My First Time with a Dog (Gay Zoo)

By crazycatfree

I’m a white thirty-five year old male crossdresser, and I have several wigs and many outfits. You can find very good video tutorials online on doing makeup. I’m five feet eight inches tall, and weigh one-hundred and thirty pounds. I’m almost completely passable dressed as a woman. On a scale of one through ten, I’d say that I’m an eight on looks. However, I don’t go out in public dressed as a female, only around friends.

I’m a swinger and have several friends in the lifestyle. I always dress as a female at our get-together, and I love it. I’ve made some very good friends from the lifestyle. Two of them are a married couple who are in their early sixty’s named Harold and Judy. They don’t participate at our get-together, they just watch as there are others who do too. Harold and Judy are some of the sweetest and friendliest people you could meet. Since I’ve known them, they have always been there for me. They run their own very successful business.

A couple of months ago Harold and Judy loaned me several thousand dollars with a payment plan. And a few weeks ago I started having trouble making the payments. They were cool about it and let me skip a payment date. And on the next payment date I really didn’t have the money. I called them by phone and explained it to them. I was very apologetic. I was feeling very bad about it. They are such good people. They were very sweet. They told me that we could work something out. They let me skip the payment date. Then they called me and said that they wanted to set up a meeting with me and talk about the situation. The Sun was shining brightly when I got to their very nice house. It was a gorgeous spring afternoon. And I was feeling bad. Judy greeted me at the front door.

“Hey,” she said warmly. “How are you? Come in.” She was smiling.

“I’m OK,” I replied. And, “But I feel awful.”

“Honey, don’t worry,” she said. “Harold and I want to discuss something with you that you might like.”

“You have a job for me. Like a hit?” I’m a funny one.

She laughed. “No. Come. Let’s get with Harold. He and I want to make an offer to you.”

I followed her to the house’s den. There was Harold reading a magazine. A large flat screen TV that was mounted on a wall was on.

“Hey, how ya doing?” Harold greeted me.

“Good,” I replied. “Could be better.”

“Ah, come on,” he said. “Judy and I have something for you.”

“Want anything to drink dear?” Judy asked me.

“Water,” I said.

“OK. Be right back.”

Harold looks at me and said, “Pedro likes you.” I looked at Harold, I didn’t say anything. Harold continued, “And he wants you.”

Judy came back into the room with a bottle of water and handed it to me. She smiled at me and said, “He wants to fuck you while you’re crossed dressed.” She sat down beside Harold. “You know Pedro. He’s a little shy.”

Then Harold said, “You know that he’s seen pics and video of you at the parties. He’s talked about wanting to fuck you. He’s very interested in you.”

“Yes, he is,” Judy said. “So, here’s Harold’s and my offer. Get together with Pedro, have sex with him, and it’ll count as a payment for your loan.”

“Pedro doesn’t suck cock,” Harold said, “Nor does he take it up the ass. You could say he’s a Mexican bull.” Harold smiled at me.

“And you could have some fun while paying off the debt,” Judy added.

Pedro is a full-blooded Mexican. He’s about five feet ten inches tall, and weighs about one-hundred and eighty-five pounds. His skin is dark brown in colour with tattoos on his forearms. He’s body type is stocky and muscular. He has a slight gut, curly black hair that he keeps cut short, and his mouth has full lips. I wouldn’t say that he’s good-looking, but he’s handsome in his own way. I met him a few times and he seems to be a cool guy. He’s never been to any of the swinger’s parties that I’ve been too, I’ve only met him in Harold’s and Judy’s place. I remembered he’s got a male half-wolf and half-German Shepard dog named ‘Lobo’, a very handsome animal.

I looked away from Harold and Judy and I smiled. Pedro wants to fuck me, I thought happily. Harold, suddenly said, “Judy and I believe that keeping an employee happy you get a good working employee.”

“Are you OK with it, honey? “ Judy asked me.

I looked at them, smiled, and said, “Sure. I can do this.”

“Good, “Harold said. “Can you do it tonight?”

“Yep, “I answered.

“Can you be back here at 7:00 with your stuff?” He asked.

“Yes,” I answered.


I arrived back at their place five minutes to seven. I parked at the back of their house. There Pedro’s truck. I was excited and a little apprehensive, but overall I was looking forward to this. I got out of my car and went to the back door and knocked. Judy opened the door and welcomed me in. She took me to the kitchen and there was Harold and Pedro sitting next to a counter top each with a bottle of beer. There was Lobo sitting on the floor beside Pedro. I looked at Pedro and our eyes locked. I smiled shyly. He was going to fuck me soon. “Hi,” I said to Pedro.

“Hello,” he replied, smiling.

“Want a beer?” Judy asked me.

“That would be great,” I answered.

Judy got a beer from the fridge and handed it to me. I opened it and drank from it. It tasted good.
“Well. Want to go to a dressing room and get ready?” Judy asked me.

“Yes,” I replied.

I looked at Harold and Pedro as I followed Judy out of the room. I smiled.

“Thank you for doing this,” Harold said to me.

“No,” I replied back to him. “Thank you.”

Pedro was smiling and drank from his beer.

Lobo watched me as I left the room.

Judy took me to her dressing room. It was very nice. Lots of room with lots of lighting.

“Excited?” She asked me.

“My loins are tingling like a mother fuck,” I replied.

Judy chuckled. She helped me do my makeup. She helped me paint my finger and toe nails red. Before coming back over, I removed what body hair I have with a body hair remover that comes in a bottle. And I gave myself an enema as I like to be clean before sex.

It took about thirty minutes and when we were done, I had to admit I looked good.

“Shit, honey,” Judy said. “You look stunning.”

“Thank you,” I said as I looked at myself in the mirror before me. I had a sandy coloured wig on that was made of real human hair. It was styled as straight-haired and slightly shaggy. It was expensive, but worth it. I had lots of dark eye shadow on with my eyes outlined in black. I was wearing fake eyelashes. I wore red lipstick. I was wearing silver earrings and a short necklace of faux pearls. I did look stunning and very hot.

“Honey. You should go out in public like this. No one’s gonna know,” Judy said to me.

I did say anything. I leaned over to her and kissed her on a cheek. “Thank you,” I said to her.

“Honey, you’re very much welcome. Now go out there and make me a very happy employee.”

We both laugh together.

Judy went out to tell them that I was finished and would be coming out. Then she came back to the dressing room.

“They’re in the den. I told Pedro to get undressed,” Judy said. “Ready?”

“Yep,” I said.


I followed Judy into the den. Pedro was naked sitting on a couch and stroking his very big cock. Lobo was laying on the floor in front of him. When Pedro saw me, his eyes lit up. He sat up and said something softly in Spanish.

“Wow!” Harold said. “Damn. Kay, this is the best I’ve ever seen you.”

“Thank you, “I said. “Judy helped a lot.”

“She is passable,” Judy said.

“More than passable, if I didn’t know her I’d be fooled,” Harold said, looking me over while licking his lips.

“Well, Pedro. What do you think?” Harold asked him.

“She’s very lovely. Very. And very sexy looking,” Pedro replied. “Thank you.”

“Thank you, Pedro for being such a good employee,” Judy told him. “OK. She’s all yours.”

Pedro stood up stroking his cock. I went to him. He gently ran his large, strong hands over my body. I took hold of his cock with my left hand and stroked it. It was almost completely hard. It was at least seven inches long with dark brown and nested in thick black pubic hair. And it was so thick I couldn’t get my hand around it. And it had a foreskin. I pushed the foreskin back to reveal a large purplish and pink cockhead. I was then very much a girl in heat. I gently ran my right hand along his chest, he had almost no body hair. He had tattoos that looked to be homemade on his chest. Again, his skin was dark brown.

He felt very powerful, and very strong. Pedro is defiantly an alpha male. There was a white bed comforter laid out on the floor and we moved to the centre of it. I lowered my knees to the floor. His cock just inches before my face, my hands stroking it, caressing it. I looked up at him and smiled. Then I took his cock into my mouth and began sucking him. He said something softly in Spanish. I moved my head back and forth to it with my lips clasped around it, fucking my mouth with it. I worked my tongue on its head. My checks were sucked in and I poked the tip of my tongue in the slit on the cockhead. With my right hand, I fondled his hairy balls.

“Ah, yeah,” Pedro said. “Bueno. Bueno…”

“You go girl,” I heard Judy say.

I took Pedro’s cock out of my mouth, looked up at him, and licked underneath it. Then I took it back into my mouth and continued to suck him. Then I felt something wet poke between my buttocks. I took Pedro’s cock out of my mouth and turned my head and looked back behind me. It was Lobo sniffing my ass. I gently shooed him away. I took Pedro’s cock back into my mouth. If he wanted to cum in my mouth then I would have taken it and swallowed it all. But he would do that later. He took his cock out of my mouth.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he told me.

I smiled shyly and did so. I shook my buttocks. “Damn, Pedro, she wants it,” Harold said.

There was a bottle of lubricant on the comforter. Pedro picked it up and got on his knees behind me. I heard him pop open the bottle’s cap. Then I felt some drip onto the opening of my rectum. He rubbed the lubricant up and down my buttocks. Then he slid a finger into my rectum.

“M-m-m-m,” I murmured.

Pedro wiggled the finger in my ass and finger fucked me. Then he slid another finger into me. It felt like a small cock.

“Shit. Honey that is hot,” Judy said to Harold.

“It is,” Harold replied.

Then Pedro took his fingers out of my ass. I turned my head back to look and saw him putting lubricant on his very big and very hard, brown Mexican cock. I turned my head back forward. I felt him place the slick cockhead onto the opening of my rectum. I felt him try to push it in. And it hurt. I moved away from him.

“Don’t you go anywhere,” Pedro said.

“I’m not, “I said. “It hurt.” I moved back to him.

Pedro applied more lubricant to the both of us. And then he tried again to enter me. I held myself steady. It hurt. I moved away from him again. “Sorry,” I said.

Pedro smiled at me. I moved back to him, and he tried again. He pushed and I held myself steady. Then the head of Pedro’s cock ‘popped’ into my rectum. He was in! “It’s in!” I shouted.

“Si!” Pedro said.

I felt him push inch by inch the shaft of his magnificent manhood gently but firmly into my ass till I felt the coarseness of his pubic hair on the smooth skin of my ass. He let out a groan satisfaction and said something softly in Spanish. With both of his large, strong, and rough, hands on my hips, he began to fuck me. “Oh!” I cried out.

“You OK, Kay?” Judy asked me.

“Yes! Oh! God! Yes!” I said. “Fuck me, Pedro! Fuck me!”

“Damn! Son, you got it, “Harold said.

Pedro chuckled. “Si,” he said.

Pedro fucked me balls deep. The snug feeling of his big cock in my ass dominated me. Feeling that big cockhead deep up in me was absolutely wonderful. Nothing matters to me more now other than helping Pedro release the sexual pressure in his loins. I was thoroughly enjoying giving him what he wanted, what he needed, what he deserved. He reached under me and grasped my very small breasts. I wiggled my ass back to him complimenting him what he was doing to me.

“Damn! Look at them go!” Harold said to Judy.

“Yes!” She replied.

I turned my head to look back and saw Pedro’s brown skin hands on my hips, his loins humping up against my white skinned buttocks. My toes were curled as I kept my ass upraised for him. I turned my head back forward. He pushed his cock in all the way and ground his loins against my buttocks to find new areas of pleasure. Sex had never been this good for me. I wanted this to last forever.

Then I heard Pedro groan. I knew he was going to finish. I felt his cock grown even larger.

“Fuck!” Pedro moaned. Then he began a quick series of fast thrusting. “Ah,” he groaned as he began hosing hot seminal fluid deep into me.

“Mmmmm,” I murmured as I felt the warmth of his hot seed in me. He kept his cock in me and gently rubbed his hands along my back. Then he slapped my right buttock with his right hand.

“Very nice ass,” he said. Then he moved away from me and I felt his cock lewdly slip out of me.

He stood up. “Woo! That was mucho bueno. Mochas gracias,” he said to Judy and Harold.

“Our pleasure, Pedro. Our pleasure, “Harold said.

Judy stood, and said, “Another round of beers,” and left the room.

I was sitting on the comforter and Lobo came up to me. He licked my face.

“Aw. You’re so sweet,” I said to the dog.


I was sitting on a couch next to Pedro. He was sitting back, arms up on top of the back cushions. He was the king of the world. I had a beer in my left hand. I took a drink from it. Then, with my right hand, I reached over and gently touch his cock. It felt very fleshy. Very meaty. I had his wetness in me. All of us chatted a bit and drank our beer and laughed. Then it was round two.

I stood up on got on my knees between Pedro’s legs. I stroked his cock with one hand and fondled his balls with the other. Then I lowered my head and took him into my mouth and sucked him. Judy and Harold moved so they could see well. Pedro kept his arms on top of the back cushions. I knew how lewd and obscene it looked. And it excited me.

Then I felt something wet poke between my buttocks. I took Pedro’s cock out of my mouth and turned my head back to look behind me. It was Lobo again sniffing my ass. I was a bitch in heat. Again, I gently shooed him away and I continued sucking Pedro. Then I took his cock out of my mouth and stroked him with one hand. He began to groan. I fondled his balls with my other hand. His chest rose up and he groaned. He nodded his head. I took his cock back into my mouth and he began to cum. I stopped stroking him and just clasped my lips around the base of his cockhead and sucked working the cockhead with my tongue. I swallowed the hot lewd substance. He groaned out loud. I heard Judy chuckle. I was amazed at how much there was. I swallowed it all. Then the cock went flaccid in my mouth. I let it slip out. I sat back and wiped my lips with the back of my left hand.

Again, Pedro said something softly in Spanish.

I stood up and said, “I have to go pee.”

I left the room. And as I was sitting on a toilet, I thought about the evening. It was going all so wonderful. When I got back to the den there was a bottle of whiskey there. Pedro handed me the bottle and I took a sip. Judy had brought in more beers and handed me one. And I sat down again next to Pedro.

“Kay,” Judy said, “Seems like Lobo is interested in you.”

“Yes, he is,” I replied and nodded patting Lobo on the head.

“Have you ever thought about doing it with a dog?” Harold asked.

I sat there with a smile on my face.

“Ah! Seems like you have,” Harold continued. “Now’s your chance.”

Judy said,” You don’t have to.”

Sex with a dog. Yes, I had thought about it. But I never took it any further. I had seen many videos online of dog fucking women and thought it very exciting.

“Sure,” I said. “I’ll do it for four full payments wiped off my debt.”

Harold and Judy looked at each other for a moment with raised eyebrows. Harold turned to me, shrugged, and said, “Done deal.”


Lobo was sitting on the floor in front of Pedro. I looked at the dog and our eyes locked. Something went through me. He knew what we were going to do. He quickly stood up. I got up off the couch and walked to the centre of the comforter. Lobo followed me. I knelt beside him and started petting him and cooing words of affection. I rubbed my hands along his body moving them down to his underside. Then, with my left hand, I fondled his sheath of his loins felt his cock inside it. He turned his head to me and licked, kissed me. He is such a sweetie! I rubbed my body up against his. I wanted him to know that I wanted him.

Then we exchanged kisses and then I got on my hands and knees beside him. He raised his body up onto my back and clasped his strong forelegs at my hips. I felt him move his hindquarters up on my up raised buttocks and feeling the fear of his loins on my ass was very nice. And then the stark reality of what was happening struck me as I felt the hard pointy tip of his penis poke into my rectum. I felt him push his loins up against my ass and push the entire length of his penis out of its sheath and into my rectum. I groaned as I felt the animal in me. I heard Judy gasp. I felt the animal’s cock quickly enlarge. Instantly we were tied.

“Oh God!” I cried out.

“You ok?” Judy asked with concern.

“Y-yes. Oh God. Fuck me, Lobo! Fuck me!!” I cried out.

And the dog did. I had never experienced anything like it before. Pedro and now this in one evening. The dog’s cock was as big as Pedro’s. But the knot made the difference. I wanted to please Lobo. A male is a male is a male. I was absolutely loving being a bitch for him. And I realized that the dog wasn’t fucking me to make puppies. He was fucking me because he enjoyed fucking. I wish I could have seen me on my hands and knees letting a dog fuck me from behind. I looked at everyone and saw that their eyes were glued on Lobo and me. I knew that dogs don’t last long till they cum. Lobo just kept on going. Then I felt that I was going to cum. I was going to cum hands free.

“Yes…’ I murmured. “Fuck me. Don’t stop.”

And Lobo kept hump fucking me. Balls deep. I was going to cum.

“Yes! That’s it! Oh! I’m going to cum!!” I cried out.

I began shooting out cum from my cock that hit the comforter. And Lobo humped hard onto me and held it there. He too was cumming! He humped me again and again, shooting his seed deep into me.

Then it was over. I was still on my hands and knees. My toes were curled and I was quivering. Lobo was still on my back, his cock still in my ass. We were knotted. And he was still cumming. His head was beside mine and I could hear him panting.

“Kay?” Judy asked.

“Yes,” I answered.

“You OK?”

I chuckled. “Yes,” I said.

“That looked amazing,” she said.

I chuckled again and said,” It was.”

After about fifteen-minutes Lobo’s cock went flaccid enough so that it could come out of me. And it came out with a wet slippery ‘plop.’ “Damn! I’ve never seen anything like that before,” Harold said with an obvious boner in his pants. In all the times I have observed Harold at the swinger’s nights, I have never seen him get a boner watching all the sex. I figured he must be impotent, but tonight’s action certainly got his motor running.

“That was… Intense,” Harold said shaking his head.

I rested a while and then was ready to go again. Pedro and I fucked again. He sat on the couch with his arms up on top of the back cushions while I rode him with my legs outside of his. Feeling the head of his cock far up into me was bliss. Then he came. Then it was Lobo’s turn again. I got on my hands and knees again and he mounted me from behind and fucked me. Afterwards, we were all exhausted, and we called it a night.

I went home and watched some TV and then went to bed. I laid in bed smiling. It had been a heck of a day. From that night onwards, I started having regular sex with dogs, and Pedro became a regular thing too. He brought in a buddy of his, but that’s another story. More and more I found myself dressing as woman, until it seemed like a no-brainer to stay that way permanently when I was not at work. To my surprise, nobody ever picked it in public that I was a transgendered male. Not even when I ran into co-workers, they didn’t recognise me at all. So now I’m a shemale dog slut, and I love it.

The End.



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