Professional Curiosity

By Maxijohndoe. Rose exchanged the usual morning greetings with her colleagues as she headed to her workstation. Rose wasn’t her real name, but it had been easier to Anglicise her name rather than trying to teach English speakers her Chinese name. Rose worked as a lab technician to make enough money to see her through the many years of study and training it would take to be a pathologist, as the small amounts of money her parents could send her

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By Anon Part of my training in journalism was being taught to keep a journal of my daily experiences and thoughts. The content of each incident was supposedly less critical than any reflections you might make later about these experiences. This is one such narrative. My widowed father died when I was twenty-eight, a year ago now. He left me his townhouse and the general estate. It gave me a vehicle and a posh place to stay for that summer

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China Grove

By texdom. Ever been to China Grove, Alabama? No, don’t feel bad. To get there, you have to be going there. So that you know, it is between Montgomery and Troy and West of Union Springs. Not much there except about five houses, an old general store which is a museum of sorts, only open on certain days of the year like the 4th of July. Well, as I said, most folks don’t know where it is. I didn’t either,

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A New Bitch For Scruff

By lovnbowser. There are times when one can predict the future. It might be the outcome of an event, a person’s characteristics, or a combination of both. My best friend Christine’s dress shop venture, for example. Something told me that it would be a disaster since its inception. I did not say a word to anyone, but I did make notes on my prediction. I just knew that the dress shop idea wasn’t right. A similar future prediction and premonition

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The Bully & his Dog!

By Bullied Victim Guess what. I’m a dog fucker. Yes. That’s true. I know you probably think that sounds unbelievable. Who in their right mind would spread their legs and offer their cunt to a dog? Okay, so maybe I’m not entirely sane. I can explain, though. At least I can try. I can make an effort to tell you how I became this shameless bitch in heat. Have you ever been bullied? I mean, really bullied? I’m not talking

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Rich Bitch

By alcaira Part 1 Susan had almost everything. When it came to money her parents allowed her to have anything she wanted. Money was no object in her life. She even had two cars and was looking at a third one. She had a red Mustang convertible, a black Trans-Am and now she wanted a midnight blue Corvette. She loved sports cars and she had a feeling that her father was going to get the Corvette for her as a

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A Long Day

RobinGoodfellowPuck “Raymond Couch, you have been found Guilty by a jury of your peers for the charge of murder in the first degree,” the judge said ominously. As a defence attorney those are the last words that you want to hear during a case. Especially when you had promised the family that you could get someone clear of the charges. That one sentence had been on my mind for the last four hours. As a woman in a mostly male

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The Alley

Trystan69 It was summer, in that awkward time between school and college. The time you feel on the brink of new beginnings, but frightened of stepping out on your own. However, for the time being, I was still at home with my parents. Of course, I had certain new found freedoms, but still forced to live within some of the rules. One of those was cleaning up after dinner and taking out the trash. Not a daunting task, as living

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The Doggy Doctor

Anjing As a veterinarian you get to see a lot of strange things. But last night was by far the strangest. My doorbell rang around 11:30 PM on a Sunday night. It was my next-door neighbour, Joe. We were neighbours, but not really friends. We would chat some small talk when we bumped into each other, but that was it. His wife Jill is a fox, though. A slender brunette about five feet seven inches tall, with big breasts (they

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The Sorority Pledge (Gay Zoo)

michioliphant. So, I went to college, graduated in ’68, a Midwestern engineering college, up in the cold. I was gonna take-the world by storm as a mechanical engineer. That was the plan. I got to college, my first day and I’m geeked, really geeked. Being an engineering college, it’s mostly guys. I mean, the ratio was like 300 to 1, guys to girls. Of the girls, like half were super Uber bright, and on a mission, no distractions; half of

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