My Sister-in-law is forced to fuck their Pitbull

By jackieluvsit.

Chapter 1

My brother had to work out of town for weeks, so he asked his wife Patti if I’d come to stay there to keep her company. Being more than ready to get away from my dreary ordinary life and away from my husband, let that family of his take care of him. I packed, and my sister-in-law Patti was right there to pick me up and went to their home, a couple of towns away from my husband and me. Got there and unpacked and in their guest room. My brother had already left with their whole crew to go out of town and do the job they would do. So it was just Patti and me there along with their pitbull/boxer Toro they had named him. I guess a fitting name for him since every time he saw a visitor at their house. He’d charge at you like a wild bull to get him some petting.

Truly by how he’d acted the numerous times I’d been there and visited, I had this deep down womanly feeling that Patti and Toro had something going. He would crowd upon me, wanting to sniff things he had no business even trying to do. And more so than that, the way he would shove that big broad-headed nose of his between my legs was, even more, my thoughts something was going on. Nothing much happened the first couple of days I was there, except she would go to her bedroom to take a nap, and right behind her was Toro, and his nose pushed right up between her legs, trying to get at her privates, of course, she just swatted him away, though I think it was because I was there. I swear I could hear sounds coming from their bedroom that sure were not sounds of taking a nap, but sounds of getting fucked by Toro!

On the third day, I was there and vacuumed the hallway leading to both my room and theirs. Patti was taking a nap as she’d tell it every day, and I couldn’t hear anything at first due to the vacuum cleaner running. But I had shut it off and was about to roll the cord up and put it away when I heard it!

“Yes, Toro. Oh, Yes, Toro. Oh, do it, boy. Oh, do it like that to Momma,” my sister-in-law Patti cried out.

Now Patti was a short woman, barely 5ft tall, maybe a couple of inches taller than that. Blonde hair down to her shoulders and kept cut like that. Blue/Green eyes and not big breasted at all though maybe a size and cup bigger than my small 31B size ones. But she had a big bubble butt on her, which alone made her stand out in a crowd and turn men’s heads.

Suddenly out of the blue, Patti screamed out, “No, Toro. Oh, no, Toro. Don’t do that! I can’t take that, Toro,” followed by a painful scream.

I honestly thought he was attacking her by the sound of her screaming at him and the terrible pain she was in. So I ran to their bedroom door and flung it open to help her with whatever he was doing. There on the bed was my sister in law Patti, totally naked, on her back, her legs hiked up, feet on the bed and spread wide open, with Toro up between them and laying over the top of her belly, up between her breast, his head on one side of hers. Had she been clothed, you would think they were roughhousing, but she was naked, legs spread wide, Toro up between them, and he was thrusting at her with his hips like crazy. She had two big throw pillows right up under that bubble butt of hers heaving her pussy right up where he could easily fuck her and fuck her he was doing!

I’m not ignorant at all to a dog’s anatomy in the least, and far more so since when living at home, our pet took me many times, so I was not confused about what was happening in any way, shape, or form. Toro was buried to the hilt in that hairy blonde pussy of hers, and by how she screamed and was acting, he had buried that knot up into it, as he now lay over her cumming like everything up inside her pussy. Oh, her head throws and screams and cries, timed perfectly to my seeing that big sack of balls of his jerking up and down, knowing exactly what that meant. I could not see anything right between them, though I sure wanted to! But I stood in that doorway watching as Toro fucked and filled his bitch up with hot dog cum.

She, too, was cumming like crazy for him, her whole body shaking and trembling as she was herself having a powerful orgasm. Then she screamed, “Oh, Yes, Toro. Oh, give it to me, boy! Oh, your cum is so hot. Oh, fill me, Toro. Oh, fill me with it!”

He was pleasuring her as much as she was pleasuring him. I got out of the way and closed the door in complete awe of what I’d just witnessed and seen as I continued to hear the loud grunts and moaning sounds of her pleasured desire by him. I stood there just outside the door, stunned and in total unbelief of what I had witnessed inside that bedroom, still hearing her loud sounds and heavy breathing, joining together in unison of their combined pleasure. Now I wasn’t naïve at all about this in the least. Our dog fucked and licked me to delight in my years at home, and he sure kept my mom well satisfied! But this was different, this was life in the adult world, and I had just witnessed my sister-in-law getting fucked by their pet dog. The continued sounds of their mating are still fully evident in what I was hearing from the two of them together.

Knowing all too well from my past knowledge of it had my belly twitching and writhing and my mind filled with its relapse from home. Toro had flat out knotted her and knotted up her pussy good! Filling that lithe belly of hers with his hot dog cum! I wanted to run as far away from this as I possibly could. Only my feet and legs wouldn’t budge. The total consumption of it all in my mind had me glued to that spot. Still heard the sounds of their combined pleasure coming right through that door as I listened to it all. Finally, somehow, I could force myself to get away from that door and stop hearing the sounds from within that room! I rushed to the living room, my mind still filled with everything that I had witnessed and heard from within there, my breath labored and filled with some strange, deepened outright lust of my own.

She was getting fucked and pleasured, and I wasn’t! I cannot recall how long all that lasted in that bedroom. I was too lost in my world of disgust and hatred for myself for feeling as I did about all this. But finally, I heard that door open. Toro came happily bouncing into the living room, his snout covered in his and hers combined mess, his long thick tongue lapping out, gathering everything he could into his mouth, savoring every bit of their outright combined pleasure as he strutted about like he was the absolute king of what he had just done in that bedroom. My eyes shot wide open as I saw the full outright sight of his manhood between his legs! Still fully extended from his sheath, his dark red hot-colored cock was outrageously thick, covered, dripping everywhere of their combined juices. It was a huge, almost large orange-sized ball semi-deflated yet still swollen out, covered in everything from their sex session.

It was more disturbing at what I was so gawking at and in awed disbelief of was the tip because it was long and tapered from the thickness of his shaft, at least 2 or 3 inches in looks long like that. It instantly made me shudder, knowing just where that had been in my sister-in-law’s pussy! As I stared and was awe-stricken at Toro’s manhood, I heard her slowly struggling to go down the hallway and into the bathroom. Toro had just strutted himself right over to his bed spot in the living room, laying down and his thick head leaned into his body, licking up the remains of their juices from his entire cock and heavy, thickly set of balls. After that, he just outright fell asleep, breathing so heavily, still panting as he had been. Sometimes seemed to pass as I heard her finally coming down the hallway and into the living room, a total wreck of how she was messed up.

Her long blonde hair was a complete mess matted all up with where he had drooled all in it, not thinking, I guess, about my even being there. She was still naked, her hands slung over her belly, grasping it with the hurting pain she felt upside her deepest depths, her thick blonde-haired mound matted all up with her and his combined cum. Her legs spread outwards as if she had just jumped off from a long hard horse ride, telling the whole tale that she’d just been fucked by his dog cock and so stretched open from it all made her walk like this now. Scratches were evident all over each side of her waist and belly and near her small breast, where her nipples were hard as stones from the pleasure he had just given her in that bedroom.

Right to the kitchen, she struggled to go into and got her several glasses of water, chugging it down, trying to regain her dehydrated state from I know had to be her outright draining of body fluids orgasms she had endured. Then gruntingly hurting as she walked back to her bedroom, I heard her, still holding her belly with her hands, stepping back just as she’d walked in and had not paid me one bit of mind being right there I was. Hours and hours and hours now passed as Toro lay in his bed asleep, and she off in their bedroom sleeping off her own being fucked as she had never been before.

Finally, after all this time and I had fallen asleep right there on the couch, having vivid dreams of what I had so witnessed and encountered this very day, waking up disturbed as hell by it all, my pussy was on fire with the lust-filled thoughts and dream of it all. She came out of her room, still slowly getting about, grunting in the pains of walking about still from it all, and went into the bathroom as I heard the tub filling with water then being shut off and heard her every once in a while loudly grunting painful sounds. At last, I heard her coming from the bathroom, the tub draining, as she slowly walked back to her bedroom, and dressed, then went into the living room going to get yet another round of water down, still trying to get herself hydrated from what she and he alike had done in that room.

Coming back into the living room, she slowly walked bowlegged in, wearing a loose pair of shorts with just a t-shirt on. She struggled painfully to her chair, sat down, began drinking a mixed drink, sat back into the chair, and struggled even to do that without pain. She swigged that mixed drink right down, as I knew she was hurting, so I got up, took her to drink glass, and went and made her another and me my first one. Returning with our drinks, she said nothing but could not look at me, telling me she felt and was dealing with the almighty guilt this causes us, women, to think after this has happened.

I said nothing either and just went back to the couch and sat down, drinking my courage water, to somehow come to grips with all this myself as she was herself. After getting up several times and making her and I alike more drinks, things seemed to tame down in our minds, becoming more adjusted to this outright unbelievable event. At last, she could at least look up at me, though quickly turning her head away in total disgrace and guilt, knowing I had heard and seen it all! Then, Toro woke up when she was as intoxicated as I was. It was about to become known just why this was going on!


Chapter 2

Patti sat there in her chair, legs spread wide apart, the loose cottony shorts opened for a clear view of her now cleaned up the blonde-haired mound. Oh, her pussy was viewable by me sitting right across from her, on the couch, with her legs thrown over each arm of her chair. One could not help but see it all as I looked at her. Being so lost in her thoughts, she wasn’t aware of just how she was showing me everything she was. More so than that, she wasn’t even aware that Toro, in all his mighty glory, had even woke up and now standing and stretching himself out, yawning with that pit mouth of his as he did this. He had the name Toro because he looked exactly like a Bull without the horns, of course, and indeed not of one’s hugeness, but he was a dog replica of one. So the name Toro was given to him. And here he stood now in all his mighty muscled up a mite, looking precisely at what I had glared upon!

She and I were a bit tipsy from the mixed drinks, our minds off in our open worlds, even after the day’s events in their bedroom. I wanted to tell her to move out of harm’s way, being spread so out like that in those loose cottony shorts, her legs thrown over each arm of the chair. Toro just stood beside his bed, stretching himself, his head and eyes locked into looking where he had already been earlier and began to smell the air with his nostrils. No doubt he smelled both her and my womanly scents. His tongue was now lapping out from his mouth, slapping up over his snout and back into his mouth. I shuddered, overthinking in my mind watching this precisely what he was doing that for. Then without a single indication that he was going to do this or that, he lunged forwards in an entire outright run, stopping immediately right there between her spread wide open legs.

Oh, she now noticed him, shook all over herself, and was trying to take her legs off each arm of the chair and close herself up. Just as her legs moved from their spread over the arms position, Toro snarled and growled out at her. She tried to get her legs down and pulled together, but Toro shot his snarling, growling, angry head at her right thigh and all but bit her.

She was too scared to move in any direction with her legs now, screaming out, “No Toro, Oh No Toro!”

But he only barked out ferociously and snapped at her thigh again. Now she was screaming and pleading for me to come to help her, and I jumped up from the couch to run over and see if I could get hold of his collar and keep him from her. He turned at me and growled and snarled, angry at my coming even towards him. I was frozen in my tracks, scared that he would lunge up at me and tear me apart! As if he knew he had me too scared even to try and advance one bit further, he turned back to her.

She’s still screaming and crying out, “No Toro, Oh no, please, no more today!”

Still snarling and growling at her until she was forced to accept just what he wanted. Then once he realized that both of us were scared to death of him, he merely stopped his snarling and growling viscously out at each of us. All the while, she was pleading and screaming out for him not to do anything else to her, as her eyes cast at me, shot wide open with total fear and horror of his being like this to us both. I knew there was no helping her and slowly moved back to sit back down on the couch. He would look back at me and snarl and viciously growl at me for even moving, yet stood right where he was to protect and have what he was telling us was his! Having moved back to the couch, I sat down and curled myself into a defensive position, scared of him. I was forced to stay right where I was, curled up and shaking to death in fear that their damn dog had gone off the deep end and would kill both of us!

But he wasn’t interested in that. What he wanted, she was outright showing through those loose cottony shorts of hers. Once assured he had us both right where he wanted, he stopped the vicious, angry growling and snarling and snapping at her inner thighs and reached his head right in and grabbed the loose end of her shorts. His muscled-up body stepped backward and dragged her body and ass almost off the chair, her legs forced to spread even wider as he did this, all the while she was screaming and pleading and crying out to him not to do this. But he had that leg of her shorts in a firm death grip in his mouth and pulled those shorts, almost ripping and tearing from her waist. Now planted right on the very edge of that chair with her big ass, she was, her arms thrown back over the back of the chair to keep him from dragging her right off into the floor as he pulled and tugged at her shorts and tore them from her waist and legs.

The ripping of them from her screaming and pleading body filled the room, as he now had them torn from her and merely stepped just a bit aside and dropped the torn to shreds shorts right onto the floor. She was forced into her position now as he had done this, crying and pleading for her life. He paid her not one bit of obedience. He just walked right up, his head and snout now aimed right at her already hurt and swollen blonde-haired bushy pussy, and began then and there to sniff at it. She was shaking from the horrible fear he would attack and tear her apart. Steadily crying in fear of what she now fully knew he wanted, what he had already earlier had! Her pussy was outright raw and reddened from his assault of it earlier, but he cared not one bit of her condition.

He was going to have her again. As his snout plowed right up to her swollen pussy, the lips flared outwards from being so stretched out by his cock and knot earlier, and he wanted more! I sat curled up, scared of being forced to watch it happen again. Suddenly his thick tongue shot out from his mouth and raked flatly over the entirety of her swollen and already hurt pussy, making her jerk and jump her entire body about. A screaming, crying, grunting moan came from her as his tongue raked right over her entire pussy and clit. While poor Patti wasn’t screaming in so much horror anymore, She still was being forced to let him now set out to outright lick her pussy, as the sounds of his lapping and licking at it became louder and louder.

She was now thrashing and twisting her body about, loud cries of the agonized pleasure of it all coming from her, as Toro’s tongue worked her pussy over, as her clit began to elongate out of its hiding, and making her jerk and twist about as his tongue and tip raked right over it. The horrid unwontedness of it all was dwindling fast within Patti as now she began to moan outright and grunt out loud cries of the forced pleasure his tongue assault on her pussy was giving her, the outright wetness between his tongue and her pussy becoming more increasing matting her thick blonde hair together all around and over her pussy lips and mound now. Then as suddenly as it had all begun, it stopped. Patti there spread widely outwards before him, her breathing so labored with the forced pleasure of his tongue thus far on her beaten and already battered pussy.

Then suddenly, she jolted her entire body up off the chair as then. There Toro sent that huge, now slightly curled thick tongue of his right up into her pussy, forcing it to stretch wide open as he buried it as deep as he could up into her, Patti screaming in the painful and outright pleasure of it all. Back out and into his mouth, that thick tongue came dragging out, and the juices her pussy was now giving him entirely from it. Now repeatedly, he began his brutal tongue assault up into her pussy as deep as he could plow that curled up thick tongue of his up into her making Patti scream out and cry out with the outright pleasure of it all now. Then her juices began to pour from her pussy onto his thrusting and working tongue madly, as her head flew back and she screamed out in the outright orgasm of it all.

Over and over again, he did this, getting faster and faster with his tongue assault on her pussy, as Patti was thrashing and screaming out in the complete orgasmic bliss of it all. She was outright giving him all the pussy juices his tongue could force into her and bring back out juices pouring from his assaulting tongue as the outright sloppy wet lapping sounds filled the room right along with Patti’s screaming torturous cries of pleasure. And again, as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped! Patti’s body was wildly twisting and squirming about her screams and cries of the pleasure still coming from her pussy, now soaked and splayed wide open from his tongue stretching it so outwards to take its thickness. Toro was sitting back on his hind legs now, his tongue lapping out over his wet snout of their combined juices and pulling it all from there back into his mouth, savoring the outright taste of her pussy.

As of now, he just sat there heavily panting, his tongue lulled out from his snout, still lapping up any and every drop that remained from their pleasure. After Toro had just finished his tongue marathon on and inside my own sister-in-law’s pussy, he sat there back to his usual self, the vicious state of mind he was in now gone from him. I have to say that was one of the scariest moments of my entire life! That dog had just flipped out crazy! And I became far more relaxed now, not fearing for my life any longer. Patti was too far gone from the pleasure that tongue had forced her into. Her arms fell from the back of the back along her sides in a total and complete relaxed state. At that moment, I genuinely felt that she had flat out passed out from its intensity.

At that time in my life, I had never had any kind of intuition or even thoughts of another woman sexually. However, I thought, sitting there as I was now looking directly at her wrecked and damaged pussy still widely spread open by his tongue assault on it. Was it the alcohol we had drank? Was it to run and Mother her up? Was it due to the horrible fear of life he had us in? Those thoughts and questions raced through my mind, looking at her beautiful, splayed wide, open, soaked pussy. I swear her inside vagina was still quivering and spasming from what he had just done. I now know fully she was blessed with what men and women alike, for that matter, know as a snapping pussy. I could see it working its magic all up inside her. Now I do somewhat, at least in my mind thinking back on this all happening, that no wonder Toro became so vicious and aggressive towards her was for this very reason.

His animalistic instincts made him this way towards her. Somehow and someway, when my brother was around, Toro released his authority over her. But when he was alone with her, he owned her! All these many years later, I now fully realize this. In short, my sweet little sister-in-law was Toro’s Bitch! How all this got this way was totally out of an accident in the makings, as most of the time, it starts that way. When I was at home and Jasper would come to take me whenever he wanted, he had met in the same spot she was in. My Mom and I, alike, were Jasper’s Bitches. Although a severe difference in the way and style they both operated was altogether different. Jasper was more of a lover. Toro was a rapist. I could not sit there and condemn this action between her and Toro for the simple matter that I was just as she, A Bitch In Heat!

As I sat there curled up on that couch in the corner end of it, everything seemed to flashback over me, and deep in my mind, I wanted to get right up and get naked and let Toro come and take me! Rape Me! Fuck Me! But he seemed to care less of even my presence there, except to stop and even attack me if need be to get at the prize possession he truly wanted, and that was her. All he did as I uncurled myself from my once scared to death position and stood up and began to undress was turn his head back to me, then right back where his actual attention was. Why I stood up and did this, I honestly cannot recall, except to possibly somehow distract him from her. I was now standing there, shorts and panties alike off, and he paid me not one-bit attention.

Even as scared to death as I had been, watching all this had me wet and horny. I needed another drink, and as I went towards the kitchen, he looked at me and turned right back to her. Knowing no doubt, she needed one for damn sure since she was his to have as he desired and wanted. I walked over to her to get her to drink glass off the side table, and immediately he began to growl and snarl at me instantly!

That instantly brought her back to life as she screamed out, “NO TORO, Oh no, please don’t hurt me, I’ll let you do it!” Not realizing in the least until her eyes opened and saw me standing there fully naked below the waist, staring, in fact, right up at my womanly pussy, seeing that I had her drink glass in hand, she said; “Oh yes, oh please yes Jackie make me a powerful one!”

Toro stood up immediately, his teeth now fully bared, and I saw the hair raise on the back of his muscular neck and ran from there into the kitchen away from him as he had stopped snarling and growling at me. I was shaking so bad, scared to death he was going to come into that kitchen and attack me, that I spilled some of the courage water she and I both so desperately needed and overfilled our drink glasses with too much of it, but then shakily added the cola to them and cared little about ice or anything else. As I was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane walking back into that living room, I saw him squatting onto his hind legs, staring and looking right at her pussy. When I walked even close to where they both were, he stood up and began to snarl and growl at me again, right back into his entire aggressive vicious state of mind, and standing away as far as I could, I sat her drink on the side table shaking so bad I spilled a bit of it onto it, and took my drink and ran back over to that couch and curled up in my scared to death fashion.

He was standing there still in his actual state of mind, now growling and snarling at her for reaching out and grabbing her drink, then sat right back down into his almost obedient sitting stance. She was shaking to death in fear of him as she shakily swallowed her drank down and sat that glass back onto the side table, which he did nothing at this, just watched intently as hell at her every move. Finally, she spoke out to me, shaking herself of his absolute fear, afraid to even move one part of her body from where it was now and had been.

“This is what he does to me, Jackie. This is why I have to let him have me!” Then what she said next is what floored me the most. “Your brother taught him to be this way to me when we’re alone together like this!”

Went on to explain that my damn brother taught their male dog to be this way to Patti when he was gone from home, simply and wholly because this way she would not go fucking around behind his back. It all made sense to me why she wouldn’t leave their house when my brother was away from home! Toro would probably attack her and all but kill her! She sat there now shaking and scared to death, going on that he would get her this way and keep her this way until he was satisfied and content that he had done his job as taught by my damn brother. He would sometimes mate with her multiple times a day until he was himself to give out to go on, and she was a total complete wreck.

I said, “You mean Toro does this because my damn Brother taught him to do this, Patti?”

“Yes,” she shakily nodded her head and said.

“How can I help you, Patti?” I asked.

She just shaky voiced and told me there was nothing I could do to stop it, or Toro would attack me and tear me apart!

“That Bastard,” I screamed, meaning my damn brother taught Toro to do all this.

Suddenly an idea came into my mind, one that was a horrible thought in its own accord, but I had to do something to help her. I un-sprawled myself, and then and there sat up on the couch, moved my ass right to the edge of it, and having put my legs out and feet on the floor, I spread my legs wide apart as I could. Then called out, “Here, Toro. Come on, boy. Give me some of that tongue!”

All he did was turn his head to me and just stared long and hard at what was offered to him. Then, he ignored me and my offering and turned right back to her. I shivered all over as his eyes told of his wanting to come over to me and give me what he had just given her, but the intensity and vicious look in his eyes told me he would take me when he wanted, not when I wanted him to. It was a failed attempt to get him away from her and protect her somehow from him. All I would be allowed to do was sit right here and watch him take her and have her, and that was it. Now, as if he had his mind made up of what he wanted to do next, he stood up and then and there nudged his snout and head right up into her inner right thigh, nudging it upwards from its state over the arm of the chair.

Patti did nothing at first, too damn scared to say or do anything, but when he suddenly snapped her inner thigh and growled like hell, she cried, “OK, OK, Toro. “Oh, please, don’t bite me. I’ll do it, Toro. I’ll do it, Toro!”

As she shifted herself in the chair, taking her legs down off the sides and onto the floor, Toro just stepped back fully, allowing her to move now, as she spun herself in that chair onto her front first, her big rounded ass showing itself fully to me, then slithering her body downwards off the chair her legs on the floor now, and then onto her knees she went. Crying and shaking as she did this, now only her belly and upper body was in the chair, as she pushed her big, beautifully rounded ass up into the air and spread her legs widely out, her arms and hands clutching at the components of the chair.

I sat there shaking and shivering to the core, seeing that Toro was forcing her to get into this position or be torn apart by his vicious biting and attacking her. Now she was in this position, her head laid onto the chair and her shoulders, her arms and hands outwards against the arms clutching and hanging onto them for dear life, knowing what was about to happen.

She was crying and shaking all over in the horrid fear of having to give herself to Toro once again sexually!


Chapter 3

Their vicious Pitbull Toro forced poor little Patti to turn herself around in her chair and get on her knees, her big beautiful rounded ass up into the air, her legs spread widely out, her upper body and head laid onto the cushion of her chair, her arms spread outwards as her hands clutched and grabbed at each cushioned arm, her outright crying spilled out into the room. Her whole body was shaking in total fear of how viscously Toro had forced her into this position. Her ass was shivering and shaking just as her entire body was, and the crying screams of her horror-filled the living room. I was sitting there myself on the couch naked from the waist down and forced to sit here and watch him take her. Toro had moved around as she was horridly forced by him into this position, as now he was right behind her standing right there, where she was on her knees, and her legs and feet sprawled out widely on either side where he stood.

He looked and stared right up into her pussy, his head bent ever so slightly, as he acted as if he was outright inspecting her pussy for readiness of his next pleasure from her. Suddenly he sent his whole head and snout right up into her ass cheeks, and using his mighty muscular strength, he brought his head upwards, making her ass move upwards first, then forced her knees up off the floor as he shoved her ass further up into the air now, above where her head and shoulders were laid out onto the cushion of the chair. Patti was crying and screaming out, shaking all over in her horrid fear of him and his cruel ways with her. Her knees immediately did as he nudged her and moved upwards towards the chair, forcing her big, beautifully rounded ass further into the air.

Having stopped nudging her up higher again, Toro leaned his big broad pitbull head up between her legs, looking directly at her blonde hair-covered bushy pussy, inspecting her readiness to take him and the perfect positioning to do so. That’s how my mind thinks, as he had done this each time now. Seemingly now fully satisfied with her positioning and readiness to take him, he backed his head out from just under her, the full blonde bushiness of her mound I could see now as his head had cleared away. Now Patti was totally and absolutely in no way mentally ready for him to take her. She was crying and pleading with her mental unwontedness of this! But her beautiful little spasming pussy told otherwise. Oh, how it squeezed inwards and back outwards, making even her outer lips dance and twitch from the inner actions of her pussies depths. Sitting there as I was, I could see it clearly and fully outright that she had indeed a snapping pussy.

No wonder my bastard of a damn Brother took to her as he did, outside the diminutive height and her perfection of both body and beauty, but to teach their damn pitbull to take her like this was horrific, outright horrific! If I had a gun, I’d have shot that damn dog right there and then, and believe me. I so wanted to find one and do just that. Even as the woman I am, I was raised that when an animal turned into this vicious beast, you got a gun as fast as possible and shot it dead then and there! I had rushed into our house several times, grabbed up my dad’s shotgun, and ran outside and killed rabid skunks and like creatures. It’s a part of ranch and farm living. But honestly, as my mind endured seeing all this, it wasn’t Toro’s fault. It was that damn bastard of a Brother of mine’s fault for teaching him to do this to her. That’s where the fault lay.

I now shifted on the couch as I watched this horrid act before me, and Toro turned his head to me. That evil sadistic growl and snarl at me made me stop moving altogether and sit there obedient and totally at his mercy as she was, but nowhere near what he had her positioned for, as opposed to what he had me sitting obediently to watch and witness! And honestly, I do believe Toro was outright torturing her by leaving her like this, and he was not just immediately jumping up and taking her. He was acting as if he wanted her outright broken to the core in her mind, being positioned like this, crying and pleading out for her life and her body being forced to be given to him. Suddenly I was filled with absolutely total horrid disgust, thinking suddenly, why had my brother insisted I come here and stay? Did that bastard intend and entirely do this so I would have to sit and see this happen?

He damn sure knew it was going to happen! Hell, he’d trained Toro to do this to her when he was away! Hell yes, he planned for me to have to sit here and watch this! Outside of all the shit he’d done to me while living at home, I’d forgiven his sorry ass for all that, yes, but by damned, I’d never forgotten it. And I will probably never divulge in a story of any kind the things that bastard had forced me to do when living at home. And now, these years later, having insisted I come here and stay while he was away from home with his job. He had forced me to do the same horrid things back home precisely to what that bastard had taught Toro to do to his beautiful, loving wife! Toro was taught outright by him to treat and do all this to my loving little sister-in-law Patti.

Put into the position she was in by Toro, who outright forced her into doing it, threatening her very life if she didn’t, leaving her in this horrible way crying and screaming out for her life and not be forced this way to succumb to her inevitable fate. Toro was taught and outright trained by my damn brother to do this to her in this way! He stood right there behind her, trembling, and shaking with fear, her cries of begging for her very life coming from her. Suddenly before my watching eyes, it appeared! Toro’s long fiery hot, looking tip began to emerge from his thick sheath between his legs, elongating outwards from inside it, dripping with his precum desire as it emerged from inside there, then followed by his wide swelling out shaft coming from within and outwards, made me instantly drop my mouth open in the total awe of its look and size.

As further and further it began to extend outwards from his sheath, that long tip began wildly dancing about, slinging his precum about as it danced about, as now his breathing began to deepen, and his tongue came out of his mouth as he began panting in heated breath, his cock growing outwards even more, and swelling out into even a considerable thickness and dark red hotness. I sat there stunned and in total awed amazement at just how damn well built Toro’s cock was, and my belly twitched and trembled as I watched that long finger length tip dancing wildly about, knowing all too damn well just where that would soon be up inside little Patti’s pussy. Finally, the growing outwards cock stopped the knot still hidden and contained within his sheath, swollen out where it lay awaiting it’s own coming forth and being buried forcefully up into Patti’s little swollen with need pussy.

As Toro was fully heated and ready to take Patti, his tongue lulled out from his mouth, dripping with his loudly panting lust and heated desire drooling. He then turned fully towards her, where she was positioned and ready to accept him atop her small womanly body. As he was now set to lunge himself up onto her, he turned his head back towards me as if making damn sure I saw it every bit unfolding before my eyes. Then his head turned back again, his front legs squatted down just a bit, and then and there lunged himself up atop Patti’s whole back as the wind was knocked from her and her back bowed and molded downwards from his massive heavyweight atop her now. Her head instantly shot upwards as her breathless scream tried to echo out into the living room, her t-shirt thankfully covered almost over her entire beautifully sculptured womanly breeding hips and waist.

Toro’s hind legs danced about wildly between their bodies, joining now, as his thick muscular front legs folded around and locked into her hips, clutching into them powerfully as she was pleading and screaming out her head thrown upwards, swinging about making her beautiful blonde hair go flying about, as now his vast head was going from one side of her head to the other. Then he maddeningly lunged his head, and snout right into the right side of her head and viciously growled and even snapped right at her ear and grasped a mouthful of her hair and outright then and there tugged his head up and back, pulling her hair horridly tight making her scream out from the pain of it.

Doing that made little Patti stop wailing her head about as he moved his head with hers, and released her hair now filled and drenched with his heated drooling’s, his open mouth now alongside her right cheek of her face, his labored, heavy breath colliding right into where she was opened mouthed gasping and trying to get her breath back, from how he had knocked the wind out of her pouncing atop her as he had.

I saw his beastly dog cock wildly pushing about up between her outstretched and shaking legs of both the total fear of it all and the heavyweight of him atop her, while way up under her it would push then as he adjusted his hips and pulled backward it would come back into view. As his front legs wrapped solidly around her waist and breeding hips pulled her this way and that way, the power of them too much for her to even fight against as he made her maneuver her upturned ass this way and that, as the long tip of his cock bounced up through her pussy lips and collided with and slid over Patti’s now fully elongated out clit making her scream and cry out from it.

Something snapped inside me at this point, and I’d had enough of him treating her this way and making her do this for him! I was going to make him pay for how he had done this to her all this time as I heard poor Patti scream and cry out as he had now begun to enter her and fuck her. Soon the cries of the humiliation and the rape of her by him changed into moans of her outright pleasure as faster and faster Toro fucked her. I wanted to do what I had now in my mind figured out to do and end this raping her as he had been doing, but too far into the thing of it all.

Suddenly Pattie screamed out and was pleading for him not to put that in her, knowing all too well it was that he was working that orange-sized knot up into her pussy now. Then the screams of the horrible pain of her pussy stretched beyond its limits to consume his knot changed into pleading cries and moaning grunts as he filled her little belly outwards from squirting his hot cum seed inside her.


Chapter 4

Toro was knotted in her big and hard. Patti was screaming in anguished pain and pleasure mixed, grunting loudly each time I saw his ball sack jerk as he shot her belly full of his hot cum. Patti was writhing about in the pain/pleasure of it all, too far encased into the sexual pleasure to say anything. I watched this horrid thing happening between him and her, thinking deeply about how I would end this going on as it had been. A woman wanting pleasure like this was one thing, and given the fact that a dog can get too aggressive in the acts of it all, yes, but the way that bastard Brother of mine had taught Toro to do this to her was not in any way shape or formed the pleasure a woman can have with one. Just what I was going to do about it, I had a complete plan to carry out, but I damn sure was going to do something to stop him from being this way to her!

Sitting there glancing up to see they were tied entirely together and knew by how badly she screamed and sounded that no doubt that colossal knot of his was solidly planted inside her. Oh, I learned how it all felt, oh hell yes I did, and knew all these screaming cries of the pain/pleasure from her of it all happening right here before my eyes now was in part from that knot swelled out against her g spot throbbing like hell no doubt, and causing her to go out of her mind with the pleasure of that alone. It was given and knowing how it felt to have that fiery hot dog cum shooting up into you in places no man had or would ever be able to get into. Now I know all the myths and bullshit out there written about it’s this or that when a dog’s tip gets itself through your cervix and into your womb that in the real world, sometimes it makes you want to puke absolutely. Jasper had caused this in me on some occasions of our past encounters.

And judging as I sat there and saw all this, poor Patti was having just some of that almost same feelings and actions from it. I knew all too well when I saw how that long tapered tip of his was, and it made my belly twitch and contract with spasms because I knew exactly what and where that was going to be up inside her. And no such doubt that’s precisely where it was right now! I also learned from past experiences that a thick towel would be a good thing to have under them because once his knot receded and he pulled from within her, there was going to be a big mess on the floor under them. Not thinking at all except all these thoughts, I got up off the couch, went to the bathroom, got a towel, and took back into that living room as the screams and cries of pain and pleasure still came from poor little Patti.

Toro so lost in his sexual pleasure, cared damn little at the moment just what I was even doing, and I sat beside them and put that towel out to catch all the mess that was going to happen when they disjoined from each other. As I spread it out under them, I even touched his left hind foot, and he made absolutely no movement or had no such care I was even there. Had he tried to turn on me, I wouldn’t have known what would have happened then, but he was too far into what he was giving and doing to her to care one bit about me. I looked up between their joining and saw her lithe tight belly-filling outwards with his squirting her womb full of his hot cum, and saw how her pussy was stretched outwards from that buried knot up in her and could make out how his throbbing knot was making her outwards molded pussy throb itself every time.

He had her stretched out beyond her pussies limits, no doubt about that. Having had gotten the towel in place, I hurried back and got the fuck away from them as fast as I could and went and sat back on the couch, still running the thoughts through my mind about just how and what I could do to stop all this behavior of his towards her. Had all this been different, she would have enjoyed him pleasuring her, but being viciously aggressive about it was not in any way, shape, or form a pleasure for any woman. Maybe some women enjoy that, and I’m sure there are other women out there who do, but not me, and for damn sure not Patti! Finally, it was over, and Toro freed himself from within her and backed off her, his deflating cock pouring the juices of the two of them from it as he backed off her and went right over to his bed and lay down and began licking and cleaning himself of it all.

Patti was a whole other thing! Her pussy was spread wide apart and open as cum gushed from it and onto the towel layout under her, and she couldn’t move a muscle as yet. She was grunting and groaning out in the pain/pleasure of it all, still her hair a mess of his slobber all in it and even around her right cheek, as slowly her clutching. Gripping hands let go of the cushioned sides of the chair and just fell onto the chair’s cushion she was laying her head and shoulders on. I got right up and ran over to there, squatting right there beside her, and began running my hands up and down her back, comforting her as best I could, screaming that Bastard Brother of mine, as I talked to her though she was too far into the pain of the ordeal to even try and speak back to me. It took some time before she had regained enough to move from her forced position by him and try to get up. I had to help her try and get out of that position.

She was in terrible pain from it all, and I got her at least turned around and sitting right on the edge of the chair so her pussy would drain all his cum off onto the towel laid out there for this very reason. Once turned and sitting like this, I reached out to her and hugged her and told her I was going to see to it that he never did this to her again! She was still in too much trauma and pain to even try at this point to talk to me about it all. After some time, I helped her get up and helped her limp off and into the bathroom and ran a hot bath of water for her and got her seated into it, and added all the soothing hot bath soap I could to it so she could just sit there and relax in it and sat on the edge and began to talk to her. I told her again I was going to put a stop to this if I had to shoot that damn dog outright to stop it.

She just pleaded with me not to shoot him and kill him, as her usual love of the world was once again showing her. I told her not to worry one damn bit about what I had seen and witnessed through all this, and I would never tell one soul about it. She was glad of that, and what woman wouldn’t be. But I was pissed, I was mad, I was scorned woman, and by dammit, I was going to stop this! After some good relaxation in the tub and getting herself somewhat cleaned up from the ordeal, I helped wash her hair and soap her up with her t-shirt still on, and removed it and washed and soothed her as I Mothered her through this ordeal. I got up and went and got one of my douches and came back into the bathroom and handed it to her, and as she even touched it herself down there. Toro had hurt her and hurt her badly!

Oh, he tried to come into that bathroom as I had left the door open, and the moment I saw him, I scolded his ass and told him to go lay down, and he knew by my voice and my behavior towards him now, that I was the leader, I was in charge, I was the one now he better damn well fear with his life of! And seeing how that made him cringe down and act scared of me, he went right to his bed and lay down. I knew now that a plan to change his behavior towards her like this could be done! And it would be done! Finally, able and relaxed somewhat, I got Patti up out of the tub, took a towel, and dried her from head to foot, soothing her and Mothering her, which she sure needed.

After getting her dried off, I helped her into her room, got her dressed in some comfortable pj’s, helped her to bed, and told her not to worry about anything from here on out because I was going to put a stop to this going on as it had! She curled up under the covers and fell right off to sleep. I left the room, closed that door, and made damn sure it was unable to be opened at all. Then went right into my room over to the closet and found my big leather western belt, and I folded it, and I went right into that living room, and I beat Toro’s ass with that belt, and I made him run and hide his ass from me! I sat on that couch, and every time he came back towards his bed, I jumped up, yielded that belt at him, crouched down, scared to death of me, and crawled into his bed and curled up shaking like a damn leaf!

I put the belt down and went right over. When he saw me coming to him, he was scared of me, and I put his blanket over him and told him he was to stay there and not move one damn bit. I sat there on that couch that whole night with that belt in my hands, and he would raise his head and see that, and he would shake to death and lay his ass right back down and not move a muscle. Sleeping there like that the following day he arose from his bed, and I put the belt down, knowing he had to go outside and do his business, and took him right to the back door and let him out. I began getting coffee and breakfast going for us all and went and checked on Patti and told her if she felt like getting up, I was getting coffee going and breakfast, and if she hurt too much still, I would bring it all to her and let her eat it in bed if needed.

Going back into the kitchen to flip the bacon over, I heard Toro scratching at the backdoor, wanting back in, so I went and opened the door and let him in and told him right back to your bed now, Toro, and he bowed his big head in fear of me and went right back to his bed and lay down. Patti came slowly walking into the kitchen, still in her pj’s and showing outright signs of pain all up inside her, and slowly made her way to the table and sat down in a chair as I brought her a cup of coffee, and went and made her a breakfast plate and took it to her. Oh, Toro had gotten out of his bed and came into the kitchen and tried to move towards her, and I screamed at him and ran into that living room, got that belt, and came back, crouched down, scared as hell. Of me!

I ran his ass right back to that bed of his and scolded him, shaking that belt at him as he feared I would beat his ass again with it, and went and lay right back down in his bed. Oh, I made him a plate of food, took it into the living room, put it down beside his bed, and let him eat, and when he came into the kitchen again and went right to his water bowl and got him a drink and looked up her and me and he was going to make a move towards her. I jumped at him, and he ran like a scalded pup right back to that bed and lay down on it. That entire day as I cleaned up things and the house, he stayed in that bed of his, and sure, when he needed out, I let him out and didn’t say a word about him meandering about the living room and kitchen evening into the night.

But the moment he went down that hall towards her bedroom, I came with that belt, and believe me, he ran as fast as he could right back to his bed and shaking with fear, he laid his ass right back down his bed. Finally, Patti emerged from her bedroom and came into the living room and sat down in her now clean and brushed chair, as again Toro stood up and had that look of what I knew his intentions were, and here I came with that belt, and he lay down and stayed there. I was going to break that cycle altogether. Patti herself told me damn he’s scared to death of you, Jackie. Just looking at her, I told her he damn well better be scared, or I’ll beat his ass again if he even tries to act like he’s going to do something to you again!

After cooking an excellent light supper, I put a plate down for Toro, called him to the kitchen, and pointed to his plate there on the floor, and he went right over and scarfed it up like he hadn’t eaten in days. I put food in his bowl and got him fresh water in his water bowl, and he lapped that up and lay right there as she and I ate our supper, her feeling much better now. After finishing supper and getting the dish all done and in the drainer, we retired to the living room to find something she and I could enjoy on TV. And Toro came into the room and wanted to walk over to her, but he saw me, and I grabbed that belt, and that look and what he was after left him like a falling star to earth.

He just then sat down and lay down, looking at the both of us women now becoming what he should be a good loyal, obedient pet. Soon he was crawling over towards her. As I looked at him and didn’t scold him nor act one bit concerned because I saw in his eyes his intentions, and what he wanted was to crawl over to her and be petted and loved. So over to her, he crawled and then sat up obediently to her right at her legs as she leaned down and began to pet him and tell him she loved him, and he ate that all up, and that tail of his was wagging about in a happy state with its stubby fashion. He leaned his head over to her leg and licked her leg as she petted and leaned down and hugged him up to her, and got up and sat down right there beside him and hugged him up to her as he was reaching his big ol’ head up and licking at her face, and this was how things should be.

She got up and sat back down in her chair and, as she always does, threw one leg up over the arm of the chair. As he sat there wagging his tail and leaning his big head at her, thrown over the chair foot and began licking it lovingly as a dog should do. Now was the time to get this matter understood and out in the natural way it should be! I got up, went into the kitchen and made her and me a drink, and even mixed more up in a pitcher and came back into the living room with it all as he was still right there doing the same thing making her laugh and telling how his licking her foot tickled. Giving her the drink, Toro looked up at me and wanted to cringe right back down, but with my free hand, I reached down and petted him and told him good boy, Toro.

Going over and sitting on the couch, sipping my drink, and having put the pitcher of more on the coffee table, we drank our drinks all the while. Toro was right there where he was still licking her foot and was a happy, content dog. She was laughing and jerking about from the tickling his tongue was giving her foot, enjoying him being a loving, obedient dog to her now. We drank several mixed drinks together, as he still sat right there where he was still reaching out once in a while and licking her foot. Finally, feeling open to talking things over as I knew by how giddy and happy Patti was now was the time to have a woman-to-woman talk about all this and get the real feelings about it all out in the open between her and me about him. I told her, Patti, get up and come over here and sit beside me and talk about things.

She got up in much better shape now, walking much better, all the pain and suffering of their ordeal last night gone and healed. Came over and sat right beside me as I grabbed her and hugged her up. Toro got up and came right over beside her and sat right down there, right at her feet. I still hugged her up. I said to her that we needed to talk about all this, and I wanted to know if, in fact, somewhere deep inside her did, she liked and enjoyed his pleasuring her? At first, she nodded her head yes, then nodded a no, and said to me yes, she enjoyed it, but when he made her and acted as he did to her last night, she hated it. She was genuinely embarrassed to even say that to me, as I saw how she blushed and acted from it.

I said to her then, “Patti, don’t be embarrassed by the act of it all, and you need not be at all around me about it.”

Believe me. I went to say to her I’ve had it in my life myself and enjoyed it a lot. She just snuggled up to me closer though somewhat shocked that I had told her such a thing, and then went on to explain to her that she wasn’t the only woman in this world to enjoy it and, more so than that, to desire and want it. Then I asked her, ” Do you enjoy and desire and want it from him, Patti? She didn’t say a word as she was snuggled up into my arms and only nodded her head “yes,” embarrassed about even admitting it, and more so to talk and tell another woman that she did. I let go of her, reached over onto the coffee table, poured us another drink, decided what to hell, got a little saucer, put just a bit in it, and set it down before Toro, and he lapped it right up.

Now I have never wanted to get or see a dog get drunk by any means, but after what the three of us had been through, I felt he deserved a bit to join this party. We drank our drinks and got far more relaxed and talkative as I asked her how it felt when he slid that long tip of his up into the end of her in there. I said it and awaited her response. She just sat there thinking a long bit, genuinely trying to come to grips with even openly talking about this to me, and finally told me it hit up in her like a hammer on a nailhead she said it. That truly made us laugh at how she explained it and told me. I then told her that I had never in my life ever seen a dog with such a long tip as that on his cock, and when I saw it at first, it made my belly quiver knowing what it would be doing up inside her.

She just got reticent, withdrawn into herself, and finally exclaimed; Oh Jackie, it hits so hard up in me, and then finds something and drives me crazy when it goes through there. I just reached over with my free arm and began running my hand through her hair and asked her if she knew what that was that it was going through. She nodded her head yes to that, and I then asked her how his cock felt inside her? She just exclaimed; OMG, Jackie, it’s so big and hot and long, oh, it stretches me wide open when he does it. Now things were as they should be! A Woman with the passion for wanting it, and desire it, and have the free-willed lust for it!


Chapter 5

Having had several mixed drinks together, Patti and I sat beside each other. She truly hugged me as we freely and openly began discussing all this out in the open. And her having just told me that yes, she enjoyed it and wanted it, just not the way Toro forced her as he had last night. Getting deeper than that, we began talking outright about his cock. She had just told me how it was so hot and big and long and stretched her out so much when he fucked her. Having finished the pitcher of mixed drinks, we were indeed both feeling its effects, and our minds in the free will now to talk about all this out in the open to each other as we had been doing.

Now at this point and time of my life, I had never had the thoughts nor will to want anything sexual with another woman. And even now, it wasn’t a desire as I sat right there next to her, all snuggled up to me, but hearing her telling me how hot and long and big his cock was. The fact of how she expressed that he stretched her out so much with it indeed, along with the drinks working on my mind, I have to admit I was getting horny and hot. And how she was squirming and twisting sitting right there herself, I knew that as she told me of all this, she indeed herself was just as turned on as I was.

I asked, “So, Patti, do you want him tonight?”

She just stayed there thinking long and hard about it, indeed still withdrawn into herself about expressing out in the open her desires and needs about it. Then slowly, she still snuggled up to me, nodded her head no, and told me he hurt her too much last night to want him tonight. Now Toro seemed to sense or smelled that both of us were in wanton need, and once again, he stood up, and I immediately felt and saw his change of behavior just as he reached out and had grabbed her pj’s leg up into his mouth, growling and snarling as he tried to pull at it to get it free of her.

I jumped right up with that belt and swatted his ass hard as I could and told him, “No, Toro, no!”

He let go of her pj’s leg, yelped loudly out, ran over to his bed, and lay right down then and there. Poor Patti was shaking all over and scared to death from it happening as I sat right back down, snuggled her right up to me, and told her it’s alright, he’s not going to do that anymore to you. I pulled her head up and showed her where he was, and seeing him on his bed curled all up, shaking from fear of me, she was relieved from all the anxiety. And I lifted her head to look me right into the eyes and told her that when she wanted it and desired it, I would help her with it all. But for him to outright act like he just had, I’d beat his ass with my belt and stop it immediately as I had just done. Now she just snuggled up to me ever tighter and began to cry and thanked me for being here as I was and stopping all this.

I guess in the sense of thought about that moment. I was, in some way, like a mother would be with one of her children. Patti was too vulnerable a young woman and far too feeble-minded to have done anything herself about all this. In essence, she was indeed subservient to that bastard of a Brother of mine, and my thoughts were just waiting till he came home and I tear into his ass about all this! Now the thing Toro had done was to pull her pj’s off her waist to where her mound of that thick blonde hair showed, as I must admit that seeing it indeed shot a lustful tingling through me. She didn’t care that she was almost showing everything she had down there right to me as she was snuggled up to me as tight as she could, wiping the tears from her eyes. I have to admit that what shot through my mind at that point and moment was just how tasty that pussy of hers would be. Thinking more along the lines of just how good it tasted to a man in my thoughts.

Oh, I was having thoughts about her and me together. Oh yes, I indeed was at that moment thinking of that. What would it be like to kiss another woman? To feel her sexually? To make love to and be loved to by another woman? My mind instantly closed that matter as I guiltily thought, this is my sister-in-law right here. How can I even dare think such things! Thinking back on it now, I genuinely believe that she was thinking the same thing I was, recalling how she looked up to me, and I saw that gleaming lust in her big blue eyes. But one thing was for sure, we both hugged each other, and I would look down and see that mound of hers, and it would make me shiver all over at the lustful thoughts I had each time.

Finally, the ice broke free of that, and she looked up at me and there and then asked, “Jackie, have you ever been with another woman sexually?”

I told her outright I had never even thought about such a thing, but being right here with her as we were, my mind had some evil, ugly thoughts about it. She also confessed that she’d never had views about it, and somehow tonight, right here with me, her mind had such ideas. I just told her that just could not happen between us, and why was first, she was my sister-in-law, and secondly, she was too vulnerable. If that happened, I’d feel so horribly guilty about doing anything like that with her because she’d had enough of that already in her life. Oh, she looked up at me and asked if she was pretty enough, and good enough, to be wanted like that by me, and I told her she was far more than good enough for any man or woman for that matter, and she damn sure was pretty enough.

Now all these years later, I realize I had the perfect storm, the perfect moment, and should have taken her to that bedroom of hers and made wild love to her all night long, but I was still at that time of my life, barely even sexually mindful of anything. I wouldn’t have known even known how to start or begin with another woman at that time. My meager thoughts were thinking about how two women kiss each other and all the other things about two women together. Like the innocent thoughts about such things as that, you know, not the rampant outright lust thoughts of such things. Knowing things were getting too weird between her and me now, I decided it was time to end this, and we got to bed. I told her as much as we both parted ourselves from each other and stood up as she then, at last, pulled her pj’s back up over her waist, and we both went to bed.

Throughout that night, I had wild, vivid dreams of her and me being in a field of daisies together, Toro right there with us, freely running about and naked as could be she and I was. Then we laid down into this field of the daisies as the pedals of the flowers seemed to come to life and began manipulating each of our pussies, as we both were moaning out and Toro going back and forth between our legs, licking and tasting our pussies. Strange how my mind recalls that dream so vivid and real many years later.

That following day I woke up so damn wet and horny I had to rub and finger myself to rid my hot horny level through the roof before I could engage and begin the day around her, and secretly in my mind Toro as well. I hid my sexual desires in the closet through those years, and not until dawg came into my life did I ever attempt or act to free my mind and seek to fulfill my desires! The sad thing about all that was that poor Patti was precise as I was. As I was in the kitchen making coffee and thinking of what to cook for breakfast, trotted Toro, who came right up to me as I was filling the coffee decanter with water, to go back over and pour it into the coffee maker and get the basket filled and get to making coffee. I about dropped that glass decanter right off into the sink as he plowed that big nose of his right up between my legs and was trying to sniff and even try to lick me right at my pussy!

No doubt why he did that after having just fingered and rubbed myself to a relaxed pleasure point from it all. I kicked back at him and knocked his ass flying across the floor because my thought was he would try and get vicious with me, and I had to stop it then and there with the response I gave him about it. Oh, he yelped and ran back to his bed and lay right down, still whimpering in fear and defeat from what I did to him. I finally shaking like a leaf now got the coffee water poured into the coffee maker, and shaking as I put the coffee in the basket spilling coffee from the measuring thing for it, scared to death myself of what he had done, and secondly to stop him because another moment and I’d had let him have at it just like Jasper used to do to me.

Soon the coffee brewing smell filled the kitchen and rest of the house, I guess as well, because in came Patti, and she wasn’t in her pj’s anymore, but what she had on was nothing more than absolute see-through lace panties. I guess she’d heard Toro’s yelping and ran back to his bed in defeated whimpering as she rubbed her eyes and asked me what happened to him? I lied to her and told her I stepped on his foot, not wanting to admit that he’d come right up, shoved his snout into my nightie shorts, and tried to lick my pussy. I couldn’t help but stand there and stare at her bushy blonde-haired pussy that glistened with wetness, shivering at my thoughts about it. I wanted to kick myself at the reviews of that outright and go yelping and whimpering off to my room for such a thing.

Somehow somehow, that morning started with an aura of lust I have no doubt was brewing up inside the two of us and for damn sure Toro as he did what he’d done to me already that morning. No doubt Patti had just as strong a sexual need and desire as I did because it was evident that her pussy glistened with wetness and tiny dewdrops of it shone in her bush of hair all around it. There wasn’t any detectable sexual smell though the smell of the coffee brewing more than likely covered it up. No doubt Toro had smelled it first from me and then her as he came romping right back into the kitchen and right up to and then immediately shot that snout of his right up between her legs and sniffed and licked that tongue of his right out over her whole pussy mound then and there!

At first, it startled her, but then and there, I saw her open her legs, more in instinct reaction than outright lustful need and want. She did grunt indeed and moan out as he did that. Her whole body shuddered and shivered with the outright pleasure of it. I jumped right in and stopped him before he got another lick in, and really by how she reacted, I should have let him continue. When I scolded him and was about to kick his ass across the floor again, he ran back into the living room and went and lay down on his bed. On the other hand, she let out a moan of displeasure at him having even stopped. The coffee was finally made, and thankfully it was to break up yet again, another tense sexual thought and almost action between us all.

As we went right to the table and sat down and sipped our coffee, becoming more awake from the sexual intensity we had each had, I finished mine and got up to pour myself another cup, but sat it down and got Toro his food and water in his bowls as he heard that food sack rattle and came running in and stood there awaiting his breakfast. After putting the sack of dog food away, I poured myself another cup and went and sat down, noticing how Patti was squirming in her chair, no doubt having thoughts about Toro and that Tongue of his. She hurried back away from the table and sat there across from me. I could see her bushy-haired mound through those damn lacey panties and could not stop staring and looking at it. My hands shook as I raised my cup to drink more coffee and hopefully flush my mind free of the nasty thoughts I was having.

Neither she nor I cared one damn little bit about any breakfast, but what my mind was thinking was horrible nasty thoughts of Patti’s pussy! If it had been any later in the day, I swear I would have gotten up and made her and I like a strong drink or two and release our deep down hidden in the closet desires for what she and I were thinking. Toro had finished eating and lapping up his water from his bowl, and I swear both Patti and I like both shuddered and shivered, hearing that exact noise, our minds thinking of it in far nastier ways than it was. He then went to the door, and Patti got right up and went and let him out as I stared and watched that big bubble butt of hers twitch and jiggle about as she walked over and did that and then turned to come back to the table. I saw her whole bushy pussy area, the light in the kitchen making all that dew throughout her bush glisten like a rainbow. The wetness filled her swollen lips even.

Now neither of us said a word as we drank our coffee down, and she got up and went to pour herself another cup, and yet again, I couldn’t help but stare at that bush of hers again. She noticed it, looked down her body, and smiled back at me. That was it. I had to get up and go and do it. I went right over and grabbed that bottle of whiskey and got our glasses, made us both a good stiff drink, came back to the table, sat hers down for her and mine for me, and it was as if we both needed precisely what I had made. She drank hers down about as fast as I drank mine down. The sexual tension was about to explode between her and me alike.

Then Toro scratched at the door wanting back in, and Patti jumped up before I did, and again as she went over to the door, I stared at that pussy and ass. Toro came back into the house himself standing their feet away from either of us and she and I both stared and watched as he first sniffed her direction, then turned his head and sniffed in my direction.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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