Hollis Raped Me

By Michelle M.

I had gotten divorced several years ago from my first love because I caught him cheating on me in my bed one afternoon when I wasn’t supposed to be home. He had a very successful business so the divorce settlement was more than adequate to let me pay cash for a beautiful home in a gated community at the end of a circle. My neighbours to the east have a boy around sixteen named Steve, Maureen is unbelievably beautiful, and Ron is someone I would love to get alone. I actually think about him fucking me as I daydream sometimes. The son is a spitting image of Ron and I would do him as well, but I still think he’s a bit young for me right now.

I know there is some interest in me as well, because when I’m sun bathing, sometimes topless, on my back porch the father and the son sneak peeks of me at different times.

The family also has a large Bernese mountain dog named Hollis. He is a beautiful dog; with the softest coat I have ever seen. When I am in the front yard, Hollis bounds over, planting his nose directly into my crotch until I am able to push him away. He will then play with me as we grab at each other and wrestle. Like I said I love being with him, since he is so soft and such a friendly dog. I have told Ron and Maureen I don’t mind having him come over and visit, so they don’t discourage him when we are all out.

One afternoon I had just finished working in the front yard, occasionally watching Ron as he also was mowing and working in their yard, allowing myself to day dream about being in bed with him as he fucked the dirty thoughts out of my head and becoming much more aroused than normal.

Hollis had been out with the two of us as well, I suppose he could smell my arousal so telling him to stop sniffing my crotch wasn’t working, he was too big and I was too aroused to stop that wonderful nose. Finally, I stood up, saying, “Well, old boy, unless I stop this you’re going to embarrass me in my front yard, so I better go in and see if I can’t take care of myself.”

I walked into my house, shutting the dog out as I headed for the shower. Stripping down immediately, starting the shower, I stepped in feeling the warm water does wonders to my shoulders. I then reached for the extension hose, putting the setting on pulsing spray plunging it between my legs as the arousal continued to build. Then slipping two fingers inside that inferno and pinching my tits with the other I quickly brought myself off groaning as the orgasm rushed over me. Settling down on the stool in the back of the shower, I realised I had not satisfied the real problem. I need a cock, a real cock, I thought. I sat there trying to figure out what to do. The only solution is to hit the bar scene, pick-up a one night stand, and hope he could fuck me silly and then go.

I was in a sad way, I didn’t have a boyfriend, Ron or his son wasn’t going to make love to me anytime soon, I liked Maureen way too much to ruin our friendship by sleeping with her son or husband. I didn’t even have anyone at work that was a likely candidate. I chuckled to myself, I guess I’m not totally at a loss I do have Hollis.

Finishing my shower, I dried off, took a few minutes to play again with my swollen pussy, stopping because there was no need to waste time with something that wasn’t going to help the situation. I slipped on a very short sundress and dispensed with any panties. Figuring maybe I’d get lucky when I went to the grocery store later in the afternoon. Stopped in the kitchen to fix a salad, poured myself a glass of wine and headed to the back porch to just enjoy the beautiful day while I sat in the shade.

I had just placed my food and drink on the table when Hollis came around the corner plunging his head directly into my rear end.

I had not realised he was still out so he was a total shock to me, causing me to fall forward, hitting my head on the table as I landed on the ground. I have a small outdoor footstool which was close, so in a daze, I tried to get myself to that, but the head injury was worse than I realised and I could not clear away the cobwebs before Hollis had his nose under my dress and his tongue was licking my bare ass as well as my inflamed pussy. This was only making my situation worse. I knew what was happening, I knew it was wrong, but still so dazed and adding an intense arousal building up quickly from that wonderful tongue I could not clear my head or reach back and stop him.

Hollis taking full advantage of the situation mounted me in one quick motion, his weight now preventing me from moving as I was trapped on the footstool. Wrapping his legs around my middle he pushed into me hitting his mark on the second try. My pussy was wet from the previous frustration, so he slid that long doggy cock into me with one push. His furry legs and belly felt so wonderful on the bare areas he was making contact with, and his cock was more than feeling wonderful, but wait a minute I was being fucked by a dog, that just isn’t right. I tried to move to get him off to stop him, but nothing was working.

The one thing I had learned about Hollis since I moved in was you had no control over him with your voice, he was kind and gentle but did exactly what he wanted. Everyone just seemed to accept that, even the busty neighbour just across the street always took Hollis in her back yard to give him treats I suppose, she had long since given up on telling him no. He started an immediate assault on my pussy, moving in and out faster than my husband could ever do. His cock seemed to be growing as well and something large was pressing on my pussy lips, it felt like a large object or a large tennis ball, and he was trying to push this into me.

Just as my head cleared and I realised what’s happening, he pushed his knot inside me. My first orgasm hit me so suddenly I could only gasp and moan. Dog or no dog, I was being fucked and I was loving it. “Oh, Hollis, fuck me… Please fuck me deeper,” I moaned.

The next orgasm hit when I felt him release his first load of hot seed inside me, he was making me his Bitch. His thrusting had slowed, but he was still loading seed inside my pussy. However, my orgasms had not, they were now coming in waves rolling over me like small mini ocean currents. My breath was shallow, gasping for air. Hollis was lying on top of me, his weight wasn’t helping my breathing. The orgasms were still washing over me so quickly I wasn’t able to focus on what was going on around me.

Apparently Ron had come looking for Hollis, seeing the situation and noticing the large red mark on my head, he realised Hollis had knocked me over, but I seemed to be enjoying what was happening to me despite the situation. He had silently pulled out a chair and taken a seat, sent a text to his wife to join him, pulled down his shorts and was now pulling on his own cock very slowly all the time enjoying the show. Maureen had arrived shortly after my fall and she knelt near my head and very gently started to massage the sides of my tits. She had undone the straps to the top of the dress, thus giving her more access to my tits, just waiting for Hollis to finish.

Later, I have no idea of time, Hollis stopped, sat up trying to dislodge himself from us, finding we were still tied he pulled his leg over me so our butts were touching. That’s when I noticed Maureen for the first time. She leaned down, giving me a very sensual kiss, letting her tongue explore the interior of my mouth, for some reason I was kissing her back, while I could still feel the dogs cock emptying inside me. I’m not a lesbian, but I loved the way she kissed me.

Breaking the kiss, she said, “Just relax, Michelle, he’ll be knotted with you for at least another twenty minutes or so. He may even decide to fuck you again and turn around to start the process all over. He has taken me as many as three or four times in an afternoon. You have now become his third bitch, welcome to the sisterhood. I know this is all a shock to you and your first time will be hard and very sore, but both Ron and I are here for you, so we can make you as comfortable as possible.”

She continued, “I know you didn’t plan on him fucking you, I can see that from the bump on your forehead. But I think you’ll agree being fucked by a dog, especially Hollis, is wonderful. You may not really want Ron to fuck you. I know he has wanted to get into your pussy ever since you moved in, but now that the ice is broken we can start to share our lives together.”

Her explanation, the kissing at the same time playing with both breasts and nipples caused another wave of arousal to hit me again. I moaned into her mouth, my eyes fogged again as I continued to pant, now only able to draw in air through my nose.

Tears were now forming in my eyes as I looked at her for the longest time. “Please don’t let this end, I feel so wonderful. More perfect than I have ever felt,” I said.

“We won’t, honey, you just relax.”

Hollis finally pulled out of me, I think Ron picked me up carrying me inside and laid me on my bed. They took my sundress off, and each of them got naked as well. Putting me between them, they cuddled me as Maureen played and kissed my tits, while Ron rubbed my back making sure his cock was between my legs moving back and forth.

I think I fell asleep while being pampered so much, but what the two of them were doing to me kept the arousal very high. Waking up seeing Maureen so close to me, I leaned in kissing her, this time initiated by me and letting my tongue explore the interior of her mouth. As I did this I could feel Ron pushing into me, breaking the kiss I wanted so much to last I rolled over, crawled on top of Ron, looked back and Maureen to find out if this was OK and sunk his cock deep into my still very sore pussy. I could only go up and down a few times before he rolled me back over taking the dominate position and fucked me like I had so many times dreaming he would do.

I would like to think I lasted for a long time, but in reality it only took a few thrusts and the orgasm washed over me with my yelling, rolling my head back while twisting my nipples causing intense pain. He was also on the brink dumping his load on top of Hollis’s. What the hell what is a little more cum inside a well-used pussy. He collapsed on top of me as he came, and it took a long time for us to recover.

After a while, as we lay together, I asked, “Now could you tell me what the fuck happened, the whole story please?”

Apparently they purchased Hollis when he was a pup and about a year before I had moved in. Just before my arrival Hollis caught Maureen in the kitchen and took her much the same way he had taken me today. It felt so fantastic, they decided it would be their little secret. Hollis took a liking to Susan the tall busty blond across the street and took her about two months ago. When the two of them saw how Hollis had become interested in me, it was only a matter of time before he would also take me. Ron had wanted to get something going with me since he first saw me, but figured he’d let Hollis have the first crack.

I giggled telling them how I had dreamed of fucking Ron and maybe their son. Maureen laughed at that telling me Steve was good-looking and definitely had his eyes on me, but that he was shy and had never dated. She suggested if I was good for it to seduce him sometime in the near future taking the time to teach him about women and what to do and not do, I quickly agreed that was on the top of my list.

Maureen said, “One other thing you should know, Hollis knows whom he has made his bitches. He expects them to be receptive to him when he is ready to take them again. Right now he is letting you rest, I guess he realised how hard the first time is but by morning he’ll be back to break you in properly. That is why we have been with you. Then he’ll come to the house scratching at your door, and take you wherever you are. Then when he is satisfied, he’ll leave, but you’ll be impregnated by him multiple times each week. I hope you’re OK with that. Poor Susan hasn’t had or needed a date since Hollis claimed her.”

I thought about this for a long time, the fucking I experienced was the best I have ever had, but some of the time I was dazed so I could feel myself getting wet between the legs. “No, I’m good with that and looking forward to tomorrow morning. Of course I’m also looking forward to finding out more about what it’s like to be with a woman, and I definitely want you to fuck me more Ron. Basically, when you feel the need, please just scratch at my door also, I’ll always be open for you.”

We laughed.

Ron got up, and put on his shorts and golf shirt, telling us he had to go meet some people, but would be back later. Hollis was put away in their back yard. Maureen said if I didn’t mind, she would stay with me and help get me cleaned up. I quickly agreed as I kissed her then leading her to the shower to help me in there. Once both of us were in the shower, she kissed me deeply, letting her hand roam all over my body, down my tummy and between my legs. Reaching down sliding two fingers easily into my pussy she cleaned and massaged the entire area.

Maureen said, “I’ll be able to get all Ron’s cum out of you, but it may be days before all of Hollis’ is out. He deposits so much and it goes so deep I can feel it dripping down my legs for days afterwards. However, most of the time he does not let too many days pass without him taking me again. Sometimes he’ll take me several times a day. I guess when he figures I’ve been successfully impregnated he leaves and either goes to sleep or crosses the street. He went over to Susan’s house one Saturday morning and did not come back home until early evening. Sunday I saw her out in the front yard and you could tell she was walking very gingerly. Her pussy must have been battered and beaten so badly she could only stand for a few minutes. I smiled at her, she just shook her head.”

We then settled back on the bench where I got to taste my first woman (other than myself), licking between her folds, sucking on her clit as my tongue entered her interior. She was bucking and moaning as the first of many orgasms hit her. I only came once in the shower since I was still very tender but I brought her over the edge several times.

When she left I fixed myself a salad, took a glass of wine, curled up on the patio lounge with a blanket over me and fell asleep. The sun woke me up as I stretched realising I had slept through the night on the lounge.

I got up, stretched brushed my teeth and grabbed a carton of yoghurt to eat along with a glass of orange juice. Just then Hollis appeared wagging his tail, but instead of sniffing my crotch, he moved to the screen door and waited for me to open it. He went directly to the bedroom, then sniffing my crotch pushed me until I was kneeling by the side of the bed with my arms and upper body on the top of the bed. I had not put on any panties since I finished the shower last night and only had on a short nightgown covering my top. Licking my pussy from top to bottom, curling his tongue, he pushed it into my pussy driving me out of my mind.

I had never been brought to this height in my life and his tongue was doing all the work. I was squirting a little now, something I had never done before, and he made sure to catch each drop then lick the insides of my thighs. Finally, when he figured I was primed he mounted me and with one thrust entered me.

The funny thing is he entered me very slowly, easing himself into me like he knew I would still be tender. Once his cock was inside me, he stopped, leaned his head down to the side of mine, and kissed me letting his tongue enter my mouth. I had never kissed a dog before, never even knew you could kiss a dog, but his kiss was different, he let his tongue roam in my mouth, the same way it did in my pussy, turning here and there, hitting all the right spots bringing your arousal higher and higher. I think if I had kept doing only this with his cock filling my pussy I would have had one of the most intense orgasms I had ever experienced in my life, but that wasn’t his plan.

Setting and kissing me letting my well-used pussy get acquainted again to the size of his cock as well as the feeling of completeness, something I had missed the previous day. He then started to thrust hard into me, pushing his knot inside me in the second or third thrust.

This is something he never did after this one time, from then on it was just fucking me hard and long, pushing the swelling knot inside, giving me pain as it entered but not this time, it slipped in with very little pain and then swelled up. He continued to pound me driving my first orgasm to hit as I pushed back to him for deeper penetration. The second one toppled right over the first one or I had one continual one that never ended, whichever the case I was spent by that time and could have curled up in a ball resting comfortably for the rest of the day. But we were a long way from being over. His cock was warm, much warmer than any man’s cock, long and swelling, reaching deep inside me until I swear he bottomed out against my cervix.

The orgasms were now hitting me like someone pounding on me, one on top of the next. My hands were holding tightly on the sheets trying to maintain some strength so he wouldn’t push me through the bed. Then suddenly he slowed down, pushing one time deep inside me growling deep within his body I felt the first wave of seed leave his body and enter mine. His seed felt so warm it bordered on being hot, searing my insides with so much strength it filled what cavity wasn’t already filled with his cock, then pushed past the knot and down my legs. That was his first load. The second one and the multiple ones after that did the same thing. Each one being delivered like they were leaving a blast furnace, each thrust and each load also delivered me an orgasm. By the time the fourth or fifth load hit me, my mind went blank, my body switched to autopilot, and my eyes dilated and became hazy. My world went into slow motion.

I could feel every little twitch of his cock, every movement of his knot as it pushed against my G-spot stimulating it again and again. I could feel each and every hair, making contact with my nude body, and his tongue was now licking my neck, switching to my ears then down my throat. Finally, he was spent, falling with all of his weight on my back we rested as his cum continued to pour inside me. Lifting one leg over me, we were attached butt to butt, then I rested. Still full of cock, still amazingly tender, my nipples had become more sensitive than they had ever been since I first realised I was now growing tits.

I have no idea how long we were in this position, it gave me a chance to get rid of the haze that had taken over my body, focus on the experience, realising I would be totally satisfied with him for my lover from now on. I was for the first time in my life a fully satisfied woman, not wanting anything else except him. He was truly my master and I would be ready as well as willing whenever he called.

Finally, he pulled out of me with a plop, then turned around and like a good lover, cleaned me up. The cleaning process hit me with one more orgasm as I slumped back off the bed like a bowl of warm jelly onto the floor. My tongue was lying to the side of my mouth, panting for breath, pussies still contracting, causing my midsection to hum in the air, tits were numb as arms and hands just fell onto the floor. Again, I have no idea how long I stayed like this. He was in the corner resting on a small rug and watching me.

Eventually, I got up went to the bathroom, splashed some water in my face, walked into the kitchen, poured him a bowl of water, got a bottle of water for me from the fridge, brought both of them back to the bedroom, presenting my master with his bowl.

‘I’ll be sure and pick you up your own bowl tomorrow or later on today. Thank you so much’

I sat by him, seeing his cock starting to come out of its sheath. I reached down played with it until it was fully extended. Then I leaned over and gave him a full on blowjob, stopping occasionally to rub it with my hand as we kissed my tongue now exploring his mouth completely. The knot swelled, but I could not possibly fit it in my mouth, still he pushed it against my teeth and released his first load down my throat. I tried to swallow all of it, but it was just too much, some leaked out of my mouth onto the floor, the next load followed the first and much more after that until he was fully spent. I continued to lick and clean him up completely, then licked up the overflow from the floor. Turning around laying back on his stomach I noticed my belly was really extended, like I might have been three or four months pregnant. “That’s a lot of cum, boy,” I said to him.

We both fell asleep like this for a nice peaceful nap. Waking sometime later he again took me only this time with the force a Master would take his slave. He wanted me to be sure to know who was in charge here. This time when he pulled out of me, I cleaned him and then myself. I was learning to be the slave bitch he was training me to be. We slept again in our favourite position, me laying on him and snuggling up to his belly, wrapping his paws around me. He took me one more time later that afternoon, then went to the door and scratched. I got up, opened the screen door, knelt on my knees and held his head as we kissed for the longest time.

I went inside took a shower, a very long shower. Came out to set down still nude and fixed myself a full size meal, ate it on the patio enjoying the feeling of being without any clothes on, I was his bitch, totally heart, soul and body his bitch.

I seduced the son the following week and now he and I are spending a lot of time together. He knows about Hollis, like his dad they are always second to the Master. On the average Hollis comes to my house about three or four times a week, sometimes for just a one-time fuck and others for more. Several weeks after our first encounter he fucked me all day long, almost non-stop. I had to call into work the next day, taking a sick day as I could not walk. I now continually drip dog cum out of my pussy; I can reach down at any time and taste him.

Even though there are other women in the neighbourhood, that I’m sure Ron is doing, Hollis has only taken the three of us at this time. We sometimes have breakfast together on a weekend, if Hollis does not want us, we giggle, and enjoy one another sexually or Ron and Steve. I have often wondered if all of us are sharing Steve, incest is viewed the same as zoophilia. Still, I don’t ask.

Michelle is proudly Hollis’ bitch.

The End.



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