First times with the best friend

By DexJ.

Hi! I’m Stacy. This story takes place a few years ago when I was 23 and still getting my bachelor’s degree at our local college. My 2nd year was just about to start after the weekend. It’s the time of the year when summer is ending and autumn is beginning, but it still has been quite warm. I mean, during the sunny times, it was still almost 20 degrees Celsius outside. Basically, it was the perfect time for one last party before school kicked in. Well, saying “party” is maybe overselling when it basically means just me and my best friend, Mia.

Mia and I study together at the college. We came from the same town and started our studies together, but we do have different fields. She is reading biology while I’m majoring in economics. Originally, we planned to be roommates, but Mia’s boyfriend moved in with her when our school began. She has already left the bastard, but she decided to stay at their row house apartment. She was able to afford it.

It’s an early Friday evening. I’m just about to arrive at Mia’s place. I promised her to bring the wine and some snacks with me, and she was going to handle food for the evening and cleaning the next day. Fair bargain, I would say. Her apartment is a few kilometers from the city, but it is located in a nice and calm area. It is a good place to start the evening, but if we want to go to a bar or a nightclub, we need to use Uber. Although, it might be nice to stay in and hang at Mia’s place. Let’s see where the night takes us.

I ring the doorbell to Mia. After a few seconds, I hear someone rushing to the door, and soon the door flies open. I am greeted by a roughly 175cm tall, stunning brunette with beautiful B-cups boobs. She is wearing yoga pants, which really makes her ass to stand out. All those hours at the gym together with me have really worked for Mia.

‘Hey, Stacy!’ Mia said cheerfully and opened her hands for a friendly hug.

‘Hey!’ I replied, smiling, and embraced the open invitation for the hug.

She was a little sweaty, and it was clear that she had just exercised without a bra. Her nipples were pushing against my chest, and I heard her breathing heavily next to my ear. I could sense that she was excited about tonight and seeing me. We’ve been planning this night for a while, so I fully understand why she was jazzed up.

After greeting me, Mia smiled at me, turned her around, and gestured for me to come in. I admired her nice figure and felt a shiver of envy. She looked hot. But I have quite a sweet package as well. Even though my butt wasn’t as trained as Mia’s, my smaller waist and bigger C-cup boobs kept me in the game. I am as tall as she is, and since we have similar diets, I think we weigh about the same, around 50kg. Even though we do have similar figures, we do have a few noticeable differences.

Mia has semi-long brown hair, which she kept open, while I have quite long blonde hair, which was tied up in a messy ponytail. I have a friendlier vibe, while she always seems ready for some mischief. I kind of like her mischievous nature since we do end up in some fun situations now and then. Hopefully, this evening isn’t an exception.

‘It’s so nice to see you again, Mia. It’s the first time since summer break started.’ I started the conversation while entering her home.

She grinned and replied, ‘It’s your fault for working in the big city. I have been all alone here with only a few local boys keeping me company. But I’m so jazzed up to have you here, Stacy.’

‘That is so funny! When we hugged, I was thinking exactly you are being “jazzed up”!’ I said while laughing.

Mia smiled even more. ‘We are so in sync!’

I went to the kitchen to unpack wine and snacks. It felt good to talk with my best friend after so long time. ‘So, Mia, what have you been up for these last few months?’

‘I promise to tell you all in a second, Stacy. Could you help me with my last stretches?’

‘Sure,’ I said while I walked to the living room.

I did not need to ask what she wanted me to do. So I was prepared when she threw her leg at me and leaned in for her standing split. I caught her in midair.

‘I knew what you were going to do, Mia.’ I smiled.

‘I knew that you knew what I was going to do,’ Mia grinned back.

While Mia was finishing up, we started to talk about our summer. I told about my time at the city and office where I worked as an assistant. She, on the other hand, had apparently broken some hearts of local boys while partying during the summer nights. She is from a richer family, so she was able to relax more during summer than I did.

‘But it sounds better than it actually was, Stacy. It was slim pickings with few guys who stayed here during the summer season. There was one boy who was visiting his family, but he was here only for a few days and lasted in bed almost a minute.’

‘Haha! You are messing with me, Mia.’

‘Well, it might’ve been almost two minutes. But it was not much more than that. And he did even care to finish the job! I had to finger myself to nirvana after he had run away.’

I could not stop myself from bursting into laughter. ‘I have been here 15 minutes, and you are already giving too much information.’

‘But it’s true, Stacy! The boys have disappointed me the whole summer. Maybe I should start looking at girls instead? They know what to do down there.’

‘Good luck with that, Mia. It’s good that you want to broaden your horizons,’ I giggled.

‘I’m serious,’ Mia said in a completely unconvincingly manner. ‘Get the wine, and let’s start figuring out pickup lines for me to use.’

That’s right! We have wine and snacks. I got up and went to the kitchen. While I pour the wine into the glasses, Mia shouts, ‘How about you look like a girl who loves animals. Would you like to come to my place and feed my beaver?’

‘Hah! Stop it, Mia, you made spill the wine.’

‘Ooh! Ooh! Here’s another one. “If we are what we eat, then what am I if I eat your pussy?”’

I had to put the wine down before I actually dropped it.

But she continued, ‘This is a good one! “Girl, you Butterfree up your schedule because I’m going to be Rhydon you all night!”’

I was laughing but managed to bring the wine glasses to the living room. ‘Sure, sure, Mia. Nothing sexier for us ladies than mixing it up with Pokémon references.’

‘Yeah! Right?’ Mia replied like she did not get the sarcasm.

I handed one of the glasses to Mia. ‘There you go.’

‘Thanks! So how much wine did you bring, Stacy?’ Mia asked.

‘Enough for the whole night if we want to keep honing your pickup game,’ I replied.

‘Awesome! Here’s for a fun night.’

Mia gestured to toast with her. A promising “clink” sound came when I gladly pushed my glass against her. From that point forward, the evening flew by. We made good use of the wine I brought, and we ordered food from a local pizza place. We teased the pizza guy by paying the pizzas with as little clothing as possible. Me in my underwear, and Mia was only in her tiny towel. He got so blushed; it was so cute.

After the pizzas, we continued the evening at Mia’s backyard. We lay in sunbathing chairs and enjoyed the darkening evening. It was warm enough, so we did not need to wear any more clothes than we had when we got our pizzas. But even after a few glasses of wine, I was somewhat unsure, being almost nude in any neighborhood.

‘Mia, should we put some clothes on? I feel uncomfortable to be nude next to your neighbors.’

‘Stacy, the first of all, you are hot as hell. So, it would be best if you always were without any clothes. Second of all, no one is climbing over those walls,’ Mia said while pointing to the three-to-four-meter-tall spruce wall surrounding the backyard. ‘And the third, there is no one in the building beside us. I know because Andersons asked me to feed the large dogs next door, and I am sure that I would be the last person they asked. So, enjoy the nudeness, Stacy. Only dogs are watching.’

Mia bolstered her message by, in a comical fashion, pulling her towel covering her and tossing it to the table. I giggled shyly but accepted that we would be safe. After that, there was a pause in the conversation. We just listened the nature for a moment. I took a sip of the wine, and then Mia broke the silence. ‘Hey! Would you date me if we both were lesbians or bi?’

Not expecting the question, I coughed, and some of the wine flew out from my mouth, ‘Wha…?’

I turned to Mia and saw her smirking mischievously. ‘I am totally serious. Would you date me if both of us were into girls?’

I’m wiping the wine from the side of my mouth. I gather myself, grin her back, and reply, ‘Sure, why not? You come from money, and that is the biggest turn-on that I could imagine. The LGBTQIA community is all the rage right now, so I could use our relationship to further my non-existent political career. And let’s be honest here: I would be completely seduced by your well-thought-out pickup lines.’

‘You forgot that I’m a hot piece of ass!’ Mia accused in jest.

‘And yes, you are one hot smoking piece of ass. 10 out of 10. That is indeed right,’ I confessed sarcastically.

Clearly satisfied with the answer, Mia closed her eyes while giggling. ‘And don’t you forget it.’ Mia got up from her chair. ‘I get some different wine. I want to test the red’.

I did not pay much attention and replied something along the lines, ‘OK.’

I was lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about how it would feel like to have sex with another woman. I would bet it to be more sensual and not so physical as with boys. And girls would definitely be softer and gentler with their touch. I was a little weirded out by the idea but not completely against it. Once, we almost had a threesome with Mia, but the fellow backed out at the last minute. Other than that, I had never thought about my best friend in such a manner.

Five minutes had gone, and Mia had not returned yet. I reached for the glass, only to find it empty. I turned around and saw that Mia was not in the kitchen. ‘Hey Mia! Where are you? I need more wine as well.’

‘Relax, Stace. I am soon there.’ A few seconds later, I can hear Mia’s footsteps behind me, ‘Madam. Here is your fine wine. I am sorry about the wait. It is so difficult to get reliable staff nowadays. Would you desire anything else, Madam?’

I raised the glass, analyzed it carefully for a few seconds, and put it back on the table. ‘Yes. Please tell the boys at the spa to send someone to start the oil massage as soon as possible.’

Officially, Mia replied, ‘Certainly, Madam.’

I laughed and took a sip of the red wine. It was one of the cheaper brands but tasted excellent for this occasion. ‘This is not bad, Mia.’ I took another sip and felt warm hands on my shoulders.

‘Excellent that you approve, Madam. My apologies. None of the boys were available. But I am licensed and skilled in the art of relaxation. I do hope that you accept the offer. Naturally, on the house, as an apology for not being able to offer what requested.’

I got stiff as a plank but relaxed soon when Mia started talking. She was good with her hands; I must give her that. ‘Aaah. You are forgiven of your audacity, and I allow you to continue,’ I said while trying to sound as formal as possible. For a minute, Mia kept rubbing my shoulders, and then she broke off from her character and said, ‘Stacy, sit up straight for a moment. I will fix the chair.’

I did what she asked, and she adjusted the back part of the chair to a horizontal position. ‘That’s better. Keep sitting like that. I will rub your back as well.’

She sat down behind me, and I heard that she applied lotion to her hands. ‘Where did you get that lotion?’ I asked.

‘From the bathroom.’ she replied.

A small part of me wanted to have follow-up questions, but since I had wine in my hand and she was massaging my back, I did not see any reason to bother myself. She kept moving her hands in a circular motion at my upper back. Not too fast and not too rough. She clearly wasn’t a pro, but I did enjoy the feeling. Without asking me, she unclipped my bra. Sheepishly, she justified what she had done.

‘So that I can reach better to your middle back.’

I did not mind; she was right, and it was just us here anyway. ‘Mmhm… OK.’

I heard her applying more lotion, and soon, she was moving her hands all over my back. I thought that the lotion should have felt cooler, but her hands were so warm that it felt wonderful on my skin. For the next minute or so, she pushed her palms up and down at my back. She applied just enough force that it could be called a massage but not too much that it would hurt. Just the right amount, I suppose.

‘That’s nice Mia. Thank you,’ I said to indicate that she does not need to continue anymore.

She moved her hands to my sides and stopped the movement. She just kept her hands there. I heard her taking a deep breath, and then she slowly but firmly pushed her hands under my unclipped brassiere, still covering my breasts. At the same time, I sensed her body closing the gap between us and her boobs pushing against my upper back. Her left and right hands are now laying on top of her tits. She isn’t moving, and every little detail about her demeanor screams that she is being stressed out of her mind.

Thousands of thoughts raced through my mind. It feels weird, but at the same time, I cannot deny that there is a certain level of excitement. Alcohol is clouding my mind and lowering my inhibitions. I do not say anything, but I exhale loudly. Mia takes my silence as permission to continue her game. She starts moving her fingers on top of my breasts. Her fingers move in a similar circular motion around my areolas, similarly as her palms had moved around my back. Her breathing has gotten heavier, and I can hear her clearly next to my left ear.

For a moment, she only focuses on teasing my boobs. At any point, I could have asked her to stop, but second after second, it was harder to say it. And soon, I did not even want it. An enjoyable sigh escaped my lips, and this encouraged Mia to remove my bra completely. I was just able to see my breasts and rock-hard nipples seconds before Mia was once again covering them with her two hands. This time, she held my breasts a little harder, squeezed, released her grip, and pinched both nipples tenderly before starting the motion from the beginning. Even though she was firmer, there was no roughness in her touch. Maybe a woman really knows how to touch another woman best.

I could sense her closing in from the left just before she bit my ear lobe gently. I moaned from the thrill it gave me. She whispered a question in my ear, ‘Stacy, can I kiss you?’

I woke from my trance and turned around to see her face. She looked like her whole world was hanging on my answer. I am sure that I looked like a deer in headlights as well. At the retrospective, I should have called the quits right there.

But when looking into her brown puppy dog eyes, I told her, ‘Yes…’

She beamed radiantly at my answer. Then she quickly got up, pushed me on my back, and climbed on top of me. She took my face between her hands and looked into my eyes. I was a little taken aback by her honesty. She touched my lips with her fingers, trying to find the best spot.

‘Are you ready, Stacy?’ she asked.

I shallowed and could only nod. My face must’ve been as red as the face of the pizza delivery guy. We closed our eyes, and she leaned in for the kiss. Our lips touched, and feelings rushed through me. Mainly good feelings, but a little conflicted. We played with each other’s lips for a moment until I found enough courage to use my tongue. She joined me in the middle, and soon, I was frenching my best friend.

‘You taste like wine, Stacy,’ Mia smiled after kissing me for at least a minute.

‘So do you, Mia,’ I smiled back. I continued, ‘Mia, this would be my first time. I have never been with a girl. Have you?’

‘No, I haven’t. I thought about it during summer. I did not lie about it. But I did not have the guts to ask anyone. I’ve felt so good today with you that those feelings came up. Have you liked it?’

I could have replied, but I just smiled and caressed her naked backside with my hands. She grinned and said cryptically, ‘And that’s all the permission I need.’ She started to move down at my body. Kissing and licking everything on her way. She stayed a moment at my boobs. Just long enough to make me moan slightly. She pushed herself lower, but she left her hand to play with my breasts.

She pushed her tongue to my belly button, which made me tickle. She giggled at my reaction and continued exploring my body. When she reached my panties, she took both her hands to my sides and gripped the waistband. She did not ask for permission this time either, but I did raise my bottom ever so slightly to her to be able to remove the garment. We were now both fully naked and ready to do something that I had not thought about before.

Mia was eyeing my pussy like she had never seen one before. I was glad now that I had trimmed my pubic hair neatly just the day before yesterday. ‘So, you really are natural blonde Stacy,’ Mia teased me.

I lashed back. ‘At least one can say that about from my pussy. There is not a single hair at yours!’

I could not find signs of sheepish Mia anymore, who whispered about kissing me. Mischievous Mia was fully back.

‘So, you have looked at my body tonight.’

I hid my blushing face in my hands. She caught me there.

‘That is so cute, Stacy!’ I felt her hand touching my private parts. I could not hear any teasing in her voice when she said, ‘You are soaking wet down here, Stacy…’

Once again, she started making circular motion, but this time only with her thumb. She opened my vaginal lips and kept moving her finger on top of my pussy. She had to add her index finger to play with my clit. The motion of her nimble fingers felt wonderful. She had hardly done anything with my nether regions, but I was already moaning. All the foreplay and excitement had brought me already very close to orgasm.

‘Mia, be careful. I may cum easily.’

‘Relax, Stacy, cum when you want and how often you want. We have a whole night.’

The moment when she inserted her thumb past my lips, I came. My first orgasm with a girl. It was fantastic. I have cummed harder in the past, but this felt right on the emotional level as well. It’s hard to explain. My past boyfriends had kept fucking me with their cocks or fingers during my orgasm. Still, Mia took her hand away immediately when she saw my hips bucking. Instead, she gently stroked my abs and thighs until I had come back to earth. She knew that intensity was a good thing, but she also knew that too much was too much.

‘How was it, Stacy?’ Mia asked while letting her hands caress my body.

I was still recovering. ‘I came hard, Mia. You were amazing.’

Mia continued touching my body, ‘Yes, I saw you cumming. And yes, I am amazing.’

I could only muster a weak laugh. ‘And don’t forget modest.’

Mia, now playing with my areolas again, said, ‘I never forget my modesty. Nor that I am hot. And neither should you.’

I was still catching my breath, but I managed to give a small smile. ‘I thought I heard some barking while I was cumming.’

Mia looked like she could not contain herself. ‘Yeah, it was the dogs next door. I am sure they smelled a bitch in the heat or something. And look at that! There is one right here!’

It took me a moment to understand that she meant me, ‘Stop it, Mia. That’s gross!’

‘Sure, it is, Stacy, but also truthful. I should know. I am an expert on this topic.’ After a moment of silence, Mia continued, ‘Do you want to do it again? This time maybe together?’

I looked into her eyes and asked, ‘What did you have in mind?’

Mia tried avoiding my gaze, ‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe try 69.’

Now it was my turn to tease her, ‘Oh, oh, oh, I do believe that you most definitely know, and you really want to try 69 right now.’ I saw Mia blushing, and I continued, ‘And no, not yet. I need to rest for a moment, and it is only fair that I get to do something to you.’ I got up from the chair. I wanted to boss her a little, ‘Your turn, Mia! On your stomach to the chair. I’ll be back in a moment.’

Mia looked puzzled at first, but then she grinned and did what I asked. I took my wine glass and went back inside. I went straight to her bedroom to rummage through her nightstand and drawers. Mia had to have some toys hidden away, and I intend to use them on her. It’s funny how things escalated. We’ve known each other for years, and we’ve never even hinted at something like attraction between us. But after a few jokes, some wine, and some less-than-innocent touches, I am now making plans for how to make my best friend cum like never before. I did not need to look further than her nightstand before I found a vibrator, a clitoris stimulator that you can hold like a ring on your finger, and handcuffs.

‘Oh, you naughty girl.’

I tested that both devices worked like I wanted before finishing the glass of wine. I only needed the toys, but I decided that cuffs might prove useful as well. Happy with my findings, I hurried back to the backyard. Mia raised her head from the chair when she heard me coming. I made no effort to hide what I had found, and she made no effort to hide her naughty smile. I dropped the handcuffs on the table.

‘I’m cuffing you if you don’t behave.’

She “obediently” dropped her head on the chair. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t dream of not behaving, Stacy.’

I walked to the sunbathing chair where Mia was lying. For a moment, I admired her body because I knew that she would not see me to do so. And I did not want to look too eager either to be able to build up some tension. After a few seconds, I placed the toys on my underwear, which Mia had dropped on the ground, so I would not dirty the toys. I sat down at the side of her and started to move my fingers all over her body. I did not even try to massage her like she had me but touched slightly with the tip of my fingers to see how she reacted.

I took my time moving from her feet to her neck and then back down again. She felt so soft and smooth under my care. Every 2nd or 3rd circle, I dragged my finger between her ass cheeks to make her twitch in anticipation. Every time I moved past her, she opened herself a little bit more. After a while, I could sense the dampness between her legs growing. It was no coincidence that she started breathing more heavily moment after moment.

Even though I was taking my time and offering her something as gentle as she had done to me, some twisted part of me wanted to make her scream louder than ever before. If anticipation was taking its toll on her, it was pretty much killing me as well. I could not wait any longer. This time, when my fingers reached her neck, I pushed them further to the side of her face and then to her mouth. She knew instantaneously what I wanted her to do, so she parted her lips and allowed me to enter.

Even though I had not intentionally yet played with her pussy, I am sure that she was able to taste herself from my fingers. She eagerly sucked and licked my fingers to make them moist with her saliva. Between her legs, she was clearly soaking wet, so she would not need any extra lubrication. But this was my way of showing who was in control. I made her play with my fingers for a few seconds before slowly dragging my hand on her body from neck to her ass, and then I placed my right hand palm on her lower butt.

Perfect position to reach her soaking pussy. She shook from excitement. Instead of playing gently with her labia, I decided immediately to push my middle finger inside of her pussy. I stopped at the second knuckle, but she was so wet that I wouldn’t have had any problems penetrating her as deep as my middle finger would have reached. She exhaled loudly when I entered her pussy.

I kept my finger inside of her to let her get accustomed to the feeling. When I sensed that she had calmed down, I pushed the last two centimeters of my nimble finger into her. My heart was racing when I started moving my finger inside of her. I am not sure which one of us was more excited. I was finger fucking my best friend, and she was whimpering next to me. I wanted to ask if I was touching her right, but I did not want to ruin the moment. Touching someone else felt so much different than touching myself.

She was so tight, hot, and wet inside that I could not help myself comparing our pussies in my mind. I asked myself if I really felt like this when I touched myself. But I kept my silence and enjoyed gently giving pleasure to Mia. I felt my right hand getting tired, so I planned to switch my hands.

A naughty idea came to my mind, and I said, ‘Mia, raise your butt.’

She tried to reply while whimpering, ‘Mhmmhmm,’ and pushed her ass in the air.

I removed my fingers from her soaking pussy but only for a brief moment. I got up and walked to the other side of Mia so that I could position myself better. I touched her gently with my left hand and placed my fingers on her vagina lips to lubricate them properly. This time, instead of using one finger, I very slowly penetrated her with my middle and my index fingers. Added pressure made her whimper even louder.

When I was sure that she could handle both fingers, I started to move back and forth. Every few thrusts or so, I tried to open my fingers inside of her to add some variation. But I was not done. I took my right hand and pushed the fingers to my mouth. Very briefly, I tasted Mia’s pussy on my fingers, and I did not find the experience unpleasant. She tasted a little musky and a little salty.

I knew that I would taste her soon enough, so I did not think about it too long. I gathered some spit from my mouth and reached with my right hand on top of her smooth and soft pussy mound. From that position, I started to play with her swollen clitoris while at the same time screwing her with my left-hand fingers. She was no longer just whimpering, but instead, she was beginning to squeal from the pleasure I was giving her.

Her strong reactions to my actions were making me aroused as well. She moved her loins in the motion of my fingers while her pussy tried to suck them even deeper inside. I gently rubbed the walls of her vagina and watched her enjoy my touch. Every time I grazed her clitoris in the right angle, she jerked like she was being electrocuted. I did my best to figure out what kind of touch made her twitch the most. She kept moaning my name like it had some meaning only she knew.

‘Stacy… Stacy… Stacy…’

I was quite proud of what I had done, but I was not yet done. I took my right hand away like I was resting it for a moment. But instead of resting, I reached to get the clitoris stimulator and pushed my middle finger through the ring. Using my index finger, I activated the small device and placed it on top of her pussy. The effects the stimulator had on her were clear as day. She had just gotten accustomed to my fingers, so she was not prepared for the strong vibrations of the device that I had placed on her clitoris.

It was evident that she could not last much longer. Based on the color of her hands, she was gripping the sides of the chair as hard as she was able. ‘Oooh oooh, Stacy, ooh, I’m about to cum.’

As erotically as I could, I tried to encourage her by moaning into her ear, ‘Cum Mia, cum. Cum as hard as you can. I want to see you climax. Cum…’

She had not taken things too far when I had climaxed, so when I felt her shaking, I immediately took my hands away as well. ‘I’m cumming Stac…’ was all that she was able to say before orgasm washed over her.

It was my first time seeing another woman climaxing. It was so intense! Her eyes rolled as up as they could go while she kept squealing and shaking. Mia climaxing, basically on my lap, was one of the most arousing things I had ever seen. I felt my pussy damping again.

‘I came hard, Stacy,’ Mia said, smiling like a fool while trying to mimic me.

‘Yeah, I’m just that good, Mia,’ I replied. ‘To be honest, I have not seen anything as sexy as that before,’ I continued.

Mia closed her eyes and mumbled, ‘You were quite hot too when you orgasmed from acting what was basically foreplay.’

We both laughed. Then something funny came to my mind, and it was now my turn to grin like I was about to burst into laughter. ‘I think those dogs got a whiff of that bitch in heat again. They barked and whimpered like the bitch was so close but just out of their reach.’

‘And fuck you too, Stacy,’ Mia countered.

I laughed her off. I was planning to give her time to recover, but she jumped up suddenly. ‘My turn,’ she smirked.

Her quick recovery surprised me, but I did not object. I wanted to continue having sex with Mia. I wasn’t sure if tonight was ever going to happen again, so I was determined to go all in. Mia walked to the table to take the handcuffs and wine bottle. She took a gulp straight from the bottle and walked back to me in a way that she meant business.

‘Shall we step this up a notch?’ She did not bother to wait for my answer but pushed my back against the chair. ‘You like to be on your back, so you stay there.’

She took a slightly longer step over me and my body. Even though the sunbathing chair was somewhat wide, it was still low enough so she could easily stand above me.

‘Stacy, raise your hands above your head.’

I figured out what she had in mind, and I wanted it. I did as she ordered me to do, and she lowered herself down to the chair by placing her knees at my sides. I watched her taking my left hand to her hand and then cuffing it carefully. She guided me to place my hand back on the end of the chair. Once she leaned in to tie the handcuffs to the chair and fasten my other hand, the only thing I was able to see and think was her drooling wet pussy which was mere centimeters away from my face. Mia noticed the same.

‘Do you see something you like?’

My hands now cuffed, she pushed her groin against my face and then stayed a while in that position. ‘I’m going to have my way with you, Stacy. I am going to make you cum more times than you thought possible. And! Then you are going to cum some more. And! You will love it. And! I am going to cum. Many times. On your face.’

Our evening, which started innocently and gently, was about to become something kinkier. And I couldn’t be more excited about it. My face was stuffed with Mia’s soaking pussy, and thus I was able to smell and taste her more intensively than before. Her muskiness was more distinct, and I wanted to have a proper taste. I took a slow lick of her shaved pussy, and I could sense her shivering from the pleasure.

‘Aaah, Stacy, that feels good. But I want to have a taste of you as well.’

She got up, and the smell of her pussy lingered behind. She took a few steps back and knelt in front of my cunt instead. I could see that she was eager to push her tongue in me. She took a comfortable position and placed her head between my legs. Shy part of me wanted to shut my legs, but even stronger feelings wanted this to happen. I felt her warm breath on the lips of my vagina, and soon her tongue took the first lick of me. It was a tentative lick like she wanted to test me.

I sighed in heat. ‘More Mia. More.’

Satisfied with my reaction, she went from zero to 100 and started to eat me out in earnest. Just like before, I was extremely aroused from the first touch. Mia climaxing on my fingers and then teasing me had already pushed my level of arousal far. It did not take long until I was moaning out Mia’s name.

‘Mia… Mia… Fuck me with your mouth… ah!’

She wanted to make me cum as well, so she doubled her efforts by touching my pulsating clitoris with her fingers while sucking my pussy. I orgasmed, and the volume of my moans echoed in the neighborhood. If there were anyone close by, they would definitely know what was happening in Mia’s backyard. But I did not care. I closed my eyes and just kept pushing my loins against Mia’s face while riding down the climax. In the background, I heard the dogs howling in excitement, but I paid them little attention.

I was panting loudly while I was gathering my strength. I opened my eyes to see Mia standing above me. ‘You are not going to get 30 minutes of rest this time, Stacy. I want more.’

I did not have time to figure out anything to say before she was already leaning down to kiss me. I closed my eyes and embraced the passionate kiss she gave me. I don’t think she did much to wipe her face since I was able to taste my pussy from her mouth. It was different. It’s not bad, just different. Her tongue was moving wildly inside my mouth while she used her hands to play with my chest. She had an awesome plan to make me heat up again soon after being sucked to climax.

After a whimper escaped my lips, Mia said, ‘That’s my girl. I knew you had it in you.’ She got up and turned around. She was finally going for the 69, which she wanted to perform a while ago. ‘Lick me, Stacy!’ she ordered.

She lowered her hot wet pussy on my face, and I did just what she told me to. It is not like I had much choice on the matter since my hands were very much tied to the end of the chair. But in the heat of the moment, her pussy tasted like it was the greatest thing ever landing on my tongue. Mia started to grind her hips and push her pussy harder at my face. I heard her whimpering dirty talk.

‘Yes… Yes, just like that, Stacy. Eat me, you dirty girl.’

Soon, she was satisfied that I was up for the task. So, she proceeded with her mission. I twitched when I felt her tongue skillfully parting my sensitive pussy lips. I had cum already twice, so I felt some soreness, but that did not slow Mia down. She probably did not even realize how hard she was grinding herself against my face. So even if I wanted to protest, only muffled moans would come out. And that would most likely excite her. But there was no need to worry about me being sore. Her intense and nimble tongue got cunt squelching in a matter of a minute, and that did not escape Mia’s attention.

‘You are leaking, Stacy. And you do taste heavenly. I have a little surprise for you.’ I tried to say something, but a mouthful of pussy made sure that nothing but groans came out. Mia ground her loins a little harder. ‘Oh dear, you do not need to say anything. Just keep sucking me.’

She leaned down at the side of the chair. Being as flexible as Mia, she had no problems keeping herself on top of my face. ‘

So nice of you, Stacy, to bring me my weapons.’

That’s when she pushed the vibrating sex toy inside of my pussy. The sudden pleasure made me tremble, and that just made Mia laugh mischievously. She pushed the vibrator deep inside of me, and then she pulled it back out.

‘Let’s see which one cums first, Stacy. You had a HEAD start while I had access to my toys. But… let’s see if I can add some tongue there as well.’

When she leaned down and started licking and sucking my clitoris, I knew that I would probably lose this game. Before the winner of this match could be determined, I heard barking right behind me, and then, all of a sudden, something heavy landed on top of us. We had been too busy pleasuring each other to pay attention to the dogs that had been going wild in the other backyard.

Our lesbian experiment had riled up those two dogs, and they did not mind getting a piece of the action, any action they could get their paws on. They had been digging and ripping their way through the spruce wall separating the yards. The hole in the wall was barely visible, and no person could crawl through without scratching themselves. But the determined dog had been able to squeeze through.

Mia shrieked in fear, ‘Push it off, Stacy! Push it off!’

In the panic, she had clearly forgotten that I was not in a position to push anything off. The dog, which had jumped on us, had shoved Mia off my face, and I was able to reply, ‘Mia, you have cuffed me. And you two are too heavy. I cannot move at all.’

Mia tried to struggle, but the dog did not budge. I felt completely helpless. Only my legs were not constricted, but it wasn’t like that I could start kicking the dog from the position I was in. Hell, I couldn’t even take the vibrator from my pussy. The surprise had stopped me from cumming, but the sex toy was still working its magic inside of me. Mia was bumped further on top of me, and her weight on my body was now keeping the toy inside of me. But that was not the worst of it. I then noticed something very gross. The dog was trying to fuck Mia. He was humping as fast as he could, and his tiny dick was unsheathing from his loins.

‘Mia! Watch out! It’s trying to have sex with you!’ I shouted.

Mia lashed back, ‘OH! You think? Why the hell do you think I am trying to push him off?’

I felt a little stupid. Obviously, she knew. ‘Sorry…’

Mia did not reply as she kept struggling, but she was having no luck. I tried to wring my body around to help Mia, but the humping dog was not losing his balance. Mia sounded like she was becoming more distressed after every passing second, ‘Stacy, I can feel its cock! It’s touching me.’

I took a more careful look at the scene opening right in front of my eyes. It was now easier to see the angry, pointy, reddish cock that was furiously trying to find the opening that I had just sucked mere moments ago. The short cock was mainly hitting Mia’s taint and then sliding upwards between her buttocks. I relaxed a little.

‘I don’t think Mia that it can fuck you with that tiny thing. It’s not even half the size of the vibrator you pushed inside of me.’

Mia whimpered, clearly in disarray, ‘You don’t get it, Stacy. It’s a huge animal, and it has a huge cock. When it penetrates the bitch, the rest of the cock comes out.’

I was a little bit taken aback by what Mia said. “How much more of the cock was still hidden?” I asked. I did not know what to do or say other than watch the unnatural act happening in front of me. ‘I’m so sorry Mia, I don’t know wh…’

I was interrupted when a jet of cum was shot into my mouth. I started coughing when a disgusting taste filled my mouth.

‘Are you OK, Stacy?’ Mia asked.

I spit the semen from my mouth and replied, ‘That stupid mutt just cum in my mouth.’

Mia, as a master of biology, was educating me. ‘That is not actually his cum. That is like watery pre-cum. It is its way to make sure that the bitch is properly lubricated for the penetration.’

It felt odd for her to be so precise, especially when we had made so much effort to create a completely different mood for the evening. But in all fairness, neither of us expected a dog to hump us and ruin the evening. The dog had started to shoot out pre-cum more extensively. The small space between our naked bodies started to smell quite a lot. More and more precum hit my face, and soon, that was the only thing that I could smell or taste. I did not want to complain because Mia’s situation was much more horrifying.

A few more centimeters of doggy cock had emerged from his loins, and it was just a matter of the angle before the cock would slip in the “wrong” direction. Even though our session had taken an unexpected turn, I could clearly see Mia’s pussy being soaked in her heat. And then I felt everything in the world slow down. It was like my mind understood the situation and what was happening, and it slowed down for me to see it clearly. The dog thrust his cock with a slightly different angle, and instead it slidingly harmless upward, it slid downwards toward the well-lubricated hole. The pointy head of the cock guided itself inside Mia’s hot and wet pussy.

Mia screamed in dread. ‘Noooo! Please, no!’

My slow-motion moment passed, and the next thing I realized was how my best friend was being taken forcefully in front of me. Mia had been absolutely right about the dog’s cock; it was growing in length and girth. It was already bigger in every way than any of the dicks I had ever seen. But even more confused, I was about the pace of how he moved his loins and fucked Mia. It was like an out-of-control jackhammer, which was set to maximum speed.

I felt bad for Mia. ‘I am so sorry, Mia. I’m so sorry…’

I’m not sure if she even heard me. And if she did hear me, I don’t think that she was in any condition to reply. She sounded like she was in pain, but some part of me was sure that I also heard some pleasure in her voice. Her cunt did its best to accommodate the now gigantic cock. It was equally terrifying as it was incredible to see how her vagina bulged every time when the dog invaded her private parts. Although, more and more of the cock was left unburied due to the increased length of it. The dog kept plowing Mia, and she was just forced to endure the ride. Mia was becoming less and less coherent as the time went by.

‘It’s so big… it’s so big… aaaah!’

The combination of Mia’s moans, the loud slapping of meat smashing into her, and the smell of raw sex around me had unwittingly intensified my original arousal. I had also completely blocked my mind from the fact that there was a vibrator nearly fully lodged inside of my pussy. But my body had not forgotten that tiny vibrating thing.

Since I had been preoccupied with Mia’s distress, my climax was as sudden as it was hard. If I had not been so completely stuck under the combined weight of Mia and the dog, I would have trashed my body under the influence of the strong orgasm. I couldn’t move my hands either, so instinctively, I just screamed and kicked the air while I raptured. ‘I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Aaaah!’ I yelled.

There was no gentle landing to earth like when Mia had triggered my climax. The vibrator made sure that I was riding the orgasmic waves until my body was exhausted. I tried and tried to move my hips too all directions to force the sex toy to grant me peace, but it was firmly being held in position between the boards of the chair and Mia’s body weight.

‘I can’t stop climaxing!’ I moaned when I started nearing my limitations. ‘Mia, help! Aaah! Vibr… aah… ator! Take… it off! Aaah!’

If she was only able to lift herself a little, I could easily make the toy fall. But she was dealing with her problems and could probably not even understand where she was. Based on how loud she was moaning, she might be middle of her orgasm. And I did not sense the dog giving her a chance to rest. I had to do something before I would pass out from the pleasure. Subconsciously, I sprung my whole body and kicked upwards with both of my feet as hard as I could. Even today, I am not sure how I managed to move the duo on top of me. But all of us moved just enough for the vibrator to fall from the chair to the ground. My sanity was saved.

‘AAAAH! NOOOO!!!’ Mia screamed so loud that it left an echo.

I was recovering from the situation, but the scream did alert me. In my dazed state, it took me a moment to understand what had happened. But in the end, it was quite obvious. At the base of the dog’s cock there was a ball forming, which was also in the process of being smashed against Mia’s poor pussy lips. Including that, I realized that she was now taking almost the full length of the monstrous dick inside of her.

I tried to clear my voice, and then I shouted, ‘Mia! I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to do. There is a big ball at the dog’s penis, and he is fucking you with that.’

It was hard to decipher how Mia was from her voice alone when she replied, ‘That’s… a knot. Male dogs… ah… use that to tie their pen… ah, penises in the bitch when they eja… AAAH, EJACULATE!’ She screamed the last part of her sentence.

The dog had slowed down his thrusts, but he seemed more forceful. It made sense if Mia was right about the knot. The horny dog tried to force the ball through Mia’s vaginal opening and then empty his ball sack inside of her. It had become quite dark, but I estimated that the cock had to exceed 20cm, even more, if the knot was to be included. Mia twitched and groaned every time when he rammed the big cock at her. I was listening to her whimpering. She was pleading and begging by herself. I heard the word ‘please’ a lot from her mouth.

I tried to calm her down, ‘I’m here, Mia. You will survive this. I’m here for you.’

I could hear the defeat in her voice when she talked to me, ‘I don’t know how much I can take this anymore, Stacy. The fucking bastard made me cum, more than once. I am so ashamed of myself… and… I cannot stop him… AGH…! It will soon cum inside of me…’

I felt so bad for her. I was so guilty that I could not do anything for her other than talk, ‘It is not your fault, Mia. I am so sorry that this happened to you. I am here for you. You are very important to me.’

I watched in awe when Mia’s pussy hole was forcibly stretched to allow access to the knot. I could not even imagine how painful the entry must’ve felt. Mia shouted non-stop for a few seconds before the tight hole finally decided to give in and let the dog bury his bone fully inside of her tight cunt. Mia’s vaginal lips closed and hid the huge knot after the violent penetration had happened. But to my amazement, the shape of the knot was clearly visible under the smooth skin of Mia’s vulva.

Mia only got a few seconds of rest before the dog decided to resume his fucking. Mia was repeating, ‘Oh my god! Oh my god! The knot… The knot is doing something inside of me. It is driving me crazy.’

I was taken aback by how strong contrast there was in her voice. Just a moment ago, she was agonizing from the knot penetrating her. Still, now she was moaning from the pleasure she was experiencing. I did not know it back then, but the knot inside of her was grazing her G-spot, and it was that which was forcing her towards a huge orgasm. I could only stare at the slight movement that was bulging under the mound of Mia’s beautiful pussy.

The dog was only able to fuck her with very short thrusts since the knot was quite firmly embedded in her. But that movement was more than enough to make Mia moan and pant on top of me. Even in the wildest porn videos, I had never seen or heard a woman act like Mia did right now. Since she had no reason to act, I was certain that I was about to witness my best friend’s biggest climax ever. The situation was undoubtedly grotesque, but Mia’s unwilling but enthusiastic response to the bestial fucking was stirring me up as well. I found myself waiting for the moment when she would be pushed over the edge. I know that it does not make me the best of friends. Still, the idea of her climaxing after being impaled by the monstrous cock was cranking up my arousal.

I could hear a dog howling somewhere above me. A few seconds later, Mia opened her mouth, ‘Stacy… Stacy… it’s cumming inside of me. It’s shooting sperm inside of me. I’m being filled up. It’s so hot! I can’t… can’t… take it anymore… I’M CUMMING TOO!’

And just then, Mia reached the height of pleasure. Even though she had told me that the dog had forced her cum more than once already, I was sure that I would have remembered if any of those orgasms had looked like the one she was forced to experience right now. She squirted uncontrollably right at my face, soaking me completely. It was my first time seeing something as intense as that. I did not even know that girls could ejaculate.

But there she was, shooting her fluids at me while yelling her lungs off. Her convulsions seemed to gear up. Orgasm, or string of orgasms, was making her body find a way to escape. She was pinned between the dog and me, and there was no escape. I could not see, but I was able to feel how her stomach was swelling. “How much sperm can one dog shoot out?” I thought while trying to see and hear everything.

She was begging, ‘No… No…more…’

But then another wave hit her, and she started screaming from bliss again. Mia was orgasming for a full minute, maybe even a little more. But I am sure that for her, it felt like an hour. She was panting like she had forgotten to breathe, which might not be far from the truth.

‘Mia! Mia! Are you OK?’ I asked, trying to sound as calm and loving as I could.

She was still quite out of it, but she did reply, ‘Wait… Not yet. I c-can’t… yet.’

I was happy that I could hear her talking, ‘OK. Take your time. It is over now. It is all over now, Mia.’

I heard her inhaling loudly, ‘It’s not…not over. It’s still ejaculating.’

That’s when I saw that the cock was indeed twitching like it was pumping more and more sperm inside of Mia. If she was swelling already before, I did not want to imagine how full she was now or how full will she be when the fucker will finally leave. Some of the sperm was already leaking out from the side of pussy. Either “the seal” between those two was giving in, or she was about to burst. I hoped that it was the former option. Suddenly, the dog moved his body. He had been relatively immobile during the whole time, so it was a positive surprise. Finally, this was going to be over.

Mia yelled, ‘NO! NOT YET!’

I felt her trying to balance themselves or something. It was difficult to say what she did while being the bottommost person in the pile. So, I asked, ‘Why can’t he leave Mia? Wouldn’t this be over?’

Mia was still in the middle of something, but she replied, ‘Because Stacy if it tries to leave now, the cock will rip my pussy in ten different pieces. It needs to stay inside of me until its knot deflates. I’m now holding its legs until the knot pops out on its own.’

I did not know any of this, and I had to trust her judgment on the matter. Once again, this was not about me. It was about the person who had just been violated. Knowing this, I did not mind waiting, and I was quite happy that Mia was able to talk clearly. She most definitely was not fine, but okayish.

‘Mia, how long do you think it takes?’

She took a moment before she replied, ‘I don’t know. I really don’t. We might be here for a while.’

Although she did not stutter or anything, I think she did not want to admit the final part for obvious reasons. I did not know what to say after it became apparent that we would be here for a while. Luckily, Mia broke the awkward silence, ‘Well, this did not go as planned.’

I was surprised to hear her take so neutral a stance regarding what had occurred. It must’ve been her way of managing the situation. I was feeling bad for her, ‘I’m sorry that this happened to you.’

Mia became very serious when she replied, ‘Stacy, I’m going to say this only once, so I beg you not to force the issue. Do not feel sad or sorry for me. I don’t want that. You, of all people, pity me. Before this shit show happened, I was having my best night ever with my best friend ever. Also… I’m still hot. So, I will just fine.’

I must admit that she was amazing. She bounced back like that. That’s Mia. To my surprise, she continues, ‘And… it seems that the night is not over yet.’

I could not understand what she meant by that. That’s when I felt something wet and rough playing with my labia. It was an odd feeling. I felt aroused and confused at the same time. ‘Mia! Stop it! Do you really think that we should go on?’

That command didn’t stop the feeling of being licked, but Mia replied, ‘Yeah, Stace… That’s not me. That’s either Bruno or Marcus. The one inside of me did not introduce itself, and I have a hard time remembering which is which. But the new dog smiles like Bruno, so let’s call it Bruno.’

There was another dog! I remember Mia talking about dogs as plural before. Still, during her ordeal, I had wiped this specific memory out of my mind. Now, I was the person being violated, and I did not know how I felt about it.

After just a second, I said, ‘Mia, stop him!’

Mia sounded like she was amused, ‘Actually, it’s not “him,” it is “it.” You keep calling the dogs “him.”’

I wasn’t sure if I was ticked off or did I found her comment funny. ‘That is not important, Mia, right now. Just make IT stop!’

‘I am sorry, Stacy, but I cannot. I am holding the legs of its brother so he won’t move, and hell freezes over before I try to move myself. Before that knot inside of me shrinks down to a manageable size, I will not risk ripping my pussy. I’m sure that you can manage, it just licking your tasty pussy hole.’

I wanted to complain about how gross it was, but I did not think I had legs to stand on. No matter what happens next, Mia still had the worst of it. ‘That is fair… It is just weird and gross.’

Mia giggled but did not care to reply. Bruno was very enthusiastic about lapping my delicate pussy lips. My body still remembered the strong orgasms I had endured, so I felt soreness when the rough tongue explored every square millimeter of my private parts. I was not completely surprised when, in a minute or so, the soreness made room for a ticklish feeling and then for tentative pleasure. I was, however, somewhat disgusted by how my body reacted to bestiality.

Still, I decided to keep the info to myself when I once again saw the engorged cock stuck in Mia’s snatch. I could feel how her pussy juices, as well as doggy sperm, leaked past the knot. I tried to take comfort from the fact that Mia had survived her experience. It was like Mia had read my mind, ‘Hey Stacy, whatever happens, happens. Don’t sweat it. You were there for me; I will be here for you.’ She then continued like she was bursting into laughter, ‘And hey! You might even like it.’

The tongue was forcing sharp moans past my lips, so I did not sound very convincing when I said, ‘No, I will not. Ah…’

The dog did not get satisfied by just lapping my lips. Its tongue was a lot stronger than anyone who had ever gone down on me. In his mission to suck every drop out from my pussy, he pushed the tongue inside of me. I shriek in surprise. It was my first time experiencing oral sex like this.

Mia asked me, ‘Is it actually inside of you? Is it actually tongue fucking you?’

I did not want to admit how good it felt. The dog was able to stimulate parts of my pussy that no one had been able to reach before. ‘Yes… Mia. The tongue is actually exploring my insides. AAAH!’

Bruno might’ve been late for this party, but he was making an effort to catch up. The acrobatic tongue was darting in and out from my soaking cunt at an unbelievable pace. I felt my dripping pussy walls stretch every time the nimble invader pushed past my labia. It did not help at all that now and then, he grazed my clit, which sent electric shocks through my body. All the stimulus and heat were making me blush and sweat. The sweat was mixed with different liquids that Mia and her violator had soaked me earlier. Once again, I was starting to feel shame from being pleasured by an animal.

And Mia was not helping. Instead, she was actively trying to make light of the situation, ‘Stacy, are you going orgasm? If I weren’t so busy here, I would suck you off myself. I would make you climax with my mouth and fingers so hard that you beg me to stop. I might even stick a finger up your butt. Would you like that, Stacy? Would you?’

It was difficult to sound anything but aroused while moaning. Still, I tried to put some annoyance to my voice when I replied, ‘Yeah, now I don’t feel so bad anymore of you being fucked… AH…! fucked like a ragdoll.’

I only got the final word in since things started to go even further out of our control. To Mia’s delight, I climaxed hard under her. I am not sure how much she was able to see when her cursed vibrator was forcing me to cum, but surely this time, she was conscious enough to witness everything.

‘AAAH! AAAH! SHIT! I’M CUMMING!’ I screamed.

My limps went out of control. I started to kick with my legs and yank the cuffs with my hands. My lower body twitched, and I felt cramps in my abs. Pleasure from the stimulus and pain from the cramps were forcing me almost to pass out. Bruno did not care about my feelings; he was just happy to suck the nectar my drooling cunt was producing in the heat of the moment.

Mia cheered me on, ‘Cum Stacy, cum! You are so hot. Show me how you cum!’

I wasn’t lucid enough to form an opinion on how I felt about her comments. All my attention was focused on the orgasm. I do not know if it was my convulsions, Mia being distracted, or the moment otherwise just right. But Marcus had decided that he had enough intercourse for this night. Mia was not able to hold his forelegs, and the big dog whose cock I had been staring at for a while started to back away. The knot had deflated, but it wasn’t exactly gentle decoupling. Mia’s cheeky cheers changed to squealing from the sudden and sharp pain she felt when the knot was being pulled out from her.

For a brief moment, the knot was pulling her whole body with it. The seal between those two gave out with loud & disgusting “plop” sound. It was a “blink and you miss it” moment when the huge cock retreated from the hole where it had stayed for a while. During the dislodging, Mia had been dragged just enough, so her pussy lips were right at my face again. The amount of warm canine semen that splashed on my face was unreal.

No man could shoot that amount of sperm inside a woman, but for a fertile dog like Marcus, it seemed to be no problem whatsoever. I was right in the middle of screaming from my orgasm, so I accidentally shallowed at least a mouthful of the doggy cum. It was my first time tasting semen of any kind. Even in my disoriented state, I should have been repulsed. But the strong climax I was experiencing made the tastes and smells feel intoxicating instead.

Mia was in pain, but she understood almost immediately that she was discharging a ridiculous amount of doggy sperm and figuratively drowning me in cum and pussy juices. When she was no longer pinned under the weight of Marcus, she rolled from the top of me as well. It had been a long time since I had not felt the massive burden on my body. It was my chance to escape from the pleasure prison that Bruno’s expert tongue fucking skills had locked me into. I followed Mia’s example and rolled from the chair, forcing Bruno to cease his oral assault.

When my knees touched the grass, my mind was still chaotic. It did not help that I was spitting semen, and my vision was blurred by the sticky liquid covering my face. I tried to yank my cuffed hands-free, but the sturdy chair held itself together. However, I felt the whole chair moving now since nothing was keeping it in its place. ‘Mia, take these off!’

But she did not have enough strength to help me just yet, ‘Sorry, Stacy. It would be best if you gave me a moment here. I’m hurt. I help you as soon as I get up.’

I crawled to the end of the chair to figure out a way to remove the cuffs by myself. At the retrospective, I should have known better. I just had front-row seats for the show where a dog had violently fucked my best friend into near insanity. But it had been a long night, and I was not in the best state of mind.

‘STACY! WATCH OUT!’ Mia yelled.

But it was too late. Bruno mounted me from behind. The force of his mounting me pushed my upper body onto the low sunbathing chair. I had no means of balancing myself since my hands were still very much cuffed. I found myself in an awkward position having my boobs pushed against the chair, which forced me to push my ass up. This might’ve been awkward for me, but a well-prepared bitch presenting herself like this was exactly what Bruno hoped to see. It had taken a while before Marcus had been able to penetrate Mia. Still, my excellent position and well-lubricated vagina were assets that Bruno took full advantage of. Before I had fully understood the situation, he was already inside my pussy. I was about to be fucked, just like Mia had.

The frantic humping started immediately when he had slammed his cock into my cunt. Thrust by thrust, I felt him becoming bigger and bigger. I was barely able to see around myself since I could not wipe the cum from my face, but I did lock eyes with Mia. She looks terrified. ‘Mia, help me,’ I spoke.

She had to struggle herself up from the grass, and then she replied with some sadness in her voice, ‘I can make sure that he will not knot you, but he is too big and strong for me to push him from top of you.’ She forced herself on the chair next to me and continued, ‘I’m so sorry, Stacy. I did not want this to happen when I acted like a jackass moment ago. I just wanted… wanted…’

I interrupted her, ‘Not important, Mia! Help me… AAH! please.’

This was my first time being this filled before. The cock inside of me had grown to amazing size, and it was spreading me like nothing before. Right then, I saw Marcus sitting on the grass, cleaning his now cock. Even in its flaccid state, it was huge, just like the dog himself. It reminded me of a large cucumber. Comparing Bruno to Marcus gave me a general idea of what kind of tool which being driven into me. I was quite literally fucked.

I sensed pain, but I would be lying if there was not a truckload of pleasure to be felt as well. The long and wide cock was forcing me to feel good, which I had not expected. The whole night, I had experienced sexual stimuli. Either I was teased, licked, sucked, finger fucked, or shallowly penetrated by a vibrator. But it was a whole lot something else when being fucked with an actual male cock. There was something feral about it, and I could not deny the satisfaction it was giving me. My mind was still struggling, but my body prepared to go all the way.

Mia spoke somewhere behind me, ‘Stacy, I can’t reach your handcuffs, but I am going to hold the cock. If I hold it from the base of the knot, it cannot force the knot inside of you.’

I was moaning from pleasure, but I was able to reply, ‘Than… AAAH! Thanks, Mia…!’ Violent fucking continued, but I tried to hold my sanity, ‘Mia… Mia… It’s so big. How can it be so… damn big? When… when does it end?’

She tried to calm me down, ‘Soon, Stacy. I can already feel a knot forming. It ends soon.’

I was so glad. I did not want to go through what Mia had to. I felt shame that I had thought that Mia’s ordeal had been one of the sexier things I’ve seen. And now she was trying her best to help me to avoid the same situation. I felt her hands on my pussy. She was holding the knot in place as gently as possible. I sensed how the knot rammed against her hands, and even that was sending tremors through my body.

Suddenly, I felt pain in my neck. ‘MIA! HE IS BITING ME!’ I yelled in panic. It was not a strong bite. But it was a bite that demanded obedience. ‘MIA! HELP!’

But she was as helpless as I was, ‘I don’t know what to do…’

Bruno bit just a little harder, and I screamed from the increased pain. Mia, completely unsure how to support me, reacted to my scream and tried to pry his jaws from my neck. Bruno had not understood that it was Mia who was holding the knot, but he had been right that something was blocking his access. Usually, his bitches understand the situation when he gently reminds them. Although the same logic did not apply this time, the result was the same.

Mia had not even reached out to help me before Bruno saw his chance. Everything that I had experienced tonight had not prepared me for the moment when Bruno slammed his knot inside my pussy with one firm thrust. Right angle, combined with a strong shove, heavy lubrication, and some bad luck, forced the ball into the warm embrace of my soaking hole before Bruno had even tried too hard. My pussy stretched wide open, and I started to shake. Mia had not yet understood what had occurred, but she did when I whimpered words, ‘He’s… in…’

But the situation was still becoming even more wild. Bruno, who was now satisfied with smashing his knot inside of me, released his jaws. However, he got his teeth tangled in my messy ponytail or its scrunchie. I wasn’t sure. Not being able to untangle himself, he pulled my hair, and the dog pulled them hard. With one strong tug, he lifted my whole upper body from the chair. Mia shrieked from the shock when she saw me being yanked up.

She looked even more confused about what to do now. My hands could no longer reach to chair, so I was basically grounded only by my knees. By jerking my hair backward, the dog was actually drawing my whole body against its loins. I felt the monster cock piercing deeper into my cunt than anything ever before. And just when I thought it could not become any worse, Bruno started to move those loins way faster. I was now screaming uncontrollably from the shock of being screwed like this.

The knot had already grown too large to exit from my pussy, but that did not seem to bother Bruno, who still had the energy to fuck his bitch. Maybe being embedded deep in my cunt was just not enough to trigger his ejaculation. Every time Bruno pushed forward, the power of his thrusts made my cum soaked breasts swing in a wild rhythm. And every time he pulled back, his knot rubbed my sensitive G-spot. To my further amazement, I noticed how the strength of his thrusts made his heavy balls smash against my clitoris. Every little thing of the experience made me crawl a little closer to the edge of the abyss.

Mentally, I was now in a similar state as Mia had been when Marcus had violated her, very close to being passed out from the never-ending stimulus. I just knew that the dirty animal would soon induce an orgasm of a lifetime in me. But every time I was reaching my limit, Bruno did something to cause just enough pain for the moment to pass. Either he yanked my head just too much, or maybe he was able to penetrate just too far. Whatever the cause, the pressure was growing inside of me and just waiting to be released.

Mia saw her chance to uncuff me when Bruno pulled my body from the top of my hands. I was now just barely able to touch the chair with my fingertips, but that was something, at least. I wanted to thank her, but I was not sure if she was able to hear it from a weak whimper, ‘Mmhmhmm… thank… you… AAH!’

Like its brother Marcus, Bruno howled victorious when he started the final phase of the violent breeding. The moment when I heard the howl, I also felt the first burst of doggy semen deep inside of me. It was my first time allowing anyone or anything to empty their nuts in me. The sperm felt hot, like surprisingly hot. The heat inside of me built quickly as the beast kept pumping a ridiculous amount of cum into my vagina. I was so deeply impaled by the engorged cock that I was sure Bruno was also coloring the walls of my uterus with his puppy batter.

Just when my belly started to bloat from the volume of semen, I climaxed to a world-shattering orgasm. I had been on the brink of complete meltdown for so long that when I finally reached the peak, its power swept me away. My eyes rolled back to my head when the first waves wrecked my body.


I could faintly hear that Mia said something, but by then, I had already left this world behind. I just screamed from the pleasure. Later, Mia told me that I yelled so hard that nearby birds started flying when I orgasmed. I shook from the tremors and arched my back even further than Bruno had forced me to. I felt my back cramping, but it was like my body acted on its own volition. From that awkward position, I fucked back against Bruno’s loins. My animalistic instincts had taken over, and I only craved furthering my bliss. In my delirious state, I did not even care that it was a disgusting dog who had forced this on me. No, I did not care at all. My body just wanted to be taken for a drive.

I could no longer keep track of where one orgasm ended and where another started. I was nearing insanity while my body just kept convulsing. I was panting as well as drooling from the side of my mouth. When my hair finally got untangled from Bruno’s teeth, my sweaty body fell hard. My coordination and strength were so off that my hands could not hold my body weight. The last thing I remember before passing out from the bestial event was Mia’s naked body and her hands when she was holding me.

I was not sure how long had passed when I woke up again. It must’ve been mere minutes. One more small climax rocked through my body when I felt my clit being touched. Apparently, I had passed out just a moment before Bruno had pulled out from me. Bruno and Marcus were now double-teaming me to lick out the copious amount of semen that had been pouring down from my pussy. Mia had turned me around, so I was lying on my back. My head was on Mia’s lap. The first thing I saw was her beautiful boobs hanging at the top of me.

She looked worried when she opened her mouth, ‘Stacy! Stacy! Are you OK?’

My body was aching all over, and rough tongues on my ultra-sensitive snatch were not helping, but I did my best not to make her feel bad. ‘Hey Mia… I came hard…’

She was clearly glad that I still had my sense of humor intact, but she was still worried, ‘Funny… But we need to go. Unless you’d like one of the brothers to mount you again.’

I shivered at the thought. Mia helped me up. She was still weak herself, but she had obviously gained back some of her strength while watching me getting pounded. The dogs were not happy that they could not lick the rest of the sperm leaking from me, but they did not try anything funny. When I got up, I felt how a huge amount of deposited cum started to drip down my thighs and legs. I did not care much. I remembered how much Mia’s belly had swelled, and I made a wild guess that my situation had to be something similar. That meant we were going to push that sperm out from our bodies for the rest of the weekend anyway. And that was a mental image that I never thought that I would create.

We struggled to get inside, but after the glass door was shut and closed, I was finally able to breathe free. Mia opened her mouth now that we were safe. ‘Stacy, we should probably go to the shower.’

I could not agree more, ‘Yes, we should… and soon. I have two huge loads of doggie sperm either inside or outside of me, and I can still taste some of it in my mouth.’ After seeing Mia’s guilt-ridden face, I tried to fix the mood. ‘Mia, you told me very firmly that I should not pity you. The same applies to you. Do not look at me like this is your fault. Also, I had fun before the next-door duo decided to come to play.’

Mia looked relieved after a talk. When we entered the bathroom, she said, ‘I must confess something… When Bruno started licking you, a small part of me hoped you would orgasm. I did not want to be the only one who was humiliated like that. But I never wanted you to be fucked like I did! I’m sorry.’

I looked into her eyes and replied, ‘OK. While we are confessing stuff, I need to admit something as well. When you were knotted, and you suddenly started moaning heavily, I thought it was one of the sexiest things that I had ever seen. I had not hoped that to happen to you, but since I was unable to do anything for you, I just stared in awe while you got creamed. Sorry…’

It was Mia’s turn to look into my eyes. She looked a little surprised at my confession but relieved, ‘Alright. So, are we cool?’

I smiled weakly, ‘We’re cool.’

After the talk, we took turns in the shower. We stayed there for quite some time while helping each other to wash our naked bodies. There were quite many hard-to-wash spots, so we were thankful for each other’s help. Physically, we were spent, but mentally, we were relatively fine. I say “relatively” since it’s not like we could forget that dogs used our bodies to empty their ball sacks.

But since both of us had been taken, we were able to talk about it quite freely. To manage our aching bodies, we emptied one more bottle of wine after the shower. It was already a morning when we decided to go to bed. If tonight had not happened, it would have been super weird to sleep naked in the same bed as Mia, but we did not want to be alone, so we were in complete agreement. It was my first time to sleep with a girl. How oddly appropriate for tonight.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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