Duke & Dana 2 & 3

By Drakon66.

Read Part 1 Here.


Part 2…

Karen’s last client canceled their meeting, so she decided to drive straight to the airport and see if she could get an earlier flight to Dana’s neck of the woods. Sure enough, there were several to choose from, so she picked the one that flew direct. It would put her in there around a quarter to six. She started to dial Dana’s number but then hung up. ‘I’ll surprise her,’ she thought to herself.

Karen parked her rental car in front of Dana’s house at 6:17 pm. Dana’s car was in the driveway, so Karen knew she was home. She left her bags in the car and decided to just knock on the door and see her friend’s reaction. She knocked on the door and waited. Nothing. She knocked again and again, but there was no answer. ‘Maybe she’s in the shower?’ Karen thought. She dug through her purse and found the key Dana had given her the last time she visited.

She eased the door and walked in, quietly closing it behind her. Karen heard what she thought were the sounds of passion coming from the bedroom. She thought Dana might be having a little fun before she had to pick her up at the airport. The thought of seeing Dana having sex with a hot guy turned her on. She removed her heels and quietly padded down the hall.

When she reached the door to Dana’s room, Karen was shocked at the sight she saw. Dana was naked, with her upper body lying on the foot of her bed with her knees on the floor. A magnificent Great Dane stood behind her with his ass pressed to hers. They were tied, and Dana seemed to be in heaven by the sound of her moans. The big beast was staring at Karen, and she wasn’t sure he was friendly. A low growl came from him, and he leaned forward, making Dana moan louder.

“Duke, stay!” Dana said softly, gasping, “Good boy, stay.”

The next time he growled, Dana turned and saw Karen’s mouth hanging open and eyes wide, standing at the doorway. Dana’s whole body blushed as she met her friend’s shocked gaze.

“OH, MY GOD! Karen! What are you doing here?” she said, then buried her face in the sheets.

Dana wanted to run and hide, but in her present condition, she could do neither. She began to cry. Karen could see her friend wracked with sobs as she hid her face, which snapped Karen back to reality. She felt terrible making Dana cry and tried to soothe her.

“It’s OK, honey, don’t cry,” she said, slowly stepping into the room.

Her soft words made Duke relax, and his tail started wagging, so she moved to the side of the bed to comfort her friend.

“Shhh, don’t cry, honey. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” Karen said, stroking Dana’s long blond hair.

“You weren’t supposed to see me like this. You weren’t supposed to know. This is horrible! You must think I’m a terrible, disgusting person. Oooohhhhhhh,” Dana replied, still hiding her face as Duke shifted again.

Dana had a small orgasm when Duke turned toward the new female in the room. His head was up, and he sniffed the air, watching her every move.

“I don’t think any such thing. You’re beautiful,” Karen said, feeling a wave of arousal wash over her as she watched her friend tremble in pleasure.

Dana stopped sobbing, then pushed herself up and looked into Karen’s warm brown eyes.

“What? What did you say?”

“You look beautiful,” she repeated, wiping the tears from Dana’s cheeks.

“Ha, How can that be? I’m laying her naked with a dog’s cock stuck in me, and my best friend in the room who caught me like this, ,” her words trailed off.

Duke shifted again, and another small climax hit Dana. Her cheeks reddened once she recovered, seeing Karen watching her intently.

“That right there was beautiful and sexy and erotic,” Karen said, running her hand down Dana’s back to her firm ass.

She inspected the union of her and Duke’s bodies. The knot was causing Dana’s lips to flare outward each time Duke moved. Karen moved her hand under the two of them and felt Duke’s velvety balls. Then she touched Dana’s inflamed clit and sent her spinning into a new vortex of pleasure. Dana was bucking wildly and crying out in ecstasy. Duke moved forward, and his deflating knot pulled free of Dana’s clenching pussy.

She let out a sharp scream and collapsed onto the bed again. Karen watched as a torrent of cloudy white liquid cascaded out of her friend’s pussy like a miniature Niagara Falls and splashed onto the carpet. Duke was there immediately to start licking her clean. She groaned as his tongue lapped at her outer folds and plunged into her depths. When he finished with her and cleaned the carpet, Duke laid down and cleaned himself.

Karen held Dana’s hand while Duke did his work. She had two more orgasms before he was finished, then succumbed to her exhaustion. Karen helped Dana onto the bed and pulled the covers over her groggy friend to let her rest. She kissed her on the forehead and then quietly left the room.


Dana awoke disoriented in a darkened room. She was in her bed and under the covers but felt something was wrong. ‘Had it been a dream,’ she wondered briefly and then felt the soreness of her muscles and the tenderness of her pussy. She looked at the clock, which read 9:12 pm and panicked. She had to pick up Karen.

But wait, she remembered Karen was by her side before she passed out. Dana could hear the TV in the living room. Embarrassment, shame, and doubt filled her as she rose, put on her knee-length silk robe, and walked down the hall. She could see Karen’s long brown hair hanging down over the back of the couch as she approached.

“Mmm, you’re a good boy, Duke,” Karen said softly, scratching him.

Dana looked on in amazement at her friend on the couch. Karen had changed out of her business attire and into a tank top and shorts. But the tank top was pulled over her firm breasts, and her shorts lay on the cushion. One of her legs was on the coffee table, and the other was on the floor with Duke sitting between them, lapping at her exposed pussy.

“KAREN!” Dana exclaimed, coming around to face her friend.

Startled, Karen sat up and pushed Duke back.

“Oh, Dana! I, uh, I hope I didn’t disturb you. I was just—” Karen falls silent, unable to finish her sentence.

Dana wasn’t sure what to feel at that moment. She sat on the other end of the couch from Karen in silence. Neither woman spoke for several moments then Duke thrust his muzzle back into Karen’s wet crotch.

“Duke! No!” she pushed him away and then chuckled nervously.

Dana remained silent then Duke tried again to get at her pussy. Karen shoved him back once more.

“Persistent, isn’t he?” Dana finally said with a meek smile.

Karen was about to respond when Duke made another attempt.

“DUKE! Enough!” Karen said sternly.

To both their surprise, Duke stepped back and sat down. Dana and Karen looked at one another and then back to Duke.

“I guess you have to know the right command,” Karen said. “You’ve trained him well.”

“I didn’t train him,” Dana replied.

“It’s hard to believe he’s a natural at, well, you know. When I saw you two together, I figured you did well training your dog.”

“Duke belongs to my brother, and I didn’t train him. Karen, about what you saw. I’ve never done anything like that before. It just happened. Things started happening, and, well, you saw,” Dana said, unable to look Karen in the eye.

Karen didn’t reply.

“Then I find you out here with Duke licking your pussy. What’s up with that?”

“Once I got you into bed, I brought my stuff and put it in the guest room. I couldn’t get you two out of my head. I was so turned on that my panties were soaked, and Duke was bugging me the whole time, trying to get at my pussy. So I changed into shorts and this tank top and tried watching TV. I finally gave into Duke’s advances, and here I am,” Karen finished by opening her arms and pointing at herself.

They both laughed, and Dana leaned over and embraced her friend. Karen reassured Dana that their shared secret would stay just between them. Karen then explained how she had come to be there so early, along with other trivial details of her day. They were still holding onto one another when Karen finished. There was a long silence then Dana kissed Karen gently on the lips. Karen pulled her close and returned her kiss, and their passion began to grow. Karen’s hand moved under Dana’s robe and found her damp sex. Dana pulled back suddenly in pain, air hissing through clenched teeth.

“I’m still a bit sensitive down there right now,” she said, seeing the concerned look on Karen’s face.

“I’m sorry,” Karen replied, “I was thinking we could—”

Duke uttered a loud whine and began thumping his tail on the carpet, causing Karen to cut her statement short. They both looked at Duke. His fiery red cock was starting to poke out of its sheath. They looked back at each other again.

“I think he’s ready to play again,” Dana remarked, looking to see Karen’s reaction, “How many orgasms did he give you before I interrupted?”

“He was working on my second when you walked in,” Karen smiled, then turned to Duke, spreading her legs wide and patting her mound, “Come on, big boy.”

Duke was between her legs in a flash, lapping at her moist valley. Karen moaned loudly and gripped Dana’s thigh. Dana took one of Karen’s rock-hard nipples into her mouth, sucking and licking while she rolled the other between her fingers. Karen’s body stiffened as her second orgasm took hold of her and shook her violently. Duke furiously devoured the fresh supply of honey she was producing, making Karen writhe even more. Then without warning, Duke sat back down and whined. She patted her sex again, and he licked her briefly, then began to pace back and forth. They could both see more of his cock protruding from its sheath.

“I think he wants to do more than just lick you,” Dana said, sitting up.

“I think you’re right.”

“Come on, let’s get more comfortable,” Dana said as she stood and pulled Karen up by the hand.

They returned to Dana’s room, with Duke following close behind. Dana climbed on the bed to watch what Karen would do.

“I’m gonna do it like you,” Karen said, kneeling at the foot of the bed, “He’s too big for me to hold up.”

She placed her right elbow on the bed and looked over her shoulder at Duke. He was pacing behind her but hadn’t tried to mount or lick her. She patted her ass, and Duke moved in and licked her dripping pussy. She moaned long and deep as his tongue prepared her for him. Karen shuddered as a climax began to build, but before she could reach her release, Duke mounted her.

His powerful front legs closed around her waist, making slow probing thrusts with his hips. He was coating her ass and legs with hot pre cum but hadn’t yet found her needy pussy. She lowered her body and arched her back, and his thick cock found the target. The tip went in and pulled out, but when he felt her wet heat, he yanked her backward several inches, stabbing two-thirds of his rigid pole into her warm depths.

“HOLY SHIT!” Karen exclaimed as the rapid thrusting began.

Duke pounded into Karen hard and fast, driving the remainder of his cock into her pussy. His head came to rest on her shoulder as he had done with Dana. Karen screamed as her impending climax crashed over her like a tidal wave. Her loud cries split the air for the entire length of that orgasm and the next.

“My god, he’s huge, uh, uh, uh, and he’s still growing, uh, uh, AAAHHHHH!” Karen screamed again as Duke shoved his knot into her already stuffed pussy.

His thrusts shortened but sped up while his cock and knot swelled to fill Karen’s vagina to its maximum capacity. She was groaning and quaking from one orgasm after another. Dana watched in total fascination at what was happening to her friend, remembering how it was her in that position just hours earlier. The fire between her legs was burning once again out of control. All moral conflict went from her mind.

“OH MY GOD! He’s cumming in me. AAAHHHHHHH,” Karen cried as Duke’s seed flooded into her womb.

Dana was lying on her side in front of Karen, mindlessly massaging her breasts as she watched. Karen pulled Dana to her and hungrily kissed her. Their tongues coiled and twisted in a constant duel, only stopping long enough for Karen to cry out in ecstasy from each climax.

Duke eventually released his grip on Karen’s waist, standing with his front paws flanking her sides. He shuffled his stance side to side for a few moments, then turned to stand on the floor with his ass pressed to hers. She moaned as his movements tugged at the huge knot inside, pulling it tight against her g spot. Its relentless throb brought more sensual pleasure with each passing minute as more doggie cum was pumped into her uterus.

“I’m being filled like a human water balloon,” Karen commented, dropping her head as a fresh orgasm rumbled through her body.

Dana caressed and kissed her friend, squeezing Karen’s tits and then her own. They lost count of Karen’s orgasms as Duke tested his union with his bitch from time to time. Dana moved off the bed to look at their coupling and finger Karen’s clit, screaming her into a new world of pleasure. Dana returned to her post in front of Karen, and they kissed softly for a few minutes before Duke pulled free of Karen’s tight hole. He hadn’t lasted as long with her as with Dana, but Karen wasn’t complaining. Duke lapped up their combined fluids from her gaping pussy, then the carpet, and finally himself.

Karen crawled up the bed until she reached the pillows, then collapsed and rolled onto her back, panting. Dana cuddled beside her, and they caressed each other in silence while Karen basked in the afterglow of her monumental fucking.

“Duke is one amazing lover!” she finally said.

“He rocked my world,” Dana agreed, “And just think, I never considered doing something like this until he licked my pussy while I was looking at those pictures you sent me, but it was the best sex ever!”

“He’s well-trained for sex with a woman,” Karen commented.

“How would you know that?” Dana asked, turning to look at her friend.

“Because Duke wasn’t my first.”

Dana’s eyes flew wide at Karen’s revelation.


Part 3…

She had known Karen since grade school, but they hadn’t become good friends until halfway through high school. Dana thought she knew everything about Karen, but she did not.

“Well, when was your first time?” Dana asked.

Karen didn’t answer immediately. She considered what may happen if her friend knew the details of her first encounter with a canine, but then she realized what they had just shared. Why would it matter if she knew?

“Back during the summer before we went to college,” she began, “I was dating Jason Henley, remember?”

“Ya, He was a real jerk. You only were dating him because he was hung like a horse.”

“That’s beside the point. Anyway, his grandfather passed away, and he and his parents flew back east for the funeral over a weekend. He called me to house sit, so I went over to their house, ”

Karen pulled up in front of Jason’s house just before 9 am Friday. She could see his dad loading luggage into their BMW. She walked up the sweeping drive to where he was just as he closed the trunk.

“Hi, Mr. Henley,” she hugged him, “I’m sorry to hear about your father. I hope you’re doing OK?”

“Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine,” he replied, “JASON! Karen’s here.”

Karen continued up the walkway toward the front door and met Linda Henley. They didn’t say anything as they passed because Jason’s mom didn’t like Karen for whatever reason. Jason was at the front door holding some keys and a piece of paper with a sad look on his face.

“Hey baby,” Karen said, jumping into his arms and kissing him fully. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’m gonna miss you too. Jack’s in the backyard. Here are the instructions for taking care of him, the birds, and the fish. The first number is for my aunt’s house, where we’ll be staying, and the other is my dad’s cell phone. If Jack gets out, the first place to look is at the Peterson’s.” Jason pointed down the block toward a big two-story home on the corner. “That’s his girlfriend’s house.”

“His girlfriend?” Karen asked with a funny look on her face.

“Ya, they have a female Shepard that he goes down to visit, and they knock it out, but we raised the fence, so I don’t think he’ll be able to get out now.”

“She’s gonna miss his cock,” she said, stepping close to Jason and caressing his cock through his jeans. “Like I’m gonna miss yours.”

They kissed passionately until the horn of the car made them stop. Jason jogged to the rear passenger door and waved before climbing in. The Henleys pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street while Karen watched them go. She was very horny, knowing she wouldn’t get any of Jason’s big cock for at least the next three days. She looked at the paper Jason had given her and walked into the house.

The Henleys were very well off and had a magnificent home. Karen loved being there and enjoyed feeling like this house was hers for the weekend. She went to the backyard to see Jack, their four-year-old black lab and mastiff mix. He was a 145-pound pussy cat around Karen. He never jumped or barked at her and always lavished her with ‘kisses’ when she was over.

She scratched his head as she walked around the pool to the shed where the pumps were and turned on the pool heater. She planned on using the facilities to their fullest. She returned to her car, got her bag, and put it in Jason’s room, planning to spend every night in his bed rather than the guest room, then began to get undressed.

Karen laid a towel on one of the chase lounges by the pool and stripped off her wrap, revealing a skimpy bikini. She saw Jack lying in the shade, gnawing on a bone she had given him earlier as she walked to the pool’s edge. She dove into the cool water and did a quick lap before climbing out to catch some rays. Karen kept hearing Jason’s words about Jack and his girlfriend, which made her laugh, but she wasn’t sure why. She noticed the warmth in her pussy still lingering after the hasty goodbye she and Jason had.

The feel of his cock through his pants in her hand made her very horny. It wasn’t long before her fingers reached her pussy and began massaging her erect clit. She bucked her hips and ground her sex against her fingers as a huge orgasm began to build. Karen dipped a finger into her frothing valley, then another. She was about to cry out in pure ecstasy when Jack licked her face.

“Oh, Jack! Yuck, you slobbered all over me!”

Her moans had gotten his attention, and he had come over to investigate. Karen removed her hand from her bikini bottoms and sat up, wiping his drool from her cheek and neck. She was mad for being interrupted but not really. She loved Jack and his playful nature. She scratched his ears, and he laid his head on her stomach.

“This isn’t gonna work Jack. Go lay down,” she told him.

He raised his head and then began sniffing the air. He found Karen’s damp fingers intriguing. His tongue shot out to taste the wonderful-smelling digits. Karen thought it was cute at first, then was fascinated at how his tongue moved over, around, and between her fingers. It was very stimulating to her. Once satisfied that he had gotten all that was on them, he searched for more. When his head went to her crotch, she pushed him away. He moved around the end of the lounge and tried again.

“No, Jack!” she shouted, pushing him away more forcefully.

His persistence was admirable, but she needed to finish what she had started, or she would go crazy. Karen finally decided to go inside and reached for her wrap. Jack took her momentary distraction to stick his nose in her crotch and have a taste. His broad tongue swept up her bikini-covered sex, making her jump.

“HEY!” she shouted and stood up quickly, causing the lounge to skid loudly on the concrete.

Her sudden movement startled Jack, and he moved back. Karen had shuddered from his sudden unwanted advance. Disgust and embarrassment surged through her, along with a strange feeling of arousal. That arousal concerned her. ‘There has got to be something wrong with me. It’s wrong to feel like that from a dog. Why do I think about him?’ she thought as she backed away from Jack. He watched her leave but didn’t move to follow.

Karen walked into the air-conditioned house and went straight to Jason’s room. She sat on the bed for a moment as her thoughts ran wild. She felt dirty and depraved, horrified and yet aroused all at the same time. Her pussy nagged to be satisfied, but her mind grappled with the moral dilemma over her unnatural urge to explore what Jack had done to her. She took a shower hoping it would clear away more than just the chlorine from the pool.

After drying off, Karen opened her laptop and began searching the internet for more on sex between humans and dogs. The shower had cleansed her body but not her mind. She quickly found more than she bargained for. Lots of pictures and videos of women engaging in all sexual acts with animals, not just dogs, but she focused on the canine side of this new perversion of hers.

The images assaulted her senses, making her wet and feel repulsed. She found herself seeking the ones with dogs giving women oral satisfaction. The looks of ecstasy on their faces and the cries of pleasure tore down the remnants of her moral resistance, but then Karen saw a video of a woman jacking off a large Shepard before he mounted her and fucked the daylights out of her. The flood of arousal equaled the shock she felt. She mindlessly reached for her drenched sex, and the moment her finger came in contact with her stiff clit, she came.

The intensity of her orgasm surprised her as she nearly bucked her computer off her lap. The flood of her juices soaked the towel she sat on and the bedspread below. When Karen finally recovered, she felt ashamed, but that passed quickly. Now she wanted to see if Jack could please her like she had witnessed other canines doing for the women on her computer. She read some ‘How to’ articles, put on a robe, and went downstairs to get Jack. She stopped in the kitchen for some peanut butter, just in case, then called Jack to her.

He ran to her call and rushed into the house. Jack was excited to be inside and was jumping around as Karen led him to Jason’s room. He was sniffing the air, following her closely. Once in the room, she closed the door as he roamed and eventually zeroed in on the towel on the bed. His sensitive nose took in the powerful aroma and even licked at the material a few times. Karen removed her robe, sat back down on the towel, and then leaned back on the bed. Jack licked at her thighs and then her wet pussy. She gasped at his warm tongue passing over her moist folds.

“Mmmmmm, that’s a good boy,” she cooed softly.

She spread her legs as wide as she could, holding them open for her four-legged lover. She could feel his tongue plunge into her depths, then bathe her lips and clit in warm saliva. Karen began to quake with tremors of pleasure as a new orgasm shook her core.

“OH GOD, YES!” she screamed.

Jack continued to lap at the fresh flood of womanly nectar, but soon Karen had to push him away from her overstimulated pussy. She lay panting on the bed for several minutes in the euphoric afterglow of her first canine-induced orgasm. Jack sat softly, whining as if he wanted more. Karen sat up and looked at him.

His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted, but the sight of his bright red cock poking out of its sheath captured her attention. It was only a few inches, but she could see how big and thick it was. Karen had always been a bit of a ‘size queen.’ That’s why she liked Jason so much. Now she was seeing something even bigger, making her uncomfortably horny.

Jack stood and moved closer. She lovingly scratched his head and stroked the soft fur down his body, moving her hands closer to his mighty penis. Once she reached his sheath, her hand closed around the furry cover. The heat of his cock was intense, and she slowly stroked him. His hips began to move, turning into violent thrusts.

Her wrist and arm were being coated in his hot pre cum. She was excited at the prospect of feeling this huge cock being thrust into her. She released him and got onto the floor. He began to jump around her excitedly as if they were going to play. He pounced and pawed at her, knocking her over several times.

Karen finally got on her hands and knees and crawled around like she had seen the women in the videos do. Jack jumped and continued to paw at her playfully. She wantonly displayed her drooling vagina to him, and he would lick her but didn’t try to mount her. When he stood beside her, she reached for his cock and gave him a few strokes, making him hump the air vigorously, then turned her backside to him.

He mounted her immediately and began humping but dismounted after only a half dozen thrusts. This happened again and again. Karen was getting frustrated and tired of trying to support his weight. On the next attempt, she reached between her legs to help guide him in. This was more productive. He managed to get the tip in but had trouble maintaining a coupling.

“What am I doing wrong?” she wondered out loud.

Her pussy was hungry for cock, and she needed to cum, so once again, she tempted Jack to mount her. This time when his flaming hot cock pushed into her pussy, she dropped her shoulders to the floor. Jack thrust forward and drove about half of his 9” penis into Karen’s creamy hole. His grip tightened, and he yanked her backward, impaling her fully on his cock.

“OH GOD!” she cried, “Yes, yes, YES!”

The powerful orgasm, lurking just beyond her grasp, exploded within her. Jack’s thrusts were erratic, and he was jerking side to side. Karen could feel his knot slapping at her entrance, but he couldn’t bury it in her before it was too large to enter. She could feel the scalding hot cum gushing into her convulsing canal. She came hard again.

Jack suddenly pulled out and squirted his seed on her thighs, ass, and calves. She collapsed to the floor as the flood of cum drained from her opening. She had hoped to feel his knot inside her, but they could work on that since it was only Friday afternoon and the Henleys wouldn’t be back before Sunday evening.

“So, did Jack tie with you?” Dana asked, excited to hear more.

“Well, not that day. I was a bit sore and tired. He was a BIG dog. I did get his knot in me a couple of times before they came home, but we never tied. He was just too erratic. I would have loved to have that monster in me because he was even bigger than Duke here,” she said, pointing to the Dane lying on the floor nearby. “And that’s how I know Duke is trained. He didn’t need to be told what to do, was very calm in what he was doing, and when Jack finished, he gave me a few quick licks and then went to lie down. In contrast, Duke licked us both clean afterward. Now to the real question. Do you think Kara trained him by herself, or did Danny help her? Does he even know?”

Dana couldn’t answer. She sat and stared at Karen, who had a cynical look on her face. It was plain that she believed Kara had done the training without Dan’s knowledge.

Dan worked on an offshore drilling rig and would be gone for two weeks and then off for two. That’s a long time to go without sex. She had always struck Dana as a nympho too. She had also been surprised that Dan even let her get a dog as he wasn’t into pets, saying they made it difficult to go anywhere because you always had to make arrangements for them. It was beginning to look like Karen’s assessment was right. Kara may have done this herself, and Dan doesn’t know of her sexual escapades.

“I just can’t believe it,” Dana finally said with a look of dismay, “I guess if she did do this to fill in the time without Dan, I should be thankful. It’s better than her cheating on him with another man. If she is fucking Duke, how can she take that huge thing? We’re nearly six feet tall, but she’s barely 5’2” and very petite. I’d think he’d split her in two.”

“I don’t know, but she’s no innocent virgin. Maybe she’s a size queen too. Are you gonna confront her over this?” Karen asked.

“I’m not sure. At least we can enjoy Duke’s training for now. They’ll be back a week from today, so I’ve got time to think about it.”

They both considered the possibilities for their weekend together with Duke. Dana would have to make a decision at some point, which could make things between her and her sister-in-law tense.


To be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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