Kate becomes a Bitch to Two Dogs

By silver643.

It’s now eighteen months since Kate returned from Dubrovnik, where she had spent two years leased to Mr. Babic, who used her on his estate as a pony girl and sex slave. Reading KATE BECOMES A PONY GIRL would be best to discover how this came about.

Kate has carried on enjoying her life. She always remains naked in the house and garden and wears the minimum when walking or shopping. After receiving eighteen thousand pounds from Mr. Babic, Kate no longer needs to work. She still entertains Jack’s eight friends each week and is still the winner’s prize for the weekend.

Mr. Babic keeps pestering Jack to sell her to him, but Jack keeps telling him she is not for sale but for lease only. Jack gets offers from all over to buy her after seeing her online. Jack asked Kate if she would be leased again if the money and circumstances were right. She told him she was willing to be any sex slave but would not be a ponygirl again.

One day Jack got a call from a Sheikh in Dubai asking if he could buy or lease her because his seventeen-year-old son Malik was fascinated with her watching her all the time. Jack asked if he knew she was forty-three and what he would use her for. The Sheikh said he was smitten with her. She is a good-looking woman, and after seeing her with the dog on the web, he wanted her for his two Anatolian Shepherd dogs and his and his friend’s use.

Jack told him she was not for sale but could be leased if the money was acceptable. The Sheikh said I would want to lease her for at least twelve months and see how it goes. I would pay thirty thousand pounds for the twelve months. Jack said to make it thirty-five, and we could have a deal. The Sheikh said I will pay thirty-two thousand. Jack said it was a deal. Draw up the contract, and I will arrange it with Kate.

Jack told Kate she could refuse to go through with the deal, and she said I would love to do it, and it’s more than I could earn here, but what happens if he gets tired of me before the contract ends? Jack told her I would ask that before we sign. When the contract arrived, they read it and agreed, and Jack asked, what if he gets tired of her before the twelve months are over? Will the contract remain, and the Sheikh assured Jack he would find other uses for her? They signed the contract, and he told them he planned to collect her in a week or so.

Jack asked what she would take with her and was told nothing. She would be covered on her way to the airport and flown by private jet to Dubai. A week later, they got a phone call to say she would be collected the next morning. Two men dressed in Arab attire arrived, and one of them took her to the bathroom and told her to use the toilet when she finished.

He wiped her, then took her back downstairs and had her bend over, and one of them worked his hand into her pussy to make sure she wasn’t hiding anything. Then, they put a white sheet over her with just a hole in her head. She said goodbye to Jack, and they took her away. They took her onto the plane and removed the sheet. On the flight, which lasted seven hours, they used her twice in her arsehole so it would not show like it would if they used her pussy as they shagged her, they played with her tits.

She was taken off the plane without covering when they arrived and handed over to the Sheikh. She was put in a limousine with him and taken to his domain. When they arrived, he got her out, took her inside, and told her you are Malik’s property now. You will do whatever he wishes and be a bitch for his two dogs and live with them as a dog. You will eat, drink, sleep with them, and use the litter trays or grass area for your bodily functions.

He then put a collar and a leash on her and fixed a name tag to the collar with the name Kadra and told as of now would be a bitch called Kadra. He then told her to get down on the floor and left her for some time. When he returned, there were two men. One put leather mittens on her hands and feet and pads to protect her knees. The other man examined her tits pussy, and arsehole and said she was in good condition and we will examine her once a month.

He then picked up the leash, led her on all fours to the grass area, and told her to relieve herself before handing her over to his son. It was ten hours since she went to the toilet, so she was ready for shit, so she shits and pissed with him standing beside her. He then led her on all fours outside the building until they arrived at an apartment. He rang the bell, and a woman answered. The Sheikh asked if Malik was available. I have a present for him she said he is with some friends in the day room. He told her to tell him I wanted to see him. The woman could not take her eyes off Kate.

Malik approached his father. And saw her, he was speechless and said it is the woman of the website is she for me. He said I have leased her for a minimum of twelve months and have named her Kadra, and she will be a bitch for Nasir and Talal and your pet.

Malik shook his dad’s hand, hugged him, and said, “I can’t believe you have got her for me.” then he got down and rubbed her all over.

His father said you must look after and treat her like your other dogs, feed and exercise her, and let her stand and move her legs a couple of times a week. Also, I will arrange for the Vet to come tomorrow to trim the dog’s paws so she will not get scratched.

Malik took the leash and led her into the lounge, where his two friends were waiting. They could not believe what they saw. They asked where you got her. Malik said she is the woman on the Babic website that I adore, and my dad has leased her for at least twelve months. They said she is lovely and looks bigger than on the web. Malik sat down, had her lie at his feet, and kept running his hands all over and feeling between her legs.

The dogs came over to her and started sniffing her arse. They could smell that she had just relieved herself. The lads were fascinated and asked whether we could touch her, and Malik said yes, so they felt her all over. he told them to come tomorrow, and they could use her.

The dogs had a small room off the lounge where they were put every night. It was about the size of a small bedroom with a mattress on the floor, a large litter tray, and water bowls. This is where (Kate) Kadra would spend her nights cuddled up to Nasir and Talal, who were as big as her when lying down. In the morning, she woke up. Nasir was licking her holes, and Talal was licking her belly. Soon, the door opened, and a man came, attached her leash, led her out, and closed the doors.

He led her out to the lawn and took her around until she had a shit and a piss fetched her back in and let the dogs out on the lawn. Malik told the man we must keep the dogs away from her until the Vets have been and trimmed their paws. Malik then took her into the dogs’ room and shagged her in the arse, and played with her tits. When he finished, a woman fetched her a bowl of gruel and placed it on the floor beside the other dog bowls, and with no hands, she would have to eat and drink like a dog. Maliks’ apartment was separate from the main building, with a staff of two men and two women. The man who took her out looked after the dogs.

The Vet arrived mid-morning and did the dog’s paws. He then checked Kadra’s pussy and said to Malik I will keep an eye on her to make sure there is no damage. You can let the dogs loose with her from now on. Malik called the dog handler, who put their leashes on and took them for a walk around the grounds. When they got back, he let them loose on the lawn, where the three of them went to the water bowls to drink.

Malik, his dad, and the dog handler Akmal sat on the balcony, watching as Kadra lapped the water. One of the dogs put his nose on her pussy and then started licking her. When she finished, she moved away, and the dogs followed her, sniffing and trying to mount her. She stopped moving, and one of the dogs jumped on her back and started humping her until he found her hole and started ramming into her. She could feel the semen leaking out of her until he got his knot in. She could feel it was massive, and he pumped semen into her, then stopped.

Fifteen minutes later, he pulled out, and a load of semen ran down her thighs. She lay down to recover because the dogs were big and heavy. The dog that shagged her went and lay down licking himself as the dog was licking the semen off Kadra and trying to mount her as she lay on the ground.

She got on all fours, and he was into her straight away and knotted as he pumped another load into her. when he was finished with her, she fell onto the grass as he went to clean himself. Akmal, the dog handler, decided she had enough for now and came, put her leash on, and led her to the house. With the semen leaking out, he wiped her lips and legs before putting her in the dog room to rest.

She fell asleep for a couple of hours until she was roused by Malik, who shagged her in the arse until he shot his load into her bowels. Then he led her into the lounge and had her lay at his feet while he played games on the computer. Three of his friends arrived late afternoon, and she was lying on the day bed with the dogs cuddled up to her.

Soon after they arrived, they sat down and could not take their eyes off her, so Malik said here, Kadra, she got up and put her head on his knees, and he started petting her. His friends got down and started running their hands all over her pulling her tits and feeling her between the legs. It was soon after Amal, one of the women, fetched their meals in. They were fed twice each day. The lads were amazed to see them eating and drinking together and seeing her with her arse up in the air as she ate with her face in the bowl.

They asked can we use her when she was finished, and Malik told them, of course, as much as they wanted, but they could only use her arsehole. Her other hole is for the dogs only. When she finished eating, Malik called her, and like a good dog, she came to him, and the dogs followed. He pushed the dogs away and told the lads she was all yours. They got up, took off their Kanduras and underwear, and were both ready, so the first one got down behind her.

He put his fingers into her arse and was surprised at how loose she was, but it had much use. When he was ready, he pushed his cock in until he felt his balls on her pussy lips, then rammed her until he shot his load. She had a bowel full of cum, so they let her lie down. Later, before they went home, they asked to see her with the dogs, but Malik said no, but you can use her again if you want, and you can see her with the dogs on CCTV. Before they went home, they both used her again.

After they had gone, Akmal took her out onto the grass, where she had a piss, and removed some cum from her bowels. He took her out separately because he thought she had enough for one day. He then put her in the dog room where she could lie down before he fetched the dogs. It is now two months since she arrived, and Malik asked his dad if he could have his and the dog’s names put on her. He told him he would have to check with her owner first.

The next day, the Sheikh phoned Jack to ask if they could mark her. Jack asked what mark and where he told him my son’s and his dog’s names were on her arse. Jack asked if it would be permanent and was told it would be tattooed. Jack, yes, go ahead. He asked how she was doing and was told his son was pleased with her and might want to keep her longer than twelve months. Jack said he would be open to negotiation and how Kate felt about it.

A couple of days later, the Sheikh took her to his quarters to have her tattoo. It would be put on her left arse cheek because she had a large B on her right one. The tattoo would be Malik on top with Nasir in the middle and Talal on the bottom, all in blue and a black frame around them. When she had it done, the Sheikh kept her with him for a week until she was ready to return with the dogs. She had adapted completely to being a dog and wondered if she could be normal again. She loved the dogs and liked the attention from Malik and the boys.

Six months later, the Sheikh asked Kate if she wanted to speak to Jack. If she did, he would set it up on the computer. She said yes, so the next day, she spent an hour chatting to Jack, who asked how Kate felt about remaining after the twelve months, and she said the way I feel now, I would. Jack said it would depend on the money offered.

She called the dogs over so he could see them and showed him her tattoo. She called Malik to speak to him, who told Jack how lovely she was. Jack said to look after her and said the time had passed without any changes to her routine. Malik had two more friends who called occasionally and used her. As the time got close to the end of the contract, the Sheikh phoned Jack, said how attached Malik had become to her, and said there might be problems taking her from him.

Sheikh said if all concerned were agreeable, we could extend the contract. Jack said, “I will discuss it with Kate first, and then we will discuss the money. Can you put Kate on the phone soon?” Jack asked Kate how she felt about staying, and she told him she was happy to carry on earning money. He phoned the Sheikh and told him we would have to discuss a new contract. Let me know how much you are willing to offer.

The Sheikh returned and said thirty-five thousand, and Jack said no for what she is doing, I want forty thousand no less.

The Sheikh said I would have to think about it.

He returned two days later and said I cannot upset Malik, so it is a deal. I will send the new contract to you, and we can take it from there. Kadra’s (Kate’s) routine remained the same for the next twelve months. Her daily walk around the grounds on her leash with the dogs, spending most of the day on the lawn and with Malik and his friends in the evenings. Soon, her time was up, and the Sheik came and told Malik she would be returned to her owner the next day. Malik begged his dad to keep her, and Sheik said he would try to find another slave.

The next day, after the dogs and Malik had used her for the last time, the two men who had fetched her came, put the cover on her, and took her to the airport. On the flight, they took her cover off, shagged her once in her arse and once in her cunt. It was the first time in over two years that she had a man’s cock in her cunt. They delivered her to Jack and took her cover off on the doorstep. They took the cover with them and left. Jack came and put his arms around her and kissed her.

She asked him to get a towel and put it on the couch so she could sit down because she was full of cum in both holes and was leaking. He went to the kitchen to make her a coffee. He could smell her from the kitchen, and when she finished, he took her to the bathroom, where she emptied herself of cum, and Jack washed her out and showered her. It was her first wash in over two years.

They returned downstairs and sat on the couch, cuddling and discussing her experience. She asked if the lads still called on the weekends, and he told her they were looking forward to seeing her again. He asked how she was feeling, and she said well. She looked as beautiful as ever, other than her arse looked a bit bigger, which he liked. He had her put a top and skirt on, and they ate. She asked him to lease her on short leases in the future. In the meantime, she would be happy to let the lads use her.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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