Red Gets Boar-ed Out

By Wild Man.

This is a story I wrote many years ago and one of my very first ones. It is actually in accordance with my life’s discoveries of such things, the first encounter of it all.

While this happened in my younger years, It was certainly an occurrence when the following subjects were adults.

Red, as we called her, was just that fiery redheaded as could be with that red-haired girl freckled look of pure Country Girl! And it was just that as well.

Their ranch adjoined ours, so being way out in the sticks per se, Red and I were good friends throughout high school and certainly after graduating just that year prior.

Well, I’d gone off and started my career in the oilfield and had just returned after a stint of forty-five days on and getting much-needed seven days off.

So, upon returning to the ranch and spending a few days fishing and just relaxing and enjoying some good outdoor fun, I got a call from ‘Red’ telling me she was very happy I was back and wanted to stop by and have a beer or two with me… (drinking age was 18 then)

Well, I grabbed a six-pack and told Mom and Dad I was off to visit Red a bit and would return later.

I hopped into my old pickup, drove to their ranch house, and found her parents gone.

After knocking on the door several times and getting no response, I figured she was probably in the barn since she and her family, like ours, raised chicken, beef, and pork and the in-season garden every year as well…

As I meandered about looking for her in the barn and around it. Suddenly, I heard sounds of what I had no idea at all.

So following the sounds, I could tell it was sure as hell ‘Red’s’ voice and some strange grunt sound.

Well, it hit me that what I was hearing was ‘Reds loud pleas,’ and the other was no such doubt that of a hog!

Figuring she’d gotten in the pen somehow and was getting attacked by it, I ran as fast as I could then and was confronted with a site I’ll never forget!

Because they weren’t in the damn pen at all!! But she was laying on a riding blanket thrown over a big hay bail, and their huge boar was plowing it to her from hell and back!

I was so traumatized by it first of all, and secondly, this ‘sudden’ feeling came over me that I damn well loved what I was seeing!

And as instincts took over, I rushed to them and tried to get him off her!

Well, that certainly didn’t work and only made him plow it to her even harder!! As she was now in a full pledged womanly orgasm from hell.

I could see his dick screwing itself into her as much as it could and then saw her shake all over, seemingly trying almost to get sick.

Then her face turned red as hell, and she screamed out as I saw the huge boar tremble all over. His huge balls began to jerk, and she was lying under him, taking everything he wanted to give her and more.

And her cries of “Oh, oh, oh,” were in perfect timing to his balls jerking about as I realized he was cumming inside her!

She had thrown her head to my side of view, and her eyes were filled with being in some far-off land, and that passionate glaze of please showed from hell in them!

With her mouth wide open and her cries of continual, “Oh, oh, oh,” still coming from her as he was now just laying on top of her and just short jabbing his boar cock at her.

I could see that whatever he did inside her pussy made her belly swell out!

As she lay there in this out-of-this-world fashion, her body shuddering and shivering all over!

Her belly becoming ever increasingly swollen out, and her cries changed from, “Oh, oh, oh,” to now saying, “No more. Oh, no more. No, please,” as she then seemed to pass out from it all absolutely all but seemingly her body limp and weak and shuddering all over as the huge boar was filling her with cum no man could ever match!

I wanted to run away and get out of there, But my feet would not move!

As if frozen in my tracks and made to watch this bestial spectacle, I knew Red didn’t want me to see at all!

And from the looks of her belly, she was damn sure bloated from him cumming in her. What must have felt like her insides would explode from the enormity of his cum.

She was now limply moaning, “Uhhhhnnnn… Uhnnnnn…” in a ‘far too gone to care’ language!

The boar hog was now grunting wildly, and his tongue hung out like he was in some wild, unbelievably pleasurable state.

Well, I finally beat it to hell out of there and never mentioned a single word to “Red” about that incident, Though that evening when she finally did make it over, even with her wearing a big t-shirt, there was absolutely no doubt that her belly was still swollen out from hell.

And now, knowing all of a woman and boar together, I realize it was because of the anatomy of things. As this goes that a boar hog cums, and then it seals itself inside a woman’s womb!

Poor Red was distraught and often groaned over as we talked and drank on the front porch swing.

So someday, I hope to run into her again and, at long last, tell her about what I had seen that fateful day. In some ways, I wish I had not even gone over!

Yet, in other ways, I’m damn glad I did.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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