Four Year Old Bull Mastiff

By Domino.

I first saw him across the street from my house, the four-year-old Bull Mastiff that lived in the apartment across the road. I stared at his huge ball sack as he walked by. I started fussing over him and petting him when he was brought out. I followed the schedule of his owner, making sure we’d meet at least 2-3 times a week. I saw that he worked pretty long hours and finally asked if he’d like me to at least let him out for him, and he jumped at the chance.

I walked him a few times with the owner because he was so big, but, like most big dogs, he just strolled along, and I tried not to stare at his shifting ball sack, bigger than any man I’d seen. We joked about his size and walked by a vet’s office, where we took him in and had him weigh 154 pounds. I’m 98 pounds. My pussy twitched at the thought of him mounting me.

I also acted rather ‘grossed out’ about his huge sack, and his owner just laughed and said he was a stud dog. Otherwise, he’d have had him fixed. I joked right back that he should buy him some underwear when he was out getting walked, not wanting him to suspect my true motives.

He gave me a key to his place, and on the first day, I went over to get him wearing a long sundress, nothing on underneath. I was panting when I led him up to my house. I’d ensured all the blinds were pulled, checked his height many times, and purchased a leather bench Ottoman. I’d also attached a leash to one of the door handles so he’d be unable to back up if I was lucky enough to have him fuck me.

I looked at his huge ball sack as I followed behind him and thought I might have that cum shooting into my pussy that day. I felt a drop of my cum roll down my inner thigh at the idea.

We entered the house, and his head turned when I went to remove his lead. I saw his nose flare and his ears pricked up. Panting, I stepped out of the sundress and stood in front of him, naked, with the drop of cum rolling down the inside of my thigh. His nose flared again, and suddenly, he just shoved his nose between my legs! I moaned and leaned against the door, spreading my legs for him. He licked me with his huge tongue, and I shuddered.

I’ve done some research and found out that most dogs love the taste of pussy but don’t seem to figure out where it comes from and will repeatedly lick AT your hole, looking for more, but that’s about it. So when his tongue penetrated me, I gasped and came hard on his tongue, now pumping in and out of my pussy.

Moaning and panting, I fell forward onto the stairs and bucked my hips wildly as he groaned and shoved his tongue inside me as far as it would go. It was like being fucked by a snake, it rolled around inside me, and I came over and over. His breathing became very ragged, and I felt his head moving differently and glanced behind him and saw that he was pumping the air with his hips.

That was the first time I saw his cock; just looking at it made me blow all over his thrusting tongue again. It was bright red and had a lot of veins, and there were long runners of his sticky pre-cum dripping down from the tip of it. It was bobbing in midair, and, as I watched, I saw it shoot a small amount of dog slime out.

He was more than ready for me but still frantically eating me out. He must have liked the taste. Panting as I’d just run a marathon, I stood up off the stairs, where I’d been bent over, doggie style, while he tongue fucked me. I watched him standing there, panting loudly, his dog meat hanging out, about 9 inches long and wide. Moaning, I went into the darkened living room, and he followed me, also gasping with excitement.

I laid down on the far end of the leather Ottoman, making him come towards the wall, and he drove his tongue right back inside my pussy. Moaning, I attached the leash hanging from the doorknob to his collar and quickly shot under him on the narrow bench. It was perfect, narrow enough that he could straddle it and low enough that I was at the ideal height for him to enter me.

Unlike what I’d read about some other dogs, his cock found my cunt very quickly. After a few pokes around, his cock penetrated me, and he did something VERY hot. After the head of his cock entered me, he paused, just like a man would, and I groaned, listening to his heavy breathing. I was just about to push myself down on his shaft, moaning at the ‘tease’ of his cock inside my pussy, when he suddenly collapsed his upper body onto me very hard, pinning me in place. He ‘walked’ up the bench and shot his hips forward, ramming me.

He let out an incredibly loud moan of pleasure, and I did something I’d only done a few times in life and came so hard that I ejaculated, spraying all over his legs and balls. I buckled under him, entirely at his mercy now. I tried to move around and realized that I couldn’t. Mere seconds before, he groaned again and, to my surprise, started forcing his knot into me. Considering the amount of drool and the massive spray of cum I’d soaked him with, he was able to shove it into my dripping hole after a few thrusts.

God, it vibrated inside me as his cock grew, spurting loads of pre-cum into me practically every time he shot inside me. I shuddered and came. I knew that dogs would cum the entire time they’re fucking you. However, had seen that it was usually only a small amount, once every minute or so. Spark shot huge wads of hot dog cum at least every 30 seconds, and I heard my pussy sloshing with all his sperm. His knot was still expanding inside me, now absolutely massive, plugging me completely. He didn’t use it strictly as a method of cumming, he used it to fuck me, and I came over and over, feeling his hot dog cum spurt into me every few moments. I was surprised, thinking that when the knot was in, they stood still and just filled the bitch with cum.

But, he began taking long, hard thrusts into me, stopping at times. I think he was doing what a man would, holding off, so he didn’t come too soon, but, eventually, he began grunting louder and louder, each thrust making my legs flail. Then, he did it, he braced himself and groaned, and I felt the contents of those balls that I’d been staring at so long emptying themselves inside me.

I squealed and flopped under him as he continued to thrust, his dog cock vibrating and jerking inside me, going off like a fucking fire hose, the tops of my feet bouncing on the floor. He came for 8 minutes inside me, his knot still fully inflated. The temperature of his cum was boiling. I could feel each squirt.

I felt his cock start to shorten inside me, and he stood up. That’s when I realized he’d actually ‘collapsed’ his upper body on mine, making sure I couldn’t get away from his pounding cock, and stood there, not trying to pull out yet. Realizing that he couldn’t pull away, dragging me off the Ottoman on his knot because of the leash, and still incredibly turned on, I kept bucking beneath him, cumming on his meat while I could.

As his knot deflated, even with his cock still inside, his cum could finally explode from me, and I moaned and bucked, hearing it pattering down on the hardwood floor, so much that it sounded like one of us was taking a piss. I felt it flowing down the front of the Ottoman, rolling off the leather to create a puddle. I came a final time and went to push-off, finally satisfied, but Spark had other plans. That’s when I noticed his breathing had become ragged again. He shoved me down again, his cock stiffening inside me!

I felt him growling and froze, unable to believe he could have any sperm left in that sack of his after the huge load he’d shot. But, he was taking it slow this time, and I lay beneath him, trying to get up a few times. I loved how his body would tense up and shove me back down. I realized that even though I was still enjoying it, my pleasure didn’t mean a thing to him. This animal was going to take me until HE was satisfied.

He began hard thrusting again, grunting VERY loudly. If someone had walked by and the windows had been opened, they would have been able to hear him all the way out to the street. As he rode me, his cock seemed to get even bigger, and I couldn’t help but squeal as his knot re-entered me. When I cried out, I heard him grunt even louder, and his cock twitched hard, forcing me into yet another orgasm. Moaning, I felt him shoving up on the bench further and further, then grunted myself when he climbed on top of me from behind, his back legs now off the floor. His cock penetrated me even deeper, and now wholly pinned, I squealed under him again, this time even louder.

He went into a fucking frenzy, his breath gasping, his cock slamming into me, his entire 13 inches forced into me. His back legs were sticking out behind us, his weight balanced from his paws. My body slid up and down on the bench, my entire front eventually being covered in dog cum. As he continued to pump on top of me for another 30 minutes, his cum sloshed inside me again. My cunt was sealed shut by his massive knot.

The second time he began cumming wasn’t as long as the first, but every bit as incredible. I felt his hot spunk exploding from his jerking cock, his moans and gasps of pleasure heard through his chest, my cum covered face turned to the side, and my body crushed beneath him. My legs flailed on either side of his massive body as he filled me up again. I shuddered under him, too, covered in each other’s cum. When he finally softened enough to pull out, his cum came out with such force it splashed on the floor. I lay on the bench with my legs over the side as his cum poured out of my gaping pussy.

He got off me, his cum still streaming out. I stood up shakily, looking down at my typically flat belly, now actually distended by his cum. Panting, he went and had a long drink, and I stared at his ball sack, dripping with cum. As soon as I’d cleaned myself up and re-dressed, he was back to his previous amicable lump, so I took him into the walk-in shower and washed him off. Then, I did what I’d promised and took him for a long walk.


The more I thought about having him inside me again, the kinkier my mind became. I went into a pet store to see if there was anything we could use, such as a collar for me that I could tie to his, loving the idea of being choked while he fucked me. Then, felt my cunt twitch when I looked at the shock collars. I told them that I had a large dog who was quite aggressive towards other people. I was told that the shock wouldn’t hurt him, but if it was dialed up to the top setting, it could drop the dog, so I wasn’t supposed to set it that high.

I took it home that night, and after making sure I had a tea towel between my neck and the collar itself, I hit the remote. My body shook for 30 seconds as I watched myself standing there, naked in the mirror. I took it up slowly and determined that at 3/4 power, it was enough to drop ME to the ground and jitter frantically for those 30 seconds. I also turned on the anti-barking switch in case I was to drop the remote while dancing on his dog meat and determined that it didn’t take too much noise to have it shock me when that setting was high too.

The second time I went to pick him up, I was pretty nervous, thinking that maybe he’d knock me down in either his apartment or out on the street. Still, he acted completely normal until we entered my house again, realizing that this wasn’t something to be done anywhere else. As soon I unlocked the door, I glanced behind me and saw that the head of his cock was already out of its sheath and gasped, looking at it. My pussy was already dripping wet. I heard his hard breathing as I entered the living room.

I stripped out of my clothes and heard his panting increase as I lay down on the ottoman, legs wide. Staring at me, he dove into my lap, frantically licking my throbbing pussy. I reached down, attached the collar around my neck, and hit the remote just as his tongue shoved its way into my hole. My body shook hard. My arms and legs are thrown wide open, muscles stiff as my hips jerked wildly. He grunted as his tongue fucked me, stiffening it as it swirled inside me.

Relieved that the shock wouldn’t go through to him, I came hard on his tongue. I looked down at him, his jaw gaping wide, his tongue-twisting deep inside me as he stared right back at me, feeling his drool running down my ass crack. I didn’t have to go up the bench to get him to enter me. After around 5 minutes of eating me out, he moaned and came up on his own, straddling me.

On my back this time, it was so fucking hot to look up at him, his chest rubbing against my tits, and he positioned himself over me, hips bucking before he’d even entered me. I reached down and started stroking his dog cock, amazed at how well I could feel it pulsing with each beat of his heart and how hot it was to the touch.

I had to stop jerking him off before that knot started to grow, or he’d never be able to get it into me so he could cum. Panting hard and fast, he thrust his tool inside me, and, just like the last time, he groaned very loudly. So loud that it set the collar I was wearing off, and I was electrocuted as he forced his dog meat into me. Again, my arms and legs were thrown out, and I heard him gasping with pleasure as my pussy milked his huge cock with each pulse of the collar.

This continued repeatedly, and I couldn’t control my screech when he shoved his knot into me. The collar punished me for my shriek by making me dance under him, hearing him moan so loud as I repeatedly came, the shocks making my pussy spray every time. The collar made it some of the best sex I’d ever had. I’d be shocked whenever either of us made too much noise. My pussy clamped shut on his cock, and he filled me with his hot cum three times. His knot never gets small enough to get out of me. I felt him stiffen, again and again, his hips thrusting wildly.

At one point, during a shock, he took his weight off me to watch me dance, and I slid off the soaked Ottoman onto the floor. Groaning, he fucked me as my twitching body hung from his cock, and my head was thrown back, hips jerking in a circle.

After that shock, I reached up to take the collar off. Realizing this would get me hurt if he kept standing while we were locked together, he collapsed on top of me. His back legs are straight on the floor, and his elbows are right above my shoulders. I looked up at his face as he fucked me on the floor. My body slipped around in his cum, and his eyes were wild as he started fucking me very hard. I grunted helplessly, the collar making me buck under him as he blew his load inside me again.

I heard it splattering on the floor, my heels drumming behind him, his balls contracting, and those vast balls jetting load after a load of his hot doggy cum deep inside me.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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