Our First Time

Author Unkown

We are a mature and happily married couple, and the following story is true. Only names have been changed to protect the innocent.

We have always enjoyed sex, and have had a few threesomes over the years, also had group sex once. (Rather a gang bang for Lorna my wife.)

The following story is so unexpected. It started one Saturday when we went shopping in the morning, and got home about 11am.

“Let’s take Charles for a walk before lunch,” Lorna said.

“Right, I’ll just unload the shopping. Shall we take him to the woods?”

“That would be great, he loves it there. Plenty of rabbits to chase,”

I called Charles, he’s a German Shepard/Bouvier mix, and he jumped in the car and off we went. As usual in the woods we put Charles on a lead, made sure we had poo bags, and set off. After about ten minutes walking we let Charles off the lead and he bounded around, chased sticks we threw, and saw a squirrel chased it. After about half an hour or so, we came to a small clearing and stopped to rest, sitting on a fallen tree. Charles spent a few minutes sniffing around, then came and lay at our feet. Lorna and I started necking, I put a hand up her skirt, under her panties and started diddling her pussy. She soon got very wet and is starting to pant, suddenly she pushed me away and pushed my hand out of her pussy

“Stop, someone is coming,” she said.

Sure enough a couple with a youngster in tow appeared, they nodded and carried on.

“Phew, that is close. Now behave yourself,” she said.

Grinning, I said, “Let’s head back and carry on at home then?”

Which we did, however on the way back, Lorna bent over to look at some flowers. Charles, who is behind her, apparently stuck his snout up her dress and took a big swipe at her panty clad pussy. Lorna shrieked in fright/surprise, swung round and chastised him.

“Bad boy,” she exclaimed.

“What did he do?” I asked

She told me and I’m afraid I just laughed.

“It’s not funny.”

She glowered at me and is silent for the rest of the walk, Charles, on the other hand is quite chirpy, almost as if he is proud of himself.


After lunch I suggested a bit of play time. Lorna shook her head, still miffed.

“Not after you laughed at what Charles did earlier.”

And she went into the garden, and started doing garden things, so I went to the study, turned on the TV and watched the rugby. When we went to bed we made love.

When we were going to sleep, Lorna said, out of the blue, “I enjoyed it”

“So did I, sweetie. I always do,” I said

“No, silly, I mean this afternoon.”

I turned the light on and looked at her. She is blushing.

“What do you mean, this afternoon?” I asked

“Remember in the woods, Charles goosed me?”


“Well, when I thought about it, I found myself turned on by it.”

“Wow, really, so?”

Blushing, she said, “After lunch when I was in the garden Charles was lying on the lawn. I came in to go to the loo. Well, I took my panties off, went back out, and started weeding. After a while, Charles came over and I, sort of, well, turned my ass toward him, pulled my skirt up and wiggled my ass. He sniffed me, walked round, came back, sniffed again, and gave a tentative lick. I gasped at the direct contact and he backed off, probably expecting me to be cross again. I looked back and he is gazing at me, head on one side so I patted my ass. He came back and licked again, it is, well, WOW, is all I can say. A few more swipes of his tongue and I creamed myself really, really hard.”

“Hmm, can I get him? Will you let him lick you again? I’d love to watch,”

“You’re not grossed out at me?”

Showing her my very hard prick, I said, “What do you think, my love?”

“Gosh, it turned you on to think of the dog licking me? Get him, then, let’s see if he’ll do it again.”

I hurried down to the kitchen where Charles slept, called him to follow me. Back in the bedroom. Lorna is naked and sitting on the edge of the bed, legs open, her pussy still leaking cum, but also glistening moisture. She is also turned on.

“Here, Charles,” She called and patted her knee.

He went straight up to her, wagging his tail, and sniffed at her leg. He pushed his snout into her pussy and licked her, she opened her legs wider, leant back and groaned loudly.

“Yes, oh that’s so nice, lick me, Charles, lick me.”

Charles obeyed her with gusto, he must have liked all the juices. In no time at all Lorna had a HUGE orgasm. Collapsing back on the bed and spreading her legs wider she exclaimed.

“OOOOH YEEESSS, fuck I’m cumming, Aaaaah YEEEES,”

Charles lapped all her cum, what a turn on. Eventually she pushed him away.

“Enough Charles, enough, I’m too sensitive boy, ah, that is amazing,”

Charles sat back, tail wagging and looked at Lorna as she lay back, legs spread wide, her pussy still pulsing with the aftermath of her orgasm.

“That is amazing. Well done boy, you really got Lorna off big time,” I said, patting Charles,”Wow, love, you’ve got an excited boy here, look his prick is out.,”

Lorna sat up, looked at Charles’ prick, quietly said “Oh my,”

Jokingly, I said, “You can’t leave him like that, he’ll get ‘blue balls’,”

“You don’t expect me to fuck him, do you?” She replied.

That took me by surprise, I is thinking, jokingly, of a hand job.

“Why not, you might like it, and you do enjoy the ‘Doggie position’,”

“No way, I could never do that,” She exclaimed.

“This morning you would not have thought that you would let him lick you either, would you? “I asked.

“No, but are you saying you would be alright with me fucking Charles?”

“Um, it would be a huge turn on, don’t you think?? Also, I’ve loved our threesomes,”

“Darling. That is so naughty,”

Charles had stood up and is whining and looking round at his prick and gently humping the air.

“See, love, you’ve got him all worked up, the poor bugger needs relief, go on, you know you want to,” I said.

Lorna looked at me, she is biting her lip pensively she looked at Charles.

“I don’t know,” She said. “How would we do it?”

“Just get on all fours, wiggle your ass and see what he does,” I suggested.

Stepping away from the bed. “I’m not sure,” she said

Charles promptly stood, went up to Lorna, licked at her leg, then jumped up, legs around her waist, started humping.

“Ouch, that hurt,” She exclaimed, pushing Charles away. “Hold him, stop him jumping up,”

Taking hold of his collar. “Sit,” I said.

Lorna looked at her side and his dew claw had scratched her, we had not thought of that, so obviously needed to sort that before going any further.

Deciding that that is enough for the evening, I took poor Charles back to the kitchen to his bed.
Patting him I said, “Never mind, fella, we’ll work on her.”

Going back to the bedroom Lorna is on the floor on all fours.

Wiggling her ass, she said, “Fuck me Stud, I need a cock now.”

Never one to refuse a lady. I was on her in a flash, banging away as hard as I could.

“Harder, harder,” she said. “I’m cumming, don’t stop, ooh, yes, yes, fuck, fuck, fuck, Aargh!”

Demented with lust I kept slamming into her, visions of the dog fucking her in my mind. Finally I felt my balls tighten and the flood of cum ripped out of me and into her spasming cunt. We both lay down on the floor spent.

After showering, we went to bed spent, happy and tired. Also, it is after three am.


When I woke in the morning Lorna is still sleeping, quietly getting out of bed, I went downstairs, fed Charles and let him into the garden. I made coffee, took it up to find Lorna awake.

“About last night,” she said. “How do you feel?”

“Honestly?” I asked.

“Yes, honestly.”

“I was very turned on, and I would love for you to fuck Charles,” I said. “But we must stop him from scratching you,”
“How about putting thick socks on him?” She asked, “Maybe then, we’ll see, I’m not sure. It IS a HUGE turn on though. What do you think?”

“Babe, my cock is still hard thinking about it, as you can see. But, it’s you who will be fucking him, your decision,”

Looking at me, she is silent for a while.

“Get some thick socks then,” she said. “And go and get him.”

Bringing him into the bedroom. I got two pairs and some elastic bands, put two socks on each of his front legs, securing them with the bands. Poor Charles, he is high stepping around the room.

“Here, boy,” Called Lorna as she knelt down. “Come here.”

Charles went over to her, licked her face.

“No Charles here boy,” She said, patting her ass.

Charles started licking her, his tongue going from her clit right up to her arse.

“Oh, mmm, ah, yes, ooh,” she moaned.

Charles then jumped up, thrusting frantically, pulled himself over her with his paws, jabbing his cock at her. Suddenly he thrust hard.

“Ouch,” Shouted Lorna, falling forward on her tummy. “That’s my ass he got,”

Turning over she pushed him away. The poor chap is still thrusting at nothing.

“Are you OK?” I asked.

“I think so, but he pushed into my arse and it is stinging.”

“Let me see, darling.”

She turned over and checking, I saw she was fine, Charles, however, seeing her turn over, promptly approached her rear.

Catching his collar I held him and told him to sit. He is behaving very well for a dog who just wanted to fuck.

“You look fine, love, I think that you need to be higher, shall I get some cushions?”

“Mmmm, OK, I don’t want him in my arse,” She said

Taking Charles with me, I went and got some cushions, brought them back, put them down.

“Maybe a towel over them in case his cum goes on them?” I suggested.

“Good idea,” Lorna said, and fetched one, spreading it over the cushions.

“I can’t believe that I am really going to do this,” she said kneeling on the cushions.

Still holding Charles I said, “If you put your elbows on the carpet instead of your hands, hollow your back as well that will make your pussy more accessible and your ass less so,”

Doing so, she spread her legs a bit. “Bring him, then, let’s try again,”

Charles sniffed her wet pussy and jumped up and on. And with one hard thrust and he is in.

“Aaaargh, mmm, fuck his big. Oh shit that’s good, Aargh ooh, cumming.. WOW he’s getting bigger, he’s splitting my cunt. Aaaah, um. Oooooh aaarrrgh, fuck that’s big and so tight. Shit, it hurts, arrrgh, so nice, cumming, aaargh.,”

His thrusts were really hard and fast, it is amazing to see. He banged her for a minute or two, then stopped.

That’s when Lorna said, “Aaaargh ooh he’s cumming, ooh, it’s so hot, fuuuck I’m cumming, God it’s tight, Aaaah sooooo nice”

Dropping her head to the carpet, they stayed tied to each other for at least twenty minutes. When finally, with a loud plop, his HUGE cock slipped out, and cum gushed out of her pussy as she fell over and lay on the floor, legs spread. Showing her gaping pussy, a huge amount of cum dribbling out. Charles went to one side lay down and washed his cock.

I went to Lorna, pushed my cock deep into her sloppy cunt, frantically fucking her, I soon added my load to her abused cunt. Lying next to her trying to catch my breath, I said.

“That was awesome, babe. How was it for you?”

“I have never cum so much before. It was magic. Pure magic.”


The End.



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