Jenna’s Birthday Surprise

By Emma Young.

Young Jenna’s Uncle had promised his niece a grand day with a big surprise to celebrate her birthday. Still, she couldn’t tell her mom where she was going, only that she had to be at the end of the road at 8:00 am Saturday.

Jenna didn’t know who the man was who stepped out of her uncle’s car and acted a bit shy. Still, when told by her uncle that John was going to help her have more fun today, she had a big smile on her face, hugged and kissed John, and then climbed into the car. She never noticed her mom watching this from their front door, then sat back as her uncle drove away.

Jenna sat between the two men, who both had their hands on her legs, rubbing them up under her dress toward her panties. She listened as the men spoke about who was going to be at the farmhouse when they got there. Listening to them, Jenna had no idea what had been planned for her day. Last night being opened up by Steve and then being stretched even more by her uncle’s massive thick cock, it felt like she was being split in two. Still, afterward, when Steve did it to her again, she felt it pushing up into her belly. She felt so wonderful, scary, but an oh-so-grownup feeling having a man on top of her grunting while pumping his cock into her for the longest time, then feeling the squirt again warming her insides.

Looking at Jenna while he drove, Robert, her uncle, said that they still had a bit of a drive and would like to get a bit more comfortable. And nodding her head, Robert reached under her dress, and grabbing the edge of her panties, she lifted to make it easier for him to pull them out from under her bum. Now sitting there with her skirt up and two men running her hands between her legs and a finger or two pushing inside her, Jenna started getting that butterfly feeling again in her tummy.

Turning her head to look at John, she noticed that sometime during the ride, he had pulled his cock from his zipper and was rubbing it with his other hand. Remembering what her uncle’s and Steve’s looked like, his was a lot longer but not very thick. Taking her hand, John wrapped it around his cock and started moving it up and down. This was certainly not her first time doing this, but it felt different than the others because of how slim it was. Jenna had no problem getting a good grip on it and moved her hand up and down on it, knowing he would like that.

Watching her pull on his cock, John asked Robert if she had done any oral yet, and being told not yet, John asked Jenna if she would like to try to kiss his cock. Looking up at Robert and him, giving her a big smile and nodding his head, Jenna smiled and turned towards John and kissed the side of his cock. “That was very nice, Jenna, but could you give me a bit longer kiss on top?” he asked.

Then looking at it, Jenna nodded her head and pulled it down towards her mouth, and gave it a longer kiss right over the slit on top. Tasting some of his pre-cum, she licked her lips, and looking at John, she said it was sticky but didn’t taste too bad.

“Would you like to do it a bit longer this time and actually putting some of it in your mouth and sucking it for me?”

Looking at it still in her hand, she nodded her head and pulled it towards her again, slid the head and a bit more into her mouth, and moved her tongue around it. Looking at John, Robert nodded his head and, gripping his cock, slid his fingers from bottom to top while telling Jenna she was going to get a bigger taste and pushed a larger ball of pre-cum into her mouth. Holding it there for a second, John told her to swallow it, and it was good for her. Pulling her mouth off his cock, she looked at him and Robert and, swirling it around her mouth, swallowed it.

Giving a little giggle, Jenna smiled and told them that it was okay and that she could have some more. With a smile on his face, Robert recommended that she could have lots more when they get to the farmhouse, lots and lots more. John had taken his cock out of her hand and tried putting it back inside his pants, but it was still too hard.

Being on a country road with little traffic and almost at their destination, John asked Jenna if she would like to see how far inside her his cock was going to go after looking at Robert, who smiled and nodded, she said okay and undoing her seatbelt, John lifted her onto his lap and spread her legs around his cockle’s take off your pretty dress so we can all see how far eh”, and lifting her arms, pulled the dress off the girl and threw it into the back seat, saying she won’t be needing it for a while for sure.

Turning her around towards Robert, John pulled her into his chest and, grabbing his cock, laid it against her belly and saw it had reached quite a ways up passed her belly button. Looking at it, Robert asked him, “Are you sure she can take it that far?”

John smirked, then reminded him where he was going to be shoving it in. “She will have lots of room for mine and even Thor’s if that’s what we decide.”

“Who is Thor?” asked Jenna.

Responding, John said, “Thor is going to be your boyfriend like your uncle and me and Paul and Pete, and you are going to be meeting them all very soon.”

And saying that, they could see the farmhouse and a couple of cars in the driveway as they pulled up. “Look, Jenna, I think Steve and Thor are already here waiting for you.”

“Oh goody,” she exclaimed.

Jenna had fun with Steve yesterday and was looking forward to having him inside her again.


Jenna’s mom, Cecile, was in a fit, wondering where Robert had taken Jenna and wishing she had thought to take down the number on the phone Jenna had been given. Sticking his head out the door and seeing Cecile sitting at the table, her husband Brian asked where Jenna was and, thinking fast, told him she wanted to stay at Samantha’s for her tea as they were having takeout.

“OH,” he replied, “so what time are you picking her up?”

Again, not knowing what else to tell him, not knowing when Jenna would be showing up, she lied and told him that Jenna might be spending the night there as there was no school for a while, and she thought that it would be okay letting her as Samantha really was her only friend around these parts that didn’t go away for the school holiday. Grumbling as he turned around and went back to his computer, Brian shook his head in disbelief and closed the door. Then, opening it quickly, I thought to ask where Alice and William were.

Holding back her scream at the obvious winner of Father of the Year, she told him they were in their room napping.

“OH, okay,” he replied, then shut the door again.

Sitting at her table, Cecile could not imagine what a naive young girl could be put through with no slowdown in sight for the near future. Jenna would be stretched and bloated with cum, human and animal.


While Robert was carrying a nude Jenna in the house they could hear Thor barking as they climbed the stairs onto the veranda, then opened the door, walking into the farmhouse. Looking around, Jenna could see Steve sitting at the table in the nude, holding onto his dog as it looked at her.

“Well, hello, sweetie,” Steve offered and then, standing up with his cock looking at the floor, introduced Thor to her.

Jenna looked at Steve’s cock, not being hard, smiled at him, then looked at Thor. She said, “I can’t wait for Thor to be my boyfriend,” not really understanding what that would include.

Looking at Robert, Steve asked if he was serious about that happening, and Robert replied that we would see what happened in a few hours and how opened up she would be. She will surely be lubed up enough for it to happen.

Just then, the rear door opened, and Chuck and Paul walked in, with both of them being nude as well. Jenna said hello to Chuck and Paul. As they walked in the door and looked at Robert, they said that the shed and cameras were all set up for Jenna as well as George.

“Are we making a movie?” Jenna asked her uncle and then asked who George was.

“Yes, Jenna, you did so well at my caravan yesterday. We could celebrate you becoming a woman by filming what happened today. George is another boyfriend for you, and he is a very handsome goat.”

Not really understanding what a goat would be her boyfriend for, she heard Robert say that everyone had the jump on him and John and let’s all get ready for a fun day. Putting Jenna down so he could get undressed, Jenna walked over to Steve, who, in picking her up, slid his fingers between her legs. Are you sore today, he asked her, and she replied that she was okay, really. He stuck a finger inside her and moved it around.

“Are you sure this feels okay?” And nodding, it did; Steve stuck another finger inside her.

“Mmm,” she moaned as Steve started getting her ready for her first fuckies.

Kissing her while fingering her, Steve slipped his tongue in her mouth. It would be one of the smallest things she would have in there today. Turning her around while still fingering her, Steve called for Thor to come to see him and spread his legs out while moving Jenna’s out as well. Smelling something he really liked, Thor stuck his head in between her legs and gave Jenna a nice little lick from asshole to her little clit, which really got her attention.

Before she could go after more from Thor, Robert spoke up, saying they were going to move to the shed to start the fun. Running to her uncle, he picked her up and, looking at the clock on the wall, saw that it was just after 9:30 am and figured he would have enough film by 1 pm or shortly after, depending, of course, on how Jenna’s insides felt after them all having a go at her.

Walking into the shed, Robert saw everything was set up and, letting Jenna down, told everyone how the shoot was gonna go today. “Now, Jenna, here are a couple of pills for you to take so you can have a nice feeling all day.”

Taking the pills from him, Jenna asked what they were and was told they were something called Ecstasy and something to make you relax your muscles so you can have more fun today. Popping the pills into her mouth and swallowing some water, she had no idea how those pills were going to stop her being injured during her ‘fun’ day today.

“Let’s start with Jenna doing to us all that she learned on the way here with John in the car. Okay, Hun, not being shy now, go around to everyone and give them a nice suck like you did with John, and you can start with Steve. That way, you won’t be too shy.”

Then looking at all the men with their hard cocks pointing at her, she walked over to Steve and, bending over, took him into her mouth. “Oh, Jenna,” Steve told her while holding onto the back of her head, “that is a very nice surprise you learned today. Very good.”

Then he reached over her back to finger her ass a little, just getting a bit of his finger inside her … After a couple of minutes, Robert said, “OKAY, Jenna, let’s go over and do Chuck now,” and taking Steves cock out her mouth, moved over to Chuck and bent over his lap and popped his cock in her mouth.

Chuck did the same as Steve had, burying his finger in her ass a bit while she bobbed on his cockboat. “Let’s try Paul now, please,” and wiping her hand on her mouth walked over to Paul, who was waiting for her with some super slick gel on his finger.

Getting Paul in her mouth, he also reached around her, making sure to get all of his fingers and the gel up inside her. He moved his finger around again after putting more gel on it, then slipped another finger inside her to open her ass up. Looking at Jenna, Robert asked if she was okay with what Paul was doing to her and lifting her mouth off his leaking cock, she smiled and said she was, then had her mouth pushed back on it. At the same time, Paul added a third finger inside her. The final part was going to be John hammering her ass with his 11-inch cock, but they wanted her loosened up and given a couple of cums first.

“Okay, Paul, let’s get our Jenna up on the table so we can start to get her feeling really good,” said Robert.

Then as she was laid down, Robert lifted her legs up and back and started to go down on the young girl making sure to get her as aroused as he could, adding a finger inside her cunt and ass as he licked her all over. Jenna really liked this new thing Robert was doing. His tongue was really giving her that good feeling, and she laid her head down and enjoyed his tongue inside her. Paul was told he would get the first crack at opening her up today. As Robert moved out of the way, Paul got between her legs. He lifted them on his shoulders, then started to push his fat cock inside the young girl being the first of 7 males that would be entering her this morning.

Jenna grunted a bit with the width of Paul, but after a minute, he was well into giving her the good feelings she had hoped for since getting into her uncle’s car this morning. Being so tight a sleeve for Paul to enter, he didn’t last more than 10 minutes and finally, after getting his cock right to the back of her, let loose a couple of good blasts of cum inside her. Leaning over her and giving her a peck on her lips, Paul slid out.

He watched Chuck mount her and slide his cock inside her. Still, with his hook, Jenna felt it rubbing the G spot she didn’t know she had. She went ahead to have her gasp and grunt with every in and out as his cock hit all the spots they needed to so the girl would get the most out of the experience. Waiting for his turn, Steve rubbed the belly of his dog Thor and noticed an inch or two of pink coming out of his pouch.

“Just hang on, Thor,” he told his dog. “After Robert, you are going to get a turn on our Jenna, and that knot of yours is really going to open her eyes and mouth when you lock up inside her.”

Watching Chuck give her another cum he saw him push tight into the girl and knew he was filling her insides again. Having Robert give him a nod to go over to Jenna next, Steve tapped his cock on her lips and, looking up at him, opened her mouth to suck on him a bit. “That’s nice, Jenna. Now I’m gonna cum inside your belly,” again sliding out of her mouth, he got between her legs.

Lifting them up and out, he moved his knob head around her slit, then slowly pushed into her, her third man of the morning inside her belly. Knowing how far he got up her yesterday, Steve started pounding her again and could see her eyes rolling into the back of her head as he struck the bottom on each stroke. Jenna wasn’t sure how many men had her but wasn’t the least bit in any pain with the pills she had taken, but she felt the stretching each time Steve struck the bottom of her tunnel.

Looking over at Robert, Steve asked him if she was ready for Thor yet, as she seemed quite out of it right now. Sure, Robert replied, finish off in her, then Thor can have a go at her. Telling Paul and Chuck to get the stand ready for her, they went over and opened the straps to secure her to it for Thor and probably the goat as well. Grunting his load into her, Steve picked up Jenna and walked her over to the stand where Chuck and Paul strapped her down with her knees spread apart and her waist tied down as well.

Thor knew what happened when the stand came out, and he started to show a bit more cock out of his pouch. “Come here, boy,” Steve said, and Thor walked over between Jenna’s legs and gave her a slight lick to get a taste of his latest bitch. Jenna moaned at the new feeling and felt something moving between her legs.

After another couple of licks, Steve noticed that Thor was almost completely out of his sheath and watched as he mounted the young girl while squirting pre-cum at her slit and then, getting himself in position, started to push into her. Jenna felt herself stretching more than ever and started to whine a bit with the pain as Thor pushed himself harder into her. Amy looked around with tears in her eyes and looked at her uncle. Before she could tell him it was really hurting, Thor drove forward, spearing the girl with eight thick inches of cock.

Jenna lifted her head and screamed as she felt herself forcefully stabbed with the dog’s cock. “Wow, what is inside me?” she cried.

And looking at Robert, she saw him smiling at her while walking towards her with his cock in his hand. “It’s okay now, Jenna. Most of the pain is over now. Here, put this in your mouth and suck it for me, please, Hun, while Thor gives you that good feeling in your belly.”

Watching the cock come closer, Jenna opened her mouth and felt Thor pound her forward, pushing Robert to the rear of her mouth and almost down her throat. Luckily for Jenna, she was stretched pretty well by now and felt Thor pushing something against her, then more stretching and a little more pain as he got his knot inside the young girl. Jenna’s eyes opened wide as she felt the thick lump pushed inside her, but with Robert’s thick cock in her mouth only grunted as she was tied with the dog.

Looking between her legs, Steve mentioned that she took it quite well and saw a dribble of cum leaking out of her a bit. And sat back while Thor moved around a bit, getting his knot as far inside his new bitch as he could, then started to cum, filling what room was left inside her but nudged against her cervix. A lot was going right into her womb. Reaching under her tummy and feeling Thor inside her, Robert asked Jenna if she was okay, and nodding yes, he looked at Paul and told him to get George now. Then pulling out of Amy’s mouth made room for Paul as he lifted George so Amy could suck on his cock, being fucked by beasts, waiting for Thor’s knot to go down.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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