Non-Stop Nudging


My name is Caroline, I’m 27 years old and I live alone in a beautiful suburb with great neighbours. I’ll never forget the day I moved into the neighbourhood about 2 years ago. People from up to 3 houses away came to welcome me, making me feel right at home. The strangest welcome came from right next door though. His name was Allen and he lived alone (well he wasn’t completely alone, he had Thor to keep him company & Thor was the biggest Bull Terrier I’ve ever seen). Allen walked over with Thor, no leash, and as he was about to greet me, another neighbour approached him and took him to one side to talk. Thor, on the other hand, continued walking towards me and I thought that he couldn’t be dangerous if his owner let him walk around without a leash, so I looked at him as he approached and greeted him.

“Hi, boy. What’s your name?”

Without hesitation, he thrust his snout between my legs, pushing quite hard in my pussy and he gave me a big sniff. It was over just as soon as it started and I was quite flabbergasted. Before I had any time to really comprehend what had just happened, Allen spoke.

“Hi there. I’m Allen from next door. Welcome to our neighbourhood”

We spoke for a few minutes and he offered to help with moving in or fixing things if needed. I thanked him for the offer and then we headed back to our respective homes. As Allen and I turned our backs, Thor shoved his snout up between my butt cheeks from behind and gave me a forceful sniff again. I was taken by surprise, so a high-pitch squeak escaped my lungs as I lunged forward. Allen spun around, asking what was wrong with true concern. I giggled and just told him that Thor nudged my leg and gave me a fright. Allen was confused that I had such a big reaction to something so small, but he apologised for Thor’s behaviour and went home.

I was completely flustered, red from head to toe. I went inside to have a cool drink of something, but mostly to hide inside for a little while until my embarrassment subsided. I sat in my new kitchen thinking that it was unbelievable that I had my pussy touched and sniffed by a dog twice in just a few minutes. He managed to push his snout right onto my pussy both times with quite a bit of force, but at least he never hurt me when he did that. I decided it was likely just his instinct that made him inspect me that way. I was extremely grateful that no one, especially Allen, saw what Thor did to me.

By the following morning I had forgotten the incident and went about setting things up in and around my new home. While I was kneeling next to the flower bed to place a few ornaments between the flowers, I felt Thor’s forceful snout go up between my legs from behind again. I got a big fright again and Thor sniffed me twice before removing his snout from between my legs. When Allen heard me he came out to see if I was okay as quick as he could. When I told him that Thor startled me again, he laughed and said I startle too easily. I felt a little offended at his comment, but he had no idea exactly what Thor did, so it would seem like I was easily startled. There was no way I was going to tell him exactly what happened, so I just smiled back at him. Allen Offered to keep Thor at the back or on a leash when they’re out in front, but I didn’t want to be a bothersome neighbour and I told Allen I’d get used to Thor. When they went back inside, I couldn’t help but be extremely aware of my pussy.

Thor’s invasion of privacy became a very regular thing. Whenever he saw me he would waltz up to me and shove his snout into my pussy, whether it was from the front or behind. Every time I knelt, bent forward or wasn’t paying enough attention, I could expect Thor’s snout to shove into my pussy. I became quite nervous about being outside and paranoid that Thor was behind every bush or corner. When I came home from work, Thor would greet me every time. At first I didn’t see him coming and usually got his snout up my rear, but eventually I came to expect it. I thought that if I could at least see him coming that I could stop him. The day I finally saw him before his usual snout invasion, I crouched down and grabbed his head with both hands.

“Got you this time. You won’t be sniffing my pussy this time, boy,” I said, as I rubbed his head while pushing him back with both hands.

Thor was visibly agitated at what I was doing and he began to twist his head and push back. He squirmed out of my hands and lunged forward. With me in a crouching position he was able to get his snout under my skirt and when he made contact, there was only the very thin material of my thong between his pushing snout and my pussy. I fell back onto my butt and Thor followed to keep his snout in contact. He sniffed hard at my pussy, at least 5 times giving me goose bumps as he made air flow quickly over my lips. I tried to fight him off, but he only moved away when he wanted to, and that was after giving my pussy a forceful lick. I was mortified as I watched him stand up feeling quite proud of himself before looking down at me and then trotting off back home. I got up as quick as I could and locked myself inside. The way he looked down on me made me feel like his subordinate and it looked like that was exactly what he was thinking too.

The way I felt about Thor’s invasive greetings did get worse, but I started getting used to it and eventually I was able to kind of ignore him when he did it. If he got too persistent I would stop and just let him sniff my pussy so he could get out of the way and I could get on with what I wanted. The most amazing thing was that he did it every day for over 3 months.


One morning, as I was about to leave for work, I saw Allen drive away with a whole lot of camping gear strapped to his pickup. It looked like he was finally going on that camping, fishing and hiking trip he was always talking about. As he pulled away, I saw Thor stand up on the front seat.

“Thank god!” I said out load

I got quite excited at the idea that I would finally have a few days without my pussy being subjected to Thor’s brand of forceful greeting. I actually started laughing I was so happy. That day seemed to be such a good day. Work was great, lunch was fantastic and the end of the day arrived sooner than usual. I decided to treat myself that night, so I got my favourite take out and wine before heading home. As I pulled into my driveway, I could actually feel my heart beating a little harder than usual. I stepped out of my car with confidence, bent down low when I picked up my things from the back seat and walked slowly to my front door. After unlocking the door, entering and turning around, I looked at the empty front yard and felt very satisfied. As I slowly closed the door though, I also felt a little sad that the only living creature that made an effort to greet me every day was not there that night.

“Oh god, I must be insane,” I told myself for thinking that

I packed my out meal onto the kitchen table and poured a glass of wine. I had my favourite music playing in the background, so everything seemed perfect. As I chewed on my first bite of food, I began to feel so incredibly lonely that I started crying. This was my first home without a roommate or family member and the only thing that had been keeping my mind off that was Thor. After a good sob I wiped away the tears and went to my living room to distract myself with TV. Suddenly all I could think about was how much I appreciated Thor’s consistent affection, albeit unsolicited.

I went for a walk just after dark and the strangest feeling came over me when I passed Allen’s house. My pussy began to tingle and before I was past his property, it was completely wet. I had intended to walk around the block, but I turned back instead and hurried inside to the safety of my home. As I stood with my back against the front door, I put my right hand down the front of my waistband, over my mound and into my pussy. As my hand slid over my pussy my middle finger slid between the lips into complete wetness. I could not believe how wet I had gotten and more so, the reason for the wetness. I did not understand what I was feeling nor did I try to, instead I went with what I was feeling and fingered myself right there until I had an orgasm. I reached climax quicker than usual and I wanted more, but I went upstairs and took a shower before going to bed.

After a restless sleep, I awoke feeling quite miserable. My misery was not because of bad sleep, it was because Allen was going to be gone an entire week and I needed Thor back to show my daily affection. I knew it was weird to feel that way and I didn’t think it was sexual at all. The night before was simply my mind trying to find a way to distract me from feeling miserable, and for a moment it worked. That was what I thought at first, but I found myself imagining Thor greeting me in his usual way with one critical difference; in my imagination my underwear disappeared and Thor started licking my pussy flesh directly. The first few times these thoughts invaded my mind, I stopped them immediately and got busy with something else, but eventually I allowed the thought to continue and it turned me on immensely. I was shocked at myself for allowing the thought, but I enjoyed masturbating to it enormously. As I climaxed the thought suddenly changed from Thor’s tongue on my pussy to his cock inside it and that made me climax even harder.


The day Allen and Thor came home finally arrived after what seemed like an eternity. I couldn’t just run out and greet them, which made things a little harder to deal with. As soon as Allen’s pickup stopped I saw Thor leap out the window and run around his front yard looking very pleased to be home. My heart started pounding the moment I saw him and I was dying to be with him. I watched closely for an opening and when I saw Allen about to take the first few things inside I knew I had an opportunity. I quickly removed my shorts and underwear and then put just the shorts back on. The sun had already set, so it was dark enough for someone to see me, but not what I was doing. I was completely shocked with myself for removing my underwear, but I was already outside and I could feel the breeze on my very wet pussy.

“Hi guys,” I said loudly, just as Allen was about to go inside

“Hi Caroline. Do you mind if I come greet you properly after offloading?” He asked.

Thor was already on his way to me when I replied, “Not at all.”

As Allen entered the door Thor was at my feet and he lunged forward with his usual greeting. This time my wetness peeked his interest and he pushed and sniffed relentlessly. I looked up at Allen returning for the next load and he looked back at me, but I was standing in a dark spot in my front yard so he had no idea what his dog was doing to me.

“Is Thor bothering you again?” He asked.

“No, he’s just saying hello.”

Allen took the next load inside and I did the unthinkable. “How about a proper taste?” I asked Thor.

Thor was oblivious to my words and only interested in my wetness, so when I pulled the left leg hole of my shorts open for him he went at it like it was his last meal. He pushed hard onto my pussy at first, but as soon as his tongue had its first taste he pulled back a little to smell it some more. That first lick almost made me scream it was so good, but it only rasped over my left pussy lip and I desperately needed more. Thor finally started licking again and this time his tongue split my lips apart and tasted my inner flesh. I did squeal in pleasure, but Allen was inside at that point, so we were still undiscovered. I was so turned on at that moment and so desperate for Thor’s touch that I orgasmed after only a few more licks. My orgasm caused more wetness and this drove Thor wild. I realised that I might not be able to stop Thor and then Allen would definitely find out.

I let him lick me for as long as I could bear it, but finally I jumped back to get Thor’s head out of my shorts and then covered myself with my hand to stop him from licking me again. He was not happy with this development so I grabbed his head and made him look me in the eye.

“Thor! There’ll be a lot more of that later, but you have to behave now,” I said firmly

Thor sat down and it looked like he was listening to me for the first time ever. Allen finished unpacking eventually and came over to my place to greet me properly and for a cup of coffee. He was constantly yawning while he told me about the camping trip.

“Allen, I can see how tired you are. Go sleep, you don’t have to visit me now, we can do this tomorrow,” I said

Allen left his half-finished cup of coffee and went home to sleep. Thor was put out in the back, he still had energy that Allen was in no mood to deal with.

I knew I had another opportunity, so I waited 30 minutes to be sure Allen was asleep before I made my move. I put on my old cheerleader skirt and fresh underwear before going over to Thor. As soon as he saw me he came running over. It was a bit of a challenge to climb over the small fence separating our yards because he kept getting in the way and started licking me before I was properly on his side. As soon as I was over, I went to the darkest corner of the yard and sat down behind the small shed. We had quite a bit of room and very comfortable grass under us. Thor’s snout had been up in my business the whole time already, even when we walked over to the shed, but now we were in a position to have as much fun as we wanted.

“You ready for another taste, boy?” I said as I slid my underwear to the side

Now that I was sitting on the ground with my legs spread wide and leaning back on my left arm, he was able to dig his tongue deep into me, making my entire body shudder.

“Oh… my… god,” I kept whispering

It felt so amazing that I almost forgot we were outside and that I might disturb Allen or another neighbour. Once I had myself under control again (as much as was possible anyway), I continued enjoying Thor’s tongue assault on my pussy. I could feel another orgasm brewing, but Thor stopped suddenly. He was ready to take things to the next level. He had grabbed my leg with his front paws and started humping. I sat still, watching him in thought as I wrestled with the idea of letting him have his way with me. The idea of him fucking me like that was too overwhelmingly hot to ignore that I removed my underwear and flipped over onto my hands and knees with my knees spread wide apart. Thor licked my pussy about 5 more times before he finally mounted me. I remember thinking that this was probably going to be very difficult for him, but that thought was interrupted by the feeling of his cock as it stabbed into me.

I was hoping for a bigger cock, but it was still nice to feel his cock separate my pussy lips to massage my entrance. I never expected it to get any bigger, but it got a lot bigger, so big that it turned out to be the biggest cock to ever enter my pussy. By this point it was really hard to keep quiet. Thor’s cock was sliding deep into me at a rapid speed without any sign of slowing down. Every inch inside my pussy was feeling pleasure and my orgasm was fast approaching. Suddenly I could feel him slowing down and I was so close to my climax.

“No, no… don’t stop… now… I’m so close…”

That’s when Thor unveiled his coup de grace. He shoved his huge knot into me and began to unload and ungodly amount of hot cum inside me. The orgasm I experienced from that was so intense that I was unable to make a sound. It took my breath away, rippled through every inch of my body, took away my vision and made me convulse so hard that it hurt my muscles. By the time I was able to think again, Thor and I were butt-to-butt and his enormous cock were firmly stuck inside my very sensitive pussy. The bulge was pressing against my G-spot, so with all that pressure and stimulation, I kept having orgasms. It got to a point that I needed his cock out of me and luckily that eventually happened. With a loud plop, his cock finally came out, leaving my pussy gaping from being stretched. There was so much cum inside me that it streamed out and down my legs. Thor was done with me, so he lay down and licked himself for a while before finally resting his head on the grass too. I collapsed right next to him and we both fell asleep.

At about 1:30 the next morning, I woke up from the discomfort of sleeping on the ground. Thor was still next to me and he licked my face as I tried to get up. I was so stiff and sore from letting him fuck me that I had a really hard time getting up. I didn’t even try to put my underwear back on before staggering back over to my place. There was no way that I was going to climb over anything, so I took the risk of opening the side gate and going in the front door of my home. As I was about to close the gate, I looked back at Thor.

“You’re such a good boy, Thor.”

I leaned down as far as I could to kiss his head and he decided to lick my mouth. I let him lick my mouth and even let his tongue slip inside. I felt quite close to him, so a good night kiss seemed appropriate. It lasted a lot longer than I thought it would and I enjoyed it as much as he did. When I finally got into bed, I passed out and slept for 18 hours.

Thor and I had sex quite regularly after that and the sneaking around was getting tiresome. I also felt bad that I was having sex with Allen’s pet without his knowledge or permission. I felt so bad that it started bugging me to the point that I stopped having sex with Thor completely. Thor tried his best to get me to have sex with him, but I just couldn’t and it was starting to make us both miserable. I decided I had to do something about it, so my first idea was to find a new boyfriend. I went to many pet stores and animal shelters, but I just couldn’t find a dog to replace Thor. I began to realize that Thor was more than just a casual fuck every now and then and I wanted to be intimate with him and only him. My next idea was a tough one. I thought that if I could get Allen drunk enough and have sex with him and Thor that it could become a regular thing. The problems with that idea was that I had no interest in Allen other than friendship, I only wanted to be intimate with Thor and Allen was gay. My last idea was to just tell Allen and hope he’d be understood, so I decided to try to find the right opportunity.

That weekend I was invited to have drinks with Allen, so I went over and we started visiting. I do enjoy his company, so it wasn’t a drag, it was just difficult to talk to him with what was on my mind. Allen had noticed and started asking about it.

“What’s up with you lately? You seem so distant these days and we can’t even chat anymore. Did I do something wrong?” He asked.

I told him that the issue was with me and he tried his best to find out what it was so he could help me. During the visit and this conversation, we drank enough for me to feel tipsy. I guess Allen had just enough to drink to feel comfortable with very uncomfortable conversation.

“Does this have anything to do with your secret visits to Thor?”

I went cold and quiet when he asked that. “Uh… What?”

“You know. When you sneak into my back yard to be with Thor. I’ve seen you do that a few times now”

I was stunned. “You saw us… No, that can’t be…”

Allen could see I was on the verge of tears. “Hey, honey, don’t cry. You’ve never judged me for being gay, so why would I ever judge you for the partner you choose?”

I was quite surprised at what he said and I had never thought of it that way. He gave me a big hug and only let go when I was ready. “So what are you saying, Allen?”

“I’m saying that if you want to be with Thor, you should” He could tell that I still wasn’t sure. “It’s up to you, Caroline, but if you’re not going to be with Thor because I’ll know about it, then you need to know something about me… I let… I let him lick my cock a few times when I was single… okay, there, I said it.”

Just knowing that about this made me feel a lot more comfortable to be with Thor, but I had to be sure, so I convinced him to let me see it for myself and as soon as I had, Thor and I were back together.

Thor still lives with Allen, but he comes over every day for a visit and sometimes sleeps over. We still have sex quite often and he gets to stay with me for a few days at a time when Allen has company. Allen decided to backpack through Thailand soon, so Thor is going to be living with me for a few months. I got so excited when I heard that, I took Thor to my living room and got him to fuck me in the ass for the first time. I’m glad we tried it once, but I won’t be doing that again. I much prefer his tongue and cock to please my pussy.

The End.



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