Professional Curiosity

By Maxijohndoe. Rose exchanged the usual morning greetings with her colleagues as she headed to her workstation. Rose wasn’t her real name, but it had been easier to Anglicise her name rather than trying to teach English speakers her Chinese name. Rose worked as a lab technician to make enough money to see her through the many years of study and training it would take to be a pathologist, as the small amounts of money her parents could send her

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Dog Day

By Styxx. Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog’s knot had finally been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed repeatedly. The dog heaved one last time and, if possible, shoved the massive purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her

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A New Bitch For Scruff

By lovnbowser. There are times when one can predict the future. It might be the outcome of an event, a person’s characteristics, or a combination of both. My best friend Christine’s dress shop venture, for example. Something told me that it would be a disaster since its inception. I did not say a word to anyone, but I did make notes on my prediction. I just knew that the dress shop idea wasn’t right. A similar future prediction and premonition

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Not How I’d Imagined It

By curiousNat I came from a strict catholic family. Raised to believe that sex belonged in marriage, between a man and woman, and anything else was wrong. It had been that way in the house I grew up in for as long as I could remember, and I never once had a reason to question the beliefs being enforced onto me. I went to an all-girls school, attended church every Sunday, had bible hours every night, did all my chores,

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The Guide Dog

By Jenk9 I currently live in a building that does not allow pets except for Dan’s Golden Lab (Nick) because Dan is entirely blind, and Nick is his guide dog. When I first met Dan about two years ago, he didn’t have a guide dog as he couldn’t afford one. Most of us who lived on the third floor with Dan would help him when we could, and we all got on very well with him. Since Dan lived directly

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The Rotty and the Hotty

By Tank. Part 1… It was another sunny May California weekday afternoon, like many ones before it she had experienced for the past 4 years. The final bell of school had rang and she was on her way home. A few of her friends drove by in their Jeep to offer her a ride home but she refused. Home was only a mile and a half away and rather than worry about the troubles of bringing a car on campus,

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That Damn Dog! (Gay Zoo)

By markagnew. I was round at me mates last night, and about 10 pm, he said he had to nip out for some ciggies as he only had a few left. He said he wouldn’t take long to nip down to the garage and back, and he left me in charge of his big ugly black mutt! Don’t ask me what breed it was. All I knew was it was bloody huge and slobbered all over the damn place, and

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A Dog Orgy (Gay Zoo)

By Randall ( It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call and nowhere to go, so I decided a nice long walk might help. It was quite a hot night, so I threw on a tee shirt and some loose shorts. There is a park fairly close by me that I decided to go to and walk around for

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The Stray

By Kelly This is an account of an experience I had. This happens some time after my first experiences. Ben had died several years earlier and I moved to the country. Every morning I would run a couple of miles down the road, and a curious black lab would follow me a little way every morning. One morning, I felt particularly naughty and decided to coax him to my house. But he was not cooperating. I looked around. It was

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Man raped by neighbour’s dog! (Gay Zoo)

By Anon. This is a true story that I feel I must share after thirty years of keeping it a secret. This is not something I can tell people face to face because it is just too shameful. But I need to get it off my chest. Even to a bunch of perverts like you is better than nothing! Then maybe at least I can put it behind me. As I said, it happened thirty years ago when I was

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