Real Happiness is in Being a Bitch!

By Crackhead Souljaboy.

Stephanie was an only daughter from a rich business family. She fell in love with a commoner and eloped with him, leaving her parents to be orphaned. With no one to inherit the business, her father fell ill and passed away, followed by her mother. Their esteemed company, food Oil, was succeeded by one of the executives. Stephanie was an extremely attractive Caucasian woman. Her lover was Tory, who managed to woo her but later became extremely lazy.

They were living in a cheap apartment; it turned out that Tory was sterile and couldn’t have children with her. He even used to ejaculate within seconds of penetration. Stephanie regretted her decision every day, and Tory’s gambling addiction got worse. It was the 28th birthday of Stephanie; in her 5-year marriage, Tory managed to wish her only two times. She didn’t expect him to do anything for her that day.

In the late evening, she heard the knock on her door. she opened it expecting it to be true. But in the hallway, three huge black men were holding up extremely drunk Tory. She invited them in as they lay Tory on the couch. As she tried to go inside the kitchen to provide something to the men who helped her husband get home, one of them grabbed her hand and twisted it.

“You know, miss, your husband has traded you for clearing his debts at our facility. That means you’ll be our fuck toy for the next month.”

Before Stephanie couldn’t respond, her clothes were torn, and the guy lifted her, choking her. As Stephanie was struggling for breath, they took her inside her bedroom and raped her for one hour. She passed out after cumming three times in a row.

The next day, in the early morning, three people entered the house and woke up Tory, explaining that they had already laid claim on his wife yesterday and they wanted her to be prepared for another round today. Tory went inside to wake up his wife and discuss it. After yelling and shouting for five minutes, the three guys lost patience and entered the bedroom where Tory was arguing with his wife, who was still naked from last night. She saw three huge men getting undressed in the bedroom.

Despite wanting to run away, she felt aroused looking at their ripped, dark bodies and huge black cocks. These men made Tory sit in the room as they fucked his wife, so Tory was reduced to a cuckold husband as these men would fuck and train Stephanie for the next month, under which they taught her blowjob, anal, spit roast fucking, and double penetrations. The worst was rimjobs. She cried as she was licking their dirty black assholes.

Once the month ended, they left. Her life fell back to the same routine. Tory would spend some nights at the club, getting drunk and gambling. Stephanie started to crave hardcore sex. Her body had gotten used to it for the last month, and despite masturbating, she wasn’t satisfied. So, one day, she decided to tail her husband and enter the club. To her horror, she found that the club was run by the same company she was supposed to inherit, ‘Golden Flavor.’ The food oil company seemed to have ventured into this business under the new regime.

As she was about to exit, the three men who had tamed her entered through the door, obstructing Stephanie’s way. Although she paused for some moment, she rushed out, making the men curious about her. They did some research on her background and found out about her true identity. So the next day, they visited the house. They first gave her husband a lifetime membership at their club, with the only condition being that his wife agrees to be an employee of the club with the job designation being ‘the pornstar.’ She rejected this and asked them to leave as it would be too much of a trauma for her to go back to that company. Hell-bent on wanting her to be a whore for their club, they decided on a plan. Tory started to be sober and started to give attention to Stephanie. He apologized to her for what he had gotten her into last month, and he wanted to make amends by being a good husband.

For a week, he had become the ideal husband she always desired. He wanted to re-ignite the romance between them, so he had brought a libido-increasing powder, which both of them drank. Stephanie had the best sex for her life despite it being the same old premature ejaculation. They had sex every day from then on until suddenly, they ran out of that powder, and Stephanie went into withdrawal mode. As time passed by, she became desperate for it, but Tory would never bring that again or say where he bought it.

Since there was no label on the bottle of powder Stephanie couldn’t search for it herself in the market. She became desperate to the point that she promised to do anything if he gave her the powder again. Tory smiled and just wrote down an address and asked her to get that powder from this house. Stephanie couldn’t sleep that night with the excitement of consuming that powder again. The next day, when she went to that address, she was faced with the three black men who welcomed her, stating that they knew why she was there.

Hesitantly, Stephanie asked them to give her that powder, and they agreed to feed her a scoop of powder if she agreed to have sex with them. With a dead expression, she agreed. As she was being fucked roughly in the doggy position, she was fed the powder from a spoon. She felt the same euphoria as they finished off with her. They revealed that what she had just eaten had only 8% of the original drug she was fed by her husband, further revealing that it’s her craving for sex that’s been pushing her to doors of addiction. She finally broke and started to cry.

“Don’t worry, we know who you are. That’s why we would be pleased if you agree to be the whore of the very company you would have inherited if it wasn’t for your incompetent husband.”

In a clouded mind, Stephanie signed the agreement to be the porn star of the club. The next day, when she showed up at the club, she was given her stage name, ‘Lady Gold,’ and her first scene was with a 60-year-old guy. She had to suck him off after he cum in her. Once done, they packed up the shooting, and the three guys had sloppy seconds after the old guy with their new toy. Most of the time, it used to be one on one fucking, but sometimes she used to get utter disgusting things she was supposed to do.

In one scene, she was the extra to a couple where she was supposed to hump the leg of the guy as he fucked his partner. This particular video became viral over the internet resulting in fast-tracking her career in porn, which she would get utterly degrading scenes from now on. She was introduced to gang bang, and in another one of her viral videos, she was made to suck off several people, and instead of swallowing the cum, she was supposed to dump it into a basin. Once all of the men’s cum was collected, she was made to drink from the basin using only her mouth like a dog.

She became famous, and most demands were to see him humping someone’s leg or some objects like a table. This even garnered her new nickname, ‘Golden Bitch.’ Soon, another agency showed interest in buying her with an outstanding rate only issue was this agency only produced bestiality videos. Despite this, she was sold with no regard as the pay was awesome. They scheduled a send-off shoot with her in a dog hairband and tail plug humping things the whole video. Fans knew where she was sold to and were excited to see her finally become ‘Golden Bitch.’

Her racist ancestors would have never had children if they knew that their bloodline would one day be licking assholes of black people and getting fucked by at least 30 People at once. They would have ended themselves that one day their bloodline would be bred by actual dogs.

Soon, Stephanie was boarded into a van completely naked. She was first taken to a training facility to prepare her to be breeding meat for dogs. For the first two days, she was made for walking on all fours, led by a leash, to drink and eat from dog bowls and even piss/shit like dogs in open fields. Next came the training to break her. She was tortured for days with no food or water, beaten, and whipped to put fear in her so that she obeys all the orders. She was later made to fuck some unnatural candidates like shemales, paralyzed people, and the handicapped. They even brought some people whose faces or bodies would be disfigured by some accidents like burn victims.

She was not just made to get fucked by them but so also to serve them by giving them a rimjob, licking their whole body, and getting pissed on. Soon she completely gave up and would fuck anything if ordered to by anyone. She was conditioned to obey any and every order given to her by anyone without any bias to age, race, or even familiarity. She would hump her legs and lick the boots of a stranger if asked. She even thought to thank them, saying, “Thank you for using me.”

To complete her transformation, her name was also changed from Stephanie to Pixie.

Two days before her debut, her nipples were pierced with rings, and a tattoo of Pixie tied by bondage rope was made on her ankle. On the day, she was told that she would meet her partner on the stage in front of a live audience and would continue to be a mating couple until the partner lost interest. When the time came for her debut, she was led to the stage, and the audience cheered, looking at her stunning beauty. She was completely naked with her pink nipples and pussy exposed with only a spike dog collar and knee-length socks on her.

She was made to kneel at a marking, then bent so that the rings on her nipples could be clipped to the hooks below. Her hands were cuffed in a leather cuff, and her hair, which was tied in a bun, had a chain dangling from it, which was connected to the cuff. This forced her face to look forward all the time so that the audience could see her expressions.

Once she was in place, an announcer introduced her as the Pixie, and he mentioned her once being the heir to the Golden Flavor company. Extremely ashamed Pixie wanted to hide her face but couldn’t due to the bindings. Later he called the name Dogon, the one who would claim Pixie today and make her his fuck toy. Pixie heard footsteps behind her, but something was not right. She heard a man and something else, she wouldn’t have to wait longer as she saw a man leading a huge Great Dane passing in front of her as they did laps around her. Instinctively Pixie started to struggle in her restraints to get out but was reminded of her training by a loud smack on her ass.

The dog sat next to her. The announcer explained that from tomorrow onward live stream will be available for the audience to see how Pixie and Dogon will lead their life as a mated couple. So he ordered Dogon to claim her. The dog turned around, and Pixie could feel something drizzling down on her head. The extremely tight bondage made it difficult for her to see to the side, but somehow she managed to see that Dogon was pissing on her. Pixie’s heart sank to horror as she knew how dogs mark their belongings.

Next came the command: “Mount.”

The big dog climbed on her ass and started to poke his dick on her ass cheeks and eventually found her pussy making Pixie gasp a little. Once in, he started to thrust his dick in and out of Pixie violently. She started to moan in agony with a horror look on her face. The audience loved that expression. It had been a continuous 5 minutes of brutal fucking. Pixie climaxed three times, and with her mouth open to take more air in and her tongue just flopping lifelessly, making her drool like a bitch.

Finally, it was time for Dogon to push the knot inside his bitch. This huge knot stretched her pussy to the limit. Not able to do anything, all Pixie could do was scream with her mouth open as her eyes rolled back. Once the knot was in, Dogon climbed off, going ass to ass with her. Her head was released from the chain linking her cuffs, and her head fell as she was out of energy to support herself on the soft bed she was on the stage. Pixie started to feel the hot dog cum getting dumped by the dog in her.

As he pulled away from her, a loud pop announcer brought the mic in front of Pixie, saying, “Do you have anything to say to your mate?”

With a weak voice, Pixie uttered the words, “Thank you for using me,” getting claps from the audience.

She was injected with something, making her pass out as she was unhooked from the stage and carried off.

She woke up in a haze. She was greeted by some men checking her eyes with a torch and her body resembling a medical check-up. After drinking some water, she regained her composure and suddenly remembered what had happened to her on the stage. Hoping it to be a dream, she checked her vagina, which was sore, making her realize that it wasn’t a dream. Men greeted her and asked her if she was feeling OK. Once the tender treatment was over, another man dressed in a tuxedo came in front and ordered Pixie to kiss his boots. She did as commanded.

“From today onward, you will spend your time with Dogon. You will be his bitch. He is a genetically modified dog with a big penis solely made for fucking human bitches like you. From now on, your only goal is to get him to fuck you as many times as possible.”

He grabbed her pretty face and looked at her seriously.

“Listen now, there are some rules you have to follow to be a proper bitch Dogon deserves. Forget about your human status. From now on, you are just meat that will be fucked by Dogon. As dogs smell each other’s butts, you will do the same and even lick his asshole clean after he shits. He’ll piss on you from time to time as a mark that you are his property. You’ll have a separate food and bowl with your name with nutrients required for the human body.

“Sometimes, it will be seasoned with the human cum of those who pay for it. For drinking water, you’ll share a bowl with Dogon and feel thankful that you got the honor to share a bowl with him. You’ll be allowed to talk but only to Dogon, and you should never talk to any humans or even lift your head to look at them.

“You’ll never use your hands to grab things or stand upright in your new house. Make sure to earn good grace from Dogon. He’ll be your owner and master from now on. If he loses interest in you very soon, you will be shifted to fuck pigs and, when the time comes, meet the same fate of a pig and become sausage for some rich bastards.”

This made Pixie extremely scared. She was slapped from being blanked out of fear.

“Listen carefully. I won’t be able to repeat this to you again. You’ll be watched through cameras set up in the enclosure. So you should put on a show with your words while getting fucked to make him aroused. Your master should fuck you at least once a day, and your efforts to get another should be 24/7, either by sucking his dick or licking his asshole. It’s up to you to figure it out.”

They attached a white leather collar around her neck with a name tag, ‘Pixie, Dogon’s Princess,’ and a ribbon was tied to keep her hair in a bun. She was led to her new home as she was given a salutation written on paper that she needed to say to Dogon. She was brought outside of the bungalow she was kept in, and under a huge tree, there was a big dog house surrounded by a compound made of wood. Dog house had a sign: ‘Dogon’s Dungeon,’ and she was led inside. It was a fairly huge space where she could stand up, but she knew she was prohibited.

She was shown around where she had a fairly small area to bath with with a showerhead and drain below. She was supposed to pee or shit outside. There was one huge mirror for her to groom herself before submitting to her master, and she had a comb, lipsticks, etc. There was a huge circular bed in the middle where the couple would sleep. Next to it were three bowls. One was a large bowl with water, and the other two were for food. Dogon’s bowl was labeled as Dogon, and next to it was a bowl labeled ‘BITCH.’

Pixie knew it was hers. The men left her to explore, saying Dogon would come back soon after his health check-up and that she shouldn’t worry about her body hair, as it is permanently removed through laser treatment. She was walking upright, looking around the house and surroundings, knowing this would be the last time she’d stand in this house.

After some time, Dogon entered his house. Pixie suddenly got alerted, dropped to her knees, and started to say the introductory pledge she was made to remember. “Greetings master, my name is Pixie, and I have gotten the honor of serving you as your bitch. I have b cup breasts and a 38-inch waist with a thick ass which I pray lives up to your satisfaction. I solely exist to be fucked by you, so please enjoy this bitch as your offering.”

Pixie thought talking to a dog would be weird, but to her surprise, she felt as if Dogon understood what she was saying and accepted as he walked towards her and started to lick her breasts. Still, in fear of the dog, she was frozen on what to do next. After licking her face, he went behind and pushed her with his head. Pixie went on all fours as Dogon started to smell her ass and started to lick her vagina and asshole. It felt ticklish, but Pixie had to keep it together as he mounted her and eventually started to fuck her.

She struggled a bit to hold the weight of Dogon on her hands, and after one orgasm, her strength gave up, and her face fell to the ground. Her attempts to lift herself back were futile with her small arms, so she accepted her position as Dogon continued to thrust his dick into her. A cushion covered the ground so she didn’t have a hard time. Once he knotted Pixie and went ass to ass with her, Dogon just casually started to walk towards the water bowl to quench his thirst dragging Pixie as if she was nothing. This feeling of being used as meat made her orgasm like crazy once all his semen was dumped in his cum bucket. He liked her vagina.

Pixie remembering her training, started to thank him for fucking her, which was interrupted in the middle as Dogon started to piss on her head and went away to sleep in his bed.

Exhausted, Pixie fell like a pack of cards there itself in a puddle of his piss at her head and his semen leaking from her behind. Her face lying in his piss made Pixie curious about the taste of piss, so she slowly licked the floor with her tongue. It was pungent and was warmer than that of humans but tasted the same. After a few minutes, she gathered the strength and got up, the piss stain was almost gone, but the semen was still lying on the floor. Seeing that spoiling the fabric of the cushion, Pixie casually licked it off of the floor. She also drank water from the bowl and went to Dogon and slept cuddling with him.

They both woke up at the bell for dinner as their bowls were loaded with food from outside of the house. Both had food, although Dogon finished quicker. Pixie struggled a bit to eat without her hands and got food all over her face. As she was washing it off she was summoned to come outside of the house. She went outside and knelt in front of the men, looking at their boots. She was ordered to kiss the boot, so she did. Later, two earrings were punched in her ears. The earrings were big circles with ‘Cum Bucket’ written in between

“The audience watching you lick the cum on the floor on your own felt extremely happy, so they gifted these to you.”

She was informed one bowl was being placed inside the house to collect cum dumped by the master in her, and she had to lap it up .so, she didn’t have the luxury to pass out after sex from now on. She was informed that she did exceptionally well on her first day, impressing everyone and learning tricks without being taught.

“Go and attend your master. He must be eager for a fuck, slave.”

She went inside and saw a bowl placed at the opposite end of the house from food bowls, labeled as ‘CUM TREAT.’

Dogon was still lying on his bed. It was her responsibility to get him in the mood to fuck her. Pixie went to her master and started to caress his ball sack and rub his shaft. She got confidence that she’d get him in the mood as Dogon lifted his leg as if giving her permission to masturbate him. His pink dick started to emerge slightly. To her surprise it was as big as humans. She started to suck on his dick, and eventually, Dogon got up to fuck his bitch.

Weeks passed by when Pixie had improvised her thanks by saying, “Thank you for giving this meat a reason by fucking, master.”

In time, Pixie started to get attracted to the muscles on Dogon as if they were the same species. Soon she was made to wear a butt plug with red crystal on the end. The size of the plug was gradually increased over three weeks. Once the plug size matched the dick size of Dogon, it was arranged for Dogon to take his bitch anally in the next public fuck session. Pixie was excessively lubed up and was prepared to take her master in her asshole.

Once the command: ‘Mount anal’ was given to Dogon, he started to aim for her asshole and penetrated her anally. It felt as if Dogon felt it was sweet to fuck Pixie’s ass instead of her pussy. From that point onward, Pixie had to clean her asshole every day with an enema after she shits and be prepared to take her master in her lovely asshole whenever he wishes.

After one year, Tory, who had joined Golden Flavor company by selling his wife, attended a sex show. In the final act, it was Dogon and Pixie. To his surprise, he saw his wife Stephanie, now known as Pixie, getting fucked by this huge Great Dane. Her hands were a bit bigger than before. From skinny hands, she now had round hands that looked full. She did put on weight, but due to constant cardio, her body was in good shape. Tattoos of different company logos covered her left arm sleeve. It seemed like the people that sponsored her life. Her body was treated like that of a race car with stickers. With her blonde hair tightly tied into a bun, it looked like she was enjoying getting fucked by a big dog.

Pixie saw her previous husband in the crowd, watching her get owned by her master. She thought back to the time when he completely neglected her and caused her downfall. But instead of feeling resentful toward him, she was thankful since she had met her current master indirectly thanks to him. Dogon would growl at caretakers if they tried to separate the lovers for some check-ups. That made Pixie feel secure under him, a feeling she never felt with Tory.

She didn’t want to be anyone’s honey or some people’s snow bunny. She just wanted to be a bitch to her master. Pixie just didn’t pay much attention to her ex as she went into the euphoria of orgasm as her master fucked her asshole ruthlessly in front of the crowd.


The End.



*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to, but we claim no copyright over it. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

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