Michelle & Buck

Michelle M.

Part 1

My family and I had moved to California when I was fourteen years old. My father had taken a job but wanted to go to school, since he had now three to support night school was the only option. But leaving my mom and me alone at night worried him so one weekend we drove outside of the city we lived in on a ranch that had a large sign reading ‘Pups for sale’.

Climbing out of the car we meant a man and two well-trained German Shepherds. Up to this time I had no idea why we had taken the drive, but at eight who cares. He put the two dogs through some neat tricks, then we headed to the back where there were maybe six or eight pups in a pen barking and jumping. I remember my Dad telling the man he wanted a male, not a female, so the males were taken out and sat on the ground in front of us. Looking up, I asked, “Hey! Are we going to get a dog?”

My mother said, “Well, we’re looking at one, maybe we’ll see.”

I returned to playing with all of them. Then suddenly my dad said, “This one is a good-looking dog, I think we’ll take him.”

I couldn’t believe my ears, we had a puppy – a German Shepherd. I picked him up scratched his ears and played with him in my arms.

The guy’s wife took me to the side, and said, “Let me tell you a few things. First, you must be careful with German Shepherds, their ears are still developing, so be careful with them. Soon they’ll be strong and stand up straight and tall, then play with him all the time. When you’re older you will really appreciate how comforting he can be on some nights.” I looked at her confused. “It’ll make more sense to you later on,” she said and smiled at me.

She walked over to my mother and said the same thing. Mom just nodded. “I know, my dad had an Irish Setter and boy could he set.”

They both giggled, it made no sense to me at all, but oh well I had a dog.

The first night home dad puts the dog in a small kennel they had purchased, he was whining so I got him out, made a special place for him on my bed, right next to me, he slept the night through. The people we bought him from must have had him housebroken because I don’t remember anyone ever being upset with him leaving a mess on the floor. We named him Buck and from that first night he spent every night in bed with me.

In no time it was school again and I missed him when I was in school, but mom did not work so she took care of him and he seemed to grow at an unbelievable rate and in no time he was almost full grown. Buck and I kinda grew up together in some ways, and he was always there for me. Life fell into a nice rhythm, and nothing abnormal happened with Buck until I was older.


When I was seventeen, dad decided to take some more evening classes, these were taken at Pepperdine College and the drive in those days from the college to our home was close to an hour’s drive. Dad’s class didn’t get out until nine-thirty PM, so it was well past ten-thirty PM before he got home. My bedtime was usually nine-thirty PM on school nights, Buck would follow me in later and climb up on the bed. A strange thing started to happen. On the nights dad was at school Buck started to smell funny, not bad just different. In some ways I loved the smell, and would snuggle up next to him getting as much of the smell as possible.

One evening I was in bed reading a book with a torch when I swear I heard my mother moan from her bedroom. I sat up and called out to her to see if she’s OK. After a few minutes she answered, “Yeah… I’m fine, sweetie, I’ve just been playing with Buck and we bumped into each other. Go to sleep.”

I drifted off to sleep, but a few days later I was again wide-awake hearing the same sound. I crawled out of bed listening very closely to the sounds. It came from my parents’ bedroom down the hall and down a small flight of stairs. Creeping along very quietly the closer I got, the more groans were coming from behind the door, but she didn’t seem like she was in any pain. So I very gently opened the door just a crack. Buck was on top of my mother’s back. My mom’s upper body lay on the bed, while her knees were on the floor. Her back was to me, but I could see she nothing on. Buck humped her like he did my leg sometimes. His hips moved so quickly no wonder she was moaning, then he drove into her one last time and stayed there. She came unglued thrashing around panting and moaning all the while gripping the bed spread so tightly, I was sure she was in some type of pain.

I gasped when Buck stood up crossed his one leg over her body and I could see clearly his penis was inside her and it looked like he was stuck there. I didn’t realize until it was too late, I had moved my hand between my legs and was quickly rubbing my own pussy, finally throwing my head back and trying to stay focused but instead just passed out. A few minutes later I came to, my hand was soaked along with the carpet where I was sitting, Buck was still tied to my mother and he was looking directly at me. Mom was still panting lying prone on the bed, so I slipped out of her bedroom going back to mine. Buck came in a few minutes later licking his penis that still hung out.

I leaned beneath him smelling his penis, “So, that is where the smell is coming from, you’ve been inside my mom.”

I took hold of his penis feeling how wet it was still then put my hand to my mouth; having already tasted my own juices a few minutes earlier, they tasted very similar. I flopped back on the bed, having taken my panties off, they were so soaked, and just lay there staring at the ceiling trying to figure out everything I had seen. Mom looked and sounded as though she liked what he was doing to her. I really liked what had happened to me watching her and my dog, so I assume it wasn’t bad.

I wasn’t asleep but I wasn’t awake either and once again I had unknowingly started to massage my own pussy and play with the outer lips. That thing that happened to me earlier had left me wanting more. Suddenly, a sensation like nothing I’ve ever felt before hit me, causing me to jolt straight up in bed. Buck is between my legs and he’s licking me for the first time in my life. All of those sensations came rushing back over me, causing me to moan as my eyes tried to concentrate on what he’s doing. The only thing my body would do is open my legs wider, allowing his next lick to start down low, almost at my ass and slowly come up my pussy pushing between the folds. His tongue seeking out every bit of moisture left there.

The third lick sent me into orbit, releasing a flood of moisture from deep inside me. A similar feeling I had experienced earlier, but somehow different. The flood of liquid only drove Buck’s tongue deeper inside me, exploring all areas his tongue could reach. Once again a flood of pleasure washed over me, this one causing me to flop back on my bed shaking my whole body and making my mind go blank. I have no idea what happened after that, apparently the last one caused me to let out a scream so loud my mother thought something had happened to me. She rushed into my bedroom to find Buck licking my pussy, and my body flopping around on the bed with eyes rolled to the back of my head. All the time moaning and mumbling something that made no sense.

I assume she made Buck stop, went to retrieve a cool rag wiping my face and neck. Eventually I came to, not fully understanding where I was at or what had happened to me.

Finally, just before dad arrived home mom asked, “Honey, what happened to you? Why was Buck licking you between your legs?”

I told her of sneaking into her room, seeing Buck connected to her, how I was playing with myself between my legs, then a bunch of liquid came rushing out, how I came back into my bedroom and then what happened with Buck.

“Now listen very close, this has to be our secret. No-one else can know. If you can do this, then tomorrow I’ll explain everything that was happening, and why you were feeling so good.”

We had a deal. I crawled into bed, and Buck was made to stay outside for the night.


I was up early to tell daddy goodbye the next morning, feeling very funny when I got near Buck. I think he sensed it, because every time I moved he put his nose between my legs and smelled. As soon as my dad left for work, mom took me into the living room. “We have to talk,” she said. “I know you were playing with Buck last night and his licking of your vagina drove you to have what’s called an orgasm”

I interrupted her. “I’ve had orgasms before, just not as strong as that one,” I said defiantly.

I was feeling the wetness grow between my legs again. Looking across to Buck I think he could tell also, because his head was up sniffing the air.

Mom corrected herself, and continued. “The thing is, people in general don’t fully understand the way we feel about Buck. They think it’s wrong, so much so that if they found out what I’ve been doing and what I’m about to teach you to do they’d arrest us. Take you away from your father and me, and put Buck to sleep. You have to understand how serious this is, and how much you need to keep this a secret. Just between the two of us. Not even daddy should know. Do you understand?”

I agreed and told her I would never tell anyone.

She then moved to my side running her hands up and down my legs, telling me how soft and wonderful I felt and how much she had to teach me, but first she needed to get me to a state where I could understand what was going on and what was going to happen. We covered the basics like my hymen, which was intact, the different parts of my vagina or pussy as it was normally called. We talked about my titties as she stroked and pinched them all the while having me moaning from excitement. We then talked about men and boys, and their cocks, what they liked and did not like, how to suck off a boy, how to control his ejaculations, how to make his cock big and how to make it small quickly.

How much their cocks guided them and the difference between them and a dogs cock. The knot, the amount of cum they produce, the difference in a dogs cocks temperature, then what had happened to me when Buck licked me, how high it will get me to let him continue to lick me and how sometime in the future he was going to be allowed to fuck me, like I saw last night – but for now my pussy needed to be loosened up and the only way to do this was to have my mom help me have day after day of orgasms with different toys and her hand, Bucks tongue and so on, then one day in the future she would help me have him make me his bitch, just the way he already had mom. She was at his beck and call, when he wanted to fuck she was all his.

Finally, knowing how hot this had all made me, she leaned between my legs licked my pussy lips and thrust her tongue inside me, she was only there for a few seconds when I bucked and threw my head back cumming again like last night. Panting, I asked, “How long will it take until I can have him fuck me for a long time like he was fucking you last night and be able to hold my orgasm?”

She giggled. “Honey, I wasn’t holding my orgasms. I had over ten orgasms taking place as he entered me. I have learned how to let one rip through my body, have a second one follow close behind and not collapse.”


For the next month or so, Mom and I were together as much as possible. We let Buck join in carefully with me and I watched daily as he took my mom. During these sessions I had learned how to give myself pleasure and watching him take her as his bitch gave me such an intense orgasm that seemed to never end. I fully understood why she was being so cautious with me. Many times I explored her pussy after he had deposited his seed deep inside her, and it gaped hugely. Big enough for me to push my whole hand into her and play with her G-spot. This became a routine we both enjoyed, and it brought her additional thrills causing her to scream and beg for me to stop. I wouldn’t stop until she forcefully grabbed my arm and pulled me out of her moist pussy.

In bed at night after my dad got home, mom made sure he was not neglected, by attacking him as soon as he entered the home. He was so handsome and someday I knew it would be me attacking him instead of mom or maybe in addition to. I think it had to be at least two months since that first discovery. She came to me just after dad left, “Do you want to be his bitch today?”

I nearly jumped out of my bed. “Yes, do you think I can take it?”

We had popped my cherry almost immediately after we started playing, so that would not be a problem.

“I think if I hold onto him, not allowing his knot to enter you it’ll be fine, then we’ll see about the knot later.”

She came into my room, I was already naked, so she played with me, bringing the arousal to a peak quickly, my juices were leaking, so she called in Buck. The smell in the room reeked of arousal and lust. He quickly located the source of the smell and took his first lick, followed by more letting his tongue dive deep inside me searching out the source of the flow.

Mom had carpeted a small stool, which she put at the end of the bed. By me kneeling on it, my pussy was in line with his cock once he climbed up on top of me. I was panting so hard I feared something terrible was going to happen until he jumped up and I felt his cock hit my leg, then I quit breathing, I believe my heart stopped beating as he poked once hitting my right leg, again hitting just below my pussy, then the third time hitting his mark. I felt mom’s hand on my bottom so I knew I would be protected from the knot this first time, but I was not ready for what was about to happen.

His cock entered me once, and then before I had a chance to adjust he had hit two or three more times sinking each time deeper and deeper inside me. I knew the knot was not hitting mom’s hand, but the rapid succession of his fucking sent me over the edge immediately, only to be followed by another as the knot was now too big to enter me. So my mom removed her hand and the knot hitting my ass as his cock throbbed inside sent another orgasm rushing through my body.

Now I fully understood why mom had said she had multiple orgasms, I was having the same, but the difference was I had no idea on how to control them, they were each taking so much out of me my mind had all but closed down. I wanted to tell her I needed to have her pull him from me, but nothing was coming out of my mouth but sounds even I had not heard before. Then he stopped. I was almost feeling like it was over for a fleeting moment when I felt the first rush of hot seed enter the back of my pussy. That’s all it took I passed out.

Waking up, seeing mom sitting by my side, my pussy was still throbbing and I could feel mini-orgasms still rushing through my body. “You ok, honey?”

I nodded.

“Now you understand why I have to be there when he takes you, it takes time to get used to him being in you. My dad had an Irish Setter, when I was 18 we were the only two at home playing with each other, one thing led to another, much like happened to you that first night and before I knew it he was on my back in me, knot and all. When he dumped his load inside me, I also passed out. From what I could tell from the scrapes on my knees and belly as well as my arms, he must have drug me around while I was still locked to him, finally dropping me on the ground in the back yard. A neighbour woman, who later became my first lesbian lover, got me inside, cleaned me up, then took me to her home the next time the dog and I played.”

Kissing me, she said, “Now get some sleep, you’ll feel better in a few hours and we’ll get something to eat. I’ve put some lotion on your pussy to help the swelling.”

I slept for several hours, waking and walking to the kitchen, Buck jumped up to see if I was ok. I petted him on the head, knelt and kissed him on the lips; he returned my kiss with by sending his tongue deep inside my mouth. Looking up at my mom, “Yep, you’ve been added to his harem, you’re now officially his bitch. Those kisses are only given to the two of us.”

It felt good and I felt closer to him than ever before, but I think he also sensed I was not ready for any more sex. We had a light lunch, mom had me lay down on the sofa with my legs over her lap as she played and massaged my pussy.


Over the next two months or so mom continued to hold his knot until he was bigger than could enter me then I was on my own.

So much dog cum had been dumped inside me, I must’ve started smelling like a dog’s bitch all the time. Big and little dogs were all over me when I was out, visiting my friends who had dogs I continually had to apologise and move away from them.

Then one day an accident happened to me, I was not expecting. My best friend Lacy wanted to meet me to spend the afternoon together and just do girl stuff. I told my mom I was going to Lacy’s home and would be there most of the afternoon and evening. Just before I arrived at her home, she sent me a text telling me she was running late for a doctor’s appointment, but would be there soon. For me to just go on in and wait. Both her parents were in Europe on a business trip and we both knew where extra keys were in both of our homes.

I unlocked the door greeted immediately by her dog Caesar and large Golden Retriever that I just loved. Since my introduction to dog sex I started to not wear panties so Buck could get to me easily with his tongue, I was so anxious to come over here, I put on a short skirt and as usual left off the panties. Like I said, a dog bitch must give off some scent because Caesar pushed his head between my legs licking my pussy. Normally I would have stopped him, but there was no one around so I let him have it.

His tongue felt slightly different to Bucks. I immediately flopped on the sofa letting him at me, while I enjoyed the new technique. He was just different enough to have my first orgasm hit rather rapidly followed by a second one leaving me breathless. I then pushed him away, telling him to go lay down. He was a very well-trained dog, so he went to the end of the sofa setting down on his back legs, watching me very closely. I was dripping so badly, I knew I had to get myself cleaned before Lacy came home. So I got up headed for the bathroom and grabbed a washrag from the cupboard they have in their hall bathroom.

Stepping back to the sink I must have caught my foot on the toilet because I dropped the washcloth. Reaching over to pick it up, Caesar was on top of me, his weight throwing me forward catching myself on the tub. Before I could turn, he entered my pussy and ploughed straight in sending my now aroused pussy into overdrive. I knew I was in trouble, but my body knew only pleasure so it betrayed me, so that by the time I got my hands under me in the tub he was in me fully and his knot as hitting my outer lips with thrust after thrust.

The third or fourth thrust the knot entered my body and began to swell, a sensation I had never felt before, but one I was enjoying so much now. I could smell my arousal as I thrust back, my hips meeting each thrust he pushed in with. Throwing my head back, I yelled, “Omigod! Fuck me, Caesar, fuck me and make me your bitch like Buck has made me his… Fuck me harder!”

Then the biggest orgasm I have ever experienced hit me, causing me to collapse on the edge of the tub as he released his first load of seed inside me. The knot rubbing my G-spot, his cum hitting my farthest part of my pussy, and my tits rubbing on the edge of the tub caused me to scream.

“Omigod… Caesar, I never knew how much fun I’ve been missing having my mother prevent Bucks knot from going inside me. When I get home, I’m going to have Buck fuck the hell out of me… I’m your bitch, boy, I’ll always be available for you to fuck anytime you want me.”

He had stopped moving just letting huge amounts of seed enter my pussy. Finally, he lifted one leg over my back and we were tied butt-to-butt. As I turned around to make sure he wasn’t going any place, there in the doorway stood Lacy.

Her eyes were wide with shock. “You let Buck fuck you and your mom watches and helps?”

I wanted so much to say something to her, I wanted to rush to her and hug her trying to explain, but all I could do was set there until Caesar’s cock shrunk enough for me to be free, and no-one really knows how long that may be. Buck usually takes about fifteen minutes. I did notice she had one hand deep down her shorts, legs separated the other had torn the buttons on her blouse. The bra was pushed up on one tit and she her hand was twisting and tugging her nipple causing her to moan. Then, looking closer her eyes were clouded with lust, she was slowly sliding down the wall all the time the hand down the shorts was moving rapidly. Finally, her head went back, her body slid down the floor, and she moaned loudly as her own orgasm rushed over her.

I was in no shape to help her or even talk to her, my body was experiencing mini-orgasms hitting me every few seconds. My pussy walls were still contracting, trying to massage the last of his seed out of that beautiful cock. I could feel some of his cum dripping down my leg, and from what it felt like Caesar has produced a lot more seed than Buck. Now I was starting to wonder how it would feel like to try different types and breeds of dogs, but first I had to get to my friend and try to explain.

Then I had to get home and have Buck fuck the shit out of me. I was also thinking of heading to the park, just under a grove of trees on the edge. I knew a place where people on the walk path could not see you and there were always stray dogs running in the park, if I put myself out there maybe I’d be fucked by a few. In my mind, I was becoming a dog cum dump and I loved it. Caesar cock finally shrunk enough where with a little pull and a slight pain, he was out of me. Cum came rushing out after him. He walked by Lacy stopping to give her a kiss on the lips, she just slumped in the corner panting and looking right through me.

Crawling over to her, cum still running down my legs, I said, “Lacy, I’m so sorry this happened. I hadn’t intended for this to happen. I came in here to wash myself after Caesar licked my pussy, and I accidentally dropped the wash cloth and the rest… You saw. Can you forgive me?”

“You fucked my dog…,” she said stunned. “You’ve been fucking dogs for a long time by the sounds of it. I should be totally disgusted with you, it’s so gross… But still, it was also kinda hot. When did this all start, tell me the truth or our friendship is over!”

I kind of told her some of the truth, basically leaving out the part about my mom. Telling her that I was just making up stories. “I let Buck, by mistake lick my pussy the first time a few months ago. It was so hot, I let him do it again bringing me off. I have since then dreamed what it would be like to have him actually fuck me, but that has never happened. When I came over here, I must have been horny and Caesar picked up on it and licked me. His tongue is different from Bucks so it felt so good that before I knew it I had cum. I knew you’d be here in no time, so I told him to stay, went to the bathroom and as you saw he didn’t stay. I’m so sorry that you saw that, I never meant for it to happen.” Then giggling, I said, “But I have to tell you, other than the fact it was a dog, it really felt good.”

I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek first, then pulled back looking at her eyes as they searched mine, then leaned in and kissed her again this time on the lips. Her lips parted as my tongue entered her for the first time. She just sat there no responding with her own tongue still searching my eyes, then carefully her tongue played with mine. That is all it took, her hand came out of her pants grabbing my tit through my top, I ran my hand up her leg and inside her shorts feeling the wetness and pushing her own hand out of her pussy.

“God, I want you so bad,” Lacy moaned. “I’m not a lesbian, but now I want you to make love to me. To fuck me and let me fuck you, then we’ll talk more about this dog thing you have going on. But for now, follow me.”

She got up and pulled me up also, doggie cum still running down my legs. We headed for her bedroom. Once inside she pulled my clothes from me, then did the same to her own, pushed me back on the bed, climbing between my legs where she stopped and playing with my now well used and gapingly open pussy. Her fingers gathered some doggy cum moving to her mouth, she tasted it, wrinkled her nose up, smelled it then tasted it again. She then moved closer to my pussy for the very first time she licked a girl’s pussy. I gasped, my pussy lips were so sensitive after experiencing so many orgasms that I jumped.

“You’ve just been fucked by my dog and you jump when I lick your lips, you are a true slut. I never knew that about you, but you’re indeed a slut.”

By this time I had no comeback, the orgasms were starting again. I could smell my arousal and lust swarm around us like a thick cloud, my eyes had once again clouded over, but her statement about me being a slut was probably true. After all, when this is all over I had dogs to fuck, and fucking I would be doing.

She sucked me and pushed her fingers inside me bring on a full-fledged orgasm that hit with as much force as Caesar had caused to flow through me. Filling her mouth with my juices as well as Caesar’s. I collapsed not able to feel anything, she must’ve been used as well because she crawled up next to me cuddling. The two of us together, we slept that way for several hours.

We both woke about the same time. “We need to take a shower. I have the smell of sex all over me, and you smell like a dog.”

I followed her to the bathroom, following into the shower as we washed each other’s body. We enjoyed each other, but nothing sexual was present. We got out dried off, then she loaned me some shorts and a loose blouse, I then followed her to the kitchen for something to eat.

She got a beer for both of us, we had been secretly sneaking them for more than a year. Then she just stared at me. “I have no idea what to think about what happened today, but I need time to process it. I’m not sure I buy your story about this being the first time, but maybe it is. I need to let Caesar lick me, but I need to be alone doing it. I want to make love to you again, but I’m not sure I ever will. I hope you understand when I tell you our friendship is on hold for now. When you finish your beer, you can take my clothes and bring them back sometime later. Are you OK with this?”

I finished my beer, nodded my head, “I know a lot happened today, and I have no excuses for letting it happen. Please call me when you get things worked out, I’ll be waiting.”

I got up and left. I felt sad that my friendship with Lacy is in jeopardy, but happy that I’ll be home soon. Mom isn’t home at the moment, and Buck is waiting to give me my second fuck today.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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