A Change Of Fortune


Part 1

It’s amazing how one mundane walk home, could irrevocably change my life.

Six months ago I lived a normal life and a good one at that! I had just been promoted at my office, I had a nice big apartment and was living with my boyfriend. I was expecting him to propose to me as soon as I settled into my new position at work too! I had everything in order and life was panning out precisely as I had planned it to.

During that first week, though, I was really bogged down with all of my new paperwork and ended up staying past dark in my office every night. Luckily I didn’t have a long commute home and generally relished in the opportunity to walk a bit after sitting all day long behind my desk. By the time Thursday came around I was exhausted with sitting and took it nice and slow through the park. I normally took this path home and knew it really well, but something was different that night.

Instead of the normal groups of people travelling thought or walking their dogs I didn’t see anyone at all and by the time I made it halfway down the dimly lit path I was starting to get a bit nervous and I swore I could see something moving in the shadows. As I approached my final straight away, I came to a long narrow bridge that went over the duck pond.

Suddenly I saw something big, huge even, emerge from two bushes at the far end of the bridge. It was some sort of dog, bigger than any I had ever seen. I froze, not wanting to agitate this massive animal and tried to see if it had some sort of collar or distinguishing features. I couldn’t make out any colours on it at all as it stood panting in the middle of the walkway. It appeared as though it was made of shadows which were dripping thickly from its body as if it had just climbed out of an oil bath and the errant fluid that should have pooled beneath it seemed to sizzle and evaporate on the pathway as it just stood there.

It turned its head and looked directly at me with burning purple eyes and started growling. Cautiously I took a step back, which only seemed to antagonize the beast and it took off in a sprint right for me. I spun on my heels, which broke one of them as I stumbled to try to escape, but as soon as I had my back turned it slammed into me sending me forward. I let out a horrible scream and came crashing down onto the pavement and bashing my head against the railing creating spots in my vision. Everything seemed to spin as I could feel both of its massive paws on my lower back, fire seemed to pour into my veins and spread through my body from those two spots. I let out another weaker cry as my mind spiralled into darkness.


I woke up to the feeling of a hand on my shoulder and a flashlight in my eyes eliciting a soft groan from me. “Are you ok?” Came a concerned voice.

My eyes fluttered open to see a bicycle cop kneeling next to me before sitting up with a start looking around for the beast that attacked me.

“You shouldn’t move, you’re pretty roughed up. What happened?” He asked with a bit more urgency.

“A huge dog… Attacked me,” I said through my dried throat. “I tried to run, but my shoe broke and it pinned me down!” I gasped for air as I continued to look around for the shadowy beast. “Was I bitten?”

“Nowhere I can see, but you have a cut on your forehead and your hands and knees are scratched up pretty bad… I’m going to call you an ambulance,” the Cop said.

“Wait, I’m fine… Really,” I said as I tried to stand, but the Cop stopped me.

“You might have a concussion so please wait until the paramedics show up” he said. He stood and radioed in my situation and requested an ambulance for me. “Stay here,” he said, which sent a shiver up my spine and I sat as still as I could. I hated this, and really didn’t want to spend my night in the hospital, but I couldn’t bring myself to move or argue my case.

Fortunately I just had a minor concussion and after being treated for my scrapes on my hands and knees and had the cut on my forehead butterflied shut, I was discharged. My boyfriend, Jason came to pick me up and was given explicit instructions to not let me sleep till morning and if I had any odd behaviour like repeating myself he was to bring me back to the hospital right away.

“So how are we gonna keep you up tonight?” Jay said as we walked to his car, my nylons the only things between the pavement and my feet while I carried my broken heels.

“I don’t know… Maybe we can watch a movie or something?”

“You fall asleep during movies when you aren’t exhausted,” he said laughing as he unlocked the doors and we climbed in.

As soon as I sat down I became acutely aware of the heat that was pooling in my sex and I let out a soft gasp. “I think I have an idea,” I said softly into my cheeks turning a rosy pink as I gave Jay ‘the look’.

He leaned over and gave me a deep, passionate kiss, he started the car. “Let’s get you home then!”


As I climbed out of the shower, I glanced into the mirror looking myself up and down, at 27 I was still in excellent shape, pert c cups resting atop my chest, a smooth tummy and nicely trimmed pubes gave way to my tight pink pussy lips. Tonight was different though, my pussy was drenched and a bit swollen with need, it was taking a lot of willpower to wait till I got into bed with Jay to not just finger myself to a mind shattering orgasm right here in the bathroom. I towelled myself dry, gingerly patting my pussy which was drenched with more than just water.

As soon as I entered the bedroom Jay was all over me, pulling me close to his lean muscled form. He slowly kissed his way down my body worshipping every inch he covered with his lips and tongue. By the time he got between my thighs I was trembling with need and my cunt was drooling down my inner thighs. He continued to tease me holding me up by my hips as he kissed and licked all around my needy sex never delving between my honey slicked lips.

I started to whimper as the heat in my sex continued to build into irresistible burning flames that I squirmed and panted softly to try and get Jay to quench, but he continued to deny me. He seemed to be enjoying my desperation and soon I was left begging him for more.

“Goddamit,” I said desperately, trying to get Jay to delve into me properly. “Please! I need it so bad that I can’t stand it!”

I was nearly on the verge of tears when he finally gave in and tossed me onto the bed and ran his tongue through my dripping pussy lips. He crawled up over me positioning his throbbing hard shaft at my pussy and sunk half of his length into me causing me to cry out in lust.

“Fuck babe, you’re so hot,” Jay moaned, as he pulled back and bit before he sunk the rest of his length into my trembling wet pussy.
As soon as he bottomed out inside me, my hips began to shake against his. Grinding my swollen clit onto his pubes, until I screamed in lust and came. My pussy clenches around his shaft rhythmically as I shuddered against him. He leaned down and suckled my neck as I came on his cock harder than I ever had, and he had barely even fucked me yet.

As I came down a bit from my first orgasm of the night Jay looked down at me, smiled, and asked, “Ready for more?”

He had a mischievous smile and without waiting for my response slowly slid his now drenched cock back and pushed it back firmly, building a rhythm like that, slowly withdrawing and then slamming back into me. All I could do was moan in ecstasy as he sped up his thrusts my arms and legs coiling around his body as my second orgasm started to build rapidly.

Without warning, he slipped out of me, causing me whimper again in frustration as he leaned down and wrapped his warm wet lips around my swollen clit. He began sucking on my hard clit as his tongue swirled around it until I arched my back and came for the second time that night, drenching his face with my sweet heady juices.

My legs hadn’t even finished shaking when he flipped me over and pulled my ass into the air before driving his shaft balls deep into me again and holding it. His fingers traced over my lower back gently as he rocked slowly in and out of my sex.

He suddenly asked, “Have you always had these tattoos?”

His voice seemed far off into the distance. I panted softly as I started to push back onto his cock, riding his cock as I shook my head “I… mmmh… I don’t have any tattoos.”

He pushed into me harder ushering another moan from my throat. “Then these aren’t paw prints on your back then?”

He pushes down into the twin tattoos above my ass. As he pushed down a chill ran down my spine causing me to clench around Jays stiff cock. The spots he was pushing on where the same ones that the dog that attacked me was standing on.

Jason, however, misunderstood my gesture for ‘Fuck me hard’ instead of ‘Wait, what the fuck’. So he quickly grabbed my hips and fucked me hard and fast. My lust addled mind quickly let go of my apparent new ink and just enjoyed the wonderful sensations his cock was giving me. He reached up my body and began to tug and massage perky nipples.

He started to slow down a bit as his cock begin to twitch more frequently and I could tell he was holding back. He slowed his pace and began edging me in the worst way and reaching up, I grabbed both of his wrists and began to ride back against him as hard and fast as I could.

“Shit! Babe! Slow down! I’m gonna cum!”

His protests fell on deaf ears, however, as I just impaled myself harder on his cock. His control over the situation had degraded entirely as he groaned loudly and I could feel his cum splashing into me as I continued to ride his shaft. He was moaning weakly as I held him tightly and fucked him until I came one last time my cum filled sex doing its best to milk anything else it could from my lovers cock as I finally collapsed onto the bed.


I woke at around three the next afternoon, our lovemaking session had lasted until the sun came up and I promptly passed out from exhaustion. I rolled around a bit in our bed for about a half an hour before the need to pee was too much to resist and I kicked my blankets off and rolled out of bed. Plodding slowly to the bathroom, I stretched and yawned as I could feel a bit of the sticky remains of Jason’s and my marathon lovemaking session roll down my inner thigh as I entered the bathroom. I plopped myself down onto the seat and let go, sighing happily as I voided my overfilled bladder listening to the sound of water on water.

As I finished I gathered some toilet paper and went to pat myself dry. I immediately noticed something wrong my normally tight lips were bigger than they normally were. After drying off I poked around down there without looking, squirming a bit as I toyed with my strangely puffed out sex gasping at the changes that had taken place. Grabbing my makeup mirror from the edge of the sink, I hesitantly slid forward on the toilet seat and closed my eyes tight as I spread my thighs, aiming the mirror at my sex.

Swallowing nervously, I opened my eyes to find that the cute, pink, tight-lipped pussy I had grown to love was gone, replaced by the dusty-rose-coloured folds of a dogs pussy. All I could do was stare for what seemed like forever at the grotesque spade that had replaced my sex overnight. I scooted back onto the toilet set properly and set the mirror back onto the sink and stared off into space.

I screamed.

Running out of the bathroom, I tripped over my rug and fell over the back of the couch squealing as I tumbled end over end and getting lodged upside down between the couch and the love seat, ass up in the air and my knees on either side of my head. Jay hears my scream and all the crashing came rushing out of his home office.

“Janine?” He shouted, running over to me reaching down to help me and freezing in place staring right between my thighs. “What the fuck is wrong with your pussy?”

I started crying as I tried to right myself squirming between the two pieces of furniture. “I don’t know! Please help me!”

I looked up at him helpless but he just backed away. “Ah… Did you get some sort of disease? Were you cheating on me?”

He looked at me with ice in his eyes. “No… I would never do that! Please just help me,” I begged.

More tears were streaming down my face as I kicked at the air to try to turn enough to get unstuck. “I should’ve known something was up when I saw those tattoos. All those late nights too!”

“That’s not how it is,” I cried out, as I finally got myself unstuck.

Shimmying onto my hands and knees, I crawled away from him as he stared at my ass with disgust. “Then how do you explain that? Your pussy looks just like… Like a dog!”

He didn’t wait for my answer and walked out of the living room into our bedroom. I could hear shuffling and drawers opening as I finally got back onto my feet. I ran to the bedroom to find him packing clothes into a suitcase. “Baby please listen to me! I don’t know what’s happening to me! You have to believe me,” I begged. He ignored me and continued to pack. I started to cry. “Please don’t leave me,” I sobbed.

I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, which he shrugged off and without looking at me walked out of the room. At the front door he turned, his face pale and tight. His eyes were watery, holding back his own tears. He said in a cold voice, “Sorry, but I don’t believe you. I’m going to get tested for STD’s and stay with my brother for a while… Don’t call me.”

“Please don’t… Please…” I couldn’t do anything but cry as he slammed the apartment door shut, leaving me naked and alone.


“Hello?” I said, sniffling a bit trying to choke back my sorrow.

“Janine? It’s Robert, I need you to come in and sign some paperwork so we can finalize your promotion.”

“Can’t it wait? Didn’t you get my message about having a concussion?” I sighed heavily.

“I did, but for your raise to reflect on our next paycheck it needs to be done by tonight, and I figured you would like that.”

I thought for a second. He was right. As much as I would have liked to stay in all weekend wallowing in self-pity, nothing would come of it. If Jason was right and I did have some sort of disease I should probably get myself tested.

“Alright, I’ll be by in about thirty-minutes.”

“Good, see you then, Janine,” the call ended.

I grabbed some tissues blowing my nose and patting my eyes dry. I looked like hell, my curly brown hair was all frizzy, and my eyes were red and puffy from crying. Worse than that though was putting on clothes. My puffy new pussy rubbed the seam of my pants in a frustrating way, which caused an increase in the hot tingly sensation that I was now getting used to. I decided to skip the pants and go with a short summer skirt since it was a nice enough day out for it. I tossed on a bra and a simple button down blouse, grabbed more tissues stuffed them into my purse and headed out the door.

Unlike last night the park was full today, people just getting out of work and walking home, kids playing and people walking their dogs. One unleashed dog ran right up to me and started sniffing up my legs before sticking his nose right into my crotch. With a squeal I pushed him away, but he wouldn’t be so easily deterred. He started jumping up and trying to grab onto me with his front legs as I kept backing away.

“Someone get this crazy thing off of me!” I shouted as a man with a leash ran up to me.

“Sorry! So… So sorry. He’s usually really well behaved,” he said as he clipped the leash onto the dog and started dragging him away.

“It’s ok! Just keep him on his leash,” I said, looking down at the dog who was still trying to get to me.

I could see his cock poking out a bit and I could feel a little rush go down to my sex which I quickly shook off feeling disgusted with myself. It wasn’t the only dog to take notice of me either, and in the ten minute trek across the park other dogs tried the same thing. Luckily I didn’t have to deal with any further situations like my first encounter, but after the third time I realized they must be smelling my sex. Great, I thought to myself, just what I needed. To smell sexy to dogs. On the plus side my newfound paranoia of dogs was really taking my mind off Jason’s accusations and his abandoning me.

Once I arrived the office and signed the forms for my pay rise, I decided to hang around a bit to keep my mind off of Jason. I spent time idling in my office sorting out a bit of excess paperwork so I could get through it easier on Monday. Two more days to rest and figure this all out, I thought. I mean, at least there’s nothing visibly wrong with me when I have my clothes on I started to mull my situation over the more. Even if I’m stuck like this, at least I can live a normal life. Too bad, as soon as try to get intimate with a man he will run for the hills, I thought as another bout of crying took hold of me.

I didn’t want anyone to see me like this so I decided to head back home patting my eyes dry and locking my office for the weekend. I wouldn’t be so lucky, though, because as soon as I turned around one of my co-workers was standing right there causing me to jump in shock. “God! Melanie you scared me,” I said, wiping the tears from my eyes with my fingers as I avoided eye contact.

“Janine you look awful, is everything OK?” Melanie asked, craning her head around to glance at my red puffed face.

Honestly, I was a bit taken aback by her genuine concern since we usually butt heads over every little thing. Her concern elicited another sob from my throat and I just started to blurt out why I was so upset. “I got attacked by a huge dog last night, had to go to the hospital and my boyfriend left me today!”

Melanie reached up and rubbed my shoulder in empathy, her fingers brushing the side of my neck. “I’m sorry to hear that. Try to think of the positives, though, at least you got the office you were after and you have a promising new career ahead of you.”
She cupped my neck with her palm and I could feel the cold metal of one of her rings on my warm skin which caused a shudder to go down my spine. New career, I wondered, I have been here longer than you, bitch. I brushed her arm off me, and said, “Thanks, I think I’m going to head home now. I’m exhausted.”

“You do that, I’ll see you soon,” Melanie said in an oddly cheery tone.

Reaching up and touching the cold spot on my neck where Melanie’s ring brushed over sent another shudder down my spine.

As I made a my way home through the park the sun low in the sky now, I started to feel warm all over except for the spot where Melanie’s ring touched. I decided to stop at a park bench and sit for a moment. As soon as I sat down I became acutely aware of the puffed out spade between my thighs and it started to tingle with the same heat that enveloped the rest of my body. I gasped softly and mashed my thighs together, which slid my stiffening clit between my thick lips in a most pleasurable way. The heat continued to grow as I flexed my thighs until my pussy felt as though got it was aflame.

“God… What the hell is happening to me now? Mmh,” I whispered aloud as I started panting softly.

I watched the people walking by as I rhythmically squeezed my thighs together as the heat inside me grew. My panties started to soak through as I sat there massaging myself with my thighs. Something inside me was trying to get out, but I kept pushing the feeling down as I sat there. I closed my eyes and tried to focus, but he tingling heat inside my cunt was too much to ignore.

As much as my body needed it and I wanted to I wouldn’t be able to pleasure myself in public properly, but just as I went to stand, a woman on her cell phone with a boxer sat down right beside me. It immediately took an interest in me sniffing up my legs and then under the bench where I was sitting. I gasped as I could feel its hot breath flow over the damp fabric of my panties and I tried to scoot away but the dog kept trying to lick at me through the metal grate.

Eventually I slid over a slightly more open spot and I could feel his tongue make purchases against my panties which caused me to bite my lip to hold back a moan as the dog started licking at me frantically. His nubby little tail wagging wildly at his back-end stuck out from under the bench. I leaned forward a Little and rested my elbows on my knees as my breath heaved my chest. All the added stimulation was only making the tingly heat inside worse and I wished someone would fuck me.

As I glanced under the dog I could see that half of his red cock was jutting out from his sheath and I caught myself fantasizing about it for a second before I realized what I was thinking about and stood up as a fast as I could. I righted my skirt and began to walk away as the boxer’s owner continued to chatter away paying me and her dog no mind even as it tugged on his leash to try to follow me.

With every step I took I could feel my now drenched panties rub my sex which only served to increase my desire for a hard cock further and further. Like the trip to work I was met with more dogs trying their damnedest to get close to me. Thoughts that I would have suppressed not even twenty minutes ago were starting to take hold as I imagined being tackled to the ground by one of the dogs that was walking by and getting brutally fucked until I was filled with the animals hot cum.

I was on the verge of giving into my burning lust when I finally reached my apartment building and with a shaking hand tried my best to unlock the door. I was going to fuck myself into a coma with the biggest vibrator I owned as soon as I reached my bed. But as soon as I closed the door behind me, I was slammed into from the side and in a blur of brown I was pinned to my floor by a large chocolate lab before I could even scream.

“Welcome back!” A deep, but a cheery voice said as I stared up at the dog filled with panic. I glanced toward the voice to see a tall middle-aged man I had never met before. “How’s my new bitch doing?”


“God damn, you are as pretty as I was told you were. If I were into bitches I would have you myself. But I don’t fuck dogs,” the man said with a chuckle. His eyes looked me up and down, scrutinizing my every curve has my chest heaved beneath the paws of his dog. “Hmm… Ha,” he laughed. “God damn, I guess you really are in heat! Nothing gets my associate riled up like a ready to breed bitch.”

He laughed some more as I looked down to see his dog’s cock jutting out and dribbling all over my skirt. This managed to break through my panic and send another twitch of lust straight between my thighs causing me to squeeze them together.

“Now, now… Don’t be shy! Rocky here is going to be your new boyfriend,” the man leered over me, causing me look away in discomfort. “Anyhow, I’ve never seen a human bitch before, so I’m curious what you look like between those pretty legs of yours.”

I started to try to squirm away, but Rocky growled menacingly at me giving me a clear view of his sharp teeth and I settled back down. “Why are you doing this?” I asked, looking at the man with new tears forming in my eyes.

“Well, I’m mostly doing it as a favour.” He walked around and spread my legs apart with his feet and nodded admiringly at what he saw. He looked at me in the eyes and said, “You see, I owed the one responsible for your new little canine spade for making me a small fortune in videos featuring Rocky.”


He ignored me. “Anyhow, they have a serious problem with you apparently and figured after you were granted your new anatomy, you’d need a good stud to fill your belly with puppies.”

I blushed again and felt my pussy contract as I thought about being knocked up. Using his feet to keep my legs spread he squatted down and pulled a knife from his pocket. “Now, don’t move, I don’t wanna hurt you, just need to get you out of those pesky little panties of yours.”

I winced visibly as I felt the dull Side of the cold knife slide under the waistband of my panties before lifting away and slicing it free of my body. His rough hands, then took the still attached side and slid it down my leg strings of my excitement clinging to the fabrics as it slid away. “Rocky, heel!” In a flash the Lab was off my chest and sitting beside him panting happily. The dogs cock still jutting out between his legs and dribbling clear precum all over my hardwood floor. I spun myself around and claimed to my hands and feet before the man barked another order.

“Janine! Stay!” And with that I was compelled to stay exactly as I was, facing away from the man and his dog bare and dripping for them to see. “Good girl,” he said again and a feeling of joy washed over me and I shuddered in pleasure. “Now ain’t that a sight. A human with a dog’s cunt.” I closed my eyes as he stared at my exposed sex. “You like what you see, don’t you, Rock?”
As if he understood, the dog barked in response, its tail wagging furiously.

“Damn you must be aching to be bred… Your little hole is dripping down your thighs.” He said, reaching forward and I could feel his rough fingers brush over my swollen sex and I couldn’t help but moan out. “My, my! It’s amazing you made it through the park like this! I bet you wanted to get down on your hands and knees and take every dog you saw.”

“That’s not true,” I said.

He took his forefinger and slid it into my Y-shaped sex with a single stroke up to his knuckle. I moaned out dropping my head down as I clenched on his digit.

“I don’t care for liars, girl… You’re so hot and wet I bet it took you every ounce of your humanity to deny presenting this pretty little ass to anything with a cock. But don’t you worry, Rocky knows how to treat his bitches right!” He turned to his dog patting him on the head. “Go for it, buddy!”

Before he even finished giving the OK, Rocky’s cold nose was pressed firmly against my hot, tingly sex and his tongue was lapping my honeyed hole causing me to moan and gasp loudly. “Janine, free,” he said softly. Suddenly I could move again, but all I could do was buck back against Rocky’s muzzle, trying to get more of that wonderful tongue against or inside of me.

Sadly, his lapping lasted less than a minute and he pulled away leaving me shuddering in need. Just as I was about to start whining I could feel him on my back, his forepaws gripping me tightly at my waist as he started humping at me. I could feel his precum splattering my ass cheeks as I panted in need. He missed a few times jabbing me with his turgid cock before he found his mark.

I screamed out in pleasure as he suddenly was in me deeper than I thought he would be and he began to buck against me like no human could. My whole body bounced under his pounding thrusts and I could feel his cock growing larger inside of me. The burning tingling feeling from earlier started to abate as this animal’s hot shaft worked me hard and fast. I lowered my chest to the floor and kept my ass airborne so Rocky could keep doing his thing.

Soon, however, the ever growing shaft started to get a bit too big, stretching me as I whimpered and moaned like a slut. Eventually it got too big to slide out of me and was lodged deep in my pussy, stretching me and reaching deeper than any lover or toy I have ever had. But Rocky just kept on working my pussy with short stabbing thrusts. The bulge that kept him locked deep inside me was rubbing frantically against my G-spot. Unable to hold back any longer, I screamed out in pleasure and came harder than I ever had. My pussy clenching firmly around Rocky’s cock ensuring his oversized endowment wouldn’t slide free of my cunt as his searing hot seed poured deep into me, slowing his pace to a stop and panting loudly as he stood over his conquest.

“Good boy, Rocky! Good girl, Janine,” the man said with a smile that caused me to shudder and grip Rocky’s cock more firmly.

“Don’t you feel better after being bred like a proper bitch?”

His tone felt soothing and he gently tousled my hair as I looked up at him with a bit of a grimace. I really did feel better now that I had been fucked properly after dealing with all afternoon in torture. Rocky released my back and quickly spun himself around so we were ass to ass, his hot cock putting the fire in my pussy out. He began to lay down and I lowered my ass with him and closed my eyes as Rocky’s cock continued to twitch and spurt inside me. We lay there for what seemed forever until he shrunk enough to slide out of me with a pop and a gush of his hot seed.

The man sat quietly watching the whole thing, a boner tenting his pants. After Rocky’s cock slid out of my pussy, he asked, “Can you get up, girl?”

I just closed my eyes and shook my head ‘no’, I felt totally exhausted. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was the sensation of being picked up and carried to my bed.


I woke up to a renewed sensation of prickly heat in my pussy. I rolled around a bit whimpering until if gave into my building lust and slid both hands down my body to toy with my puffed out dog lips. I huffed as I fingered myself slowly remembering the feel of Rocky’s smooth, thick shaft and the sensation of getting knotted and let out a soft moan as I tweaked my swollen clit.

As I woke more a sudden feeling of guilt washed over me as I reflected on the fact that I just gave in to Rocky’s desires. I had a chance to get away, I thought bitterly. I could have escaped, but I just let it happen. I forced my hands away from my needy pussy and began to sob burying my face into a pillow. I could hear the footsteps enter my room as I lay there and I clamped my legs together to hide my lusty pussy.

I hear a sigh, and the man from last night said, “I can’t imagine what this must be like for you. New instincts clashing with your human reason. Must all be a real mind fuck?”

His deep voice resonated off the walls of my once shared bedroom making me tingle all over. “I had a normal life less than two days ago! Now I’m a freak whose body is out of control. My boyfriend left me, and I let myself get fucked by a dog. What’s worse is I liked it. I should be trying to escape from you even now, but a part of me is screaming to let your dog fill me again,” I said, filled with shame.

“That’s good, makes my job easier. Don’t really care for forcing Rocky onto bitches because they might hurt themselves. I’m just repaying a debt. I don’t care for all this myself. But for now I’m gonna need you to put a new pair of panties on and come with me.”

I lay still in protest, wallowing in my despair.

“Don’t make me force you, bad for karma, and all that,” he said with a sigh but still I refused to move. “Damnitall. Janine – Up.”
His order echoed through my mind and I sat up on my hands and knees. I turned and shot the man a wicked look with more tears rolling down my cheeks. “Just be a good girl and put on some panties so we can leave.”

“Stop ordering me like a dog! I’m a human!” I shouted at him.

“Janine – Quiet,” he said in the same commanding tone. His face twisting with guilt as I was compelled to stop speaking. “You have the body of a human, yes, but you have the instinct of a bitch and from what I was told you need to be bred like one. After what I saw earlier, I have to agree with that. It’ll be miserable for you if you keep fighting it and you’ll eventually break down and do something dangerous.” He took a long, deep breath, looking at the floor for a minute. “Now… Will you be a good girl and put clothes on like a human, or do I have to do it for you?”

I shook my head ‘no’ and he smiled. “Good girl.”
That same pleasurable rush went straight to my sex, reminding me of the ever present lust that was there.
“Go ahead,” he said, and walked out of the room leaving me mobile again.

I climbed off the bed, stretching out a bit when suddenly I felt a rush of liquid spill from pussy and roll down my inner thighs until it splattered onto my rug. Another pleasant rush went straight to my sex when I realized it was Rocky’s seed that was spilling out. God help me, I want to be taken by Rocky again, I thought to myself. I stripped down using my dirty clothes to mop up the mess on my pussy and my inner thighs.

Fishing fresh clothes from the dresser, I put on a skirt that went down to my mid-thigh, cotton panties, a simple nude bra and a low cut t-shirt before I stepped out of my room to see the man leaning against my kitchenette counter. I looked around for a moment and didn’t see the dog. “Where’s Rocky?” I asked softly, avoiding eye contact with this man who had absolute control over me.

“He’s in the truck already. I didn’t need you two going for a second round when we have places to be,” the man said with a smile and a grin which caused me to blush.

I walked over to grab my purse and as I did, the man said, “Drop it.”
I let it go looking at him with worry. “Where we’re going you aren’t going to need it. And it’s best that it stays here so it don’t get lost.” He picked my purse up and placed it on the kitchenette counter. “Alright, we don’t want to be late, so let’s get going.”
He opened the door for me and I stood there hesitantly. When I didn’t move he just gave me a stern look as if to say ‘you can go on your own or I can make you go’ and deciding it would be less humiliating to go on my own I stepped out my door followed by him as he locked my apartment shut behind me.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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