Not How I’d Imagined It
Our house was set out in the English countryside, a good hours walk from anywhere else, so we were pretty secluded, though heavily surrounded by greenery and set a top a slight slope. It was Summer and one of the hottest on record so as one can imagine walking back home from town was a long one, though I knew the area pretty well and wasn’t worried despite it being later into the night. Usually one of my parents picked me up from dance class but today there’d been an incident with my little brother and they had taken him to the hospital. Like I said though I didn’t mind at all, the walk would do me good after such a grueling class. The work out had been amazing, but between that and the overwhelming heat I was pretty worked up….or in other words turned on.
Now I’d never had sex, only ever touched myself in the privacy of our bathroom or my bedroom. I refused to believe that could be considered wrong, I was still a virgin after all. I wasn’t short of attention from boys though, or the older men in town for that matter and I often did wonder what it would be like to be with them but being a good catholic I resisted my more primal urges and kept my legs closed, kept my innocence. That was, until this night, the night that ultimately changed my entire life and changed how I viewed sex in general.
I was a slim girl, petite in size with full breasts, curvaceous hips, and a tight, firm ass. To say I loved my figure would have been a lie, because I loved it and I owned my curves. Dressed in a pair of white cut-off, sweat athletic shorts, that just touched the top of my thighs, with a blue cami that clung to my body like a second skin, I walked barefoot along the edge of the gravel road, my trainers in my back and the cool stones beneath my feet almost soothing, from the intense dance session today. My long, wavy dark, chocolate colored hair was tied up into a messy pony tail.
It was dark, but like I previously mentioned we were secluded out here so I wasn’t worried. The road was winding, each side covered with shrubbery and trees, one who wasn’t familiar with this part of the country could get easily lost but not me, no, I could find my way home with my eyes closed. That said I was growing desperate for the bathroom and still had at least a 30 minute walk ahead of me so I decided to take a short cut through the trees that would ultimately cut 10 minutes of my walking time. Stopping by the side of the road I looked up and down, the quiet not even bothering me as I quickly darted into the tree line, the mossy ground beneath my feet almost feeling as good as the cool gravel. With a small giggle I delved deeper into the woods, walking in the direction I knew would lead me to the back of my families home.
The pressure on my bladder was too great to ignore at this point so about 10 minutes into the walk I stopped beside one of the many trees surrounding me, dropping my bag as I looked around the darkness Walking around to the other side of the tree I undid the tie on my shorts and wriggling my hips, pushed them down my thighs, letting them drop to the floor before I removed them completely, knowing how awkward it was to try and squat with your shorts still on. Letting them rest beside my back and unable to wait any longer I returned to the side of the tree and squatted down, finally relieving the pressure in my stomach and sighing in satisfaction.
Standing up I smiled slightly and made to step over to my bag when the sound of rustling bushes could be heard in front of me, capturing my attention, it didn’t even register that I was naked down, I was just wondering who had the nerve to try and perv on me. “Whose there?” I called out, my hands going to my naked hips, waiting, though I didn’t have to wait long. Within seconds a huge horse like creature stepped out of the darkness, a Great Dane and as I heard the growl rumbling through his chest when he took that first step towards me I felt my fear spike and found my voice was now nothing more than a whisper, “Oh no….”
I felt incredibly exposed stood in front of this horse like creature, forget the fact he could probably tear me to pieces, no I was more conscious of the fact I was half naked. How stupid is that! Though despite how much I wanted I couldn’t move, couldn’t reach out for my shorts, scared that if I did he may come closer. Now I love animals, always have, in fact back home we had a 2 German Shepard’s and 2 Great Danes, all males, though not one came anywhere near to how huge this create was. The dogs were studs, my family bred them, people would bring their dogs to our farm and well I’m sure you can figure out the rest. Anyways back to the matter at hand.
Shaking my head I sighed softly figured I was overreacting and I when the dog made no other movement I made to turn to grab my shorts, bending at the waist slightly only to freeze when a loud growl reached my ears. Slowly I turned to look at him again to see him slowly approaching me, so I stayed still, though did straighten up and faced him. He was filthy, I could smell him as he neared me causing me to scrunch my nose slightly, though he seemed none threatening so that had to be okay right?
I turned my palms outwards and held them out to him slightly, smiling softly as he buried his nuzzle into the my left palm. Stood up he was close to the same height as me, but he seemed friendly enough now so I didn’t feel the need to worry much, though I was glancing at my shorts longingly, wishing I could quickly grab them and pull them on. My focus though snapped back onto the dog when his nuzzle pressed into my cleavage in the process tugging the top down. Laughing lightly I pulled away, taking a step back only to hit the tree, the dog not having been deterred in the slightest continued to nuzzle my chest and to my surprise his tongue darted out, flattening between my full 36 D breasts.
“Bad dog…” I whispered pushing his snout away, determined to grab my shorts and bag and leave, though before I could push away from the tree to do so I felt his muzzle and warm breath against my crotch and I paused. Glancing down wide eyed, I tried to push him away but he didn’t budge and his cold, nose pressed against my bare pussy. My face flushed a brilliant shade of red, unable to believe what he was doing and I tried to push him away again only for him to shove more roughly against me, growling in warning, knocking me away from the tree and onto my back.
I was winded, though before I could react his nuzzle was back between my legs, his whiskers tickling the soft creamy skin of my thighs, as his tongue pushed against my mound and between lips, and all I could do was lie there in complete shock at what was happening.
I touched myself so many times before, brought myself to orgasm countless times but never had anyone else touched my most intimate area and now here I was allowing a dog to do so. As if being slapped I came back to reality, doing what I could to wriggle away but somehow only succeeding in giving him better access to my pussy. Forcing out a sharp gasp, “No!”
I felt his tongue flatten against me again, moving easily between the wet lips of my pussy, lapping at the sweet juices my traitorous body was creating as against my better judgement I was reacting to this assault, and when I say reacting I mean I was already feeling these sparks of pleasure forming. I could feel myself growing wetter, I was becoming aroused and felt disgusted with myself. This wasn’t right, he was a dog, a filthy dog at that and I was his victim, this wasn’t what Catholic girls did, but my body was betraying me in ways I can’t even begin to go into.
I arched my hips up slightly against my better judgement, pushing my hips against this dogs mouth, his tongue driving deeper, curling and forcing it’s way into my virgin pussy, lapping up all the juices he could. No one was around and despite how wrong this was, it wasn’t like anyone would know right? No matter I still felt disgusted in myself and tried to reason that it was because I was scared of how he’d react if I pulled away.
My legs of their own accord opened wider, giving him better access, my hands migrating to his head and instead of pushing him away again I was pulling him closer, as his tongue continued to slip between my folds unrelenting in his pursuit to lap up the wetness flowing out to him. “Oh god…w-what am I….oh yes!”
Lost in a haze I began to almost hump my pussy against the Great Dane’s tongue, my hands migrating to my breasts, pinching and pulling at my hardened nipples, causing all sorts of new sensations to course through me. I groaned loudly, the sound echoing through the darkened woods as his tongue grazed over my swollen clit. “Oh God!” she moaned, the continuing ministrations from the Great Dane and my own hands quickly brought me to a powerful climax. Crying out my head hit the mossy ground, my whole body tensing as the dog continued to lick between the slit of my pussy, his tongue dipping into my core, drinking all the juices on offer.
Wincing I pulled back ever so slightly, my head awash with what I’d just allowed him to do, still breathless from the most powerful orgasm ever. To my relief the filthy Great Dane pulled back, moving a few steps away from me as I watched him sit down, my legs still spread wide. That’s when I saw it, when his head dipped between his own legs. His rock solid, swollen red cock stood to attention as he proceeded to lick it. I couldn’t help but gape at the sight, it stood at least 10 inches, and was from what I could see probably about 4 inches thick.
My eyes widened and my legs snapped closed, causing me to wince slightly but I quickly sat up and shuffled back as the Great Dane turned his head to look at me, standing once more and moving towards me. That’s when the fight or flight instinct kicked in and by some sheer miracle, I managed to push myself up from the ground before turning and running, fully aware I was being pursued…
My eyes widened and my legs snapped closed, causing me to wince slightly but I quickly sat up and shuffled back as the Great Dane turned his head to look at me, standing once more and moving towards me. That’s when the fight or flight instinct kicked in and by some sheer miracle, I managed to push myself up from the ground before turning and running, fully aware I was being pursued…
Running as fast as my jelly like legs would carry me, I felt my heart pounding against my chest so hard I was almost afraid it would burst out at any moment. My breathing was harsh and my stomach twisted with so much fear it’s hard to even really describe, all I knew was I had to get away. Get anywhere. Didn’t even register in my mind I was naked from the waist down, and my phone, ipod, all my stuff was back in my bag. The only thing I could focus on was getting away from the huge beast pursuing me.
Ahead of me I saw the fence, the fence that led into the farm located beside mine and I smiled. Focusing my eyes on the little stump I had to jump up on to climb over the low down fence I quickened my pace, fully aware of the closeness of the animal behind me as he barked. For some unknown, stupid reason I knew I would live to regret I turned my head to look behind me, I guess to see where he was in regards to me, but as it turned out it turned out to be my biggest mistake.
The moment my eyes locked onto the horse like creature, my foot bent to the side causing an incredible amount of pain to shoot from my ankle straight up my leg. In turn I stumbled slightly, a scream escaping my lips as I lurched forward, able to turn my head in time to see the fence stump closing in fast and at the same time something heavy hit my back and I fell forward, winding myself as I crashed into the stump, pretty much hanging over the fence.
Tears in my eyes from the pain in my leg I gasped for breath, lifting my arms to push myself up off the fence when a growl made me freeze in place. Holding my breath, biting down on my lip I prepared to chance a look behind only to feel the familiar warm breath of the Great Dane against my pussy which right now was completely exposed to him. It was only when I chanced a glance down so I was looking beneath me back through the fence, that I saw his big, thick red cock did I realize how I was currently positioned for him., almost cumming again as his tongue lapped over my slit and I saw his big red cock jutting against his stomach did I realize how I was currently posed for him.
“Oh no….”
As his tongue lapped out against me again I felt close to cumming on the spot much to my disgust. Then if possible everything became so much worse when the Great Dane jumped up onto my back, his two front paws pushing down on my shoulders, so now I was bent over the fence all that much more. Squirming as the tears rolled down my cheeks I cried out, “Help!” I screamed out, freezing instantly, my breath stilling, and eyes widening in horror as I felt something slick and warm pock against the top of my ass.
He was mounting me!
I’d lived on a farm long enough to know what was happening, he was trying to mate with me and right now, as his powerful paws pressed harder against my shoulders still I was helpless to stop him! A virgin. Saving myself for the right guy and if this powerful monster had his way I was going to lose it to him, in the worst possible way. It was close to rape. No that’s what it was. Rape! How the hell did I explain this to the police!
I was brutally pulled from my thoughts as I felt him hunch against me again, his large slick cock prodding my lower back painfully. Suppressing a sob I closed my eyes willing it to be over, as his cock proceeded to poke and prod, pushing against my ass and horrified I hoped it didn’t happen there. No this was bad enough he couldn’t do it there! I cried out as his cock poked against my soft skin again, dancing on his back paws as he tried to hit home unsuccessfully. He was hurting me, that’s all I knew and I guess it’s what made he reach my hand back, my fingers, which barely managed to wrap around his huge length, gingerly guided him closer to where he needed to be.
Barely a second after I pulled my hand back did I feel him thrust against my heat, the tip of his cock slipping into my dripping pussy. Gasping I closed my eyes and held my breath as I felt him shift again, encouraged by the give, and the heat he felt he thrust forward, brutally ripping through my pussy and stretching me to the point I was sure he’d tear me in two. His cock seemed to reach up into my uterus, his entire length shoved into my tight opening.
I screamed out, my innocence ripped away and I cried out again but that didn’t deter the huge beast above me. No, obviously happy he was positioned right he began fucking me. Not gently, lovingly, the way I’d always imagined my first time, but with such a brutality it took my breath away and if possible, it felt as though he was getting bigger, stretching me completely. To my shame, my body began to respond to the brutal assault and no matter how hard I tried to think on something else, to focus on something other than this I could feel something building inside of me.
The pain of him tearing through my virginity had faded almost as quickly as it had came, replaced instead by this building pressure, this pleasurable feeling I’d only felt moments earlier by his licking me. My hips began moving over their own accord, rolling and moving back to meet his powerful thrusts. The pressure was becoming too much as I felt something swelling inside of me and despite my pathetic attempts otherwise, a wave of pleasure washed over me, my toes curled in my trainers, the muscles in my pussy clamped around his cock, squeezing him even tighter as I cried out, unable to believe how good this mutt is making me feel.
Not recovered from my orgasm, the dog proceeded to pound into me faster and harder still, and that something I’d felt swelling inside of me got bigger and I quickly began to realize it was his knot. It was inside of me and growing, and despite my horror I felt the pressure within me growing again. The knot seemed to grow to an enormous size and at the same time as another orgasm rips through me, like a fire hose, he explodes within me.
His massive cock twitches inside of me as he spurts his cum deep into my uterus, I can feel it all, it’s warm and I squeeze him tight. My muscles clamped down around his cock, seemingly milking him. I moan, and lower my head for the first time today unable to think straight. Right now I was simply reveling in the feelings of immense pleasure rushing through me. I’d been pleasured, lost my virginity to a dog no less and despite not wanting it to my body had enjoyed every brutal second.
I honestly don’t know how long we lay there before he moved off my back, his back leg crossing over my ass as turned, still inside of me. I know immediately he’s been mated before, with humans or animals as he seemingly stood very patiently much to my relief, not bothering to tug to much. Eventually though his cock finally slipped out of me, with a weirdly sounding suctioning noise. I felt hot, sticky liquid rush down my thighs. No doubt his cum, mingled with my own.
My body slumps over the fence as I fall to the ground, completely drained, used and most of all completely sore. With the fence now between us I look back at the Great Dane, unable to get up, to move just yet due to the pain in my leg and the throbbing between my thighs. The monster of a dog barely glances at me, as he licks himself clean, his cock disappearing back into it’s sheath. Within minutes he’s stood, turned and walked away again. Now talk about feeling used! Though I was in no position to complain considering it wasn’t what I had wanted in the first place.
To be honest I don’t know how long I lay there, the only reason I got moving was the fact I was cold and my ankle twitched painfully. Knowing I was in bad shape, but I had to get home before my parents sat up, glancing once in the direction of my bag but knowing I couldn’t risk getting it since I could barely walk. Sighing I scowled and stood up with the help of the fence, muffling a scream with my hand as more cum seemed to seep out of me, dribbling down my thighs. My pussy screamed in protest, hot and sore but not bad enough for me to stay put. With a cautious step forward I began to move, wanting to get back home.
Little did I know that the Great Dane although he was my first, would most definitely not be my last of the animal kind….my story was really only just beginning.
The End.