Dr. Maggie DVM


Part 1

I’d always loved animals. I mean, ever since I could remember, I think I had a special bond with them. But today… today really freaked me out.

When I was a child, I knew I was supposed to be a veterinarian. I graduated high school with a 4.0 to I assure myself I could go to any college I wanted to go to, simply because of my academics. All through high school I worked at Lower River Animal Hospital to get more accustomed to working with animals, and get references for Vet. School. I graduated from med school with a 4.0 too. It wasn’t until I was 25 and in vet school, that I started to be more in tune to animals and their needs.

I finally graduated vet school, and went back to work at Lower River Animal Hospital as Dr. Rose McKown DVM vet apprentice/intern. Dr. Rose, as she liked to be called, was a specialist in large animals, but she had her degree in all animals, great and small, exotic and common. She walked me through each step she took every time so I knew what I should be doing. She often quizzed me so I’d have to start thinking for myself. Therefore, when I got my own practice, I’d be ready. But I wasn’t ready. Not for what happened today.

Dr. Rose took me on a routine call. She had a couple of Coggin’s tests to take on a well-to-do stable close to downtown, and she needed my help. I usually go just to make sure the horse’s pictures are taken, write down any info the owner needs/wants, and write the info on the blood vial. Pretty routine. But when we were in Sassy’s stall, she did not want to have anything to do with that needle. Dr. Rose saw that Sassy was tense, but I heard Sassy’s thoughts.

“Please don’t poke me with that. It hurts.”

“What did you say, Dr. Rose?”

“Nothing. Why?” she inquired. Dr. Rose looked at me quizzically.

“Oh,” I answered. “I thought you’d said something. Sorry,” I smiled and got back to writing down Sassy’s information.

“Please, please don’t. I know it’s gonna hurt, and I don’t like to be poked with those things.”

“Okay, Dr. Rose. What are you talking about? I know you said something.” I looked at her with interest.

“Maggie, I didn’t say anything. What exactly did you hear?” She prepared the vial and the needle, but turned to face me. I recalled what I heard and Dr. Rose seemed to be fascinated. She told me she had heard of people who could “hear” animals – kinda like a Dr. Doolittle – but in real life. She didn’t put any stock in the “Animal Psychics” but believed that people could hear animal’s thoughts if they listened hard enough.

“What is Sassy thinking now, Maggie?”
I listened. I didn’t hear any thoughts.

“Nothing right now. It’s just when you get close to her with the needle that she starts to talk to me. What am I saying? Horses can’t talk, can they Doc?”

“Not like you or I,” Dr. Rose answered sweetly. “But if you listen with your heart, you can sense what they mean. I know that sounds all ‘Pocahontas’ and stuff, but I believe it can be done.” Dr. Rose answered my question in a sweet, but slightly condescending tone, and I started to bristle.

“Well, I love animals, and I know they have body language, but they can’t talk,” I quickly answered. I didn’t want to believe that I was hearing a horse talk to me. It was just too weird.

“We’ve got a lot of work to do. Let’s keep going,” Dr. Rose continued.

“Please, Maggie. It’s me, Sassy. I heard what you said, and I AM talking to you. I really don’t like those pokey things. It hurts. Is there anyway to do this without poking me?”

Okay, this was far enough. I started to grow furious, because Sassy’s voice seemed to be coming directly from Dr. Rose. Yet, when I thought it through, I remembered Dr. Rose telling me that she had given blood, and had at one time had to have an I.V. drip when she was anemic. She never once told me that she hated needles. So, I erred on the safe side. Not letting on, I decided to take a different course of action.

“Hey Doc? Is there any other way to get a Coggin’s test without having to get poked with needles?” I wanted Sassy to hear that I had heard her, but didn’t wand Dr. Rose to think I was a kook.

“Unfortunately not, Maggie. Blood has to be drawn so it can be tested for viruses that may be spread to other horses, or for inconsistencies that need to be dealt with. I know Sassy’s tense. I don’t like drawing blood out of horses when they’re tense. It gives them bruises, or leaves a bad impression, and they don’t trust us vets anymore. Why don’t you stay here and calm her down a bit. I’ll go do a couple more with Fred’s help, okay?”

“Sounds fine,” I agreed. She left the vial and the needle with me. I shrugged my shoulders and tried to smooth the tenseness out of Sassy’s neck and shoulders. I thought it through in a split second. If I can hear Sassy’s thoughts, then I should be able to talk back to her and we’ll settle her down.

“Sassy? Can you hear me? I know you know my name, but allow me to introduce myself. I’m Maggie, and I’ve come to help Dr. Rose. Did you hear what she said about having to take blood? She and your owner just want to make sure you don’t have any diseases. We all want to make sure you’re healthy – inside and out,” I told her as I gently groomed her body with my hands. I couldn’t believe I was thinking that to a horse, but heck, we talk to them, why not actually try to communicate, right?

“I hear you, Maggie. It’s just that ever since I can remember, I never liked those pokey things. They hurt, and always leave a sore spot that takes weeks to go away. Please think of another way,” Sassy pleaded with her big eyes and soft nose. She nudged me a bit then rested her head on my shoulder.

“Tell you what, Sassy. I’ll stand here and massage your neck. I want you to think of walking through the field playing with your friends or eating grass. Think of the best ride with your owner. What’s her name?” I asked, trying to take her mind off of the needle.

“Susan. My owner’s name is Susan. She and I like to go out on the trails and jump the fallen trees. Sometimes I get really excited and get too fast, but Susan knows how to ride, and she enjoys the thrill. I think I over heard her saying to her friend about taking me on a fox hunt. Have you ever been on a fox hunt, Maggie? It sounds… OUCH!”

I pulled the needle from her neck just as Sassy was thinking about the fox hunt. “Sassy, did you feel the needle going in?” I asked.

“No, but I thought I told you I didn’t like needles. You hurt me!”

“Yes, I apologize for that. That was my first time taking a Coggin’s test. I tried to pull it out smoothly as you were telling me about what you and Susan like to do. I got your mind off the needle, though, right?” I said with a smile. I knew Sassy was not happy with me, and that many horses really distrust vets after something like this. I needed to let Sassy know that everything was fine.

“Yes, maybe you did, but it still stung. I’m sure you’re satisfied with yourself now. You got your blood. Now get out of my stall before I kick you.”

“Sassy, you wouldn’t do that. I’m sorry I made you mad. Is your neck sore at all?” I smiled, confident that her neck was not sore, and that she didn’t feel anything more than that small prick of the needle coming out.

“No. Hey! No, it’s not sore! You… you took my blood, and poked me, but, my neck’s not sore! Thank you, Maggie! Thank you for taking my mind off the pokey thing!” Sassy bobbed her head in excitement, knowing that she was no longer afraid of the “pokey thing.”

Laughing, I patted her nose, gave her extra apple treats, and exited her stall. I met up with Dr. Rose just a couple stalls down and recounted what had happened. Dr. Rose, being an intelligent but open person, accepted the fact that I can talk to horses and kept on taking the blood tests.


Going from horse to horse, I tried to talk to each of them, getting to know them better. There were some interesting conversations we had, but none stuck with me quite as much as the one I had with High.

High and Mighty was his name, and boy did he know it. He was a beautiful grey Arabian stallion that was the sire of many of the foals around the barn.

“And I know them all by name too, Maggie. In fact, I smell you’ve been in Sassy’s stall. She doesn’t like needles. How’d you get her blood?”

I snickered at High. What did he care about Sassy? And how did he know I’d been in her stall, anyway? I had to know. As I walked my way up to his nose to let him smell me, I asked,
“High, how did you know I’d been in Sassy’s stall?”

“I smell her on you, Maggie. Even though I smell other horses on you too, I smell her the most. Did you groom her?”

Amazed at his perception, I continued, “Yes, I did. She doesn’t like needles, so I rubbed her body down so she’d trust me. Oh, I did touch her tail. Is that what you smell?” I smiled. High was a horn dog! …In a manner of speaking. He could smell her sex just from me touching her tail!

“I smell her sex on you. She’s in heat, and I smell it. Look what it does to me,” He turned his head toward his tail and I saw his penis out about 10 inches. Oh, fuck, does that look delicious. I eyed it, oogled over it…

“You like it?” He asked.

“Hell, yeah I like it, High. What girl wouldn’t like a prick that big?” I all but drooled over it, and he knew it. Still in the back of my head I knew I was supposed to be professional, but I had to touch it. High must have sensed this.

“Go ahead. Touch me. I love it. The owners here often jack me off so they can get mares pregnant without me mounting them. What’s that called?”

“Artificial insemination,” I told him automatically. I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was telling me. All I could do was keep my eyes on that wonderful prick of his. I took quick calculations of it as I began to lightly touch it. High pushed more out of his sheath, and when all was extended, he had a perfect 20 inch long cock, with a four inch spongy head. My panties were wet.

“Are you going to jack me off too? Would you please? I need some release. Smelling Sassy on you has made me need release.” He nuzzled my hand where I’d touched Sassy. This horse was too intelligent for his own good. But hearing the thought, thinking the deed, and seeing the result all before it actually happened made me cream my panties right then. I looked out the stall door to make sure there was no one close by. He nudged my back, urging me to pay attention to him once more. I stared down at his larger-than-life hanging member, and my mouth watered. I really wanted to lick him.

“Can I lick you, High? I want my warm tongue all over your cock. Let me lick you.”

“Cock? Oh, yes. Your words are somewhat new to me, but I’m sure if you keep on, I’ll learn.”

I kept on. I talked so dirty to High that his cock twitched and he dry humped a couple times. I knelt down in his stall, which was surprisingly clean, and placed both of my hands on his huge cock. Not a novice to the male species of humans, I thought that horses might like their cocks stroked too. Before bringing the tip to my mouth, I stroked him several times. He nickered softly and turned his head to me. He pushed on the back of my head making my face closer to his pulsing prick. Bringing up the head to my mouth, I wet my lips not knowing what to expect. Of course I’d given head before, just not to a horse.

I rolled my tongue around the tip of his penis, dipping it into his hole every once in a while. I knew I had to hurry, but this was something that was a first for me, so I also wanted to take my time. I noticed his penis was very clean too, which is unusual for many stallions. Seeing this, I licked up his penis all the way to his balls. He had a sweaty, salty taste, but was definitely not like a man’s taste. I liked it. I wanted more.

“High, I want you to come for me. Do you understand ‘come’? I want you to spill your seed for me. Can you do that?”

“Maggie, I understand. Grip my ‘cock’ and stroke it like you were doing earlier.”

I chuckled under my breath as I gripped his long cock and stroked it. I could tell he was learning the “foul language of lovers” and using it quite correctly. I also loved being told what to do. He humped a little bit to get a rhythm going. Every once in a while I’d bring the tip up so I could taste his pre-cum. Oh, how I wanted to get naked and take his cum all over my body. But I knew I didn’t really have time… today. Before long, he humped in my hands and spurted thick white cum all over the stall floor. I made sure to get some on my hand before it was all spent. I licked my fingers, and from there I was hooked. I loved this new “power” I had – being able to talk to horses, and I loved sucking and stroking horse cock. I wanted more.


As I locked my apartment door behind me, I could still smell High’s sweet cum on my hand. I licked it again, hoping that I’d missed a spot earlier when I licked my hand clean at the stable. Remembering that I’d almost been caught by Dr. Rose gave me a chuckle. She came back to High’s stall to check on me just as his prick was going back into his sheath. She saw the wet spot on the floor… how could she not? But she commented that he must have just peed. Right… peed. I chuckled again.

Forgetting that I was hungry, I made a bee-line straight for my bedroom. I had to do something about my own frustration. Getting High off was wonderful, and as I stripped, I thought of his big, juicy cock going up inside me. I didn’t know anything about bestiality, so I didn’t know how it would have been possible. All I knew was that I wanted something to fill my pussy. Fully naked, I flopped on my bed with my favorite vibe. I didn’t need any lube this time. I just stroked it up and down my pussy folds and got it all wet. I’d never tasted myself, but I did this time. I licked the vibe with my own juices, and got even hotter – if that was possible. I rammed that purple prick in my cunt and stroked so hard it was as if my pussy was on fire. I kept thinking about High and his huge penis that I orgasmed over and over. Somehow, I knew I had to have a horse cock in me, and I was determined it was going to be soon. I passed out from my personal purple phallus poking, and woke up the next day sick from an empty stomach.

I had a lot to do today, and had to make myself keep my mind on what I was doing. I made a good breakfast, and with the toast and eggs leftover, I made myself an egg sandwich for lunch along with a single-serving bag of chips, two bottled waters, an apple, and the memories of yesterday. Thinking about it made my panties get moist, but knowing I had to have a clear mind, I saved those thoughts for later.

Arriving at the animal hospital, I saw Dr. Rose get out of her truck. She carries most of her vet supplies in her truck bed carriers, but since she’s a vet for great and small, exotic and common, she also has an office building where people can come in to get their pets checked and so forth. Today was her “off” day in that even though she was on call, she spent most of her time at the office instead of at stables.

“How did you make out with High yesterday, Maggie?” She inquired when we got to the door. I thought for sure she’d found out, but from the look on her face, it seemed a genuine question, and not one of prior knowledge.

“Oh, he’s a beaut, Dr. Rose. I can see why he’s the favorite with everyone, not just the mares! He’s so muscular, but his features are so soft. I fell in love with him at once!” A small blush appeared as I thought that entire conversation could be taken sexually. Although I meant it that way, I’d hoped it didn’t appear that way. Dr. Rose only smiled. She walked back to her office, and I started the day’s paperwork. I was appointed the task of getting the day’s patients folders out and making sure all was up to date. Not a glamorous job, but at least I knew what I was doing. My education was becoming very well-rounded. Chuckling at that thought, and wanting to taste High’s head again, I called back to Dr. Rose’s office and told her I’d like to go see Sassy. I wanted to make sure we were still “friends.”

“That’ll be fine. While you’re there, see if the owner of Hypnosis left a check for me. She was supposed to yesterday evening. It should be in the stable office.”

“No problem,” I told her. “I’ll get it.”

“Oh, and Maggie?”

I’d heard that tone in my Mom’s voice before I was in trouble. Here it comes, I thought.

“Give High a big hug for me too, okay?” Dr. Rose let out a little giggle. I’d have to ask her about that some time.
Once at the stable, I made sure to find the office first and get Dr. Rose’s payment. I didn’t want to forget, although that would have given me an excuse to come back. Seeing no one around to announce why I was there, I quickly made my way to Sassy’s stall. I audibly called to her from several stalls away so she wouldn’t be startled when I entered her stall.

“Sassy! Sweet girl! It’s Maggie.” I called to her as I continued walking. “I’ve come to check on you and your neck. Are you sore?”

“No, Maggie. I’m not sore. I’m sorry for being upset with you yesterday. It’s just, you took me by surprise, and I was hurt.”

I understood that “hurt” to be emotionally and not so much physically. I felt bad and apologized again to her. Stroking her soft, velvety muzzle, I cooed, “Sorry Sass. You’re such a pretty girl. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. But guess what? After I visited you and a couple of others, I saw High. I’m sure he’d like for me to tell you “hello” from him.”

Her ears perked up. She flagged her tail. She even let a stream of thick lubricating fluid slide out of her vulva. I smelled the sweet scent, and asked if I could take a look. She didn’t “say” anything to me, but turned her rear towards me, lifted her tail, and continued winking at me with her lovely pubes. Ah, the sweet smell of sex. I carefully touched her, and she drove her tail between her legs and hunched her back.

“Woo! That was interesting! What did you do?”

“I only touched you. I didn’t ask, I’m sorry. I seem to be doing that to you lately. But your pussy seemed so inviting that I couldn’t help myself. Oh, Sassy, can I touch you again? Can I please run my fingers up and down, maybe even in and out of your pussy?” I was so hot and so turned on by Sassy being in heat, that I forgot all professionalism. I wanted her. I wanted her sex.

“Maggie, what’s my ‘pussy’?” She innocently asked.

“Let me show you,” I thought back to her. Speaking was just too impersonal now. I wanted to show Sassy how a human can show sexual affection. I carefully touched her hindquarters reaffirming through touch of what I was doing. She showed trust, and I didn’t want to hinder that. I massaged her tailbone underneath, and ever so slowly eased my hand around to her vulva. I kept the touch soft but firm. I didn’t want to tickle her again. I rubbed my palm up and down her vulva feeling the slickness from where she’d just lubed herself. My first two fingers “accidentally” slipped in her hot box, and I creamed my panties.

“This is your pussy, Sassy. As you know, this is where High puts his big rod in you and gets you pregnant. I of course cannot to that, but I can do something else. I think you’ll like it.”

I stuck my head under her tail and plunged my tongue in as far as it could go into her pussy. OH! She was hot. I felt her winking again, and I backed off. I really didn’t want to, but I was dressed, and I did have to go back to the vet’s office. If she squirted me, how was I going to explain THAT to Dr. Rose? Oh, how I want to be here naked. That thought only brought me further into my own heat, and I delved my tongue back into Sassy’s snatch. Damn! I wish I were a guy right now!

Sassy breathed harder and nickered at me every once in a while. She spread her legs even more so I wouldn’t have to reach so far up. I tasted her squirt before it got all over my blouse. I needed a fuck, now. I didn’t want to stop, but I was running out of time, and I still had to go see my favorite stallion!

“Sassy, I have to go now. I hope what I did was okay?” I was always under the impression it’s better to ask for forgiveness than for permission. That’s exactly what I was doing here.

“Yes, Maggie. I enjoyed it, whatever you did. I only hope that Susan will want to breed me again and soon. I think I need High.”

“Me too, Sassy… Me too.”


I cleaned my face up as well as I could and tried to not lose all the scent of Sassy. To make High horny again, I thought I needed something for him to be horny about. I left Sassy’s stall after giving her a hug around her neck and a kiss on her velvet muzzle.

High and Mighty’s stall was about 40 feet away and to the left of Sassy’s stall. He greeted me at the door not with any thoughts, but with one of those studly nickers that a stallion gets when he’s being greeted by his favorite mare – winking and all. I could see all his “glory” hanging down then flinging up to smack his belly. He obviously wanted me to be impressed. I was.

“When you’re done here, I’d like to take care of your needs, Maggie,” I heard this unfamiliar voice quietly “speak” to me. I looked around and saw Duke the barn’s Golden Retriever. Awed and a little excited that a dog spoke to me telepathically, I spoke back.

“What needs would those be, Duke?”

“I think you know full well what those needs are. I know I’m just a dog, but I have special places.”

Was Duke wooing me? I laughed to myself. “We’ll see, Duke. Depends on how much time I spend with High,” and I scratched behind his ears. He stuck his nose right in my crotch.

“Mmmph. Maggie, you smell so good. You’re wet too. I’ll wait here for you after you see High.”

I couldn’t believe this dog was so confident that he was going to get in my pants! But my attention quickly turned to High as he paced in his stall and nickered at me every once in a while.

“Duke! Leave her alone! I need her. You’ll get her in a little bit. Maggie, please! I need to smell you. I need to smell Sassy. I know you have her scent. Let me have a little smell, please!”

I didn’t know High was so desperate, but then again… Stallion! Studs are always ready for sex. I talked to him normally as I slowly strode up to his stall. I wanted to tantalize him. Wanted to see what he was capable of.

“Do you smell Sassy on me? Gimme a kiss, High.” I leaned into the bars on his stall and rested my chin on the top board. As he smelled Sassy’s sweet snatch on my face, he began to do a piaffe in his stall. Kinda like the famous Lipizzaners do when they perform. As he danced, his penis swung from side to side like a long bell. I stood there watching that great swinging cock and he came back to my face, sniffed again, and started the dance all over again. He was very excited.

“High, do you need me? You won’t trample me, will you?”

“Oh, Maggie. I need release. Please, remember what you did yesterday? Do that again. Only hurry. I’m afraid I won’t hold out much longer.”

I entered his stall, with his nose still sniffing my face. He actually gave my face a lick, and then started dancing again. I lol’d. I wanted him to still be able to sniff my face, so I stood beside him with my right hip touching his left. I slid my hand down his flank firmly so as to not tickle him, and then reached under to catch that big rod as it swung my way. I brought it up to my mouth and licked the whole spongy head, even as far in the hole as I could. Then I stuffed as much as I could in my mouth and swirled my tongue around the head. I tasted his pre-cum and it tasted sweeter than it did the day before. I carefully swung my butt around to face his hindquarters and he stuck his nose between my legs.

“Oh, Maggie. You smell so sweet. Now, stroke me. Make me ‘cum’ as you said yesterday.”

I stroked that huge prick of his. I kept in the back of my head that one day that prick will be in my cunt. I nearly came at that thought, but tried to keep my mind on the job at hand. Oh, sorry, IN hand. High’s prick was so wide though, that I couldn’t wrap my hands around it. He didn’t seem to mind as I stroked him. He humped a little bit, then came all over the stall floor just like he did the previous day. Ah, but this time, I was a little bit more prepared. As he came, I held his dick like it was a hose. I sucked the cum out like I was drinking water out of the hose being careful to not get any on my clothes. Some splashed on my boots, but that can be quickly scuffed off w/ the sawdust. I also made sure to get High’s cum on my hand again too. I had to have a souvenir on the ride back to the office!

After spending his load, High had this glazed look. I could tell he was satisfied. I slipped out of the stall, and made sure to lock the stall door behind me. Duke was there within 2 seconds of me turning around in the hallway with his nose buried in my muff. My crotch was wetter than it had been on our first encounter (about 10 minutes previous), and he could smell it.

“Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. Mmmph.” Duke sniffed and snorted even more. I had a pair of jeans on, so he couldn’t get his nose up in my slit, but he was sure trying.

“Maggie, I know you want horse cock. I know that’s what you were thinking in High’s stall. All the women that work here think about riding High… and not just on his back. They actually want HIM to ride THEM. I know I’m not High, but I still have some impressive skills. Would you like to see?”

“Take me to your hiding place, Duke,” I told him using my own seductive voice.


“Maggie, I know you’re rushed for time, so today I’ll only give you a taste of what I have. I’ll hope that will be enough to bring you back to me; and of course to High and Sassy too. I know they will want you back.”

I kept a sharp eye out for anyone who may be watching a dog lead a person around, but still, no one seemed to be at the barn. I blew out a breath of excitement, and Duke turned his head to look at me but kept walking. The thought in my head recurred that this is not a normal dog. Even before I had the gift of talking to animals, I knew a male dog could always tell when I was wet or ovulating. They jumped around me, on me, shoved their snout up my ass or crotch. Duke was different. Almost calculating. As erotic as that seemed, it was a bit disturbing. Yet with all those thoughts swirling in my head, I lost track of where we were going. Suddenly, I heard the announcement, “We’re here.”

I looked around to see where “here” was. I was in a small clearing of woods, but could still see the roof of the barn. “Okay, so we’re still within distance of the barn. That’s good. Just far enough away we can enjoy ourselves, but close enough that if something happens, someone can still find us.”

Puzzled, Duke looked at me and cocked his head to one side, “What do you think will happen, Maggie? I’m not going to hurt you. It’s just I like to be alone with the girls that I give pleasure to. I mean, not many girls actually WANT to be seen fucking a dog. I know this and have accepted it. I found this place about two years ago. Any girl who wants a good fuck, will call to me and lead me here. Of course, they can’t hear what I’m saying to them like you can, but I at least reassure them that they’re not going to get mauled.”

Smart boy!

“Oh no, Duke! That’s not what I was saying at all, but I must admit that did go through my head. It’s just… I’ve not ‘been’ with a dog before, so I don’t know what to expect,” I replied through spoken language. Then I bent down like a mother would call her young child, and called Duke over to me. He unhurriedly trotted over and licked my face when he reached me. I gave him a big hug, and whispered in his ear, “Let me see what you’ve got.”

I could hear him start to pant a little more heavily now with his nose and mouth over my shoulder. I slid my hands down his neck and gently scratched his chest. Then my hands seemed to start exploring on their own. All over his back, down his front legs, brushing his tail my hands explored. Finally, I steeled the nerve to go under his belly and scratch there a bit. Duke was so patient, but his breathing got erratic when I scratched his belly. Some dogs do that “I like that right there, so I’m gonna thump my back legs” bit. But not Duke. He stood there and panted; waiting patiently for me to touch him. My left hand instinctively gently pushed down on his back as if to say “Sit.” He lay down instead. As he came to a stop, I saw his glistening red tool peeking out of his sheath. Now, as any good girl would do when her lover is lying down, I took his prick and pumped it a little bit. More, more, more came out of his sheath. Duke was a wonderful 10 inches of cock with a huge 3 inch knot at the top. I took as much as I could into my mouth. Time stood still. Nothing else mattered. I didn’t know anything else but the love of a dog. Looking back on that time, it was as if Duke held some sort of spell on me. All I wanted to do was give him pleasure.

I gently rolled my tongue around the tip of his cock, and then pumped my mouth up and down as much of his length as I could. Then more gentle rolling, and more rough pumping. Back and forth I went over his large penis, and it grew wider and longer with each pump. Then suddenly I remembered I had to be back at the office soon. Duke sensed my urgency and re-sheathed some of his purple and red cock. He got up and stood behind me.

“Your pants, Maggie. Take them off. I don’t want to rip them, but I need you right now, and I will rip them off if you don’t hurry.”

I jumped up and quickly took off my jeans and lacy panties. Duke sensed my excitement, and gently nosed my ass. I obediently got on all fours. His tongue found it’s way to my dripping wet cunny and licked from my clit all the way up to my pink rose. Over and over he licked my cunt with ever-so-often his tongue delved into my love box. I could feel the intense orgasm coming on, but I desperately so needed him to mount me.

“Duke, up!” I commanded. “What a good boy. Stick it in, Duke. Poke me; prod me; make me yours,” I panted in time with his breaths. Not two seconds went by from the last lick to the first mount. He was good. Duke instantly found the mark and thrust his prick all the way into my willing pussy. “Duke! Oh, you feel so good! Keep going!” Again, I lost all sense of time. His hammering of my pussy and the tickling of his soft hair on my back sent me over the edge several times. I can not tell you how many times I had an orgasm because it all left me breathless. I could feel that knot at the entrance to my pussy. I didn’t know if I could take it, but I was a sucker for a “first time for everything” fling. I felt all his hot jism shoot deep into my womb. Being a veterinarian, I knew humans could not have offspring from another species, but a deep longing wanted it to happen. He gave one last thrust, and pushed that knot right into my cunt. Oh! Was this heaven?! I came again and again with his knot pressing down on my G-spot. Still pumping, he spilled every drop of cum he had inside me, and kept his knot there to plug it.

Reluctantly though, his knot shrank just enough that he could pull it safely out. I stayed on my hands and knees. I breathed heavily. I’d just been fucked by a very smart dog and loved every minute. Right then, I knew I had the best profession. Right then, I wanted High. Duke primed me, but I wanted – no, needed more.


Duke licked my pussy trying to clean me up before I put on my clothes. He just about licked me clean and sent me to the moon w/ another three orgasms. His tongue dived into my pussy several times trying to clean out all his sperm then licked up and over my clit sending waves of ecstasy running through my body. My mind told me it was late and I had to get back. My body protested and wanted more. My job might have been on the line.

Job won out, in the end. I hated to end it, but I might lose my job. If I lost my job, I’d not be able to come back and visit these wonderful sexy animals.

As I got dressed, I spoke to Duke, “Duke, I have to go. You’ve been such a wonderful lover. I will never forget that you were my first animal to take my bestiality virginity. Thank you. When time permits and I’m off the clock – and it’s okay with the barn owner – I’ll come back to visit.”

I gave him a big hug and zipped up my jeans. I slipped my boots back on over my somewhat dirty socks and asked to be led back to the barn. Duke showed the way and this time I made a mental note of how to get back to the clearing. If ever I was able to come back to the barn, I was surely going to want to put that clearing into use again.

I scratched Duke behind his ears, gave High a kiss goodbye through the stall bars, and petted Sassy’s nose. I was already missing my sexy animal friends. As I slid into my car, I checked myself in the mirror. Just a couple of hairs out of place, but man did I reek of sex! What was I going to do? I don’t have time to go back home to get a shower, but I certainly can’t go to the office smelling like I’d fucked the whole barn! Then I noticed the box of baby wipes I had on my floor board. I took them to the indoor bathroom and stripped my jeans and panties off. I soaked my panties in the sink with a little bit of soap to get the semen stains off, and so it didn’t crust up. (I don’t like wearing crusty panties – they chafe.) As I wiped myself down with the cool, wet cloths, I thought of Duke and his wet, warm tongue. I slipped my fingers in my slit and wiggled them around. I almost came again. I got hot, and wet, and horny all over again.

“Stop, Maggie! You’ve got to stop. You have work to do. You’ve run your ‘sex errand’ and now you’ve got to get back!” I scolded myself. I knew I had things to do. It’s just, how do you “get back to work” after having such a great session with an animal? A REAL animal?! I was going to have to really concentrate today to keep my mind off of what happened in the woods.

So I proceeded to wipe myself down, purposefully putting my mind to work on what I had to do at the office so I wouldn’t pay attention to what I was doing to myself sexually. I dried my panties off as well as I could under the hand dryer, and well, my jeans were just going to have to wait. I’d make up an excuse about the smell if anyone asked.

I got back in the car, thankful that I didn’t reek anymore, I just smelled like sex. Chuckling to myself and wondering what I’d say to Dr. Rose, I started the car and drove back to the office. On the drive back, I replayed the whole morning back from start to finish. From High to Duke. I was starting to get wet again. Thankfully, the office wasn’t that far away, and I realized that I hadn’t gone to relieve myself when I was at the barn. I dashed for the restroom in the back – the one away from the front that the customers can use – and took a long pee. I felt some of the seed slide out of my pussy that Duke hadn’t cleaned out of me. Again, I felt a longing to have his puppies. I don’t know… he just made me feel so loved and wanted. Much more than any guy had that I’d been with.

Done with the bathroom, I washed my hands as all good employees should and headed out to the front. Dr. Rose stopped me in the hallway. I handed her the check, “Here’s the check from Hypnosis’ owner. No one was in the office, so I just got it. I didn’t think about it at the time, but I should have written a note that I got it for you.” I looked down at my boots, feigning an apology. “Sorry, Dr. Rose. I learn from mistake a lot. I know there’s no room for mistakes in being a vet, but I’m learning so much from you…” My voice trailed off as I looked back up and saw her face. She always had soft features, and though she was never like a mother to me, I knew she understood.

“Maggie, little things like this, you do have to learn by mistakes. It’s the actual being a vet that you can’t take chances on. Just try to think ahead from now on, all right?” She grabbed my arm lightly before I had the chance to walk off. “How was Sassy?”

I couldn’t feign surprise on this one. “’Sc, …’scuse me?” Was I caught? My cheeks burned crimson, and my eyes started to water.

“Sassy? Didn’t you go see her? I thought you went to see how her neck was to make sure she wasn’t sore.”

“Oh, yeah! I did. Sorry. I just…”

“And did you give High a hug for me?”

I chuckled to myself, “That’s not all I gave him,” but answered, “yes I did, just as you asked.”

“And what did you think of his raging hard-on?”


“Wha- What?” I asked in total shock. How could she know? Did Duke post a sign on me that only vets can read that said I gave High a blow-job and shagged a dog?

“Maggie.” There was that condescending tone again. “Maggie, girls that tend to visit mares before visiting High usually give him a raging hard-on. He can smell it. All you have to do is pet the mare, and he’s hard as a rock. Didn’t he get that way with you?”

“Oh.” I blew out a sigh of relief. Maybe she didn’t see my blood-red face. “Oh, well, yeah, I did notice that, but I didn’t take any notice. I thought all stallions were like that.” I lied. “I honestly thought that he could sense or smell me ovulating.” I whispered, “It’s that time of month – almost.”

“Ah,” she quipped. “I see. So, well, come here.” Dr. Rose led me to her office and bade me sit down. “Tell me, what did you think? Of his hard-on, I mean. What did you do?”

I squirmed in my seat, quite uncomfortable with this questioning, but I had to give some sort of answer. “I, uh, just kinda stared at it. I’d never seen anything so big. I mean, I’d never seen a… cock, prick, uh, penis so long and, and big.” I stared out into space thinking of High’s cock swinging back and forth like a bell. I could feel my panties getting wet again, and it wasn’t from the washing them in the sink earlier, either. My juices were flowing again. As I snapped back to reality, I hoped Dr. Rose couldn’t sense – or smell – my excited-ness. She just stood there and looked at me. I must’ve looked dumb as I was daydreaming. I gave a nervous chuckle, and stood to leave.

“Maggie, it’s okay. I was shocked too when I first saw him. Did you touch it – I mean him? Did you get the urge to touch his, thing? I did. When I first saw him hanging there, I had to. I couldn’t believe how big he was. I was mesmerized with his length, his girth, just him.”

She went on raving about High’s huge member, all the while making me more wet and horny. Finally, I stopped her, “Yes, Dr. Rose. I did touch him. I had to see what it felt like. Now, may I go start to finish my work today? I’m drained.” Well sort of. I drained High and Duke, and now I need to be drained. I thought to myself.

“Wait, one more thing, Maggie. This is kinda personal, and if you don’t answer, I’ll understand. Does – Did High make you… wet? Down there I mean.” She pointed to my privates with her eyes. Then she saw. I knew she saw ‘cause she licked her lips. She saw the front of my jeans were wet. I think she might have smelled me too. Oh, God! I’m going to get fired! But it wasn’t my fault that she made me horny all over again! She just kept on ranting and raving about High’s lovely, thick, swinging cock. My eyes glazed over for a couple seconds as I traveled back to his stall.

“Maggie? Did he, Is he making you wet now?”

Fuck! What should I say?
“Truth, Maggie. Tell me the truth.” I saw her panting. She was hot too! I glimpsed down at her crotch and saw the beginnings of a small wet patch on her scrubs.

“Dr. Rose, am I going to get in trouble for touching High?”

“No, Mags.” That was the only time she’d call me by a nickname normally reserved for my closest friends. “You’re not going to get into trouble. Tell me, Maggie. Does the thought of High make you wet?”

Well, if I lose my job for being truthful, I may as well not become a vet. Looking down, I answered softly, “Yes. Seeing High; touching him; stroking him; licking him;” I may as well confess, “Getting him off; seeing him cum; tasting him; drinking his fountain of cum. What do you think? I mean, wouldn’t that get anybody horny? Wouldn’t that make the hardest of hearts soften and cream their pants?” Oh, God. I was so horny right then. I almost bolted for the door to drive to the barn once more. But then reality hit of all I’d confessed to, and I just knew my job was on the line.

Dr. Rose answered in a raspy voice, “That’s what I thought. Come with me. I have something to show you.”

She led me out of her office, down the hall to the left, and to a door I’d never seen before. The sign clearly said, “Infectious Canines. Keep Out!” but she barged on in. I held my breath hoping that what ever infection that was in here wasn’t airborne. She led me to a door on the right marked, “HC-2”

“HC-2? Dr. Rose, what is this place?”

“Holding Cell Two. Don’t worry. I’ll be with you the entire time. But I don’t want anyone to hear you as you recount what happened today,” and she shut the door.

“What the..? You WANT me to tell you? I’m getting fired, aren’t I? I couldn’t help it! High was just there! Lust drove me…” She pressed her mouth against mine. Her tongue dove in and out playing tag with mine. She pressed her breasts against mine and ground them together. As our tongues were dancing, she slid a hand down to my crotch sliding it forward and back, soaking her hand on my slick jeans. She brought it up to our noses and snorted the smell off.

“No wonder High was so thrilled with you being there. Maggie, you have a great scent!” And with that, she went down on me.


Dr. Rose licked at my cunt with my jeans on. It made me hot, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to go through with this. I loved men. Period. I didn’t want to even entertain the thought of being with a woman. Besides, without a penis, how could women pleasure each other? A dildo? It’s just not the same. She kept licking my wet jeans, although I knew I was making them wetter myself. I liked the way she was treating me. I guess being curious won’t hurt, will it?

She slowly unzipped my jeans and hooking her fingers through the tops of my panties, she pulled them down ever so slowly. Tantalizingly slow. They brushed my mound of freshly shaven pussy, and when the panties and jeans were clear of my ass, her lips covered my clit with kisses. She sucked on my clit for a while just bringing me to the edge of orgasm. Hotter, hotter, her breath kept getting hotter giving me more chill bumps as she continued. She took off my boots, and one of her hands guided my panties and jeans off. The other opened a drawer in the cabinet I was leaning against. She patted the vet’s examination table and I obediently sat down. Opening my legs she lapped at my cunt like a dog. Like Duke. My eyes lulled back in my head as I thought of Duke and what he did to me earlier. My butt rose off the table to let her have full access to my pussy. Ah! Her tongue felt so good! Dr. Rose muffled and snorted into my cunny as her tongue delved into my hot box. I was so close to climax. I ground my clit against her nose. Close, so close…

She stopped. Why did she stop? I was right there! Right at the edge. Did she know? Did she care? I looked up, and saw my juices covering her face. I sat up and licked her, kissed her, tasted my juices all over her face. She awakened a fear in me. Was I a lesbian? I’d always loved men, but did I now love women? Dr. Rose didn’t give me time to think that out. She showed me the huge black phallus that she had pulled out of the drawer minutes before. It looked just like High, only about six inches shorter, and a wee bit smaller ‘round. The head was mushroom-looking, but not as imposing as High’s. It made my mouth water. It made me think of High and how fast and hard he came. How delicious he was.

“Did you want him to take you, Maggie? Did you want High to fuck you with his huge rod?”

I could only nod yes. I couldn’t take my eyes off that big cock she was holding for fear it wasn’t real. I licked my lips. She handed it to me.

“Show me how you held High. Show me what you did when he shot his load.” I was about to shoot a load of my own, if that’s possible for a girl. I took that black prick and held it at an angle, just like High’s was. I smothered the tip with kisses and sucked the tip into my mouth. She held the top just as if High was holding his own cock. I jacked him – the dick – off just like I did High. Dr. Rose couldn’t stand anymore. I don’t know when it happened, but sometime during the course of shutting the door and me making out with the black phallus, she had stripped off her clothes. Now I could see all she was hiding under her small but loose scrubs. Her pert breasts couldn’t have been but C cups at most, with both nipples pierced. She had a chain belt on with the end running down between her legs. A chain was also clipped from her nipple piercings to the middle of the chain around her waist. She sported a small but noticeable tattoo of the backside of a dog with his dick hanging down. That got me curious.

Anyway, Dr. Rose couldn’t stand anymore. At least she couldn’t stand it that I was getting all the attention. She took the big dick from me, and started rubbing it between her legs. I saw that her well-used pussy lips were open, and the dildo was sliding nicely between them. That’s when I saw what the chain from her waist was attached to. She brought it up to my face and told me to lick it. I might as well. She licked me. I guess I should repay the favor. I don’t think I’m gonna like this, though.

I licked the dildo where she had rubbed her pussy. She, like me, smelled so sweet. I licked, and I slobbered. I was wet. She roughly took it away from me, and pushed me to lie back on the table and pushed my legs off to each side. After licking the tip of the black horse dildo, she licked my cunt once again. No, not licked. Slobbered. Like Duke did earlier. She had me so wet, but I think most of it was just me. Handling the tip with her left hand, and the base with her right, she guided the prick right up to my honey hole. I was so afraid it was going to rip me apart. Dr. Rose gently rubbed it up and down my pussy, every once in a while licking it or my cunt to keep it wet.

“Don’t be afraid, Honey. Just relax. Pretend it’s High. You want his cock in your pussy, don’t you? You want High to make you his mare, his bitch? If you want to mate with the real High, you have to be able to take this. All of it.” And with that, she shoved it up my snatch. My toes curled. The knuckles of both my hands went white as I clutched the sides of the table trying not to fall off. A silent scream was caught in my mouth and the pain of the head tore into me. The thrusting motions she made with the dildo made the pain go away and the pre-orgasms started again. The orgasm that she’d had me on the brink of earlier? That was nothing compared to now. My body just didn’t seem to want to let go of that orgasm feeling – as if it would never come back. Intense.

“Scream, Maggie. Scream for Dr. Rose. Feel High’s big black dick in your pussy and make him yours. He’s here for you. He wants to cum inside you, but the only way to do that is for you to cum too.” Another huge thrust and I was there. I’d never squirted before, partially because no man ever filled me like this or treated me so rough, but there I was: squirting around that monster of a thing stuck inside me; thrusting in me; pounding away at my pussy. And a scream. A scream tore at my throat and ripped out of my lips. A scream as I’d never screamed before; but not one of being scared; one of being ripped apart through ecstasy. Dr. Rose didn’t stop pounding me, though. She also didn’t stop flicking my clit.

“Oh! Oh! Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Doc! Doc, don’t stop!” I gritted my teeth and demanded, “Don’t you stop now. I’ll pay you back, I promise. Don’t you stop, stop, stooooooooooooooop!” Another primal scream rips from my throat as I hump up to meet more pounding from this huge monster. My whole body convulses in orgasm as I lay on the table. Dr. Rose still pushes it in and out of my well-worn pussy, but with a lot less urgency. She heard my promise, and I think she too wanted a beating from the big dick. When she pulled it out of my swollen pussy, my cum came out too which she noisily lapped up. I lay there for about a minute, trying to get my bearings.

“You promised, Maggie.” And she forcefully shoved the prick into my hands and all but pulled me off the table. Now again, the thought came to me that I wasn’t one much for girls. But I was a sucker for a “first time for everything” fling, so I couldn’t stop. Besides, shouldn’t I at least repay Dr. Rose for fucking me?

“Dr. Rose? Um, I’m kinda new at the girl thing, and uh…”

“Fuckin’ get over it, Maggie. Do me better than I did you. That’s all you have to do.” With a bit more courage, I leaned into her cunt. I smelled the sweet smell of arousal, and made a preliminary lick. I rolled the taste around my tongue much like a wine taster would. Dr. Rose was very patient up to this point, but humped her hips up to meet my mouth. “Enough. Eat me.”

My reply? I buried my nose in her clit and my mouth over her pussy. Her clit was especially touchy since her chain was attached to it via another piercing. My tongue darted in and out of her hole, and I loved the taste of her. She started humping my face, and all I could do was try to keep time with her. I didn’t do much being a first-timer, but she still came all over my face. I lapped up as much as I could, but I knew she wanted more. I grabbed the horse cock out of her hands and did the same thing she did to me. I rubbed it between my legs feeling the veins slide over my pussy. It needed more lube, and I wanted to add to it. I clenched my legs together and pulled the cock out; the head putting pressure on my pussy as it slid past. Once clear, I slid it up and down Dr. Rose’s crotch, mixing our juices and tantalizing her.

“Put it in, Maggie. Ram it into me just like I did to you.” Clutching the side of the table she swung her hips back and forth trying to catch the tip with her pussy lips. I would gently slide the tip up to clit, then let it barely enter her twat. I repeated that several times just teasing her, making her beg for more. I licked the head of the dildo, then her cunny tasting her juices once more, then back to teasing her.

“You like being teased Dr. Rose,” which was more of a statement than a question. “You like not being in control of the sexual favors done to you. What? You want this big cock in your steaming pussy? Sorry, can’t do that just now,” and I licked her cunt again. “I’m gonna give you what you deserve. What you want, but first, you must wait.”

“No, don’t make me wait. I don’t like waiting. I want that thing buried in my twat, and I want it NOW!”

“No need to shout, Dr. Rose. All in good time,” and with that I shoved it in her pussy. I saw it did to her what it did to me. Toes curled. Knuckles white. Soundless scream. Then humping. Lots of humping. I thrust it into her with abandon. She screamed and came, screamed and came some more. I wanted to see if I could get her to squirt like she did to me.

“Do you squirt, Dr. Rose? Do you want me to continue until you squirt like you made me?” More pounding; more humping. “I’m gonna make you cum so hard, Dr. Rose.”

“Taylor. Call me Taylor, Maggie. Yes, please make me cum! I want to squirt for you!”

I fucked her hard with that schlong. I buried it hard and deep in her pussy and pulled it out almost to the tip. Several times I did this with her twat raised to the ceiling. All of a sudden, her pussy muscles pushed the horse cock out, and she sprayed all over me. I was wide eyed because that had never happened to me. No, not even a man sprayed cum on me. I either swallowed or spit it out discretely. Not Dr. Rose, I mean, Taylor. Oh, and she was so hot! I mean it was breathtaking to see the stream of her cum come right at me. My mouth was already open in shock, so I got a good taste of her stream. I knew right then that though I would never be a lesbian, this was something I could get used to tasting.

We caught our breath and cleaned ourselves up at the sink in the corner all the while me telling Taylor what had happened between myself, High, and Duke. If we hadn’t been so spent sexually, I know the details I told Taylor would have gotten her hot again.

“Maggie, I hope you will forgive me for what just happened. It’s just that I’ve not been that turned on in a long time, and I needed to expel some energy. This won’t change our working relationship, but if you want, our personal relationship – outside the office – can grow.”

I shook my head in disbelief, “I’ll need time to think about all that happened, Dr. Rose. That was a first for me. In fact, today was a whole series of firsts. I can’t seem to process them all right now. It’ll probably take me a couple days in fact. I’ll let you know my conclusion, though, as soon as I have one, okay?”

“Fair enough. By the way, if you ever need a quickie, the dogs in this hallway have been specially bred and are sickness free. Just make sure you have a treat with you and slide it through the door’s window before opening the door. There are many girls that come in here on their break to get a ‘quick fix’ until they can go home. But I’ll tell you, it’s quite addicting. We don’t use any drugs on the dogs, no special shampoos, it’s just when you don’t have to worry about hurting someone’s feelings, it’s great. We just ask that you don’t abuse the dogs and you get fully cleaned up in this room – HC-2 – after playing around. That’s all the info I’ll give you for now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the girls that work here. They know all about it, and most of them use these facilities daily. In fact, several of them come in as a group. But enough. I know your head is probably swimming with everything. Take the rest of the day off with pay, and I’ll see you tomorrow at 7 AM. We have the farm over in Williamsburg to pull Coggins on.”

And with that she walked out of HC-2.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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