The Doggy Doctor
My doorbell rang around 11:30 PM on a Sunday night. It was my next-door neighbour, Joe. We were neighbours, but not really friends. We would chat some small talk when we bumped into each other, but that was it. His wife Jill is a fox, though. A slender brunette about five feet seven inches tall, with big breasts (they looked like double D’s), and an ass that I fantasised about when jerking-off. The downside being that Jill wasn’t very friendly whenever our paths crossed as neighbours. She came across as kind of a stuck-up bitch, which only made her more attractive to me.
“Dan, you’ve got to help us,” Joe said, when I opened the door. “It’s an emergency.”
I knew that Joe had brought a full grown Irish Setter named Kirby a few months ago from the dog rescue shelter in town. Kirby seemed like a friendly dog the few times I had run into him. So I asked, “Is something wrong with Kirby?”
“Uh… Yeah. Kirby needs help, but I can’t explain it here. You have to see it,” he said, grimacing, and looking around strangely.
“Okay,” I said, “I’ll get my bag and be right with you.”
As we walked over, Joe seemed to get even more agitated. “Jill is pretty upset, but no matter what she says promise me you’ll help her.”
“I thought Kirby needed help?”
Joe’s evasiveness was beginning to irritate me. “Yeah, right. He does. They both do.”
I decided to hold off on the questions until I got to where Kirby was.
We entered his house and he led me up the stairs to the second floor. I was growing more puzzled by the minute. As we walked through the bedroom door though it all became clear to me.
There on the floor was my snooty neighbour Jill, on her hands and knees with the Irish Setter on her back. She and Kirby were facing me as I walked in. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head when she saw me enter the room. The dog on the other hand, seemed content, panting with a big pink tongue over the side of its muzzle. The dog looked at me, but seemed disinterested in my presence. It had its dick in a sweet place, so why should it care.
As Joe had predicted, she blew her top. “God damn it, Joey, I’m going to kill you. Why did you bring him here?”
“He’s a veterinarian, so he knows about dogs,” Joe said trying to calm his angry wife.
“Yeah, and the son of a bitch also knows all our neighbours,” she said, glancing at Joe with narrowed eyes and a scowl.
“It was either him or the EMS…” Joe said, looking pale and shaky. “And they would have shown up with lights, sirens and official reports to fill out.”
“Besides,” Joe continued, “he can’t tell anyone. It’s doctor-patient confidentiality.”
I couldn’t resist interjecting. “Actually, Joe, I’m not allowed by law to treat humans. So, strictly speaking, Kirby is the one who would be considered my patient. But don’t worry Jill, since Kirby is probably just as embarrassed as you, I won’t tell anyone. I’m sure he wouldn’t want word of this to get out to the other dogs in the neighbourhood.
“Very funny, asshole,” Jill shot back. “Now, if you’re through with the jokes, get him the hell off.”
“Looks to me like you’ve already gotten Kirby off,” I responded, and chuckled.
“Stop being an asshole, and help ME,” she said, banging a fist into the floor.
I was enjoying her discomfort. “That’s not the problem, Jill. It’s not that he’s ON you. The problem is that he’s IN you. Getting him off of you will be the easy part.”
Unlike a man, a dog’s cock can swivel 180 degrees. I lifted one of Kirby’s legs over Jill’s back and put it on the floor. As I expected, he then turned around – but his cock stayed in her cunt. I had seen many dogs standing backside to backside like this while they waited for the male’s member to deflate enough for them to separate
Jill heaved a sigh of relief as the weight of the dog came off her back – but her relief was short-lived.
“God damn it, he’s still in me,” she yelled. “I don’t fucking believe it!”
Kirby was a large dog with a bigger-than-average cock – probably one of the reasons Jill had selected him. His knot was still swollen up to the size of a tennis ball and I knew it would not be coming down anytime soon.
Taking Joe aside, I told him, “What we need is some zinc oxide. Do you have any?”
I knew he would not. He scratched his chin for a moment and went off to check their bathroom cabinet. Not long after he returned, saying, “We don’t have any.”
I nodded and shrugged in phony empathy. “Well…” I said, “You’ll have to get some at the drugstore.”
It was almost midnight and the closest twenty-four hour store was a good 45 minute round trip. “That’ll take ages,” Joe complained. “The dog will probably pull out before then anyway.”
I shook my head. “If Jill was a dog, then I’d agree, but she isn’t. The only other way is to call the paramedics and they can inject some muscle relaxant into the… err… ‘area’ to allow the dog to exit.”
“Just go get the damn cream,” Jill suddenly shouted at Joe.
“OK! OK!” Joe mumbled, grabbed his car keys and headed out the front door.
Once Joe was gone, I went back to Jill and Kirby.
“Jill, now listen to me. It’s not unusual for a dog to ‘tie’ with a bitch for several minutes to a half hour.”
“I’m not a bitch,” she hissed.
Oh, yes, you are and in more ways than one it seems, I thought. But what I said was, “Of course, you’re not literally a bitch, Jill, but in this situation you are in the role of the bitch. If you really were a female dog Kirby would probably be out of you by now. The problem is that you’re kind of small down there, and Kirby is extra-large. Also, the fact that you’re upset has caused you to stop lubricating and tighten the muscles of your vagina. That makes it harder for Kirby to pull out.”
I could see her attitude softening as she considered what I was saying. “What we need to do is get you to relax so his cock can slide out. Otherwise, he could stay in you for another hour perhaps. And if you try to pull free you could tear soft tissue and really hurt yourself.”
The thought of another hour on her knees was clearly not something Jill wanted to endure. “What can we do?” She asked in a conciliatory tone.
“Do you have some Vaseline?”
“Yes. It’s on the table, but Joey already tried that,” she said, and sighed.
“Maybe he wasn’t putting it in the right place?”
I put a gob on my finger and lay down beside Jill and the dog. I reached up and began rubbing the Vaseline along the edge of her pussy where Kirby’s big cock was stuck.
Slowly I worked my finger up higher along her pussy lips till I reached her clit. She gave a little start as I touched her hot button. She suddenly turned to look at me with a deep frown and a red-face. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Like I told you, I’m trying to get you to relax.”
“Bullshit! You’re trying to finger my pussy,” Jill accused me, looking over her shoulder with wide-eyes.
“Well, actually I’m trying to do both,” I confessed.
“Pervert,” she said, but she no longer sounded angry.
“Jill, you’re fucking the dog here. I really don’t think you are in any position to take the moral high ground.”
That got a laugh from her. “Yeah, and you’re supposed to be helping here, not making it a ‘ménage a trois’,” she said with a scowl on her face.
It was my turn to laugh.
As I continued to rub her clit, she started to moan. She obviously was a highly sexed woman otherwise she wouldn’t have gotten herself into the situation that I had found her in. “Work with me, Jill. Think about what gets you wet. Tell me about what happened tonight.”
“It was Joe’s idea. Ever since he downloaded this film clip from the internet of a woman and a dog, he’s been after me to try it.”
“And you didn’t want to?”
“Well, not at first, but the more I looked at the clip the more interesting it looked. When we got Kirby from the breeder I figured it was the perfect opportunity. At first everything was fine.”
“So you’ve done it before tonight?”
She nodded. “In the beginning I just let him lick me. That was good. So I went a step further and started jacking him off. Then Joe would get him on his back and I would straddle him. His cock was big and warm. And he could cum and cum. It was great. But it was more like I was fucking him than he was fucking me. I wanted the full sensation. I wanted him to really fuck me. So tonight I got down on my hands and knees and let him do it to me doggy-style. I never dreamed he would get that whole big knot inside me.”
“So what gets you hot is to fuck a dog,” I said.
By this time I had a giant hard-on. She could see the bulge in my pants. “What really gets me hot is to suck a cock,” she replied in a sexy voice.
“Human or canine?”
“Either,” she said.
With that, I unzipped my pants and took out my cock. I moved in front of her and she took it in her hand and then guided it into her mouth. I looked down to see my cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Her eyes were rolled up and looking at me.
As she worked on me she was getting more and more excited. She started rocking back against Kirby, whose cock was still stuck in her pussy. She had me in her mouth and Kirby in her pussy. She was getting cock from both ends and loving it.
She licked and sucked me, her cheeks hollowing in. Kirby was looking back over his shoulder at the unexpected renewal of activity at his end. Jill was really getting into it now – rocking back and forth between my boner and the dog’s. Her big tits swung wildly back and forth.
I heard a faint pop as Kirby’s cock pulled free. That was followed by a splashing sound as all the liquid the dog had pumped into Jill gushed from her open cunt onto the floor.
Once he was free from her, Kirby immediately turned around and started to lick her pussy. This drove Jill even wilder. After six or seven swipes of his tongue she was approaching orgasm. She took my cock out of her mouth for a moment, and said, “Give it to me, now!”
The whole scene was too much and as she slid my cock into her mouth again, I started to come. She stayed with me and took every drop.
As I shot the last of my wad into her, the dog’s tongue pushed her over the edge. She let out a loud groan, her whole body was shaking and her mouth was open. She had sperm running out of both ends of her.
When she was done cumming, she collapsed onto her stomach. After a few moments, she looked up at me.
“You should leave now, before Joey gets back,” she said, sounding tired. “I’ll tell him Kirby just pulled out by himself.”
As I zipped myself back up and turned to leave, she said, “Thanks, neighbour.”
“Anytime,” I replied. “In fact, maybe you and Kirby should come to my office next week for a follow-up examination.”
“I just might do that,” she said with a smile.