Pleasant Valley Sunday 1

By Cybrgigolo.

Springtime! Finally! I have been so tired of winter and freezing my ass off this year. Just seems as though it has dragged on this year. But I have vegetables planted in the garden now. I am up a little earlier than usual to get things watered and cared for in the garden. I am quite happy with myself. Plenty of little green heads popping up everywhere. A good start for the garden this season.

I am putting up the hose and about to go inside when I hear an odd commotion from my neighbor’s yard. I only have one neighbor, as I live on a corner lot with an alley behind me. I got a smoking deal on the house I bought as an investment and then spent the time fixing it myself. There was a lot of work to be done – hence the deal.

My neighbor moved in 5 years ago with his wife and two daughters. We don’t talk or interact with each other. I know their names only because I hear them on occasion. His name is John. His wife is Alexis, but she usually gets called ‘Lex.’ The older daughter is Samantha and goes by Sam, and Jenna is the younger sister and goes by Jen. I had a conversation with my neighbor a couple of years ago when they bought a dog, and a couple of boards were missing from the 6-foot privacy fence.

It wasn’t high on my radar to fix, but as they were getting a dog, John wanted to be in my yard for a few minutes to attach new boards. I told him if he just left the boards by the fence, I would gladly put them up. The dog they got was a Dalmatian, and they named it Spot. Holy shit, you have to be kidding me. If that dog were to go to school, he would be teased endlessly.

As I hear this commotion, I walk over to the fence. One of the boards has a knot hole near the top of it. It is a perfect size, and I have to bend over a little to see through it as I am over 6 feet tall. It keeps you well hidden, though. Not as though there is anything to see. Don’t get me wrong, Lex and the girls are all hot, but they don’t do anything. I do not even like laying out and tanning in the summer. Looking through the knot hole would make me glance at their grass growing.

Hell, I can get that on my side of the fence. So, not expecting much, I bend down a little, put my face to the fence, and HOLY SHIT! There is Sam on her hands and knees with Spot knotted to her. Turned ass to ass and filled her up with hot doggy sperm. Guess he won’t be made fun of after all. Sam has her hand between her legs and fingering her clit, which I was hearing as she gets closer to orgasming on Spot’s cock.

My cock was hardening by the second. I mean, it is like one of those WTF moments. The train wreck you can’t stop watching. I always considered my neighbors boring and plain, so this was a total shock. And maybe they are plain, but Sam is a whole different story. I unhooked my belt, undid my button, and unzipped my pants to get my cock out. Sam is mostly dressed. Her skirt flipped up over what is just the firmest, most perfectly rounded ass you could ever imagine. I don’t see panties anywhere, and maybe she didn’t wear any if she knew she would be doing this.

I start stroking my cock for all it’s worth since they had a considerable head start on me. I know this is so wrong on so many levels. I mean, like legal shit and animal abuse and maybe some home dynamics that should be looked into, but mother fucker, this was amazing to watch! I know it has been a while since having a woman, and I am sure that is part of my not looking away.

I see Sam’s hand moving faster and faster and hear her getting closer to orgasm. Right then, Spot starts to pull his cock out. He gets the knot out, and Sam creams herself as she cums. I watch as his red dick slides from her – a trail of dog semen runs from Sam’s pussy. Spot stands there with his cock hanging between his legs, licking at it while Sam licks her fingers clean with what has to be a mix of her juices and Spot’s seed. That is all I can take and shoot a huge load of cum on the fence.

I watch as Sam gets up and straightens her skirt. Spot hops around her, excited as they return to the house. I get my shit back together and go inside to take off for work. Not like I can tell anyone at work about this. They would be telling me to call the cops. And if I didn’t, and they did. Would I be like an accomplice or a peeping Tom? I will not say a word about it and put it out of my mind.

Right out of my mind, huh?

The next morning I am caring for my garden when I hear the neighbors’ back door open. I hear Spot running along the fence, and then he pisses right where I am standing, and dribbles cum all over. I walk over to the fence and tell myself not to do it, but then I look through the hole. This time I didn’t show up late. I see Sam bent over and stroking the dog’s cock. Spot is humping away at her hand and spraying pre-cum all over. Sam bends over for him and grabs his cock as he mounts her.

She quickly guides him into her pussy, and Spot takes off like a jackhammer pounding away at her pussy. Good thing Sam is on the shorter side as Spot has just enough height to drive into her. His tongue hangs out, and his head is off to one side of her. He pushes his knot into Sam, and she starts rubbing her clit as he has slowed fucking her. I watch as he turns ass to ass with her; it is a replay of yesterday. I cum all over the fence marking my territory just as Spot will tomorrow.

So this has been my week.

It is Friday, and I am eager to see if Sam will continue her daily routine of getting pumped full of canine semen before starting her day. I finish my garden work which is coming along quite well, and then head to the fence to my personal perverted viewing area. I don’t have to wait long when the door opens, and Sam and Spot come outside. Spot pisses where I am standing, and then Sam calls him over, and he eagerly runs to her.

He’s hopping around and trying to get her on all fours so he can mount her. Sam calms him down and starts stroking him just as I start stroking my cock. I watch as I have all week – mounting her sexy ass and Sam guiding him into her. I enjoy the show, with many thoughts going through my head when I feel something wet. I look down and see Jen licking my cock!

“What the hell are you doing?” I whisper.

Jen cuts me off and puts her fingers to her lips, telling me to be quiet. She points at the fence and whispers to keep watching. I look down at her, the hole in the fence, and then back at her, kneeling at my feet. She smiles at me and then nods towards the fence. I look through the hole as I have all week and see Spot turned ass to ass. I then feel my cock slide into Jen’s mouth and her sucking on it. I look down at her and then back to the fence. I am on sensory overload.

Seeing Sam and the dog, Jen sucking away at my cock. She is gorgeous like her mom and sister, with a 34B chest, dark hair down her back, a pretty face, and even prettier with my cock hanging out of it. This is more than I can take. I had gotten pretty good timing for my release with Sam and the dog, but this was unexpected. I run my hand through Jenna’s hair and then grab a handful on the back of her head. Just as I do, I push her head onto my cock and explode in her mouth and down her throat.

Jen coughs and tries to push her head off me, but I hold her hair harder, looking down at her eyes bulging open and coughing on my cock. I let her hair go, and she immediately pulls her head back, still coughing and gasping for air. As she kneels there panting, I can see my cum dripping from the roof of her mouth and onto her tongue. I mouth the word swallow to her. She closes her mouth, and I hear her swallowing. She finishes and opens her mouth to show me it is all gone.

Jen stands and kisses me on the neck. She then tells me that her dad fucks the shit out of their mom as they both watch Sam and the dog out the back window. I watch as she heads to the corner of the fence, moves a couple of loose boards, smiles, waves, and says nice to meet you as she moves through the fence and puts the boards back in place. I am still standing there with my flaccid cock hanging down and thinking what a fucked-up neighborhood this has turned out to be.


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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