felt the tips of her fingers make contact, but that was all she managed to do before the Terrier bolted.
“Dammit!” muttered Barbie as she tried to get back to her feet. Unfortunately, she soon realizes what was impossible. In her attempt to seize her canine friend, she had somehow managed to get herself stuck between two heavy boxes. She struggled to break free, but soon realized she was pinned. At least she was on all fours and not upside down, but the facts remained the same; she was stuck! She spent the next few minutes trying to wiggle free, but soon realized it was useless.
“Fuck!” she muttered as she started to panic. What if she was stuck there forever? Of course, that was ridiculous as Candy would be returning to the kennel in less than half an hour, but the brain acts differently when panicked. Fortunately, the Terrier soon helped the busty virgin forget about her unfortunate situation.
“What the f…” started Barbie as she felt something tickle her bare pussy. It felt like a feather dancing across her lower lips. Barbie was more intrigued than freaked out. That is, until she realized the feather that kept tickling her cunt were in fact whiskers; dog whiskers!
“Oh fuck!” muttered Barbie as she realized the terrier had made his way around the mountain of boxes and was now sniffing her pussy.
“Well, at least he’s just sniffing and not…” thought Barbie, but was interrupted mid-through as she felt something hot and wet against her cunt.
“Fuck!” yelled Barbie in surprised as she felt the Terrier give her pussy one long lick. She struggled to break free from her cardboard prison, but that only served to pin her even further. She was not unable to move altogether.
“Uh-oh!” muttered Barbie as she realized that meant her canine friend now had unrestricted access to her cunt and there was nothing she would do about it. The Terrier apparently came to the same conclusion, because he soon started eagerly licking her pussy.
“Stop! STOP!” yelled Barbie. Unfortunately, her voice was muffled by the wall of boxes that stood between her head and pussy. So with nothing stopping him, the hungry dog started licking every drop of pre-cum from Barbie’s labia.
“At least, he will stop when he runs out of pre-cum,” thought Barbie. Unfortunately, she was wrong. Again. When the Terrier had licked every last drop from her lower lips, he forced his tongue into her clam.
“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” shrieked Barbie. At first, she thought it was a shriek of surprise and repulsion. Unfortunately, she soon discovered it was in fact a cry of arousal. Bestial arousal! She was so surprised by her reaction that it took her a few seconds to realize just how wrong it was for her to get turned on by a dog. But she could not deny how incredibly satisfying it was to feel the Terrier eagerly wiggle his tongue around in her cunt, trying to get his tongue on every last drop of sweet pre-cum.
“This is bestiality!” realized Barbie. Oddly, this realization only helped turn her on even more. Somehow, the perverseness of the situation made her crave her canine lover’s tongue even more. She struggled to fight her perverse feelings for a few seconds, but when the Terrier started sliding his tongue in and out of her, she gave herself over to him.
“Tongue-fuck me! Please tongue-fuck me!” begged Barbie as powerful waves of arousal washed over her. Though he could not hear her, the small canine between her legs did just that. His tongue dove in and out of her cunt at greater and greater speeds. In the dog’s mind, he was just trying to get his hands—or should I say paws?—on every last drop of pre-cum. He had no idea that what he was doing was about to provide him with as much real cum as he could ever want.
“Oh yes!”
“Oh god!”
“Oh fuck!”
Barbie moans echoed throughout the kennel as she felt her canine lover’s tongue dart in and out of her. Hearing this, the other dogs started braking and howling, as if encouraging their fellow canine to, “Fuck that human bitch!”
But Barbie was too busy focusing on the powerful orgasm that soon started building within her to hear the canine encouragements. If her orgasm was anything like the sexual storm that was building within her, it would be the most powerful one of her life—which is saying something given the fact that she has climaxed thousands of times in her life.
“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” she soon shrieked at the top of her lungs as she felt her pussy start to shake and shiver. Less than a second later, she felt the first wave of cum flow up her dog tongue-filled cunt. The hot orgasmilk soon squirted past her labia, filling the Terrier’s mouth with the sweet nectar. Though surprised by the unexpected fountain of sweet cum that gushed out of his human lover’s clam, it did not stop him from swallowing every drop that entered his mouth. Unfortunately for the hungry canine, the waves of orgasmilk that shot out of Barbie’s poon were soon too much for him to handle. He continued swallowing as much as he could, but more and more cum was forced past his lips. Flying in all directions, the sweet nectar soon covered Barbie, the dog and the boxes surrounding them in an ever-thickening layer of cum.
Barbie’s moans continued flowing past her lips as cum did the same past her lower lips. It took the better part of a minute before the horny teen felt the final wave flow out of her. With a final moan, she fell silent. All that could be heard was her panting as she struggled to catch her breath. As the seconds ticked by, Barbie came down from her sexual high and realized a few things. One: she had just lost her virginity to a dog—okay, maybe not her virginity, but definitely her first non-masturbatory sexual experience. Two: she had enjoyed it. A lot! Still, now that it was over, she felt nothing but guilt and shame. Three: the spasms that had shaken her body during the most powerful orgasm of her life had helped loosen the cardboard trap she had fallen into. It only took a few seconds of wiggling around before she managed to free herself. After slipping and sliding around in the puddle of cum that stood by her feet for a few seconds, she managed to return to the safe ground of the kennel.
Apparently no longer needing to hide, the Terries sat in the center of the room. Barbie could not help but chuckle as she realized he was covered in a thick layer of cum. But she soon stopped when she realized this was probably the only chance she would ever get to grab her slippery canine and return him to his cage. She crept closer and closer, convinced he would bolt as soon as she got close. Instead, he just sat there and watched her approach.
“That’s weird,” muttered Barbie to herself as she reached the Terrier and picked him up without incident. But she soon understood why he had let her capture him. She glanced at the cum-covered canine in her hands and found him looking up at with the cutest puppy eyes ever. Instead of thinking “Awww, how cute.” she thought “Dammit!” The reason for her odd behavior was due to the fact that seeing those sad puppy eyes had reminded her of something her mother always used to say.
“Always be polite and repay people for their kindness,” she had said.
“Fuck!” muttered Barbie as she realized she could not dishonor her mother’s memory. As repulsed as she was at the though, she knew she had to repay the Terrier for making her cum. And there was only one way to do that…
Sighing, she resigned herself to do the right thing. Taking a seat, she placed the Terrier back down on the ground. But instead of putting him down on his paws, she placed him on his back. The small dog just lay there, staring up at her. But Barbie was not interested in his eyes. Instead, she was busy examining the surprisingly large cock that stood between his hind legs. It seemed like tasting Barbie’s cum had turned him on, because every last inch of his dick was out and ready for action. Though not that massive for a human, the four-inch-long by two-thirds-of-an-inch-wide prick was huge for such a small dog. Barbie had never before seen a canine penis, so she was a little surprised when she noticed its pointed tip and the large knot that stood at its base.
Oddly, the sight of the Terrier’s bright red manhood did not repulse her. In fact, it washed most of Barbie’s fear and disgust aside, replacing it with arousal and curiosity. Against all odds, the first thing that came to Barbie’s mind was, “I wonder what it states like.” But as soon as the though had formed within her, she knew it was wrong. He had to repay him for making her cum, but would not involve any tasting—or she thought. Determined to get it over with before doing anything she would later regret, she got to work. Reaching down, she hesitated for a second before wrapping her fingers around his erect manhood.
“Wow!” she gasped as she realized just how hot his rod was. But she soon got over it and get to work. Taking a deep breath for courage, she started slowly sliding her hand up and down his shaft. Luckily, quite a large amount of cum had transferred to his manhood, so it was well lubricated when Barbie started the first handjob of her life. It only took a few seconds before she got into it and accelerated the rhythm. Within seconds, she was furiously jerking off the horny Terrier.
“Fuck!” muttered Barbie not long after. She had just realized arousal had once again started coursing through her veins. She knew it was only a matter of seconds before she gave in to the perverse desires that were growing within her. Sure enough, she was soon unable to keep from tasting her canine lover’s cock. Momentarily releasing his schlong, the busty teen placed herself on her stomach, with her head mere inches from the Terrier’s shaft. Not wasting a second, she grabbed it and guided it to her mouth.
“Mmmmm!” moaned Barbie as she felt her taste buds gorge themselves on the sweet nectar that covered the canine shaft. But she knew she was tasting her own cum and not her lover’s spear. So she decided to lick the cum from it to get to the bottom of things. But she never got a chance to learn what the Terrier’s dick tasted like because she soon found herself eagerly sucking his rock-hard manhood. Using her tongue and lips to stimulate his prick, she soon forced so much arousal to build within the small canine that his cock started to jerk about in her mouth.
“Here it comes!” thought Barbie eagerly as she realized she was looking forward to tasting something she was convinced would be much tastier than a simple cock. Luckily for the cum-hungry teen, she soon felt the first wave of hot orgasmilk shoot into her mouth.
“Mmmmm!” she moaned blissfully as she felt her mouth fill with the Terrier’s jizz. She was stunned by the intense sweetness of his semen. She had hoped it would be as sweet as her own cum, but had never though it could be even more sugary. She tried to define the taste, but soon gave up as she realized swallowing mouthful after mouthful of the sweet liquid was much more enjoyable.
“Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!” she moaned as she swallowed as much of her lover’s sweet nectar as she could. She was so hungry for his hot cum that she did not let a single drop escape her. She continued sucking his jerking prick until she felt the final wave shoot into her mouth. Swallowing it eagerly, she finally pulled away.
“Wow!” was all she managed to come up with. Luckily, that was enough to describe what had just happened.
Now having climaxed, the Terrier rolled to his side and got to his feet as his cock retracted back into his body. Apparently satisfied, he trotted back toward his cage. Unfortunately for him, the blowjob had only served to once again fill the busty human’s body with arousal. The only thing she could think of was climaxing again.
“Oh no you don’t!” she said as she saw the Terrier head for his cage. Grabbing him before he could get too far, she pulled him back to her. Flipping him onto his back, she kept him pinned with one hand while fumbling around his crotch with the other. The dog struggled for a few seconds until Barbie started rubbing his cock through his prepuce. Luckily for the horny teen, it only took a few seconds for her to force the small dog’s massive cock back out again. Using her lips and tongue, she made sure the Terrier was horny enough for round two.
“Ready?” she asked. As if understanding her, the small dog barked eagerly. Barbie giggled as she got ready. Though having a canine tongue darting in and out of her pussy had been incredible, she wanted something more; she wanted actual intercourse! Unfortunately, she soon realized that was easier said than done. Because of the dog’s small size, he was unable to reach Barbie’s pussy when the busty teen was on all fours. Fortunately, she soon found a solution. Sliding down to the ground, she flipped onto her back and, spreading her legs wide, gave the Terrier unrestricted access. Luckily, her cum-drenched skirt was bunched up around her waist, so nothing stood in her lover’s way. Still, she did not feel the canine penetrate her. Instead, he started licking her pussy.
“Stop!” ordered Barbie. The Terrier froze, then stared up at her with fear-filled eyes. Realizing her reaction was slightly too harsh, she soon apologized. Hearing Barbie’s soothing voice, the canine soon calmed down and let his human lover guide him into position. Moments later, his front paws were wresting on Barbie’s stomach while his hind paws remained firmly planted on the ground. His cock swung from side to side as he hopped forward until the tip of his manhood came into contact with the cum-covered human’s labia.
“Mmmmm!” moaned Barbie as she felt the heat emanating from his schlong. Another moan soon followed, this one much more powerful.
“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” shrieked Barbie at the top of her lungs as she felt all four inches of the Terrier’s cock dive into her as her jerked his body forward. She could feel her pussy stretch around the blistering hot manhood as it filled her up. Though her daily masturbation session had been enough to please her for the past five years, Barbie suddenly realized fingers were nothing when compared to a dog’s hot cock.
“Fuck me!” she begged Barbie. As if understanding her, her canine lover did just that. Jerking his little body back and forth, he forced every inch of his erect spear to dive into her before being pulled back out. In and out it jerked, forcing Barbie to start moaning like a… well, like a nymphomaniac being pounded by a horny dog.
“Yes! YES! YEESSS!!!!”
The busty virgin’s moans grew in both intensity and length as the seconds ticked by. Still, she found the time to notice the irony of the situation; she was being fucked by a dog, but her canine lover was not even doing so doggy style. Still, the feeling that filled her was beyond anything she had ever experienced. The Terrier seemed to enjoy the interspecies pounding too, because he soon started howling. Apparently taking offence that such a small dog could have his way with such a beautiful human, the other dogs started barking. Though they were barking their disapproval, Barbie interpreted their cries as encouragement and started moaning even louder.
More arousal than ever before now coursed through her veins. She had thought the feel of a dog’s tongue darting in and out of her was incredible, but it was nothing in comparison to an actual dick. In a moment of clarity, Barbie realized something. The thought of a man’s cock coming anywhere near her totally repulsed her. But feeling a rock-hard canine cock being thrust in and out of her tight cunt filled her with arousal. Maybe she was not a lesbian after all; maybe she was just a zoophile. Or maybe she was both. But she soon forgot all about that when, for the second time that day, she felt the most powerful orgasm of her entire life grow within her. If not the one living it, Barbie never would have thought such a powerful orgasm could exist. But it could and it did. It did not take long before she could no longer keep it contained.
“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs as she felt her pussy start to shake and shiver. A split second later, she felt her lover’s large cock start doing the same, letting the horny teen know they were about to share a simultaneous orgasm. Sure enough, she soon felt her first wave shoot up her vaginal canal. At the same time, the Terrier’s own first wave shot out the tip of his pointy cock. The two substances instantly mixed, creating a human/canine cum cocktail that was soon sent flying out the moaning teen’s cunt.
“MMMMMM!” moaned Barbie, no longer able to formulate words. Meanwhile, wave after wave of the interspecies cum cocktail squirted out of Barbie’s pussy. Becoming airborne, the sweet nectar split into millions upon millions of tiny drops and flew in all directions. Within seconds, a downpour of cum drops came raining down upon them, covering them in yet another thick layer of cum. The canine’s cock went in and out as cum went just one way; out! And out it went for the better part of a minute as the interspecies couple moaned and howled at the top of their lungs, expressing their newly found love for one another.
It took well over a minute before their powerful waves stopped flowing and their sexual spasms came to a complete half. With one final wave oozing out of her, Barbie felt every muscle in her body give out. Luckily, she was lying on the ground, so no injuries incurred. As for the Terrier, he dismounted his human lover as his dock retracted back into him. Within seconds, it had vanished altogether and no evidence of the illegal act he had just committed remained but for the thick layer of cum that still clung to his coat.
Barbie struggled to keep air flowing in and out of her lungs as she lay there, staring up at the ceiling through cum-filled eyelids. She barely had time to take a few deep breaths before she felt something slide across her labia. A smile curled her lips as she realized it was a dog tongue. Apparently, her little lover was still hungry and knew just where to get what he so desperately craved. So Barbie just lay there, catching her breath as the Terrier licked her pussy clean. At least, that is what would have happened if not for a voice that suddenly echoed throughout the kennel.
“What the fuck?” said the shock-filled voice. Barbie froze for a second, unsure if she had actually heard anything or if it was a figment of her imagination. Half-curious, halt-terrified, she wiped the cum form her eyes and glanced to her left.
“Uh-oh!” she muttered as she found Candy standing in the doorframe, staring at her. It took Barbie a few seconds to realize the gravity of the situation. Not only had she just lost her virginity to a dog, but her new boss had just walked in on her doing it. She had to find a suitable lie to explain the scene Candy had walked in on.
“It… it’s not what it looks like,” was all she could come up with as she sat up. But she knew it was a lie. It was what it looked like; exactly what it looked like!
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