George Does Ginger

By Ginger A. Dslut I had just finished my first year of college and was home for the summer. I returned to my usual summer routine, soaking up the sun’s rays and getting a great all-over tan. Yeah, when I’m home and no one else is, I sunbathe in the nude. I’d covered my body with a good suntan lotion. I didn’t want to burn. Sunburned tits are no fun, and sunburned nipples are even worse. I know from experience.

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China Grove

By texdom. Ever been to China Grove, Alabama? No, don’t feel bad. To get there, you have to be going there. So that you know, it is between Montgomery and Troy and West of Union Springs. Not much there except about five houses, an old general store which is a museum of sorts, only open on certain days of the year like the 4th of July. Well, as I said, most folks don’t know where it is. I didn’t either,

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The Play Date

PatC Part 1… I parked the car in front of Dana’s house at the appointed hour, got out and walked to the front door, nervous as old hell. I had my gym bag with a change of clothes, a couple of disposable douches, sanitary napkins, tampons, and aspirins; I was ready for anything. My hands were shaking when I rang the doorbell, I was more than just nervous, I was scared. The whole thing seemed terrifyingly absurd. After all, it’s

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Our First Time

Author Unkown We are a mature and happily married couple, and the following story is true. Only names have been changed to protect the innocent. We have always enjoyed sex, and have had a few threesomes over the years, also had group sex once. (Rather a gang bang for Lorna my wife.) The following story is so unexpected. It started one Saturday when we went shopping in the morning, and got home about 11am. “Let’s take Charles for a walk

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The Gang Slut

m5jeff Johnny backhanded me across the face, again. The force threw me onto the floor, my short skirt riding up over my hips. I pulled it down instinctively while the guys laughed at my exposed pussy. I opened my mouth, but got viciously interrupted. “Bitch, I told you to shut up!” I crawled over to a post and tried to shrink into the shadows. His hand came up again, and I held my tongue. Ok, so he’s going to let

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K9 Sex

charles-smythe ( For people who don’t know me, I have a five-year-old St. Bernard (Max), a four-year-old Akita mix (Bo), and a three-year-old brown Labrador (Choco). They are absolute fucking machines. I’ve been into dog sex for a little over nine-years. My girlfriend Linda and I have only been together about a year. Linda doesn’t know I’ve been letting dog’s fuck me for that long. She thinks it only started when I tied her to my weight bench one night.

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Surprise Party Favour (Gay Zoo)

Equine H. Pferdphile To a casual observer, the unusual aspects of the gathering was not that it was attended only by men over fifty, or that I was the youngest man present, other than the ten waiters–no, rather it was that everyone was clothed except me. I was the only nude person there. Oh, one more thing, I also had a constant hard on. But my nudity was not to be the most noteworthy or I should say memorable aspect

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A Long Day

RobinGoodfellowPuck “Raymond Couch, you have been found Guilty by a jury of your peers for the charge of murder in the first degree,” the judge said ominously. As a defence attorney those are the last words that you want to hear during a case. Especially when you had promised the family that you could get someone clear of the charges. That one sentence had been on my mind for the last four hours. As a woman in a mostly male

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The Pussy Hound

wizardwriter We had just moved into a little house out in the country, with a barn bigger than the house, but also a swimming pool and two acres of land. An hour out of the city, we got a great deal because of the commute. Since I did most of my work at home it was no big deal, and my wife Annie dabbled in art, so the big barn was perfect for her studio. Last house on a country

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Dog Sitting Boner

wife4hungblk I work at a large bank in the accounting department and we had a new employee join us and she looked really nervous so I tried to befriend her and help her adjust and fit in with everyone. I took her around and introduced her to all my friends at work and had her join our hen-fest at lunch to listen to everyone’s gossip and news. She seemed nice and had just moved to our city, but she was

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