Rich Bitch

By alcaira Part 1 Susan had almost everything. When it came to money her parents allowed her to have anything she wanted. Money was no object in her life. She even had two cars and was looking at a third one. She had a red Mustang convertible, a black Trans-Am and now she wanted a midnight blue Corvette. She loved sports cars and she had a feeling that her father was going to get the Corvette for her as a

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The Massage

By Michelle M. Erika’s dad had owned a large successful dog breeding ranch, located on 85 acres of mountain type of landscape. Erika’s mom had passed away years ago. She was now helping her dad run the business, just graduating from high school, when her dad suffered a heart attack, leaving her all alone with a business to run or decide what to do with it. JJ worked for an underground organization, operating some clubs in Mexico and South America,

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Silken Bond

By TemporaryBarnacle. Eira adjusted the satchel on her belt, double-checked that her small knife was secure in its sheath, and hooked her wicker basket in the crook of her arm. Stepping out the door of her hut, she squinted against the morning light that shone over the treetops. She set out toward the woods, leaving early so as to be back before dark. The Blue Woods, as they were called, were avoided by the people of the village, long believed

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Innocence Enslaved

Something Nasty. Emily woke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable,the surface beneath her hard and unyielding… had she fallen out of bed? Still drowsy, she blinked a few times and tried to lift a hand to rub her eyes. That’s when she realized she wasn’t in her room, and suddenly she was wide awake. She realized she was face down on some kind of table, her ample breasts squashed

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A Sundance Girl

Michelle M. High School and College were fairly easy for me, and not wanting to spend the years required to become a physician, pharmacy school is an easy option earning a very good income in a short time period. Especially if I took a position in a hospital where no annoying customers mean a happy life. Accepting a position in a rural community at the local hospital as the head pharmacists, gave me the means to purchase a home towards

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A Late Finish

JenniferKline Linda, an Anthromorphic Labrador/human (a Labrahuman), sat at her desk, keyboard rattling as she typed up her latest report on the newest addition to the kennels. She’d been managing the renovation of the East Wing of the building, turning it into a breeding site for pedigree dogs. The new additions to these kennels were premium grade, the best genetics money could buy, and hopefully, they would increase their investment tenfold. Her work demeanour is professional, head high and back

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The Amulet

severn001 Part 1 I don’t know why I started telling the old Chinese man in the shop my life story, but for some reason I started to blurt it out like a whiny little girl. “I feel like Cinderfella most of the time,” I said to the old Chinese man in the antique curio shop in my home town of Brudington. He scratched his head, and asked, “Why?” I explained to him I’d married my wife Jacqueline, Jackie for short,

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A Change Of Fortune

Tabasa Part 1 It’s amazing how one mundane walk home, could irrevocably change my life. Six months ago I lived a normal life and a good one at that! I had just been promoted at my office, I had a nice big apartment and was living with my boyfriend. I was expecting him to propose to me as soon as I settled into my new position at work too! I had everything in order and life was panning out precisely

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