Giving In


Lu sat working in the den with her dog Nago lying near her, watching her. She noticed her husband John walking by, and said, “We really need to get Nago fixed!”

Lu pointed to large the black Labrador lying near her feet. John, a big muscular Caucasian man looked at his petite Chinese wife with raised eyebrows. He asked, “Why?”

She grimaced. “He’s always trying to mount me, or sniff my pussy. It’s getting almost intolerable, John”

She didn’t want to tell her husband that she almost let Nago penetrate her, not sure what he would say. John continued to look at her, not really sure if she were joking or not. “Really?”

She nodded.

He shrugged. “Well, you are a great fuck. I’m sure Nago would enjoy fucking you just as much as I do,” he said with a wink, watching for her response.

Lu felt surprised by his comment, and suddenly got brave. “To be honest, I almost let him the other day. I was bending doing the laundry in my night-gown when he tried to mount me. I could feel his big dick hitting the back of my leg as he humped me, but I got scared and stopped him,” she said.

John’s eyes bulged a little. He couldn’t believe his luck as he expected her to tell him off for saying something so gross. “I would love to watch… If you ever decided to let him take you, and if something goes wrong you won’t be alone. I can help,” he said, and smiled wickedly.


He nodded. “Sure… It’d be so hot!”

She smiled and sighed in relief her husband is being so adventurous. Lu call Nago over, had him sit in front of her, and lifted her skirt to expose her pink panties. Nago looked at her crotch and wagged his tail, licking his lips.

“Go on, boy… It’s OK,” Lu said to him.

Lu he let out a soft moan when Nago started to sniff her crotch and lick over her panties. She bit her bottom lip as she enjoyed the feeling. “I’m happy I decided to wear a skirt today,” she said to her husband, and blushed.

John finished his tea so he could watch, already turned on seeing Lu enjoy herself with the dog. “I want to move to the bedroom,” she said.

Lu didn’t know if anyone would stop by today and if they she would have a chance to clean up. She got up and moaned when Nago pushed his nose up harder as he licked. She had to push him away so she could walk to the bedroom. Nago followed close, sticking his nose up her skirt the whole time.

John nodded and stood, holding onto Nago’s collar so Lu could walk up the stairs easily. He told the dog he was a good boy before letting him go and following her up the stairs.

Lu pulled her skirt and panties off before she sat on the chair in the bedroom. She smiled when Nago came up right away and started to lick her. She moaned, loving how it felt. This was the first time she had let him lick her without panties on and she was happy John could watch her. John leaned up against the wall and watched her, already semi-hard as he watched Nago lick her.

“Does it feel good?” John asked, smiling at them.

Lu nodded her head. “Very much so.”

She smiled. She reached down and parted her lips a bit more so the dog could get a better access. She knew if Nago kept licking her she is going to cum. John moved over closer to Lu and stood behind her. He decided he’d play with her breasts while the dog licked her, occasionally kissing the back of her neck, or tweaking her nipples.

She smiled and moaned when John started to play with her breasts. “You must be enjoying yourself,” she said.

She gasped, feeling Nagos tongue enter her. She is loving this more and more, as she felt herself getting closer to orgasm.

“Oh, absolutely,” John said, and smirked.

John kissing right under her ear as he closed his eyes for a moment. He paused to watch Nago, nearly hypnotised. She moaned loudly as she came. Nago didn’t relent and continued to lick her even as she came. She pushed him away and got down onto her hands and knees seeing the dogs member hanging out from its sheath. She moaned when she felt him licking her again. It didn’t take much coaching for him to jump up behind her and try to penetrate her.

He missed and gave up, but then quickly returned and after a few more tries he hit his mark. She gasped and moaned as she felt Nago start to fuck her. It felt so good and could not believe she almost didn’t try it. John helped keep the both of them steady before standing back to watch. He made sure to stay close by, if something were to happen. There was now a bulge in his pants as he tried to contain his excitement.

Lu looked up and smiled seeing John with a bulge in his pants. She asked, “Do you want me to give you a blow job?”

She moaned and came again. Lu knew it wasn’t going to be the last time she’s going to cum today, and couldn’t wait to see how many times it may happen. John hesitated when she asked about the blow job, feeling it would make him complicate in the situation. However, the sight of Nago pumping her furiously had gotten too much for him. He nodded slowly and pulled his pants and boxers down before moving toward her head.

She moaned and closed her eyes as she felt Nagos knot start to swell as he fucked her. She gasped as it grew and could not believe how big it’s getting. “Oh god, it feels so big. He’s gonna to make me cum… AGAIN!”

She continued to moaned loudly. Her body spasmed with orgasm as John slid his dick into her mouth, and she immediately started to suck on him.

He watched the dog, almost a bit jealous at how he seemed to make Lu feel. A different part of him was jealous that she got to be fucked by the dog, and he didn’t. However, the thoughts escaped his mind as soon as she began sucking him off. Lu continued to suck John’s cock as she felt the dog fill her with his cum. She couldn’t believe how good it felt and how even more amazing his knot made her feel pushed against her G-spot. She moaned and came again when she felt Nago try to pull away, but couldn’t. He ended up turning himself so they where ass to ass, and just stood there waiting for his dog knot to shrink. John watched everything as the dog finished her off.

“That… That looks like it feels… Really good,” he managed, placing a hand on Lu’s head as she continued to suck him off.

Eventually, it became too much for John and as the Nago’s cock plopped out of Lu’s stretched, red, and ruined pussy, and cum ran out down her thighs – he came. Shooting five large spurts of cum down his wife’s throat. Lu swallowed very drop she could get from his thick, long cock. Once his cock became to sensitive to handle her attentions, he pulled out with a sigh of satisfaction.

Lu sat up and looked at Nago who had wondered off to the corner of the room and was licking his cock. He looked at her too, looked satiated. He whined a little. She turned and looked at her husband who was sitting back on his legs, leaning against the couch. His big cock now soft, and his eyes clenched shut as he sighed in post orgasmic bliss.

Lu felt content. Her pussy still humming from the fucking Nago had given her. The taste of her husband so strong in mouth. “Life is good,” she said softly.

The End.



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