Eliza’s Shadow
She came to the oversized dumpster and strained to open the heavy sliding metal door. Finally, she managed to force it open, pitching her trash into the black abyss and reaching to pull the door closed. Just as the sound of the trash hit bottom, she heard a yelp and a soft whimpering echo. She paused, frowning, and looked on either side of the container and found nothing, so the sounds had to come from inside.
She fished a lighter from her sweatpants pocket, striking a flame and carefully extending her arm into the black hole. She slowly peered over the side and immediately sighed with relief.
A large, black dog looked up at her from the bottom of the container. It gazed up at her with big, sorrowful eyes, begging for help.
“Shit? How did you get in there?” she asked, leaning in and letting the dog sniff her hand. It answered with a whimper and a tentative lick of her hand. “Did some dickhead throw you in there? It’s OK, baby. Let me get some help, and I’ll be right back.”
A few minutes later, Eliza wrapped her arms around the stinky dog as Shawn, her next-door neighbor, stood inside the container and handed her the dog over the edge.
“Damn, Eliza, I thought you’re choice of a boyfriend stunk.” Shawn laughed. “This dog is fucking ripe!”
“Don’t worry, she’s coming home with me and getting a hot bath and warm meal,” she replied, letting the dog slide from her arms onto the ground. “Still no clue on how she got in there.”
“Uh, you mean HE,” James said, pointing at the dog’s rear. She followed his gaze and saw a large set of black, hanging balls swinging between the dog’s haunches.
“Oops. Sorry, boy,” she apologized, taking a moment to admire his equipment. “I must have missed those in the dark.”
The dog bowed his head and moved over to her, leaning his weight against her leg as he sat. She scratched his head affectionately. “You ready to go home, my little trash man?”
The dog stood and waited for her to advance. “Thanks again, Shawn. Sorry, I woke you up.”
“Yeah, no problem. It’s not like I had a girl over,” he replied sarcastically. “We weren’t trying to fool around or anything.”
“Well, then she should thank me in the morning,” she snapped. They stared at each other through squinted eyes, then burst into laughter. They gave one another a quick hug and parted ways.
“Good night, stud.”
“Night, slut.”
Eliza started down the path to her apartment and turned to see if the dog was following. Not seeing him, she stopped abruptly, only to have the large dog almost knock her over a split-second later when he bumped into the back of her legs. She looked down and smiled. “Damn boy, you follow close, don’t you?”
He looked up happily, his tail finding a slow wag while waiting for her to continue.
Once they got to her apartment, she debated feeding or bathing him. His nose dropped to the floor, and he started sniffing around her pantry door.
“OK, I guess you want to eat first,” she said, starting to crack eggs for a scrambled egg dinner.
A few minutes later, she sat the plate down, and he scarfed the eggs in record time, quickly looking for more.
“No, baby. I don’t want you to get an upset tummy. We can eat more a little later, OK?”
The dog chuffed in disappointment but reluctantly sat and waited to see what was next. He watched her closely as she cleaned the dishes, moving closer to her while she dried and put them up.
Eliza wiped her hands and looked down at the dog against her leg. “So, you ready for a bath?”
He stood and moved behind her, following so closely that she almost tripped several times, going up the stairs because of his close vicinity and stepping on her flip-flops.
She turned the faucet on in the bathroom and let the cold water slowly warm. She went to the toilet and dropped her shorts. She sat on the cool seat and relaxed her bladder to piss when she felt warm breath on her bare leg. She turned and saw the dog had inched closer and was now sitting less than a foot from her, staring intently. She cocked her eyebrow. “Hey, can I have a little privacy?”
The dog did not attempt to move and kept his eyes on her. Eliza grunted, turning her head away from his gaze, and forced herself to piss.
Finished, she raised to wipe and turned to tear the toilet paper. Before the paper touched her dampness, something cold and wet bumped against her cunt. She screamed and jumped back, clutching between her legs. She stared at the dog, who had moved even closer and seemingly tried sniffing her crotch.
“Bad boy!” she shouted, fumbling to pull up her shorts. The dog dipped his head in shame and lay down. Immediately she feels like shit for screaming at him. “You can’t scare me like that, OK?”
The dog just lay still, adverting his eyes from her.
She sighed and got on her knees next to the sad puppy. “I’m sorry, boy. I just felt scared. I’m not used to having company around.”
Her apologetic tone and gentle stroking enticed the dog to raise his head and lick her bare knee.
“I think I’m naming you Shadow,” she said. “The name fits because you’ve been my shadow since I met you. Plus, you’re dark like one, too.” Shadow’s tail wagged in agreement. She moved over and patted the tub’s edge. “Come on, Shadow, up.”
The dog didn’t hesitate and climbed into the tub without coercion or help.
“Damn. Aren’t you a good boy?” she bragged as she filled the plastic tumbler with warm water and poured it over his coat. After wetting him thoroughly, Eliza squirted shampoo into her palm and rubbed the grime and filth from his short, black coat.
She couldn’t help but admire his bulky, muscular stature as she massaged and rubbed the shampoo into his fur. His muscular legs and tight chest flexed under her touch, and he began to relax as he enjoyed the warm bath and soothing massage.
Moving her hand over his back, she lifted his tail, massaging the soap around his flanks, and then gently slipped her hand down, brushing against his black, hanging nuts. She paused, glancing at his face to see if he would object. Shadow stared straight ahead, almost smiling as he enjoyed the one-on-one attention.
Eliza continued, sliding her soaped hand down to wash his balls as they hung heavy in her palm. She slowed, savoring his balls’ smoothness and weight while gently rubbing and cleaning them. She thought these aren’t the balls of just any stud; these are the balls of an Alpha.
“You like that, boy?” she whispered, leaning closer to his head. His eyes glazed over as her hand moved from his heavy sac to the furry sheath. Her fingers could feel the hardness filling his pouch while she patiently and softly massaged his sheath until his hotness slid into her grip.
Shadow turned his head, staring at her. From his distant stare and heavy pants, she knew he wanted nothing more than for her to continue.
“Oh my big boy, it’s been so long since I’ve touched a stud’s dick,” she whispered in his perked ear. “But lucky for you, I had fun in college,” she teased.
It had been a couple of years since college, and her memory of spending time with Duke, the sorority guard dog, was vague, but it was all coming back to her. After a year of getting to know Duke intimately, along with several of the other sorority sisters, no less, she had grown quite good at showing the dog a good time. In return, Duke proudly kept any stud from sniffing around the property, whether a dog or a horny frat boy. Those were his bitches, and he was their stud.
Her thoughts came back to reality and the fully erect dog cock in her hand. She leaned back, letting a small gasp leave her lips, gazing at his tool. “Goddamn, I thought Duke had a fucking big cock. How do you even walk with that thing tucked in?” she asked, amazed.
Shadow gave a desperate yelp when she stopped to admire all eight inches of his dog cock. White and purple veins surrounded the pinkness of his hard cock that ended with a perfectly tapered tip. Pre-cum steadily dripped while he leaned over and gave her a warm, wet lick across her face.
“Shit. Sorry boy. Just admiring your beautiful dick,” she laughed and resumed her soothing grip. His cock burned in her positioning hand while she slipped her other hand behind his sheath, feeling the bulbous knot at the base of his cock. She coaxed his knot to appear outside his sheath and gently cupped the base, pulling and putting pressure behind it. Shadow’s panting increased, and she felt his knot swell in her palm and his cock thicken in her grip.
“That’s it, baby. Cum for mommy. Show me what you’ve got stored in those big balls. I want to know how much those big nuts can hold,” she whispered, licking her lips and staring at his leaking tapered tip.
She felt the first powerful pulse thump in her grip, followed by a shot of watery, hot cum arching from his swollen cock and blowing between his legs, only to splatter against the far side of the tub.
“Jeezus!” she exclaimed, her eyes transfixed on his continued powerful blasts spurting from his pulsating cock.
Every spurt blew between his front legs for several minutes, hitting the porcelain until the swelling in her palm began to subside. The spurts lessened in strength but continued to pump steadily.
Shadow grew restless, and she released his equipment, watching his enormous cock swing back and forth between his legs. He stood motionless, panting as his hardness subsided and slowly withdrew into his furry sheath.
“I’ll take that as a compliment that I did a good job?” she asked. “You’re not even going to lick yourself?”
Shadow turned and licked her face affectionately. She giggled and licked him back, letting their tongues touch and taste one another while she scratched his ears.
“I think we are going to make a good couple, hun?” she asked, standing. Shadow moved his head between her legs, shoving his muzzle against her cunt and sniffing loudly. She realized she was wet from getting off on seeing his wondrous cock. “Damn, baby. You know how to make a horny bitch wet, don’t you?”
He sniffed, blowing hot breath through her shorts, making her cunt tingle. She reluctantly stepped back and grabbed a towel. “Come on, stud, time to dry off. Let’s get ready for bed, and then it’s Mommy’s turn.”
Thirty minutes later, after a long potty break and a quick shower, she released the towel from around her lean waist and lay down on the bed, naked. Shadow followed her onto the bed and slowly walked around her, sniffing. She giggled and laid still, waiting while he got to know her bare, damp body. She would reach under his furry belly each time he passed, tease his sheath, or play with his swinging balls.
He stopped, sniffing her cunt, and she sighed deeply, enjoying the dog’s version of foreplay. She parted her legs, spreading them wide, and he moved between them, his head down, blowing warm breaths across her velvety, wet lips.
“Oh, Shadow, I want you to breed me so badly, baby. I want you to fucked me with that big cock. Tonight, I’m your helpless and willing bitch, so do whatever you want.”
Encouraged, Shadow moved his muzzle closer, and his cold, wet nose brushed against her hot cunt. She shivered from the contact and gasped as his tongue tasted her, slipping past her soft folds and inside her wet cunt.
She moaned and twisted on the bed while he explored between her legs. Her hips thrust against his probing, warm tongue, begging him to taste every horny crevice. She opened her legs wide, giving him all the access he needed to ignite every nerve in her body.
The stud’s tail slowly wagged while he concentrated on tasting his willing bitch and working her up into a frenzy. She tasted and smelled like she was in heat, making his cock surge and grow until it swung back and forth between his legs.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” Eliza moaned softly while her stud continued. She opened her eyes, and she saw his exposed cock, dripping and ready to fuck. Her carnal lust and instinct took over. “Oh fuck me, my stud, fuck me now!” she shouted, throwing her legs over him, flipping over, and dropping her hands and knees in submission, shoving her wet cunt against his furry chest.
Shadow mounted her quickly, wrapping his paws around her thin waist, clawing her sides as he thrust against her rear. His hot, spurting cock slipped between her legs, spraying Pre-cum as he desperately tried to find her willing cunt. She wiggled her butt, positioning herself lower and feeling his burning, hard cock probing between her ass cheeks, and she prepared for his entry.
It was everything she wanted and needed in one hard, forceful thrust. He entered her quickly, making her squeal, and he could feel her willing cunt stretch around his cock as he made her his bitch.
He forcefully jackhammered her pussy, burying all thick, eight inches within her with each rapid and frantic thrust.
A few seconds after getting what she wanted, she climaxed hard and fast. The waves of ecstasy exploded, rolling over her entire being, making her shiver and shake violently. Shadow could feel the added wetness engulf his thrusting cock, making him thrust even harder and faster. His drool dripped steadily onto her naked back as he panted and whined.
Eliza let her head sink to the bed as she pushed back against his thrusting hips. “Oh baby, fuck me hard. Make me cum again,” she moaned.
Shadow slammed his hard knot against her swollen lips, trying desperately to plug and empty his seed within her womb. She relaxed, letting the continuing ecstasy and bliss wash over her. A groan escaped her lips as Shadow’s swollen plug finally slipped past her battered and throbbing folds. The Alpha male slowed his desperate humping and prepared to flood her womb with his life-giving seed.
Another climax shook her when feeling his knot swell between her trembling legs, quickly plugging her tight.
Shadow fell onto her arched back, exhausted, panting, and wheezing. She reached back and rubbed his heaving side.
“Oh fuck, I can feel you cumming inside me. You are such a good boy,” she groaned. “My good, good boy.” She shivered in pleasure, enjoying his pulsating cock planted deep within her womb and the warmth spreading throughout her tummy.
He grew heavy on her back, and she gently eased her legs to lie flat on the bed with Shadow still lodged inside her. He licked her sweaty neck in slow, sensual strokes, letting his cum flood her throbbing cunt.
Several minutes later, Eliza could feel his knot start to subside, and she closed her eyes, feeling his heavy weight on her back as he laid his head on her shoulder.
She sighed, savoring every sensation and feeling. His soft coat against her bare skin, his gradually receding cock planted inside her, and the warm breath from his muzzle lying on her shoulder. Even though she felt something close to this during her college days, it was happily and wonderfully different. To her, this was more a sense of loving passion instead of carnal lust.
She thought about the difference between canine lovers. Duke only wanted to fuck, nut, climb off and move to the next bitch. With Shadow, it was almost like foreplay, then fucking. Then, after nutting, he wanted to be close and snuggle.
She heard Shadow’s breathing grow deeper as he slipped off to sleep, exhausted and satisfied, and she wasn’t far behind him, closing her eyes and drifting into slumber.
She awoke to wetness sliding across her cheek. She opened her eyes, squinting from the bright morning sun that beamed through the window. Her eyes focused, and she smiled, seeing Shadow’s expectant face peering down at her.
“Good morning, boy,” she said lovingly. “I bet you’re hungry, hun?”
Shadow lept off the bed and happily circled while she got up, grabbing her robe from behind the door. He ran ahead and waited for her to join him at the bottom of the stairs.
“I guess when it comes to food, I can forget you being a shadow?” she asked, smiling broadly. His tail wagged, and he pranced around, waiting to see what was for breakfast. “Eggs again?” she asked, and he replied with a quick bark. “OK, eggs it is.”
She fixed his breakfast and sat it on the floor, grabbing a yogurt from the refrigerator. She sat at the dining table, watching him scarf down the food. She had just gotten the container open by the time he finished and was ready to poop. She opened the sliding patio door and watched him exit, searching for this morning’s potty spot. She licked the spoon, admiring his physique and gracefulness. She couldn’t define him as a particular breed, but he had the short coat of a Lab but the build of a Boxer or Pit.
He came back and scratched at the door. She tossed the empty container in the trash and pulled the door open. He bounded in happily and started licking her bare feet. She shuffled back, laughing at his wet, tickling tongue. She got tangled in the robe and fell to the floor with a thud.
Shadow stopped and looked at her, his head down and eyes adverted, thinking he was in trouble. She gathered herself, sitting on the floor and eyeing the cowering dog.
“Really? You don’t have to be scared anymore. Rule number one is that I will never scream or hit you. Got it?” Shadow raised his head, wondering what the catch was. “But,” she continued. “I expect you to fuck me silly, pretty much all the time. OK?” She smiled, letting the robe fall from her shoulders and pool around her. Naked, she opened her legs wide, exposing her trimmed pubes.
Shadow scrambled to his feet and rammed his nose between her legs, scooting her across the floor. She laughed, grabbing his head and pushing him back. He ran at her again, knocking her sideways with his heavy body. Eliza giggled, shoving him, and he returned, playfully nipping and biting her arms. His tail wagged as he hopped around her, bumping and rubbing his soft coat against her. She felt dampness forming between her legs from getting turned on by the playful wrestling. She noticed she wasn’t the only one getting turned on, though. Shadow’s cock was jutting a few inches from its soft sheath as he wrestled with her.
“Uh oh. Somebody likes it rough, don’t they,” she laughed, shoving him back as he returned for another round. He used his momentum and weight to push her over and climb on top, nipping at her flailing hands, his tail wagging rapidly.
He straddled her, his half-erect cock slid down her forehead, while he dipped his head and sniffed between her legs. She moved her head so her mouth was closer to his cock. She slipped her tongue out and tasted the wildness of his cock, making him stop and become motionless. Not wasting an opportunity to suck a dog’s cock, Eliza slipped her lips around and took his shaft. It rapidly extended, filling her mouth until the tip bumped against her throat. She savored the incredible heat and slickness of his cock, tasting the salty gaminess of his pre-cum.
She was amazed at his reaction to her lips around his cock. Most dogs immediately humped whatever it was around their dick, but Shadow seemed to enjoy getting serviced. Almost like he was a human frat boy, relaxing and letting some bitch suck his big dick.
She continued sucking his cock, using her hand to fondle his heavy nuts and the other to slip a wet finger just inside his puckered asshole. She could feel his cock surge in her mouth as she lightly finger fucked him. His knot slipped into view, and she gripped it, pulling his cock farther into her sucking mouth.
She heard panting, followed by a quick grunt; then, he flooded her mouth with his hot cum. She gagged but continued to suck his cock, draining his massive, hanging balls.
While she sucked his cock, to return the favor, he dipped his head and sniffed her wet pussy. He teased her engorged clit with his wet tongue and hot breath. Quickly, her body shook uncontrollably as her orgasm blossomed from her throbbing cunt radiating throughout her entire body. She continued to greedily suck his cum as her body convulsed and shivered.
Shadow pulled from her grip and stepped off. She lay there, breathless and paralyzed from bliss. He lay on the cool tile beside her, putting his head on her stomach and staring lovingly at her. She slowly stroked his soft coat while they lay and regained their energy.
“Damn. Where have you been all my life?” she whispered, looking into his deep, dark eyes.
They were jarred back to reality when the doorbell rang. Shadow scrambled up and hurried across the tile, running full tilt to the front door and barking loudly. Eliza rolled over and stood, pulling her robe around her and cinching it tight.
“Calm down, Shadow. Let’s see who it is before you tear them to pieces,” she said, holding him back and looking through the peephole.
Her friend Danielle stood on the other side, staring at the door with a strange and perplexed look. Eliza cracked the door wide enough to see her but still contained Shadow.
“Hey, Dani.”
“You got a dog now?” Dani asked, sniffing the air and watching the dog’s nose push through the crack.
Eliza looked down at the dog. “Back up, boy. She can come in. She ain’t here to eat us or anything.” Shadow obeyed and stepped back as Dani came inside. Shadow immediately started his entry to the premises and sniffed Dani from her toes as far as his nose would reach. Satisfied she didn’t threaten him or his new mommy, his tail started wagging.
“Damn, she’s gorgeous,” Dani exclaimed, running her hand over the dog’s back.
Eliza laughed. “Nope, not a girl. He’s all boy,” she replied, pointing at Shadow’s big balls.
A strange look crossed Dani’s face when she saw his balls. Then her gaze moved to Eliza’s face. “Uh-hum, did you say a boy?” she asked, cracking a wide, mischievous smile.
“Get your mind out of the gutter. But yep, just like Duke.”
“Oh damn. Now I know why you didn’t answer the phone last night,” Dani replied.
“I’m sorry. You must not have heard it,” Eliza replied, closing the door and leading them down the hallway.
“Probably didn’t hear it over the moans and grunts,” Dani laughed.
“Now, what makes you think I did something with the dog?”
“I guess you have that ‘I just got railed by a big, fucking doggie dick’ look this morning.”
“Oh. It’s that obvious?” Eliza giggled. “And don’t get any ideas. This ain’t college anymore. He’s my stud, and maybe I don’t want to share.”
They plopped on the sofa while Shadow resumed his sniffing of the new bitch.
Shadow wasted no time shoving his muzzle between Dani’s legs, sniffing her crotch.
“Sorry, El, I don’t think you have any say. Your stud has claimed another bitch,” Dani replied while spreading her legs wider and allowing him better access.
Eliza laughed, watching her friend’s eyes roll back as she groaned. “You might think twice when you see his dick.”
“I think one of his parents must have been a horse because after we finished last night, it felt like a baseball bat reamed me.”
“Nah, no problem here. I’ve got a horse dick dildo I use quite frequently.”
“OK, you’ve been warned,” Eliza winked.
Shadow licked the crotch of her shorts, making Dani grow moist from her anticipation and his saliva.
“Strip those off and let him eat you out. I want to suck his dick again,” Eliza said, sliding off and dropping to the floor beside Shadow.
Dani wasted no time and shot up, pushing her shorts and panties to her ankles. She sat down and leaned back, opening her knees wide. Shadow dipped his head and resumed the unrestrained licking while she petted him. Eliza scooted underneath her stud and began to suck his emerging cock again.
“Oh fuck, brings back so many good memories,” Dani moaned as Shadow worked.
Eliza mumbled while her lips slid up and down her stud’s long, thick pole. Her hands were busy fondling and gently tugging behind his shaft. She licked her finger and teased his flexing, puckered butthole as she sucked.
Shadow started to pant, continuing to please this new bitch, while Dani squirmed about to cum from his wet tongue and hot breath. Below the dog’s belly, Eliza moaned as Shadow quickly released his load in strong, watery spurts. She sucked and swallowed every spurt, wasting none of his love.
“Oh shit. Oh shit, shhiiitttttt,” Dani grunted loudly, feeling the orgasm explode inside her. Shadow tasted her climax and lapped hungrily at her leaking pussy, cleaning her dripping mess.
A few minutes later, Dani relaxed, and Shadow removed his muzzle between her legs. “Holy shit,” she gasped, leaning up and kissing his wet nose. “You are fucking amazing,” she bragged.
The dog pulled his cock from Eliza’s sucking mouth, and she gave the last swallow, feeling his spent cum warming her full belly. He left them and journeyed to the kitchen, lapping noisily from his water bowl.
“Girl, I’m so glad I decided to check in on you instead of going out with Mase this morning.”
“I bet you are,” Eliza joked. “If we go another round, you’ll forget about the boyfriend.”
“Forget about who?” Dani joked.
The dog returned and hopped onto the sofa, nestled between the two half-naked girls. He laid his wet muzzle on Dani’s exposed leg and shut his eyes. She slowly stroked his coat until, a minute later, the dog was snoring.
“Hell, I wanna dick up my twat, too,” she whispered to her friend, not wanting to wake the sleeping stud.
“Don’t worry. Let him rest quickly, then be prepared to get fucked raw,” Eliza assured her. “Come on, let’s all go upstairs and nap.”
They woke Shadow and journeyed upstairs, stripped fully and crashing into the bed. The three nestled under the covers, with Shadow stretched between the naked girls. He closed his eyes again, slipping to sleep as both girls stroked his soft coat. He was snoring loudly in no time while the girls stifled their giggles.
“Just like a fucking man. Bust a nut and time for bed,” Dani joked. “But after a quick nap, he’s gonna be the Energizer bunny.”
The girls were too horny and tired to sleep, so they watched a muted tv not to wake their Alpha sleeping between them.
A while later, Dani shifted, looking puzzled. Finally, she lifted the sheet and looked underneath. A giggle escaped her lips, and she motioned for the other girl to lean over and look.
Shadow was on his side and still was snoring loudly, but the girls noticed the sleeping dog had a hard-on under the sheet. His veiny, pink cock was fully exposed down to his bulbous knot. A few drips of Pre-cum had started to form on its tapered tip as the dog slept.
“He must be having a helluva dream. I’ve never seen a dog get a sleep boner.” Dani whispered. “Should I jerk him off?”
Eliza reached to her nightstand, retrieved a bottle of natural lube, and handed it to her friend. “Go for it. I want to see what happens.”
The other girl prepared her grip and quietly and gently reached between his haunches, wrapping her slick fingers around his throbbing, warm cock. A quick whimper exited his muzzle, then he relaxed again and continued snoring.
Dani’s hand moved slowly up and down his shaft while she used the other to massage and fondle his growing knot. She widely grinned when they saw Shadow start to hump her hand lazily. The dog was still snoring loudly while his hips flexed and thrust slightly. Pre-cum dripped steadily from his cock, soaking the mattress under him.
Suddenly, Shadow jerked and gave a few muffled barks, followed by a choppy growl.
“El, he’s cumming,” Dani whispered excitedly. Both girls watch the dog’s thin cum spurt from his jerking, throbbing cock. She continued to coax the cum from his dick while Eliza reached over and gathered a few shots of hot cum in her palm. She pulled her hand back, shoving it between her legs and rubbing her clit. His hot, watery cum lubed her moving fingers, quickly driving her into a squirming orgasm.
Her movement in the bed woke Shadow, and it took a few seconds before he realized what was happening.
Dani released his spurting cock and slipped her arms under his prone body, lifting and rolling him on top of her. She moved her hips and spread her legs, guiding his spurting cock inside her wet, willing pussy.
With his balls only half drained, Shadow started thrusting, filling the new bitch’s cunt with his full length. She yanked the covers off and crossed her legs over his thrusting hips, pulling him tight inside her. “Oh baby, fuck me hard! Blast those little puppies in me, stud!” Dani moaned loudly. She grunted quickly when his knot slipped past her cunt lips and lodged itself inside, rapidly swelling to grapefruit size. “Oh my god, it’s so fucking big,” she groaned while her throbbing pussy adjusted to the girth.
Now that her cunt was plugged, Shadow fell flat against her chest, breathing hot breaths in her face. She relaxed, leaned her head in, and tenderly kissed and licked his slobbery muzzle. He shoved his tongue down her throat, and she suckled it, savoring the wild taste and slick texture.
They made out for a few minutes while he unloaded until he finally laid his head between her taunt tits. She could feel the steady pulsing of his manhood start to wane, and he started to squirm and wiggle. He stood, pulling his fist-sized plug out with a pop. Dani cupped her battered twat, rolled out of bed, and ran to the bathroom. She plopped down and released his load in a steady stream.
“Damn girl, you pissin’ too?” Eliza shouted from the bed after hearing the monotonous sound of liquid splashing.
“Hell no. That’s all stud cum.”
“See, told you he’d ream you out.”
“Yeah, he might have. But I guarantee I’ll be taking his cock again by the end of the day.” Dani replied.
“Hey, you’re the one keeping the dog. You can get dick anytime you want!” Dani replied, leaning up to flush. She returned to bed and lay next to the other girl and dog. “I gotta schedule a good fucking from this stud.”
“You could stay here for a few days and see if you want to move in,” Eliza shrugged.
“Of course. I’ve got an extra room, and having you around more often would be nice. I’m pretty sure Shadow wouldn’t object to the extra company.”
Dani looked Shadow in his eyes. “So you OK with me staying here?”
He responded with a long lick across her lips.
“OK, El, we’ll be roomies. It will be just like college all over again.”
“Yeah. Except for no breaks to study. Just dog cock all day, every day.”
The girls drifted off to sleep, lovingly petting their new Alpha.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.