The Blackmail Kid

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Part 1…

“I’m so sorry, Derrick,” she shouted as his plate of spaghetti landed in his lap.

Deb rushed to wipe it off, but it was a complete disaster. She raked frantically at the spilled spaghetti, using both her hand and forearm to scrape it off his lap and back onto the plate she held between his legs.

“Get back, Rex!” She yelled at her black lab as he nearly knocked her over to get at the fallen food. He was one of the largest labs you’d ever see, nearly as large as Deb. He minded her well though, and scurried off at her scolding.

“I’m so – so sorry, I can’t believe…” She turned back to Derrick and kept apologising.

Deb’s son, Jason, had a bunch of his friends over. She was serving them all dinner, carrying two plates with her hands while attempting to balance another two on her forearms when one slipped onto Derrick’s lap. Jason’s father, Frank, was twenty years her senior. Deb had worked as a secretary for him at his office. The embarrassment she was feeling about spilling the sauce and spaghetti on Derrick suddenly turned to a completely different type of awkwardness. Her hand had raked over a huge bulge in his pants. She couldn’t help but glance.

Oh my God, her mind was screaming as she ogled his swelling pants. She could hardly force herself to look up, she was so embarrassed. As she waited for the redness in her cheeks to go down, she became all too aware of the hushed chuckles from the others. Deb quickly jumped up, turning to face the rest, glaring unbelievingly at the group of boys huddled around the table all aiming the back of their phones at her. “What do you think you are all doing?” She demanded.

“Looked like she was giving him head,” one of Jason’s friends whispered excitedly over his shoulder to another.

The other only nodded stupidly, his eyes dazed and his mouth drooling. “What?” Deb shouted.

But she knew, she had heard him. She had dived down hurriedly to try to wipe the spaghetti off Derrick’s lap, and Doug had turned his phone toward her. From their view, from the view she was now seeing on the screen of Doug’s phone, the back of her head was bobbing up and down from behind the table in Derrick’s lap (as she worked furiously to clean off the spaghetti, but the video didn’t show that). “Give me that,” Deb yelled at Doug.

She had never liked Doug, the way he always looked at her, undressing her with his eyes. You couldn’t blame him though, they all did it, she just didn’t like when Doug did it. Deb was younger than all of their moms, and though she would never admit it, she relished overhearing Jason’s friends teasing him in the other room about her being a MILF. Made her feel good, being noticed still even though she was in her late thirties. However, Doug was a perverted little twerp, and he looked older than the rest as if he’d been held back a year or two in school. She’d believe it.

Of course he and Jason had become best friends. Jason was nothing like Doug, in fact, exactly the opposite. She could never understand why Jason and Doug even got along. Jason had been such the perfect child, never getting into trouble, that is until Doug came along. She feared it was her fault, her marriage to his father.

It wasn’t until late in high school that Jason really matured and blossomed into the handsome young man he is today. When he was younger, he was a tiny, scrawny little thing, always getting picked on. She had sheltered Jason for too long, and now that they had all graduated high school, she feared he was growing a bit too wild with his new found freedoms.

“This will be a hit online,” Doug said, pulling his phone back as he then began tapping at it busily.

“NO,” screamed Deb as she lunged at him, but the table was in the way. “Give me that phone.”

Doug only laughed. “I don’t think so,” he taunted her, dangling it in the air.

“Jason,” she looked to her son, expecting him to do something. Jason looked dumbfounded. He simply shrunk in his seat, he seemed even more embarrassed than she. All of Jason’s friends had it on their phones, all were ogling their screens. “I can’t believe you boys, Tim, Spence, you delete it this instant,” she scolded them.

Nobody paid her any mind.

“Let us see your tits and then we’ll delete the video,” Doug offered boldly.

The whole room fell dead silent. All the faces were now peeled from their screens, staring with jaws dropped at Doug, just as Deb was. “You’ll watch your mouth, young man,” she finally collected herself from the shock of it and threatened him.

“You want me to delete you giving Derrick a blowjob?” Derrick again taunted her.

Everyone shifted uncomfortably. Doug is taking this a bit too far.

“Shut your mouth,” Deb said, becoming irate. This was absolutely terrible. Doug was a horrible person, she knew he meant it and with today’s social networks. There was just no way she could let him do that. “Jason, do something,” she pleaded.

Jason still looked completely dumbfounded, but he finally shook it off and stood. “Come on, Doug, guys, knock it off,” Jason said to his friends.

“No,” Doug said defiantly. He turned back to Deb, and said, “You want us to delete this? We want to see your sexy tits! Not like we haven’t seen most of them anyways, always wearing them low cut shirts… and that blue one… WOW,” he turned back smirking to the guys. They smiled and nodded eagerly, thinking about Deb in that shirt. Deb turned beet red, she knew the shirt. “And… Last year at the beach, in that black bikini, damn it was…”

“UGH,” Deb grunted. “Enough, you little twerp, delete that video this instant!”

Deb actually thought she had scared him into deleting it as he turned his phone around to where she could see the screen again, but his finger was instead, awaiting atop the Send button. “NO!” Deb yelled, but all of Jason’s friends only chuckled.

She was mortified. She turned to Jason, but he looked just as scared as she was, he would be no help. All the boys were now staring at her chest. She was wearing a simple white t-shirt that fit tightly about her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra, thirty eight and they still stood as firm as when she was twenty. Having all these boys ogle her like this though made her feel a bit violated, this was going to be difficult.

“Alright,” a defeated Deb gave in.

She had no options, she knew Doug would carry through on his threat and there was just no way – NO WAY – she could let images of her out like that. It would be a scandal, in a small town like this! She would never be able to face her neighbours again, she would be humiliated. She would give these little pervs a peek and then it would all be over.

“If I…” she couldn’t even bring herself to say it, and swallowed. She eyed them carefully, saying, “You’ll delete the video. All of you?”

All of them nodded as they stared hungrily at her. Butterfly’s invaded her stomach. She was about to flash a bunch of teenagers, she felt eighteen all over again. She had been known to be a little scandalous in her day, but all that had changed after she married Frank. Well, she couldn’t let them post what looked like her giving a teen a blowjob. She closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, gripped the base of her shirt tightly in her fists, and to her utter shame she hauled her shirt over her head.

Her large breasts slipped suddenly from beneath the tight tee, bouncing into place, exposed. All the boys’ faces followed them like bobble heads. They were absolutely beautiful, her skin naturally tan, her areolas barely darker with a hint of pink. For most present, these were the first real boobs they had ever seen, and none could imagine anything better. Several squirmed uneasily, adjusting the growing bulge in their pants.

Many in the town speculated that she had a boob job, but nope, as these boys could now attest, Deb’s fine tits were the real deal, and something to marvel. She turned even redder as the cool air hardened her nipples. She didn’t want them getting any ideas. A couple of them ‘ooed and ahed’, but other than that it was dead silent. Deb was too embarrassed to open her eyes, but she could definitely feel all of theirs boring into her.

A hint of exhilaration swept through her.

It’s just been so long, she tried reasoning with herself. Deb giggled, she must have gone crazy, flashing these teens. She thought back to when she was their age and of what a show she must be giving them now. She worked up the nerve to open her eyes and face them. “Dammit,” she cursed as she yanked her shirt back down.

They erupted with laughter. Deb had closed her eyes, how could she have been so stupid. Considering how they had blackmailed her into this in the first place. All of their phones were aimed at her once again. They had recorded her willingly lift her shirt to flash them. Couple that with the video of what appeared to be her giving one of them a blowjob – this was quickly spiralling out of control.

“You all said you’d delete it, now this has gone far enough,” Deb stomped her foot on the ground.

All once again looked from Deb to Doug. They were all overly embarrassed, that is, everyone but Doug, but they weren’t thinking with their heads and Deb knew this, and it scared her. Doug was wearing a dark looking sneer across his face. Deb gulped. “That’s fine, we’ll delete you giving Derrick head, now that we got the video of you showing us your tits,” Derrick said triumphantly.

“Jason… Do something,” Deb pleaded.

“Come on, Doug, she did what you asked, it was all in fun, but… N-Now delete it and let’s eat,” Jason finally tried to stand up to him, but he might as well have been talking to a wall.

Doug completely ignored him. “That was pretty hot, huh?” Doug turned and nudged Spence on the shoulder.

Spence nodded goofily. “Hell yeah,” Derrick blurted out, seconding Spence.

Doug laughed and then winked at Derrick. He turned back to Deb, and said, “We’ve never seen nuffin’ so hot, we wanna see the rest.”

Deb’s lips tightened. She balled her hands into fists. There was little right now she would have liked more than to give Doug a few good punches in the face. “Jason?” Deb looked to her son in-law again.

She did not even bother arguing with Doug, he had her, he could make her do whatever he wanted. And with the other little twerps backing him up, only Jason could stop him. Her hope however, soon sunk to the bottom of her stomach with everything else. Jason was looking her up and down with a horny look in his eye.

“JASON!” Deb screamed at him, “Are you gonna let this animal get away with this?”

Doug laughed. “Tim, Spence, delete the videos off your phones.”

Tim and Spence looked concerned back at Doug, but did as they were told. “There… A compromise, just do as we say and nobody’ll know bout you getting naked for us.”

Deb’s upper lip was twitching with a growing snarl. She felt furious. “Delete it off all your phones, first, and then I’ll do it.”

“I’m afraid the rules don’t work that way.”

“Doug…” Jason again tried to speak up.

“Shut up, Jason, I’ve never seen nuffin’ so hot in all my life, and we’re gonna see all of it.” Doug turned back to Deb, asking, “So what’s it gonna be, Mrs. Brady?”

She rolled her eyes, asking, “What do you want?”

Doug smiled and he looked to Spence. Spence shrunk from the attention that was turned on him. “What do you think Spence? What do you want to see Mrs. Brady do?”

Spence turned redder than a tomato. He began stuttering, “U-Uh…” He reached down to readjust the bulge in his pants. “Uh… Didn’t you say… I mean… She is so hot, uh… I thought you said you wanted to see the rest?”

“SPENCE DANIELS! You should be ashamed of yourself!” Deb screamed at him.

“Shut it!” Doug cut her off. The malice in his voice alarmed everyone. Deb shut it. “This is how it’s going to work: you’re going to do as we say, or we’re going to put these videos online. You act like a good girl and when you’ve done all you’re told, we’ll delete the videos.”

Deb started to protest, but Doug cut her off again. “NO! Not another word. If you don’t shut up right now and start stripping out of those clothes, I’m going to forward the video of you flashing us to our friends, see what everyone thinks about them!”

Deb said nothing else. Glaring at Doug, she stepped out of her sandals and kicked them aside. She forcefully grasped the front of her jeans and ripped the button from its slit. She shoved her zipper down. All the boys’ eyes followed, excited by the simple sight of her white cotton panties exposed within.

Getting closer and closer to it, Deb began moving slower and with more hesitancy. With her thumbs tucked into the waist of her jeans, she traced her hands around to either side of her hips. Her eyes had still not left Doug’s. She took in a deep breath before pushing her pants to the ground. She snapped back up, kicking them to the side with her sandals, Deb stood waiting, as if this would satisfy them.

“Go on,” Doug warned her, his finger dangerously close to the send button.

Crossing her arms in front of her, she again grabbed hold the bottom of her white tee and folded it up over herself, inside out, over her head. Her long brown hair trailed out the neck and she then threw it on top of her jeans.

“Happy?” She grumbled, holding out her arms, giving them all another good look at her luscious breasts.

She dared not look at him, but she could see Jason ogling from the corner of her eye. Deb worked out regularly and had a toned body, there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her. The boys’ eyes trailed down her long, dark legs before returning back up to her breasts. “You’re not done, I said all of it,” Doug ordered her.

Doug was the only one with his phone out now, the others were all busy massaging the fronts of their pants. Deb wanted to cry, it was so humiliating, but there was no other option. She had to comply with Doug’s demands to keep him from posting the video, but the more she obeyed him, the more he had to use against her. It was a catch twenty-two.

Keeping her legs close together, she hooked her thumbs in the waist band of her panties, and just as she had with her jeans, she pushed them down her long legs, abandoning them around her ankles. The intensity of their gazes seemed to weigh down on her. She could hardly stand back up, she could hardly breathe.

She had to keep her eyes closed, she could not bear to see any of their faces. Keeping her legs flush together, she attempted to hide whatever else they might be able to see with her hands. All eyes were zeroed in on the v between her legs. She could hear a couple of them whispering inappropriate things, it made her blush. The exhilaration she had felt earlier returned. Her nipples were as hard as ever, and she hoped it was from the cold.

“Alright, I’ve done as…” she began.

“We wanna see all of you,” Doug crushed any hope she had of ending this. Her eyes snapped back open as she glared at Doug. She threw her arms up into the air as if exacerbated, and let them fall to her side. Everyone one of their eyes was down, staring at the very first naked woman most had ever seen. Only a small patch of short dark hair was left above the rising slit from between her legs, everything else was cleanly shaven.

Deb surprised herself. Undoubtedly she was completely embarrassed, humiliated even, but the sensation was stimulating. She was not angry like she thought she should feel. Well, she was plenty angry with Doug, but with the rest with their young penises jutting straight out in their pants, she could hardly blame them.

Probably never seen a naked woman in the flesh before, Deb thought to herself. Doubt they would even know what to do with those dicks except jerk-off! Even Doug seemed to be in a sort of trance, staring at her sex. “There,” she said, finally bringing it to an end as she moved to collect her clothes.

“Fuck no,” Doug abruptly yelled at her. “This is far from over. I’ve told you several times already, I want to see ALL of you. Move your little ass to the table there and bend over it.”

“You little… NO! You’re gonna delete…”

He cut her off. “I’LL SEND IT!”

Doug held his phone out in front of himself. “NO,” Deb shouted, and made to charge Doug to prevent him from sending it.

However, to her surprise, Doug grabbed her by the arm and whirled her around in his grasp with his body up against her naked back. He ground his hard cock into her butt cheeks. “What’s it gonna be? Are you gonna obey, or am I gonna have to send this video?”

Deb didn’t answer, but squirmed to break his grip. She was almost free when Doug abruptly reached down and hit the green button. His screen shrunk into a paper envelope and zipped off into the distance as he sent the message. “NO,” Deb shouted in horror.

All the boys looked at Doug, terrified. “Enough now, I sent that to Kurt, he should get a kick out of it!” He said to his friends. “Now, unless you want me to start sending that to other people… Are you gonna do as you’re told?”

“Whatever, just… don’t…” she whimpered, on the verge of tears.

Doug loosened his grip. Deb tore her arm from his hand. She pushed herself away from him, and though mumbling profanities under her breath, she nevertheless made her way over to the table. She walked right up to it, pressing herself up against its edge. She turned to look back at Jason, her last and only hope. Deb regretted looking at him, he looked as hungry as the rest. She contemplated refusing and accepting the consequences. If she did this, if she bent over this table and exposed her sex fully to them. There was just no telling where this would end. She finally reconciled that she could not accept the consequences. Deb bent herself over the table as the cold air rushed across her bare sex.

Several of the boys guffawed. Deb just rolled her eyes. She felt like a display in a Sex-Ed class. “Spread your legs,” Doug ordered. Deb complied. She did not turn around, but she could hear him walk up closer behind her, no doubt with his phone. “Spread your butt cheeks.”

“What?” Deb said with disbelief.

“Use your hands, grab your butt cheeks, and spread ’em, I want to see all of you,” he again repeated.

She was tired of arguing with him. She did as she was told. Resting the weight of her chest atop the table, she reached back grabbing each cheek with either hand and spread them. They could now see her, all of her. She heard several other pairs of feet scoot forward to get a better look. They were whispering, she could not hear all of it, but she did hear someone comment that she looked wet. She blushed, she was wet and she knew it and there was nothing she could do to stop it. This was turning her on.

Deb jumped forward from shock, causing the tables legs to screech across the floor. Someone had just touched her, brushing his finger down her pussy’s crevice. Whomever touched her jerked his hand back in alarm as well. Everyone laughed. Deb did not look back, she couldn’t, she couldn’t stop them, and she rather not bear witness to her humiliation.

Doug said, “She scare you, Spence? No reason to be afraid, Mrs. Brady is going to do exactly as we tell her, whatever we want. Go on, touch her.”

She squeezed her eyes closed and tried to control her breathing. The anticipation, the angst she was feeling, waiting for his coming hand was nearly unbearable. Seconds were ticking by, she couldn’t take it, and she squirmed atop the table. She still held herself wide open, prying either butt cheek apart, seemingly welcoming him to her. Spence was scared and hesitant. This was Jason’s mom after all. But, he wasn’t thinking with his head. He wanted to touch her, he needed to touch her again. He slowly reached out his hand.

Deb gasped as he forced a finger between her lips and trailed it down her slit. “It’s so hot, steaming hot… and wet,” Spence whispered to no one in particular.

Spence grew bolder. He moved closer to her, cupping his hand over her sex, he began massaging it all over. Spence had never even seen a real girl naked before, much less explored a female’s pussy. He had no idea what he was doing. His fingers spread her emerging juices across her swelling lips. His middle finger found and rolled around the tiny knob that is Deb’s clit. Deb moaned involuntarily at this. Spence froze in place, looking nervously from face to face, unsure if he had done something wrong. “See… She likes it,” Doug encouraged him while still taping the act on his phone’s camera.

Tim and Derrick had both taken out theirs as well and were either videotaping or snapping pictures. Spence continued massaging her. He toyed with her clit once more, causing her to writhe atop the table. It had been so long since any had touched her. Though he was a bit intimidated by her sex, Spence finally worked up the nerve to begin exploring upwards. His finger clumsily pressed into her slit as he wiggled it along. Deb shifted her hips, Spence’s finger sunk into her.

Deb dug her nails into her ass and bit her lip as he buried his finger to the knuckle, twisting and turning it inside her. Spence looked back up to his friends, wearing a huge shit-eating grin across his face, her hot and wet pussy wrapped around his finger felt amazing Spence began working his finger in and out of her, testing what makes her writhe and what doesn’t.

Frank was getting older and their sex life had slowed down to a virtual halt. It had been far too long since she had last been with a man, but as the boys’ were now thinking with their cocks, so was Deb beginning to forget her inhibitions. Her hips were involuntarily writhing back against his hand, pressing him further into her, needing him deeper. She bit at her lip, but the moans still escaped. And there was absolutely nothing she could do about the trail of juices slowly flowing from her hole.

In fact, she almost protested when Spence pulled his finger from her, but was soon relieved as she felt him press his face to her wanton sex. A shiver ran down her spine as Spence lapped his tongue up her crevice. Breaking in between her lips, he first ran the tip of his tongue up and down her slit, tasting her sweet juices before seeking out her clit.

Recalling how it made her moan with his finger, he could hardly wait to give it a go with his mouth. Honing in on it, he twirled his tongue around it before sucking it in between his lips.

Deb was overcome. Arching her back, her head popped up off the table as she whimpered loudly. Spence worked even harder, causing Deb to cry out louder and louder. Spence trailed his tongue up once more, eager to bury it into her hole. He began working it in and out while he used a free hand to toy with her clit.

Others stepped forward. Two standing on either side of her reached out to fondle her tits, pinching her nipples. Someone sunk a finger into her drenched pussy as Spence moved back down to her clit. Though none were experienced, they had all seen their fair share of porn, and knew more or less what to do.

Deb had experienced a lot in her day, but it was a first even for her when Derrick dared to lean over and bury his tongue into the tight bud of her asshole. Spence was still busily licking and sucking her clit. Deb squirmed from the initial surprise and the awkwardness of it, but quickly discovered she liked it. She even shifted her hands up a bit, pulling her bottom open even wider, trying to help him get deeper into her asshole. She couldn’t take much of this overwhelming assault. Deb moaned louder yet as an orgasm swept over her.

Her body shook atop the table. She cried out until she had no more breath, until she did not think she would be able to bear the intense sensation any further, and then she collapsed, limp.

With her tongue hanging out like some dog, she panted in an attempt to catch her breath. Her pussy was still on fire, however. She had had a great orgasm, but it had only awakened the wanton whore within her that she had tried to bury long ago. She was not yet satiated, but she was not concerned. There was plenty of hungry young men present, and she was at their mercy.

Spence had since stood, wiping away the juices on his face. His eyes followed the trail of juices as they dribbled down Deb’s thighs. Were all girls like this, he wondered? Everyone else was now looking to Doug, awaiting what he would say next. All of their cocks were rock hard within their pants and they were eager for their turn with her, but Doug was in charge. “Ever fuck a girl before?” Doug asked one of them.

Deb was still recovering on the table, not all there, but she heard that loud and clear. Her heart sunk into her stomach. They were just so young, how could she possibly live with herself after this. Well, it wasn’t her doing, they were blackmailing her. Would they really take it this far, would they cross that line? Deb resigned herself to accepting her fate, one way or the other.

She hadn’t moved an inch. Her hands were still holding her butt apart, exposing her foaming pussy. Her knees were wobbly. Her mind was screaming no but her sex was begging for more. Whomever Doug asked must have shook his head no because Doug then laughed, and said, “Didn’t think so. Well, do you want to?”

Deb could hear them discussing her fate, but she had no energy or will to resist. She was about to get fucked. Her soon to be assailant must have only nodded as again she heard no response, only the shuffling of feet as another approached her unprotected rear. As her high came back down and reality more aware, Deb began to panic a bit. She had not been with a man in over a year, and these boys were hardly men, the youngest her own son. She could not believe he had witnessed this, that he was about to see one of his own friends fuck his mom.

She had to do something she had to stop this, but then she felt paralysed, unable to move or unwilling. She did not even know who it was behind her. She was about to get fucked and she had no idea by whom. At this point, did it even matter? He was taking too long, giving her too much time to second guess it. Apparently he was pretty hesitant himself. He had just admitted that he was a virgin. Finally, Deb heard his zipper open, this is happening. “You got it, fuck that hot bitch,” Doug goaded him on.

Deb was about to look back when she felt the head of his cock press against her. She could tell he was big. He rubbed it up and down her slit, coating itself in her juices. He then honed in on her leaking hole, and pressed forward. “Ahhh,” Deb moaned.

He was HUGE! Easily the biggest she had ever experienced. The head of it was stalled just inside her. He gave her a moment to adjust. Ever so slowly, her assailant shifted his weight forward, forcing his cock more and more into her. “Ooooh,” Deb moaned again, releasing one of her cheeks she slapped the table.

The massive intruder was almost too much. Her hole was just too tight. Halfway in, he stopped, giving her another second, before he then began to draw his cock back out of her. He drew back to where only the tip remained before pushing it back into her. “Oh god,” Deb again moaned as he forced even more of it into her.

He repeated this several times, slowly working his cock in and out of her, warming her up, gaining ever more entry into her. It wasn’t long before Deb felt his groin press up against her ass. She was stuffed full. Whomever it was began to quiver behind her as his virgin cock was now buried in a burning hot, wet, tight pussy. Deb smiled to herself, she was giving these boys an experience of a life time. He then drew himself back out and then at an ever quickening pace, began fucking his tool in and out of her. “Oh yes,” Deb moaned involuntarily.

How had she gone for so long without sex? He had only just begun fucking her and already she was slipping once again. By the overflow of her pussy’s fluids, it wasn’t long before he began slamming himself into her to the hilt, his hips slapping up against her ass. Deb had to release her other cheek to clench and claw at the table. He was fucking her savagely, driving her wild. With each forceful thrust the table would screech across the floor. “Oh yes! Oh yes! Fuck me! Give me that big cock!” Deb began screaming over and over amongst her erotic moans of pleasure.

She was pressing back against him, matching his thrusts. The fire was growing, it wouldn’t be long now. The boy behind her, grabbed her tight about the hips and smashed himself as hard as he could into her. Deb was screaming wildly, on the verge of cumming.

Everyone could hear the sloshing of her sloppy pussy, but it wasn’t easy between her screams, his grunts, and the squeaking of the table’s legs on the floor. But then it happened. Her assailant thrusts himself as deep as he could into her, right into her cervix, and held it there, quivering. The burst of his hot cum deep in her pussy sent her over the edge.

“NO,” she shouted. “You can’t cum in me!”

However, she was soon lost in her own orgasm, unable to stop him. “Dude… You don’t cum in her, dumbass,” another of Jason’s friends also protested, but Doug let her assailant know that it’s alright.

Deb heard no more. Her climax was taking over, all reason, all shame, all sanity – gone. His cock continued to throb inside her, each time sending another jet of hot cum splashing back against her pussy walls. On and on he emptied his balls into her, and on and on, her orgasm climbed, which is until she collapsed once more on the table. The boy half collapsed on her back himself. His dick was still buried in her and was still rock hard. She was only semi aware of what was happening around her. One of the others who was standing in her view had fished out his cock and was pumping his fist madly about it.

“That was amazing,” Spence said, standing behind Doug, who was kneeling awkwardly close, down behind them.

“Alright, now pull it out, slowly,” Doug continued directing.

Her lover obeyed, sliding his cock from her wet pussy. She wasn’t sure if it was his cum, her juices or both that followed him out.

“Spread it open, again,” Doug ordered. Deb obeyed. Doug got a close up view on his phone of white cum leaking slowly from her freshly used pussy. “That’s good, now turn around now and suck him clean.”

Dazed from her most recent climax, Deb simply heard Doug speak and she obeyed. She collected herself, then pushed off the table to do as she was told. Deb gasped in outright horror. Standing behind her, naked, with a half hard enormous cock, covered in her pussy juices, was none other than her son, Jason.

Outraged, she slapped Jason hard across the face before turning on and rushing Doug, snatching his phone from his hand. They began yelling at the others, confiscating their phones she chased them from her house.

That’s at least how she saw it going in her head. That’s what she knew she should do, but as reality came crashing back, she found herself instead on her knees, his half hard cock, covered in her pussy juices and wads of his own cum – his own cum that he had loosed inside of her – dangling in front of her face. A dribbled of the milky white fluid hung from the tip of his cock.

Lost in a trance, Deb opened her mouth and tilted her head below his cock. Reaching out her tongue, she tasted his cum, letting the drop run down onto her tongue. His cock almost immediately began hardening again. Deb twirled her tongue around the head of it before the closed her lips about it, sucking him in.

Deb opened her mouth just a little, trying not to push the fluids on his cock back, she tried to jam as much cock into her mouth and throat as she could before closing her lips again, and drawing her head back, his once dirty cock glistened now with only her saliva. Deb proceeded, trying to give the teen the blowjob of a lifetime.

Deb couldn’t remember if her recent dream was real or not, was this Jason’s cock in her mouth? This was so wrong, she was so bad. Scared or not, she had to know. She glanced up, he was staring back at her. She didn’t mean to, but her eyes got locked on his as her head bobbed back and forth on his huge cock.

It wasn’t until someone grabbed her by the hips and hauled her to her feet did she break the stare. She would never dare to look back at him. Whoever it was that lifted her up wasted no time in ramming his cock into her. Her pussy put up little resistance and the novice teen humped as fast as he could until he came in her as well. Deb thought about protesting, but it was too late anyways.

He tensed up for a moment, holding still, before finally backing away, his cock slipping from her hole. Another quickly replaced him. By this point her pussy was overly sloppy. The one in her merely massaged his cock back and forth a few times, lubricating it, before Deb left a wad of spit land in the crack of her ass. He pulled out and with the head of his cock, massaged the saliva into her anal bud.

Deb had done a lot of things, but never that! She tried to stop him. She tried to spit out the cock in her mouth and turn and protest, but Doug, who she was able to see from the corner of her eye before he grabbed her violently by her hair, forced her further down on Jason.

Deb had tried deep-throat before, but Jason was not himself and Jason grabbed her hard by the hair and thrust his cock back deep, right into her throat, crushing her nose into his stomach. Deb pushed back hard against him, gagging, choking, but Jason was out of his mind. Deb froze though as she felt Doug press against her anus. “Nnnh,” she mumbled about the cock in her mouth, trying to say no.

It was horrible, the worst feeling. Doug did not care though, he did not stop, and Deb was forced to hold still and take it. The harder she fought it, the worse it hurt. It struggled hard at first to deny him entry, causing Deb to groan in pain, but then as if something just snapped, her ass opened, swallowing a couple of inches of him in. Her sphincter clinched over and over again about his shaft.

“Oh yeah,” Doug now moaned as he slowly began working his cock in and out of her ass.

Deb beat her fists of Jason’s stomach. Deb was helpless. Jason now had her hair clasped in his fists and was pulling her face down on him and he jabbed his cock into her throat. This, coupled with the cock now pummelling her virgin ass, Deb was the one losing her mind now. Jason finally tensed up and crushed her face into his groin once more, holding her there as he came violently, emptying his cum right into her throat. Deb paid him no mind. Her ass was on fire. It was finally loosening a bit from Doug’s attack and a strange mixture of pain and pleasure was overwhelming her.

A dose of reality must have swept over Jason as a look of shame came to his face and he quickly backed away, leaving Deb leaning over, coughing and choking, gasping for air from his recent assault on her. Weak, Deb collapsed to her knees, but Doug stayed right with her. Deb on her hands and knees, Doug rocked her back and forth as he continued fucking her ass. Her head hung between her shoulders, cum drooling from her lips. Doug had worked himself all the way in, and his hips were now slapping up against her ass. Deb cried out with each of his thrusts.

Deb eventually collapsed all the way over onto the cold kitchen floor, but Doug never missed a beat thrusting into her poor anus. Her ass was tight about his big cock. Positioned this way, it was the most comfortable yet. Deb’s groans of pain turned to moans of pleasure. She began pushing back. And when Doug finally came, his hot cum deep in her ass, Deb lost it and cried out in her strongest orgasm of the night.

When she came back to consciousness, they were all carrying her somewhere, the living room. Two had her by each leg and two more by each arm. Derrick sat eagerly on the couch. They led her over to him, straddling her legs across his lap. Derrick aimed his cock upward and Deb was lowered down onto him. Deb sank down easily onto his lap. Derrick grabbed her hips and began grinding below her, working his cock in and out her wet pussy. Though in a state of deliria, Deb went along and began rocking back and forth atop his lap.

Deb was surprised as Derrick sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. He released her hips and lifted his hands up to fondle her breasts. Deb welcomed this and pushed her chest into his face. Meanwhile, Spence came up behind them and placed a hand on Deb’s butt. She looked back to see what he was doing, and became startled as she saw him lining up his cock for her anal bud. Deb spun back around and buried her face in Derrick’s neck, preparing herself for the onslaught. She had in fact been in a threesome with two guys before, but as she had never had one in her ass before tonight, she certainly had not fucked them both at once. This promised to be wild, even for her.

She paused atop Derrick to give Spence the opportunity to get it in. From her previous experience, this was the hardest part. Spence copied Doug and let a wad of spit fall into the crack of her ass and he used the head of his cock to push it around the entrance to her ass. Deb practically bit Derrick’s neck as Spence pressed the head of his cock past her sphincter. Spence was more merciful than Doug, working slowly to allow her tight asshole time to adjust.

Having him enter her there with one in her pussy was extremely erotic. She loved it. She had seen double penetrations in porn videos herself, but never dreamed she would partake in it. And then there was just something about being fucked in the ass itself so taboo, so dirty, and so hot!

Deb sucked at Derrick’s neck. She nibbled at his ear, sucking his lobe in between her lips. She kissed him along his jaw line until she found his lips. She kissed him hard and passionately. Deb was caught up in the moment of it all. Spence had by now worked over half his cock into her and as he pressed it deeper, Deb slipped her tongue into Derrick’s mouth and rolled it around his. It took only a few more attempts of Spence coaxing his cock in and out of her before she felt his hips press up against her butt. He was buried to the hilt inside her. Readied, the two slowly picked up the pace, gyrating their two cocks inside her.

Deb moaned loudly, sucking on Derrick’s tongue. She could feel in detail their two cocks sliding against each other, separated only by a thin membrane inside her, the experience was intoxicating. It was harder for Derrick to thrust up into her on the bottom, but Spence was now drawing his cock nearly all the way out before slamming it back into her. He was fucking her ass for all he was worth.

Deb ran her fingers through Derrick’s hair, she could feel the fires of a growing orgasm. Someone grabbed her by her hair and pulled her lips from Derrick’s, it was Doug. It seemed like ages ago already, but Doug’s semi-hard cock was still filthy from the ass fucking he had just given her, covered in her ass juices and cum. He pulled her face into his groin. At first she kept her lips closed tight, she did not want to taste her own ass, but Doug gave her head a little jolt, and in the end, Deb obeyed.

Doug stuffed his cock right to the back of her throat as the other two continued fucking her. Doug’s cock sprang right back to life. The two in her pussy and one in her ass, began moving in rhythm, one drawing out while the other thrust in. Doug was in his own world, choking Deb on his cock. Deb was lost. Spence came and was replaced by Tim, who was then replaced by Jason. Derrick had cum a couple of times, but his cock remained hard and he did not complain as the others rotated from her mouth to her ass.

Deb was only vaguely aware as she was bent over the coffee table. Using the tie of a bathrobe and a shoelace, the boys tied either leg at the knee to the two legs of the table at one end. Then stretching her out along it, they tied each of her wrists with an electrical cord, and stretched the cords to the two far legs of the coffee table. Deb was left completely vulnerable to any that fancied.

Deb was a complete mess by this point. Her pussy was fucked raw, her ass was left gaping. Each hole left continuously drooling milky white cum. More of it was smeared across her chin and cheeks. Random ropes of it were left crusting as they dried across her body. Some on her back, others on her butt, and some in her hair. They all took turns again, fucking either her ass or pussy, whichever they wanted. Instead of cumming in her though, they all pulled out and came on her face as Doug filmed. It wasn’t long till she wore what could have passed for some new cosmetic facial mask.

It was late into the night before the boys finally grew tired. Deb was drunk like, crazed by the long day of fucking and orgasms. Deb was abandoned atop the table as they all laid out to watch TV. They left Deb tied in case any grew horny. Deb did not complain, she was practically passed out. They had almost forgotten about her when they all heard a loud moan. REX! Deb’s black lab had wandered into the living room and as Deb’s rear was left coated in cum and pussy juices, he had begun to lap at it.

Deb had no idea, she was still delirious. All the boys looked around stunned at each other, what did this dog think he was doing? They looked to Doug. He was sneering, watching the events unfold. He was not going to interrupt. The others felt they should, but the growing bulges in their pants once again overruled any sane judgement. They all turned back to Deb to see what would happen next.


Deb was laying with her head on the table. The hardcore orgy had ended over an hour ago and since then one would every once in a while get up to use her, she just assumed it was one of them. She did not register the cold, wet nose pressed into her groin, nor the wide girth of the tongue that lapped at her tired pussy. Considering the mess she knew she was back there, she thought it kind of gross that one of them would actually eat her out right now, but it felt great nonetheless and she wasn’t about to stop him.

The massive tongue licked her clean, working across her sex from thigh to thigh, from down on her clit up to her still slightly gaping asshole. The tongue first honed in on her pussy, the tongue breaking in fully into her slit and even into her hole. Involuntary jerks and quivers rocked Deb as he did this. The boys began giggling and nudging each other as they watched. Doug broke out his phone once again to record this. Jason could be seen sitting in the distance, unsure if he should be watching this, knowing that he should intervene, but he was afraid to.

Deb was growing more audible. The stimulation was waking her from sleep and the boys were all tense, just knowing that at any moment she was going to pick her head up to see it is the dog that is licking her – they would all get it then, they feared. Not Doug. He moved right up close to get a better shot of the dog’s lapping tongue. The dog then stopped and whined loudly, looking from Doug to Deb, from Deb back to Doug and the rest. All cringed at this, surely Deb had been alerted now. But no, she continued laying on the coffee table.

“What is it, boy?” Doug asked him in a puppy dog voice. Rex continued to whine and whimper. His tail was wagging wildly, his feet were pacing anxiously. “What’s wrong?” Doug again asked him. “You want some pussy, too?”

Someone guffawed. Doug did not look back. Instead, he patted Deb’s butt, letting him know that it was okay, and that’s all Rex needed. He leapt right up on her rear, wrapping his front paws about her sides atop the table and rested his furry chest on her back. If Deb hadn’t a clue before, her head certainly popped up now.

“W-WHAT! REX, NO!” Deb was finally aware of what was happening. She fought violently against her bondage, but they were tied tight and only hurt her wrists. “DAMN YOU, GET THIS FILTHY DOG OFF ME,” she screamed.

The boys looked terribly nervous, but none jumped to action. If any were going to stop it, it was up to Doug, and Doug was too busy encouraging Rex to stop him.

“NO, PLEASE, DON’T!” Deb continued pleading, though to no avail.

Rex’s haunches were already humping, the tip of his red penis already protruding from its sheath. He humped aimlessly for a bit before giving up and dismounting. “Thank you,” Deb exhaled, but it was short lived. Rex immediately took to lapping at her pussy once more which cut her short of breath and sent her reeling. Try as she did, dog or not, her body couldn’t help but respond to such stimulation. She felt the floodgates of her pussy reopen and her juices flush through her hole, preparing it for a good fucking. Rex remounted. “No, please, not this, I’ve done everything… I’ll do anything, just not this… Jason, please,” she said to her son, but again he would offer none.

It was too late now, anyway.

Rex had himself wrapped tightly around her backside, his haunches working frantically to bury his member. He was still whimpering, anxious, needing desperately to bury his red cock into a hot, wet hole. As the pointed tip jabbed into Deb’s rear, visions of the hideous looking tool flooded Deb’s mind. It had always scared her, it was just so inhuman, so beastly. Blood red, like a piece of raw meat, it was veiny and always slimy looking. She tried to push the image from her mind to no avail. He was stabbing her with it.

And then it happened. On one random thrust, Rex found his target and the speared head of his cock disappeared inside her. Deb’s mumbled protests immediately ceased. Her head snapped forward and her body froze. Rex puts all the boys to shame, he was huge. The largest cock she’d ever had inside her pussy. By this point, Deb was well used and loose, not to mention her pussy was drenched and lubricated, but still Rex had difficulty getting all of his cock into her. The dog, though he cared not about how it was for Deb, tried with all his might to force all of it in her. His hips thrust sporadically and forcefully, driving more and more in. It didn’t take long. Eventually Deb adjusted and the dog, like only a dog can do, began thrusting into her at a lightening quick pace.

His haunches began moving in a blur. Deb’s moans were strung together in a long continuous one. Rex was pummelling her. Another insane orgasm began growing. Rex is just so big, and so hot, there was nothing Deb could do to stop it. A dog is fucking her. A dog is going to make her cum. As his red shaft pistoned in and out of her, something more began brewing. Deb had no idea what it was, but she could feel it none the less, Rex began swelling. He’s so big already, she didn’t know how she could possibly take anymore. Still, as Rex is growing now, it seemed to be limited to the base of his cock. As if a bulge was forming there, Deb could feel it slip in and out of her pussy, growing at an alarming rate.

It wasn’t long until the bulge formed a ball – a knot. Eventually, it reached the size where it could no longer fit easily in and out her and became stalled outside Deb’s entrance. Rex would be having none of that. He tensed up and with all his might, forced his large knot into her. Deb strained as she could feel her entrance slowly give way, finally opening enough around the knot’s widest part. Rex suddenly lunged forward and her pussy swallowed it whole. Deb could take no more, she came hard.

Instead of climaxing and then it dwindling, Deb’s orgasm did not end. As Rex had just forced his knot into her, he quit fucking her, per se, and held still. He was shaking, his cock throbbing inside her. Rex was seeding his bitch. The steaming hot cum splashing up against her pussy walls sent her climax soaring to untold heights. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth was open as she was howling at the ceiling. Someone grabbed her by the hair and stuffed their cock into her mouth. Deb eagerly swallowed it.

The dog cum was like nothing she had experienced. Derrick, who had jammed his cock came into her mouth and finished before the dog showed any sign of being done with her. His animal cock continued throbbing all the while in her, loosing burst after burst of dog semen in her. Tim rushed up as Derrick stepped away and his white cum immediately burst out, striking her in the face before he could shove his cock into her waiting mouth. Deb’s pussy was so full. Rex’s huge cock, and some kind of knot – Deb was unfamiliar with a dog’s anatomy – was stuffed inside her and her inner walls were stretched to their max as he continued to cum but the dog’s knot let none of it escape.

Eventually beads of the creamy substance began dripping from the end of her slit. She was that full that it was now being forced out of her. She sucked all of their cocks as Rex rested his weight atop her back, panting, his tongue hanging out one side drooled onto her back. Without warning, Rex finally dismounted, picking himself up, he jumped off her back and off the table. His cock tugged at her rear, it was stuck inside her! Deb cried out from a mixture of pain and alarm. She had no idea as to what was happening. Rex whined. He was finished seeding his bitch and now wanted freedom, but Deb’s tight pussy was locked around his huge knot.

“You see that?” One of the boys asked, astonished.

“Yeah, his cock is stuck in her,” Doug said.

“I’ve seen this with my uncle’s dogs. They’ll get stuck like this for sometimes thirty minutes,” Spencer said.

Deb’s climax was over. As she listened to the boys talk about the dog stuck in her pussy, she collapsed her face on the table, crying from the humiliation. No doubt they had filmed this too, she was ruined! The emotion’s again overwhelmed her and she faded into darkness.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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