The Guide Dog

By Jenk9

I currently live in a building that does not allow pets except for Dan’s Golden Lab (Nick) because Dan is entirely blind, and Nick is his guide dog. When I first met Dan about two years ago, he didn’t have a guide dog as he couldn’t afford one. Most of us who lived on the third floor with Dan would help him when we could, and we all got on very well with him. Since Dan lived directly across the hall from me, I got to know him better than most, becoming excellent friends.

We would often visit and confide in each other and always knew each other’s whereabouts. After being friends for a while, I realized that Dan was depressed and tried to console him. I found out that he was lonely and was desperate for a relationship. I managed to help him find a girlfriend, but she dumped him only two days before his birthday. When we discussed it, he told me that he was distraught because she promised to give him his first blowjob on his birthday, and he wanted the experience.

I decided to get him a blowjob for his birthday. Unfortunately, I couldn’t hook him up with someone in time, so I gave him the blowjob myself but told him it was a once-off gift and that we would still only be friends after. Dan was delighted and managed not to be awkward around me after I let him cum in my mouth.

Dan slid back into depression a week or so later, and I had to do something about it. I spoke to all the tenants on our floor and the building manager, and we managed to scrape together enough money to buy Dan his guide dog and got approval to allow the dog in the building. I made all the arrangements and then told Dan I had a surprise for him.

I took him to the Guide Dog School, and when Dan realized where he was, he couldn’t speak from the emotions he was experiencing. The man that helped us told me to leave so that Dan could spend some time with various dogs until they found a perfect match and that they would gladly take him home when they were done. Dan had to go back and forth for a few days for training and selection, but he came home before too long with his new dog Nick.

To be clear, I had never considered anything sexual with a dog until Nick crossed my path, and it was also by coincidence. As Dan made his way up the stairs with his new dog, I made myself more comfortable by removing my underwear from beneath my short skirt as I always did when I was at home. I would wear no underwear around Dan since he can’t see anything, so he would never know. I’ve even had coffee with Dan in my apartment in the nude without him being the wiser. When I heard a knock at my door and Dan’s voice, I didn’t bother putting my underwear back on before opening it for him.

“Hi Dan,” I said warmly.

“Hi Simone, I just wanted to show you, my new partner,” he said with a big smile.

Before any more words could be exchanged, I looked down and saw Nick, and as I was about to scratch his head, he shoved his head under my skirt and licked me twice in a split second. The first lick swiped over my bare pussy, and the second went between my pussy lips.


“What’s wrong?” Dan asked, puzzled.

I thought for a second and decided not to spoil his good mood. “I mean, what a beautiful dog,” I lied.

Dan was so proud of Nick and started thanking me profusely. I invited him and Nick inside and made us each a cup of coffee. While Dan told me everything about Nick and what he was told about taking care of him, I couldn’t help but stare at Nick most of the time as I tried to ignore what happened at the door. Dan realized I was distracted and asked if I was okay.

“I’m fine, Dan, don’t you worry about me. Hard day at the office, and I’m a bit tired.”

I told him how happy I was for him, and a little while later, Dan took Nick to his new home across the hall. As he left, he scratched Nick behind the ear and told him, “You’ll be seeing a lot of Simone, so you need to get used to her.”

As I closed the door behind them, I realized that his words were valid; I would have to be careful around him in the future. The following few times that Dan and Nick visited me were uneventful. I did, however, feel a tingle between my legs every time I saw Nick and found myself remembering the sensation of his tongue on my pussy quite regularly. It got to a point where my pussy was wet when I was around Nick, and I craved feeling his tongue on it again. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t rid myself of the urge.

One day, Dan invited me over for coffee and to show me some new self-hypnosis audio his life coach gave him that helped him improve his memory, become more self-confident, quit smoking, etc. He told me the only problem was that Nick would sometimes interrupt him in the middle of a session, which futile the effort. He asked me if I would sit with Nick while he listened to one of the audio’s so he wouldn’t be interrupted and that it would only take 20 minutes.

I hesitated but eventually agreed as I could see it was positively affecting his life. Dan put his headphones on, started the audio, and was in a trance with his eyes closed within 2 minutes. I was sitting on the sofa with Nick sitting at my feet, looking up at me with the knowledge that Dan had no way of perceiving me now that he had blocked his sense of hearing and was in a hypnotic state. My pussy was so wet and aching that I just had to do something about it. I peered at Dan through the door and cleared my throat loudly to see if he’d notice, and he didn’t flinch. I then looked down at Nick and decided to satisfy my urge.

I leaned back where I sat so I could slip my thong off and raised my skirt to expose my wet pussy to Nick. Nick was already close enough to lick me, but he stood up and came even closer as he sniffed at my pussy. I froze in place as I watched Nick extend his tongue and begin to lick my pussy. I moaned as quietly as I could while Nick explored every inch of my pussy with his broad, rough tongue and particularly enjoyed it when his tongue found my clit.

I kept swapping my gaze between Dan and what Nick was doing, and it felt so delicious. Nick licked my pussy for over 10 minutes until I had to grab a sofa cushion and cover my face to silence myself when I had a brilliant orgasm. I had to cover my pussy with my hand to prevent Nick from licking further, and before long, I heard Dan stir.

“Thanks, Simone. That was the first time I got through that one.”

I was still a bit disorganized and out of breath but calmly replied, “Any time, Dan. Just let me know when you want to do it again, and I’ll come over. You can leave Nick at my place.”

I couldn’t believe it. I offered to help for my selfish reasons and not for Dan’s benefit.

“I’ll take you up on that. I have a few friends over on Thursday evening with our life coach, and we’ll need to be without any distractions. Would you mind?”

My pussy started tingling all over again, and I agreed in a heartbeat. While Dan and I visited further, I battled to find my thong but eventually found it just under the sofa close to where I sat. Nick was also making it difficult as he continuously tried to get his head back between my legs while I spoke to Dan.

I also noticed that Nick’s cock was hanging out all stiff and large, and all I could think about was playing with that thing and exploring things further with Nick. Eventually, I went home and looked at myself in the mirror while I tried to decide if I was crazy. It didn’t take long to convince myself that taking things further with Nick was okay and’“who cares if I’m crazy anyway’?

When Thursday finally arrived, I made sure I was home in time to receive Nick, and so Dan could go about his business with his friends and their life coach. As soon as Nick saw me, he thrust his head under my skirt and started licking my pantyless pussy while I said goodbye to Dan.

“Have some patience, boy; you’ll get all the pussy you want tonight,” I said, patting him after Dan had gone.

Dan had already walked and fed Nick, so there was nothing for me to do except explore my urges with him. I decided to get completely naked and down to his level, so within a couple of minutes of his arrival, I lay on the rug on my back with my legs spread wide open and lifted while Nick licked all over my ass pussy, and clit. As he licked me, he moved around and ended up with his hind legs by my head.

I quickly shifted my position slightly and lifted one of his legs to get under him in a 69 position while he continued to pleasure my pussy with his tongue. I started massaging his cock through the sheath and quickly got him hard and ready. The first urge I had to satisfy was to taste his surprisingly large cock, so I leaned up on one elbow and slid his meat into my mouth.

Unfortunately, he stopped licking my pussy when I did that, but I enjoyed giving him a blowjob for the next few minutes. Nick would thrust his hips now and then, and I knew this meant we would be able to fuck. I finally decided it was time to feel his cock inside me, so I got out from under him and assumed a ‘bitch in heat’ position. Nick’s instincts forced him to mount me immediately. Nick’s instincts were spot on as his cock found my cunt on the second thrust.

“OH MY GOD!” I said as his cock penetrated my cunt.

Nick proceeded to fuck me like a jackhammer, and within a short while, I could feel his growing knot sliding in and out of my cunt. His cock and my pussy made squelching sounds as it slid in and out and the pleasure it gave me was out of this world. When his knot reached an impressive size, it got stuck inside me, and his humping strokes shortened but continued to pleasure me. When I felt the first stream of warm cum spray deep inside me, it sent me a dizzying orgasm. Suddenly we were both motionless and out of breath.

I felt the need to take the weight of my arms, so I lowered myself to rest my chest on the floor, but Nick was resting on my back, so he needed to change position. Nick turned around, rotating his swollen cock inside my cunt, so we were facing away from each other, butt-to-butt. A little while later, Nick’s cock shrank enough and slipped out of my cunt, and I lay down flat on the rug on my belly. He started trying to lick me again, so I spread my legs open and raised my butt to allow him full access to clean me up. Once he was done, he turned his attention to his cock and licked it until it was back inside its sheath.

Since that day, I found any excuse to be alone with Nick and even let him lick me on many occasions while Dan was in the room without him finding out.

Once, while Dan had two blind friends over, I got Nick to lick my pussy while they chatted loudly, only a few feet away. That was a wild experience as Nick ravished my aching pussy right in front of these people, and they didn’t even have a clue. The hardest part was to stop him from mounting me, but I managed it. The other Guide Dogs even sniffed at and licked my pussy too. One of Dan’s guests commented how the dogs seemed to like me.

Dan gushed that it showed what a good person I am if the dogs feel so comfortable around me. I gushed from my cunt as I came in a dog’s mouth. I had to excuse myself from the room and went to the bathroom to catch my breath. Fuck, it’s challenging to cum that hard and not make a sound. I don’t know how I did it.

Unfortunately, Dan and Nick eventually moved away to some supported accommodation for the Blind. After a few months of no K9 sex, I desperately need an excellent K9 encounter. So now I’m considering getting a dog of my own.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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