Leashed to Lust 2

By Kate Kanine.

Read the first installment here.


Part Four

It had been a long week at the Kit Kat and Candi couldn’t wait to get home—she had worked longer nights than usual due to a few girls being away. The voluptuous brunette loved to dance and strip, but by Friday evening, her feet were beginning to feel tender.

To make things worse, Candi’s boss called her into his office at the end of her evening shift. Hugh had owned the club for as long as Candi had danced there. He was a good guy and treated the girls at the club like queens, but a boss is a boss. Candi couldn’t help feeling a little nervous as she worked her way through the cramped backstage hall to his office.

As Candi neared the door, it swung open, and Hugh stood before her.

“Hi Candi, I was just gonna come looking for ya,” the big man growled. As always, Hugh had the soggy butt-end of a cigar clenched in the corner of his mouth.

Candi sat in an over-stuffed chair as Hugh closed the door and settled in behind his desk.

“Candi… I need a favor,” Hugh said. No beating around the bush with Hugh.

“There’s a new girl who’s gonna be dancing here—her first show starts in just a few minutes, actually—and she’s new in town. She doesn’t have a place to stay yet, and I really want to make sure she’s comfortable.” Hugh smiled warmly at Candi before continuing. “Now, I don’t want to put you in a spot, Candi, but it would be a real help if she could stay at your place for a few weeks. She’s a really sweet girl. If things work out with her, I might team you two up as a duo act.”

Hugh flashed a disarming smile and held up his hands before Candi could object.

“Now, you don’t have anything to worry about, Candi—you’ll always be the star around here! But she’ll be a perfect partner for you. And I think you’ll be good friends before long, too. But for now, I need a place to put her up for a little while. Whaddya say?”

Candi mulled it over. She was a little unsure how a roommate would fit into her life—especially her love life with Rex! Candi would have to be careful. But if it was only for a couple of weeks, it might be fun to have someone to share her home with.

“So… what’s my roommate’s name?” Candi asked by way of an answer.

Hugh’s face lit up. “Aw! That’s my girl! I knew I could count on you, Candi! Her name’s Debbi. If you hurry, you can catch her first appearance. She has some… ah… unique assets.” Hugh chuckled at his old joke and got up, opening the door for Candi.

Candi got a drink from the bar and settled in near the stage. She was interested in seeing the new girl and having a chance to rest her feet. As Candi began sipping her drink, the emcee’s voice suddenly boomed out over the speaker system of the dimly lit strip club.

“And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, the KitKat Klub is very happy to introduce our next dancer. Gracing our stage for the very first time… the very lovely, and very luscious… Debbi! Let’s give her a big hand!”

Candi smiled. It was time for her new roommate to perform.

The lights suddenly dimmed, causing a lurid red glow to fall over the club. The audience quickly hushed as the curtain at the back of the stage parted, and Debbi stepped out from behind it. The red lights lit her, and the audience gave the exotic dancer an appreciative applause.

Debbi was wearing a tight-fitting black bolero jacket. Below the waist, however, Debbi had not done much to conceal herself. She wore a black thong, a black garter belt, and matching thigh-high stockings. The jacket was short, ending slightly above her waist and giving everyone a clear view of her panties and garter set. Debbi’s small feet were in a pair of black spiked high-heels. Her blonde hair, very long and pretty, flowed down her neck and shoulders in stylish waves.

Debbi looked stunning, and Candi’s eyes widened as she took in the stripper’s amazing figure. Like Candi, Debbi was curvier than average. The big blonde was a little taller than Candi but equally as lush. Debbi’s narrow waist bloomed out into wide hips and thick, sexy thighs that tapered down to strong calves. But Debbi’s most impressive feature was her chest. Even though the jacket concealed Debbi’s breasts, Candi could tell they were truly huge!

A loud rock music song suddenly filled the strip club over the speaker system. The crowd cheered at the catchy tune, and then the stripper began her routine.

Debbi seductively twitched her wide hips as she walked toward the center of the stage. On the way, she spun around in a full circle and, in the process, unbuttoned the short black bolero jacket and flashed her enormous breasts to the audience.

Debbi stepped to the very front of the stage and gyrated her hips to the wild music. She turned to the right and danced, then to the left. Debbi turned and walked back to the center of the stage, then faced the crowd with a huge smile. She flashed her huge breasts, this time even more quickly than before, and continued strutting and prancing around.

Two quick spins were followed by three more flashes, all in a row. The crowd roared with appreciation when Debbi finally took the jacket off, placing it over her shoulder. Her breasts were simply astounding: huge and pear-shaped and capped by a perfect pair of big, perky nipples. If Candi’s breasts were huge, then Debbi’s were enormous. To Candi, they looked as large as big watermelons! Bigger, maybe!

As Candi watched the scene before her, she began to feel her clit tingle. Candi was a confirmed nympho, and she often got excited by watching the other girls dance. But watching this new blonde bombshell was making Candi almost as horny as when she thought about Rex. Maybe having a roommate wasn’t such a bad idea! A couple of the customers got up from their seats and went over to the stage. They held up wads of money in their hands. Debbi immediately noticed them, and she strutted over to one, throwing the short jacket down behind her.

Debbi bumped and weaved to the music in front of the man. He was quickly joined by three other fans, all with money in their hands. The stripper continued grinding to the beat while graciously allowing the men to tuck their tips into her garter. After giving them a smile and a wink, she spun on a high heel and went back to the middle of the stage.

Smiling for most of the performance thus far, Candi finally reached into her purse and pulled out a clip of money. The move did not go unnoticed by Debbi. Debbi glanced in Candi’s direction for an instant, then went back to concentrating on her routine.

Debbi’s blonde hair whipped about wildly as the final chorus of the song approached. She leaned back and swiftly slipped down onto her knees. The stripper crawled on her hands and knees to the left side of the stage, where she received more tips. She crawled to the front and was awarded with five more tips. Then Debbi crawled to the right, rolling her big hips as she did so. But instead of crawling over to the group that had assembled on that side, she went directly to where Candi was sitting.

Candi smiled up at her, and Debbi returned it.

Candi pulled a few bills out of her clip and handed them to Debbi. The blonde stripper took the wad of cash—it was $300! Debbi looked at it for a second, stunned, and then remembered that she had to finish her dance. She watched as Candi grinned warmly and continued to sip her drink as though nothing had happened. Finally, the busty blonde twirled over to the final group, which had assembled for her and collected the last round of tips.

The song came to a close and the stripper stood up, glancing back down at Candi, bewildered. The generous tip was a complete shock to her.

“Let’s give a big hand to Debbi for a great debut performance!” the emcee announced, and the crowd offered a rousing ovation.

That brought Debbi out of her thoughts, and she smiled and waved to the audience. She picked up her jacket and blew a kiss to the crowd as they continued to cheer and whistle their approval. Debbi blew another kiss, and yet another, before finally tossing the jacket over her shoulder and walking off the stage behind the curtain.

Once she was out of the audience’s view, Debbi put on the jacket and quickly walked to her dressing room. She was still shocked at the cash she held in her hand and was completely dumbfounded until she heard a playful laugh at the dressing room door.

“That’s to help with your first month’s rent,” Candi said warmly, introducing herself. “Hi, I’m Candi.”

Debbi laughed and blushed prettily. “Oh, Hugh told me about you. I’m Debbi. But I can’t accept this money—not after you’ve offered your home!”

Debbi held the bills out, begging Candi to take them back. Candi just smiled. “No way—you earned it! You’re the hottest thing to come in here since… well, since me!”

Both girls laughed and gave each other a welcoming hug, happy to discover they liked each other immediately. From the corner of her eye, Candi saw Debbi’s suitcases. Suddenly, she was eager to get home.

“Well, are you ready to go? Give me one of your bags to carry, and we’ll get out of here. I live a little way out in the country, but it’s a wonderful drive, and we can talk more when we get home. I hope you like my place.”

Debbi finished changing and gathered a few things before joining Candi outside.

“Just follow me. It’s not too far,” called Candi.

She hopped into her red sports car and drove off. Debbi followed in a yellow jeep. Soon, they’d passed far beyond the outskirts of town and reached the winding country lane that led to Candi’s home.


Part Five

“Here we are,” chirped Candi as the girl’s cars came to a halt.

“Looks like it’s gonna rain, Debbi. Let’s get inside, and I’ll show you around the place. And I’ll introduce you to Rex.”

Debbi’s pretty face clouded a little. She liked Candi and had been looking forward to staying in her charming home, but at the mention of a man, she began to feel uncertain.

“Oh… I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” Debbi replied, trying hard to disguise her disappointment.

Candi unlocked the front door.

“Oh, Rex isn’t my boyfriend. Not really, anyway,” Candi replied. But before she could say more, Rex came bounding out the front door to greet his mistress. The faithful dog had heard Candi’s voice, and he rushed out to greet her as he always did.

Rex nuzzled Candi’s plump thighs and growled happily, his tail wagging furiously as he danced around her in greeting.

“Hi, Baby! Hi Rexy Boy,” Candi called. “Out of the way now, Silly. We’re trying to get in before the rain starts.”

Candi squeezed past the big German shepherd and went in the front door.

Rex then turned his attention to the new female. His mistress brought other females home from time to time. They never stayed for very long, but they were always nice to Rex, often cooing over him and lavishing him with affection. Rex loved the attention, of course. As far as he was concerned, a friend of his mistress was a friend of his.

Debbi was a little afraid of dogs, and with Candi still inside the house, she was suddenly alone with Rex. Rex was certainly not afraid of women! He trotted directly towards his mistress’s new friend, greeting her with a few warm licks on her hand.

“Oh… uh… nice doggy,” Debbi soothed. “You’re not going to bite me, are you?”

“Don’t worry about Rexy. He’s as sweet as they come,” replied Candi. She had appeared back in the doorway and beckoned Debbi forward.

“Although if you’re naughty, he might just lick you to death.”

The three of them were soon indoors, and Candi gave Debbi a quick tour of her cozy home. Candi turned Rex loose outside and started supper while Debbi settled into the guest bedroom. By the time supper was on the table, Debbi had unpacked and freshened up.

Rex returned from his tour of the surrounding woods. The sky had been getting darker as evening came on, and the dog sensed that there would be bad weather soon. There were many interesting scents and sights to explore after being indoors all day. Still, with rain coming, it would be better to be back in the warm house, with the delicious smells of human food and the pleasing female voices of Candi and Debbi.

After dinner, Rex napped in Candi’s bedroom while Candi and Debbi relaxed in the living room. Midway through dinner, it had started to rain, and now the girls could hear the gentle rumble of distant thunder. Candi carried a bottle of red wine in from the kitchen and peered out a living room window.

“Wow, it’s really starting to come down out there,” Candi said. “Let’s get a fire going and light some candles in case the power goes out.”

“Oh, fun!” Debbi replied, clapping her hands girlishly. It’ll be so much cozier, too. Then we can sit by the fire and girl-talk.”

“Oh, you mean about boyfriends and crushes?” Candi giggled. “I hate to disappoint you, but right now, Rex is my main squeeze.”

“Well, that makes two of us,” Debbi said, smiling warmly. “I’m through with boyfriends for a while. That’s part of the reason I moved here.”

“Oh, so you do have something to girl-talk about,” Candi laughed, returning Debbi’s warm smile.

“Just another tragic tale of heartbreak,” Debbi said, sighing melodramatically. “Pour me a glass of that wine, and I’ll tell you about it.”

A warm fire was soon crackling in the fireplace, and a few candles lighted the rest of the small room. Candi and Debbi lay next to each other on an old but comfortable quilt Candi had laid out on the carpet. The girls drank wine and gazed into the bright flames, chatting and laughing quietly as they shared stories of past adventures and lost loves.

Candi turned on the stereo, and as they relaxed over their wine, quiet, soulful Motown drifted through the living room’s air. Both women were feeling relaxed and sensual, the good wine and hot fire warming and cheering them.

“Ah, this is so nice!” sighed Debbi, snuggling closer to Candi. “Thank you for letting me stay here. It’s such a sweet little house, and you’re such a sweet little roommate!” Debbi leaned over and kissed Candi’s cheek.

“Aw shucks,” Candi joked and blushed a little. “I’m glad you’re here—I like you too.” Candi smiled and leaned over to plant a kiss on Debbi’s cheek.

“I think I’m a little drunk,” said Debbi.

“Me too,” replied Candi.

The two voluptuous women smiled warmly at each other and then giggled like school girls at a slumber party. They watched the flames in silence for long minutes of comfortable silence, and then Candi spoke. “I think this evening calls for a celebration—want to smoke a joint?” she asked.

“A joint!” Debbi exclaimed happily. “Yes, God, yes!”

“I think it’s gonna be a real fun night!” Candi replied with a wink. She retrieved a small decorative wooden box from the mantle and produced a pre-rolled joint. Candi lit the joint, took a long toke, and passed it to her new roommate.

“Welcome,” she said as she let the smoke escape from between her lips, “to your new home.”

Debbi took a drag on the joint and passed it back. “Thanks, Honey,” she said. “Wow… it’s been forever since I’ve gotten high.”

Candi grinned. “Me too. I usually save it for special occasions.”

Candi thought the first part was a bit of a lie, but the second part was definitely true. She took another long drag and passed the joint back to Debbi.

Soon, the pungent sweetness of the smoke hung heavily in the air, and both girls experienced the lighthearted, sensual glow of good marijuana. Debbi turned on her back and gazed up at the ceiling, watching the smoke slowly swirl around the room. It seemed to twist and drift to the soft music, intertwining with the notes. Debbie giggled.

“Wow, this is good stuff. I’m high already.”

“Me too, roomie,” Candi replied and then laughed along with Debbi.

“I’m watching the smoke dance to the music,” giggled Debbi.

“I’ve been watching the flames dance to the music,” Candi replied.

The girls giggled and passed the joint between them again. After a few minutes, Candi turned toward Debbi.

“Speaking of dancing,” she said, “that was some performance you gave tonight. They’re gonna be lining up outside the Kit Kat in no time!”

Debbi was delighted. “Oh, stop,” she said. “They’re already lining up to come see you, according to Hugh.”

“Well… your act really got the crowd going—me included!” said Candi, closing her eyes. In her pot-enhanced mind, she imagined Debbi dancing, her huge breasts swaying slowly to the song on the stereo. Candi felt her clit begin to tingle.

Debbi was thrilled. She smiled warmly at the compliment.

“And then you go and give me a big wad of cash! For a tip like that, I owe you a private dance.”

Candi squirmed closer to Debbi. “Oh, I hope you’re not teasing! I’d love to see you dance again!”

Debbi blushed and dared to whisper what was on her mind: “Really? Well, how about right now? I’d love to do it for you, Candi.”

Candi swallowed, her mouth dry. The girl’s noses were now only inches apart.

“I’d love it,” Candi said, her voice low, “but I have to warn you… pot makes me really horny.”

“Me too,” replied Debbi, her voice meaningful. She kissed Candi playfully on the lips and got to her feet.

“I think I’ll get into something more comfortable,” Debbi whispered saucily. Why don’t you pour us some wine, and I’ll be right back?” The busty blonde turned and disappeared down the short hallway into her bedroom.


Part Six

Candi could scarcely believe her luck. She filled the wine glasses and moved to the couch facing the fireplace to await Debbi’s return. As Candi was about to sit down, an exciting thought flashed through her mind: Why didn’t she get into something comfortable, too?

The voluptuous brunette slipped into her bedroom, moving about quietly so she wouldn’t wake Rex. A minute later, she returned to sit on the couch, dressed only in a sheer red camisole and matching thong panties. Candi’s wide brown nipples poked through the see-through material as they stiffened with excitement. She settled back to wait for Debbi’s return.

Candi took a long drink from her wine glass. As she swallowed the last of the wine, Debbi returned to the living room. The big blonde emerged slowly from the gloom of the hallway, the mellow red glow of the fire illuminating every full curve of her voluptuous body.

Candi was awestruck at the sight of Debbi, who now looked as hot and as sinfully sexy as she possibly could. The busty blonde wore a white lace bra and panty set and matching stockings. On her pretty feet was a pair of tall white platform heels. The thin bra barely contained her huge, heavenly breasts and offered a clear view of her juicy, plump nipples just underneath it. Candi’s heart was pounding as she gazed at the luscious woman standing before her.

“You’re going to dance for me?” she breathed, swallowing another gulp of wine. Her whole body was alive with heated, intense arousal.

“Yes, I am,” the seductress replied, the excitement level in her sultry voice readily apparent. “Now, be a good girl and take a seat on the edge of the couch for me.” Candi smiled and quickly complied with her beautiful roommate’s request.

“Remember the number one rule of lap dancing, Candi,” Debbi teased, stepping forward. “No touching—unless you really want to.” The top-heavy blonde took another step forward and offered Candi a beguiling smile. An instant later, she cupped and squeezed her fabulous breasts with both hands, their flesh rolling underneath her touch.

Debbi’s face came alive as she purred, “Do you want me to dance for you, Candi?” Unable to speak, Candi eagerly nodded her head. “Good,” Debbie sighed, her remarkable body starting to sway and wriggle about in a sensual dance.

Debbi turned her back and gyrated her shapely ass, sexily framed by her white garters, before spinning back around. Debbi then placed both hands upon her head and swayed her hips forward once again, her big breasts jiggling and bouncing about within the confines of her lacey bra. She trailed both hands down to those big breasts and cupped them for a second time, then massaged them.

“I like showing off my body,” she said, being coy. “Do you like my body, Candi?” “Oh God… you know I do, Debbi. You’re so gorgeous,” replied Candi.

“Ohhhhh, you’re so sweet,” the blonde purred, now hooking her left leg over Candi’s right knee and straddling her there.

Debbi’s lush body bounced about in that position for several seconds, but then she moved her leg and stood straight up once more. “You like my nice, big breasts?” Debbi asked as she continued to mash and maul them with her hands. Candi nodded as she added, “Would you like to see my breasts, Candi? Do you think you would like that?”

“Yes,” Candi replied quickly, her pussy about to melt.

Candi could not believe how erotic this woman was as she bumped and weaved her body about before her. Debbi unsnapped her lacey white bra in front. The hot blonde then pulled its cups outward, baring her huge, glorious breasts for Candi. Debbi tossed the bra aside, then moaned as she openly massaged and fondled her naked breasts with both hands. Debbi brought a finger to her mouth, then turned her back and giggled.

“Like my big ass?” she asked, her hips slowly undulating in a wicked manner.

She bent over slightly and then eased back onto Candi’s lap. Debbi squirmed her plump bottom on Candi’s lap, causing the brunette’s clit to swell and thrum between her thighs. Candi knew someone else who would like Debbi’s ass too! Debbi continued to wiggle upon Candi. The blonde slowly turned side-saddle, then leaned down to embrace Candi and place a hot kiss on her full lips.

“Sorry… I just can’t help myself,” Debbi whispered. She blushed.

Whatever shock Candi felt was quickly overpowered by her boiling lust. “Oh, Debbi… don’t apologize.”

Now the horny women were regarding one another with open and obvious speculation. It was Debbi who made the suggestion. “Maybe we should kiss more,” she said, her voice husky.

The busty blonde lowered her eyes and blushed a pretty pink. Then she glanced up again to see how Candi had taken it. “Ooo yeah… we should,” Candi said, squirming in Debbi’s embrace.

“Have you ever done it with a girl?” Debbi asked.

“I’ve thought about it a lot,” Candi whispered.

“Me too. It’ll be wonderful,” Debbi whispered in Candi’s ear.

Erotic heat flowed between the blonde and brunette like an electric current, and they pulled each other closer, confirming a shared desire. Debbi pulled Candi even closer and kissed her full on the lips.

“Let’s lay down again next to the fire,” she said.


Part Seven

Both Candi and Debbi had often wondered what it would be like to make love to a woman. Now, they were about to find out. Things had worked out just right on this magical night, and the prospects were exciting. They knelt together. Debbi’s hands rested on Candi’s narrow waist, and their lips brushed together. They were both breathing hard and smiling warmly with expectation, sharing a certainty that this was going to be a real thrill. They lay down on the floor. The patchwork quilt was large and thick and warmed by the nearby fire.

“You’re making my mouth water,” Candi giggled as she gazed at Debbi’s voluptuous body. Those words excited Debbi. She wanted to really turn her new friend on. Thrusting her belly out and tilting her crotch up, she used her fingers to slowly spread her pussy lips open, revealing her dark inner flesh, glistening with juice. “Ooooooh…” Candi purred.

“Like it, Candi?”

“You look yummy.”

“You can eat it, baby,” Debbi whispered. “Then I’ll eat your pussy, too. Ohhhh, I’m drooling for a taste of your sweet pussy!”

Candi was dizzy with desire. She began to lick at Debbi’s belly button and to run her hands up the insides of her plump thighs. Debbi’s pussy steamed in her face. Candi was about to bury her face in the blonde’s soaking cunt and start sucking immediately, but then Debbi shifted to the side. Debbi wanted to linger over a little foreplay before they got down to licking. She was hot to suck Candi’s brown nipples first. Debbi cupped Candi’s fat tit in her hand, feeling her nipple stiffen in her palm. She pulled on the hot tip, causing the sexy brunette to gasp. Candi cupped her tits in her hands, lifting the fleshy globes and deepening the soft cleavage.

“Suck my tits, honey,” Candi moaned.

Debbi dropped her head and sucked a fat nipple between her lips. She mouthed the brunette’s areola hungrily, her hot tongue darting over it, then switched across to the other huge breast.

“Mmmm, I love your wide nipples,” Debbi purred.

She ran her tongue up Candi’s cleavage, circling over her fat breasts and then returning to her nipples. Candi was massaging Debbi’s huge tits with both hands. The women squirmed together, belly to belly. Both of their pussies were oozing now. As she suckled Candi’s fat nipples, Debbi slid her hand down and cupped Candi’s juicy cunt, squeezing and rubbing. Candi gurgled with the joy of it. Debbi slid her middle finger up Candi’s hot pussy, and the big brunette’s internal muscles sucked on it.

This was the first time that Debbi had ever played with a pussy other than her own, and it thrilled her to feel that steaming, soaking handful pulse and throb. It would be lovely to make her cream, Debbi thought. But the big blonde didn’t want to waste a climax on her hand—she wanted to save the juicy treat for her mouth. She was enjoying licking Candi’s tits so much that it was making her even hungrier for a taste of pussy.

Debbi’s fingers squished up between Candi’s pussy lips. Candi shuddered and squirmed, then slid her hand down and began to finger Debbi’s pussy in turn. Debbi raised her head, and the two horny women kissed on the lips, swapping tongues back and forth, their bodies buzzing with wine and pot and lust.

Candi dropped her face and began to suck on Debbi’s huge tits. The girls continued to finger-fuck each other, slowly working themselves up to a delicious frenzy. The fire glowed and crackled behind them, casting erotic flickering shadows on the living room wall.

“Uuuuummm,” Candi cooed around Debbi’s nipple. “Your tits are so big! I wish I had a hard cock to fuck them with!”

As Candi said this, an image floated up into her mind: Rex’s long hard erection, pulsing and pumping between Debbi’s tits. Candi shuddered with delight at the erotic fantasy.

“Oooo, I love titty-fucking!” Debbi moaned, sending another hot thrill through Candi. “Aaaah, you’re sucking my tits so good. My nipples are tingling!”

Debbi drew her hand up from Candi’s crotch. Her hand was sticky with pussy-juice. She brought it to her lips, licked at her fingers, then pushed them into her mouth and sucked on them as if they were a prick. Candi watched in fascination as her friend tasted her juices. Candi brought her hand up and lapped Debbi’s pussy nectar from it. Both girls had often licked their fingers when they were finger-fucking themselves. Still, it was far more exciting to taste another girl’s juices.

“Yummy,” Debbi purred.

Her appetite was really aroused now. Debbi pushed Candi down onto the quilt. Candi was as hungry for pussy as Debbi was, but she was willing to wait her turn. She drew her knees up and parted her thighs. Her crotch was awash with cream. Debbi gazed at the delicious-looking pussy, licking her lips, her blue eyes glowing with passion.

“Lick me, Debbi,” Candi moaned. “Suck my pussy!”

Debbi moved closer. She could feel the intense heat of Candi’s pussy on her face. She pushed her tongue out and tapped it lightly against Candi’s swollen clit. The plump brunette gasped. Debbie drew back for a moment, savoring her first taste of pussy. Then she leaned in again and started to tongue furiously, lapping up the brunette’s parted lips and over her clit. Her flashing tongue sprayed cunt-juice up from Candi’s soaking crotch.

“Ummm… ummmm,” she sighed as she tongued.

“Oh God!” Candi moaned with the joy of it.

Debbi had been using only her tongue, to begin with. Now she puckered her lips to Candi’s pussy-lips and began to suck voraciously, fairly inhaling the hot juices that flowed out. Candi squirmed and writhed about on the quilt, her pelvis jerking and her soft belly heaving.

She kept gasping, “God, oh, God!”

Debbi had gone crazy now, truly enjoying the delicious pussy she was sucking. Candi’s lush thighs closed over Debbi’s face as if to clamp her in a velvet vise. Then Candi threw her legs open wide again—Debbi needed no vise to hold her right where she was. Her mouth seemed to be glued to Candi’s crotch. Her tongue was flashing as far up Candi’s pussy as it would reach, and her lips were clamped over her plump lips. Candi’s legs slowly bicycled in the air. She arched her back deeply. Debbi cupped her plump bottom in both hands, holding her hips as if Candi’s pussy were a glass that she was draining to the last sweet drop.

“Cum,” she urged, the word muffled on Candi’s pussy. “Cum for me!”

“Yes… yes… get me off!” Candi wailed.

The thrill had started to ripple across her belly and to run up her thighs like an electric current. The waves came faster and higher and closer together until they were melting into one high crest, crashing savagely into her groin.

“I’m cumming!” she cried.

Candi’s pussy melted, and a trickle of sweet cunt-juice gushed into Debbi’s hungry mouth. Her tongue was floating in the hot nectar, and it cascaded down her throat. Debbi was enjoying Candi’s creamy climax every bit as much as Candi was. The big blonde was rubbing her whole face around in the dark-haired beauty’s melting pussy. Her lips were wide open, sucking the sweet fuck cream out, and her tongue slapped wildly up the woman’s pussy.

Her hands hauled on Candi’s big ass, pulling her tighter. Another spasm shook Candi. Debbi could actually feel the waves of Candi’s climax flutter through her pussy and throb in her clit. Debbi switched from Candi’s pussy to her clit, sucking steadily and with great concentration on that pulsing nugget of flesh, bringing her off again and again. Then Debbi moved her mouth back to the brunette’s flooded pussy and parted her lips wide, mouthing the whole pussy.

Finally, the thrill began to ebb. Candi stopped thrashing about, a dreamy smile on her face. Debbi continued to lick and suck, wanting more, having turned into an avid pussy-licker with the first taste. She was sucking more gently now and licking with light strokes. Candi reached down, and she placed her hand alongside Debbi’s flushed cheek, a gesture of gratitude for the pleasure that the woman’s hot tongue had delivered to her cunt. Debbi raised her head, gazing up at Candi’s face.

When she saw how happy Candi looked, Debbi smiled with equal contentment. Then Debbi dropped her face back into Candi’s shaved pussy and started licking again. Debbi knew that Candi had finished coming and that she could stop now, that she could now have the pleasure of Candi’s tongue. And yet Debbi was reluctant to stop mouthing the sweet pussy, even though her blonde cunt was steaming, needing attention. Debbi was willing to forsake her pussy in favor of Candi’s tasty peach.

But Candi had other ideas. Now that her pussy was satisfied, Candi found that her mouth was really hungering for the other half of the act, watering for Debbi’s juicy pussy. If she had ever doubted the fact that she would enjoy licking a pussy, she no longer did. Debbi’s pleasure had been very evident, proving what a treat it was to eat out a pussy.

“Debbi, come up here now,” Candi whispered.


To Be Continued…



*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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