A Tale of My Teddy (Gay Zoo)

By Tarl Cabot. A month ago, if someone had asked me if I regretted my decision to adopt a dog, I might have said yes. Today, the answer is an unequivocal no. I have no regrets except that I hadn’t done this sooner. I’m in my sixties now. All of my family has either passed away or moved on. The only living relatives I know of are my son, who has his own family now and lives on the other

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Caught in a Compromising Position! (Gay Zoo)

By MRickitt. I’ve been so fucking horny all day. After my usual morning wank, it was school – but my favorite day: a double session of PE first thing. That means I get to check out all my classmates changing from their uniforms into shorts and rugby tops. Most boys have yet to get any body hair and have high-pitched voices and tiny packages failing to fill their boxers. At the other extreme, there’s one boy that looks like he’s

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The Experiment 1 (Gay Zoo)

By balmymemories456. I awoke in a warm, dimly lit room. I was laying on my back in my worn jeans and t-shirt, not daring to move yet in this strange environment. The ceiling was about ten feet high, and both it and the walls were covered in shiny metal. I darted my eyes around the room, and saw a single metal bench jutting out of the walls with a small indent in the ground next to it, but otherwise the

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It’s All About the Knot (Gay Zoo)

By Mikhail Conrad. The most common question I get from guys that find out I get dog fucked is; Does it hurt? The answer to that is; Yes…, it hurts…, exquisitely. I like to look at it as a trade-off. The pain leads to some over-the-top pleasure. The best orgasms of my life have come with my smarting asshole trapped around a big fat cum-pumping dog knot. Getting the knot positioned just right, with the knobby bottom side snug up

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Top Dog (Gay Zoo)

By Robert R. I am not into dog contests. I know nothing about divisions, classes, or what promotes a dog to head off the line. But one of my best friends is nuts about the subject and has entered his dog in the local contest in town. I was to meet him there to see how it was coming along and to finally see his dog, which he always talked about but I never saw except in pictures. The hall

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Dumb Mutt (Gay Zoo)

By Ken C. “You silly bugger, Ralph,” I shouted and quickly stood up straight, sending my Great Dane puppy tumbling back over himself. He wasn’t hurt, just surprised he’d ended up doing a backflip and got up with his tongue lolling and looking at his cute, dumb self. Embarrassingly for me, my two mates (both of them straight) were in the room and saw the whole thing and were pissing themselves laughing. “Don’t ever get a Great Dane for a

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Officer, That Dog Raped Me (Gay Zoo)

By Jay Roberts. Mr. Wallace, my neighbor, owns a good-looking taffy colored Labrador. His name is Pete, and the dog is not Mr. Wallace. Wallace always walks him on a leash. It’s a good thing because I think the beast has a thing for me and eyes me hungrily whenever we meet. I think he thinks of my left leg as a good bone to eat and bury. “Hello, Jeff,” Mr. Wallace said today. He also eyes me like he’d

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Barnyard College (Gay Zoo)

By Ken C. I’d graduated from PRICKS with very high honors, along with a minuscule-sized penis caused by both female estrogen supplements and also not having had the dick fairy visit me when I was young with castrated genitals and an ass gape wide enough to park a truck in, life’s tough. But just as important to me was that I achieved a Distinction level pass in Animal Husbandry and Occasional Buggery, which Mistress Mom had defined as my major

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Kinky Action with a Great Dane (Gay Zoo)

By Phootjb. In order to set the stage for my story, I should start by saying that at the time the events that follow took place, I’d been into foot and piss fetish action with other guys. This typically included mutual foot jobs—jerking each other off using our bare feet, as well as cumming and pissing on each other’s feet. Anyway, my next-door neighbor, the Macks, had a big, beautiful male Great Dane named Gray. I was in college at

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Bruno Meets Stewart (Gay Zoo)

By Stewart Clark. I found a guy online who was into K9 sex and was willing to share his dog with me. Frank owned a male Rottweiler named Bruno. However, because Frank lived over three hours away by car, it took us an age to actually get together. Also, because sex with animals is against the law in my country, we ended up chatting for a long, long time, just in case the police were setting us up. Eventually, we

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