The Amulet


Part 1

I don’t know why I started telling the old Chinese man in the shop my life story, but for some reason I started to blurt it out like a whiny little girl. “I feel like Cinderfella most of the time,” I said to the old Chinese man in the antique curio shop in my home town of Brudington.

He scratched his head, and asked, “Why?”

I explained to him I’d married my wife Jacqueline, Jackie for short, when I was nineteen, and she was twenty and pregnant. It was later that I found out that Linda, my daughter, wasn’t really mine. I stayed with Jackie because I loved her and brought Linda up as my own. Things changed when Jackie was left a shed load of money by some relative. She had always been the jealous type, so she gave me an allowance to stay at home rather than work. It was okay for a while, then boredom set in. She would buy Linda and her things, but I was left out. I had to do the household chores for my allowance, cooking, cleaning, and yard work.

“So you see why I feel like Cinderfella,” I said to the old Chinese man in the shop.

“A foolish husband fears his wife, while an obedient wife is a gift,” the old man mumbled.

I didn’t quite make out what he said, so I ignored it. “You wouldn’t have anything in this place that can fix that?” I asked jokingly.

He didn’t laugh. He just looked at me with his wrinkly old face and piercing brown eyes, as if measuring me as a man. He suddenly opened a cupboard behind him and presented me with a gold amulet on a gold chain. “You need is this,” he said calmly. “This’ll do wonders for your life.”

“I don’t really want to buy anything,” I said. “I’m just looking.”

“No, you don’t buy… You rent for one year, then bring back.”

Here comes the catch, I thought, twenty dollars a week or something for a useless object.

“It’s not what you think… One dolla for one year… You sign paper… Agree to bring it back one year.”

I handed over my money and signed just to make the old boy happy. “Wear always, never take off. Concentrate on someone and the amulet make them to do whatever you desire,” he told me.

I put the amulet on and tucked it under my shirt, shook his hand, and left the shop chuckling to myself. Oh well, it’s only a dollar, I thought. Good for a laugh! I went looking for Jackie and Linda, who were shopping.


Jackie and Linda were shopping as usual in a dress shop and I still had a bit of time to kill so I popped in for a cup of tea in a small cafe. As I sat there I saw a beautiful young woman with what I took to be her mother who was very attractive too. As I stared at the young one, I tried to imagine what her legs were like and what sort of panties she wore. I wish she’d pull up her skirt and show me, I thought as I stared at her.

She suddenly turned round, smiled at me, and lifted her skirt to show me a great pair of legs and white lacy panties. The tea cup almost dropped from my hand. This can’t be right, I thought stunned, so I decided to try it with her mother. Staring at her and thinking the same thing, she too smiled and showed me her blue cotton panties and great legs.

Fucking hell, could the old man be right, I wondered. I drank my tea and decided to try something else. A man was standing talking with his dog standing beside him. Staring intensely at the dog, I commanded him to sit. To my amazement, he sat. Stand up, I commanded in my head, and he stood. This is a weapon, I thought. I can make people and animals do what I want. In the distance, I saw my wife and daughter coming toward me. I directed my gaze to them, and thought, hurry up… I’m waiting. They started to run, and I couldn’t believe it.


Back at home, they brought their shopping in and made me tea for a change as I lounged on the sofa. For months now Linda had been teasing me with her friends, they would wear the skimpiest of outfits, often with no underwear, so I could see a perfect outline of their pussies.

I decided to teach her and Jackie a lesson for making me a drudge for them for the last couple of years. Linda and her friends would laugh at me when they saw me trying to hide my boner as they paraded around in front of me. Jackie and Linda have great bodies, Linda is now eighteen, quite large tits and a great ass.

I stared intensely at them and gave the command, and off came their clothes. They stood before me stark naked. I told them to stay like that until I told them differently. I made them kneel in front of me so I could see their pussies. I had them spread the lips so I could almost see inside their love canals.

If Linda wanted to tease me then she could suck my cock as well. As she knelt before me to take my cock in her mouth, I wondered what the next year would bring. Linda had obviously sucked cock before as she almost swallowed it down her throat. She was told to swallow my cum every time she sucked my cock.

As my wife knelt before me with her pussy open one of our golden retrievers walked in. He sniffed at my wife’s pussy as she jumped from the cold snout. As I hadn’t told her to move she stayed there as Rollo began licking her pussy. Jackie began shouting out, her pussy felt on fire from Rollo’s long tongue which snaked her from ass to clitoris and back again. Jackie did something she rarely did with me, cum flowed from her pussy as Rollo licked harder and harder trying to lick it all up.

Rollo’s cock was now in full view, and I had an idea, I ordered Jackie to get on all fours. Rollo ran around her excited for a moment and then mounted her from behind – doggie style. He jabbed her a few times till he found her wet hole and began to fuck her. Rollo went like the clappers now, Jackie began screaming in ecstasy as Rollo fucked her harder and harder making her cum again.

Her screams grew louder as Rollo tried to knot her. I had never seen a dog knot before, so I didn’t have a clue what’s going on. I saw what I thought were his balls going into my wife’s pussy and her shouting that he is too big. Rollo fucked her like this for a few minutes, the big bulge on his cock pushing at her pussy lips for entry. Suddenly, with an almighty thrust from Rollo the thing entered Jackie and she screamed. Rollo’s face had a weird expression as he finally slowed and then stopped, his big cock still inside Jackie.

“What’s happening?” I asked her.

“He’s cumming, I can feel it in my belly,” she said, almost panting like Rollo.

All this became too much for me, so I held Linda’s head hard against my body and emptied my load down her throat.

Rollo still held Jackie. She said, “Omigod, he’s still pumping cum into me.”

I turned on the computer and found what I was looking for, why a dog knots his bitch, then I knew. The thought of Jackie and Linda being the dog’s bitches made my cock twitch again. Coco, our other retriever walked in. There must be something about the smell of sex that dog’s know because his cock came straight out of his sheath as he walked around Rollo and Jackie excitedly.

Linda and I watched for a good twenty-minutes when finally Rollo pulled his big red cock out of Jackie’s pussy. She grunted, and cum ran down her thighs. Rollo began licking her pussy again. I made Linda sit with her legs wide open and Coco began to lick her pussy with his long tongue. I didn’t even need to command him. Linda pushed her pussy into him as far as she could. She was cumming already, it had only been about thirty seconds since Coco had started licking her, and she held his head and squeezing her legs tight against him. I laid her back on the sofa jerking-off at the sight. I ordered Linda to take the position, and Coco mounted her immediately. As he entered her soaking wet pussy with his dog cock, Linda moaned loudly like a two-dollar whore.

Jackie was still on her knees with Rollo laying by her licking his own still hard cock. To test how far I could go with the amulet I ordered her to suck the dog’s cock. Without hesitation, she leans over, pushes Rollo away, and took his cock inside her mouth sucking it deeply. I felt ecstasy now. I could make any man or woman do my bidding just by thinking about it.

Coco fucked Linda’s pussy hard, she was cumming again. Fucking hell, I didn’t know these two were such sluts, I thought. What have I missed these last few years? Well, not anymore. Coco started cumming, he hadn’t tried to knot Linda. Cum splashed inside her pussy as she held him tight by his front legs. Coco pulled out in his excitement, cum spraying Linda and the floor as his cock ejaculated like a fire hose. He ran around for a moment, but then started to lick her pussy clean.

Jackie’s face was now covered in dog juices, small drops were cumming from Rollo’s cock with increasing regularity. Jackie kept on sucking oblivious to it. Suddenly, Rollo shifted his stance and then jerked forward shooting cum into Jackie’s mouth.

My name is Brian Hargety, this was the first day of my new life, and I couldn’t wait to get Linda and Jackie’s friends to come round. All of them except Sandra had ridiculed me. Sandra was a kind girl, she had always talked to me like a man, not a wimp, I’m going to make sure Sandra and I had some fun with my new toy.

My wife and stepdaughter were told to stay naked for the rest of the day and evening. They were told to take a shower and report back to me.


I had often masturbated to the thought of a mother and daughter licking each out. Now I had the chance to find out. Linda was told to sit on the sofa with legs spread wide. Jackie was between her legs with her tongue inside her pussy as I played with her firm tits. Jackie changed places as her daughter licked her pussy. I was playing with my wife’s tits watching Linda. I got the impression she had licked a woman’s pussy before.

I asked her, “Tell me the truth, have you ever had sex with a woman?”

She stops sucking Jackie’s clit, and said, “Yes, daddy.”

“Who with?”

She replied, “Mom.”

My mind reeled at that piece of news. My wife and stepdaughter have been having sex all this time, I thought, shocked. How come I hadn’t known about it? Pictures of this flooded my mind, and my cock got harder, and harder. Bending my wife’s head down to my cock, I ordered her to suck it.

I suddenly pictured the image of Linda in those tight shorts she wore in summer. They went right into the crack of her ass, right at that moment I wanted to see that ass in front of me. Stopping my wife sucking me, Linda got up on the sofa on her knees. Telling Jackie to spread her cheek, I ran my finger up and down that precious little hole. Jackie sucked my finger and I pushed it gently against the sphincter. Ever so gently it opened slightly to receive my finger. Jackie sucked it again and I resumed my fingering of her hole.

Slowly but surely my finger was going farther and farther in that sweet little ass hole. More sucking from Jackie and my finger was going farther and farther in till it was way past the first knuckle. I was almost ready to explode, here I was with my finger in an eighteen year old ass hole and my wife helping me to do it. I have to try to get my cock in there, I thought lustfully, I just have to.

I ordered Jackie to get the lube and spread it on my cock. Then she spread it on her daughter’s asshole, making sure it went inside as well. I aimed the head of my cock until it pressed against Linda’s tight sphincter and pushed gently. I didn’t want to hurt or harm her in any way, she was still the little girl I had raised. Linda’s ass opened slowly as the head of my cock went in.

“Are you OK, baby girl?” I asked as I felt my cock enter.

“Yes, daddy, I’m okay,” she responded.

Very slowly I inched my cock into her asking all the time if she was okay. Now my cock was three quarters of the way inside her asshole, again asking her if she was okay I pushed it all the way in. She was so tight, it was strangling my cock, I couldn’t hold any longer, before I had a chance to fuck her I came hard.

Disappointed, I pulled out as cum ran from her ass. Rather than stain the sofa I told Jackie to lick it off her. Jackie showed no hesitation, she put her tongue below Linda’s ass and caught the cum as it came out and then licked it clean.

“Are you alright, Linda” I asked again, “Was that your first ass fuck?”

I held my breath, god help me if she said no. “Yes, daddy, that was my first,” she said.

I sighed with relief. “Well, It’s not going to be your last, baby girl. I’m going to fuck your ass regularly from now on.”

“Okay, daddy, if you want,” she replied sitting beside me.

Jackie looked as if she could do with a fuck, so I called the dogs back in. Once again, she knelt as both dogs licked around her ass and pussy. Telling Linda to fetch some peanut butter from the kitchen. I had Jackie roll onto her back. I made Linda rub peanut butter all over Jackie’s pussy and body while I made the dog’s sit and wait. On my command, the dogs lick Jackie all over, savouring the taste of the peanut butter. Jackie had always loved having her tits played with. I made sure a thick layer of peanut butter covered her nipples, as the dogs licked them she went crazy with lust.

Precum leaked from her open pussy, and the dogs devoured that as well. Telling Coco to stand over her with his cock pointed at her face, she pulled the sheath back and began to suck it. Rollo kept licking her pussy as she sucked the nasty looking red dog dick. I ordered Linda to suck Rollo as well. Laying on her back, she too pulled back the sheath and sucked. My cock twitched again, mother and daughter were laying in front of me with legs and pussies spread wide open as they sucked our pet dog’s cock’s.

Their faces glistening now with the drops of doggie precum that spurted from their cocks. Commanding they stop, Jackie and Linda got on their hands and knees so they could be fucked. I had done some research while they were having a shower by looking at some bestiality sites. It seems when the dog is trying to put his knot in it is better to put your head on the floor and lift your rear end up, that way the dog has better access.

Both dog’s mounted with legs wrapped around the women. A little bit of stabbing and trying to find a hole, they eventually did. The dogs fucked them hard. Linda screamed, and I wasn’t sure whether it was pleasure or pain. She would have to get used to it because from now on between me and the dogs she was going to get fucked an awful lot. As the dogs were trying to knot I told them to put their heads on the floor so the dogs could knot them more easily.

Jackie already had been knotted, so Linda knew nothing of what was to come. “What’s that daddy, what’s that trying to get inside me?” Linda asked.

“It’s okay, baby girl, it’s just his knot. It’s to keep you still while he breeds you. Don’t move and you’ll be fine.”

Linda lay still as the dog knot was forced inside her pussy, then she felt the first shot of dog cum hit her belly as she lay still. This was Jackie’s second time today being knotted. Cum again flowing into her as she too lay still to receive it. I sat back with my ever hard cock, looking at the wonderful sight. I knew by now that dogs can take twenty minutes before they finish, so I poured myself a scotch and watched and waited.

Rollo was the first to move. I looked at the clock, it had been almost twenty-five-minutes since Linda had been knotted. Cum was running in rivulets down her legs as Rollo licked it up from her pussy. Linda breathed heavily at his attention.

Coco was still inside Jackie pumping, her belly was getting full of cum and you could see it bulge. I laid a towel underneath her so as not to stain the carpet from the flood of cum that was sure to follow. Coco finally released her, plopping out as the expected cum gushed from her pussy. Both dogs were cleaning her as tongues lapped up their cum.

I ordered the dogs to leave, and then made the two women clean out the dog cum from their pussies in turn. Dog creampie in a mother and daughter lesbian situation. God, I was in heaven. I jerked-off shooting a huge load that I made the women lick off the floor. What a day. The best day of my life, and this is only the start. We showered and I informed Linda that from now on she would be sleeping with her mom and me in our king size bed.

That was Friday night, tomorrow I would invite some of Linda’s friends over to stay for the weekend. There’s one girl who had been a bit nasty to me, in a stuck up sort of way. I couldn’t wait to see her on her knees first sucking a dog cock, and then having one rammed inside her ass. I was looking forward to it already as I pushed my cock in Linda’s mouth to get it wet before sticking it up my wife’s ass hole. The best dollar I have ever invested.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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