The Dog Witch

Sheela B. A nasty hiss comes from Monica as the power of Cerberus transfers into Cindy’s pussy. The tingling is merely as the cocking of a gun, however, once the trigger is pulled the explosion of lust inside her body makes her orgasm instantly. A strong throbbing orgasm, an indication of what’s to come. Cindy finds herself dropping her trousers, panties and all, in Fred’s backyard as several dogs push noses against her to smell the heat coming from her

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A Change Of Fortune

Tabasa Part 1 It’s amazing how one mundane walk home, could irrevocably change my life. Six months ago I lived a normal life and a good one at that! I had just been promoted at my office, I had a nice big apartment and was living with my boyfriend. I was expecting him to propose to me as soon as I settled into my new position at work too! I had everything in order and life was panning out precisely

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